Entering Additional Item Information

Purpose: The Work with Items screen provides the opportunity to work with additional information, such as:

Item Information Templates: Item Class Templates are used to define the headings and lines that are available for item and SKU information, to specify information headings, and to restrict the user to a certain number of entry lines per subject. The Select Item Info Template Window allows you to select the template that you want to work with.

Serial Numbers: You might use serial numbers to identify a unit of a particular item for warranty or tracking information. Generally, you assign serial numbers when you receive a purchase order. The Work with Serial Numbers Screen allows you to review the status of and work with the existing serial numbers for an item, or create a new serial number.

Comments: You can add comments or additional information about an item at the Work with Item/SKU Comments Screen. You can also select where comments print (e.g., pick slips, invoices, reports, pop-up windows, all areas, or no areas).

Special Source Prices: You have the option to define price breaks, or special pricing for certain items, through the Work with Special Source Price Screen.

Item Coordinates: You can define items or SKUs that coordinate with a specific item, so that when a customer orders the item in order entry you can cross-sell the coordinates. See Working with Item Coordinates.

Attributes: You can link an item or SKU to an attribute (for example, “natural fiber”) and a value (for example, “cotton”), through the Work with Item Attribute Assignment Screen.

E-Commerce Information: If you use the e-commerce interface, you can set up information templates by item class, and enter item information in the templates to describe items on the web storefront. See Working with E-Commerce Item Information.

E-Commerce Images: If you use the e-commerce interface, you can specify where the image of a particular item is located for display on a page on the web storefront. Use the Change E-Commerce Item Image Screen (Working with Images).

E-Commerce Upsells: If you use the e-commerce interface, you can specify an item to suggest as an upsell replacement for an item the customer selects on the web storefront. Use the Work with E-Commerce Upsell Screen.

UPC codes: You might use the Work with UPC Codes Screen to assign UPC codes to an item/SKU if you wish to enter or scan an item by UPC code during pick/pack verification.

Country and State Restrictions: You can restrict an item from being ordered in order entry if the item cannot be shipped to the country or state of the order. Use the Work with Item Restriction by Country/State Screen.

E-Commerce Categories: You can associate an item with one or more e-commerce categories to enable customers to search for an item by category on the web storefront. Use the Work with Item Categories Screen (E-Commerce).

SKU Cross References: You can specify one or more cross references for an item/SKU between CWDirect and external systems, such as retail outlets. These cross references simplify the entry of orders from these external locations, since CWDirect can identify the correct item/SKU based on the cross reference code.

In this topic:

Working with Item Information

Select Item Info Template Window

Copy Item Information Window

Work with Item Information Screen

Work with Serial Numbers Screen

Create Serial Number Screen

Change Serial Number Screen

Display Serial Number Screen

Work with Item/SKU Comments Screen

Work with Special Source Price Screen

Create Special Source Price Screen

Change Source Price Screen

Display Source Price Screen

Working with Item Coordinates

Item Coordinate Creation Summary

Work with Item Coordinates Screen

Change Item Coordinate Screen

Copy Coordinate Item Pop-Up Window

Work with SKU Coordinates Screen

Create SKU Coordinate Screen

Select SKU Coordinates Screen

Work with Item Attribute Assignment Screen

Working with E-Commerce Item Information

Change E-Commerce Item Image Screen (Working with Images)

Work with E-Commerce Upsell Screen

Create E-Commerce Up-Sell/Cross-Sell Screen (Upsells Mode)

Change E-Commerce Up-Sell/Cross-Sells Screen

Work with UPC Codes Screen

Work with Item Restriction by Country/State Screen

Create Item Restriction by Country/State Screen

Work with Item Categories Screen (E-Commerce)

Work with SKU Cross Reference # Screen

Create SKU Cross Reference Screen

Working with Item Information

Purpose: Item Information is used to define or review information about a particular item or SKU for a specific functional area. Functional areas are customer service, product comments, purchase order, and quality control.

Before you can define information for a particular item or SKU:

1. the item must be assigned to an item class

2. the item class must have information templates created for any functional area (Customer Service, Product Comments, Purchase Orders, or Quality Control) that you want to use for item information.

Information templates: Information templates allow you to design the sequence and contents of the item information screen presented to the users in various applications, such as order entry.

Information templates are defined at the item class level. For each item class, you can define 5 templates:

• CS (Customer Service): you can review item information in order entry and order maintenance by entering 11 next to an item

• PC (Product Comments): with the proper authority, the operator can enter product comments in order entry or order maintenance by pressing F8 after selecting item information

• PO (Purchase Orders): there is not currently a means to display information in this template in additional menu options

• QC (Quality Control): there is not currently a means to display information in this template in additional menu options

The system allows you to define a separate template for each functional area since each requires different types of information.

Note: You can also set up the Reporting (RP) template, which is used for e-commerce information only. You would use this template to store information to display on your web storefront if you use the e-commerce interface. This item information template is available by entering 25 next to an item at the Work with Items Screen, not 11 as described below. See Working with E-Commerce Item Information.)

Important: The text at the Work with Item Information Screen is accessible only within the related functional area. For example, Customer Service Item Information and Product Comments are available only through Customer Service functions, such as Order Entry and Order Maintenance. The Purchasing and Quality Control templates are not accessible through any menu options at this time.

The templates provide standard headings for each piece of information. For example, item/SKUs belonging to an item class "clothing" might have headings such as laundry instructions and fabric contents in the customer service template. For items belonging to an item class of "toys" you might have headings such as "recommended age group."

The templates also define the number of lines available for each subject (heading). For example, you can specify 2 lines of 50 characters each to define the fabric content and 3 lines of 50 characters each to explain the laundry instructions.

For more information about working with Item Class Templates, see Working with Item Classes (WICL).

Once you have defined templates, you enter the specific information about the item or SKU at the Work with Item Information screen.

Note: If you have defined any item status messages that would apply to the item, the messages display in Order Entry or Order Maintenance instead of the item information. See Working with Item Status (WIST).


Select Item Info Template Window

How to display this window: Enter 11 next to an item (Work with Items Screen) or SKU (Work with SKUs Screen). If the item is not assigned to an item class, an error message displays; otherwise, you advance initially to this window.

Select Item Info Template


Type options, press Enter.

1=Select template 3=Copy item info

Opt Template Description

CS Customer Service

PO Purchase Order

QC Quality Control

PC Product Comments


Enter 1 next to the item class template you want to work with to advance to the Work with Item Information Screen. However, the system displays an error message if the template for the selected item class has not been set up.

Copy Item Information Window

Enter 3 next to an item class template at the Select Item Info Template Window to copy the item information to another item.

Copy Item Information

Copy from class . . : CRT CREATIVITY TOYS

Copy from template : CS Customer service

Copy from item . . : CREATURE CREATURES CD-ROM

Copy to item . . . .


Completing this window: Enter an item belonging to the same class to copy the item information. If the item you enter (the destination item) is not in the same class as the originally selected item, an error message displays. Otherwise, you advance to the Work with Item Information Screen, where the information defined for the original item defaults. Press Enter to save this information for the destination item.

Work with Item Information Screen

How to display this screen: Complete the Select Item Info Template Window or, in the case of e-commerce information, enter 25 next to an item at the Work with Items Screen. See Working with E-Commerce Item Information.

INR1112 DISPLAY Work With Item Information 9/25/97 15:47:55

Company #1

Item : PRINTER SKU : XS Template : CS Customer service





F3=Exit F8=Product Comments F12=Cancel




The item whose product information you are reviewing.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The SKU whose product information you are reviewing. This field displays only if you entered this screen by entering 11 next to a SKU on the Work with SKUs Screen.

Alphanumeric, one 14 position field (full SKU) or 3 four position fields (split SKU); display-only.


The code and name of the template you selected from the Select Item Info Template Window.

Template code: alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Template description: alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Information heading

The information headings are defined in Work with Item Class for each informational template (customer service, purchase order, quality control, and reporting). See Working with Item Classes (WICL).

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Information text

Enter the appropriate text to describe particulars about the item under each heading. The first two lines of the first information heading displays in place of the options in order entry when a customer orders this item.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions per line; optional.

Screen Option


Toggle between Customer Service notes and Product Comment notes

Press F8. You advance to the CS customer service template or the PC product comment template. This function key appears only if you selected the CS or PC template.

Note: If you do not have authority to the Allow Access to Product Comment in Order Entry and Order Maintenance (A85) secured feature, the system displays this error message when you press F8 to advance to the Work with Item Information screen for product comments:

You are not authorized to Product Comments.

Work with Serial Numbers Screen

Purpose: You can use this screen to create, change, delete, or display serial number to identify different units of an item. You can advance to this screen only for items whose Serial number flag is set to Y; see Create Item Screen.

Generally, you use this screen to create serial numbers or change existing serial numbers when the system has not processed this information automatically.

Overview: Assigning serial numbers to an item allows you to track individual units of an item. When you first receive a purchase order containing the serial numbered item, you must specify the exact serial number for each unit. When you use the system to record additional inventory activity, such as confirming a shipment of the item, receiving a return from a customer, returning a unit to the vendor, and so on, the system prompts you for the serial numbers of the units affected.

Whenever you enter a serial number, the system validates that the particular unit is eligible for the inventory activity; for example, when you confirm a shipment, the system makes sure that the unit with that serial number is recorded as being on-hand, and not already shipped an a different order. Depending on the type of activity and your authority, you may be able to override the message and process the serial number update.

Serial numbers are tracked at the warehouse level, not the location level. For this reason, transactions affecting the number or status of serial numbered items within a warehouse (for example, receipts, shipments, and transfers to a different warehouse) prompt you for serial number(s). Transactions that do not affect a serial numbered item within a warehouse (for example, transfers from one location in the warehouse to another) do not require serial number entry.

Activities requiring serial numbers: For each of the activities listed below, you advance automatically to the Enter Serial Numbers screen if the transaction involves a serial numbered item. This screen provides a blank field for the entry of each serial number affected. For example, if you are receiving ten units of an item on a purchase order, ten serial number fields display; if you are shipping one unit to a customer, one serial number field displays; and so on.

Activities that require serial number entry are:

purchase order receiving or placing suspended stock (Note: If you receive into suspense, you do not need to enter serial numbers until you place the stock)

inventory transactions

• transfers across warehouses

• adjustments of on-hand quantity

• setting the actual on-hand quantity

• returns to the vendor

shipment confirmation (including express-billed orders)

customer returns

Serial number count: You can create or recreate the serial number records for an item within a warehouse by entering the complete list of serial numbers on hand for that item. If you enter a new serial number as part of a serial number count, the system creates a new serial number record. If do not enter a previously existing serial number as part of a serial number count, the status of the serial number changes to D (no longer on hand); the system prevents you from confirming shipment of this serial number, transferring it out of the warehouse, and so on.

Secured feature: The Create Serial Number During Shipment/Return (A66) secured feature controls whether a user can create new serial numbers when confirming shipments or processing returns, or must enter serial numbers that the system can validate against existing records for the item.

For more information:

• receiving stock or placing suspended stock: Warehousing Placing Suspended Stock (SUSP)

• inventory transactions: Warehousing Working with Inventory Transactions in Immediate Mode (WITI)

• confirming shipments: Fulfillment PC Manifest Socket Interface

• express billing an order or processing a return through order entry: Order Entry Entering Orders Using Header Format

• processing a return through order maintenance: Customer Service Introducing Order Maintenance

• processing a serial number count for an item within a warehouse: Assigning Items to Warehouses

Create Serial Number During Shipment/Return (A66) secured feature

How to display this screen:

• for a non-SKU’d item, at the Work with Items Screen, enter 18.

• for a SKU’d item, first advance to the Work with SKUs Screen (enter 7 at the Work with Item Screen); then, at the Work with SKU screen, enter 18.

You cannot advance to this screen for an item or SKU unless the Serial number flag for the item is set to Y.

INR0370 DISPLAY Work with Serial Numbers 12/04/97 9:52:11

EZK Mail Order

Item : CP7320 166 MHZ MMX PENTIUM W/32 MB RAM


Opt Serial # Shipped


Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

A0001 6/16/97

A0002 6/16/97

A0003 6/16/97

A0004 6/17/97

A0005 6/17/97



A0008 +

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list



Serial #

The serial number for this item.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.


The date this serial number item was shipped to the customer.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Screen Option


Create a serial number

Press F6 to advance to the Create Serial Number Screen.

Change serial number

Enter 2 next to a serial number to advance to the Change Serial Number Screen.

Delete serial number

Enter 4 next to a serial number to delete it.

Display serial number

Enter 5 next to a serial number to advance to the Display Serial Number Screen.

Print a listing

Press F21 to print a listing of serial numbers for the item, including their history and current statuses.

Create Serial Number Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add a serial number for an item. Typically, you create serial number records when you receive or place a shipment from the vendor; however, you can use this screen on occasions when the serial number was not created through this process, or if you need to recreate an erroneous record.

To create a serial number: Press F6 at the Work with Serial Numbers Screen.

INR0387 ENTER Create Serial Number 12/04/97 15:26:39

EZK Mail Order


SKU . . . . . :

Serial number .

Status . . . . (D,R,C,V,S)

Warehouse . . .

LPN Number . .

PO Number . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Serial number

The serial number for a particular unit of the item.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.


The status of the unit associated with this serial number. Valid values are:

D = No longer on-hand (the system assigns this status if you have entered a serial number count that did not include this serial number)

R = Received (you have received the unit on a purchase order and have not yet allocated it for an order or shipped)

S = Shipped (you have confirmed shipment of the unit)

V = Returned to vendor (you have processed a return to vendor (type V) inventory transaction; the serial number record is not updated automatically for a Vendor Charge Back)

The system updates the status code automatically for each activity against the serial number, but you can override this value.

In addition, the system may assign one of the statuses below to a serial number:


U = In Use (the unit is allocated for a pick slip, customer return, etc., but has not yet gone through the billing asynchronous job. For example, the serial number would have a status of U if you entered this number through the Confirm Shipment menu option but have not yet pressed Enter to begin file updates related to the shipment. The U status prevents the system from accepting the serial number for another transaction)

Z = Did not exist (a temporary status the system uses for serial numbers you begin to create during a transaction, but then cancel)

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


The code representing the warehouse where the item is stored. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

LPN number

The LPN associated with the unit of the item. The system validates that this LPN exists in your company. See Warehousing Radio Frequency Overview for more information on using LPN tracking and RF to manage a warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The code representing the location where the item is stored. The system validates that this is a valid location for the warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

PO number (Purchase order number)

The purchase order on which you received the item. The system validates that this purchase order number exists in your company and that the item was received on that purchase order.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Change Serial Number Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change or enter information for an existing serial number. Several of the fields on this screen are not available on the Create Serial Number Screen.

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to a serial number at the Work with Serial Numbers Screen.

INR0371 CHANGE Change Serial Number 12/04/97 10:42:48

EZK Mail Order


SKU . . . . . :

Serial number : B02

Status . . . . S (D,R,C,V,S)

Date Received . 61097

Date shipped . 61997

Date Returned .

Date Not O/H .

Date RTV . . .

Order # . . . : 3742

Ship to # . . : 1

Order line # : 2

Warehouse . . : 2

LPN Number . :

PO Number . . : 887

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Date received

The date you received the purchase order containing the unit. The system assigns the date when you receive the purchase order, but you can override this date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Date shipped

The date you confirmed shipment of the unit. The system assigns the date when you confirm the shipment, but you can override this date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Date returned

The date you received the returned unit from the customer. The system assigns the date when you process the return, but you can override this date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Date not o/h (Date not on-hand)

The date you entered a serial number count for the item which did not include this serial number. The system assigns this date when you enter a serial number count, but you can override this date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Date RTV (Date returned to vendor)

The date you processed a return-to-vendor inventory transaction (type V) transaction. The system assigns this date when you process the transaction, but you can override this date.

There is no automatic serial number prompting and update when you process vendor charge backs, available through the Work with Vendor Charge Backs menu option.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Order #

The order number on which you shipped the unit. The system updates this field when you confirm a shipment. You cannot override this field unless the new order number, ship to number, and line number (below) contain the serial numbered item.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Ship to #

The number of the shipping address on the order receiving the serial numbered item. The system updates this field when you ship an item. You cannot override this field unless the new order number (above), ship to number, and line number (below) contain the serial numbered item.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Order line #

The number of the order line on which the serial numbered item shipped. You cannot override this field unless the new order number, ship to number (above), and line number contain the serial numbered item.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The warehouse where the serial numbered item is located. The system updates this field when you receive a purchase order, place suspended stock, or receive a customer return. You can override this warehouse; however, you must perform an inventory transaction to record movement of the stock.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file. See Warehousing Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

LPN number

The LPN number associated with the serial numbered item. You would use this field only if you use LPN tracking and RF to manage your warehouse; see Warehousing Radio Frequency Overview.

The system validates only that any LPN you enter here exists in the LPN file; it does not validate that the item and location are correct.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

PO number (Purchase order number)

The purchase order number on which you received the serial numbered item. The system updates this field when you receive the purchase order. If the serial number is in a received (R) status but there is no purchase order number or received date, this may indicate that the system created the record as a result of a serial number count.

The system validates only that any purchase order number you enter here exists in your company; it does not validate that you received the serial numbered item on this purchase order.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Display Serial Number Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a serial number at the Work with Serial Numbers Screen to advance to the Display Serial Number screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Change Serial Number Screen for field descriptions.

Work with Item/SKU Comments Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter comments about an item or SKU and identify where those comments should print or display. You can specify a different print or display selection for each line of item comments.

Item and SKU comments can appear on:

• pick slips

• invoices

• both pick slips and invoices

• reports

• a pop-up window when you add the item or SKU to an order

You can also specify to have the item comment appear nowhere. In this situation, you must use the Work with Item/SKUs menu option to review the comments.

Item or SKU level: You can enter item comments at either the base item level or the SKU level. If you enter both, the comments at the SKU level override the base item-level comments. For example, if item AB100 comes in RED, BLUE, and PINK, and if you enter item comments for the base item and for the RED SKU, the SKU-level comments appear for the RED SKU only; the base item-level comments appear for the BLUE and PINK SKUs.

Pop-up window: Comment lines flagged with a W display when you enter the item code in order entry. The window also displays when you:

• enter a quantity of the item at the Display Item Availability Screen (Reviewing Item Availability) in order entry (available by pressing F14 at the Select Customer Sold To for Order screen)

• enter the item as an exchange for a customer return (see Customer Service Returning and Exchanging Items; or Introducing Return Authorizations)

The pop-up window does not display when the item is added to an order in other ways, such as a price table premium, telemarketing special, or item coordinate.

How to display this screen:

Non-SKU’d item: At the Work with Items Screen, enter 19 next to the item.

SKU’d item:

• To enter comments at the base item level by following the instructions, above, for a non-SKU’d item; or,

• Enter 7 next to the base item at the Work with Item Screen to advance to the Work with SKUs Screen, then enter 19 next to the SKU.

INR0182 DISPLAY Work with Item/SKU Comments 6/25/98 15:48:47

EZK Mail Order


Print codes:(P=Pick, I=Invoice, B=Both, R=Report, N=None, W=Window, BLANK=All)

Print code Comments


F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Print code

This code indicates where to print or display your comments.

Valid values are:

B = Both pick slip and invoice

I = Invoice (Note: comments print on invoices only if supported by your unique invoice print program. Comments do not print on the base invoice print program supplied by MICROS.)

N = Nowhere

P = Pick slip (see Fulfillment Introducing Pick Slip Generation)

R or blank = Catalog Planning Analysis reports

W = Pop-up window when you select an item to add to an order

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


The free-form comments that you can enter.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions (each line); required.

Work with Special Source Price Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change, delete, display, or create price breaks on an item for a certain group of customers. Source prices are established at the base item level, not at the SKU level.

You can define additional special prices for associate customers (as defined in the Customer Sold To file). You can also specify a quantity required to receive the special source price.

Source Pricing is one of the seven standard pricing methods defined under Pricing Values (B31) in the System Control file.

Note: To enter multiple item special prices by source code, you can also use Working with Source Codes (WSRC) or Working with Special Pricing by Source Code (WSPP).

How to display this screen: At the Work with Items Screen, enter 20 next to an item.

OER0410 DISPLAY Work with Special Source Price 12/04/97 8:52:45

EZK Mail Order


Assoc Tax Inclusive

Opt Source Qty Price Price Price Assoc Prc

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

CANADA7 1 9.00 8.00 10.00 9.00

CANADA7 5 7.00 6.00 8.00 7.00

CANADA7 10 6.00 5.00 7.00 6.00

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list




A code representing a group of customers to whom you sell.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.

Qty (Quantity)

The number of units of the item that the customer must purchase to receive the special price.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The price the customer pays for the item on qualifying orders.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Assoc price (Associate price)

The price an associate customer pays for the item on qualifying orders.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax inclusive price

The price a customer pays for the item on qualifying order subject to tax-inclusive pricing and VAT. On orders subject to VAT, tax does not accumulate in the Tax bucket; instead, the customer pays a tax-inclusive price and VAT is "hidden" on the order detail line.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax-inclusive associate price

The price an associate customer pays for the item on qualifying order subject to tax-inclusive pricing and VAT. On orders subject to VAT, tax does not accumulate in the Tax bucket; instead, the customer pays a tax-inclusive price and VAT is "hidden" on the order detail line.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Create a source price

Press F6 to advance to the Create Special Source Price Screen.

Change a source price

Enter 2 next to a price to advance to the Change Source Price Screen.

Delete a source price

Enter 4 next to a price to delete it.

Display a source price

Enter 5 next to a price to advance to the Display Source Price Screen.

Create Special Source Price Screen

To create: At the Work with Special Source Price Screen, press F6.

OER0413 ENTER Create Special Source Price 6/03/97 9:10:43

EZK Mail Order


Source . . . . . .

Quantity . . . . .

Price . . . . . . . Tax inclusive price . . . . . .

Associate price . . Tax inclusive associate price .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




A code used to define a segment of your mailings. Validated against the Source Code file. See Marketing Working with Source Codes (WSRC).

Alphanumeric, 9 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Qty (Quantity)

The quantity of the item that the customer must purchase to receive this price break.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.


The selling price of the item when an order meets the defined source code and quantity requirements. This price applies to all SKUs of the item on the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Tax inclusive price

The selling price of the item when an order meets the defined source code and quantity requirements and the order is subject to VAT. This price applies to all SKUs of the item on the order.

This field appears only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Assoc price (Associate price)

The selling price of this item when an order meets the defined source code and quantity requirements and the customer is an associate.

Customers are eligible for associate price breaks if they are identified as associate customers in the Customer file and if Assoc = Y in Order Entry.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional

Tax inclusive associate price

The selling price of this item when an order meets the defined source code and quantity requirements, the customer is an associate, and the order is subject to VAT. Customers are eligible for associate price breaks if they are identified as associate customers in the Customer file and if Assoc = Y in Order Entry.

This field appears only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Change Source Price Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a source at the Work with Special Source Price Screen to advance to the Change Source Price screen. You can change any information on this screen except the item and source. See Create Special Source Price Screen for field descriptions.

Display Source Price Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a price at the Work with Special Source Price Screen to advance to the Display Source Price screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Special Source Price Screen for field descriptions.

Working with Item Coordinates

Overview: Use the Work with Item Coordinates Screen to specify related items or SKUs for a selected item, so that when a customer orders the primary item you can cross-sell the coordinates. For example, if you sell a blazer, you might also sell a related skirt, blouse, and scarf.

Setting up a primary item and coordinates: The item you select at the Work with Items Screen, and match related items to, is the “primary item”; the related items are “coordinate items.” Item coordination does not automatically work in both directions; in other words, designating a skirt as a coordinate to a blazer does not automatically designate the blazer as a coordinate to the skirt. You must select the Work with Item Coordinates option for each item that you would like to designate as a primary item, and then select the related coordinates for cross-selling.

Order entry: When you enter an order for an item that is associated with any item coordinates:

• If the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is set to Y, the system automatically displays the Display Coordinate Items Window when you add an item associated with coordinate items to an order.

• If the Automatically Display Coordinate Items in Order Entry (I53) system control value is set to N or blank, a coordinate message displays when you add an item associated with coordinate items to an order: Coordinate items exist for base item entered. You enter 14 next to the primary item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window.

The system cross-sells coordinates even if the primary item is sold out, on backorder, is a drop ship item, non-inventory item, set master item, or continuity master item. Additionally, the system cross-sells coordinates that are a drop ship item, non-inventory item, set master item, or continuity master item.

When the system does not cross-sell coordinates: The system does not cross-sell coordinates for the primary item (by displaying the coordinate message or automatically advancing to the Display Coordinate Items window) if:

• The Upsell windows field for the order type on the order is set to N (neither). In this case, the Display Coordinate Items window does not open automatically, but the screen displays the message Coordinate items exist for base item entered. You must enter 14 next to the primary item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window.

• All coordinate items are backordered or soldout and the Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value is set to N. Note: The system cross-sells coordinates that are a drop ship item, non-inventory item, set master item, or continuity master item, regardless of the setting of the Display Backordered Coordinate Sale Items (F41) system control value.

• None of the coordinate items are included in the same offer as the primary item.

• The primary item is added to the order:

• as a result of a promotion; however, the system cross-sells coordinates if the primary item is the item that prompts the promotion.

• as a result of an upsell; however, the system cross-sells coordinates if the primary item is the item being upsold.

• as a coordinate item of another primary item.

• as an accompanying item; however, the system cross-sells coordinates if the primary item is the item that prompts the accompanying item.

• as a component of a set item.

• You add the primary item to the order in order maintenance.

You can still enter 14 next to the primary item to advance to the Display Coordinate Items Window; however, if all of the coordinates are on backorder or soldout or are not included in the same offer as the primary item, there are no coordinates available to select.

Pricing: When you add an item coordinate to an order, the system selects a price the same way as if you had entered the item at an ordinary order line. If the system cannot find a price for the item coordinate, you cannot add it to the order from the item coordinate pop-up window.

E-Commerce: If you use the e-commerce interface, item coordinate information is included in the e-commerce download and is available for cross-selling items on the web storefront. Once the customer has added a primary item to the shopping cart, any coordinate items appear on the shopping cart web page with the cross-sell message. See E-Commerce Interface.

Auto linking: The SKU Element for Auto Linking Coordinates (F39) system control value controls which coordinates the system creates automatically when you specify a SKU’d item to coordinate with a primary item at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen (you can also select any SKU of an item or a non-SKU’d item manually; see below for more information). For example, SKU element one is color, and you set this system control value to 1 so that auto linking is based on color. When you enter an item to coordinate at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen, the system creates coordinate records only for SKUs of the coordinate that find a color match with SKUs of the primary item.


Item AB100 (blazer), primary item, sold in colors NAVY, WHIT and BLCK, sizes SMLL, MEDM, LRGE

Item BB100 (skirt), coordinate item, sold in colors NAVY, BLCK, and PURP, sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

SKU element 1 (color) specified as SKU element to use for auto linking

Result: System automatically creates item coordinate records for item BB100 in the following SKUs, because SKU element 1 find a match with AB100's SKU element 1:

• NAVY 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

• BLCK 6, 8, 10, 12, 14

Selected SKU values: You also have the option at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen to create coordinate records for a specific SKU value of the primary item only. In the example above, for instance, you could indicate that you want to create coordinates only for SKUs whose first SKU element, color, is set to NAVY.

Important: The item coordinates are associated with the base primary item, and are not restricted to the individual, matching SKUs. In the above example, each coordinate SKU you create for the skirt would be associated with all SKUs of the blazer. If you enter an order for the blazer in white, size 12, you can still select the skirt in navy, size 10, as a coordinate. However, you can control which SKUs display in order entry through the SKU Element for Order Entry Filtering (F40) system control value.

Manual linking: In addition to auto linking, you can also relate a primary item to any SKU’d or non-SKU’d coordinate item, even if there is no match in the selected SKU element.


Additional item coordinates for item AB100:

Item CB100 (blouse) available in WHIT and PINK, sizes 6,8, 10, 12, 14

Item DB100 (scarf), a non-SKU'ed item

Since the above items and SKUs do not match the selected SKU element of the primary item, you would create the item coordinate records manually, and so are not restricted to the item coordinates the system creates automatically.

Non-split (full) SKU: The examples above are based on a split SKU of three four-position fields. If you use the full SKU of 14 positions, the system auto-links the primary item to all matching SKUs of the item coordinate, regardless of your entry in the SKU Element for Auto Linking Coordinates (F39) system control value.


Item BR1000 is available in SILVER, MULTI and GOLD.

Item PE1000 is available in SILVER, GOLD and GLDPLATE.

Result: Regardless of how the SKU Element for Auto Linking Coordinates (F39) system control value is set, the system auto-links the GOLD and SILVER SKUs of item PE1000 only.

Because entry in the system control value is required, you would normally set the value to 1 if you use full SKUs.

Item Coordinate Creation Summary

The following table summarizes the guidelines for creating item coordinates for a split SKU, full SKU, or non-SKU’d primary item:

Primary Item is:

Coordinate Item is:


split SKU

split SKU

If you specify a matching SKU: Creates coordinates only for SKUs of the coordinate item that match your entry. However, if your entry doesn't find a matching SKU for the primary item, no coordinate SKUs are created.

If you do not specify a matching SKU: Selects only SKUs that exist for both the primary item and the coordinate item to create as coordinates SKUs

full SKU

full SKU

Selects only SKUs that exist for both the primary item and the coordinate item to create as item coordinate SKUs.


split SKU or full SKU

You cannot create an item coordinate at the Work with Item Coordinates screen; instead, you must press F7 to advance to the Select SKU Coordinates screen.

split, full, or non-SKU’d


Creates the item coordinate for the non-SKU’d item.

Create by offer: You can also use the Work with Coordinates by Offer menu option (WCIO) to set up coordinates for a primary item. This menu option restricts the display and creation of coordinate items to those that are in the same offer as the primary item. Additionally, the alias for each item, if any displays, and you can enter the alias rather than the actual item code.

Work with Item Coordinates Screen

How to display this screen: Enter 22 next to an item at the Work with Items Screen, or enter WCIO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu and complete the Item and Offer fields.

INR1160 DISPLAY Work with Item Coordinates 11/19/04 16:28:47


Primary item . . : 2H05ITEM1 ROPE HAMMOCK

Coordinate item .

Coordinate Type .


Opt Coordinate Description Seq Type

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 7=Work with SKU Coordinates


Cotton filled hammock pillow fits standard size hammock.


Metal free-standing hammock stand.


A storage bag is strongly recommended for off-season storage.

F2=Copy F3=Exit F7=Select items F12=Cancel



Primary item

The item you are relating coordinates to. This is the item you selected at the Work with Items Screen.

Note: Item coordinates are related to the base item; you can still select item coordinates in order entry if you enter an order line for any SKU of the primary item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description (unlabeled field)

The description of the primary item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Coordinate item

Use this field to enter the related item you are coordinating to the primary item for cross-selling purposes. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Work with: required.

Change: display-only.

Matching SKU

The SKU element specified in the SKU Element for Auto Linking Coordinates (F39) system control value. The SKU element name from the System Control file displays.

This field displays only if the primary item is a SKU’d item, and if you use split SKUs (the Split SKU Inventory (A26) system control value is set to Y).

Enter a SKU value in this field if you want to create item coordinates only for SKUs that match your entry. There must also be a match for the SKU value for the primary item. In other words, if this field represents color and you enter NAVY, the system validates that there are SKUs of both the primary item and coordinate item whose color is NAVY, and creates item coordinate records for the NAVY SKUs only.


Leave this field blank to have the system automatically create item coordinates for each SKU of the coordinate item whose SKU value matches a SKU for the primary item. See the discussion earlier in this chapter for examples.

If you use full (non-split) SKUs, the system automatically creates item coordinate SKUs that match SKUs of the primary item. See the discussion earlier in this chapter for examples.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Coordinate type

A code representing a type of item coordinate, such as mandatory or optional.

Coordinate type codes are defined in and validated against the Item Coordinate Type file; see Working with Item Coordinate Types (WICT).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


A persuasive or descriptive message to display on the item coordinate pop-up window in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 70 positions; optional.


To scan, enter a full or partial item code to display existing coordinates for the primary item that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The description of the coordinate, from the Item file record for the coordinate item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Seq (sequence)

The sequence number assigned to the item coordinate type, indicating the sequence in which to display coordinate items assigned to this type on the Display Coordinate Items window in order entry.

If you change the sequence number assigned to a coordinate type in Working with Item Coordinate Types (WICT), the system does not automatically update the sequence number for item coordinates that are assigned to the coordinate type.

For example, if the sequence number for coordinate type R is 3, any item assigned to coordinate type R has a sequence number of 3. If you change the sequence number for coordinate type R from 3 to 5, any items assigned to coordinate type R still has a sequence number of 3.

To update the sequence number assigned to coordinate items, press F9 at the Work with Item Coordinate Type Screen. See Updating Coordinate Type Sequence for more information.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


A code representing the coordinate type assigned to the coordinate item, such as mandatory or optional.

Coordinate type codes are defined in and validated against the Item Coordinate Type file; see Working with Item Coordinate Types (WICT).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Creating item coordinates: Follow the steps below to create item coordinates for the primary item.

1. Enter the base item code of the item you want to coordinate with the primary item.

2. Optionally, enter the matching SKU value if you want to create only the item coordinate SKUs that match this value. This field is available only if you use split SKUs, and if the primary item has SKUs.

3. Optionally, enter a coordinate type code if you want to control the sequence in which to display coordinate items on the Display Coordinate Items window in order entry.

4. Optionally, enter a message to display at the pop-up window in order entry.

5. Press Enter. The system validates your entries and highlights any fields you need to correct. See below for more information.

6. When no errors exist, the system creates a record for the base item coordinate in the Item Coordinate file, and a record for each matching SKU of the item coordinate in the SKU Coordinate file. A message such as the following displays: Coordinate items created = 1. Coordinate SKUs created = 20.

The number of coordinate items created is always 1. In the case of non-SKU’d coordinates, the number of SKUs is 1 also.

Correcting errors:

Coordinate item errors: If the coordinate item you entered does not exist, a message such as the following displays: Item (AB1000) does not exist.

• If the coordinate item you entered does not have any SKUs that match your entry in the Matching SKU field, a message such as the following displays: SKU element (WHIT) does not exist for item (AB1000).

Correct the coordinate item information.

Matching SKU errors: If your entry in the Matching SKU field does not match any of the SKUs for the primary item, or if there are no matching SKUs for the primary and coordinate item based on the selected SKU element, a message such as the following displays: Coordinate item (ANGELSET) has no matching SKUs to primary item - use F7.

Press F7 to advance to the Select SKU Coordinates Screen, where you can select any item or SKU to create as an item coordinate.

Screen Option


Change an item coordinate

Enter 2 next to an item coordinate to advance to the Change Item Coordinate Screen.

Delete an item coordinate and all of its related SKUs

Enter 4 next to an item to delete it. The Confirm Delete window displays; press Enter to delete the coordinate and its SKUs.

Work with SKUs for an item coordinate

Enter 7 next to an item coordinate to advance to the Work with SKU Coordinates Screen.

Copy the coordinates for one primary item to another

Press F2 to display the Copy Coordinate Item Pop-Up Window.

Select additional items or SKUs to coordinate to the primary item

Press F7 to advance to the Select SKU Coordinates Screen.

Change Item Coordinate Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a coordinate item at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen to advance to the Change Item Coordinate screen. You can change the Coordinate type and Message fields. See Work with Item Coordinates Screen for field descriptions.

Coordinate types:

• If the sequence number for the coordinate type assigned to the item coordinate has since been updated to a new sequence number, the system automatically updates the item coordinate to the new sequence number when you advance to this screen.

• If the coordinate type that is assigned to the item coordinate has since been deleted, you receive an error message at this screen: Item Coordinate Type not found.

Copy Coordinate Item Pop-Up Window

Purpose: Use this window to copy the items and SKUs coordinated with the current primary item to a new primary item.

How to display this window: Press F2 at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen.

Copy Coordinate Item

Offer . . . . . . . . . . : 204 2004 OFFER

Copy from primary item . : 2004ITEM1


Copy to primary item . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

To copy: Enter the code of the item to be associated with the same coordinate items and SKUs as the "copy from" primary item. The code you enter must represent a valid item in your company.

The confirm prompt window displays.


Enter Y in this window to confirm the copy; otherwise, press Enter to cancel.

Work with SKU Coordinates Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with the SKUs of an item that are currently coordinated with the primary item, or to coordinate additional SKUs.

When you first advance to this screen, the screen is blank since you have not yet created any SKU coordinates.

How to display this screen: Enter 7 next to a SKU’d coordinate item at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen.

INR1164 DISPLAY Work with SKU Coordinates 5/12/98 15:04:23

Mail Order Catalogue

Primary item . . . : PE1000 CELTIC BRAIDED PENDANT

Coordinate item . : EA1000 CELTIC BRAID EARRINGS

Opt SKU Description

Type options, press Enter.




F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel



Primary item

The item you are relating coordinates to. This is the item you selected at the Work with Items Screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The description of the primary item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Coordinate item

The base item for which you are defining coordinate SKUs.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.


The description of the SKU.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new SKU coordinate for the primary item

Press F6 to advance to the Create SKU Coordinate Screen.

Delete a SKU coordinate

Enter 4 next to a SKU to delete it.

Create SKU Coordinate Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add a new SKU to an item coordinate.

Create a SKU coordinate: Complete the three 4-position fields (split SKU) or one 14-position field (full SKU) to create a new SKU coordinate for the primary item. You can prompt on the SKU field to display a list of valid SKUs for the base item.

A message such as the following displays: Coordinate SKU created for primary item (BU001).

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with SKU Coordinates Screen.

INR1165 ENTER Create SKU Coordinate 5/12/98 15:43:27

Mail Order Catalogue

Primary item . . . : BR1000 CELTIC BRAID BRACELET

Coordinate item . : PE1000 CELTIC BRAIDED PENDANT

SKU . . . . . . . :

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Primary item

The code and description of the primary item for which you are creating coordinates.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Coordinate item

The code and description of the base item for which you are defining SKU coordinates.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Select SKU Coordinates Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select SKUs to coordinate with a primary item. You can also use this screen to select additional SKUs of a coordinate item that already has one or more SKUs selected to coordinate with the primary item.

You can also use the Work with SKU Coordinates Screen to create additional coordinated SKUs of a coordinate item.

How to display this screen: Press F7 at the Work with Item Coordinates Screen.

INR1166 DISPLAY Select SKU Coordinates 2/02/04 14:04:50


Primary item : 2004ITEM1 2004ITEM1 DESCRIPTION

Opt Coord Item COLO/STYL/SIZE Description Categ


Type options, press Enter.

1=Select as coordinate













Primary item

The code and description of the item you are relating coordinates to. This is the item you selected at the Work with Items Screen.

Item code: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Item description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Coord item (Coordinate item)

The items and SKUs available to link to the primary item as coordinates.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The item’s unique characteristics, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.


The description of the SKU.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Categ (Item category)

The category associated with the item. You can use item category to associate items that are related to or compatible with one another, both for selection in order entry and for reporting.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Msg (Message)

Enter the descriptive or persuasive message for the system to assign to each item or SKU you add as a coordinate.

Alphanumeric, 70 positions; optional.

To select an item or SKU: To select one or more items or SKUs to coordinate with the primary item:

1. Optionally, use the fields at the top of the screen to position on the correct screen for a desired item or SKU.

2. Enter 1 next to each item or SKU you would like to add as an item coordinate to the primary item.

3. Press Enter to add each item or SKU as a coordinate and return to the Work with Item Coordinates Screen, where the newly created item coordinates display.

Note: No message displays indicating that your selections have been added to the Item Coordinate or SKU Coordinate files; similarly, no error message displays if you select an item or SKU that is already designated as a coordinate to the primary item.

Screen Option


Select an item or SKU to coordinate with the primary item

Enter 1 next to the item or SKU.

Work with Item Attribute Assignment Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to assign an item attribute (such as "natural fibers") and a value (such as "cotton" or "wool") to an item or SKU. You can also use this screen to review or delete previously assigned attributes and values.

Important: You must link either a base item or its SKUs, but not both, to an attribute value. If you link both the base item and its SKUs to an attribute value, the Affinity function performs duplicate updates of the customer’s net quantity when the customer orders a SKU; the SKU is counted twice.

How to display this screen: Enter 24 next to an item at the Work with Items Screen. You can also display this screen by entering 24 next to a SKU at the Work with SKUs Screen to assign attributes and values to individual SKUs.

INR1474 DISPLAY Work with Item Attribute Assignment 4/14/00 9:16:46


Item . : DRESS


Enter attribute type and value Affinity indicator (B,C,U,N)

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display value

Type Value Ind

DDDD 1111 B


F3=Exit F7=Select values F12=Cancel




The item you selected at the Work with Items screen. If you advanced to this screen by selecting a SKU at the Work with SKUs screen, the SKU appears to the right.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Item description (Unlabeled field below the item)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Attribute type

Enter the type, or category, of item attribute to assign to the item (for example, "fabric" or "color").

You cannot enter more than one attribute type/value assignment using the same attribute type for a single item or SKU. For example, if you assign an item to "fabric/linen" you cannot also assign it to "fabric/silk."

Attributes are defined in and validated against the Item Attribute file. See Marketing Work with Item Attributes and Values (WIAT).

Any attribute types that have already been assigned appear below and are display-only. The description appears below the type.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; optional.


Enter the value that describes the item's attribute. For example, an attribute type of "fabric" might have values of "linen," "silk," or "no-iron."

Attribute values are defined in and validated against the Item Attribute Value file. Additionally, the value you enter must be associated with the entered attribute type.

Any attribute values that have already been assigned appear below and are display-only. The description appears below the value.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; required if you enter an attribute type.

Affinity indicator

This value determines how the system tracks this item in your customer affinity preference files. Valid values are:

U - Upsell only. This item and its SKUs are included on the Select Affinity Items pop-up window displayed for an order from a customer who is flagged for this attribute value. When the customer orders this item, however, the customer’s affinity preference record for the item attribute is not updated to reflect this item purchase; the Lifetime net quantity, Lifetime frequency, and Lifetime change rates for this attribute value does not change. See Change Customer Affinity Screen.

C - Capture only. This item and its SKUs are not included on the Select Affinity Items pop-up window displayed for an order from a customer who is flagged for this attribute value. However, when the customer orders or returns this item, the customer’s affinity preference record for this item attribute is updated to reflect the purchase; the Lifetime net quantity, Lifetime frequency, and Lifetime change rates for this attribute value reflects the customer’s purchase. See Change Customer Affinity Screen.

B - Both upsell and capture.

N - Neither upsell nor capture.

To change the Affinity indicator, enter 2 next to an item attribute assignment.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Screen Option


Enter a new item attribute assignment

Complete the Attribute type and Value fields.

Delete an item attribute assignment

Enter 4 next to an item attribute assignment to delete it.

Change the Affinity indicator

Enter 2 next to an item attribute assignment to advance to the Change Item Attribute Assignment screen, where you can change only the Affinity Indicator.

Display the item attribute affinity thresholds

Enter 5 next to an item attribute assignment to advance to the Item Attribute Value screen in Display mode. For a description of this screen, see Item Attribute Value Screen: Add Mode (Setting Affinity Thresholds).

Working with E-Commerce Item Information

Purpose: Use the Work with Item Information Screen/internet information template to work with descriptive information about an item so that you can display this information on your web storefront.

The information you enter in this template is available for the e-commerce download only; it does not appear on any screens in CWDirect.

Note: You cannot define e-commerce item information at the SKU level; you can define it at the base item level only.

Setting up the template: Before you can enter e-commerce information for an item, you must:

• assign the item to an item class

• use the Work with Item Class menu option to create an RP template for the class, including multiple template headings as required. You also define the number of lines available to enter information for each template heading. See Working with Item Classes (WICL).

Format for download: The template headings that appear on the left side of the screen are not downloaded to the storefront.

Any extra line spaces included in the descriptions are collapsed; each description is transmitted as a single string of text.

You use Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR) to download item image information to the web storefront.

For more information: See E-Commerce Interface.

INR1112 DISPLAY Work With Item Information 6/28/99 13:06:39

The Peak Company



PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Be the rage in the latest jester cap.

100% wool

CARE/WASHING Machine wash in cold water and line dry.

Can be dry-cleaned.

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The item you selected at the Work with Items screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The heading for each type of information appears on the left-hand side of the screen. You use the Work with Item Class menu option (RP template) to define the template heading text and the number of lines available for entering information for each heading; See Working with Item Classes (WICL).

The template headings are not downloaded to the storefront.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Information fields

Enter information as needed under each heading. Any extra line spaces included in the descriptions are collapsed, and each description is transmitted as a single string of text.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions each line; optional.

Screen Option


Enter or change item information for download to the web storefront

Enter the information under the appropriate heading.

Change E-Commerce Item Image Screen (Working with Images)

Purpose: Use this screen to define where the image files you use to illustrate items on the web storefront are located. You can define the location of three image files for each item:

• thumbnail, or reduced-size; typically used to display a group of items on a single web page

• regular

• large, typically used when the customer wants to examine the item in detail

About image files: A web page displays an image by referring to an image file, usually a JPG or a GIF. You can use this screen to specify the location and filename(s) of each image to display when a customer reviews a particular item while shopping on the web storefront.

The location that you provide should be relative to the web page. For example, if the web page is located in the folder WEBCONTENT, and the image AB100.JPG is located in the folder WEBCONTENT/IMAGES, then the path might be /IMAGES/AB100.JPG.

You use this screen to specify the path and filename to include in the IMG SRC tag in the web page's HTML.

To download: You use Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR) to download item image information to the web storefront.

Override to default: You can use the Default Image Paths option, available by pressing F14 at the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (Standard Mode), to define:

• the default image type (that is, JPG or GIF) you use on your web storefront

• default paths for each of the image sizes you use on the web storefront. You can define up to three: regular, thumbnail, and large.

This default setup simplifies data entry if you normally store each type of image file in the same folder and use the item name as the filename.

Example: For the item AB2000, you would use a filename of AB2000.JPG or AB2000.GIF. You always store the three types of images in separate folders as follows:

• thumbnails: /THUMB

• regular: /IMAGE

• large: /LARGE

If you use the consistent naming conventions described above, once you define the default path for each image size each image can be located for display at the web storefront. However, you have the option of overriding the default path for individual items using the Change E-Commerce Item Image screen as described below.

Other setup options: The paths and filenames you specify at this screen act as overrides to the defaults; however, you can also define all image paths and filenames using this screen, or simply specify filenames on the web storefront itself.

How to display this screen: Enter 26 next to an item at the Work with Items Screen.

ECX0085 ADD Change E-Commerce Item Image 6/28/99 15:31:21

EZK Mail Order

Item BEA1234

Thumbnail /images/thumb/bea1234.jpg

Regular /images/bea1234.jpg

Large . /images/large/bea1234.jpg

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The path and filename where the thumbnail image of the item is located. You would typically use a thumbnail, or smaller, image on a web page where the customer can browse multiple items.

If the path and filename extend beyond one line and into the next, type continuously without inserting any spaces. The system does not insert a blank space between lines when you download information to the storefront, but treats the five lines as one 255-position field.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields and one 15-position field; optional.


The path and filename where the regular image of the item is located. You would typically use a regular image on a web page where the customer can review detailed information on a particular item.

If the path and filename extend beyond one line and into the next, type continuously without inserting any spaces. The system does not insert a blank space between lines when you download information to the storefront, but treats the five lines as one 255-position field.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields and one 15-position field; optional.


The path and filename where the large image of the item is located. You would typically use a large image on a web page if you want the customer to be able to view the item in greater detail.

If the path and filename extend beyond one line and into the next, type continuously without inserting any spaces. The system does not insert a blank space between lines when you download information to the storefront, but treats the five lines as one 255-position field.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields and one 15-position field; optional.

Screen Option


Enter or change the path and filename where an image representing an item is located

Enter the information next to the selected image size.

Work with E-Commerce Upsell Screen

Purpose: Use e-commerce upsell items to associate an item you offer on the web storefront with an upsell item that you want to suggest as an upgrade.

How e-commerce upsells work: When the customer reviews the first item, the web page includes a message suggesting the upsell item for purchase instead.

For example, item AB1000 is associated with upsell item CD2000. When the customer selects AB1000 for review on the web storefront, the page displays a message suggesting CD2000 as an alternative.

You can define e-commerce upsell items for base items only, not for particular SKUs. Also, you can use e-commerce upsells for orders processed through the e-commerce interface only.

Note: You can also suggest cross-sell items to add to the items already in a web customer's shopping cart by setting up item coordinates. See Working with Item Coordinates.

To download: You use Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR) to download item upsells to the web storefront.

How to display this screen: Enter 27 next to an item at the Work with Items Screen.

ECX0187 DISPLAY Work with E-Commerce Upsell 8/27/99 14:22:32

EZK E-Commerce Company


Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete

Opt Upsell Item Upsell Description



F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel




The item that you selected at the Work with Items screen, and that is eligible for replacement by the upsell item. When the customer selects this item for review on the web storefront, the upsell item is suggested as a replacement.

The item description appears to the right.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Upsell item

The item that you are suggesting to replace the original item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Upsell description

The description that should appear on the web page to upsell the customer from the original item to the upsell item.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; display-only.

Upsell item description

The description of the upsell item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create a new e-commerce upsell item

Press F6 to advance to the Create E-Commerce Up-Sell/Cross-Sell Screen (Upsells Mode).

Change an e-commerce upsell item

Enter 2 next to an e-commerce upsell item advance to the Change E-Commerce Up-Sell/Cross-Sells Screen.

Delete an e-commerce upsell item

Enter 4 next to an e-commerce to delete it.

Note: Deleting an upsell in CWDirect does not delete it from the web storefront; you must perform that deletion separately.

Create E-Commerce Up-Sell/Cross-Sell Screen (Upsells Mode)

Purpose: Use this screen to create a new e-commerce upsell item.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with E-Commerce Upsell Screen.

ECX0189 ENTER Create E-Commerce Up-Sell/Cross-Sell 8/27/99 14:41:25

EZK E-Commerce Company


Item . . . . . : AC10000 SUPER SKIN CONDITIONER

Up-Sell Item . :

Description . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The item that you selected at the Work with Items screen, and that is eligible for replacement by the upsell item. When the customer selects this item for review on the web storefront, the upsell item is suggested as a replacement.

The item description appears to the right.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Up-sell item

The item to suggest as a replacement for the originally selected item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description to appear on the web page to suggest replacing the original item with the upsell item.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; required.

Change E-Commerce Up-Sell/Cross-Sells Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to an upsell item at the Work with E-Commerce Upsell Screen to advance to the Change E-Commerce Up-Sell/Cross-Sell screen in Up-Sells mode. At this screen, you can change only the description to appear on the web page. See Create E-Commerce Up-Sell/Cross-Sell Screen (Upsells Mode) for field descriptions.

Work with UPC Codes Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create or delete a UPC code for an item/SKU.

You might want to assign a UPC code to an item/SKU if you package item/SKUs in a carton and enter or scan items for pick/pack verification. See Fulfillment Working with Pick/Pack Verification (WPPV).

You can create as many UPC codes for an item/SKU as you like; however, the system validates that you do not create a duplicate UPC code.

Related SCV: The system validates the UPC codes you create using the program name defined in the UPC Validation Program (G62) system control value.

If you enter INR1620 in this system control value, the system validates that UPC codes created for the UPC type UA contain 12 digits.

Default product code for Locate: You can use a UPC code to identify the product code for the default system in Locate if CWDirect is not the default. See the Locate Product Code ID (K66) for more information.

How to display this screen:

• for a non-SKU’d item, at the Work with Items Screen, enter 28 next to an item. If the item has SKUs, an error message displays:


Must set UPC at SKU level.


• for a SKU’d item, first advance to the Work with SKUs Screen (enter 7 at the Work with Item screen); then, at this screen, enter 28 next to a SKU.

INR1619 DISPLAY Work with UPC 12/26/00 15:09:02




OPT Type UPC Code Vendor


Type options, press Enter.


UA 123456789011 101

UE 8884440008

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code and description of the item. If the item contains SKUs, the SKU code also displays.

Item code: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU code: Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Item description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The type of UPC code. The UPC type determines the type of validation the system performs against the UPC code.

Valid values are:

E13: EAN-13

E8: EAN-8

UA: UPC-A (the system validates that the code contains 12 digits if you defined INR1620 in the UPC Validation Program (G62) system control value)


The last UPC type you used defaults.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

UPC code

A UPC code defined for the item/SKU.

A message similar to the following displays if the UPC code is not a valid length for the UPC type:

UPC Length is Invalid.

The program name you define in the UPC Validation Program (G62) system control value controls the validation the system performs against UPC codes you create.

A message similar to the following displays if the UPC code has already been assigned to another item/SKU:

UPC already assigned to ACB958.

A message similar to the following displays if the UPC code has already been created for the item:

UPC already assigned to IT948.

Numeric, 14 positions; optional.


A code that identifies a supplier who sells you merchandise.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file; see Working with Vendors (WVEN).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

To create: Enter the UPC type in the Type field and enter the UPC code in the UPC code field. The system displays the UPC code you just created in the bottom half of the screen.

A message displays if the UPC code is not a valid length for the UPC type:

UPC Length is invalid.

The program name you define in the UPC Validation Program (G62) system control value controls the validation the system performs against UPC codes you create.

A message displays if the UPC code has already been assigned to another item/SKU:

UPC already assigned to ABC987.

A message displays if the UPC code has already been created for the item:

UPC already assigned to ITEX.


You cannot change a UPC code once the code is created. Instead, you must delete the UPC code and create a new code.

Work with Item Restriction by Country/State Screen

Purpose: Use country/state restrictions to prevent items from being added to an order in order entry/order maintenance if the ship to address for the order is in a country or state where you cannot ship the items.

How country/state restrictions work: When you take an order for an item which is restricted from being shipped to the country or state of the ship to address, the item is highlighted, and a message similar to the following displays in order entry/order maintenance:

Item (XXXXX) cannot be shipped to (COUNTRY/STATE).

Country/state restrictions are defined at the item level. For SKU’d items, country/state restrictions apply to all SKUs of an item.

Setting restrictions for an entire country: Countries and states for countries are defined using the Work with Countries menu option. If the country's Require state? field is set to Y, then you must specify a valid state when you set an item restriction for that country, and you must set a separate restriction for each state where you cannot ship the item.


You have set the Require state? field for the USA to Y.

To set an item restriction for a state: Enter the USA's code in the Country field and a valid state code in the State field.

To set an item restriction for the entire country: you must set an item restriction for each state in the country.

If the country's Require state? field is set to N, you can define item shipping restrictions for the entire country, or, if you wish, for valid states in that country.


You have set the Require state? field for Canada to N.

To set an item restriction for a province: Enter Canada's code in the Country field, and a valid state (province) in the State field.

To set an item restriction for the entire country: Enter Canada's code in the Country field. Leave the State field blank.

See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for more information about setting up countries and states.

Downloading to the web storefront: When you use the Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR) option or the ECITMCH periodic function to download new or changed items to the web storefront, the program creates records in the EC Ship Exclusion file for all selected items. See Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR) for more information.

How to display this screen: Enter 29 next to an item at the Work with Items Screen.

HKR0001 DISPLAY Work with Item Restr By Country/State 9/13/99 10:30:41



Opt Country State

Type options, press Enter.



F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel




The item that you selected at the Work with Items screen which is restricted from being shipped to specific countries or states. When you try to add this item to an order with a ship to address in a restricted state or country, an error message similar to the following displays in order entry/order maintenance:


Item (XXXXX) cannot be shipped to (COUNTRY/STATE).


The item description appears to the right.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


A country where you cannot ship the item, or where one or more states have shipping restrictions for the item.

Countries are defined in and validated against the Country file. If the country's Require state? field is set to N, and you do not specify a state in the State field when setting up the item restriction, the restriction applies to the entire country. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for more information on defining countries and states.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


A state which has a shipping restriction for the item.

States for a country are defined using the Work with Countries menu option. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a country/state restriction for the item displayed on this screen

Press F6 to advance to the Create Item Restriction by Country/State Screen.

Delete a country/state restriction for the item displayed on this screen.

Enter 4 next to a country/state restriction to delete it.

Create Item Restriction by Country/State Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a country/state restriction for the item you selected at the Work with Items screen.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Item Restriction by Country/State Screen.

HKR0003 ENTER Create Item Restr by Country/State 9/13/99 12:14:53



Country . . . USA

State . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The item that you selected at the Work with Items screen. When this item is ordered by a customer whose ship to address is in a restricted country or state, an error message similar to the following displays in order entry and order maintenance:


Item (XXXXX) cannot be shipped to (COUNTRY/STATE).


Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


A country where you cannot ship the item, or where one or more states have shipping restrictions for the item.

The country defaults from the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value, but you can change it.

Countries are defined in and validated against the Country file. If the country's Require state? field is set to N, and you do not specify a valid state in the State field when creating a Country/State restriction, then the item restriction applies to the entire country. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.


A state which has a shipping restriction for the item.

States for a country are defined using the Work with Countries menu option. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required if the Require state? field for the country is set to Y in the Country file.

Work with Item Categories Screen (E-Commerce)

Purpose: Use this screen to assign an item to one or more e-commerce categories, or to delete assignments. You can associate an item with an e-commerce category to allow web storefront customers to search for an item by category. For example, you can assign snowboard boots to a “boots” category and a “snowboard” category. The e-commerce categories in your company do not need to be the same as the item category codes you set up through Working with Item Category Codes (WITG).

You use Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR) to download item-related information, such as e-commerce category assignment, to the web storefront.

You can make item category assignments at the base item level only, not at the SKU level.

How to display this screen: Enter 30 next to an item at the Work with Items Screen.

ECX0232 DISPLAY Work with Item Categories 5/25/00 17:27:01

The Peak Company


Opt Category

Type options, press Enter.




F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Item (Unlabeled field at the top of the screen)

The item you selected at the Work with Items screen. The description appears to the right.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Item description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The code representing the e-commerce item category. This field enables you to enter an e-commerce category to assign to the item; it is not a scan field. Categories that are already assigned to the item appear below.

E-commerce item categories are defined in and validated against the E-Commerce Item Category file; see System Operations Working with E-Commerce Category (WECC).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required to assign an e-commerce category to the item.

Category description (Unlabeled field to the right of the category)

The description of the e-commerce category.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Assign an e-commerce category to an item

Enter the category. You can prompt on this field to see a list of valid e-commerce categories.

Delete a category assignment for the item

Enter 4 next to the category.

Note: Deleting the category assignment does not automatically delete it from the web storefront.

Work with SKU Cross Reference # Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review or work with cross references between CWDirect SKU or item codes and external systems, such as retail outlets. You can use these cross references to identify the item/SKU a customer wants to purchase when you receive orders from remote systems.

Created automatically? If you specify a SKU cross reference type in the SKU Cross Reference Type (J55) system control value, the system automatically creates a SKU cross reference of this type whenever you create a new item/SKU, such as through item maintenance, the CWCreateItem message, or the SKU generator. The SKU cross reference code created this way is identical to the item and SKU codes concatenated with any spaces omitted, and makes searching for an item/SKU easier if you use the SKU Cross Reference Selection Screen.

For more information: See SKU Cross Reference Codes in Order Entry for an overview.

How to display this screen: Enter 34 next to a non-SKU’d item at the Work with Items Screen, or for a SKU at the Work with SKUs Screen.

Note: This option is not available for the base item of a SKU’d item at the Work with Items Screen. To work with cross references for a SKU’d item, select a SKU at the Work with SKUs Screen.

INR1880 DISPLAY Work with SKU Cross Reference # 11/06/06 14:11:13

EZK Mail Order


Opt Cross Reference # Type

Type options, press Enter.



F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list




The item selected at the Work with Items Screen. The description is to the right.

Item code: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Item description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The SKU selected at the Work with SKUs Screen if the item has SKU’s. The SKU description is to the right.

SKU code: alphanumeric, one 12-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

SKU description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Cross reference #

The cross reference code used to identify the item/SKU.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.


The type used to group SKU cross reference codes based on the external system where the codes are used. The SKU cross reference type also indicates whether you can add an item to an order simply by entering the SKU cross reference code instead of the item/SKU code. Defined in and validated against the SKU Cross Reference Type file; see Working with SKU Cross Reference Types (WSXT) for more information.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Available options: Press F6 to advance to the Create SKU Cross Reference Screen, or enter 4 next to a SKU cross reference to delete it.

Note: It is not possible to change a SKU cross reference. Instead, you can delete the SKU cross reference of a particular SKU cross reference type, then use the Create SKU Cross Reference Screen to recreate it with the correct cross reference code.

Create SKU Cross Reference Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a new SKU cross reference for a non-SKU’d item or for a SKU of a SKU’d item. See Work with SKU Cross Reference # Screen for more information.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with SKU Cross Reference # Screen.

INR1882 ENTER Create SKU Cross Reference 11/06/06 14:49:54

EZK Mail Order



Cross reference # . . .

Cross reference type .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The item selected at the Work with Items Screen. The description is to the right.

Item code: alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Item description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The SKU selected at the Work with SKUs Screen if the item has SKU’s. The SKU description is to the right.

SKU code: alphanumeric, one 12-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

SKU description: alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Cross reference #

The cross reference code used to identify the item/SKU.

SKU cross reference length: The Item field can be a maximum of 12 positions, but the SKU cross reference code field allows for up to 30 positions in length. As a result, you can enter the SKU cross reference code in the Item field only if it does not exceed 12 positions, regardless of the setting of the Restrict search flag for the SKU cross reference type. However, you can always add an item to the order by selecting it at the SKU Cross Reference Selection Screen, regardless of the length of the SKU cross reference code.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required.

Cross reference type

The type used to group SKU cross reference codes based on the external system where the codes are used. The SKU cross reference type also indicates whether you can add an item to an order simply by entering the SKU cross reference code instead of the item/SKU code. Defined in and validated against the SKU Cross Reference Type file; see Working with SKU Cross Reference Types (WSXT) for more information.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; required.

ME03_06 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN