Reset Customer Sold To $ On Order (RONO)

Purpose: Use this menu option to reset the On Order $ field in the Customer Sold To Order History file for all sold to customers. You can review the On Order $ for a sold to customer on the Display Customer Order History Screen.

To submit the reset: Enter RONO in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Reset Customer Sold To $ On Order from a menu.

Note: The system does not advance you to a screen and instead submits the RESET_COH job immediately.

Customer Sold To $ On Order Reset Process: When you submit the reset, the system performs the following updates:

• Resets the On Order $ to zero in the Customer Sold To Order History file for all sold to customers.

• Reads the Order Header file to determine which customers have orders in an open status.

• Reads the Order Ship To file to determine the open balance for each customer.

• If there is an open balance for a customer, the system updates the On Order $ in the Customer Sold To Order History file with the dollar amount associated with the open orders.

CS03_26 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN