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Changes Log Jump - Profiles

The Changes Log Jump records the history of actions performed (activity type) for a particular reservation, profile, or block; who performed them, and when they were performed.


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ChangesLogJump (thumbnail)


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  What types of changes show in the Changes log?

  How do I get more detail in the Changes Log jump than what shows in the grid?




Changes Log Jump link

The Changes Log jump link


Changes Log Jump Screen

The Changes Log Jump displays all change records that are relevant to your current activity group, such as Reservation, Profile, or Block screens.

Click the arrows to toggle column sorting in ascending or descending order. Each column can also be widened or narrowed by dragging the column's border.




Changes Log Jump screen


Each Changes Log jump lists the type of change (activity), the date and time it was performed, the login name of the user that performed it, and a summary detail of the change.


The User name is a link that opens detail information for that user.


Hover over or double-click the description to see the full details for that record.




Reservation Changes Log Jump



Changes Log Details and User Details

To show the full detail of the change record, hover over the description or double click on the row.


Changes Log Jump - record detail

To see the full detail of the change, hover over the description, or double-click the row to display a separate screen.

You can also open details about the user that performed the change by selecting the user's name link.


Changes Log jump record detail







Changes Log Jump - user link detail

The user detail gives you information about the user that made the change, including their default property, job and department, and contact information.

Select the email address to send a quick email to the user.

*The user details reflect information that is set up in the User Configuration for that property.


Changes Log jump User detail



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