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How to Enable the Property Inspector

First determine if your customization will be applied at the Chain level or at the Property / Hub level.

Enabling Property Inspector (Customization Mode)

  1. Select the Open Setup icon at the top toolbar Open Setup icon
  2. From the Customization section, select Chain Level or Property/Hub level.
  3. Select Save, and then select Confirm.
  4. After the page refreshes, a Customization notification appears on the top toolbar.

After the Property Inspector is enabled, you can customize screens that display the property inspector icon Property Inspector icon.

Select the icon to toggle the screen's edit mode to rearrange the layout and to access the Property Inspector link (the Property Inspector link opens the field components customizing utility).

Current screens that are supported with Property Inspector customization:

*Property Inspector is enabled for the Look to Book Property Availability section when the reservation is booking for more than one night.

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