Order Error Listing

How to print: This report is generated automatically through the ECOMM_ORDR job or the ORDER_IN job when a new order request from the web storefront fails the editing process. The person who started the e-commerce jobs or the ORDER_IN job receives this report; see Working with E-Commerce Job Control (EJCT) and Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT).

This report is generated separately for each order that fails the edit. Use batch order entry to review all orders that are in error; see Entering Batched Orders for more information.

CWDirect Rel 6.0 Order Error Listing EKAPLAN PHR0112 4/18/02 12:56:01 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

Order #: 6593 Source Code: SOURCE Customer: 705 DODGESON, GEORGE

Ship To In Error: 1 Customer #: 0 Ship to #: 0 Ship Via: 1

===> Duplicate PO#


• order number

• source code

• sold-to customer number

• ship-to number in error

• sold-to customer number of the order recipient, if different from the customer placing the order

• ship-to number on order, if the order used a permanent ship-to address

• ship via code

• error

For more information: See Order Creation and Maintenance Errors for a listing of errors that might occur and their descriptions.

SO10_02r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN