Working with Items on the Order

Purpose: This chapter discusses the options available on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen to work with items you have added to the order by changing, reviewing or enhancing item information.

Use the item detail options in the center of the item entry screen to:

• Change information for an item on the order

• Review additional information for an item, such as:

• Pending deliveries of the item on purchase orders

• Availability in shippable warehouses

• Special item pricing promotions

• Customer Service notices

• Specials

• Relationships to other items you sell

• Hidden tax

• Gross profit margin and gross profit margin percent

• Attach information to a specific item, for:

• Special handling instructions

• Messages

• Review coordinating items and add them to the order

In this topic:

Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item)

Display Open Purchase Orders Screen

Item Availability Screen

Display Quantity Pricing Window

Work with Special Handling Screen

Work with Custom Special Handling Screen

Work with Item Information Screen (Customer Service Template)

Display Coordinate Items Window

Select Coordinate Items Window

Work with Order Line Messages Screen

Select Item Relationships Window

Screen Option


Change any information for an item or add an item, perform overrides at the item detail line level, review how the system priced the item, and review the quantity and date the inventory was reserved by the system

Enter 2 next to the item or press F6 on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) to advance to the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item).

Remove the item from the order

Enter 4 next to the item to delete the item.

The system does not issue a warning message before deleting the item from the Order Entry screen. Also, the remaining items are renumbered in place of the deleted item.

Pre-bill amount item? The Maintenance of Pre Billed Amount Item (B18) secured feature controls the ability to delete a pre-billed amount item from the order. See the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) system control value for a discussion.

Note: Make sure that you are deleting the correct item when you use this option. The system deletes the item immediately from the order without prompting you to confirm the deletion.

Review the pending deliveries of this item on purchase orders

Enter 5 next to an item to advance to the Display Open Purchase Orders Screen.

Review the availability of the item across all shippable warehouses

Enter 6 next to an item to advance to the Item Availability Screen.

Review the quantity break prices for the item

Enter 7 next to an item to advance to the Display Quantity Pricing Window.

Enter or change the special handling instructions for an item that will be personalized

Enter 8 next to the item to advance to the Work with Special Handling Screen or the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen.

Note: This option is not available if the additional charge code used for the special handling format is suppressed; see Special Handling Overview for a discussion.

Place an item on hold

Enter 9 next to the item to place the item on hold. Only open lines are eligible to be held. The item will not print on a pick slip until you release the line.

Release a held item

Enter 10 next to an item to release it from hold. Only held items (status = H) are eligible to be released. The line status changes to open (blank) and the item is now eligible for printing on a pick slip.

Display important information about the item

Enter 11 next to an item to advance to the Work with Item Information Screen (Customer Service Template).

Display coordinating items you can add to the order

Enter 14 next to the item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window.

Search for the item across warehouses and stores in external systems, and optionally create a store pickup or store shipment request

Enter 15 next to an item to advance to:

Merchandise Locator Search Window (.NET) if you integrate with Locate 2.1 or 2.5 through the cw_locate site. See Merchandise Locator and Store Fulfillment Process Overview (.NET) for more information.

Merchandise Locator Search Window (JAVA integration) if you integrate with Locate 5.1, 5.3, or later directly. See Merchandise Locator Searching through JAVA for more information.


Note: You cannot perform a merchandise locator search for an item/SKU if:

• the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is set to N. Otherwise, an error message indicates: Merchandise Locator is not enabled.

• you have already entered an Ord qty to add to the order. See the Display Selected Items Screen for a workaround.

• if your integration is not with Locate 5.1, 5.3, or later, and the item is:

• soldout, canceled, or closed

• included on a printed pick slip (however, if the pick slips have been voided, you can use the merchandise locator option)

• a component of a set

• a continuity item (rather than a component of a continuity item)

• a membership item

• a subscription item

• already flagged for store shipment

• the item is flagged as Locate eligible, if you integrate with Locate 5.1, 5.3, or later directly. See Merchandise Locator Searching through JAVA for more information.

Enter a message about the item

Enter 23 next to the item to display the Work with Order Line Messages Screen.

Review other items that are compatible with this item

Press F14 to display the Select Item Relationships Window.

Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item)

Purpose: Use this screen to override order defaults or review reservation information for an item.

How to display this screen:

• Enter 2 next to an item at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen

• Press F6 at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order)

Note: Work with Order/Detail ScreenThe Item and SKU fields are blank if you pressed F6.

OER0241 ENTER Work with Order Line 4/08/02 10:51:13

Enter KAB Co.

Order#: 5658 - 001 Ln#: 1 Sts: Open

Ofr Item COLO STYL SIZE Qty Price N/C Ovr Cpn Coupon amt

JPY JPY6 1 95.55 N


Offer price 95.55 Pre-Disc. Price 95.55 Duty

Ship via . . Extension: 95.55

Arr date 40802 Source . . Exp ship date

C/G . . . . Freight . .

G/W . . . . . N (Y,N) S/H code . . . . . S/H charge .

Future order : N (Y,N) Warehouse HDL: 600 Cancel date . .

Affect inv . . Y (Y,N) Drop ship . . . . : Priority . . . . . .

Bypass rsv . . N (Y,N) Page letter : Cost ovr .

G/W $ : .00 Add'l frt : Tax . . : .00000

G/M . : 18.56 G/M% . . . . : 19.42

-------------------------------- Quantity ------------------------------------

Reserved Printed Shipped Returned Cancelled Sold Out

1 0 0 0 0 0


F3=Exit F7=Special handling F8=Availability F10=AC override F12=Cancel

F14=Pricing F17=Item information F23=Messages




A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship To #

Unlabeled field to the right of the order number. The number assigned to the shipping address on the current order. The system assigns a sequential ship-to number to every order, even if the shipping address and the sold-to address are the same. The first ship-to address is assigned the number 1.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ln# (Line number)

The number assigned to this item on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Sts (Status)

The current status of the item detail line. The status field is Open or Soldout during Order Entry:

Open Status

An item is assigned an open status when it is added to an order and it is currently “active” in your inventory.

If a partial quantity of the item is sold out on the order line, the order line status is still open. The order line and order totals reflect the line quantity that is reserved or backordered, but do not reflect the soldout quantity.

Other Statuses

There are several other item detail line status codes that are assigned by the system at other points during the life of an order detail line, including:

• Soldout

• Canceled

• Closed (item was shipped to customer)

• Error (the item ordered through a phone service contained data errors that you must correct)

• Express bill (no pick slip produced for item, because item already removed from inventory; order moves directly to billing status).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

B/O (Backorder reason)

The reason why this item was backordered, as determined by the system.

Valid values are:

• Future order

• Item not in warehouse

• No warehouse specified

• Not enough (inventory) available in warehouse

• Reservation bypassed

• SKU reserve limit exceeded

The system assigns a backorder status to items that could not be fulfilled (no on-hand inventory available for the item).

Note: This field does not appear on the screen if the item was available and could be reserved.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Ofr (Offer code)

A code for the catalog, space or television advertisement from which you accept orders.

The offer defined for the order controls how shipping is calculated and items are priced. However, if you override the offer for an item (if the customer is ordering from more than 1 catalog, for example), demand for the item will be attributed to the offer associated with the item rather than the order. Demand represents the number and dollar value of orders placed against an offer.

Related System Control Values

• The system automatically overrides the offer for an item if Override Offer on Order Detail Line (D49) system control value is set to Y and the item is not sold in the offer used on the order.

• The system automatically overrides the offer for an item if the Override Offer/Page/Alias on Order Detail (E72) system control value is set to Y and the item does not contain a page/alias in the offer used on the order.

• The cursor positions to the offer field, which is blank, if the Position Cursor on Offer Field in OE/OM (F91) field is set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


The code for a unit of inventory. Items are defined in and validated against the Item file.


• An item alias displays if the customer ordered using an alias and the Display Item Alias (D56) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

• See Adding Different Types of Items to the Order for information on adding a new item to the order.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only or required.


A code that identifies the style of the item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Qty (Quantity ordered)

The number of units of this item being ordered, excluding any units sold out. You can change the quantity ordered, but you cannot change a positive to a negative or vice versa or a message appears: Order qty may not be changed between (+) / (-).

Instead, you must delete and reenter the item. If you change the quantity of a set or continuity item, the change is also reflected in the component items.

The Maximum Order Quantity (C60) field in the System Control value controls the maximum value you can enter in the Quantity field; additionally, the Allow Maximum Order Quantity Override (A70) secured feature controls whether individual users can exceed this maximum.

Note: You cannot change the quantity of the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72).

Numeric, 5 positions; required.


The actual selling price of a single unit of the item, either calculated by the system or entered on the line as a price override.

The Price Overrides (A23) secured feature controls whether you can update the price defined for the order line; if you do not have authority to this secured feature, the Price field is display-only.

If you enter a price override, you must also enter a price override reason code in the Ovr (Price override reason code) field.

You can define a maximum percentage operators can discount an item by entering a percentage in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value. The system uses the price defined in the item/offer to determine whether the price override exceeds the percentage. The override limit applies only to prices that are lower than the item/offer price. This is helpful in reducing the possibility of fraud by order entry operators.

Price Override Example

The system uses this calculation to determine the percentage of the price override:

(offer price - price override entered)/offer price * 100 = price override percentage


price override percentage = 10%

offer price = $40.00

price override = $35.00

(40.00 - 35.00) = 5.00

5.00/40.00 = .125

.125 * 100 = 12.50 (12.50 exceeds the 10% price override)


A message indicates if an operator enters a price that is less than the percentage allowed: Entered price exceeds override limit.

The Override Price Override Limit (A64) secured feature controls the ability for operators to override the percentage defined in the Price Override Limit Percent (E55) system control value.

Negative Prices

The Allow Negative Prices in Order Entry (E97) system control value controls whether you can enter a negative item price. If you enter a positive item quantity, a negative price produces a credit; with a negative quantity, a negative price produces an invoice.

Maximum Value

The Maximum Order Line Value (E98) field in the System Control value controls the maximum dollar value of a line you can enter; additionally, the Allow Maximum Order Line Value Override (A69) secured feature controls whether individual users can exceed this maximum.

Alternate currency pricing

You can enter or review the price in the alternate currency by pressing F10 if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required, calculated by the system.

N/C (“No charge” flag)

This value controls whether to charge the customer charged for the item.

Valid values are:

Y =Item is given to the customer at no charge.

blank =The customer pays for the item.

If you set this field to Y, the order totals are not increased, no charge prints for the item on the pick slip, and the customer will not be invoiced for the item. Also, you must enter a price override reason code in the Ovr (Price override reason code) field.

The Price Overrides (A23) secured feature controls whether you can update the no charge flag for the order line; if you do not have authority to this secured feature, the No charge field is display-only.

Pre-billing: The Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) always has this flag set to Y. See the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) system control value for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Ovr (Price override reason code)

A code that represents the reason for overriding the item price or giving the item to the customer at no charge. The system uses this code to post the discount (between the advertised or system price and the selling price) to the correct G/L account. Also, this helps you identify who performed the price override.

Price override reason codes are defined in and validated against the Price Override Reason file.

The Price Overrides (A23) secured feature controls whether you can override the item price; if you do not have authority to this secured feature, the Price override reason code field is display-only.

If you make any changes to the order that will result in changing whether the order is subject to VAT, the system will reprice each item accordingly and recalculate tax as well. However, this update does not take place for any line with a price override, whether the override was made by a user or by the system (for instance, for a price table premium). You must delete the line and reenter it to correct the price and tax information.

If the Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (G01) system control value contains a price override code, the system defaults this price override code to this field when an operator enters a warranty item.

Pre-billing: The Price Override Reason for Pre Billed Amount Item (J73) system control value determines the code to use for the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72). See the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) system control value for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required if overriding a price or selling item at no charge.

Cpn (Coupon)

This value indicates whether a coupon is being redeemed for this item.

Y = The customer is using a coupon for this item.

N (default) = The customer is not using a coupon towards the purchase of this item.

You can enter a coupon for an item during Order Entry, for example, if you include a coupon in your catalog that the customer can use towards a purchase.

If you enter Y here, you must also enter the amount of the coupon in the Coupon amt field. The dollar amount of the coupon will be subtracted from the price of the item and *Coupon Item Price will display on this screen as the pricing method.

Note: For a coupon to be applied to an item, the Pricing Values (B31) in the System Control file must use the COUPON/ITEM pricing method (or it should be near the top of the pricing hierarchy) or you should use Best Way Pricing (A78) so that the system can give the item to the customer at the lowest available price.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Coupon amt (Coupon amount)

The value of the coupon being applied against this item. The system subtracts this amount from the item's price.

You must set the Cpn (Coupon) field to Y if applying a coupon against an item.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if using a coupon.

Description (Unlabeled field below Item field)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Pricing method

The method used to calculate the price for the item, controlled by:

• The pricing hierarchy in the System Control file

• The pricing method associated with the source code used on the order or entered for the item

• A price override on the item

Pricing Methods

• Column Price

• Offer Price

• Special Source Price

• Regular Pricing Hierarchy

• Price Table

• Contract Price

• Quantity Break Price

• Price Override

• Regular Pricing Hierarchy, Plus Repricing

• Coupon/Item Price

• Quantity/Break Item

• “No Charge”

• Item Cost

• Customer Discount %

• Volume Discount

• “No Charge/No Cost”

• Price Codes

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Offer price

The price of the item in the catalog, before applying any additional discounts or repricing. If the order was subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing, in which any tax is included in the Hidden tax field rather than the Tax bucket on the order, the offer price presented here is the tax-inclusive offer price.

The Price Overrides (A23) and Override Offer Price (B20) secured features control whether you can update the offer price for the order line; if you do not have authority to either of these secured features, the Offer price field is display-only.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Pre-disc. price (Pre-discount price)

The item price before applying any coupons or dollar discounts by source or offer, if the Prorate Dollar Discounts and Coupons (D90) field in the System Control file is set to Y, but after applying other discounts and repricing.

Tax status? The system does not update this field if you change the customer's tax status at any point after entering the item. If you use tax-inclusive pricing, there may be cases where the system reprices items due to changes in a customer's tax exemption status, changing the shipping address to a VAT-exempt state, etc. In these cases, the pre-discount price may not correspond to the way the way the actual price was derived.

Discount eligibility: The system uses the pre-discount price to evaluate whether the order qualifies for certain discounting methods that have a minimum dollar value, such as promotions. See Apply Loyalty at the End of Order (J35) for a discussion.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.


The amount of duty on the item. Duty is a tax based on the item and the country where you are shipping the item. On other screens in Order Entry and Maintenance, the duty is generally included with the special handling total on the order.

The system determines whether to add duty by comparing the item's harmonize code with the harmonize code defined for the country's duty rates. The system calculates duty, if it finds a match, based on the percentage or per-unit amount defined for the duty rate. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for a complete discussion of defining and using duty charges for a country.

When the system adds duty to the order for an item, it also writes an order line message.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Ship via

The shipper that will deliver this item to the customer.

Leave this field blank if you want to use the shipper defined for the order.

Enter a different ship via code here only if you want to ship this particular item by another shipper. For example, you can change an item on an order to express bill by entering an express bill code. When you express bill an item, a pick slip does not print and no shipments occur for the item.

An error message indicates if you change an item on an express order to ship non-express: Ship Via must be an Express Bill.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via file; see Fulfillment Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA). Additionally, ship via codes are validated against the SCF/Ship Via file, which ties together shippers and geographic locations. You need to set up valid carriers for each SCF prior to Order Entry. See Fulfillment Working with SCF/Ship Via Values (WSHV).


Item Ship Via Overrides

Item ship via overrides define the shippers eligible to ship the item to its destination. If ship via overrides exist in the Item Ship Via Override file for an item on the order, the system evaluates the ship via you define for the order line to determine if the ship via is eligible to ship the item. Additionally, if you prompt on the Ship via field, the Work with Item Ship Via Overrides screen lists only those ship vias eligible to ship the item.

If the ship via you enter is not defined in the Item Ship Via Override file for the item on the order, the Ship Via Overrides for Item Window opens, requesting you to select an eligible shipper to assign to the item on the order line. Additionally, if you do not define a ship via on the order line, the system evaluates the ship via on the order header to determine if it is eligible to ship the item.

If item ship via overrides do not exist for the item, you can define any valid ship via code in this field. See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides for more information on defining eligible shippers for an item.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The actual selling price of the item multiplied by the quantity ordered, excluding any sold out units.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.

Arrival date

The date on which the customer wants to receive this item. The arrival date entered here overrides the arrival date defined for the order.

The arrival date is initially set to the current date for each item; however, you can enter some future date on this screen to delay shipment of the item.

The system defaults a future ship arrival date to an item defined with a future ship status, if the item's status code matches the code defined in the Future Orders Item Status (E52) field in the System Control file. The future arrival date that defaults for this item is taken from the date defined in the Default Future Orders Arrival Date (E53) field in the System Control file.

Note: The arrival date cannot be earlier than the current date.

The arrival date controls:

• Whether the item is reserved

• Whether a pick slip prints for the item

Influence on Reservation

The arrival date for the item controls whether inventory is reserved. The system uses this calculation:

Arrival date - Reservation lead days = Date

The system does not reserve inventory if the date determined by this calculation is greater than today's date. The system identifies the item as a future order and assigns a backorder status to the item.

The Reservation Lead Days (B27) value is defined in the System Control file.

The Evaluate Future Orders program runs each evening during a periodic process to evaluate each item identified as a “future order.” The system reruns the arrival date calculation. The system reserves the required inventory based on the order date if the system-calculated date is less than or equal to today's date.


Influence on Pick Slip Generation

The item's arrival date also controls whether pick slips are printed.

The system uses this calculation:


Arrival date - (Pick processing days + Transfer lead days + Lead days) = Date


The system generates a pick slip for the item if the date resulting from this calculation is less than or equal to today's date; otherwise, the system does not print the pick slip.

The system considers this information:

What are the Pick Processing Days (B37) in the System Control file?

How many days, on average, it takes your company to print a pick slip for an item. This is your internal lead time.

What are the Transfer days in the Warehouse Drop Point file?

The number of days it takes to ship an item from the drop point, such as a distribution center or a drop point where another shipper picks up the package to deliver it to its destination to save shipping charges.

What are the Shipping lead days in the SCF/Ship Via file?

The number of days it takes a shipper to deliver the item to this geographic location (first 3 positions of the postal code).

When you run the Pick Slip Generation program, the system evaluates the arrival dates on all item detail lines to determine when a pick slip can be printed.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.


A code used to identify a segment of your customer base or a rented list to whom you mail a catalog. The source code prints on the catalog mailing labels next to the customer's name.

A source code entered here overrides the source code entered on the order header screen. The source code on the order header determines shipping and item pricing; the source code on the order detail line is used to track demand.

Prompting for a source code

Press F4 at this field to obtain a list of current source codes. Only the source codes whose Display on O/E (Display in Order Entry) fields are set to Y appear.

Restricted source codes

During Order Entry, you must use only unrestricted source codes (Restricted = N in the Source Code file). A source code may be identified as “restricted” when:

• The source code is obsolete; no new orders can use this source code.

• The source code contains errors

• The source code was created by mistake.

Initially, all new source codes are unrestricted. When Initializing an Offer (MOFI), however, you can restrict all source codes associated with a particular offer until the offer is in effect.


Capturing the Source Code

The system writes the source code used by a new customer to the Original source code field in the Customer record.

If the Update Original Source Code for Recipient Customers (F90) system control value is set to Y, the system writes the source code defined for the sold to customer to the Original source field for a recipient customer.

The system also writes the source code to the Current source code field in the Customer record for new and existing customers. The system updates this field each time the customer places a new order from a different source code.

Capturing Demand

If you override the source code for an item, the system updates demand for the new source code for this order line. Demand represents the dollar amount and number of orders.

A source code may default to this field automatically, based on the settings of the following system control values:

Load Source from Mailing History (D20)

Use Source Code from Order Header When Creating Order Lines (D73)

Default Offer Source Code to Order Detail Line (G28)

Update Source Code from Mail History (J94)

Source codes are defined in and validated against the Source Code file. See Marketing Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; required.

Exp ship date (Expected shipment date)

The date on which a purchase order that can fulfill the order line is expected. See Determining the Expected Ship Date for more information on how the system determines which purchase orders can fulfill the order line.

System calculated date? The system calculates the expected ship date for backordered items that are not on any open purchase orders if the Calculate Expected Date in OE if No PO (J61) system control value is set to Y. The calculation updates the order detail record by adding the FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71) system control value when you first add the item to the order, and again each time you run batch PO layering. See the Calculate Expected Date in OE if No PO (J61) system control value for a discussion.

If the Calculate Expected Date in OE if No PO (J61) system control value is set to N, the expected date is indicated only if:

• there are open (unreceived) purchase orders that can fulfill the order line. The system clears the expected receipt date once you receive the purchase order.

• inventory that can fulfill the order line is located in a pending putaway warehouse. The system clears the expected receipt date once you move the inventory from the pending putaway warehouse to the “final destination” warehouse. See Pending Putaway Overview.

If you receive purchase orders into suspense, run Batch Purchase Order Layering to update this field. Once you place the suspended stock, run Batch Purchase Order Layering again to clear this field. See Customer Service Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications.

Finished goods: This field is from the date entered on the work order header, and indicates when a finished good item created through the work order process will be ready for sale. See Warehousing Finished Good Work Order Processing (WWOR).


Drop ships: This date is included for drop ship items only if the Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) system control value is set to Y. See that system control value for more information.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

C/G (Coordinate group code)

A number that you can enter to force 2 or more items to ship together. The system does not print pick slips for these items until they are all available. You must use the same ship via for all items assigned to the same coordinate group.

The system assigns a coordinate group to items on a ship complete order (the Ship complete flag on the Order Properties screen is set to Y), based upon each item's arrival date if the Generate Coordinate Groups at Pick Gen for Ship Complete Orders (E10) field in the System Control file is set to Y. The system overrides any coordinate groups you assigned to items before you generated pick slips and assigns a new coordinate group based upon arrival date; each item with the same arrival date receives the same coordinate group code. See Fulfillment Reviewing Other Reservation Conditions.


Coordinate Group 999

This number is reserved for the accessory coordinate group. Coordinate group 999:

• Does not coordinate group items that are assigned to coordinate group number 999 on the same order together. Example: If an order contains an in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, an out of stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, and another in stock item that is not assigned to a coordinate group, the system will print a pick slip for the two items that are in stock instead of holding the item assigned to coordinate group 999 until the other item assigned to coordinate group 999 is available.

• Prints a pick slip for items assigned to coordinate group 999 only if there are other shippable items on the order. However, if the items assigned to coordinate group 999 are the only items on the order remaining to ship, the system will print a pick slip for the items. Example: If an order contains an in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, another in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, and an out of stock item that is not assigned to a coordinate group, the system will not print a pick slip for the in stock items until the out of stock item is available.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The shipping charge for this item. You can enter a freight override only if the current source code uses one of these line-level freight methods:

• Flat Rate by Item (FI)

• Flat Rate/Quantity (FQ)

• Flat Rate/Item Source (FS)

• Item (I)

• Weight (W)

This freight charge overrides the system- calculated freight charge for this item.

Freight Method Validation

If you enter a freight override here, the system checks the freight method for the Source and displays a message if you are not using a line-level freight method: Freight charge (xx.xx) cannot be overridden - order level freight method.

In response to this message, you must remove the freight override or change the source code on the order to one that uses a line-level freight method.

Source Code Override at Line Level

If you override the source code at the item level, make sure you update the offer code appropriately. Demand (the number and dollar amount of orders for this item) will be attributed to the source code/offer at the item level, if you perform an override.

This source code override is used only for historical updates and has no effect on how freight and prices are calculated.


Freight Exempt Items

The system checks the Item Freight Exemption file for freight exempt items when the Use Item Freight Exemption File (E73)system control value is set to Y. See Working with Freight Exempt Items (WFEI) for an overview and the required setup.

Alternate currency pricing

You can enter or review the freight amount in the alternate currency by pressing F10 if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

G/W (Gift wrap flag)

This value indicates whether this item will be gift wrapped.

Valid values are:

Y = Gift wrap item

N (default) = Do not gift wrap item

The Gift wrap field in the Item/Offer record determines whether the item is eligible for gift wrapping. If so, the G/W price (Gift wrap price) field contains the charge for gift wrapping, if any.

Items marked for gift wrapping are identified on the pick slip with the literal Gift Wrap, along with the gift wrapping charge.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

S/H code (Special handling code)

A code that represents some type of work to perform on the item, such as monogramming, alterations, engraving, etc. A code defaults here if it was specified for the item/SKU offer, or if you have already specified special handling for the item.

You can mark the item for special handling only if the item is eligible for it (Special handling = Y in the Item/Offer or SKU/Offer file).

If you press F4 here, only special handling codes are listed on the prompt screen. Special handling codes are defined in and validated against the Additional Charges file. See Customer Service Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC).

The special handling instructions screen opens if the item is flagged for special handling. At this screen, you can enter notes about how to work on the item. Also, depending on the special handling format and your authority, you may be able to enter or override a charge for this work. See Work with Special Handling Screen or the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen.

Note: You do not advance to a special handling screen if the special handling code is flagged to suppress the display of the screen, based on the setting of the Suppress S/H window field; however, any related handling charges will be added to the order.

The special handling instructions and special handling charge may print on the pick slip, depending on which pick slip print program you use.

Special handling validation

If you enter a special handling code, the system verifies that the Item or SKU Offer is flagged for special handling; otherwise, a message indicates: Special handling is not valid for this item in this offer.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

S/H charge

The charge to perform extra work on the item, such as alterations, engraving, or monogramming.

A charge defaults here if the item is set up for special handling in the Item or SKU Offer, and if a price has been defined for it, or if a special handling charge break applies. You can specify pricing for special handling at:

• the Item or SKU Offer (standard or custom special handling)

• the special handling format (custom special handling only)

• a special handling charge break


1. If special handling charge breaks are set up for the special handling code, the related charge break applies, as well as any feature option charges selected from a custom special handling format.

2. If there are no charge breaks for the additional charge code, but a price is specified for the item or SKU Offer, use that price.

3. Otherwise, if there are any feature option prices selected for a custom special handling format, apply those prices.

You can also enter a handling price here if you have the required authority and if a special handling charge break did not apply. See the Enter or Override Personalization Charge (A40) and Enter or Override S/H Price (B12) secured features, or see Special Handling Overview for a general discussion.


Unit or extended charge amount? If the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value is set to Y, this screen displays the total special handling price for the order line; otherwise, the screen displays the per-unit price.

Example: The customer orders 5 units for a total special handling charge of $50.00. If the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value is:

• set to Y, the special handling charge displayed is $50.00.

• set to N, the special handling charge displayed is $10.00.

This charge is added to the Handling total on the order.

Note: A rounding discrepancy may occur if the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value is set to Y and a charge break applies. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for a discussion.

Alternate currency pricing

You can enter or review the special handling charge in the alternate currency by pressing F10 if the order is associated with an alternate currency; see Using Alternate Currency Pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional or display-only.

Future order

This value indicates whether the system will reserve inventory for this item based on its arrival date. No items are reserved for “future orders” until a later date.

Valid values are:

Y = Item is a “future order” and inventory will not be reserved.

N = Item is a “current order” and inventory will be reserved.

Identifying Future Orders

The system subtracts the Reservation Lead Days (B27) value in the System Control file from the arrival date entered on the order or for an item. If this date is greater than today's date, the system will not reserve inventory for the order or item, because it is too soon.

Reserving for Current Orders

The Evaluate Future Orders program runs daily to determine whether future orders are eligible for reservation, based on the arrival date calculation. If so, the item detail line is identified as a “current order” and inventory will be reserved.

See the Arrival date field for more information about how the arrival date controls reservation and pick printing.

The system updates the Future order field automatically.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only, updated by the system.


The warehouse to ship this item from.

The warehouse you enter in this field overrides:

• the warehouse defined on the order header

• the warehouse defined in the warehouse list associated with the SCF of the order ship to

• the primary warehouse defined for the item in the Item file

See Working with Warehouse Lists (WWHL).

You can override the warehouse for an order line using the F6 option on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Warehouses are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file. See Warehousing Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Reserving against a non-allocatable warehouse: If the Reserve from Non-Allocatable Warehouse (J25) system control value is set to Y, the system allows you to reserve inventory against a non-allocatable warehouse. You can define a non-allocatable warehouse in the Retail warehouse field for the order type; any orders entered for this order type will default the non-allocatable warehouse to the Warehouse field on the order/order line to reserve against the non-allocatable warehouse. If the item is not in stock, the system will backorder the item against the non-allocatable warehouse.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

HDL (Home Delivery Service)

A code for the HDL warehouse that is part of the warehouse list associated with the SCF of the order ship to.

If more than one HDL is part of the warehouse list, the system assigns the HDL warehouse with the highest priority in the warehouse list to the order line.

An HDL warehouse represents a delivery service provider that provides “white glove” home delivery service. Instead of shipping products directly to the customer, the system sends the products to the HDL, who in turn, delivers the products to the customer. For example, you may wish to use a home delivery service for large items, such as furniture or appliances, that require someone to carry and set up the item in the customer’s home or business.

The system assigns an HDL to an order line if the Include HDL Warehouse Value on Order Detail (J54) system control value is set to Y.

See HDL (Home Delivery Service) Processing for more information.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Cancel date

The date the customer wants to cancel this item if it has not been shipped.

The system uses this calculation:


Cancel date

-Lead days (System Control file)

-Transfer days (Warehouse/Drop Point file)

-Lead days (SCF/Ship Via file)

Date to stop reserving stock


Any items that have not shipped before this date are included on the Order Cancellation List along with the customer's name and telephone number. Customer Service uses this report to contact each customer to see if they still want the item; otherwise, the item should be canceled.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY) optional.

Affect inv (Affect inventory?)

This value indicates whether the quantity available to sell (on-hand quantity) of the item will be reduced during order entry.

Valid values are:

Y (default for a regular item) = Inventory levels will be affected during order entry and when you ship the order. During order entry, reserved and open inventory will be increased and available inventory will be reduced; when you ship the order, on-hand inventory, pickable inventory, open inventory, reserved inventory and total inventory across all warehouses will be reduced.

N (default for a Non/inv (Non inventory) item) = Inventory levels will not be affected.

If this field is set to N, the system will not generate a pick slip for the item if all other items on the order are backordered; when one or more backordered items are available, the system will generate a pick slip for the non-inventory item as well as for the available item(s).

Drop ship items: You cannot change the Affect inventory flag to N for a drop ship item: Affect Inventory flag must be Y for Drop Ship Items.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Drop ship

This value indicates whether this item is a drop ship item, which is an item that you do not sell from your own inventory. Instead, drop ship items are ordered from and shipped from a vendor.

Drop ship items are not usually available for Reservation. Instead, special drop ship pick slips print for orders with drop ship items. You mail the drop ship pick slips to your vendor so the vendor can ship the items to your customers.

Additionally, drop ship items must be billed a special drop ship billing program. This is necessary because you have to wait for notification from the vendor that the drop ship items have shipped. At this point, you can charge the customer for the item.

You can define an item as drop ship using the Drop ship flag at the item level or SKU level.

Valid values are:

D = Item/SKU is a drop ship item.

blank = Item/SKU is a regular item.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


This value is used by the Evaluate Backorders program to match items to backorders or the Batch Reservation program to reserve inventory after Order Entry. A value defaults to this field if a priority was entered or defaulted into the Priority on the order header; and this field, in turn, defaults from the B/O priority (Backorder priority) field for the source code.

Immediate Reservation

If you use Immediate Reservation, this value determines the sequence in which orders with backordered items receive inventory. The Evaluate Backorders program uses the priority to determine which backordered items receive stock first.

Batch Reservation

If you use Batch Reservation, the priority determines the sequence in which orders will receive inventory. The orders with the highest priority receive inventory first.

Valid values include numbers in the range of 0-9, where:

0 = Lowest priority.

9 = Highest priority.

See Fulfillment Reviewing Reservation Types.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Bypass rsv (Bypass reservation)

This value indicates whether this item will be reserved during Order Entry if inventory is available. Otherwise, you must use Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV) to selectively reserve this item on each order that contains this item. Interactive Reservation is typically used for preferred customers or customers who buy in high volume.

Valid values are:

N (default) = Do not bypass reservation.

Y = Bypass reservation; use Interactive Reservation to reserve inventory for this item.

This value may default from the Item file if the item is set up to bypass reservation because it is available in a limited quantity or it is a limited edition.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


This field contains the page number and letter used to identify the item in the catalog, if using page/letter assignments in your catalogs instead of item numbers.

Page/letter codes are defined for an item in the Item/Offer file. See Merchandising Assigning Items/SKUs to Offers.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Cost override

An override to the base cost of the item, as defined in the SKU file. You can override the cost of an item when you place a special order from your vendor for the customer. The cost override ensures that your gross margin is accurate.

You cannot override the cost if you use FIFO costing. See Warehousing FIFO Costing Overview.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

G/W $ (Gift wrap charge)

The cost to gift wrap the item, if any. This value may default from the G/W price (Gift wrap price) field in the Item/Offer file.

A charge appears here only if the item is being gift wrapped (G/W = Y).

This is the per unit charge to gift wrap the item. This charge is multiplied by the quantity ordered. This value is added to the handling charge total on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Add'l frt (Additional freight)

The additional charge to ship this item, if one was defined for the shipper.

If, in the Ship Via file, the shipper is set up to use additional charges only, the charge entered here will be used. Otherwise, the additional charges will be added to the regular shipping charges, up to the maximum charge defined in the $Limit field in the Ship Via file.

For example, you may be charged an additional amount for overnight or express shipping. See Fulfillment Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.


Sales tax charged for the item, as calculated by the system. This is the extended tax amount; that is, the total tax for the entire quantity.

The total in the Tax bucket on the order may not equal the totals for each item if, for example the order is subject to tax on handling and/or freight, or due to rounding up or down to the nearest penny.

On orders subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing, any tax appears in the Hidden tax field. This amount is not included in the Tax bucket on the order totals.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 5-place decimal; display-only.

Hidden tax

The amount of any hidden tax attributed to the item. This field appears only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y, and a hidden tax amount appears only for orders and items subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing.

On orders using tax-inclusive pricing, you charge a different, higher price for an item than an orders subject to conventional tax. Also, any tax amount is not calculated in the standard way and included in the Tax bucket on the order; instead, a hidden tax amount is calculated based on the information you have defined for the customer's country or the item itself, and this amount is “hidden” on the order detail line; this tax is not visible to the customer. Unlike the item tax displayed in the Tax field, the hidden tax is a unit amount, not an extended amount; you must multiply the hidden tax amount by the item quantity to arrive at the extended hidden tax amount for the order line.

In tracking sales figures, such as in the Order Billing History file and on marketing reports, the system subtracts the hidden tax amount from the item price to determine sales dollars. For example, if the customer pays $10.00 for an item, but the hidden tax amount is $1.50, the system posts the sale as $8.50.


It is possible for the hidden tax for an item to exceed the price you charge the customer if you have defined hidden tax for the item as an amount rather than a percentage of the item price.

An item may be exempt from tax, hidden tax, or both based on exemptions defined for the order, customer, state, or item. See Customer Service Working with Customer Tax Status for more information on tax exemptions. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for more information on how the system determines how to apply tax or hidden tax to an order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

G/M (Gross profit margin)

The amount of the item's price that exceeds the cost of the item. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an item on an order based on the item's selling price, or to determine the profit of an entire order.

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls whether to display this field in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

G/M% (Gross profit margin percentage)

The percentage of the item's price that exceeds the cost of the item. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an item on the order based on the item's selling price, or to determine the profit of an entire order.

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls whether to display this field in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Quantity reserved

The number of units of the item reserved. This is the only Quantity field that is updated during Order Entry.

The system may reserve inventory from a single warehouse or over multiple warehouses, depending on the existence of a warehouse list for the SCF of the order ship to address and the setting of the Split Line Over Multiple Warehouses (B19) system control value.

Using Immediate Reservation

If using Immediate Reservation (A64), inventory is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis (FIFO) in the specified warehouse (at the order detail line level, the order level, or from the warehouse list for the item) as you add the item to the order.

Using Batch Reservation

If using Batch Reservation, no inventory is reserved until you run the Batch Reservation program, in which the system determines which orders receive inventory based on order date, reservation priority, etc.

The Batch Reservation program runs before the picks are printed when you select the Pick Slip Generation program.

Using Interactive Reservation

If using Interactive Reservation, no inventory is reserved until you run the Interactive Reservation program to selectively reserve inventory for preferred customers or customer who buy in high volume. Only the customers designated to bypass reservation (the Hold/bypass/fraud field for the customer = B) are eligible for Interactive Reservation.


Influences on Reservation

Reservation occurs only if:

• The order is not a future order -- the system- calculated date is less than or equal to today's date (see the Arrival date field).

• The Customer record does not contain a B in the Hold/Bypass/Fraud field; this field controls whether the customer is eligible for Immediate Reservation or Batch Reservation or limited to Interactive Reservation.

• The quantity ordered of the item is not greater than or equal to the value in the Reserve qty (Reserve quantity limit) field for the item

• The item is not frozen (Reservation freeze = N in Item Warehouse file)

• Reservations can be performed against the warehouse (Allocatable flag = Y for the warehouse)

When the item is reserved...

If the item is available in the specified quantity, the system reserves the inventory so that no other order can take it and increases the reserve quantity in the Item/Warehouse record in the designated warehouse.

When the item cannot be reserved...

If no quantity is available for the item, the Rsv field is not on the initial Order Entry screen and the quantity ordered is indicated in the Avl field as a negative number. The system backorders the item and updates the detail line with a backorder reason of No allocate.


When the item is partially reserved...

If the entire quantity ordered is not available for the item, the quantity that is available is reserved (and indicated in the Rsv field) and the quantity unavailable is backordered (and is a negative number in the Avl field). The system updates the detail line with a backorder reason of Not enough avail in whse.

The system updates the B/O field on the Select Item Relationships Window if there is not enough inventory available to reserve the entire quantity ordered on the order detail line and the Avl value is negative.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Quantity printed

The quantity of this item printed on pick slips.

This field is blank during Order Entry, but is updated after Pick Slip Generation.

You can review the quantity printed through Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Quantity shipped

The number of units of this item that have been shipped.

An item on an order is identified as “shipped” through the Confirmation program. Only items for which pick slips have been generated are eligible to be shipped.

This field is blank during Order Entry.

You can review the quantity shipped through Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Quantity returned

The number of units of this item on this order that have been returned. Only items that have been shipped can be returned.

This field is blank during Order Entry. You can review the quantity returned through Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Quantity canceled

The number of units of this item that have been canceled from this order through Order Maintenance.

This field is blank during Order Entry. You cancan review the quantity canceled through Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Quantity sold out

The number of units of this item on this order that have been identified as sold out.

Sell Out in Order Entry

You can identify an item as sold out during Order Entry if the item is unavailable and the customer wants to cancel the item from the order. Instead of simply deleting the item from the order and losing true demand, enter 13 next to the item to have an accurate count of the number of orders for this item. Based on this figure, you might increase the quantity ordered from your vendor.

You cannot sell out an item that has been reserved.

Sell Out Item Automatically

In the Item file, you can mark an item as a sold out item by entering a value in the S/O control field. Some items will sell out:

• Immediately

• Immediately, when the item is no longer available in the warehouse (on-hand = 0)

• Immediately, when the item is no longer available in the warehouse and you no longer have outstanding purchase orders for this item from your vendors (on-hand = 0 and on-order = 0).

You can specify the quantity of the item that you expect to receive in returns, and that you will use to fulfill backorders. The system checks the projected return field only if the item has a soldout control status of 2 (include on-order quantity on purchase orders); see Customer Service Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).

This field is updated during Order Entry if the item is sold out immediately; otherwise, the system updates this field when you use Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO).

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Reserved date

The date on which the system reserved the item on this order.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, updated by the system.

Printed date

The date on which the system printed pick slips for this item on this order.

This field is blank during Order Entry and is updated after Pick Slip Generation.

You can review this field through Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, updated by the system.

Shipped date

The date on which the item was confirmed for shipment.

This field is blank during Order Entry.

You can review this field through Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, updated by the system.

Returned date

The date on which a return was entered for the item on this order.

This field is blank during Order Entry.

You can review this field through Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, updated by the system.

Canceled date

The date on which a quantity ordered of this item was canceled through Order Maintenance.

This field is blank during Order Entry.

You can review this field through Order Maintenance or Order Inquiry.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, updated by the system.

Sold out date

The date on which the item was sold out on this order, either during Order Entry or automatically by the system.

The date can reflect the item entry date (if the item was sold out immediately during Order Entry) or a later date (if the item was sold out through Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO)).

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only, updated by the system.

Screen Option


Enter notes about how to perform extra work on the item, such as alterations, engraving, monogramming, etc.

Press F7 to advance to the Work with Special Handling Screen.

This option is not available if the additional charge code used for the special handling format is suppressed; see Special Handling Overview for a discussion.

Review the quantities available to sell of this item in all shippable warehouses

Press F8 to advance to the Item Availability Screen.

Enter or review the price, freight amount, and special handling charge in the alternate currency

Press F10 to advance to the Alternate Currency Override window if you use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y). At this window you can enter or review the price, freight amount, and special handling charge in the alternate currency.

An error message indicates if you press F10 and the order is not associated with an alternate currency (the offer associated with the source code on the order header is in the local currency): Alternate Currency Prompt not valid.

See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing

Review any special pricing promotions for the item in this offer

Press F14 to display the Display Quantity Pricing Window.

Review important information about the item

Press F17 to advance to the Work with Item Information Screen (Customer Service Template).

Enter messages about this item

Press F23 to advance to the Work with Order Line Messages Screen.

Display Open Purchase Orders Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review expected deliveries of this item from open purchase orders placed with your vendors.

This screen shows you the warehouse where the items will be stored and the quantity expected in each delivery.

This information can help you predict when you will receive this item if it is not currently available (on-hand) in your warehouses. Information is obtained from Entering Purchase Orders (MPOE) and Purchase Order Receipts.

Held purchase orders are not listed on this screen.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to the item at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen

POR0112 DISPLAY Display Open Purchase Orders 9/26/97 12:28:03

The Mail Order Company


Whs PO# Ln# Vendor# Name Qty Due Date

10 304 8 10001 NORTHWEST VENDOR 20 4/05/97

10 323 2 10004 EASTERN VENDOR 10 5/01/97

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code for a unit of inventory that you sell.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The style associated with the item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Description (Unlabeled field to the right of the Item/SKU fields)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Whs (Warehouse code)

The warehouse into which this item will be received, as defined during Purchase Order Entry or updated through Purchase Order Receiving.

Warehouses are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file; see Warehousing Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

PO #

The open purchase order on which this item was ordered. Held purchase orders are not listed.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Ln #

The line number on the purchase order on which this item was ordered.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The code for the supplier from whom you purchase products or services.

Vendors are defined in and validated against the Vendor file; see Merchandising Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The vendor's name.

Note: This field is blank if the Vendor Name Display (D41) field in the System Control file is set to N.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Qty due

The number of units of this item ordered that are not already used by backorders.

This value is updated through the P.O. Layering program. See Customer Service Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Date (Expected delivery date)

The date when the item is due to be received from the vendor. From purchase order entry, or calculated using the Lead days from the Vendor/Item record. The system clears the expected delivery date once you receive the purchase order.

If you receive purchase orders into suspense, run Batch Purchase Order Layering to update this field. Once you place the suspended stock, run Batch Purchase Order Layering again to clear this field. See Customer Service Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications.

This field is blank if the item has been reserved or if there are no outstanding purchase orders for this item.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Item Availability Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to determine how many units of the item you have available to sell in your shippable warehouses only. These numbers do not include quantities in warehouses where you store defective items, items being returned to the vendor, purchase orders that were docked but not yet received, or items in any warehouse set up to be non-viewable in Order Entry.

Note: This screen displays items in warehouses set up to be Viewable in O/E (Viewable in Order Entry). The Display Item Availability Screen (Reviewing Item Availability) displays items in warehouses for which the Allocatable flag is set to Y.

This information is useful because you can determine quickly where the item is available in the desired order quantity. The available quantity is the quantity of this item that is not reserved on other orders or backorders, or that is not protected or included in an autostock replenishment between warehouses.

Each time an item is reserved, the system reduces the quantity available and updates the quantity open by the quantity ordered.

Note: See Merchandise Locator and Store Fulfillment Process Overview (.NET) for information on searching for an item’s availability across warehouses and stores through integration with Locate.

How to display this screen: Enter 6 next to the item at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen.

OER0177 DISPLAY Item Availability 9/26/97 12:31:26

Item . . : VASE BRN Total avail 9 (all warehouses)


Whs Description Avail B/O Open PO


F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code for a unit of inventory that you sell.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The style of the item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Total avail

The quantity of the item that is available to sell in your shippable warehouses.

When using Immediate Reservation, the system limits the quantity available to the quantity of the item that is available to sell in the eligible warehouse(s) in order to represent the true availability of the item based on where the item may actually ship. See Determining Item Availability.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.


The warehouse in which the item is currently available to be sold.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The description of the warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Avail (Available)

The quantity of this item currently available to be sold in the warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

B/O (Backorder quantity)

The quantity of this item currently backordered in the warehouse. This means that the item was ordered on previous orders, but was not available for sale. Usually purchase orders are placed with your vendors for these backordered items.

A negative sign indicates that the item is backordered.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Open PO

The total quantity of this item in this particular warehouse that is due to be received on unreceived or partially received purchase orders.

Purchase Order Entry increases this value; Purchase Order Receiving decreases this value.

The value in this field enables you to estimate when the item will to be received.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Display Quantity Pricing Window

Purpose: Use this window to review any special pricing promotions for the item/offer.

Definition: You can establish quantity price breaks for the item, so that the customer can purchase the item for a lower price if ordering a sufficient quantity. Additionally, you can define a pricing column for a price break. Customers with this pricing column receive the special price automatically.

Setup: Quantity pricing specials are defined through Item/Offers; see Merchandising Assigning Items/SKUs to Offers. When you use this option, the system checks for a quantity pricing record in the file for the current offer. A message indicates if there is no quantity price break defined for the item in this offer: Item Offer not found.

In response, you can change the offer code for the item to one that is running a quantity price break special. Enter 2 next to the item to display the Quantity Pricing window.

You can assign a customer to a pricing column by entering a number in the Price column field in the Customer file. The customer automatically receive the price break for an item and pricing column, regardless of the quantity ordered.

For example, if the customer belongs to pricing column 02 and the price break record requires the customer to order a quantity of 10, the customer receives the discounted price when ordering any quantity of the item.

Receiving a quantity price break: This window lists each price breaks for an item. If the customer wants to increase the quantity ordered to receive the price break, press Enter the item, press Enter, then change the number in the Qty field. The system automatically reprices the item to reflect the quantity break price.

How to display this screen: Enter 7 next to an item at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen.

Display Quantity Pricing

Item: OILS



Effective Qty Price Assoc Col

2/25/97 1 18.00 .00 0





The code for a unit of inventory.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The style of the item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU).

Description (Unlabeled field below the Item/SKU fields)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The code for the catalog, newspaper, or space advertisement from which you accept orders.

Offers are defined in and validated against the Offer file. Use the Item/Offer file to identify which items are carried in the offer. Also, use the Item Prices file to define price breaks for the item in the offer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The description of the offer.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Effective (Effective date)

The starting date for the item price break in this offer.

This item quantity discount is available until the next effective date, if any.

This date is defined in the Effective date field in the Item Prices file.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Qty (Quantity)

The quantity of the item that must be purchased to receive the price break. Any SKU ordered for this item is counted towards this quantity.

This number is defined in the Quantity field in the Item Prices file.

If the quantity is 1, you are offering your customers an automatic discount if they purchase this item. If the quantity is greater than 1, your customers must purchase several units of the item (such as in different colors) to receive the price break.

Customers assigned to the pricing column defined here receive the quantity break price automatically regardless of the quantity ordered.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The selling price of the item for your regular customers who order the required quantity of the item or who belong to the appropriate pricing column.

Items eligible for the price break are repriced automatically and the system updates the pricing method field with *Quantity Break Price.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required, calculated by the system.


The selling price of the item for your associate customers (Associate = Y in the Customer file) who order the required quantity of the item or who belong to the appropriate pricing column.

Items eligible for the price break are repriced automatically and the system updates the pricing method field with *Quantity Break Price.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required, calculated by the system.

Col (Column number)

The pricing column eligible for this price break.

Customers belonging to this pricing column receive the quantity price break automatically, regardless of the quantity ordered.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Work with Special Handling Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define how to perform some type of extra work on an item by engraving, monogramming, altering it, etc. The item must be eligible for special handling (Special handling = Y for the Item or SKU Offer).

The special handling instructions and the charge for this work print on the pick slip if your pick slip printing program supports it.

How to display this screen: See Bypassing or Suppressing the Special Handling Screens for a discussion of when you advance to this screen automatically, and when you can display it on demand.

Standard or custom screen? There are different screens available where you can enter special handling information.

Standard special handling is a set of free-form instructions or notes about how to work on an item, including the charge for the special handling work. Standard special handling is entered on a free-format screen where you can enter any information necessary to explain what needs to be done to the item.

Note: Drop ship orders display standard special handling instructions only if you process the orders using drop ship pick slips; drop ship purchase orders, including drop ship purchase orders created through the CWCollaborate Interface, display only custom special handling instructions, not standard special handling instructions.

Custom special handling is a set of pre-formatted notes about how to work on an item, including charges for the custom special handling work. Custom special handling is entered on a screen which includes various fields that you need to complete to explain how to work on the item. Each activity is listed along with the valid responses.

You can work with the customer to define exactly what needs to be done to the item, using this screen as a guide to obtain complete and accurate information.

Special handling codes and formats: Special handling codes are defined in and validated against the Additional Charges file. In this file, you identify a code as a special handling code by entering S (standard format) or C (custom format) in the S/H type (Special handling type) field. If the code calls for a custom format, you must enter a custom format code in the S/H format (Special handling format) field. Custom special handling formats are defined in and validated against the Special Handling Format file; see Customer Service Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF).

When you set up a special handling code in the Additional Charges file, you also specify whether to advance to a special handling screen automatically, on-demand, or not at all in order entry when entering an item flagged for special handling in the Item or SKU Offer.

You can also specify special handling charge breaks to charge based on the total quantity on the order that uses the same special handling code. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for a discussion.

Special handling restrictions: You can restrict the type of special handling an item can receive based on item class. For example, you might want to restrict personalizing a t-shirt with an emblem if the process used to attach the emblem damages the t-shirt. A message indicates when you enter an additional charge code assigned to a restricted item class:


Additional charge code (EM) cannot be used with this item class (RST).


See Merchandising Working with Item Classes (WICL) for more information on how to restrict special handling by item class.

Copying special handling for set items: If the Copy Set Master Special Handling to Set Components (J39) system control value is set to Y, then the system copies special handling instructions entered for the set master item to each component item that is flagged for the same type of special handling, and the system does not prompt you to enter special handling instructions for the components. If this system control value is set to N, then you need to enter and apply special handling separately for each component item. See that system control value for a complete discussion.

For more information: See Special Handling Overview for information on how the system applies special handling charges based on your setup.

OER0303 CHANGE Work with Special Handling 8/07/97 12:39:13

Enter The Mail Order Company

Order # . . . . . : 1040 - 1 Line#: 1

Sold To . . . . . :

Ship To . . . . . :

Item . . . . . . . : PR24567 YELW SMLL

Special Handling . : MO MONOGRAMMING


Charge . . . . . . . 1.00

Handling Information



F3=Exit F8=Add/Change F11=Delete S/H F12=Cancel



Order #

A number to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Ship-to # (unlabeled field to the right of the order number)

A number to identify the shipping address on this order. The system assigns a sequential ship-to number to every order, even if the shipping address and the sold-to address are the same. The first ship-to address is assigned the number 1.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Line #

The line number of the item on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Sold To (Sold-to customer name)

The customer's last name, first name and initial, or the name of the company placing the order.

Alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.

Ship To (Ship-to customer name)

The last name, first name and initial of the customer you are shipping the order to.

Alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.


The code for the item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU (Unlabeled field to the right of the item number)

The style of the item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Special handling

The special handling code that identifies the type of work to be performed on the item.

Special handling codes are defined in and validated against the Additional Charges file. See Special Handling Overview for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description (Unlabeled field to the right of the special handling code)

The description of the special handling code.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Item description (unlabeled field below Special handling field)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The charge for performing the extra work on the item. This charge is added to the Hnd (Handling) total on the order.

Your entry here overrides the S/H charge defined for the item or SKU offer, if any.

Leave this field blank if you are not charging the customer for this work.

Evaluate special handling by order line? If the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) field in the System Control file is set to Y, the special handling charge is added to the order once per line no matter what the unit quantity. If this field is set to N, the charge is multiplied by the unit quantity; however, the per-unit charge amount is always displayed on this screen regardless of the setting of this system control value.

Special handling charge break? If you have set up special handling charge breaks for the additional charge code, the per-unit charge amount (based on the number of qualifying units that are currently on the order) is displayed here and cannot be changed. See Using Special Handling Charge Breaks for background.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional or display-only.

Handling information

Use this area of the screen to enter notes about how to work on the item. This information prints on the pick slip.

You can use as much room as necessary to enter special handling instructions, but remember that this information prints on the pick slip so space is limited there.

If you press Enter at this screen without entering any information, the system still applies the special handling charge to the order.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions each line; optional.

Screen Option


Update the special handling instructions

Press F8.

Remove the special handling from the item

Press F11 then press Enter at the delete- confirmation prompt.

Accept your entries, and add/retain the special handling charge

Press Enter.

Work with Custom Special Handling Screen

How to display this screen: See Bypassing or Suppressing the Special Handling Screens for a discussion of when you advance to this screen automatically, and when you can display it on demand. Also, see the Work with Special Handling Screen for a discussion of the standard and custom special handling, and see Special Handling Overview for background.

OER0990 CHANGE Work with Custom Special Handling 8/07/97 14:24:49

Enter The Mail Order Company

Order # . . . : 1255 - 1 Item: JACKET BLCK

Line#: . . . . . . : 1 HEAVY FLEECE JACKET

Special handling: EM EMBLEM

1 2 3 4


Label Input Charge

COMPANY Paws and Claws

SHAPE 918b 5.00

oval shape

SIZE 4981

medium emblem



TEXT (10) Sara 2.00


F9=Accept F11=Delete all


The customer is ordering a company emblem to be placed on a jacket.

During Order Entry, the custom special handling format screen opens:

• automatically if the item is set up with a custom special handling code (in the SKU/Offer or Item/Offer file), or

• if you enter a custom special handling code for the item during Order Entry.

You can use the custom special handling screen to help the customer define exactly how the item will be handled. The screen presents you with the options that can be performed on the item: in this case, emblem personalization. Each option is labeled and contains an input field where you enter the details the customer requests. Details for an input field can be defined as:

• a list of valid responses

• default text

• free-form style

You can use all three forms for a single item.

Valid responses: Valid responses are used when you want to limit the choices a customer can make on an item. You can display a list of the valid responses for an input field by pressing F4. The Select Special Format Response screen opens. This screen lists each valid response along with the response description. Response descriptions display only if the Display Special Format Response Descriptions in Order Entry (E90) system control value is set to Y. Response descriptions are helpful if you use codes to identify each valid response.

For example, the valid responses and response descriptions for the label Size are:

• 4786 (small)

• 4981 (medium)

• 5012 (large)

The customer must choose from this list; invalid responses generate the message:


Value entered is not a valid response.


Notice also on the custom screen the valid response 4981 and its description medium emblem listed for the Size label. Not all valid response fields have a default; you can set up default responses when one response is especially popular. To override the size, enter the valid size the customer requests.

Default text: Default text is text selected from the Customer Sold To file that defaults onto an input field when you enter the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen. On the custom screen the default text Company was used.

You can confirm the default text with the customer and override it if necessary. For example, the default text for the customer's name includes the first name, middle initial and last name. If the customer requests his or her full middle name to display, you can override the middle initial and enter out the full name.

Free-form: You use the free-form style when no valid responses or default text have been defined for the input field. The free-form style is often used for more creative detail. For example, on the custom screen, the label Text allows any text to be used.

Maximum characters: In some instances, an input field has been defined with a maximum amount of characters that can be used. For example, on the custom screen, the label Text displays the number 10. This stands for the maximum number of characters that can be used for any other information you wish to print on the emblem, for example, first name.

The Include Spaces in Special Handling Edit for Maximum Characters (F80) system control value controls whether the system includes spaces in the number of characters of text used. For example, if this system control value is set to Y, and the operator enters Julie Marie in the Text field, the system considers this name to be 11 characters. If this system control value is set to N or blank, the system considers the name Julie Marie to be 10 characters.

If more characters are entered than are allowed, a message indicates:


Exceeds Maximum Characters Allowed.


A ruler above the input fields helps you count the number of spaces used in an input field when there are length restrictions.

Optional charges: In some instances, a charge is associated with an option. For example, on the custom screen, the option Text has a charge of $2.00. If the customer requests additional text to print on the emblem, he or she will be charged $2.00 in addition to the regular cost of the special handling. The system charges the customer for any feature options in which you have entered a valid value. Leave a feature option field blank to avoid adding the related charge to the order.

Screen differences: Although they appear similar, the actual screen displayed can vary depending on the setting of the Enter Custom Special Handling in Upper and Lower Case (D65) and Display Special Format Response Descriptions in Order Entry (E90) system control values.

Completing the screen: To complete this screen, ask the customer what he or she would like for each detail line. If valid responses have been defined for an input field, list the options the customer can choose from. Confirm with the customer any text that defaults automatically in an input field and change it if necessary. Make sure the customer is aware of any optional charges that are associated with an option he or she requests.



Order #

The number used to identify an order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship to # (Unlabeled field to the right of the order number)

The number used to identify the shipping address on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Line #

The line number of the item on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The code to identify a unit of inventory that you sell.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description (Unlabeled field below Item code)

The item description.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only


A code to identify the style of the item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Special handling

The special handling code. See Special Handling Overview for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.


The description of the special handling code.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

S/H price

The price you are charging the customer for the special handling. This field displays only if you have specified a S/H price (Special handling price) for the item or SKU Offer. This price defaults, but you can override it if you have authority based on the Enter or Override S/H Price (B12) secured feature. Otherwise, no S/H price is displayed here if:

from special handling format? if there is no S/H price (Special handling price) for the item/SKU Offer, but there is aCharge set up for a feature option for the special handling format, that charge is displayed below instead.

from special handling charge breaks? If the additional charge code associated with the special handling format has charge breaks set up through the Work with S/H Charge Breaks Screen, the related charge overrides the S/H price from the Item or SKU, and is applied in addition to any charge from the special handling format. However, the charge from the Work with S/H Charge Breaks Screen is not displayed at this screen.

If the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value is set to N, the charge for the special handling is multiplied by the number of units ordered; otherwise, it is added just once for each order line associated with custom special handling. See that system control value for a discussion.

The charge is added to the Hnd (Handling) bucket of the order totals.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional or display-only.

Space guide

A ruler displayed to assist operators in counting the number of spaces used on a detail line when there are line length restrictions. For example, you might limit engraving initials to three characters. The maximum number of characters you can allow on a detail line is 45.

Numeric, 45 positions; display-only.


The description of a special handling option defined for this custom special handling format.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.


An entry field for you to enter the response to each special handling option available in the custom special handling format.

Press F4 at the Input field to display a list of valid responses and response descriptions. When using default text, the text defaults automatically from the customer sold-to file, allowing you to skip over those detail lines. If you need to, you can change the information displayed in the default text detail lines.

A message indicates if you do not enter a value in a required field:


Required field - a valid value must be entered.


A message indicates if you have defined valid values for a field in the Special Handling Format file and you enter an invalid response:


Value entered is not a valid response.


Note: You can enter upper and lower case text in an input field if the Enter Custom Special Handling in Upper and Lower Case (D65) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 45 positions; may be required.


The charge associated with an option in the custom special handling format. Only fields defined as feature options can carry a separate charge. Included only if you have not specified a S/H price (Special handling price) for the item or SKU offer, or if a special handling charge break applies; otherwise, the special handling price for the offer defaults to the S/H price field instead.

The charge defaults from the custom special handling format; however, you can add or remove a charge if you have authority based on the Enter or Override Personalization Charge (A40) secured feature; otherwise, the system displays an error message.

Special handling charge break? If the additional charge code associated with the special handling format has charge breaks set up through the Work with S/H Charge Breaks Screen, this charge also applies, although it is not displayed at this screen.

If the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value is set to N, the charge for the special handling is multiplied by the number of units ordered; otherwise, it is added just once for each order line associated with custom special handling.

The charge is added to the Hnd (Handling) bucket of the order totals.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Accept the special handling information for the item being ordered

Press F9.

Remove the special handling information associated with the item being ordered

Press F11.

Work with Item Information Screen (Customer Service Template)

Purpose: Use this screen to find out more product information about an item or SKU, such as the item/SKU's warranty and special features.

The first two lines of item information display automatically in the place of the order entry detail line options. Press Enter to clear this information from the screen.

How to display this screen: Enter 11 next to an item/SKU on the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen.

INR1112 DISPLAY Work With Item Information 9/26/97 11:42:01

Company #1

Item : JUICER SKU : XS Template : CS Customer service







F3=Exit F8=Product Comments F12=Cancel

A blank screen indicates that no item information was entered for the item or that the item is not assigned to an item class.

About item information: Item information can provide answers to commonly asked questions about an item or SKU and can contain information about the item such as the item's warranty, item care, washing instructions, fabric content, comparable items and accessories.

Item class: The first step to set up item information is to define item class codes to classify your items. See Merchandising Working with Item Classes (WICL).

Item information templates: The next step is to create templates for item information for this item class. You can create a different template for your Customer Service, Purchasing, Reporting and Quality Control departments. This enables you to enter information about the item that is directly relevant to each department. See Merchandising Entering Additional Item Information.

Categories for item information: Once you set up the templates, you can define the types of information you want to enter for this type of item. For example, if the item class is window treatments, you might want to enter installation, care and warranty information. You can also identify the number of lines available for each type of information. See Merchandising Working with Item Category Codes (WITG).

Assign item class to item: Next, assign the item to an item class by entering the item class code in the Class field in Work with Item/SKUs (fast path = MITM). See Merchandising Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Enter Information: Finally, enter 11 next to the item or SKU in Work with Item/SKUs. Select the type of item information template you want to use and enter information for this item. This information is on the item information screen.




The item whose product information you are reviewing.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The SKU whose product information you are reviewing. This field is included only is you entered 11 next to a SKUed item.

Alphanumeric, one 14 position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.


A code that identifies the type of item information currently displaying on the screen.

From order entry, the item information entered for Customer Service displays.

Five types of item information are available:

CS: Customer Service

PC: Product Comments

PO: Purchasing

QC: Quality Control

RP: Reporting

Several different templates for order information are available because each department needs different information about the item. For example, your Customer Service staff needs to be able to answer questions about the item, whereas your purchasing staff needs to know information about ordering the item or its quality.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.


The description of the template.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Headings (Fields on the left side of the screen)

Various categories of item information, such as installation, care and warranty.

The headings are defined in the Item Class file, which also defines the number of item information lines available for each heading. For example, these headings might be used for mini-blinds, which belong to the item class called window treatments:

Installation: 4 lines are available for item information

Care: 2 lines are available for item information

Warranty: 2 lines are available for item information

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Item information

Item information related to the heading on the left side of the screen. You can enter item information in Work with Item/SKUs.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions each line, display-only.

Screen Option


Toggle between Customer Service notes and Product Comment notes

Press F8. The system advances you to the CS customer service template or the PC product comment template. See Work with Item Information Screen (Product Comments Template).

Work with Item Information Screen (Product Comments Template)

Purpose: Use this screen to enter comments you have received from a customer about the product.

For example, if a customer buys a pillow and the stitching comes loose on one of the sides, you can enter the customer's comments here in order to improve the product for future orders.

How to display this screen: Press F8 on the Work with Item Information Screen (Customer Service Template) for the customer service template to advance to the Work with Item Information screen for the product comments template.

Pressing F8 works as a toggle between the customer service and product comments templates.

INR1112 DISPLAY Work With Item Information 12/04/97 16:01:29

The KL Mail Order Company

Item : JUICER Template : PC Product comments

PRODUCT PRAISE Many customers have reordered this item - this

item is becoming a big seller.

PRODUCT IMPROVEMENTS Juicer attachment leaks.

F3=Exit F8=Customer Service Notes F12=Cancel

If you do not have access to the Allow Access to Product Comment in Order Entry and Order Maintenance (A85) secured feature, an error message indicates when you press F8 to advance to the Work with Item Information screen for the product comments template:


You are not authorized to Product Comments.


See Work with Item Information Screen (Customer Service Template) for a description of the fields on this screen.

This screen is display-only if the Allow Product Comment Item Information Maintenance (A74) secured feature is set to *EXCLUDE.

Display Coordinate Items Window

Purpose: Use this window to review the coordinate items associated with a primary item on the order for cross-selling purposes.

Display sequence: This window lists item coordinates in coordinate sequence number order (lowest to highest).

• Coordinate items that are not assigned a sequence number display first.

• If more than one coordinate type has the same sequence number, the window displays item coordinates alphanumerically by coordinate type.

• If more than one item coordinate is assigned to a coordinate type, the window displays item coordinates alphanumerically by item number.

Assigning coordinates to an item: You can assign coordinate items to an item:

• at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen in the Work with Item/SKUs (MITM) menu option.

• at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen in the Work with Coordinates by Offer (WCIO) menu option.

See Working with Item Coordinates for an overview and additional setup.

To cross-sell coordinates: When you enter an order for an item that is associated with any item coordinates:

• If the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is set to Y, the Display Coordinate Items window opens automatically when you add an item associated with coordinate items to an order.

• If the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is set to N or blank, a coordinate message indicates when you add an item associated with coordinate items to an order: Coordinate items exist for base item entered. You must enter 14 next to the primary item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items window.

The system will cross-sell coordinates even if the primary item is soldout, on backorder, is a drop ship item, non-inventory item, set master item, or continuity master item. Additionally, the system will cross-sell coordinates that are a drop ship item, non-inventory item, set master item, or continuity master item.

When the system does not cross-sell coordinates: The system does not cross-sell coordinates for the primary item (by displaying the coordinate message or automatically advancing to the Display Coordinate Items window) if:

• The Upsell windows field for the order type on the order is set to N (neither). In this case, the Display Coordinate Items window does not open automatically; instead, an error message indicates: Coordinate items exist for base item entered. You must enter 14 next to the primary item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window.

• All coordinate items are backordered or soldout and the Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value is set to N. Note: The system will cross-sell coordinates that are a drop ship item, non-inventory item, set master item, or continuity master item, regardless of the setting of the Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value.

• None of the coordinate items are included in the same offer as the primary item.

• The primary item is added to the order:

• as a result of a promotion; however, the system will cross-sell coordinates if the primary item is the item that prompts the promotion.

• as a result of an upsell; however, the system will cross-sell coordinates if the primary item is the item being upsold.

• as a coordinate item of another primary item.

• as an accompanying item; however, the system will cross-sell coordinates if the primary item is the item that prompts the accompanying item.

• as a component of a set item.

• You add the primary item to the order in order maintenance.

You can still enter 14 next to the primary item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window; however, if all of the coordinates are on backorder or soldout or are not included in the same offer as the primary item, there are no coordinates available to select.

How to display this screen:

• Enter 14 next to the primary item at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen. If the item you select is not linked to any coordinate items, a message indicates: Coordinate items do not exist for base item.

• Enter Y in the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value and add an item associated with coordinate items to the order; the window opens automatically.

Display Coordinate Items

Primary item . : 2H05SKU1 ROPE HAMMOCK

Offer . . . . : 204

Opt Qty Coordinate Description Price Avail Page# Ty

Type options, press Enter.

1=Display SKUs 6=Avail 7=Pricing 8=POs 11=Info


Metal free-standing hammock stand.


Standard hanging hammock kit. Attaches to trees or wooden beams.


Cotton filled hammock pillow fits standard sized hammock.


Fleece blanket fits standard sized hammock.




Primary item

The primary item to which the coordinate items are linked. If the Display Item Alias (D56) system control value is set to Y, the alias displays here instead of the actual item code.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

The description of the item is to the right.

Item code: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The offer associated with the primary item. Only coordinate items that are included in this offer are listed.

Offer codes are defined in and validated against the Offer file.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Qty (Quantity)

Enter the quantity of the coordinate item to add to the order and press Enter. This field is enterable only if the item does not have SKUs. To add a SKUed item to the order, you must first enter 1 next to the item to advance to the Select Coordinate Items Window.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional (non-SKUed items only).


The item that is linked to the primary item for cross-selling purposes. Enter a full or partial item code to display coordinates in alphanumeric order beginning with your entry.

Which coordinates are listed?

Base items only: only non-SKUed items and base items of SKUed items are listed at this window. To review SKUs, enter 1 next to the base item; you advance to the Select Coordinate Items Window.

Backordered items: Backordered items are included only if the Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value is set to Y or is blank; also, soldout items are always included if there is stock on-hand but they were sold out with a soldout control value of Sellout immediately.

Same offer: Only coordinate items that are in the same offer as the primary item are listed.

Non-inventory: Non-inventory items are always listed.

Alias: The alias displays if the Display Item Alias (D56) system control value is set to Y; however, scanning is by actual item code only.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The description of the coordinate item. The first 25 positions are included.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


The unit price of the coordinate item. The system determines pricing for the coordinate item in the same way as other items.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Avail (Available)

The quantity of the coordinate item available for sale. A negative number indicates that the item is backordered.

When using Immediate Reservation, the system limits the quantity available to the quantity of the item that is available to sell in the eligible warehouse(s) in order to represent the true availability of the item based on where the item may actually ship. See Item Availability Calculation to review the calculation the system uses to determine item availability.

This field is blank for SKUed items.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The page number of the offer where the coordinate item appears; from the Item Offer record.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Ty (type)

A code representing a type of item coordinate, such as mandatory or optional. The type also controls the sequence in which coordinate items are listed on this window. For example, coordinate items assigned to type S (strongly recommended) should be listed before coordinate items assigned to type O (optional accessory).

Coordinate type codes are defined in and validated against the Item Coordinate Type file; see Working with Item Coordinate Types (WICT).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Message (Unlabeled field below the coordinate)

A persuasive or descriptive message about the item coordinate.

Alphanumeric, 70 positions; display-only.

If no coordinates are displayed: You can still advance to this window, but no coordinates are listed if:

• they are all currently backordered, and the Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value is set to N, or

• none of the coordinates are in the same offer as the primary item (that is, the offer on the order detail line for the item).

Screen Option


Display or select SKUs for a SKUed item

Enter 1 next to the coordinate to advance to the Select Coordinate Items Window.

Add a coordinate to the order

Enter the desired quantity in the Quantity field next to the coordinate and press Enter. A message indicates that the coordinate has been added to the order. You can then press F12 to exit the pop-up window.

Review item availability information

Enter 6 next to a non-SKUed item to advance to the Item Availability Screen.

See Select Coordinate Items Window on reviewing item availability for a SKUed item.

Review pricing information

Enter 7 next to a non-SKUed item to advance to the Display Quantity Pricing Window.

See Select Coordinate Items Window on reviewing pricing information for a SKUed item.

Review pending purchase orders

Enter 8 next to a non-SKUed item to advance to the Display Open Purchase Orders Screen.

See Select Coordinate Items Window on reviewing pending purchase orders for a SKUed item.

Review item information

Enter 11 next to a non-SKUed to advance to the Work with Item Information Screen (Customer Service Template).

See Select Coordinate Items Window on reviewing item information for a SKUed item.

Select Coordinate Items Window

Purpose: Use this window to review information on the SKUs of a coordinate item, or to add one or more SKUs to the current order.

About SKU filtering: The SKU Element for Order Entry Filtering (F40) system control value controls which SKUs to include initially at this pop-up window.

Normally, you would set this system control value to restrict the SKUs to display when you initially advance to this window to the ones you think the customer will be most interested in purchasing. For example, if the customer orders a blazer in size 10, you might wish to filter the display to size 10 SKUs of the pants and skirt only. If you use SKU element 2 for size, you would then set the system control value to 2.

If using full (non-split) SKUs: If your company uses a full 14-position SKU, you would set this system control value to 1; this setting would cause the system to display only those SKUs that most closely match the ordered item's full SKU.

You can toggle back and forth between filtering SKUs and displaying all SKUs by pressing F8. A message indicating whether SKU filtering is currently on or off is on the right of the screen next to the options.

How to display this screen: Enter 1 next to a SKUed coordinate at the Display Coordinate Items Window.

Select Coordinate Items

Primary item . : B5000 BLAZER

Coordinate . . : B5100 SHIRT

Offer . . . . : S98

Collarless button-down shirt in a light cotton/poly blend

Opt Qty CLR SIZE WDTH Price Avail Exp Dt Exp Qty

Type option or quantity, press Enter

6=Avail 7=Pricing 8=POs 11=Info SKU Filtering is OFF

BLK 28 25.00 48 6/30/95 48

BLK 30 25.00 36 6/30/95 36

BLK 32 25.00 24 6/30/95 24

BLK 34 25.00 48 6/30/95 48

BLK 36 25.00 36 6/30/95 36

BLK 38 25.00 48 6/30/95 48

BLK 40 25.00 24 6/30/95 24 +

F2=Options on/off F8=Toggle all SKUs/Order line match only F12=Cancel




The item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size. If the Display SKU Description in place of SKU Element (F25) system control value is set to Y, the SKU description displays here instead.

Scanning on the SKU is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields (split SKU) or one 14-position field (full SKU); optional.

Exp dt (Expected delivery date)

The date when the SKU is due to be received from the vendor. See Determining the Expected Ship Date for more information on how the system determines which purchase orders can fulfill the SKU.

This field is blank if there are no outstanding purchase orders for this SKU.

This date is included for drop ship items only if the Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) system control value is set to Y. See that system control value for more information.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Exp qty (Next expected qty)

The quantity of this SKU expected on the next purchase order that can fulfill the current order, taking into account SKUs already promised to backorders on earlier purchase orders.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only

Screen Option


Add a coordinate SKU to the order

Enter the desired quantity in the Quantity field next to the coordinate SKU and press Enter. You return to the Display Coordinate Items pop-up window, where a message indicates that the coordinate has been added to the order.

Review item availability information

Press F2 to add the Option field, then enter 6 next to the SKU to advance to the Item Availability Screen.

Review pricing information

Press F2 to add the Option field, then enter 7 next to the SKU to advance to the Display Quantity Pricing Window.

Review pending purchase orders

Press F2 to add the Option field, then enter 8 next to the SKU to advance to the Display Open Purchase Orders Screen.

Review item information

Press F2 to add the Option field, then enter 11 next to the SKU to advance to the Work with Item Information Screen (Customer Service Template).

Display or hide the Option fields on the left side of the screen

Press F2.

Switch between SKU filtering or displaying all SKUs

Press F8.

Work with Order Line Messages Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter a note about the item. This message may be informational only, or you can print it on the pick slip and/or invoice if your print program supports it.

Things to note:

• The messages you enter on this screen are for the current item only. See the Work with Order Messages Screen for messages you enter at the order level.

• There are an unlimited amount of fields for you to enter messages about the item on the order, but remember that space is limited if you are printing these messages on the pick slip or invoice.

• Each message line contains an option to print the message. Leave the Print field blank if the message is informational only.

• In addition to entering messages in order entry, you can also receive them through the e-commerce interface as part of a new order.

Default messages: Default messages are standard order or gift messages that you enter on orders on a regular basis. Instead of requiring users to retype a standard message on each eligible order, you can have the user select the message from a list of standard messages to default to the order, allowing you to avoid typographical errors that can occur when the message is manually added to the order. When a user selects a default message to add to an order, the message text defined for the default message defaults to the Message field and the print code defined for the default message defaults to the Print field; however, the user can still override the default message text and the print code or add to the default message text. For example, if a user selects to default Happy Birthday!, the user may wish to modify the message line to read Happy Birthday, Mom! Love, Alex and Beth.

To add a default message: Use the following steps to add a default message to the Work with Order Line Messages screen.

1. At the Work with Order Line Messages screen, press F4 in a blank Message field to advance to the Select Default Message Text Screen.

2. At the Select Default Message Text Screen, review and select a default message. When you select a default message, the system returns you to the Work with Order Line Messages screen and:

• defaults the value in the Default text field for the default message to the Messages field.

• defaults the value in the Print code field for the default message to the Print field.

3. Optionally, update the Messages field and/or Print field for the message line.

See Working with Default Messages (WMSG) for more information on default messages.

Selecting this option: Enter 23 next to an item at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Detail Screen.

OER0193 CHANGE Work with Order Line Messages 9/24/97 9:00:28

Enter The Mail Order Company

Order # . . . : 1059 - 1 Line# : 1

Sold To . . . : LETENDRE, JEFF R

Ship To . . . : LETENDRE, LINDA J

Item . . . . : VASE BRN


Messages P User Date

Happy Birthday, Mom! P KAREN_ 4/08/97

F3=Exit F8=Add/Change F12=Cancel

Note: The system writes an order message line if:

• there is a duty charge for the item: 001.00% - Duty Used. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for more information on how the system calculates duty for the ship-to customer's country.

• this is the Pre Billed Amount Item (J72), added to the order because the customer orders a pre-billable item. In this case, a message such as Lin#1:(GYM_PREBILL) prebilled at 50.00 % for $ 300.00 indicates the pre-bill percentage and the item unit price before applying any discounts or repricing.



Order #

A number to identify the order.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Sold To (Sold-to customer name)

The last name, first name and initial of the customer or the name of the company that is placing the order.

Alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.

Ship To (Ship-to customer name)

The last name, first name and initial of the customer or the name of the company that you are shipping the order to.

Alphanumeric, 41 positions; display-only.


The code for a unit of inventory that you sell.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The style of the item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Description (unlabeled field below Item field)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


Use this area of the screen to enter notes about the item.

You can print any of these messages by entering a print code in the Print field. You can also enter informational messages that do not print anywhere.

Each message line is treated as a separate message on the system. Therefore, you can select different printing options for each message line.

Press F4in a blank Message field to advance to the Select Default Message Text Screen, where you can review and select a default message to default message text and its associated print code to the Message field and Print field.

An error message similar to the following indicates if you press F4 in a Message field that already contains a message: Message must be cleared before the new text can be defaulted.

Default messages are defined in and validated against the Default Message file.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions each line.


A code that controls whether the message prints.

Valid values are:

B = Print on invoice and pick slip

I = Print on invoice only

P = Print on pick slip only

Leave this field blank if the message is informational and does not need to be printed.

Note: When you select a default message for the Message field, its associated print code defaults to the Print field.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The user ID of the person who entered the message. The user is E-COMM for orders you receive through the e-commerce interface or the Inbound Order Message.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; display-only, updated by the system.


The date when the message was entered.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Screen Option


Default message text to the Message field

Press F4 to advance to the Select Default Message Text Screen.

Change a message or print option

Press F8.

Select Item Relationships Window

Purpose: Use this screen to find all items that belong to the same category of items (such as computers) and are compatible with each other (such as IBM products). Also, you can narrow down your search further by entering a price range. Only those items that meet these requirements are listed on the Item Relationship screen.

Once the Item Relationship screen appears, you can review the item's current availability, special item pricing promotions, and expected deliveries. Also, you can obtain additional information about the item.

You would use this option primarily if the customer is interested in finding out more about other items that you sell that may be compatible to or substituted for an item the customer is buying. From here, you can select items from this screen and add them directly to the order.

You can assign an item category and compatibility code to an item in the SKU file. Item categories are defined in and validated against the Item Categories file. You can enter any code in the Compatibility field.

For example, you might assign an item category code of HD (“Computer Hardware”) and a compatibility code of 01 (“IBM-compatible”) to these items: a CPU, a monitor, a modem, and a printer. In this way, item categories provide an easy way to find similar items or a different item that the customer can buy if the original item is not available.

How to display this screen: Press F14 at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order).

Select Item Relationships

Category . . . . CL

Compatibility . 2

Price range . . 30.00 to 45.00





A high-level classification code for a group of items. This may represent a product group or merchandise class, such as “Computer Hardware.”

Item category codes are defined in and validated against the Item Categories file.

Enter an item category code in the Itm category field in the SKU file to assign an item to a category.

You can run inventory reports based on item category.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required.


A user-defined code to further classify items within an item category. Compatible items should be assigned the same compatibility code, such as, “IBM-Compatible.”

Enter a code in the Compatibility field of the SKU file to assign a compatibility code to the item; the system does not validate this value.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Price range

The price range of the compatible items. Only items that are priced in this range and belong to the specified category and compatibility are listed.

Leave the Price range fields blank to obtain a list of all compatible items, regardless of selling price.

Numeric, 8 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Display Item Relationship Window

How to display this screen: Enter an item category code, a compatibility code, and optionally, a price range at the Select Item Relationships Window. This screen lists all the items that match your entries.

INR0620 DISPLAY Display Item Relationship 9/18/97 10:53:33

Category: CLOTHING

Compatibility: 1

Opt Qty Item WDTH LNTH COLR Avail

Type options, press Enter.

1=Select 6=Avail 7=Pricing 8=Open POs 11=Info

S-106 PBLU 008 100


S-106 PINK 008 250


S-106 WHT 008 30




T106 PINK LRG 200


F3=Exit F12=Cancel




A high-level classification code for a group of items. This may represent a product group or merchandise class, such as “Computer Hardware.”

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required.


A user-defined code to further classify items within an item category.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


Enter the number of units of this item the customer wants to order.

The system will add a detail line to the order for this item.

Numeric, 5 positions; required when selecting the item.


The code for a unit of inventory that you sell.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


A code for the style of the item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display- only.

Avail (Quantity available)

The number of units of the item available to sell.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.


Added to order indicates that you selected an item from this screen for the order.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; display-only.

Description (unlabeled field below Item field)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Select an item for the order

Enter 1 next to an item, enter the quantity to order, then press Enter.

Display the quantity available to sell of an item

Enter 6 next to an item to advance to the Item Availability Screen.

Display any special price breaks for an item

Enter 7 next to an item to display the Display Quantity Pricing Window.

Review the expected deliveries of this item from your vendors

Enter 8 next to an item to advance to the Display Open Purchase Orders Screen.

Review additional information about the item

Enter 11 next to the item to display the Work with Item Information Screen (Customer Service Template).

OE01_06 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN