Introducing Order Maintenance

Purpose: Use the Order Maintenance function to update an existing order by:

• Changing customer, order, item, or payment information

• Adding a recipient order

• Adding a payment type

• Adding an item

• Canceling an item

• Canceling an order

• Returning an item

• Returning an order

• Exchanging a line

• Holding a line

• Releasing a line

Additionally, you can select this option to review order history.

You can maintain orders only if they have been accepted (and processed).

Features: Order Maintenance allows you to perform most Order Entry functions and offers these features:

• Uses a similar screen layout as Order Entry, and provides the function keys to cancel, return, review order history, etc.

• Enables you to accept or reject your changes to an order; if rejected, the system resets the order to the same condition prior to Order Maintenance

• User or user class security controls Order Maintenance access; see the Order Maintenance Access (A22) field in the Security file.

• Logs all order updates by date, time, maintenance activity, and user ID

• Lets you reopen a closed order by adding new items to the order

• Lets you perform a return on a shipped order line

• Lets you change the source code on the order only if the new source code uses the same freight and pricing methods as the original source code

• Prohibits more than one user from maintaining an order

• Lets you place an order on hold

• Automatically updates order status if the order becomes eligible for release or hold following maintenance

• Automatically generates a refund or credit if maintenance activity changes order totals appropriately

• Displays unresolved action messages for a customer

• Reprices items on the order or adds premiums based on price tables only (see Changing Item Detail Line Information)

• Advances automatically to the Work with Customer Profile Screen if you need to obtain mandatory demographic information for a customer, if the Prompt for Mandatory Demographics in Order Maintenance (E60) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Restrictions: Order Maintenance does not:

• Display Upsell Promotions pop-up windows

• Perform end-of-order repricing (except through price tables; see Changing Item Detail Line Information)

• Add free gifts (except through price tables; see Changing Item Detail Line Information)

• Perform promotional pricing to add incentive items or discounts to the order

• Let you cancel a quantity of an item if a pick slip has been printed (you must select the Void/Reprint Pick Slips option; see Fulfillment Manually Confirming Shipments (MCON).

• Let you change an item detail line in any way if a pick slip has been printed (you must select the Void/Reprint Pick Slips option; see Fulfillment Manually Confirming Shipments (MCON).

• Let you change an item detail line if shipments have been made against the line or if the line has been canceled

• Let you change a payment method if it has been charged

• Let you change a source code to a source code for a different offer

• Let you change the source code on the order or the item detail line if shipments have been made for the order

• Let you change the customer sold-to or ship-to number

• Let you release an order except by applying a payment (see Releasing Held Orders)

• Let you maintain an order until the system has completed processing a return, exchange, cancellation or shipment (order is being billed). The system displays a message such as: Order #xxx in use by RA/Billing.

• Recalculate handling charges using the special handling charge breaks that apply in order entry. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for more information.

• Let you exit Order Maintenance without first entering an order message if the Require Order Message Entry (L73) system control value is set to M or B and you do not have authority to the Bypass Order Message Entry Requirement (B22) secured feature. You can enter the order message on the Work with Order Messages Screen.

Restrictions by order type: You can restrict a user from performing certain actions in order maintenance based on the order type. The system delivered maintenance restrictions by order type are:

• Restrict Change Address

• Restrict Additional Lines

• Restrict Additional Pay Types

• Restrict Cancellations

• Restrict Coordinate Items

• Restrict Change Lines

• Restrict Change Pay Type

• Restrict Detail Coupons

• Restrict Change Discount %

• Restrict Discount Price Window

• Restrict Negative Addl Charge

• Restrict Order Coupons

• Restrict Order Recipient

• Restrict Positive Addl Charge

• Restrict Returns

• Restrict Special Handling

• Restrict Change Ship Via

• Restrict Change Tax Code

For more information: See System Delivered Order Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type for more information about each restriction.

Retail pickup and delivery orders: The Maintain Brokered Fulfillment Orders (A12) secured feature controls the ability to perform any maintenance on retail pickup or delivery orders assigned by the Order Broker for fulfillment. Even if you have authority under this secured feature, possible updates to retail pickup and delivery orders are limited. See Maintaining a Retail Pickup or Delivery Order for a discussion.

Maintenance processing: In general, these processes occur after you maintain an order:

• The system recalculates the order totals and adjusts demand totals (number of orders) appropriately

• The system performs credit checking to place the maintained order on hold, if the maintenance results in some type of hold condition

• The system submits the order for credit card authorization if you change or add credit card pay type information; this ensures that the new order total is authorized

• The system captures the date, time, maintenance activity, and user ID in the Order Transaction History file to keep an on-line history of all order updates; see Display Order History Screen.

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