A/P Aging Summary Report

How to print: At the Print A/P Aging Screen press Enter. A message displays informing you that the report has been printed.

Job 357999/LIZ_P/AP_AGING submitted to job queue QBATCH in library

CWDirect Rel 8.1 A/P Aging Summary LIZ_P APR0096 7/18/04 11:17:34 Page 1

The Mail Order Company

Name/Vendor# Phone# Total CURRENT 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13+

OMAR PRODUCTIONS 3650.00 1300.00 1200.00 1150.00

909 5088796428

Final Total CURRENT 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13+

3650.00 1300.00 1200.00 1150.00


• vendor name (not remit to name)

• vendor number

• vendor phone number (no extension number appears)

• total due

• current due (the aging buckets are defined by system control values such as A/P Aging 1 Column Heading (C22))

• 1-30 days past due

• 31-60 days past due

• 61-90 days past due

• 91-120 days past due

• over 120 days past due

• final total

AP08_02r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN