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Deposit / Cancellation


Use the Deposit / Cancellation jump to manage a guest's reservation advance deposits and reservation cancellation penalties. Cancellation penalties may involve the forfeiture of deposits already applied to the reservation.

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How does the "Percent Cancel" affect the "Cancel Amount" in a Cancellation Rule?

What is the purpose of the "Percent Due" field in a Cancellation Rule?


The Deposit / Cancellation presentation screen provides reservation profile information and the following:

Use the Deposit Actions and Cancellation Actions to manage the rules that specify payments and penalties. Using Actions to Manage Deposits / Cancellations (below) provides additional information.

Understanding Deposit / Cancellation Rules

Deposit and Cancellation rules can be added to a reservation type, a rate code, or directly to the reservation. Rules attached to the reservation type (or rate code) automatically populate the reservation at the time the reservation is made. In addition, deposit and/or cancellation rules can be attached to the reservation by selecting the Action menus on the Deposit / Cancellation presentation screen.

EXAMPLE: Suppose a deposit rule is attached to both the rate code and reservation type: only the rule attached to the rate code is applicable to the reservation. If the reservation has multiple rates, the deposit rule is based on the total stay rate.

Deposit rules are defined by:

Cancellation rules are defined by:

Using Actions to Manage Deposits / Cancellations

Use the Deposit Actions menu and the Cancellation Actions menu to create and manage the rules for reservation deposits, payments, and penalties.

Deposit Actions Menu Options

Deposit Actions


Create New Rule

Creates a new rule or applies an existing rule that determines the deposit (by percentage or amount) and the deposit due date.

Edit Selected Rule

Opens the selected rule for making changes.

Remove Selected Rule

Removes the rule from the reservation.

Post Rule Deposit

Lets you post deposit payments based on the amount specified by the deposit rule (cashier login required).

Post Unallocated Deposit

Lets you post deposit payments (cashier login required).

View Deposit Information

Displays deposit and payment information (cashier login required).

Transfer Deposit

Lets you transfer or distribute deposits to other guest reservations that you identify (cashier login required).

Attach Payment to a Rule

Attaches the payment to the Deposit Rule in effect for the reservation.

Detach Payment from this Rule

Detaches the payment from the Deposit Rule in effect for the reservation.

Cancellation Actions Menu Options

Cancellation Actions


Create New Rule

Creates a new reservation cancellation policy or applies an existing policy that determines the cancellation amout (i.e. penalty) and cancel date.

Edit Selected Rule

Opens the cancellation rule for making changes.

Remove Selected Rule

Removes the cancellation rule from the reservation.

Related Items

Cancelling Mass Reservations from Quick Launch

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