Setting Up Customer Support Files

The following chapters describe how to create and maintain files that support Order Entry and Customer Service activities:

Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) describes the screens you use to create, change, delete, and display country codes.

Setting Up the Postal Code File (WZIP) describes the screens you work with to create files that support address and tax information associated with postal and zip codes.

Setting Up Customer Profiles (WPFL) describes the screens you use to define demographics categories and their data options for profiling your customer base.

Setting Up the Customer Class File (WCCL) describes the Work with Customer Class screens you use to establish codes to group customers for reporting and other purposes.

Setting Up the Customer Company File (WCCO) describes the screens you use to establish the Customer Company file through which you can group of companies under a single parent company for reporting purposes.

Setting Up Match Codes (MMCH) describes how to view or change the match code structure.

Setting Up User-Defined Fields (WUDF) describes how you can "design" a screen with user-defined numeric, text or date fields, which you can link to another file (such as the Customer file).

Working with Postal Code Formats (WPCF) describes how to define the formats of zip and postal codes, so that they will print correctly on pick slips and gift acknowledgments.

Working with Mail/Call Codes (WMCC) describes how to create codes that define when and under what circumstances you call or send mail to your customers.

Working with Customer Action Reason Codes (WCAR) describes how to create codes that allow you to define and track the types of issues your customers raise.

Working with Customer Note Types (WNTY) describes how to create codes that allow you to flag certain types of customer notes to appear automatically in order entry, or define text to default into the note field.

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