Working with E-Commerce Job Control (EJCT)

Purpose: Use the E-Commerce Job Control menu option to work with the ASYNC jobs that process order and catalog request updates, inquiry, and other information for the e-commerce interface.

You can run these jobs in standard mode (which means the messages are passed as name/value pairs) or in XML mode. See Standard Mode versus XML Mode.

Default image paths: You can also use this menu option to set up default image paths and a default image type to indicate where to find item illustrations for display on the pages of the web storefront.

Process overview: As the customer enters information at the web storefront, MQSeries sends messages to the e-commerce ASYNC jobs for processing. For example, when a customer on the web storefront enters a catalog request, a message is sent to the CATALOG REQUEST process. If this process (ASYNC job) is active, it creates the catalog request immediately. If the process is not active when the message arrives, the catalog request will be created once you start the process. (If you are running the e-commerce jobs in XML mode, the MESSAGE CONTROLLER will automatically start the CATALOG REQUEST process when it receives the catalog request message.) All messages are processed in the sequence in which they arrive at the message queue.

Note: The e-commerce processes are not restricted by company; when you work with or change a process, it affects all companies.

Net Perceptions message requests: The Net Perceptions Requests process defines the message queues used by Net Perceptions to manage the interactive communication between Order Entry and the Net Perceptions Interface. This record is ignored during the starting and stopping of the other process jobs. Its status is always Inactive.

When to start and stop the jobs: Because the reserved dates on order detail lines are derived from the job date, you should start and stop these jobs nightly at midnight to make sure that the correct date appears, You can schedule the start and stop using the periodic functions EXC0242 (to start the jobs) and ECX0243 (to stop the jobs).

Logging: The system records inbound and outbound e-commerce message in the daily ECLG file; for example, the log file created on April 21, 2008 is named ECLG080421. See Working with XML Log Files for more information.

In this topic:

Standard Mode versus XML Mode

Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (Standard Mode)

Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (XML Mode)

E-Commerce Processes

Net Perceptions Requests Process

Changing the Number of Sessions

Change E-Commerce Job Control Pop-up Window

Changing Process Status

Change Status Pop-up Window

Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen (Standard Mode)

Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen (XML Mode)

MQSeries Work with Messages Screen (Reviewing Messages)

Clearing Queues

Queue Clear Warning Pop-up Window

Change Image Paths Screen (Working with Default Image Paths)

Standard Mode versus XML Mode

If your web storefront supports it, you can pass e-commerce messages in either name/value pair format (standard mode) or as XML files (XML mode).

Unlike standard mode, the XML Mode for the e-commerce jobs filters all incoming messages from a web storefront through a single, controlling message queue (the MESSAGE CONTROLLER). This allows easier maintenance of the MQSeries tool with some web storefront support applications, such as WebSphere Commerce Suite 5.1 1 or later.

When the e-commerce job control function is in XML mode, an additional job process, the MESSAGE CONTROLLER, displays on the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (XML Mode). The message controller job is responsible for directing incoming messages to the correct ASYNC job process, and for starting that process if it is inactive. When you use XML mode, all messages are sent and received in XML format.

Standard mode or XML mode setting has no effect on the Net Perceptions message queue.

Important: All XML messages sent to CWDirect must conform to the DTD (document type definition) that specifies the message’s components and structure. If CWDirect receives an XML message that does not confirm to that message’s DTD, there may be unpredictable results (assuming that CWDirect is able to identify the message type and its corresponding DTD). For example, an item availability request message that did not include the item element would not conform to the DTD, which specifies that this element is required. See the CWDirect E-Commerce Integration manual for a listing of each DTD.

Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (Standard Mode)

How to display this screen:

• Enter EJCT in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select E-Commerce Job Control from a menu.

• Press F15 at the Work with Integration Layer Process Screen.

ECX0026 DISPLAY Work with E-Commerce Job Control 7/21/00 9:24:33

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 7=Start 8=End 9=Work with Queues 10=View Local Queue Msgs

11=Change Status 14=Clear Queue

Opt Process Status # of Sessions







CANCELS Active 1




RETURNS Active 1


F3=Exit F7=Start All F8=End All F12=Cancel F14=Default Image Paths




The job that performs e-commerce interface updates between CWDirect and the web storefront. See E-Commerce Processes for a description of each.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.


The status of the process. Possible statuses are:

• Active

• Inactive

• Starting

• Ending

See Changing Process Status.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only.

# of sessions

The number of separate jobs to allocate to processing orders from the web storefront. Just as you can set up the billing async job to run multiple instances, you can also set the number of each individual e-commerce process you would like to run.

See Changing the Number of Sessions.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Change the number of sessions for a process

Enter 2 next to a process to advance to the Change E-Commerce Job Control Pop-up Window.

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Start a process

Enter 7 next to a process to start it. See Changing Process Status.

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

End a process

Enter 8 next to a process to end it. See Changing Process Status.

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Work with the local input queue and the remote queue, if any, for a process

Enter 9 next to a process to advance to the Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen (Standard Mode).

Review messages in the queue for a process

Enter 10 next to a process to advance to the MQSeries Work with Messages Screen (Reviewing Messages).

Change the status of a process

Enter 11 next to a process to advance to the Change Status Pop-up Window.

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Clear messages for a process

Enter 14 next to a process to advance to the Queue Clear Warning Pop-up Window.

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Start all processes

Press F7 to submit all of the e-commerce processes. See Changing Process Status.

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

End all processes

Press F8 to end all of the e-commerce processes. See Changing Process Status.

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Work with default image paths

Press F14 to advance to the Change Image Paths Screen (Working with Default Image Paths).

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (XML Mode)

Purpose: Use the XML Mode for E-commerce Job Control to allow a single queue to be used for input into the CWDirect e-commerce interface. You should use single-queue functionality if you are using the WebSphere Commerce Suite 5.1 to support your web storefront.

About the Message Controller: When the E-Commerce Job Control screen is in XML mode, the MESSAGE CONTROLLER job process will display on the screen as the first job process in the Process list. When the E-Commerce Job Control screen in XML mode, the MESSAGE CONTROLLER controls the status of all the other e-commerce job processes except the ORDER CLEAN UP and NET PERCEPTIONS REQUESTS processes; you cannot start any processes except the MESSAGE CONTROLLER or ORDER CLEAN UP. When the MESSAGE CONTROLLER is active, and receives a message for a type of transaction, the controller starts the specified number of sessions for the transaction type. For example, when the MESSAGE CONTROLLER receives a catalog request message, the MESSAGE CONTROLLER starts the CATALOG REQUESTS process, which will then display an Active status.

Messages received through the MESSAGE CONTROLLER, and responses sent out through the MESSAGE CONTROLLER, must be in XML format.

When using the MESSAGE CONTROLLER to process e-commerce transactions, you need to define the Input Queue Manager (the MQ Series Queue manager on your CWDirect server). You define the queue manager on the Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen (XML Mode).

Important: See Standard Mode versus XML Mode for a discussion of how XML mode differs from standard mode.

How to display this screen:

• Enter EJCT in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select E-Commerce Job Control from a menu. If you have been using Standard Mode, press F16 to display the XML Mode screen.

• Press F15 at the Work with Integration Layer Process Screen.

Note: Whenever you switch from Standard Mode to XML Mode, you need to re-enter the Input Queue Manager defined on the Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen (XML Mode).

ECX0026 DISPLAY Work with E-Commerce Job Control 7/21/00 9:24:33


Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 7=Start 8=End 9=Work with Queues 10=View Local Queue Msgs

11=Change Status 14=Clear Queue

Opt Process Status # of Sessions








CANCELS Active 1




RETURNS Active 1


F3=Exit F7=Start All F8=End All F12=Cancel F14=Default Image Paths F16=Switch Mode




The job that performs e-commerce interface updates between CWDirect and the web storefront. See E-Commerce Processes for a description of each.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.


The status of the process. Possible statuses are:

• Active

• Inactive

• Starting

• Ending

See Changing Process Status.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; display-only.

# of sessions

The number of separate jobs to allocate to processing orders from the web storefront. Just as you can set up the billing async job to run multiple instances, you can also set the number of each individual e-commerce process you would like to run.

See Changing the Number of Sessions.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Change the number of sessions for a process

Enter 2 next to a process to advance to the Change E-Commerce Job Control Pop-up Window.

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Start the Message controller or Order clean up process

Enter 7 next to the Message Controller or Order Clean up process to start it.

End the Message controller or Order clean up process

Enter 8 next to the Message Controller or Order Clean up process to end it. See Changing Process Status.

Define the Input queue manager

Enter 9 next to the Message Controller process to advance to the Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen (XML Mode).

Review messages in the queue for a process

Enter 10 next to a process to advance to the MQSeries Work with Messages Screen (Reviewing Messages).

Clear messages for a process

Enter 14 next to a process to advance to the Queue Clear Warning Pop-up Window.

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Start both the Message controller and Order clean up jobs

Press F7.

End both the Message controller and Order clean up jobs

Press F8.

Work with default image paths

Press F14 to advance to the Change Image Paths Screen (Working with Default Image Paths).

This option is not valid for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

E-Commerce Processes

Purpose: This table describes:

• the e-commerce processes

• their functions

• the jobs they initiate

• the messages they handle


Note: The default input queues (for processing messages from the web storefront to CWDirect) and, in certain cases, remote queues and queue managers (to enable sending information from CWDirect to the web storefront) vary, depending on the configuration of your web storefront. .



Submitted Job(s)


Message controller

(Displays only when the Work with E-Commerce Job Control screen is in XML Mode.) Directs all incoming messages to the correct e-commerce process, and starts the process if inactive. Starts and stops all e-commerce jobs except the Order cleanup job.



Order reject/cancel

Rejects the order when the customer rejects or cancels the order on the web storefront. See E-Commerce Order Reject for more processing information.


E-Commerce Order Reject/Cancel Message (CWOrderReject) (To iSeries)

Catalog requests

Creates a catalog request when the customer enters a request on the web storefront.

See E-Commerce Catalog Requests for more information on processing.

See Catalog Request Interface Errors for a listing of possible errors.

Additionally, you can update or create a sold to customer and individual using this message; see Customer Creation/Update Logic in E-Commerce Catalog Requests.


E-Commerce Catalog Request Message (CWCatRequest) (To iSeries)


E-Commerce Catalog Request Response Message (CWCatreqResponse) (From iSeries)

Customer updates

Receives and processes name and address updates for sold-to, bill-to, or individual customers. Additionally, you can create a sold to customer using this message.

See E-Commerce Customer Creation and Updates.


E-Commerce Name/Address Change Message (CWAddressChg) (To iSeries)


E-Commerce Name/Address Change Response Message (CWCchgResponse) (From iSeries)

Order cleanup

Rejects any orders that have been “abandoned” on the web storefront if, for example, the customer closes the browser window. This process uses the Time Limit for Suspended E-Commerce Orders (G43) system control value to determine the number of minutes to wait before rejecting an order. Only orders of the type specified in the E-Commerce Order Type (G42) system control value are eligible for cleanup.



Order inquiry by customer

The customer can request a list of orders of any status, including suspended orders. The request can include the customer number, individual number of the order placer, and a start date, indicating the most recent date to include in the list. The response includes the order number and order date for up to 10 orders that match the request criteria, in reverse chronological order. For example, if the request specified a customer sold-to number, an individual number, and a start date of April 9, 2002, the response would include up to 10 orders for that customer, placed by that individual, on April 9 or earlier.


E-Commerce Order List Message (CWOrderList) (To iSeries)


E-Commerce Order List Response Message (CWListResponse) (From iSeries)

Net Perceptions requests

See the Net Perceptions Requests Process.




Following an order status request and response (see EC_STS_INQ), this process handles cancellation requests from the web storefront. The cancellation request can specify the entire order ship-to, or specific items on the order. The response message merely indicates that the request was received; a subsequent email confirmation indicates whether the cancellation request was successful. See Working with Batch Order Maintenance Transactions (WBOM) for an overview.


E-Commerce Cancel Request Message (CWCancel) (To iSeries)


Following an order status request and response (see EC_STS_INQ), this process handles maintenance requests from the web storefront. The first Maintenance Request message is flagged as an inquiry (the Maint_type field = I), and the response message provides all maintainable information on the order. The next Maintenance Request message, with the Maint_type field set to M, provides the specifics of the maintenance request. A subsequent email confirmation indicates whether the maintenance request was successful. See Working with Batch Order Maintenance Transactions (WBOM) for an overview.


E-Commerce Maintenance Request Message (CWMaintenance) (To iSeries)


E-Commerce Maintenance Response Message (CWMaintResp) (From iSeries)

Order processing

Creates the order (using the order type specified in the E-Commerce Order Type (G42) system control value) and customer, if needed (based on the duplicate checking system control values defined on the Edit Phone Interface Values screen); reserves inventory (exploding set items, although this is not visible on the web storefront); sends the new order number to the web storefront. May delete an order and create a new one if the customer changes key information on the web storefront. Always sends an order response if the payment information is sent separately from the rest of the order.

See E-Commerce Order Creation for more information on this process.


E-Commerce New Order Message (CWCreateOrder) (To iSeries)


E-Commerce New Order Response Message (CWOrderResponse) (From iSeries)

Order payment/


EC_PAY_ACC creates one or more payment methods for an order; creates a customer bill to if the name entered for the credit card is different from the name of the customer sold to; submits ECOMM_ORDR (described below) to the Job Queue for E-Commerce Order Processing (G53) specified in the System Control file.


• The Perform Order Edit Interactively (I56) determines whether this job performs the order edit, or if the edit is submitted to batch.

• The Send Order Response After E-Commerce Payment Message (I57) controls whether this function also generates an order response message.



E-Commerce Payment Message (CWPayment) (To iSeries)


E-Commerce New Order Response Message (CWOrderResponse) (From iSeries)


ECOMM_ORDR evaluates the order for errors. If there are errors, the order is assigned to the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41) defined in the System Control file, and the system produces the Order Error Listing; you must use batch order entry to correct the order and submit it to the phone orders edit. If there are no errors, the order is submitted to a credit check and created in an open or held status, depending on the result. In any case, this job always generates an e-mail order confirmation to the customer (regardless of the value in the Opt in/Opt out field in the Customer Sold To and Customer Sold To Entity files), using the Order Acknowledgement Program (G50) defined in the System Control file.

See E-Commerce Order Creation for more information.




Creates a return authorization for an item on an order, using the return reason code supplied by the customer on the storefront. Also, writes an order history message that the return authorization was created. You must review the return authorization and complete it or delete it using the Work with Returns for Orders menu option. If your web storefront supports it, you can also enable the customer to print a return label using the return address for the entity associated with the source code on the order header, or the return address for the company. See Creating Return Authorizations from the Web Storefront for more processing information.


E-Commerce Return Request Message (CWReturn) (To iSeries)


E-Commerce Return Response Message (CWReturnResponse) (From iSeries)

Order status/


Receives an order inquiry from the web storefront, based on company, sold-to customer, order number, and, optionally, individual and/or bill-to customer.

Returns the order summary information to the web storefront, indicating if the customer can perform maintenance against the order, such as returning an order line. See E-Commerce Order Status Processing for more processing information.

Note: You can also inquire about a customer’s order history or detailed information about a single order, using the Generic Customer History API.


E-Commerce Order Status Message (CWOrderStatus) (To iSeries)


E-Commerce Order Status Response Message (CWStatusResponse) (From iSeries)

Item availability

Responds to requests for item availability information by sending the quantity available, expected date, and how this date was determined (that is, whether this date is from an open purchase order, or defaulted based on a standard calculation for items without open purchase orders). The FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71) system control value controls the defaulted date. You can use these messages as an alternative to, or in addition to, the ECAVAIL periodic function. See E-Commerce Item Availability Processing for more processing information.

You can pass availability information for a maximum of 999 items in a single request and response.


E-Commerce Item Availability Request Message (CWItemAvail) (To iSeries)


E-Commerce Item Availability Response Message (CWAvailResponse) (From iSeries)

File download trigger (customer merge)

Note: The E-Commerce File Download Trigger Process (TRIGGER_DL) is located in the Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) menu option.

CWDirect sends a Customer Merge XML Message (CWFileTransfer) to the web storefront indicating customers have been merged in CWDirect and the customer information on the web may now be inaccurate. It is the web storefront’s responsibility to retrieve the records in the EC Customer Sold To Merge Staging file, EC Customer Bill To Merge Staging file, and EC Customer Individual Merge Staging file. These files are updated when you process a merge/purge if the Generate E-Commerce Customer Merge Staging Files (H86) system control value is set to Y.

This process does not submit a job; it is used to determine the XML message format and the queue used to transmit the message; you do not need to start or end this job.

Customer Merge XML Message (CWFileTransfer) (from iSeries)

Net Perceptions Requests Process

Purpose: The Net Perceptions Requests process defines the message queues used to manage the interactive communication between order entry and the Net Perceptions Interface. Net Perceptions is an independent application which provides a list of recommended items for a customer to add to his order on the web storefront or in an order entry call center. In an order entry call center, Net Perceptions recommendations are added to the recommendations provided by the Affinity Add-on Sales function, and display in the Select Affinity Items pop-up window, available in order entry.

The MQSeries message queues defined in the Net Perceptions Requests process are used for communication between Net Perceptions and the order entry call center; they are not used for communication between Net Perceptions and the web storefront.

Inactive status: The Net Perceptions Requests process differs from the E-commerce processes in that the messages it carries are initiated from CWDirect instead of from a web storefront. When an order entry operator views the Select Affinity Items pop-up window, CWDirect sends a message via the MQSeries message bridge to the Net Perceptions service which constantly monitors this incoming message queue. The Net Perceptions service processes the message and returns recommendations to CWDirect via an MQ response message. As messages are sent and received, the status of the Net Perceptions Requests process will be momentarily Active, but will immediately return to Inactive status.

Options you can perform: The options you can select for the Net Perceptions Request process are limited to:

Work with queues (Option 9)

View local queue messages (Option 10)

You cannot start, end, or change the status of the process using options, and you cannot clear the queue. Moreover, the F7=Start All and F8=End All options do not apply to the Net Perceptions Requests process.

For more information: See Net Perceptions Interface.

Changing the Number of Sessions

Purpose: Use this pop-up window to change the number of sessions, or queues, available to an e-commerce process. You might increase the number of sessions to improve response time on the web storefront.

Change E-Commerce Job Control Pop-up Window

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to a process at the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (Standard Mode). .

Change E-Commerce Job Control

# of Sessions . . 1


Number of sessions: Enter the number of sessions you would like to run.

Note: You cannot change the number of sessions for the ORDER CLEAN UP process or the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Changing Process Status

Overview: When the Work with E-Commerce Job Control screen is in Standard Mode, you can start or stop the e-commerce processes individually or as a group from the Work with E-Commerce Job Control screen:

• Press F7 to start all processes

• Press F8 to end all processes

• Enter 7 next to a process to start it

• Enter 8 next to a process to end it

When the E-Commerce Job Control screen is in XML Mode, you can start or stop only the MESSAGE CONTROLLER or ORDER CLEAN UP jobs. The MESSAGE CONTROLLER automatically starts the correct ASYNC job when it receives an incoming message.

When you start one or more processes, their status changes from Inactive to Starting to Active. When you end one or more processes, their status changes from Active to Ending to Inactive.

Normally, you would leave the e-commerce processes running except to perform backup, system maintenance, and so on.

Note: You cannot start or end the Net Perceptions Requests Process using options.

Change Status Pop-up Window

Change status: You can also change the status of a process if it does not start or stop normally in a reasonable amount of time. Enter 11 next to a process to display the Change Status pop-up window:

Change status

Inactive . . .

Active . . . .


At this window, enter 1 next to the desired status, Inactive or Active.

Note: You cannot change the status of the Net Perceptions Requests Process using options. The Net Perceptions Requests process remains Inactive except when messages are actively passed between Net Perceptions and CWDirect.

Important: Only security administrators (the Security administrator flag for the user is set to Y in Work with Users) can change the status of an e-commerce process.

Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen (Standard Mode)

Purpose: Use this screen to review or change the MQSeries message queue(s) to use for one of the e-commerce processes, or the Net Perceptions Requests process.

Each process has at least one queue so that it can receive messages from the web storefront. Some processes also have response queues, so they can send messages back to the web storefront. See E-Commerce Processes for more information on the types of messages generated and received by each process.

Note: The input queues for each process should be unique.

How to display this screen: Enter 9 next to a process at the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (Standard Mode).

Note: You cannot work with queues for the ORDER CLEAN UP e-commerce process.

ECX0121 CHANGE Work with E-Commerce Queues 8/26/99 8:48:17

Enter queue definitions for ORDER STATUS/INQUIRY

Local Queue:

Input Queue . . . . . . MOZART.ORDR.STATUS.IN

Response Queue:

Remote Queue Mgr . . : EMOZART

Remote Queue . . . . : EMOZART.ORDR.STATUS.IN

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Local queue/input

The MQSeries message queue, on the iSeries, from which this process receives messages originating from the web storefront. Enter the name of the correct queue to change it.

Note: The input queues for each process should be unique.

Alphanumeric, 48 positions; required.

Response queue/remote queue manager

The definition of the machine where the remote queue is located. Enter the name of the correct queue manager to change it.

Alphanumeric, 48 positions; required.

Response queue/remote queue

The MQSeries message queue to which response messages should be sent from CWDirect for display on the web storefront. The queue you specify here must match the name of the queue on the NT machine or other remote server. Enter the name of the correct queue to change it.

Alphanumeric, 48 positions; required.

Note: See the appropriate configuration manual for your web storefront setup for information on the default queues for each process.

Screen Option


Change a message queue

Enter the name of the queue to change it.

Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen (XML Mode)

Purpose: Use this screen to review or change the input queue manager and input queue used when you are sending and receiving XML messages through a single job queue (for example, if you are using WebSphere Commerce Suite 5.1 or later).

Types of queues: The types of queues displayed at this screen varies depending on the requirements of the process. For example, a process that receives messages but never needs to send a response would not include fields related to response queues. See the E-Commerce Processes for more information on the types of messages received and generated by each process.

How to display this screen: Enter 9 next to a process at the Work with E-Commerce Queues Screen (XML Mode).

ECX0121 CHANGE Work with E-Commerce Queues 6/18/01 10:45:59

Enter queue definitions for MESSAGE CONTROLLER

Local Queue:

Input Queue Mgr . . . . CWIAS400

Input Queue . . . . . . RDC.CONTROLLER.IN.50.Q

Dead Letter Queue:

Dead Letter Queue Mgr : CWIAS400

Dead Letter Queue . . : RDC.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE.50.Q

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Local Queue

Note: Included only if the process receives inbound messages.

Input Queue Manager

The MQSeries message queue manager on your local application server.

Alphanumeric, 48 positions; required.

Input Queue

The MQSeries message queue, on the iSeries, from which this process receives messages originating from the web storefront. Enter the name of the correct queue to change it.

Alphanumeric, 48 positions; required.

Dead Letter Queue

Note: Used for the MESSAGE CONTROLLER only.

Dead Letter Queue Manager

The MQSeries dead letter queue manager on your local application server.

Alphanumeric, 48 positions; required.

Dead Letter Queue

The queue where the Message Controller sends all messages not identified as going to any of the defined e-commerce message queues.

Alphanumeric, 48 positions; required.

Response Queue

Note: Included only if the process sends outbound messages.

Remote Queue Manager

The MQSeries queue manager to send the responses. Typically, this is the same as the input queue manager.

Remote Queue

The queue that sends the responses to the remote system.

Note: See the appropriate configuration manual for your web storefront setup for information on the default queues.

MQSeries Work with Messages Screen (Reviewing Messages)

Purpose: Use this screen to review the messages in the queue for a particular e-commerce process, or for the Net Perceptions Requests process.

How to display this screen: Enter 10 next to a process at the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (Standard Mode).

Note: You cannot review the messages in the queue for the ORDER CLEAN UP e-commerce process.

MQSeries Work with Messages

Queue name . . . . . . . MOZART.ORDR.STATUS.IN

Type options, press Enter.

4=Delete 5=Display Description 8=Display Data

Opt Date Time Type UserId Format Size

19990826 09410800 DATAGRAM MQSTR 52

19990826 09423300 DATAGRAM MQSTR 52

19990826 09475200 DATAGRAM MQSTR 52




F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel

F16=Repeat position to F17=Position to F21=Print

For more information: For more information on using MQSeries, including setup and message formats, see:

• Site Server Sample Store Integration Documentation

• IBM documentation on MQSeries, including redbooks, available at

Contact your MICROS representative for more information.

Clearing Queues

Purpose: From the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (Standard Mode) you can clear the messages from the queue for a particular e-commerce process if it becomes necessary for any reason by entering 14 next to the process. The system displays the Queue Clear Warning pop-up window.

Queue Clear Warning Pop-up Window

Note: Only security administrators (the Security administrator flag for the user is set to Y in Work with Users) can clear the queue of an e-commerce process.

Queue Clear Warning


is about to be cleared. Press F9 to clear the queue,

or F12 to return and not clear the queue.

F9=Accept Clear Request F12=Cancel

To clear: Press F9 to clear the message queue.

Note: You cannot clear the queue for the Net Perceptions Requests Process.

Change Image Paths Screen (Working with Default Image Paths)

Purpose: Use this screen to define:

• the default image type (that is, JPG or GIF) you use on your web storefront

• default paths for each of the image sizes you will use on the web storefront. You can define up to three: regular, thumbnail, and large.

This default setup will simplify data entry if you normally store each type of image file in the same folder and use the item name as the filename.

Note: You can define item images at the base item level only, not the SKU level.

About image files: A web page displays an image by referring to an image file, usually a JPG or a GIF. For example, to display the image ABCDEFG.GIF on a web page, the HTML might include the tag <IMG SRC=”ABCDEFG.GIF”>.

The locations that you define at this screen should be relative to the directory where the web pages are stored on the web server. For example, if the web pages are located in the folder WEBCONTENT, and the regular item images are located in the folder WEBCONTENT/IMAGES/REGULAR, then the default path might be IMAGES/REGULAR. In this example, the above HTML tag might be <IMG SRC=”IMAGES/REGULAR/ABCDEFG.GIF”>.

Setup requirement: In order to use default image paths, you must make sure that each image's filename is the same as the item code plus the specified three-position file type extension (that is, either JPG or GIF). For the item AB2000, you would use a filename of AB2000.JPG or AB2000.GIF. See below for information on setting up overrides for individual item images.

Sample image setup: You would always store the three types of images in separate folders as follows:

• thumbnails: /THUMB

• regular: /IMAGE

• large: /LARGE

If you use the consistent naming conventions described above, once you define the default path for each image size each image can be located for display at the web storefront.

Item overrides: The paths and filenames you specify at the Change E-Commerce Item Image screen act as defaults; however, you can also define override paths and filenames for any item through Enter/Maintain Items; see Merchandising Entering Additional Item Information. Alternatively, you can simply specify filenames on the web storefront itself.

How to display this screen: Press F14 at the Work with E-Commerce Job Control Screen (Standard Mode).

ECX0145 CHANGE Change Image Paths 8/26/99 10:54:45

Image Type . JPG

Thumbnail Path /image/item/thumbnail/

Regular Path /image/item

Large Path . /image/item/large

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Image type

The three-character filename extension that indicates the default image format for the web storefront. Typically, web images are either GIF or JPG.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The path where thumbnail item images are located. You would typically use a thumbnail, or smaller, image on a web page where the customer can browse multiple items.

If the path extends beyond one line and into the next, type continuously without inserting any spaces. The system does not insert a blank space between lines when you download information to the storefront, but treats the four lines as one 240-position field.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields; optional.


The path where regular-sized item images are located. You would typically use a regular image on a web page where the customer can review detailed information on a particular item.

If the path extends beyond one line and into the next, type continuously without inserting any spaces. The system does not insert a blank space between lines when you download information to the storefront, but treats the four lines as one 240-position field.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields and one 15-position field; optional.


The path where large item images are located. You would typically use a large image on a web page if you want the customer to be able to view the item in greater detail.

If the path extends beyond one line and into the next, type continuously without inserting any spaces. The system does not insert a blank space between lines when you download information to the storefront, but treats the four lines as one 240-position field.

Alphanumeric, four 60-position fields and one 15-position field; optional.

  1. The above-referenced applications, and other applications referenced in this document, are trademarked or service-marked by their respective manufacturers.

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