Working with Item Coordinate Types (WICT)

Purpose: Item coordinate types allow you to group item coordinates by category to help identify which coordinate items are more important to upsell. You can assign a coordinate type to a coordinate item at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen.

A sequence number is assigned to each coordinate type, indicating the order (from lowest to highest) in which coordinate items assigned to the coordinate type display on the Display Coordinate Items Window in order entry.

In this topic:

Item Coordinate Type Example

Updating Coordinate Type Sequence

Work with Item Coordinate Type Screen

Create Item Coordinate Type Screen

Change Item Coordinate Type Screen

Item Coordinate Type Example

You offer the following coordinates for a hammock:

• hammock stand

• hanging kit

• storage bag

• pillow

• blanket

• canopy

For each of these item coordinates, you assign a type to indicate its importance:





hammock stand:

• metal

• wooden

M (mandatory)


The customer is required to order either a hammock stand or hanging kit.

Item coordinates assigned to type M display first on the Display Coordinate Items window.

hanging kit:

• standard

• deluxe

storage bag

S (strongly recommended)


A storage bag is strongly recommended for off-season storage.

Item coordinates assigned to type S display after type M item cordinates on the Display Coordinate Items window.


• cotton filled

• down filled

R (recommended)


A pillow is recommended, but not required.

Item coordinates assigned to type R display after type S item coordinates on the Display Coordinate Items window.


• fleece

• cotton

O (optional)


A blanket or canopy is an optional accessory.

Item coordinates assigned to type O display after type R item coordinates on the Display Coordinate Items window.


• green

• striped

• mosquito netting

Updating Coordinate Type Sequence

If you change the sequence number assigned to a coordinate type, the system does not automatically update the sequence number for item coordinates that are assigned to the coordinate type.

For example, if the sequence number for coordinate type R is 3, any item assigned to coordinate type R will have a sequence number of 3. If you change the sequence number for coordinate type R from 3 to 5, any items assigned to coordinate type R will still have a sequence number of 3.

To update the sequence number assigned to item coordinates, press F9 at the Work with Item Coordinate Type Screen.

When you submit the Update Coordinate Type job, the system evaluates each item in the Item Coordinate file. If the item is assigned to a coordinate type, the system updates the sequence number defined for the item coordinate to match the sequence number defined for the coordinate type in the Item Coordinate Type file. Additionally, if the coordinate type has been deleted, the system will update the coordinate type and sequence number defined for the coordinate item to blank.

Note: You can also update the sequence number assigned to item coordinates by advancing to the Change Item Coordinate Screen for each item coordinate you wish to update; however, if you have deleted the coordinate type, you will receive an error message at the Change Item Coordinate screen: Item Coordinate Type not found.

Work with Item Coordinate Type Screen

Use this screen to review and work with item coordinate types.

How to display this screen: Enter WICT in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Work with Item Coordinate Types from a menu.

INR1842 DISPLAY Work with Item Coordinate Type 11/19/04 13:49:13


Opt Type Description Seq

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete





F3=Exit F6=Create F9=Submit Update F12=Cancel

F24=Select Company




A code representing a type of item coordinate, such as mandatory or optional.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


A description of the item coordinate type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Seq (sequence)

The sequence number assigned to the item coordinate type, indicating the sequence in which coordinate items assigned to this type display on the Display Coordinate Items window in order entry.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create an item coordinate type

Press F6 to advance to the Create Item Coordinate Type Screen.

Change an item coordinate type

Enter 2 next to an item coordinate type to advance to the Change Item Coordinate Type Screen.

Delete an item coordinate type

Enter 4 next to an item coordinate type to delete it.

Update the sequence number assigned to each coordinate item to match the sequence number defined for the coordinate type in the Item Coordinate Type file.

Press F9. The system displays the message Job (UPD_ITMTYP) has been submitted to batch at the bottom of the screen. See Updating Coordinate Type Sequence.

Create Item Coordinate Type Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an item coordinate type.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Item Coordinate Type Screen.

INR1844 ENTER Create Item Coordinate Type 11/19/04 14:25:15


Coordinate Type . . . . .

Description . . . . . . .

Sequence . . . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Coordinate type

A code representing a type of item coordinate, such as mandatory or optional.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Create: required.

Change: display-only.


A description of the item coordinate type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


The sequence number assigned to the item coordinate type, indicating the sequence in which coordinate items assigned to this type display on the Display Coordinate Items window in order entry.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Change Item Coordinate Type Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to an item coordinate type at the Work with Item Coordinate Type Screen to advance to the Change Item Coordinate Type screen. You can change the Description and Sequence fields on this screen. See Create Item Coordinate Type Screen for field descriptions.

ME03_13 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN