Establishing Order Types (WOTY)

Purpose: Order type codes identify how you received the order, such as by phone, mail or fax. You can use order type codes for analysis purposes or to control:

• whether upsell and promotional pricing windows open in order entry

• whether zone date windows open for zone reservation (weather-sensitive) items

• the format of the Order Entry Detail screen

• whether to print soldout notifications for items you sell out through order entry or order maintenance

• whether to post sales to cash receipts or deferred A/R

• whether to generate immediate backorder notifications

• whether to perform online credit card authorization and if an authorization response window opens

• whether to generate an email notification or outbound email API message for the order and if the system includes soldout items on the order confirmation email message

• whether to update the Amazon order files as part of the Amazon Order Feed

• whether to perform address standardization using the Group 1 CODE-1 address interface or QAS address interface

• whether to exclude orders with this order type from backorder notification processing

• whether you are receiving the orders from a remote inventory location system, and so are tracking order control summary information in a separate file (based on the Fulfillment Order Type (J36) system control value)

• whether to restrict certain actions against an order in Order Maintenance, Process Substitute Items (PSUB), and Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA)

Each order must have an order type. You cannot change the order type on an order once you accept it.

In this topic:

Work with Order Types Screen

Create Order Type Screen

Full Screen Format in Order Entry

Line-by-Line Format in Order Entry

Change Order Type Screen

Display Order Type Screen

Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type Screen

System Delivered Order Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type

Work with Order Types Screen

How to display this screen: Type WOTY in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Order Types from a menu.

OER0079 DISPLAY Work with Order Types 3/29/00 14:33:54

The KL Mail Order Company

Opt Type Description Upsell S/O O/E M/R Whs

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 8=Restrictions 98=User Field








F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print List F24=Select company




A code that identifies how you received an order.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The description associated with the order type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


A code that determines whether to display upsell or promotional pricing windows for orders with this order type.

Upsell windows contain items that the customer can order for a special price.

Promotional pricing windows appear if the customer orders a specific item or quantity of items; these windows also contain items that the customer can order for a special price.

Valid values are:

B = (Both): Display upsell and promotional pricing pop-up windows

N = (None): Do not display upsell or promotional pricing pop-up windows

P = (Promotional Pricing): Display promotional pricing window

U = (Upsell): Display upsell pop-up window

Upsell windows are appropriate for certain order types, such as phone orders, because you can encourage the customer to add any specially priced items to the order.

Note: You can perform promotional pricing even if the Upsell field is set to N.

See Order Entry Upselling the Customer.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

S/O (Soldout)

This value controls whether the system generates soldout notifications for this order type when you sell out an item in order entry or order maintenance.

Valid values are:

Y = Generate a soldout notification for this order type when you sell out an item in order entry or order maintenance

N = Generate soldout notification cards for this order type only for items you sell out through Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO).

Note: You might specify not to generate soldout notification cards for phone orders, because normally you can notify the customer immediately if an item is sold out.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

O/E (order entry)

This code controls the format of the Order Entry detail screen.

Valid values are:

F = Full screen format: (used primarily for mail orders and fax orders) This format allows you to enter all items on the order form and then validate and process all items at once.

L = Line-by-line: (used primarily for phone orders) This format allows you enter and process one item at a time, so you can update the customer on the status of each item.

See Full Screen Format in Order Entry and Line-by-Line Format in Order Entry for sample screens.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

M/R (Mail order/retail)

This code defines whether this is a mail order or retail order type.

Valid values are:

M = This order type is used for mail orders.

R = This order type is used for retail sales.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Whs (Warehouse)

A code that represents a retail warehouse.

If the Retail Order Defaults (F59) system control value is set to Y, the system defaults the warehouse defined here to the Warehouse field on the Enter Location pop-up window when you enter an express bill order.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create an order type

Press F6 to advance to the Create Order Type Screen.

Change an order type

Enter 2 next to an order type to advance to the Change Order Type Screen.

Delete an order type

Enter 4 next to an order type to delete it.

Note: When you delete an order type code you lose:

• History associated with the order type

• Visibility to the description on orders containing the code

Display an order type

Enter 5 next to an order type to advance to the Display Order Type Screen.

Define order maintenance restrictions

Enter 8 next to an order type to advance to the Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type Screen.

Work with user defined fields

Enter 98 next to an order type to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

Create Order Type Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an order type.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Order Types Screen.

OER0082 ENTER Create Order Type 10/24/05 16:08:43


Type . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Description . . . . . . . . .

Upsell windows . . . . . . . . (P=Promo, U=Upsell, B=Both, N=Neither)

Zone date windows . . . . . . (Y=Yes, N=No)

Soldout notifications . . . . (Y=Yes, N=No)

Exclude S/O on Ord Conf . . . (Y=Yes, N=No)

Default O/E detail screen . . (F=Full, L=Line)

Mailorder/Retail . . . . . . . (M=Mailorder, R=Retail)

Forecasting Order Category . . (1=Catalog, 2=Web)

Retail warehouse . . . . . . .

Immediate B/O Notice . . . . . N (Y=Yes, N=No)

Email Notification . . . . . . (Y=Yes, N=No)

On-Line Authorization . . . . (1=Window, 2=w/o Window, 3=Not Eligible)

Address Standardization . . . (Y=Yes, N=No)

Exclude B/O Notifications . . (Y=Yes, N=No)

CC Application Mode . . . . . (A=Auto, M=Manual, N=None)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




A code that indicates how the order was received, such as by telephone, mail, facsimile, or other methods. Order type codes enable you to group orders for reporting purposes.

Alphanumeric, 1 position

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description associated with the order type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Upsell windows

This code controls whether upsell or promotional pricing windows display for orders with this order type.

Valid values are:

B = (Both): Display upsell and promotional pricing pop-up windows

N = (None): Do not display upsell or promotional pricing pop-up windows

P = Display promotional pricing windows

U = Display upsell pop-up windows

Note: The system can still perform promotional pricing even if this field is set to N.

About upsell promotions: Upsell promotions encourage the customer to add items to the order. You define upsell promotions by source code, customer class, pay type, item class, etc. Generally, you would specify not to display upsell windows for mail orders.


You can define promotional pricing to take place at the dollar, group, or item level, including:

• Order dollar discount or a free gift when the order reaches a set dollar level

• Order dollar discount or a free gift when the customer orders from a specific item group defined in the Item file

• Item discount or a free gift when the customer orders a specific item defined in the Item file

If you set this field to B (Both) or P (Promotional pricing), a pop-up window opens in Order Entry when the operator enters an item associated with an upsell and/or promotional pricing promotion.

See Order Entry Upselling the Customer.

Telemarketing specials: This field also controls whether to display any eligible telemarketing specials in order entry. The telemarketing specials windows open automatically in order entry if this field is set to B (Both) or P (Promotional pricing); otherwise, telemarketing specials are available only through the Display More Options screen. See Working with Telemarketing Specials for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Zone date windows

This value controls whether an informational zone reservation date window displays in order entry for orders of this type, when the customer orders a zone reservation-coded item. Zone reservation codes identify weather-sensitive inventory, such as plant stock, for which you want to restrict shipping dates.

Valid values are:

Y = Display an informational zone reservation dates pop-up window in order entry when an order is taken for a zone reservation coded item whose shipping date window has not yet opened. Generally, you would enter Y for phone orders, since you can notify the customer of the date the item will ship.

N or blank = Do not display the zone reservation dates pop-up window in order entry for orders of this type. Generally, you would enter N for mail orders.

See Fulfillment Shipping Zone Reservation Overview.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Soldout notifications

This value controls whether the system generates soldout notifications for items that you sell out through order entry or order maintenance.

Valid values are:

Y = Generate a soldout notification for items that you sell out in order entry or order maintenance. You can sell out an item by entering 13 next to it in order entry or maintenance; also, if the item is currently flagged with the appropriate soldout control code, it sells out automatically when you add it to an order.

N = Do not generate soldout notification cards for this order type except for items sold out through Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO). Generally, you would enter N for phone orders, since you can notify the customer immediately that the item is sold out.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Exclude S/O on ord conf (Exclude soldout items on order confirmations)

Indicates if the system excludes soldout items on the order confirmation email or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut).

For example, you may wish to exclude soldout items when printing order confirmations for phone orders, but include soldout items when printing order confirmations for e-commerce orders.

Y = Exclude soldout items on the order confirmation email or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut). Note: If the soldout item is the only item on the order and you exclude soldout items from printing on the order confirmation email, the system does not generate an order confirmation email.

N = Include soldout items on the order confirmation email or the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut).

Note: The system excludes soldout items from the order confirmation email only if the program defined in the Order Acknowledgement Program (G50) system control value is based on the ECR0318 or ECR0405 base program.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Default O/E (Default Order Entry detail screen)

This code controls the format of the Order Entry detail screen.

Valid values are:

F = Full screen: This order type uses a full screen format for item entry, so you can enter all items on the order form, then validate and process them at once.

L = Line-by-line: This order type uses a single line entry format, so you must enter and process one item at a time.

See Full Screen Format in Order Entry and Line-by-Line Format in Order Entry for sample screens.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Mail order/retail

This code defines whether the system treats the order as a mail order or a retail sale.

Valid values are:

M = This order type is used for mail orders.

R = This order type is used for retail sales, such as in a retail outlet.

Note: If this flag is set to R, the system does not post sales to cash receipts or deferred A/R.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Forecasting (Forecasting order category)

A code that defines the forecasting category associated with this order type.

Forecasting order categories, which are defined in and validated against the System Control file, enable you to evaluate ordering trends by order type. The system tracks the number of orders and dollars ordered for each forecasting category at the summary level for each forecasting period and for each day. See Installation Setting Up Forecasting Values.

Numeric, 1 position; required.

Retail warehouse

A code that represents a retail warehouse.

In order to enter a warehouse code in this field:

• The Mail order/retail field must be set to R, or

• The Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value must be set to Y.

Retail order defaults: If the Retail Order Defaults (F59) system control value is set to Y, the system defaults the warehouse defined here to the Warehouse field on the Enter Location pop-up window when you enter an express bill order.

Retail stock replenishment: If you are using the system to track or maintain retail sales, you can define a retail location as a customer in the Customer file, and assign a default warehouse to this customer. You then use Order Entry to replenish stock at the retail location.

See Order Entry Using the Phone Interface for more information on using the phone interface to process or maintain retail orders.

Non-allocatable warehouse: If the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is set to Y, the system allows you to enter a non-allocatable warehouse code in this field, regardless of the setting of the Mail order/retail flag. Orders entered for this order type will reserve against the non-allocatable warehouse specified.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Immediate B/O (Immediate backorder notice)

This value controls whether the system generates an initial (first) backorder notification card the next time you run Generate Backorder Cards (GBOC).

Valid values are:

Y = Generate backorder cards immediately

N = (Default): Do not generate backorder cards immediately

Typically, you set this field to Y for mail orders because you do not have an opportunity to inform the customer of the expected delivery date when you enter the order.

If you have defined a Number of Days to Delay Initial Backorder Notice (D89) in the System Control file, the system will not generate a notice for a backordered item unless you do not expect to ship the item until after the defined delay period.

Note: Once an expected delivery date for a backordered item is expired or changed, the system automatically generates a backorder card, whether or not this field is set to N.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

E-mail notification

This value controls whether the system generates email notifications to the customer for order-related correspondence such as backorder and soldout notifications. Valid values are:

Y = Generate email notifications

N = Do not generate email notifications; create a spool file for printing instead

Even if this field is selected, the system generates email notifications only if all the required information is available. See System Operations Working with E-Mail Notification Templates (WEMT) for an overview of the logic the system uses to determine whether to generate an email notification, and for information on setting up your company to generate email notifications.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Online authorization

This value controls whether the system performs online credit card authorization during order entry and order maintenance.

Valid values are:

1 = The system performs online credit card authorization for credit card payment methods during order entry/maintenance and displays the Select Authorization Response Option Window when an authorization response is received.

2 = The system performs online credit card authorization for credit card payment methods during order entry/maintenance and does not display the window.

3 = The system does not perform online credit card authorization for this order type. The system performs credit card authorization during pick slip generation.

See System Operations Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for an overview of the online credit card authorization process.

This field only displays if the On-line Authorizations (B89) system control value is set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Address standardization

This value controls whether orders with this order type are eligible for address standardization using an Address Interface.

• If the Use CODE-1 Coding System (B24) system control value is set to Y, the system retrieves address information from the Group 1 CODE-1 system.

• If the Use QAS Address Interface (I67) system control value is set to Y, the system retrieves address information from the QAS system.

• If neither system control value is set to Y, the system does not perform address standardization regardless of the setting of this field.

Y (default) = Orders with this order type are eligible for address standardization using an Address interface. The system retrieves address information from the address management software.

N = Orders with this order type are not eligible for address standardization using an Address Interface.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Exclude B/O notifications

This value controls whether backorder notifications, both print and email notifications, are excluded for orders with this order type.

Valid values are:

Y = The system excludes backorder notifications for orders with this order type.

N = The system performs regular backorder notification processing for orders with this order type.

Note: If the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is set to Y and you have defined a non-allocatable warehouse in the Retail warehouse field for the order type, you should enter Y in this field.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

CC application mode

Defines whether orders for this order type are eligible for the credit card application process, which allows you to offer a credit card to customers.

Valid values:

A = Automatic application. When a customer enters an order, the system automatically sends a credit card application request to the credit card service to determine if the customer is eligible to apply for the credit card offer.

M = Manual application. When a customer places an order, the operator must manually initiate the credit card application process. You may wish to set the order type to M if you wish to control which customers to send for pre-approval of the new credit card offer. For example, during your busiest order times, you may not want to offer the credit card to every customer that places an order.

N or blank = Not Eligible. Orders for this order type are not eligible for the credit card application process.

See Credit Card Applications Overview and Setup for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Full Screen Format in Order Entry

Sample screen: This format enables you to enter several items on the order without stopping to process the information. You would typically select this format for mail or fax orders because you are working directly off an order form.

OER0566 CHANGE Work with Order Lines 10/30/03 10:44:32

Enter EZK Mail Order

Order#: 9531 - 1 Status: Suspended


Mer Frt Fr+ Tax Hnd Chg Total

9.00 .90 1.23 .90 12.03


2=Chg 4=Dlt 5=POs 6=Avl 7=Pricing 8=S/H 9=Hold 10=Release 11=Item info

13=Sell out 14=Coordinates 15=Merch Locator 23=Messages 97=Coupons

Op Ofr Item COL SIZE WDTH Qty Price N O C/G H Exten

OFR PEN23 BLK 1 9.00

1 COMFORT-GRIP PEN Rsv: 1 Avl: 3456396




F2=Full/Line F6=Add line F7=Name/Address F8=Scan order lines

F9=Accept F10=Options F11=Reject F14=Relationships F24=More keys

Line 1: Offer = 10.00 Actual = 9.00 Discount = 1.00 : 10.00%

Line-by-Line Format in Order Entry

Sample screen: This format requires you to type all necessary information on an item and press Enter to process the information before you can enter the next item. You would typically use this format for phone orders so that you can provide an immediate response to the customer as you enter each item.

OER0187 DISPLAY Work with Order Lines 10/29/03 16:58:51

Enter EZK Mail Order

Order#: 9512 - 001 Recip sts: Suspended Pay By:


Merch Frt Fr+ Tax Hnd Chg Total

10.00 1.00 1.23 1.00 13.23


Ofr Item COL SIZE WDTH Qty Price N/C Ovr C/G S/H Exten


2=Chg 4=Dlt 5=POs 6=Avl 7=Pricing 8=S/H 9=Hold 10=Release 11=Item info

13=Sell out 14=Coordinates 15=Merch Locator 23=Messages 97=Coupons

PEN23 BLK 1 10.00 0 N 10.00

001 COMFORT-GRIP PEN Rsv: 1 Avl: 3456397

F2=Full/Line F6=Add line F7=Name/Address F8=Scan order lines

F9=Accept F10=Options F11=Reject F14=Relationships F24=More keys

Change Order Type Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to an order type at the Work with Order Types Screen to advance to the Change Order Type screen. You can change any information on this screen except the order type code. See Create Order Type Screen for field descriptions.

Display Order Type Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to an order type at the Work with Order Types Screen to advance to the Display Order Type screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Order Type Screen for field descriptions.

Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to restrict a user from performing certain actions against an order during order maintenance, batch order maintenance, Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA) and Process Substitute Items (PSUB).

When you first advance to this screen, all restrictions are unselected, meaning a user is not restricted from performing any action against the order.

Use Shift/Roll or Page Down to display additional order type restrictions.

To restrict an action against orders with this order type: Enter Y in the Y/N field for the restriction.

To allow an action against orders with this order type: Enter N in the Y/N field for the restriction.

See System Delivered Order Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type for more information about each system-delivered restriction.

Amazon orders: The Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value specifies which order type represents an Amazon order. If you define maintenance restrictions for the Amazon order type, the system applies these restrictions in addition to the restrictions for an Amazon order. See the Amazon Order Type (I22) system control value for a list of the restrictions that apply to Amazon orders.

Fulfillment orders: The Fulfillment Order Type (J36) system control value specifies which order type identifies orders from a remote inventory location system. To restrict certain actions for orders with this order type, you must use the Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type screen to define maintenance restrictions for the Fulfillment order type. The recommended restrictions for Fulfillment orders are:

Restrict Additional Lines (AL)

Restrict Coordinate Items (CI)

Restrict Change Lines (CL)

Restrict Detail Coupons (DC)

Restrict Change Discount % (DI)

Restrict Discount Price Window (DP)

Restrict Negative Addl Charge (NA)

Restrict Order Coupons (OC)

Restrict Order Recipient (OR)

Restrict Positive Addl Charge (PA)

Restrict Returns (RR)

Restrict Special Handling (SH)

How to display this screen: Enter 8 next to an order type at the Work with Order Types Screen.

OER1507 CHANGE Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type 4/08/08 15:20:32



Restriction Code Y/N

Restrict Change Ship To Address AC N

Restrict Additional Lines AL N

Restrict Additional Pay Types AP N

Restrict Cancellations CA N

Restrict Coordinate Items CI N

Restrict Change Lines CL N

Restrict Change Pay Type CP N

Restrict Detail Coupons DC N

Restrict Change Discount % DI N

Restrict Discount Price Window DP N

Restrict Negative Addl Charge NA N

Restrict Order Coupons OC N

Restrict Order Recipient OR N +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Order type

The code and description of the order type for which you wish to apply order maintenance restrictions; this is the order type you selected at the Work with Order Types Screen.

Order type code: Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Order type description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


A description of the restriction to apply against orders for this order type.

Valid order maintenance restrictions are:

• Restrict Change Ship To Address

• Restrict Additional Lines

• Restrict Additional Pay Types

• Restrict Cancellations

• Restrict Coordinate Items

• Restrict Change Lines

• Restrict Change Pay Type

• Restrict Detail Coupons

• Restrict Change Discount %

• Restrict Discount Price Window

• Restrict Negative Addl Charge

• Restrict Order Coupons

• Restrict Order Recipient

• Restrict Positive Addl Charge

• Restrict Returns

• Restrict Special Handling

• Restrict Change Ship Via

• Restrict Change Tax Code

See System Delivered Order Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type for more information about each restriction.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


A code that represents an order maintenance restriction for a specified order type.

Valid order maintenance restriction codes are:

AC Restrict Change Ship To Address

AL Restrict Additional Lines

AP Restrict Additional Pay Types

CA Restrict Cancellations

CI Restrict Coordinate Items

CL Restrict Change Lines

CP Restrict Change Pay Type

DC Restrict Detail Coupons

DI Restrict Change Discount %

DP Restrict Discount Price Window

NA Restrict Negative Addl Charge

OC Restrict Order Coupons

OR Restrict Order Recipient

PA Restrict Positive Addl Charge

RR Restrict Returns

SH Restrict Special Handling

SV Restrict Change Ship Via

TA Restrict Change Tax Code

See System Delivered Order Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type for more information about each restriction.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.


Defines whether the system restricts users from performing a specified action against orders for this order type.

Valid values are:

Y = The system restricts users from performing the specified action against orders for this order type. If a user tries to perform an action that is restricted, the system displays an error message similar to the following: Order type (ORDER TYPE DESCRIPTION) is restricted from attempted update.

N = The system allows users to perform the specified action against orders for this order type.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

System Delivered Order Maintenance Restrictions for Order Type

A description of the order maintenance restrictions that you can define for an order type are listed below. If a user tries to perform an action that is restricted, the system displays an error message similar to the following: Order type (ORDER TYPE DESCRIPTION) is restricted from attempted update.

Order Type Restriction


Restrict Change Ship To Address (AC)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from:

• changing the sold to customer address and ship to customer address on the order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. The following fields are display-only on the Work with Order Screen and Expand Name/Address Screen:

• Name (prefix, first name, middle initial, last name, suffix)

• Company

• Street address

• Apartment

• Postal code

• City

• State

• Country code

• Delivery flag

• changing the ship to customer address on the order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you press F7 or press F14 at the Work with Order Screen.

Note: You can still change the sold to customer address and ship to customer address using the Work with Customers (WCST) menu option or using the E-Commerce Name/Address Change Message (CWAddressChg); the updated address is reflected on the order. In addition, you can still change the bill to customer address on the order.


To Add a Recipient to the Order

Because the sold to customer address is display-only when the Restrict Change Address (AC) order type restriction is selected, the only way to add a gift recipient (F2) or ship to customer (F19) to the order is to select an existing customer from the Sold To Customer file. You can select an existing customer by pressing F4 on the Name field.


Restrict Additional Lines (AL)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from:

• Adding a new order line to an order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you:

• Enter item information and press Enter at the Work with Order Lines Screen.

• Press F6 at the Work with Order Lines Screen or Scan Order Lines Screen.

• Adding a new recipient to the order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance (since you cannot add any order lines for this customer). You can still add a gift recipient to the order.

• Performing an exchange in order maintenance or Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA). An error message displays when you:

• Press Enter at the Return/Exchange Item Screen (Single Item) in order maintenance or Working with Return Authorizations: Streamlined Process if you have entered an Exchange reason code.

• Press Enter at the Receive RA Items Screen (Receiving Detail) in Working with Return Authorizations: Standard Process if you have entered an Exchange reason code.

• Press Enter at the Enter Exchange Item Screen in order maintenance or Work with Return Authorizations (WRTA).

In addition, when Processing Item Substitutions (PSUB), the batch job skips any order whose Restrict Additional Lines (AL) maintenance restriction for the order type on the order is selected.

Restrict Additional Pay Types (AP)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from adding a new payment method to the order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you press Enter to add a new payment method at the Enter Payment Methods Screen.

Restrict Cancellations (CA)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from:

• cancelling an order line or the entire order in order maintenance. An error message displays when you:

• Enter 4 next to an order line at the Work with Order Lines Screen.

• Press F20 at the Work with Order Screen or Work with Order Lines Screen.

• deleting an order line in batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you enter 4 next to an order line at the Work with Order Lines screen.

Restrict Coordinate Items (CI)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from working with item coordinates during order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you enter 14 next to an order line at the Work with Order Lines Screen.

Restrict Change Lines (CL)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from advancing to the Work with Order Lines Screen in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you enter 2 next to an order line at the Work with Order Lines Screen.

Restrict Change Pay Type (CP)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from changing a payment method in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you enter 2 next to a payment method at the Enter Payment Methods Screen.

Restrict Detail Coupons (DC)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from entering detail level coupon discounts at the Coupon Discount Window in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you press Enter to enter a coupon code at the Coupon Discount Window whose Coupon type is D (detail level).

Restrict Change Discount % (DI)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from changing the discount percent defined for the order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you press Enter at the Work with Order Screen if you change the discount in the Discount % field.

Restrict Discount Price Window (DP)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from applying a discount to an order line in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you enter 12 next to an order line at the Work with Order Lines Screen.

Restrict Negative Addl Charge (NA)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from:

• adding a negative additional charge to the order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you press Enter at the Enter Additional Charges Window to add a negative additional charge to the order.

• changing an existing additional charge on the order to a negative amount in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you:

• press Enter at the Change Additional Charges Screen if you change an additional charge to a negative amount.

• enter 2 next to a negative additional charge at the Enter Additional Charges Window.

• deleting a negative additional charge from the order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you enter 4 next to a negative additional charge at the Change Additional Charges Screen.

Restrict Order Coupons (OC)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from:

• entering order level coupon discounts at the Coupon Discount Window in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you press Enter to enter a coupon code at the Coupon Discount Window whose Coupon type is O (order level).

• Repricing the order in order maintenance. An error message displays when you press F21 at the Work with Order Lines Screen.

Restrict Order Recipient (OR)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from:

• adding a new recipient to the order during order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you press F19 at the Work with Order Screen, Work with Order Lines Screen, Scan Order Lines Screen, or Enter Payment Methods Screen.

• adding a gift recipient to the order during order maintenance. An error message displays when you press F2 at the Work with Order Screen.

Note: When the Restrict Order Recipient (OR) maintenance restriction for order type is selected, you can still add or change an order ship to (F14) for the order.

Restrict Positive Addl Charge (PA)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from:

• adding a positive additional charge to the order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you press Enter at the Enter Additional Charges Window to add a positive additional charge to the order.

• changing an existing additional charge on the order to a positive amount in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you:

• press Enter at the Change Additional Charges Screen if you change an additional charge to a positive amount.

• enter 2 next to a positive additional charge at the Enter Additional Charges Window.

• deleting a positive additional charge from the order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you enter 4 next to a positive additional charge at the Change Additional Charges Screen.

Restrict Returns (RR)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from processing a return against an order in order maintenance or Work with Return Authorizations (WRTR). An error message displays when you:

• Enter 17 next to an order line at the Work with Order Lines Screen in order maintenance.

• Press F17 an order at the Work with Order Screen, Work with Order Lines Screen or Scan Order Lines Screen in order maintenance.

• Press F6 at the Work with Returns for Order screen.

• Press F8 at the Work with Returns for Order screen.

• Enter 8 next to an order line at the Work with Returns for Order screen.

• Add a negative order line to an order in order maintenance.

Note: You can still process a return against an order using the Generic Return API or e-commerce interface (see Creating Return Authorizations from the Web Storefront).

Restrict Special Handling (SH)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from adding special handling to an existing order line in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you:

• Enter 8 next to an order line at the Work with Order Lines Screen.

• Press F7 at the Work with Order Line Screen.

• Press Enter at the Work with Order Line Screen if you enter a special handling code in the S/H code field.

• Press Enter at the Work with Order Lines Screen to add a new line to the order if you have entered a special handling code in the S/H field for the order line.

In addition, the system prevents the Work with Special Handling Screen and Work with Custom Special Handling Screen from automatically displaying in order maintenance. Also, if the system is configured to apply special handling automatically without displaying the special handling window, the system does not add the special handling to the item in order maintenance when you add or change the order line.

Restrict Change Ship Via (SV)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from changing the ship via on an order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you:

• Press Enter at the Work with Order Screen if you change the ship via code in the Ship via field.

• Press Enter at the Work with Order Lines Screen if you change the ship via code in the Ship via field.

Note: If the Restrict Change Ship Via (SV) maintenance restriction for order type is selected, but you do not restrict adding a recipient customer (the Restrict Order Recipient (OR) maintenance restriction is unselected), when you add the recipient customer to the order, you cannot change the ship via for the recipient.

Restrict Change Tax Code (TA)

Select this restriction to prevent a user from changing the tax code on an order in order maintenance and batch order maintenance. An error message displays when you press Enter at the Work with Order Screen if you change the Tax code field.

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