About the User Reference

Purpose: This guide is intended as a reference for users of CWDirect. Because of the complex and configurable nature of CWDirect, this guide is not intended to enable new users to configure the system or learn the application without assistance. Also, this guide is not intended to provide an introduction to retail, catalog, or e-commerce business processes. However, this guide can provide assistance and answer questions throughout the CWDirect installation process and afterward, to explain functionality and provide information on available options.

In this guide:

Manual Conventions

Selecting a Menu Option

Using the Fast Path

Sample Screen

Scanning Instructions

Prompting for Valid Values

Standard Screen Options

Standard Function Keys

Printing a List

Selecting the User-Defined Option (F22)

Selecting a Company

Help for the System Control and Secured Features Files

Manual Conventions


Used for...



Field names and field attributes.

The system does not charge freight if the Call freight field is set to Y.


Keyboard entries, job names, and system file names.

Enter Y in this field to submit the SMP_JOB, then press F3 or F12 to return to the previous screen.


Identifies fields on a screen in which you can enter information or prompt for valid codes.

Phone: Evening ___ ________ _

Courier typeface

System messages, calculations, screens, and reports.

Press Enter to confirm delete.


The primary use of a menu option, screen, report, etc.

Use the Entities function to add or maintain entities and their descriptions. Entities are an important component of the CWDirect sales reporting hierarchy, and can represent the business units within your company (for example, mail order, retail, wholesale).

Every sale, return, exchange, discount, and write-off is attributed to an entity. Entities should represent any organization within your company that is held accountable for sales performance.

You can also set up system control value overrides at the entity level. You must create at least one entity.


An introduction to the logic of a menu option or options, type of record, or process, in the context of the system as a whole.

Customer service files contain values used to manage orders and perform customer service activities, such as exchanging and returning merchandise. You must set up the customer service files before performing Order Entry or Order Maintenance.

How to display this screen:

Instructions on how to advance to a particular screen.

Press F6 at the Work with Cancel Reason Codes Screen.

How to print:

Instructions on how to print a report.

Accept your entries at the Print Backorder Report Screen.


The fields included in a report.

• Warehouse

• Item


• Available quantity

For more information:

References to additional or background information.


• an overview of FIFO costing: Warehousing Chapter 50: FIFO Costing Overview

• warehouse replenishment: Warehousing Chapter 40: Working with Replenishment Controls

Completing this screen:

Simple instructions to complete a screen.

Press F9 to accept your entries and print the Backorder Report by Warehouse.


More complex instructions to complete a screen or submit a process.

1. Complete the Cancel date field and, optionally, the Warehouse.

1. Press F9 to display the Confirmation window. Enter the Invoice number to override, if any....


A simple definition of a key term.

Sundry transactions allow you to make direct postings to the general ledger to record miscellaneous cash. For example, when you give a customer a discount because of a late delivery, you may post the discount to the general ledger sundry account to attribute that cash to the correct account.


An example of a process, usage, or type of record.

Example: The backorder quantity of an item is 10, and the quantity available in retail outlets is 15. If you expect to receive a purchase order for the item next week, you might choose not to allocate from retail outlets; instead, you might wait until you receive the purchase order to fulfill the backorders.

In this topic:

A listing of the key contents of a chapter

Work with Cancel Reason Code Screen

Create Cancel Reason Code Screen

Change Cancel Reason Code Screen

Display Cancel Reason Code Screen

Display Reason/Offer History Screen


Additional information about the system or the software.

Note: The system updates the customer record automatically when you change any name and address information on this screen.


Advice to follow to avoid possible problems with the system or the software.

Important: Do not perform a customer merge while other users are performing customer maintenance.


A reference to another manual or chapter in the current manual for more information.

See Chapter 12: Setting Up Users.

Secured feature:

A feature in the system that may be restricted by user ID or user class.

The A/P Invoice Maintenance secured feature controls whether a user can advance to this screen.

System control value

A setting in the system that defines functionality, such as screen appearance or advancement, interfaces, or background logic.

The Costing method (A25) system control value defines how the cost of an item is tracked by the system.

Field names

Each field is identified exactly as it appears on the screen, followed by an unabbreviated description of the field name in parentheses. Fields are described from left to right or from top to bottom, depending on the screen.

SO (Soldout control code)

Field descriptions

The description of the field, including a reference to a validating file if entry in this field is required. Valid values are provided where applicable. Scanning instructions are provided only where the scan logic differs from standards, or where field entries control screen advancement.

The soldout control code to assign to an item that should be sold out. The Default Soldout Control defined in the System Control file defaults, but you can override it.

Soldout control codes are defined in and validated against the Soldout Control Code file; see Customer Service Chapter 20: Working with Soldout Controls.

Field attributes

The unique characteris­tics of the field are defined after the description, including: numeric (accepts numbers only) or alphanumeric (accepts numbers and letters); field length (number of posi­tions available for data); required or optional that you enter a value in this field; display-only or sys­tem-updated.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only for items that are already assigned a soldout control code in the SKU file; otherwise, optional.

Field alerts

Important information about a group of fields on a screen.

The following fields are required to execute a periodic function:

Selecting a Menu Option

Sample menu: The standard information available on every menu is identified below using the Home Menu delivered with the system. The sample screen identifies the standard parts of a menu; however, the Fast path and Menu fields at the top of the screen may not display, based on user or user class security.

MUR0036 DISPLAY Menu Driver 1/31/94 12:28:56

Release X.X CommercialWare

Menu: HOME Home Menu Menu Level: 1

Select option or Fast Path or Menu



Order Entry Menu

Customer Service Menu

Warehouse Menu

Fulfillment Menu

Merchandising Menu

Marketing Menu

Accounting Menu

System Administrator's Menu

System Operator's Menu

F3=Exit F6=Messages F8=Toggle Fast Path/Menu F12=Cancel

F14=Submitted Jobs F16=Top Menu F17=Default Menu F24=Select Company

This format is used consistently throughout the system. User-defined menus also display in this format so that there is a uniform look and feel among menus.

Select an option: Enter 1 next to an option or menu to advance to a secondary menu or a specific function.

Select a menu: Enter the name of a menu in the Menu field to advance to that menu. You can prompt (F4) in this field to display available menus.

Note: This field does not display if the Fast path field in your user profile is set to N. See below.

Using the Fast Path

Purpose: Fast path codes provide a quick way to select an option. The fast path codes are defined for each function (menu option) in the system.

Secured feature: Both user and user class security control access to the Fast path field. This field does not display if the Fast path field in your user profile is set to N. See Establishing Security in the Installation Guide for more information.

Enter the pre-defined code for an option in the Fast path field at the top of a menu to go directly to the specified option. You do not need to make any other entries on the menu if you specify a fast path code.

Note: You can prompt on either the Fast path field or the Menu field. See Prompting for Valid Values.

Sample Screen

Overview: A standard “Work with” screen is presented below. This format is used throughout CWDirect for supporting file maintenance.

General information: Records within a file, such as items in the Item file, are sequenced in alphabetic, then numeric sequence on a "Work with" screen. Unless you have scanned on a particular field, which restricts the information to matching or subsequent records, this type of screen lists all available records in a file.

Additional records are available in a file if a + symbol appears in the bottom right of the screen; press Shift/Roll at a terminal or Page Down at a PC to display these records.

MSR0109 DISPLAY Work with Additional Charges 1/31/94 15:57:53


Opt Code Description Group S/H Account#


Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display




1 POSTAGE REFUND Confirm Delete


Press ENTER to confirm delete.


F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F24=

Scanning Instructions

Code fields: Enter a valid value to display records that either match your entry or follow it alphanumerically. For example, entering C in the Code field on a particular screen will either display only records whose Code field also contains a C, or whose Code field contains any valid code from C through Z.

Numeric fields: Enter a number (pressing Enter, then Field Exit) to display records that either match your entry or follow it numerically. For example, type 22.25 in the Total field to display records whose totals are exactly 22.25, or are 22.25 or greater.

A special type of numeric field is a date field. On some screens, the system validates that your entry represents a valid date in MMDDYY format (January 25, 2000 = 012500). A time field is similar to a date field, except that times are entered in HHMMSS format, military time (10 minutes and 12 seconds after 8:00 p.m. = 20:10:12).

Text fields: Enter a full or partial text string to display records that either start with or contain your entry, or match it exactly. For example, enter CURRENT to display records that contain the text "current," start with the word "current," or match "current" exactly.

Text fields differ from code fields in that they are not defined as a code in a supporting file. For example, a source code is alphanumeric, but it is validated against the Source Code file. The source code description, however, is treated as a string of text, not a code.

Note: A few fields in CWDirect are case-sensitive; that is, the system permits entry of upper and lower case letters, and your entry must match the case of a record in order to display it in a scan. Most fields, however, appear in all upper case and are not case sensitive.

Prompting for Valid Values

Purpose: You can press F4 on a field to display a list of valid values as long as the field is validated against a supporting file. For example, you can prompt for valid source codes, because they are defined in and validated against the Source Code file. However, you cannot prompt on a merchandise total field.


Select Item Class

Opt Class Description

Type options, press Enter.






F3=Exit F6=Create

Selecting a value: You can select a value by entering 1 next to it.

Creating a value: With proper user or user class authority, you can press F6 if it is available on a prompt window to create a value for the field if the desired value does not exist. You advance immediately to the create function in the appropriate supporting file. Once created, the new value will be listed immediately in the prompt window and can be selected for the field.

Standard Screen Options

Purpose: The following standard options are available throughout the system to work with an individual record.






Change the record, such as an item in the Item file.

You may be restricted from using this option, based on user or user class security.

You advance to a change screen to update the record; you must press Enter after updating the record for the updates to take effect.


Delete the record.

A pop-up window appears automatically for you to confirm the record deletion.

You may be restricted from using this option, based on user or user class security.

Press Enter to delete the record or F12 to cancel the deletion. See the sample window below.


Display the record.

You cannot change any information in a record in "display" mode.

You advance to a display screen to review the contents of the record.

Delete confirmation: The delete-confirmation pop-up window appears automatically when you specify the option to delete a record and press Enter.

Confirm Delete

Press ENTER to confirm delete.



Available options are listed in the Screen Options table for each screen.

Standard Function Keys

Purpose: The standard function keys are available throughout the system. Each function key is described in the Screen options table for each field, unless noted otherwise below.





Process the information you just entered; in some cases, you advance to the next screen.

The system validates the contents of the record and highlights any fields with errors; these must be corrected to accept your entries.

Typically, this key is labeled Enter on a terminal keyboard and Ctrl at a PC keyboard.

Note: Because this option is always available and its usage is consistent, it is not described for every screen.

Field Exit

Right-justifies a value in a field or deletes the current value in a field.

You must press Field Exit after entering required numeric data in a field, unless noted otherwise.

Pressing Field Exit erases the information in a field, resetting it to zero.

Typically, this key is labeled Field Exit on a terminal keyboard and Enter at a PC keyboard.

Note: Because this option is always available and its usage is consistent, it is not described for every screen.


Advances you one field on a screen.

Use Tab to advance over a field that contains data; the data in the field will not be deleted.

Note: Because this option is always available and its usage is consistent, it is not described for every screen.

F3 (Exit)

Exit the current menu or function.

Press Enter before you press F3 if you want to update the record before exiting.

Note: Because this option is always available and its usage is consistent, it is not described for every screen.

F4 (Prompt)

Obtain a list of the valid values for a field.

The system displays the contents of the related supporting file or the system-delivered values. See Prompting for Valid Values.

Note: Because this option is always available and its usage is consistent, it is not described for every screen.

F6 (Create)

Add a record to the file, such as an item in the Item file.

The system displays a create screen with blank fields. You must enter information in the required fields (and any necessary optional fields) and press Enter to add a record to the current file. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields in error.

F9 (Accept)

Accept the current record or entry.

This function is available only in functions that use accept/reject processing, such as Order Entry. The system does not allow you to accept a record that contains errors.

F11 (Reject)

Reject the current record or entry.

This function is available only in functions that use accept/reject processing, such as Order Entry. You may reject a record at any point; the system displays a pop-up window for you to confirm the record rejection. A rejected record is deleted entirely from the system; however, any immediate updates (such as updates to the customer record) are performed.

F12 (Cancel)

Return to the previous screen.

Press Enter before you press F12 if you want to update the record before returning to the previous screen.

Note: Because this option is always available and its usage is consistent, it is not described for every screen.

F13 (*does not display on screens)

Return to the top level menu (such as the Home menu that was delivered with the system).

This function is not available in options that use accept/reject processing, such as Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry, etc.

Note: Because this option is always available and its usage is consistent, it is not described for every screen.

F21 (Print)

Print a list of the records in the file.

Submits a job to the job queue that produces a report that lists the contents of the file. See Printing a List.

F22 (User-defined function)

Display a user-defined menu or run an alternate program.

This function key is available in the major functions in the system. See Selecting the User-Defined Option (F22).

Note: Because this option is always available and its usage is consistent, it is not described for every screen.

F24 (Select company)

Select a company.

Displays a pop-up window that lists the companies you can access, based on user and user class security. See Selecting a Company.

Note: Because this option is always available and its usage is consistent, it is not described for every screen.


Displaying more keys: On some screens, pressing F24 displays an additional set of function keys that are available for the current option. Press F24 again to display the original function keys.

Printing a List

Purpose: The print list option (F21) is available primarily in the supporting file options so that you can review the existing codes in a file.

OER0079 DISPLAY Work with Order Types 1/31/94 17:55:46


Opt Type Description Upsell S/O O/E M/R Whs

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display




F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select company

Job 560101/LEE_H/OTY_LST submitted to job queue QBATCH in library QGPL.

Instructions: Press F21 (if it is available on a Work with... screen) to submit the print job to the job queue. The system displays a message to notify you that the list has been submitted for processing.

The system generates a spool file when the list completes.

Sample list:

CWDirect Rel 6.0 Order Type Listing EKAPLAN OER0083 1/13/03 9:40:20 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Type Description Upsell Zone S/O O/E M/R Whs Description







Note: For documentation purposes, all sample reports indicate the current product name of CWDirect, regardless of the date when the report sample was prepared.

Selecting the User-Defined Option (F22)

Purpose: The user-defined function key F22 is available in most major functions so that you can run your own programs, execute your own commands, and display your own menus.

Implementing F22: Your System Administrator defines the attributes for F22 through the Calling Program option. The characteristics of F22 can vary by option. CommercialWare delivers some standard options with F22 (such as the commands to work with submitted jobs, work with active jobs, and work with spooled files). You cannot delete these options or disable F22; however, you can add your own programs, commands, and menus to F22 to customize the Calling Program for a specific option.

See the Installation Guide for more information about the user- defined option.

Sample user defined function: The sample screen below shows a menu that is attached to F22 in the P/O Receipt Control function.

Execute User Defined Func -----------------------

1/31/94 18:50:48

Calling function: P/O Receipt Control


Opt Description Job Name/Menu

Work with spool files

Accounting Menu ACCOUNTING

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

F3=Exit F6=Select F7=Charges F12=Cancel F22=User def option

Access: The system is delivered to you with F22 available in the following functions:

From Order Entry

• Request Order Batch

• Work with Order Lines

• Work with Expanded Address

• Work with Order Properties

• Work with Order Line

• Change Order Ship To

• OE/Select Sold To

From Inventory Transactions

• Work with Inventory Transactions - Line Entry

• Work with Inventory Transactions - Full Screen Entry

From Purchase Orders

• Purchase Order Receipt Control

• Display Purchase Order Header

• Purchase Order - Display Detail

• Display Purchase Order Header by Due Date

• Display Purchase Order Header by PO Reference #

• Display Purchase Order Header by Vendor

• Display Purchase Order Header by Item/SKU

• Display Purchase Order Header by Vendor/Item

• Display Purchase Order Header by Buyer

• Display Purchase Order Header by Vendor Reference #

• Select Purchase Order by Due Date

• Select Purchase Order by Purchase Order #

• Select Purchase Order by Purchase Order Reference #

From Accounts Payable

• Work with A/P Terms

Selecting a Company

Purpose: This option enables you to select and work in another company on the system.

Definition: A company is a separate set of data on the system that might contain similar data or might contain entirely different data.

For example, another company might be:

• A "training" database you use to train new employees without affecting "live" (production) data

• A completely different division of your organization that sells an entirely different product line

Access: Both user and user class security control access to companies. Your user profile can define a default company that is used at sign-on.

Users can be set up with access to different menus and options in each company, and can be granted different authority to features (such as the ability to override a price), based on company.

See the Installation Guide for more information about user and user class security and access to companies.

Instructions: Press F24 from any major function to select a company. This function key is not available when an option is selected. You must select a company (or use your default company) prior to selecting an option.

Select Company

Opt Cmp Description


1 CommercialWare

900 Training database

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

This window displays each company to which you have authority, as specified at the Company Authority screen for a user or user class. Enter 1 next to the company you wish to work in. Notice that the company name at the top of the screen changes to the new company.

Help for the System Control and Secured Features Files

Purpose: You can review or add online help for each value in the System Control file and the Secured Features file by entering 5 next to a value or secured feature and pressing Enter, then pressing F6 to make the Help text fields enterable.

APREFACE CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN