Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)

Items are units of inventory that are defined to the system according to item codes. The item code consists of the code itself and, optionally, a SKU, which allows you to define the item further by characteristics such as color, size, etc.

Note: The format of the SKU is defined in the System Control file. The SKU can be 14 characters (full SKU) or three 4-character fields (split SKU). If you use the split SKU option, you can define the meaning of each of the three SKU elements (e.g., color, size, width).

You can use the Work with Items/SKUs function not only to work with the item and/or SKU, but also supporting information such as item codes, offer and warehouse, item keywords, and serial numbers. See Working with Existing Items (MITM) for an overview.

Copying items: Copying items allows you to:

• Copy item information from one item to a new item in the same company using the Copy Item Window.

• Add, change or delete item information, for an item with the same item number as the copied item, in one or more shared companies using the Copy Item to Company Window.

See Copying Items for an overview.

In this topic:

Select Items Screen

Creating Items Screen Flow

Creating Non-SKU’ed Items Screen Flow

Creating SKU'ed Items Screen Flow

Create Item Screen

Create Item (Base Information) Screen

Create Item Offer Screen

Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen

Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen

Create SKU Offer Screen

Item Volume Discounting

Select Items Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select an item to work with or review. You can also select an item directly by entering a valid item code in the Item field.

How to display this screen: Enter MITM in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Items/SKUs from a menu.

INR0150 ENTER Select Items 12/11/98 14:39:35


Item . . . . .



Description .

and/or Department . .

and/or Buyer . . . .

and/or Class . . . .

and/or Vendor . . . .

and/or Reference # .

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F14=Supporting File Maint

F24=Select company




Your item code. Enter a valid item code to advance to the Change Item Screen for that item. If you enter a partial item code, you advance to the Work with Items Screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Clr Size Wdth

The SKU elements. You can enter any portion of the item's elements along with the item code. If you enter just a SKU element (e.g., blue), the system displays every item in the file, not just blue items.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); optional.


The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.


The long SKU Department to which the item belongs.

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.


A Buyer is a person who is authorized to make purchases for your company.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


An item Class code is a grouping of similar items.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Vendor (Vendor number)

A Vendor # defines the supplier of an item.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Reference #

This value represents the retail reference or alternate product number. You can use this value to cross-reference an item/SKU to an external system.

If you enter a valid reference number for a non-SKU’ed item, you advance to the Change Item Screen for that item.

If you enter a valid reference number for an item that contains SKUs, you advance to the Change SKU with Overrides screen.

If more than one item or SKU is associated with the reference number you entered, you advance to the Select SKU for Reference Number pop-up window, where you can select the item or SKU you wish to work with.

Default product code for Locate: You can use the reference number to identify the product code for the default system in Locate if CWDirect is not the default. See the Locate Product Code ID (K66) for more information.

Note: This reference number is different from the SKU cross reference number that you can use to identify an item/SKU for orders received from remote systems, such as a retail outlet. See Work with SKU Cross Reference Type Screen for a discussion.

Numeric, 15 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create an item

Press F6 to advance to the Create Item Screen.

Display supporting file maintenance

Press F14 to display a pop-up window of supporting file maintenance options.

Creating Items Screen Flow

Purpose: Press F6 at the Select Items Screen or the Work with Items Screen to add an item.

The screen flow varies, depending on whether you are creating a non-SKU’ed item or SKU’ed item.

Additionally, the Item Creation Values (J08) umbrella system control value contains system control values that control which screens automatically open when you are creating an item.

Creating Non-SKU’ed Items Screen Flow

Enter N at the SKUs field on the Create Item Screen to create a non-SKU’ed item. The system automatically advances you through the following screens to create a non-SKU’ed item.

1. Create Item Screen

2. Create Item (Base Information) Screen

3. Create Vendor Item Screen (only if the Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control value is set to Y)

4. First Work with Keywords for Item Screen (only if the Create Keywords at Item Entry (F78) system control value is set to Y)

5. Create Item Offer Screen (only if the Auto Advance to Item Offer (J05) system control value is set to Y)

Once you have completed creating the item, the system returns you to the Create Item Screen where you can create another item.

Non-SKU’ed item screen flow:

Creating SKU'ed Items Screen Flow

Enter Y at the SKUs field on the Create Item Screen to create a SKU’ed item. The system automatically advances you through the following screens to create a SKU’ed item.

1. Create Item Screen

2. First Work with Keywords for Item Screen (only if the Create Keywords at Item Entry (F78) system control value is set to Y)

3. Create Item Offer Screen (only if the Auto Advance to Item Offer (J05) system control value is set to Y)

4. Depending on whether you are using the SKU Generator:

Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) system control value is set to Y and the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is set to N)

SKU Generator Screen (Entering SKU Information) (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is set to Y)

5. Depending on whether you are using the SKU Generator:

Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) system control value is set to Y and the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is set to N)

Work with SKU Generator Screen (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is set to Y)

6. Depending on whether you are using the SKU Generator:

Create Vendor Item Screen (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) system control value is set to Y, the Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control value is set to Y and the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is set to N)

Enter SKU Base Information Pop-Up Window (only if the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is set to Y)

Once you have completed creating the item and SKU, the system returns you to the:

Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen if you are not using the SKU Generator, where you can create another SKU.

Create Item Screen if you are using the SKU Generator, where you can create another item.

SKU’ed item screen flow:

Create Item Screen

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Select Items Screen or the Work with Items Screen.

INR0358 ENTER Create Item 12/31/13 10:05:16

EZK Mail Order

Item . . . . Desc .

Item Second Language Desc . . . .

SKUs . . . . (Y,N) SKU group . Deflt cost

Vendor . . . Buyer . . . Drop ship N (Y,N)

Mfg Vendor . Exclude FPO N (Y,N) Membership N (Y,N)

L/S Dept . . L/S Class . Class .

Unit/Measure Kit type . . C/S/F/V Status .

Ship wgt . . Sell wgt . . Ship alone S/M/L/U

Height . . . Length . . . Width .

Cube factor Serial #'s . N (Y,N) Sell qty

Discountable Y (Y,N) Non/inv . . N (Y,N) Oversize N (Y,N)

Cycle . . . Hazard code Loc class

Pieces/case. L/S Style L/S Vendor

Season . . . Royalty N (Y/N) Entity .

Ship via . . Carton . . . Inv G/L #

Avail Thrshld Rtl Style Ext Info (Y/N)

Locate elig Y (Y,N) Virtual card type SVC Type P/V/E

User fields

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F14=Supporting file maint




A user-defined code that represents a unit of inventory.

The system assigns an item number if the Auto assign item # = Y in the System Control file; however, you can override this value.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Desc (Description)

A user-defined description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required.

Item second language description

This field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

SKUs (Stock keeping unit)

This field indicates whether the item is available in various styles, such as color, size, etc. Valid values are:

Y = This item has SKUs associated with it.

N = There are no SKUs associated with this item.

See Creating Items Screen Flow for information on how this setting controls screen flow when you are creating an item.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

SKU group (Stock keeping unit group)

A code that represents a group of common characteristics of a SKU item. If you use a split SKU, you can use SKU groups to facilitate data entry when you use the SKU Generator; see Using the SKU Generator (ESKG).

The following are examples of SKU groups:

• SKU Group 001 lists the colors in which an umbrella is available (such as Pink, Mint, Ltbl, Yelw, Ivry, Lvnd).

• SKU Group 002 lists the sizes in which sheets are available (such as King, Qn, Full, and Twn).

If you assign a SKU group to an item, it defaults when you use the SKU generator and is display-only. You can also specify a SKU group when you are using the SKU generator. The SKU generator is available only if you use split SKUs.

SKU Group codes are defined in the SKU Group file; see Working with SKU Groups (WISG).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Deflt cost (Default cost)

The standard cost of the item.

Unlike the Cost field on the second Create/Change/Display Item or SKU (with Overrides) screens, this field is not updated by the system through average costing or landed cost updating.

Secured feature

The ability to update this field after initial item entry is controlled by the secured feature, Secure Item Master Cost Field (A38). If global authority (in the Secured Features file), user or user class authority is set to *EXCLUDE, this field displays for informational purposes only and cannot be updated.

General ledger update

If you change this cost and the Costing Method (A25) is set to STANDARD, the system updates the General Ledger Interface file to reflect the change in inventory valuation. See * = Change Average or Standard Cost for an overview.

Note: The system does not track changes to this field, regardless of the setting of the Track Cost Changes (J69) system control value. See Reviewing Item/SKU Cost History for more information.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.


A user-defined code that represents the vendor or supplier of an item. Validated against the Vendor file. This field is used to:

• Generate vendor items. The system uses this information as the default when you use the SKU Generator; however, you can override it.

• Generate drop ship pick slips or purchase orders.

• Sort and print on various reports.

Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor file; see Working with Vendors (WVEN).

If the Use Data Warehouse (G94) system control value is set to Y, the system requires you to define a vendor number for an item/SKU.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


A user-defined code that represents a person who is authorized to make purchases for your company. This field is used primarily for reporting purposes, and does not default on purchase orders.

Buyer codes are defined in and validated against the Buyer file; see Working with Buyers (WBUY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Drop ship

This field indicates whether you ship the item from your warehouse, or have your vendor ship it to the customer directly.

You can flag an item as drop ship at the item level and SKU level. The setting at the SKU level overrides the setting at the item level. If the setting at the SKU level is blank, the system uses the setting at the item level.

Valid values are:

Y = Drop ship item. When a customer orders the item, you order the item from your vendor and the vendor ships it directly to your customer. If the item is flagged as drop ship, any SKUs for the item can be flagged as drop ship or non-drop ship.

N or blank = Non-drop ship item. You ship the item from your warehouse. If the item is flagged as non-drop ship, any SKUs defined for the item must also be flagged as non-drop ship.

Updating the item drop ship flag to Y: If you change the drop ship flag at the item level from N or blank to Y and the item is a SKU’d item, the system displays the following window, asking whether you wish to flag all of the SKUs for the item as drop ship as well:


Base item will be changed to Drop Ship Y

Existing order detail lines will not be updated.

Do you want to change all SKUs of this item

to Drop Ship Y as well? Y (Y/N)

Press Enter to continue or F12 to cancel.


Enter Y at this window if you wish to update the drop ship flag at the SKU level to Y as well. The system updates the drop ship flag to Y for the item and all of the SKUs defined for the item.

Enter N at this window if you wish to keep the drop ship setting at the SKU level as it is currently defined. The system updates the drop ship flag at the item level to Y, but the SKU level will remain as N or blank. You can update the drop ship flag at the SKU level to Y for selected SKUs.

Note: If you cancel out of this window, the system does not update the drop ship flag at the item or SKU level.

Updating the item drop ship flag to N or blank: If you change the drop ship flag at the item level from Y to N or blank and the item is a SKU’d item, the system displays the following window, indicating the drop ship flag for all of the SKUs for the item will update to non-drop ship as well:


All SKUs of this item

will be changed to Drop Ship N.

Existing Order Detail lines will not be updated.

Press Enter to continue or F12 to cancel.


Note: If you cancel out of this window, the system does not update the drop ship flag at the item or SKU level.

Zone reservation: Drop ship items are not eligible for zone reservation. If you set this field to Y, and try to assign a Zone resrv cd (Zone reservation code) to an item, the system displays the following error message: SKU not eligible for zone reservation code.

Drop ship reservation: For drop ship items, the system tries to reserve the total amount of the customer order from inventory; however, if it can't reserve the entire amount, it generates drop ship pick slips or POs when you run drip ship processing. See Processing Drop Ship Orders by Batch (MDSB).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Mfg vendor (Manufacturing vendor)

The vendor who manufactured the item. This field is used primarily for informational and query purposes.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Exclude FPO (Exclude flexible payment option)

This value determines whether this item is excluded from deferred and installment payment plans. Valid values are:

Y = Exclude this item from deferred and installment payment plans. Any order containing an excluded item cannot have a pay plan applied to it; instead, the following error message displays:


Order is not eligible for deferred/installment billing plan.


N (or blank) = Do not exclude this item from deferred and installment payment plans.

See System Operations Deferred/Installment Billing Overview.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This value indicates that the item represents a membership program, which you can use to generate periodic orders to a customer. Valid values are:

Y = This is a membership item

N (default) or blank = This is not a membership item

When you add a membership item in order entry, the system displays a pop-up window for you to select the membership program in which to enroll the customer.

Simplify creating a membership: You can use the same code for the item number and the membership ID. When you enter this item code in order entry, it defaults to the membership program field in the pop-up window.

Note: If you process orders through the web storefront, the membership item and program ID must be the same.


If the membership includes a discount: You should set the Discountable field for the membership item to N, or the price of the membership itself will be discounted.

You should set the Non/inv field for a membership item toY.

See Customer Service Membership Overview.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

L/S dept (Long SKU department)

A code used to group items into departments for reporting purposes. Long SKU departments are defined in and validated against the Long SKU Department file; see Working with Long SKU Departments (WLSD).

This field is required if the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value or Require L/S Department (I92) system control value is set to Y.

When you upload items or retail price changes into CWDirect, you can identify the item using a combination of long SKU department, long SKU class, long SKU style, long SKU vendor, long SKU color, long SKU size, and long SKU width; see Retail Integration (External System into CWDirect) Overview and Setup.


Secured Feature

If you do not have authority under the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you can not enter or change this value.

STS Sales Interface

The STS Sales Interface uses this code to identify the STS subcode for item. See System Operations Using the STS Sales Interface (WSTS).

Numeric, 4 positions; required if system control value is set to Y.

L/S class (Long SKU class)

A code you can use to group items into classes for reporting purposes. Long SKU classes are defined in and validated against the Long SKU Class file; see Working with Long SKU Classes (WLSC).

This field is required if the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value or Require L/S Class (I93) system control value is set to Y.

Retail Integration (external system to CWDirect)

If the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, long SKU classes are linked to long SKU departments and are called retail classes. Retail classes are department specific whereas regular long SKU classes are unique and remain constant across departments. For this reason, when the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, you can only enter a retail class that is assigned to the long SKU department in this field. If you enter a long SKU class that is not linked to the long SKU department, the system will not let you proceed and displays an error message: L/S Class (xxxx) was not found in L/S Department (xx).


Since retail classes are department specific, if you prompt (press F4) in this field before entering a long SKU department, an error message displays: L/S Department required to prompt on L/S Class.

Retail classes are defined in and validated against the Retail Class file; see the Work with Retail Class Screen.

Note: When the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, the system populates and validates against the Retail Class file instead of the Long SKU Class file; therefore, you cannot access Working with Long SKU Classes (WLSC).

When you upload items or retail price changes into CWDirect, you can identify the item using a combination of long SKU department, long SKU class, long SKU style, long SKU vendor, long SKU color, long SKU size, and long SKU width; see Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU).


Secured Feature

If you do not have authority under the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you cannot enter or change this value.

Long SKU class may also be used as a selection criterion for pick slip generation if the Order Combination Pick Selection Type (G47) system control value is set to L/S CLASS.

Numeric, 4 positions; required if system control value is set to Y.


A user-defined code that identifies a group of items. Item class codes are used to:

• sort inventory

• define information templates at the item class level

• assign city/state restrictions

• assign customer class restrictions

• apply a promotion discount

Validated against the Item Class file; see Working with Item Classes (WICL).

An item class is required if the Require Item Class in Work with Items (F06) system control value is set to Y. An error message displays if you leave this field blank:

Item class required.


Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required if the Require Item Class in Work with Items system control value is set to Y.


A standard by which an item is sold. Typical units of measure include:

EA - each

IN - inches

C12 - case of 12

Validated against the Unit of Measure file (see Working with Units of Measure (WUOM)) and defaults from the Default Item Unit of Measure (B33) system control value, if a value is specified.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Kit type

Defines the type of kit or set functionality represented by this item.

Valid values:

C = Continuity program

S = Set

F = Finished goods

V = Variable set

Blank = none of the above.

Continuity set: A group of items that are shipped in intervals (days or months). For example: Cookie of the Month. See Entering Continuity Set Information (WCNT).

Set: A predefined group of items that is grouped together when it is picked and packed. A set may be comprised of items that are sold individually or only as part of the set. An item record must exist for each component item of the set. See Entering Set Information (WSET).

Finished Goods: Items that are assembled and stocked as a finished unit. These items may be comprised of items that are sold individually or of raw materials that are used only as components of a finished good. An item record must exist for each component item, so that you may track inventory and usage. See Entering Finished Goods Information (WFGD).


• Finished good = sheet set

• Components = flat sheet, fitted sheet, pillow cases.


Variable Set: Customers can choose from a list of items to make up a variable set. For example, an offer says to choose any 2 slacks, 1 jacket, and 1 belt from this page for only $200.00. The Order Entry operator sees a screen listing the available items. You must define the pool of items. Typically, you present the items available in a variable set on the same page of the catalog. See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST).

Kit items are not eligible for zone reservation. If you enter a value in this field and try to assign a Zone resrv cd (Zone reservation code) to an item, the system displays an error message: SKU not eligible for zone reservation code.

See Introducing Sets for more information on each kit type.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


A code that represents an item's status, such as obsolete, discontinued, etc. This information is used for inventory reporting purposes and to select items for physical inventory. See Working with Item Status (WIST) for more information on status codes.

Note: You can also use the Updating SKU Pricing, Handling Options, or Status (MUSP) option to update an item’s status.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Ship wgt. (Shipping weight)

The actual shipping weight of the item. The system can use this value to calculate carton weights and determine shipping charges if you:

• perform manual confirmation

• use cubing

• specify an alternate shipper based on minimum shipping weight

• in purchase order receiving, if you calculate purchase order receipt costing by weight

Also, the system uses the shipping weight defined for the item to create item weight records in the Download Extended Manifest file (FLMNDE) when you use a PC Manifest to confirm shipments. See the Create Manifest Download Extended Records (E77) system control value.

SmartLabel Returns Processing

This weight is also used to determine whether to print a SmartLabel for returns processing. See Using SmartLabel Returns Processing for more information.

SmartPost Pick Slip Processing

This weight is used to determine which SmartPost label to print on the pick slip. See Printing SmartPost Pick Slips for more information.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.

Sell wgt. (Selling weight)

This value is used to calculate the freight charge on an item when the Freight method on the order is Freight by weight or Freight by order weight, as defined in the Source Code file.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.

Ship alone

The value in this field indicates how to ship this item.

Valid values are:

S = This item must ship by itself, and each unit prints on its own pick slip.

M = This item can be shipped with other items (that also have an M in the Ship alone field). Note: This field is implemented for unique pick slip programs only; it will not work for your pick slip without additional programming.

L = This item will print on the pick slip in Location Class sequence along with other items belonging to the same class. A location Class is a code that represents a location type, such as a vault, high ticket (caged) area, hazardous area, etc.

U = This value represents a user-defined code for any special shipping requirements.

Note: If you are creating a gift certificate (a Y in the Gift cert (Gift certificate) field), you must leave this field blank or the following error message displays:


Ship alone field must be blank for gift certificates Y.


Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The height measurement for an item. The Height, Length, and Width values determine the cubic volume of an item. This value can be entered in feet or centimeters, or any other measurement as long as it is consistent. This value is used in Suggest Warehouse Placement (MSLO) when evaluating whether an item can be stored in a particular location.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The length measurement for an item. The Height, Length, and Width values determine the cubic volume of an item. This value can be entered in feet or centimeters, or any other measurement as long as it is consistent. This value is used in Suggest Warehouse Placement (MSLO) when evaluating whether an item can be stored in a particular location.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The width measurement for an item. The Height, Length, and Width values determine the cubic volume of an item. This value can be entered in feet or centimeters, or any other measurement as long as it is consistent. This value is used in Suggest Warehouse Placement (MSLO) when evaluating whether an item can be stored in a particular location.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Cube factor

The cubic volume of the item. This value controls the number of units of this item that can fit into a carton. The system will compare the cube factor against the Cube field value defined in the System Control file, which defines a default box size. See Installation Setting Up Fulfillment Values.

Example: If the Cube field value in the System Control file is 100 and the Cube Factor for an item is 25, then 4 of this item can fit into one box.

Note: The Cube Factor is used to determine the number of pick slips generated.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Serial #'s (Serial numbers)

This value determines whether each unit of the item has a specific serial number that should be tracked.

Y = This item uses serial numbers. If an item is serial number tracked, a serial number must be entered for each unit of this item when the purchase order is received and when the item is shipped (during confirmation, the serial number must be scanned or entered).

See the Work with Serial Numbers Screen for an overview of serial number tracking.

N (or blank) = This item does not use serial numbers.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Sell qty (Sell quantity)

The selling quantity defines the required order quantity (or multiple of) for this item. For example, an item may be stocked in single units, but must be sold in quantities of 6 (or 12, or 18, etc.).

If an uneven amount is ordered during Order Entry, the system displays a message and forces the operator to enter a quantity which is a multiple of this number.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


This value determines whether certain discounts can be applied to the item. If this field is set to N (No), an item is not eligible for the discount percent at Order Entry or the discount percent at the source code level; however, the item is eligible for all other discounts.

Y (or blank) = This item is discountable.

N = This item is not discountable.

Non-discountable items are not included in the merchandise total for the purposes of evaluating whether the order qualifies for a promotional discount (set up through Working with Promotion Values (WPRO)) or dollar discount (set up through the Work with Offer Dollar Discounts Screen or the Work with Source Dollar Discounts Screen) if the discount requires an order minimum.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Non/inv (Non inventory)

This value indicates whether inventory levels are maintained for the item. If set to Y, you can order this item, but the system never checks availability when reserving the item or generating a pick slip. This item will be included in Physical Inventory processing and when calculating the inventory evaluation.

You must enter a Y in this field for a subscription item (Subscription = Y); these items will be express billed.

Note: The item will still be included on a pick slip, as long as the ship via on the order is not an express bill. If you specify a location for a non-inventory item, this location appears on the pick slip; however, the location is not included in the normal sort sequence.

Important: The system will not generate a pick slip for a non-inventory item on an order with all other items backordered, unless you change the Affect inv (Affect inventory?) field to Y on the Work with order Lines screen in order entry; however, this change will effect a change in inventory totals for the non-inventory item during order entry and when you ship the order.


Y = This is a non-inventory item.

N (or blank) = This is a regular item that will be tracked.

Non-inventory items are not eligible for zone reservation. If you set this field to Y, and try to assign a Zone resrv cd (Zone reservation code) to an item, the system displays the following error message: SKU not eligible for zone reservation code.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This value determines whether this item is considered an oversized item. Oversized items do not receive their own pick slip unless ship alone is indicated. This information is passed to TanData.

Y = This is an oversized item.

N (or blank) = This is not an oversized item.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


A code that identifies a physical inventory cycle. You may assign this code to items that will be counted at the same time. Validated against the Item Cycle file; see Working with Item Cycles (WICY).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Hazard code

A user-defined code used to categorize an item as a hazardous material that requires special storage and/or handling. Validated against the Item Hazard file; see Working with Hazardous Item Codes (WHAZ). This information is passed to TanData.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Loc class (Location class)

A code that represents a location type, such as caged area, carousel area, etc. Both items and locations may be assigned location classes. Items can only be stored in locations that have the same location class. Only items with the same location class will appear on the same pick slip.

You can assign a SKU to a location class at the SKU Location Class/Picks Screen.

Validated against the location class file; see Warehousing Creating and Maintaining Location Classes (WLCL).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Pieces/case (Pieces per case)

The number of units that fit in a case. Used when:

• creating license plate numbers for radio frequency inventory management; see Radio Frequency Inquiry and Maintenance (RFMN).

• suggesting location placement.

• determining the restock quantity when you perform retail store restock.

• moving stock from bulk locations during Let Down Replenishment if the Rounding for Casepacks from Bulk in Let Down Replenishment (J43) system control value contains a value.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

L/S style (Long SKU style)

A user-defined field that you can use for tracking and queries. Long SKU style is defined in the SKU file but is not validated.

This field is required if the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y.

The system requires a unique long SKU style code if the Require L/S Style (I94) system control value is set to Y.

When you upload items or retail price changes into CWDirect, you can identify the item using a combination of long SKU department, long SKU class, long SKU style, long SKU vendor, long SKU color, long SKU size, and long SKU width; see Retail Integration (External System into CWDirect) Overview and Setup.

Secured Feature

If you do not have authority to the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you can not enter or change this value.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required if system control value is set to Y.

L/S vendor (Long SKU vendor)

A user-defined field that you can use for tracking and queries. Long SKU vendors are defined in the SKU file but are not validated.

This field is required if the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y. See Merchandising Retail Integration (External System into CWDirect) Overview and Setup.

When you upload items or retail price changes into CWDirect, you can identify the item using a combination of long SKU department, long SKU class, long SKU style, long SKU vendor, long SKU color, long SKU size, and long SKU width; see Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU).

Secured Feature

If you do not have authority under the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you can not enter or change this value.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required if system control value is set to Y.


Defines the season associated with this item, such as spring.

Season codes are defined in and validated against the Season file; see Marketing Working with Season Codes (WSEA).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Last chg date (Last change date)

The date the item, SKU of this item, or vendor item was last created or changed.

Note: This field displays on the Display Item and Change Item screens only.

When you generate the GERS Item Download file, the system looks at this date to determine the items and SKUs to include in the download. See System Operations Generating the GERS Item Download File (GGID).

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); display-only.


This flag indicates whether sales of the item require royalty payments to an author or owner, and is used for query and reporting purposes only. Valid values are:

Y = This is a royalty item

N (default) = This is not a royalty item

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


A business unit within your company that is held accountable for sales performance; for example, mail order, retail, or e-commerce.

If the system control value Require Entity in Item File (G44) is set to Y, you must enter an entity code for each item you set up; entity codes for items and SKUs are defined at the item level. This value is informational only.


An order is associated with an entity through the source code on the order header; for the purposes of accounting, tracking order history, determining vendor response codes, and overriding system control values at the entity level, this source code entity will override any entity assigned to an item on the order. See Installation Setting Up Order Entry Values, and Installation Setting Up Customer Service Values, for information on the system control values that determine how you use entity for these purposes.

Entities are defined in an validated against the Entity file. See Accounts Payable Working with Entities (WENT).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required if the Require Entity in Item File system control value is set to Y.

Ship via

A code that represents the shipper that must be used when shipping this item.

When a customer orders the item, the system assigns this ship via code, but you or the system can override the ship via.

You can set up an additional shipping charge for the item delivered by this ship via using the Create Shipper/Item Screen for the ship via. See Fulfillment Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).


Item Ship Via Override

If item ship via overrides exist for the item, the ship via you define must exist in the Item Ship Via Override file or an error message displays: Invalid ship via for item.

Additionally, if you prompt on the Ship via field, the system displays the Work with Item Ship Via Overrides screen containing only those ship vias eligible to ship the item.

When a customer orders the item, the system assigns this ship via code, but you or the system can override the ship via to another eligible ship via, based on records in the Item Ship Via Override file.

If item ship via overrides do not exist for the item, you can define any valid ship via code in this field. See Working with Item Ship Via Overrides for more information on defining eligible shippers for an item.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The type of carton in which this item must be shipped.

If present, the carton ID is passed to TanData when confirming the item for shipment. This information is used to calculate best way shipping, which determines the lowest price to ship the carton.

Cartons are defined in and validated against the Carton file; see Working with Cartons (WCTN).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Inv G/L # (Inventory general ledger account number)

The general ledger account number to use for inventory transactions. The system debits this account for each shipment, and credits it for purchase order receipts. If no account number is defined here, the system uses the Inventory value G/L # defined for the warehouse.

If you do not have authority under the Secure G/L Number Field Access (A84) secured feature, this field is display-only.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Avail threshold (item-level availability threshold)

Use this field to indicate when to trigger an automatic download of item availability information:

E-commerce: the system saves availability information in the E-Commerce Staging Library (G56); from there, the information is available to the web storefront if you use the E-Commerce Interface. This download allows you to display an item’s availability status to web customers if your web storefront supports it. See E-Commerce Item Availability Processing for additional processing information.

Generic inventory API: the system creates a trigger record for an item when its available quantity breeches the threshold, and an integration layer process generates the Inventory Download XML Message (CWInventoryDownload) message to send inventory information to an external system. See Generic Inventory Download API for an overview of message generation rules and processing.


Availability threshold hierarchy: If you leave this field blank, the system checks the Availability threshold (item class-level); if there is no item class-level setting, the system checks the Quantity Available Threshold for Inventory Downloads (G36) system control value. See this system control value for a complete description of how the availability threshold hierarchy works.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Rtl Style # (Retail style number)

A user-defined code used to identify the item.

Retail Integration (external system to CWDirect)

When you upload item information or retail price changes into CWDirect, you can identify the item using the retail style number; see Working with Retail Integration Item Upload (RIIU) or Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU).

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Ext info (External info)

Indicates if the item is eligible for item retrieval from an external system.

Y = The item is eligible for item retrieval from an external system.

N or blank = The item is not eligible for item retrieval from an external system.

Setting this flag to Y allows you to search for a product in an external system based on the item number entered in CWDirect. For example, the item number in CWDirect may represent a high-level item category, such as “front wheel bearing.” When you enter the item in CWDirect, the system calls the external system so that you can select the specific front wheel bearing that fits the year, make, and model of the car for which the customer is requesting the part. Once the specific product number is selected within the external system, the system returns the product number to CWDirect. If the product number matches an item number in CWDirect, the system adds the item to the order or positions you to the item number in item availability or inventory inquiry.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Locate elig (Locate eligible)

Indicates whether the item is eligible to be fulfilled through the Order Broker if the item is backordered or flagged for sellout:

Y (default) = The item should be fulfilled through the Order Broker if it is not available in the warehouse.

N or blank = The item should not be fulfilled through the Order Broker; use standard backorder or soldout processing.

Item and inventory export: When the Locate Platform is set to Java, only items that are flagged as Locate eligible are included in the product and inventory export to ‘. See Sending Item and Inventory Information to Locate for background.

Fulfillment through the Order Broker can take place only if the Send B/O to Locate (K08) system control value is set to Y. The order and line are also subject to the Rules for Generating Order Broker Triggers for Brokered Backorders. See Order Broker Integration for background.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Virtual card type

Defines the associated virtual card type for this stored value card item in ValueCard. The card type in ValueCard identifies whether you can define an expiration date for a card when the card is activated in ValueCard.

When you generate a pick slip for an order containing a virtual stored value card, the system automatically assigns a stored value card number to the virtual card, using the next available number from the Virtual Card Number File (FLSVCA). When assigning a number to a virtual stored value card, the system first determines the virtual card type defined for the item.

• If a virtual card type is defined for the stored value card item, the system assigns the next available number in the Virtual Card Number file that matches the virtual card type associated with the item.

• If a virtual card type is not defined for the stored value card item, the system assigns the next available number in the Virtual Card Number file that has a blank card type.

• If a virtual card type is defined for the stored value card item and there are no available card numbers in the Virtual Card Number file for that card type, or a virtual card type is not defined for the stored value card item and there are no available card numbers in the Virtual Card Number file with a blank card type, then the system does not assign a card number to the stored value card item. If a number is not available to assign to the card, the entire order line containing the stored value card item will not be billed and the order will print on the Stored Value Card Assignment Errors Report.


If you enter a card type in this field it must match the associated card type in ValueCard. Otherwise, you might send the customer the wrong virtual card number and expiration date. In addition, ValueCard requires that a stored value card is associated with the merchant that created it. Virtual card types must be unique for each merchant and the card type defined for a stored value card item must point to the correct card type in ValueCard for the correct merchant.

You can only enter a virtual card type if the SVC type field is set to V.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

SVC type

A code that indicates the item is a stored value card, and whether the stored value card is a physical or virtual card.

blank (default) = The item is not a stored value card.

P = The item is a physical stored value card.

E = The item is a physical stored value card and, as soon as the stored value card is processed through billing, the system sends an email notification to the recipient card holder on the order, notifying the customer that a stored value card has been purchased and is in the process of being delivered.

R = The item is a stored value card that is activated and fulfilled by a gift card fulfillment system. When you generate a pick slip for a remote fulfillment stored value card, the system sends a remote fulfillment request message to the gift card system; once the gift card system activates and ships the card, the gift card system sends a remote fulfillment confirmation back to CWDirect. See Stored Value Card Remote Fulfillment for an overview.

V = The item is a virtual (non-physical) stored value card.

An error message indicates if you enter a stored value card type and the SKU is flagged as a gift certificate: Item cannot be defined as a stored value card with SKU(s) defined as G/C.

See Creating a Stored Value Card Item for more information on setting up a stored value card item.

Alphanumeric, 1 positions; optional.

User fields

There are 4 user-definable fields. You can define these fields according to your organization's specific requirements.

The system defaults the value defined in the Vendor user field 3 field in Working with Vendors (WVEN) to the Item user field 3 field when you create or change an item and the program name INR1156 has been defined in the User function field for the CHGITEM and ADDITMSKU user exit points. See System Operations Working with User Exit Point (WUEP).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions (each field); optional.

Completing this screen: If you are creating a SKU'ed item, you advance to the Create Item Offer Screen. If you are creating a non-SKU'ed item, you advance to the Create Item (Base Information) Screen.

Create Item (Base Information) Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create SKU level information for a non-SKU’ed item.

How to display this screen: Complete the Create Item Screen with the SKUs field set to N.

INR0361 ENTER Create Item (Base Information) 6/07/99 10:10:45


Item . . . . : LL867 FOUNTAIN PEN

Sort seq# . : Cost . . . . : 65.0000

Primary Whs : 40 Whs max . . : Whs min . . :

Primary Loc : Loc max . . : Loc min . . :

Reserve qty : Zone resrv cd:

Coordinate grp Itm category : Compatibility

2nd Compatblty Sup B/O Card : N (Y/N)

VAT Exempt . : (Y/N)

Restrict . . : (Y/N) S/O Control : Sale credit : (Y/N)

Gift cert . : (Y/N) Subscription : (Y/N) Low price . :

Frequency . : ABC/Velocity : List price :

Reference # : Prj'd Retrns:

Harmonize . : Excl Store Restk

Return/vendor: N (Y/N) Prep Code . : Cntry Of Origin

L/S Color . : L/S Size . . : L/S Width . :

User fields :

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F14=Supporting file maint F23=Comments



Sort seq. # (Sort sequence number)

The sequence number used to determine the order in which SKUs sort.

You can use the sort sequence to display SKUs in a different order, such as by size, rather than alphanumerically by SKU code. See SKU Sort Sequence Numbers for an overview.

This field is required if the Require Sort Sequence Number in the SKU File (F23) system control value is set to Y.

Numeric, 5 positions; required if the Require Sort Sequence Number system control value is set to Y.


The cost of the item. When you use average inventory costing, the system calculates a new average cost automatically during Purchase Order Receiving and updates this field with the new calculated cost.

Average cost: The system uses the following calculation to determine the average cost:

(current on-hand x current average cost) + (quantity received x new purchase cost) / (quantity on-hand + quantity received) = new average cost

The new purchase cost represents the actual cost at which the item was purchased plus any overhead charges and additional item charges. See Warehousing Purchase Order Receiving Overview.

For example:

current quantity on-hand = 185

current average cost = 25.00

quantity received = 25

new purchase cost = 28.75 (25.00 + 15% for commission)

(185 x 25.00) + (25 x 28.75) / (185 + 25) = 25.45 (new average cost)


Standard costing: The system does not calculate a standard average cost automatically. However, you can update the standard cost with the landed cost (primary vendor item price + vendor additional charges) through:

Updating Standard Cost (MSCC) or the Update Standard Cost periodic function, or,

Working with Vendor Items (WVNI) or the Work with Item/SKUs screen, available by entering 8 next to an item or SKU at the Work with Items Screen. Only the vendor item cost associated with the item's primary vendor (appearing on the first Create/Change/Display Item screen) can update the item's standard cost.


General ledger update

If you change this cost and the Costing Method (A25) is set to AVERAGE or STANDARD, the system updates the General Ledger Interface file to reflect the change in inventory valuation. See * = Change Average or Standard Cost for an overview.

FIFO costing: The cost stored here in the SKU file is updated similarly to the average cost, but is used only for reporting and inquiry, not for the actual costing of inventory transactions such as billing.

See the Costing Method (A25) system control value and Warehousing FIFO Costing Overview.


Tracking cost changes

If the Track Cost Changes (J69) system control value is set to Y, the system tracks changes to an item/SKU’s cost. See Reviewing Item/SKU Cost History for more information on how the system tracks cost changes differently depending on your costing method, and how to review cost change history.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Short SKU

(Display screen only)

A unique number that the system assigns to all items and SKUs. You can see this number only on display screens and not on any change or create screens. In Inventory Inquiry (DINI) see: Display SKU (Base Information) Screen (Non-SKU’ed Item) or Display SKU - 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen. In Work with Items (MITM) see: Display SKU (Base Information) Screen or Display SKU Screen.

When passing item/SKU information in the e-commerce interface, the system uses the short SKU number instead of the alphanumeric value in the SKU field. See System Operations Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR).

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Primary whs (Primary warehouse)

A code that represents the primary warehouse where you keep the item. The Default Warehouse (A04) defined in the System Control file defaults here, but you can override it. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file. See Warehousing Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Whs max (Warehouse maximum)

The item's recommended maximum number of units for the warehouse defined in the previous field. The Replenish Warehouses program considers this value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Whs min (Warehouse minimum)

The item's recommended minimum number of units for the warehouse defined previously. The Replenish Warehouses program considers this value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Primary loc (Primary location)

A code that represents the primary location in the warehouse where you stock the item; sometimes referred to as the “primary primary.” The location code you enter here will default in inventory transactions, purchase order receiving, etc. Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location file. See Warehousing Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Typically, the location code is composed of a single alphanumeric character for Zone, and two numbers each for Aisle, Shelf, and Bin. For instance, the location A010201 indicates:

Zone Aisle Shelf Bin

A 01 02 01

Note: When you assign a location code to a non-inventory item, the location code will print on the pick slip if you use one of the base pick slip printing programs; however, the non-inventory item will not be sorted correctly on the batch pull sheet.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Loc max (Location maximum)

The item's recommended maximum number of units to be stored in the primary pick location, defined in the previous field. Replenish Primary Locations considers this value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Loc min (Location minimum)

The item's recommended minimum number of units to be stored in the primary pick location, defined in the Primary loc (Primary location) field. Replenish Primary Locations considers this value.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Zone resrv cd (Zone reservation code)

A code assigned to weather-sensitive items such as plant stock to insure that the items will ship to different regions of the country within time windows suited to the regions.

Items processed through the zone reservation program will not be reserved during order entry; instead they will be assigned a backorder status of Z (Zoned reservation), and will be reserved or backordered during pick generation, at an optimal time for shipping.

Zone reservation processing requires:

• The item/SKU must be assigned a zone reservation code

• The offer associated with the order must be assigned a season code

• The shipping address for the order must be assigned to a geographic zone

• For each zone reservation code, you must define zone date windows for all geographic zones in the country

Note: Items specified as Drop ship items are not eligible for zone reservation codes.

See Fulfillment Shipping Zone Reservation Overview.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Reserve qty (Reserve quantity limit)

If the order quantity exceeds this amount, the system does not attempt to reserve the item when you enter the order, regardless of the setting of the Immediate Reservation (A64) system control value, and does not reserve it through batch reservation when you select this option in Working with Pick Slip Generation (WPSG). You will need to use Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV) to reserve the item on open orders.

Order Broker: If you use the Order Broker Integration, the system submits the order line to the Order Broker for fulfillment even if the line exceeds the reserve quantity limit, provided the line is eligible based on the Rules for Generating Order Broker Triggers for Brokered Backorders.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Coordinate grp

(Coordinate group)

A code assigned to items to ensure that certain items ship together when ordered together. Items with the same coordinate group code will ship together through the same shipper.

The coordinate group number assigned to an item will default when a customer orders the item. You may override this assignment. During pick slip printing, the system will ensure that all coordinate grouped line items are printed at the same time (although all lines within the same coordinate group may or may not print on the same pick).

When you use Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO) to sell out an item, you have the option of placing all related coordinate grouped items on hold.


Coordinate group 999: This number is reserved for the accessory coordinate group. Coordinate group 999:

• Does not coordinate group items that are assigned to coordinate group number 999 on the same order together. Example: If an order contains an in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, an out of stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, and another in stock item that is not assigned to a coordinate group, the system will print a pick slip for the two items that are in stock instead of holding the item assigned to coordinate group 999 until the other item assigned to coordinate group 999 is available.

• Prints a pick slip for items assigned to coordinate group 999 only if there are other shippable items on the order. However, if the items assigned to coordinate group 999 are the only items on the order remaining to ship, the system will print a pick slip for the items. Example: If an order contains an in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, another in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, and an out of stock item that is not assigned to a coordinate group, the system will not print a pick slip for the in stock items until the out of stock item is available.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Itm category (Item category)

A code assigned to the item to classify and group like items for use in the Item Relationships function, to identify a pre-billable percentage for items subject to pre-billing, or to apply a promotion discount. The Compatibility field should also be completed to fully use the Item Relationships function. Validated against the Item Category file; see Working with Item Category Codes (WITG). See Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) for general information on pre-billable items, and see Working with Promotion Values (WPRO) for information on promotions.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


A user-defined code assigned to an item, You can enter this code in the Item Relationships function to review a list of other compatible items. For example, you might use a compatibility code to associate PC-compatible products.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

2nd compatblty (Second compatibility)

This field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Sup B/O card (Suppress backorder card)

This field indicates whether to produce a backorder card for the item. You might use this field to identify promotional items, free gifts, or catalogs, to prevent them from generating backorder cards or appearing on backorder lists.

Valid values are:

Y = Suppress normal backorder card generation for this item.

N or blank = Do not suppress normal backorder card generation.

If the Unconditional Suppression of Backorder Card (F19) system control value is set to Y, suppressed items will never appear on a backorder card. If this system control value is set to N or is blank, suppressed items will appear only on the first backorder card for the order, and only if an unsuppressed item triggers the backorder card when you use Generate Backorder Cards (GBOC).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

VAT exempt

This value controls whether the item is exempt from VAT or conventional tax. This value has a different effect depending on how the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set.

If the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is set to Y:

Y = The item is exempt from both VAT and conventional tax. On orders subject to VAT, the customer pays the regular (tax-exclusive) price for the item.

N or blank = The item is subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing and/or conventional tax.

If the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is set to N:

Y = The item is exempt from tax only if there is a tax rate defined in the VAT % field for the customer's country.

N or blank = The item is subject to tax.

You can also define tax exemptions for an item in a particular U.S. state or Canadian province. See Working with GST Tax Exemption Status (MGTX) and Working with GST Tax Exemption Status (MGTX).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Hidden tax amt (Hidden tax amount)

The amount to include in the Hidden tax field for an item subject to VAT. On orders subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing, tax does not accumulate in the Tax bucket for the order; instead, you charge a tax-inclusive price for items, and the tax is “hidden” on the order detail line.

You can define either a hidden tax amount or a percentage on this screen, but not both. If you do not define either, the item takes the VAT percentage defined for the customer's country.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hidden tax pct (Hidden tax percentage)

The percentage to use when calculating hidden tax for an item subject to VAT. On orders subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing, tax does not accumulate in the Tax bucket for the order; instead, you charge a tax-inclusive price for items, and the tax is “hidden” on the order detail line.

You can define either a hidden tax amount or a percentage on this screen, but not both. If you do not define either, the item takes the VAT percentage defined for the customer's country.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


This value defines whether this item can be ordered.

Y = The operator cannot accept an order for this item in Order Entry and demand is not captured.

N (or blank) = The operator can accept an order for this item in Order Entry and demand is captured.

Note: If there were existing orders for this item before it became “restricted,” those orders are processed normally.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

S/O control (Soldout control)

A code that represents how you determine when an item is sold out. If you leave this field blank, the item will never sell out automatically in Order Entry.

You define soldout control codes in the Soldout Control file with one of the three following statuses:

• Sell out the item immediately. (An item must be coded to sell out immediately in order to be picked up by Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO).)

• Sell out the item when the quantity available is zero, not including open purchase orders.

• Sell out the item when the quantity available is equal to zero, including open purchase orders.


See Customer Service Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD) and Soldout Calculation.

You can define a Default Soldout Control Code (D72) to default automatically when you create items and SKUs; however, you can override this value. The system might also override the soldout control code when you use the Process Auto Soldouts function.

If the Disregard Soldout Controls for Non-Allocatable Warehouses (J27) system control value is set to Y, the system disregards soldout control rules for items reserved against a non-allocatable warehouse. If the item cannot be reserved, the system backorders the item in the non-allocatable warehouse.

Download to web storefront? If you change the soldout control setting for an item that has been downloaded to the web storefront, the system sends current availability information for the item. See E-Commerce Item Availability Processing for an overview.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Sale credit

This field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Gift cert (Gift certificate)

This value determines whether this item is a gift certificate.

Y = The item represents a gift certificate.

N or blank = The item does not represent a gift certificate.

If you are creating a gift certificate and:

• defined a Ship alone value, an error message displays: Ship alone field must be blank for gift certificates Y.

• defined a SVC type, an error message displays: Item cannot be defined as a stored value card with SKU(s) defined as G/C.

How to use gift certificates:

If you sell gift certificates, you would create an item called GC (for example) and flag it with a Y in this field. When you enter this item in Order Entry, the system recognizes it as a gift certificate.

Gift certificates do not appear on pick slips; instead, they are billed automatically when you accept the order. You can print a gift certificate register or gift certificate forms through a separate menu option. See Customer Service Working with Gift Certificates.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This value indicates whether the item is a subscription, such as a newsletter.

Valid values are:

Y = Item is a subscription.

N = Item is not a subscription.

If you identify an item as a subscription item,

• you must enter Y in the Non/inv (non- inventory) field to indicate that inventory levels are not maintained for the subscription item and that customer will be billed (the full price of the subscription) immediately through Express Billing.

• you must create a record for the subscription in the Item Subscriptions file to define the particulars of the subscription, such as the current issue number, length of subscription (number of intervals and number of days between issues).

See Working with Item Subscriptions (WISB).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Low price

The lowest recommended sale price for the item; however, the item can be sold at a lower price. No message displays in Order Entry if you go below this price.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


This code classifies the performance of an item, based on the number of picks generated for the item over a month's time. This field is updated by the system at month-end. Validated against the Frequency file; see Working with Frequency Codes (WFRQ).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


A code that classifies an item based on sales volume. The ABC code assigned to an item is based on the item’s sales performance. For example:

A = Top 50% of sales.

B = Next top 25% of sales.

C = Next top 15% of sales.

D = Bottom 10% of sales.

N = A new item that has no sales history and whose first order date is less than the number of days defined in the First order field for ABC/velocity code N.

Z = An item that has no sales history, but is not a new item. Note: The system assigns this ABC/velocity code to an item even if you have not created the code.

ABC/velocity codes are defined in and validated against the ABC/Velocity file.

Run the ABC/Velocity Process to have the system automatically update an item’s ABC/velocity code, based on sales performance.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

List price

The system uses this price when you process item to item transfers (inventory transaction code = G). The list price of the source and target items must be identical, or the system will not allow you to process the transfer. If you are changing the quantity as part of the transfer, the system will confirm that the list price of the source item is the same as the list price of the target item based on the target item's quantity. For example, if the target item will constitute a set of three of the source item, the list price of the target item should be three times the list price of the source item.

The STS Sales Interface uses this field to identify the STS subcode for price. See System Operations Using the STS Sales Interface (WSTS).

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Reference # (Reference number)

This value represents the retail reference or alternate product number. You can use this value to cross-reference an item/SKU to an external system, such as through the Generic Inventory Transaction Upload or the Generic Order Interface (Order API).

Default product code for Locate: You can use the reference number to identify the product code for the default system in Locate if CWDirect is not the default. See the Locate Product Code ID (K66) for more information.

Note: This reference number is different from the SKU cross reference number that you can use to identify an item/SKU for orders received from remote systems, such as a retail outlet. See Work with SKU Cross Reference Type Screen for a discussion.

Numeric, 15 positions; optional.

Orig retail $

The original price of the item at the retail store.

Enter the original retail price of the item if you are using retail integration (external system to CWDirect) price change processing. Retail price change processing allows you to keep merchandise prices at your retail store in sync with merchandise prices in CWDirect.

If you leave this field blank, the system updates this field with the retail price defined for the first retail price change record associated with this item that you upload into the RI Price Change History Detail file; see Retail Price Change Update Process.

Conversion Program

Before uploading retail price changes into CWDirect you should run a conversion program that creates an original retail price for existing items/SKUs; see Conversion Programs for Retail Integration from an External System into CWDirect.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Projected returns

The number of units you expect to receive in returns for the item. The system uses this quantity when determining whether to sell out an item in order entry or maintenance if the item has a soldout control status of 2 (include on-order quantity in soldout calculation). The system backorders the projected return total plus the on-order quantity on unreceived purchase orders before selling out the item. For example, if you had 0 units on-hand, 10 units on an open purchase order, and entered 10 in this field, the system would backorder the first 20 units you entered in order entry, and sell out any units ordered after that.


Automatic field update: When a return is processed, the system automatically subtracts the number of units returned from the number you initially entered in the Projected returns field. The number in this field will never be less than 0, however. For example, if you initially entered 10 in the Projected returns field, and 11 units of this item are returned, the Projected returns field will show a value of 0 when the return is processed.

Note: Updating this field does not affect any orders already entered.

See Customer Service Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD) for more information on working with soldout control codes and how they work with projected return quantities.

Include projected returns for item availability sent to web storefront? The Include Projected Returns in Available Quantity for Download (J62) system control value indicates whether to include the projected returns quantity when calculating the available quantity sent to the web storefront. See that system control value for more information.

Include projected returns in expected quantity in order entry? The Include Projected Returns in Available Quantity for OE (L68) system control value indicates whether to include the projected returns quantity in the expected quantity that displays on the SKU Scan Screen and Display Item Availability Screen (Reviewing Item Availability) in order entry. Also, if an open purchase order for the item does not exist, and this system control value is set to Y, the system calculates an Expected date for the item by adding the FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71) to the current date.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


A code that prints on customs documents for international shipments.

If you charge duty on international orders, you use this field to define the item's duty rate. The system compares this value with the duty rates defined for the country of the shipping address, and adds a duty charge to the order if it finds a match. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for more information on defining duty rates for a country.

You can also update the harmonize codes for multiple items quickly through the Update Harmonize Codes function; see Updating Harmonize Codes (UPHC).

Alphanumeric, 16 positions; optional.

Excl store restk (Exclude from retail store restock)

This value defines whether the item is excluded from retail store restock.

Valid value are:

Y = The item is excluded from retail store restock.

N or blank = The item in not excluded from retail store restock.

See Warehousing Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This field indicates whether the item is eligible for return; informational only.

Valid values are:

Y = The item is eligible for return

N (default) = This item is not eligible for return

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Prep code

A code used to indicate any special preparation or handling required for the SKU. This field is informational only.

Prep codes are defined in and validated against the Prep Code file. See Working with Prep Codes (WPRC).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Cntry of origin (Country of origin)

A code representing the country where the SKU originated. This value is used by the World Pack interface to determine duty for shipments to certain countries.

Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country file; see Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

L/S color (Long SKU color)

A code, typically used in a retail environment, that represents the color portion of the Long SKU code. Used for reporting purposes.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

L/S size (Long SKU size)

A code, typically used in a retail environment, that represents the size portion of the Long SKU code. Used for reporting purposes.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

L/S width (Long SKU width)

A code, typically used in a retail environment, that represents the width portion of the Long SKU code. Used for reporting purposes.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

User fields

There are 5 user-definable fields. You can define these fields according to your organization's specific requirements.

The STS Sales Interface uses the first user field to identify the STS subcode for merchandise. See System Operations Using the STS Sales Interface (WSTS).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions (first 3 fields); 5 positions (last 2 fields); optional.

Completing this screen: You advance to the Create Vendor Item Screen if the Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control value is set to Y; otherwise, you advance to the Create Item Offer Screen.

Create Item Offer Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to assign an offer to an item.

Other ways to update item prices and offers: See Options for Updating Item or SKU Offer or Price for a listing.

How to display this screen:

• You advance to this screen automatically when you create a SKU’ed or non-SKU’ed item if the Auto Advance to Item Offer (J05) system control value is set to Y; see Creating Items Screen Flow.

• Press F6 at the Work with Item Offers Screen.

INR0012 ENTER Create Item Offer 3/28/02 12:48:48



Offer . . . . . . .

Effective date . .

Price . . . . . . . Associate price . . . .

Tax inclusive price Tax incl assoc price . .

Alt currency price

Page number . . . . Curve code . . . . . . .

Expected return . . %

Special handling . N (Y,N) S/H price . . . . . . .

S/H code . . . . . . . .

Gift wrap . . . . . N (Y,N) G/W price . . . . . . .

Freight . . . . . . Hidden freight . . . . .

Sale item . . . . . N (Y/N) Volume discount . . . . (Y/N)

Cost . . . . . . . Square inches . . . . .

Coupon discount $ . Coupon expiration date .

Projected units . . Feature/option . . . . . (F,O)

Column pricing . . N (Y,N) Pickup/new . . . . . . . (N,P)

Warranty . . . . .. (Y/N) Required reason code . . (Y/N)

F3=Exit F8=Work with alias F9=Save/add more F12=Cancel

F14=Catalog Planning ENTER=Save/exit



Offer (Offer code)

The code for the offer (catalog) in which the item appears. Validated against the Offer file. See Marketing Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Effective date

The date the price indicated becomes valid. This date should be on or later than the start date of the offer, and on or before the stop date of the offer. If you leave this field blank, the effective date of the offer defaults.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); optional.

Sub page

This field is informational only. You can use this field to call an external program that creates an item alias outside of CWDirect. The system provides a “hook” to the program when you defines a sub page code on this screen or the Create Item/SKU Offer screen in Creating Item/SKU Offers (MISO). Once the program completes, CWDirect returns to normal processing. See System Operations Working with User Exit Point (WUEP) for more information on user exit points.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.


The price at which the item will be sold in this offer, if no discounts are applied, and the order date is on or after the effective date. You can establish multiple effective dates and prices for the same item/offer. If there are multiple effective dates and prices, the single-unit price with the latest date is displayed here, even if the date is in the future.

Note: Although you can enter a price in this field for a variable set item, the price is informational only; the system prices variable set items by the total price of the set’s components. See Entering Variable Set Information (WVST).


Alternate currency pricing: If the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y, the Alt currency price field displays allowing you to enter the price of the item in the alternate (foreign) currency.

• If you enter the alternate price for the item, the system updates the Price field with the local price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter the local price for the item, the system updates the Alternate currency price field with the alternate price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter both an alternate price and local price for the item, the system uses the alternate price you defined and updates the Price field (local price) using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

The Price field on the Change Item Offer Screen is display-only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing system control value is set to Y and a conversion rate is defined for the offer; if you want to update the item offer price you need to update the price in the Alternate currency price field.

See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Associate price

The price at which the item will be sold in this offer to associate customers. Associate price is used when the Associate field on the order is set to Y (yes) and the order date is on or after the effective date.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax inclusive price

The price at which the item will be sold in this offer on orders subject to VAT. In tax-inclusive pricing, a “hidden tax” is included in the order detail line for the item rather than accumulating in the Tax bucket.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

An error message displays in order entry if an order is subject to VAT but no tax-inclusive price has been defined.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax incl assoc price (Tax-inclusive associate price)

The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers on orders subject to VAT. In tax-inclusive pricing, a “hidden tax” is included in the order detail line for the item rather than accumulating in the Tax bucket.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Alt currency price

The price at which the item is sold in the alternate currency, if no discounts are applied, and the order date is on or after the effective date.

This field displays only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y. You cannot enter any other item/offer amounts in the alternate currency; all other amounts display in the local currency.

• If you enter the alternate price for the item, the system updates the Price field with the local price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter the local price for the item, the system updates the Alternate currency price field with the alternate price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter both an alternate price and local price for the item, the system uses the alternate price you defined and updates the Price field (local price) using the conversion rate defined for the offer.


Decimalized currency? The system looks at the Currency file to determine if the currency uses decimals for alternate currency pricing. If the currency has Decimalized currency set to Y, the system includes decimals when converting to the currency; if the field is set to N, the system rounds to the nearest whole unit of currency. See Decimalized Currency? for conversion calculations and examples.

If the offer is not associated with a currency code, indicating the offer is in the local currency, an error message displays if you enter a price in the Alternate currency price field: No conversion rate for offer.

Note: The alternate currency price is not stored in any file in CWDirect; the system displays the alternate price based on the local price defined in the Price field in the Item Price file and the conversion rate defined for the offer.

See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Page number

The primary page number on which the item appears in the offer. This assignment is used for reporting purposes, such as in the Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR).

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Curve code

A code that represents the item's expected selling pattern in this offer. This code is used by the forecasting system for inventory projection and analysis reporting. Validated against the Projection Curve file. See Marketing Working with Projection Curves (WCRV).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Expected return %

The percentage of returns you expect to receive for the item/offer. This field is used for forecasting projections and other reports (such as the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP)).


3.5 = 3.50%

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Special handling

Indicates whether this item is eligible for any type of special handling in this offer (such as monogramming, hemming, etc.).

Y = This item is eligible for special handling.

N (or blank) = This item is not eligible for special handling.

If this field is set to Y and there is a default special handling code defined (see below), OR if you specify special handling for an item in order entry, you advance to the Work with Special Handling Screen or the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen; however, if the special handling code’s:

Suppress S/H window field is set to Y: the system adds the special handling code and charge to the item without displaying the special handling screen.

Bypass S/H field is set to Y: you do not advance automatically to the special handling screen unless you enter the special handling code when entering the item; however, you can still advance to the special handling screen by entering 8 next to the item.

See Special Handling Overview for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

S/H price (Special handling price)

The price to charge the customer for special handling. The Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value indicates whether to add the price just once for each order line, or multiply the special handling price by the item quantity for the line.

An error message indicates if you enter a special handling price and the Special handling field is set to N:

Special handling price not allowed when not eligible.

If you specify a price here for a custom special handling code, it overrides any pricing defined for the custom special handling format; see Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF). However, special handling charge breaks override any price defined here; see Using Special Handling Charge Breaks.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

S/H code (Special handling code)

The additional charge code associated with the type of special handling you are offering for the item.

The system validates that the additional charge code is defined as a special handling type of standard or custom; the system handles each type in a different way. See Special Handling Overview for more information.

If you enter a special handling code here, you advance to the Work with Special Handling Screen or Work with Custom Special Handling Screen automatically in order entry; however, if the special handling code’s:

Suppress S/H window field is set to Y: the system adds the special handling code and charge to the item without displaying the special handling screen.

Bypass S/H field is set to Y: you do not advance automatically to the special handling screen unless you enter the special handling code when entering the item; however, you can still advance to the special handling screen by entering 8 next to the item.

See Special Handling Overview for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Gift wrap

This value indicates whether gift wrapping is available for this item. If the Gift Wrap Default (F07) field in the System Control file is set to Y, this field defaults to Y, although you can override it; otherwise, this field defaults to N.

Y (or blank) = This item can be gift wrapped.

N = In this offer, gift wrapping is not available for this item.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

G/W price (Gift wrap price)

The price in this offer for gift wrapping the item. The gift wrap field must be set to Y to indicate that this item is eligible for gift wrap. The gift wrap price will be charged for each unit of this item that is gift wrapped.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The freight amount to be charged for this item. The value in this field will be multiplied by the quantity ordered. This value is used only if Freight by item or Flat Rate by item has been chosen as the Freight method for the source code.

Numeric, 6 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hidden freight

This value is used only with item level freight methods, such as: Flat rate by item, flat rate by item quantity, flat rate by item source, and by item.

Hidden freight represents the portion of the item's catalog price that is used for freight. You might define a hidden freight value when the freight charge to ship the item is very high. The hidden freight charge is included in the price of the item so the actual freight charge is not visible to the customer.

The hidden freight amount is subtracted from the catalog price of the item when gross profit is calculated and sales are posted. The amount of freight is posted to a separate G/L number, which is defined in the Division file. Hidden freight is also known as “theoretical” or “buried” freight.

Numeric, 6 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Sale item

Indicates whether the item is on sale. This flag controls whether to generate a sale credit when the customer returns the item, based also on the payment method and the setting of the Generate Sale Credit for Orders with Sale Items (I64) system control value. Valid values are:

Y = This is a sale item.

N (default) = This is not a sale item.

If the Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts (I65) system control value is set to Y, this flag controls whether the item is included in prorated discounts or is included when determining whether an order qualifies for a promotion. Also, if both this system control value and the Apply Loyalty at the End of Order (J35) system control value are set to Y, then sale items do not receive a loyalty discount. See these system control values for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Volume discount

This value indicates whether this item is eligible for an end-of-order discount that will be applied when you accept the order during Order Entry.

Y = The item/SKU is eligible for the volume discount.

N (or blank) = The item/SKU is not eligible for the volume discount.

See Item Volume Discounting.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The cost to include the item in the offer; not related to the Cost of an item or SKU (see the Create Item Screen and Create Item (Base Information) Screen for descriptions of the Cost fields for an item or SKU). This value is used in square inch analyses and offer page analyses, such as the Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR), and used in calculations to determine item contribution and profitability.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Square inches

The square inches (not the percentage) that the item occupies on the catalog page or in the offer. This value is used to calculate the profitability of the item on the page.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Coupon discount $ (Coupon discount dollars)

This value represents the amount that is subtracted from the price when the item/SKU is ordered from this offer.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Coupon effective date

The date the coupon becomes effective.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Projected units

The number of units of this item that you expect to sell in the offer. You enter this forecasting value manually; the system does not update this field. This value is used for reporting purposes such as in the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


This value indicates whether the item is considered a featured or optional item in a depiction. A depiction is a photograph or drawing of several items within an offer. The featured item is the focus of the depiction; whereas, the optional items are less prominently displayed. For example, if a dining room is depicted, the dining room set may be the featured item and the individual place settings, crystal, and centerpiece may be the optional items.

Valid values are:

F = Item is the featured item in the depiction.

O = Item is an optional item in the depiction.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Column pricing

This value determines whether this item is eligible for column pricing discounts.

Y = The item is eligible for column pricing discounts. You advance to an additional screen where you can define the effective date, quantity, price, associate price, and pricing column.

N (or blank) = The item is not eligible for column pricing discounts.


What is column pricing?

In customer maintenance, you can assign a customer to a pricing column. This means that the customer will be charged the column price, even if the customer does not order the number of units specified for the price break. If the customer orders more units than specified in the column assignment, the price break at the next level will be used on the order.


Quantity Price Assoc. Price Column

1 $100.00 $95.50 01

5 $ 90.00 $85.50 02

10 $ 80.00 $75.95 03

You can create as many price breaks as you like.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This value indicates whether the item has been carried over from a previous offer or is new to your product offerings.

Valid values are:

P = Item is a pickup item, previously sold in another offer.

N = Item is a new addition in this offer.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This field defines whether the item in this offer is a warranty item.

Valid values are:

Y = The item in this offer is a warranty item. When an operator adds this item to an order in order entry or order maintenance, the system adds the item to the order at no charge.

N or blank = The item in this offer is not a warranty item.

If the Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (G01) system control value contains a price override reason code, the system defaults this code to the Price override code field; otherwise, the operator must enter a code.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Required reason code

This field defines whether an Order addition reason code is required when the item in this offer is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

Valid values are:

Y = The item in this offer requires an add reason code when the item is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance. The system displays the Enter Add Reason Window when an operator adds this item to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

N = The item is this offer does not require an add reason code when the item is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Completing this screen: If you advanced to this screen through initial item creation, you return to the Create Item Screen.

Press F3 or F12 at this screen if you do not want to create an item/offer.

Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a SKU for a SKU’ed item.

How to display this screen:

• You advance to this screen automatically when you create a SKU’d item if the Auto Advance to SKU Create (B34) system control value is set to Y and the Auto Advance to SKU Generator (J06) system control value is set to N. See Creating SKU'ed Items Screen Flow.

• Press F6 at the Work with SKUs Screen.

Completing this screen: Press Page Down to advance to the Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen. This screen contains additional SKU attributes, including those related to long SKU and physical dimensions.

If you press Enter at this screen rather than pressing Page Down, the system:

• If the Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control value is set to Y, automatically advances you to the Create Vendor Item Screen.

• If the Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control value is set to N, creates the SKU after validating your entries and highlighting any errors, if necessary. In this case, you need to enter 2 next to the SKU from the Work with SKUs Screen and then press Page Down to work with any of the fields at the Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen.

After you create a SKU, the system returns you to this screen, allowing you to create another SKU. You can press F3 when you have finished creating all SKUs.

You can also press F3 if you wish to create a SKU’ed item without creating the individual SKUs at this time.

INR1276 ADD Create SKU - 1 of 2 (With Overrides) 6/07/99 11:07:24




Second Language Description . .

Sort seq# . : Cost . . . . : 20.0000 Drop Ship (Y/N)

Primary Whs : 40 Whs max . . : Whs min . . :

Primary Loc : Loc max . . : Loc min . . :

Reserve qty : Zone resrv cd

Coordinate grp Itm category : Compatibility

2nd Compatblty Sup B/O Card : N (Y/N)

VAT Exempt . : (Y/N) Hidden tax amt Hidden tax pct

Restrict . . : (Y/N) S/O Control : Sale credit : (Y/N)

Gift cert . : (Y/N) Subscription : (Y/N) Low price . :

Frequency . : ABC/Velocity : List price :

Reference # : Prj'd Retrns

Harmonize . : Excl Store Restk

Return/vendor: N (Y/N) Prep Code . : Cntry Of Origin

User fields :

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F14=Supporting file maint F15=Offers

F16=Item base info F23=Comments




The SKU element (full SKU) or elements (split SKU), such as color or size, that identify the item further. The Split SKU Inventory (A26) system control value controls whether you use a full or split SKU.

Elements are defined in the System Control file and validated against the SKU Element (1,2,3) files. An item does not require all 3 elements.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); required.

Description (Unlabeled field to the right of the SKU field(s))

The description of the SKU element.

The system displays the SKU description in place of the SKU elements in order entry, order maintenance and order inquiry if the Display SKU Description in place of SKU Element (F25) system control value is set to Y or the Display SKU Description on Scan Order Detail Screens (J90) system control value is set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Second language description

This field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Sort seq. # (SKU sort sequence number)

The sequence number used to determine the order in which SKUs sort.

You can use the sort sequence to display SKUs in a different order, such as by size, rather than alphanumerically by SKU code. See SKU Sort Sequence Numbers for an overview.

This field is required if the Require Sort Sequence Number in the SKU File (F23) system control value is set to Y.

Numeric, 5 positions; required if the Require Sort Sequence Number system control value is set to Y.


The cost of the item. This cost defaults from the base item but may be overridden for the SKU being created.

Standard costing: The system does not calculate a new standard cost automatically. However, you can update the standard cost with the landed cost (primary vendor item price + vendor additional charges) through:

Updating Standard Cost (MSCC) or the Update Standard Cost periodic function, or,

Working with Vendor Items (WVNI) or the Work with Item/SKUs screen, available by entering 8 next to an item or SKU at the Work with Items Screen. Only the vendor item cost associated with the item's primary vendor (appearing on the first Create/Change/Display Item screen) can update the item's standard cost.


Average costing: The system calculates a new average cost automatically during Purchase Order Receiving and updates this field with the new calculated cost.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the average cost:

(current on-hand x current average cost) + (quantity received x new purchase cost) / (quantity on-hand + quantity received) = new average cost

The new purchase cost represents the actual cost at which the item was purchased plus any overhead charges and additional item charges. See Warehousing Purchase Order Receiving Overview.

For example:

current on-hand quantity = 185

current average cost = 25.00

quantity received = 25

new purchase cost = 28.75 (25.00 + 15% for commission)

(185 x 25.00) + (25 x 28.75) / (185 + 25) = 25.45 (new average cost)


General ledger update

If you change this cost and the Costing Method (A25) is set to AVERAGE or STANDARD, the system updates the General Ledger Interface file to reflect the change in inventory valuation. See * = Change Average or Standard Cost for an overview.

FIFO costing: The cost stored here in the SKU file is updated similarly to the average cost, but is used only for reporting and inquiry, not for the actual costing of inventory transactions such as billing.


Tracking cost changes

If the Track Cost Changes (J69) system control value is set to Y, the system tracks changes to an item/SKU’s cost. See Reviewing Item/SKU Cost History for more information on how the system tracks cost changes differently depending on your costing method, and how to review cost change history.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Drop ship

Indicates whether the SKU is a drop ship item. Drop ship items ship to the customer directly from the vendor instead of shipping from your warehouse.

You can flag an item as drop ship at the item level and SKU level. The setting at the SKU level overrides the setting at the item level. If the setting at the SKU level is blank, the system uses the setting at the item level.

Valid values are:

Y = Drop ship SKU. When a customer orders the SKU, you order the SKU from your vendor and the vendor ships it directly to your customer. You can only flag a SKU as drop ship if the Drop ship flag at the item level is Y.

N = Non-drop ship SKU. You ship the SKU from your warehouse. You can flag a SKU as non-drop ship if the Drop ship flag at the item level is Y, N or blank.

Blank = The drop ship setting has not been defined at the SKU level; instead, the system uses the drop ship setting defined at the item level to determine if the SKU is a drop ship item.

Zone reservation: Drop ship items are not eligible for zone reservation. If you set this field to Y, and try to assign a Zone resrv cd (Zone reservation code) to an item, an error message indicates: SKU not eligible for zone reservation code.


Drop ship reservation: For drop ship items, the system tries to reserve the total amount of the customer order from inventory; however, if it can't reserve the entire amount, it generates drop ship pick slips or POs when you run drip ship processing. See Processing Drop Ship Orders by Batch (MDSB).

Drop ship conversion program: Run the following conversion program, where 001 represents your company number, if you would like to update the Drop ship flag at the SKU level for all of your drop ship items that contain SKUs. You should only run this conversion program if you wish to flag an item as drop ship or non-drop ship at the SKU level.

CALL CVR0717 PARM( ‘ ‘ X’001F’)

This conversion program performs the following updates:

• If the Drop ship flag at the item level is N or blank, the system updates the Drop ship flag at the SKU level to N.

• If the Drop ship flag at the item level is Y, the system updates the Drop ship flag at the SKU level to Y. After running the conversion program, you can then change individual SKUs for the item to N.

Note: This conversion program does not update existing order detail lines.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Short SKU

(Display screen only)

A unique number that the system assigns to all items and SKUs. You can see this number only on display screens, not on change or create screens. In Inventory Inquiry (DINI) see: Display SKU (Base Information) Screen (Non-SKU’ed Item) or Display SKU - 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen. In Work with Items (MITM) see: Display SKU (Base Information) Screen or Display SKU Screen.

When passing item/SKU information in the e-commerce interface, the system uses the short SKU number instead of the alphanumeric value in the SKU field. See System Operations Downloading E-Commerce Offer Files (EOFR).

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Primary whs (Primary warehouse)

A code that represents a warehouse where this item is stocked. The default warehouse code defined in the System Control file defaults here, but you can override it. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file. See Warehousing Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Whs max (Warehouse maximum)

The SKU's recommended maximum number of units for the warehouse specified in the Warehouse field. The warehouse replenishment function considers this maximum when calculating the quantity of an item required to replenish a “To” warehouse; see Warehousing Creating a Warehouse Replenishment Request.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Whs min (Warehouse minimum)

The SKU's recommended minimum number of units for the warehouse specified in the Warehouse field. The warehouse replenishment function considers this maximum when calculating the quantity of an item required to replenish a “To” warehouse; see Warehousing Creating a Warehouse Replenishment Request.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Primary loc (Primary location)

A code that represents an area within the warehouse that contains the item/SKU. Sometimes referred to as the “primary primary.” Validated against the Location file.

Typically, the location code is composed of a single alphanumeric character for Zone, and two numbers each for Aisle, Shelf, and Bin. For instance, the location A010201 indicates:

Zone Aisle Shelf Bin

A 01 02 01

Note: When you assign a location code to a non-inventory item, the location code print son the pick slip if you use one of the base pick slip printing programs; however, the non-inventory item is not sorted correctly on the batch pull sheet.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Loc max (Location maximum)

The SKU's recommended maximum number of units to be stored in the primary pick location. The location replenishment function considers this maximum when calculating the quantity of an item required to replenish a location; see Warehousing Replenish Primary Locations Overview.

The primary pick location refers to the code in the Location field, displayed on this screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Loc min (Location minimum)

The SKU's recommended minimum quantity to be stored in the primary pick location. The location replenishment function considers this minimum when calculating the quantity of an item required to replenish a location; see Warehousing Replenish Primary Locations Overview.

The primary pick location refers to the code in the Location field, displayed on this screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Reserve qty. (SKU reserve limit exceed)

If the order quantity exceeds this amount, the system does not reserve the item/SKU and display a backorder reason. The order line must be reserved using Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Zone resrv cd (Zone reservation code)

A code assigned to weather-sensitive items/SKUs such as plant stock to insure that the items ship to different regions of the country within time windows suited to the regions.

Items/SKUs processed through the zone reservation program are not reserved during order entry; instead they are reserved during pick generation, at an optimal time for shipping.

Zone reservation processing requires:

• The SKU must be assigned a zone reservation code

• The offer associated with the order must be assigned a season code

• The shipping address for the order must be assigned to a geographic zone

• For each zone reservation code, you must define zone date windows for all geographic zones in the country

Note: Items specified as Drop ship items are not eligible for zone reservation codes at the SKU level.


Note: If you have not set up the required values for zone reservation processing, a zone reservation coded item follow standard order entry processing, except that if the item is backordered, it is not reserved through the Evaluate Backorders process. You can reserve the item through Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV).

See Fulfillment Shipping Zone Reservation Overview.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Coordinate grp (Coordinate group)

A code that may be assigned to item/SKUs to ensure that certain item/SKUs ship together when ordered together. Item/SKUs with the same coordinate group code ship together through the same shipper.

The coordinate group number assigned to an item/SKU default sin Order Entry when the item/SKU is ordered. You may override this assignment. During Pick Printing, the system ensures that all coordinate grouped line item/SKUs print at the same time (although all lines within the same coordinate group may or may not print on the same pick).

When you use Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO) to sell out an item, you have the option of placing all related coordinate group items on hold.


Coordinate group 999: This number is reserved for the accessory coordinate group. Coordinate group 999:

• Does not coordinate group items that are assigned to coordinate group number 999 on the same order together. Example: If an order contains an in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, an out of stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, and another in stock item that is not assigned to a coordinate group, the system will print a pick slip for the two items that are in stock instead of holding the item assigned to coordinate group 999 until the other item assigned to coordinate group 999 is available.

• Prints a pick slip for items assigned to coordinate group 999 only if there are other shippable items on the order. However, if the items assigned to coordinate group 999 are the only items on the order remaining to ship, the system will print a pick slip for the items. Example: If an order contains an in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, another in stock item assigned to coordinate group 999, and an out of stock item that is not assigned to a coordinate group, the system will not print a pick slip for the in stock items until the out of stock item is available.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Itm category (Item category)

A code assigned to the SKU to classify and group like item/SKUs for use in the Item Relationships function, to identify a pre-billable percentage for items subject to pre-billing, or to apply a promotion discount. The Item Category is a level below the Item Class. For example, if the item class assignment is “Software Products,” the Item Category assignment might be “Word Processing Software” to subgroup and sort similar items. Validated against the Item Category file; see Working with Item Category Codes (WITG). See Pre Billed Amount Item (J72) for general information on pre-billable items, and see Working with Promotion Values (WPRO) for information on setting up promotions.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


A user-defined code assigned to an item/SKU. You can enter this code in the Item Relationships function to display a list of other compatible items or SKUs.

Example: You can assign a compatibility code of 01 to an IBM-compatible computer and to other items such as printers, tape drives, etc.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

2nd compatibility (Second compatibility)

This field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Sup B/O card (Suppress backorder card)

This field indicates whether to produce a backorder card for the SKU. You might use this field to identify promotional items, free gifts, or catalogs, to prevent them from generating backorder cards or appearing on backorder lists.

Valid values are:

Y = Suppress normal backorder card generation for this item.

N or blank = Do not suppress normal backorder card generation.

If the Unconditional Suppression of Backorder Card (F19) system control value is set to Y, suppressed SKUs never appear on a backorder card. If this system control value is set to N or is blank, suppressed SKUs appear only on the first backorder card for the order, and only if an unsuppressed item triggers the backorder card generation.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

VAT exempt

This value controls whether the SKU is exempt from VAT and tax-inclusive pricing. The SKU is still subject to conventional tax, in which the tax amount accumulates in the Tax bucket, on any order subject to conventional tax rather than VAT.

Valid values are:

Y = This SKU is exempt from VAT and tax-inclusive pricing.

N or blank = This SKU is subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing.

This value is effective only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Hidden tax amt (Hidden tax amount)

The amount to include in the Hidden tax field for an item subject to VAT. On orders subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing, tax does not accumulate in the Tax bucket for the order; instead, you charge a tax-inclusive price for items, and the tax is “hidden” on the order detail line.

You can define either a hidden tax amount or a percentage on this screen, but not both. If you do not define either, the SKU takes the VAT percentage defined for the customer's country.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hidden tax pct (Hidden tax percentage)

The percentage to use when calculating hidden tax for an item subject to VAT. On orders subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing, tax does not accumulate in the Tax bucket for the order; instead, you charge a tax-inclusive price for items, and the tax is “hidden” on the order detail line.

You can define either a hidden tax amount or a percentage on this screen, but not both. If you do not define either, the SKU takes the VAT percentage defined for the customer's country.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


This value defines whether you can accept an order for this item/SKU in Order Entry and whether demand is captured.

Y = The operator cannot accept an order for this item/SKU.

N (or blank) = The operator can accept an order for this item/SKU.

Note: If there were existing orders for this item before it became “restricted,” those orders are processed normally.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

S/O control (Soldout control)

A code that represents how you determine when an item/SKU is soldout. If you leave this field blank, the item/SKU never sells out automatically in Order Entry.

You define soldout control codes in the Soldout Control file with one of the three following statuses:

• Sell out the item/SKU immediately.

• Sell out the item/SKU when the quantity available is zero, not including open purchase orders.

• Sell out the item/SKU when the quantity available is equal to zero, including open purchase orders. (An item must be coded to sell out immediately in order to be picked up by Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO).)


You can define a Default Soldout Control Code (D72) in the System Control file to default automatically when you create items and SKUs; however, you can override this value.

See Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).

Download to web storefront? If you change the soldout control setting for an item that has been downloaded to the web storefront, the system sends current availability information for the item. See E-Commerce Item Availability Processing for an overview.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Sale credit

This value determines whether to generate a sale credit when this item is returned.

Y = The system generates a sale (merchandise) credit when this item is returned, as opposed to any other type refund. You can override the refund type.

N (or blank) = You can assign a credit (check, credit card, merchandise, A/R, etc.) when this item is returned.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Gift cert (Gift certificate)

This value determines whether or not this SKU qualifies as a gift certificate.

Y = The SKU represents a gift certificate item.

N (or blank) = The SKU does not represent a gift certificate item.

If you are creating a gift certificate and:

• defined a Ship alone value, an error message indicates: Ship alone field must be blank for gift certificates Y.

• defined a SVC type, an error message indicates: Item cannot be defined as a stored value card with SKU(s) defined as G/C.

How to use gift certificate items:

If you sell gift certificates, you might create an item called GC (for example) and flag it with a Y in this field. When this item is ordered, the system recognizes it as a GC item.

If the only item on the order is a gift certificate, the order should be created as an “Express Bill.” Gift certificates do not appear on pick slips; instead, they are billed automatically when you accept the order. You can print a gift certificate register or gift certificate forms through a separate menu option. See Customer Service Working with Gift Certificates.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This value indicates whether the item is a subscription item.

Valid values are:

Y = Item is a subscription item

N = Item is not a subscription item

If you identify an item as a subscription item, you must

• enter a Y in the Non/inv (non- inventory) field to indicate that inventory levels are not maintained for the subscription item and to bill the customer the full price of the subscription immediately through Express Billing.

• create a record for the subscription in the Item Subscriptions file to define the particulars of the subscription, such as the current issue number, length of subscription (number of intervals and number of days between issues).

See Working with Item Subscriptions (WISB).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Low price

The lowest recommended sale price for the item/SKU; however, the item/SKU can be sold at a lower price. Order Entry does not display an error message.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


This code classifies the performance of a SKU based on the number of picks generated for the SKU over a month's time. This field is updated by the system at month-end. Validated against the Frequency file; see Working with Frequency Codes (WFRQ).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


A code that classifies an item based on sales volume. The ABC code assigned to an item is based on the item’s sales performance. For example:

A = Top 50% of sales.

B = Next top 25% of sales.

C = Next top 15% of sales.

D = Bottom 10% of sales.

N = A new item that has no sales history and whose first order date is less than the number of days defined in the First order field for ABC/velocity code N.

Z = An item that has no sales history, but is not a new item. Note: The system assigns this ABC/velocity code to an item even if you have not created the code.

ABC/velocity codes are defined in and validated against the ABC/Velocity file.

Run the ABC/Velocity Process to have the system automatically update an item’s ABC/velocity code, based on sales performance.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

List price

The system uses this price when you process item to item transfers (inventory transaction code = G). The list price of the source and target items must be identical, or the system will not allow you to process the transfer. If you are changing the quantity as part of the transfer, the system will confirm that the list price of the source item is the same as the list price of the target item based on the target item's quantity. For example, if the target item will constitute a set of three of the source item, the list price of the target item should be three times the list price of the source item.

The STS Sales Interface uses the value in this field to identify the STS subcode for item price. See System Operations Using the STS Sales Interface (WSTS).

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional (required if you process an item to item transfer).

Reference # (Reference number)

This value represents the retail reference or alternate product number. You can use this value to cross-reference an item/SKU to an external system, such as through the Generic Inventory Transaction Upload or the Generic Order Interface (Order API).

Note: This reference number is different from the SKU cross reference number that you can use to identify an item/SKU for orders received from remote systems, such as a retail outlet. See Work with SKU Cross Reference Type Screen for a discussion.

Numeric, 15 positions; optional.

Orig Retail $

The original price of the item at the retail store.

Enter the original retail price of the item if you are using retail integration (external system to CWDirect) price change processing. Retail price change processing allows you to keep merchandise prices at your retail store in sync with merchandise prices in CWDirect.

If you leave this field blank, the system updates this field with the retail price defined for the first retail price change record associated with this item that you upload into the RI Price Change History Detail file; see Retail Price Change Update Process.

Conversion Program

Before uploading retail price changes into CWDirect you should run a conversion program that creates an original retail price for existing items/SKUs; see Conversion Programs for Retail Integration from an External System into CWDirect.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Prj'd retrns (Projected returns)

The number of units you expect to receive in returns for the item. The system uses this quantity when determining whether to sell out an item in order entry or maintenance if the item has a soldout control status of 2 (include on-order quantity in soldout calculation). The system backorders the projected return total plus the on-order quantity on unreceived purchase orders before selling out the item. For example, if you had 0 units on-hand, 10 units on an open purchase order, and entered 10 in this field, the system would backorder the first 20 units you entered in order entry, and sell out any units ordered after that.

Automatic field update: When a return is processed, the system automatically subtracts the number of units returned from the number you initially entered in the Projected returns field. The number in this field is never less than 0, however. For example, if you initially entered 10 in this field, and 11 units of this item are returned, the Projected returns field shows a value of 0.


Note: Updating this field does not affect any orders already entered.

See Customer Service Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD) for more information on working with soldout control codes and how they work with projected return quantities.

Include projected returns for item availability sent to web storefront? The Include Projected Returns in Available Quantity for Download (J62) system control value indicates whether to include the projected returns quantity when calculating the available quantity sent to the web storefront. See that system control value for more information.

Include projected returns in expected quantity in order entry? The Include Projected Returns in Available Quantity for OE (L68) system control value indicates whether to include the projected returns quantity in the expected quantity that displays on the SKU Scan Screen and Display Item Availability Screen (Reviewing Item Availability) in order entry. Also, if an open purchase order for the item does not exist, and this system control value is set to Y, the system calculates an Expected date for the item by adding the FTC -- # of Days for Items without Expected Ship Date (C71) to the current date.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Harmonize (Harmonize code)

A code that prints on customs documents for international shipments.

If you charge duty on international orders, you use this field to define the item's duty rate. The system compares this value with the duty rates defined for the country on the shipping address, and adds a duty charge to the order if it finds a match. See Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY) for more information on defining duty rates for a country.

You can also update the harmonize codes for multiple items quickly through the Update Harmonize Codes function; see Updating Harmonize Codes (UPHC).

Alphanumeric, 16 positions; optional.

Excl Store Restk (Exclude store restock)

This value indicates whether the item is eligible for retail store restock.

Valid values are:

Y = The item is excluded from retail store restock.

N or blank = The item is available for retail store restock.

See Warehousing Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This field indicates whether the item is eligible for return; informational only.

Valid values are:

Y = The item is eligible for return

N (default) = This item is not eligible for return

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Prep code

A code used to indicate any special preparation or handling required for the SKU. This field is informational only.

Prep codes are defined in and validated against the Prep Code file. See Working with Prep Codes (WPRC).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Cntry of origin

A code representing the country where the SKU originated. This value is used by the World Pack interface to determine duty for shipments to certain countries.

Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country file; see Customer Service Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

User fields

There are 5 user-definable fields. You can define these fields according to your organization's specific requirements.

The STS Sales Interface uses the first user field to identify the STS subcode for the short SKU of the item. See System Operations Using the STS Sales Interface (WSTS).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions (first 3 fields) 5 positions (last 2 positions); optional.

Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter additional information for a SKU.

The values you enter in the “override” section of the screen override the values you entered for the base item. If you leave any of these fields blank and you have entered values at the base item level, the system uses the base item values. For example, if you leave height, length, and width blank and there is a height, length, or width defined at the base item level, the system uses the values at the base item level.

How to display this screen: Press Page Down at the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen.

Completing this screen: When you press enter at this screen, the system:

• If the Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control value is set to Y, automatically advances you to the Create Vendor Item Screen.

• If the Auto Advance to Vendor Item Create (E78) system control value is set to N, creates the SKU after validating your entries and highlighting any errors, if necessary. In this case, you need to enter 2 next to the SKU from the Work with SKUs Screen and then press Page Down to work with any of the fields at the Create SKU 2 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen.

After you create a SKU, the system returns you to the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen, allowing you to create another SKU. You can press F3 when you have finished creating all SKUs.

INR1276 ADD Create SKU - 2 of 2 (With Overrides) 2/01/99 14:58:34

EZK Mail Order Text



Second Language Description . .

L/S Class . . L/S Vendor . .

L/S Style . .

L/S Color . . L/S Size . . . L/S Width . .

OVERRIDES Carton . . . .

Height . . . Length . . . . Width . . . . . . .

Ship Weight . Sell wgt . . Lst pur Cost

Cube Factor . Unit/measure . Status . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F14=Supporting file maint F15=Offers

F16=Item base info F23=Comments



Description (Unlabeled field to the right of the SKU field(s))

The description of the SKU element.

The system displays the SKU description in place of the SKU elements in order entry, order maintenance and order inquiry if the Display SKU Description in place of SKU Element (F25) system control value is set to Y or the Display SKU Description on Scan Order Detail Screens (J90) system control value is set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Second language description

This field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

L/S class (Long SKU class)

A code you can use to group items into classes for reporting purposes. If you defined a L/S class for the base item it defaults here, but you can override it. Long SKU classes are defined in and validated against the Long SKU Class file; see Working with Long SKU Classes (WLSC).

Retail Integration (external system to CWDirect)

If the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, long SKU classes are linked to long SKU departments and are called retail classes. Retail classes are department specific whereas regular long SKU classes are unique and remain constant across departments. For this reason, when the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, you can only enter a retail class in this field that is assigned to the base item’s long SKU department. If you enter a long SKU class that is not linked to the base item’s long SKU department, the system does not let you proceed and displays an error message: L/S Class (xxxx) was not found in L/S Department (xx).


Since retail classes are department specific, if you prompt (press F4) in this field before entering a long SKU department, an error message indicates: L/S Department required to prompt on L/S Class.

Retail classes are defined in and validated against the Retail Class file; see the Work with Retail Class Screen for more information.

Note: When the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, the system populates and validates against the Retail Class file instead of the Long SKU Class file; therefore, you cannot access Working with Long SKU Classes (WLSC).

When you upload items or retail price changes into CWDirect, you can identify the item using a combination of long SKU department, long SKU class, long SKU style, long SKU vendor, long SKU color, long SKU size, and long SKU width; see Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU).


Secured Feature

If you do not have authority to the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you cannot enter or change this value.

Long SKU class may also be used as a selection criterion for pick slip generation if the Order Combination Pick Selection Type (G47) system control value is set to L/S CLASS.

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.

L/S vendor (Long SKU vendor)

A user-defined field that you can use for tracking and queries. If you defined a L/S vendor for the base item it defaults here, but you can override it. Long SKU vendors are defined in the SKU file, but are not validated.

Retail Integration (external system to CWDirect)

When you upload items or retail price changes into CWDirect, you can identify the item using a combination of long SKU department, long SKU class, long SKU style, long SKU vendor, long SKU color, long SKU size, and long SKU width; see Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU).

Secured Feature

If you do not have authority to the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you cannot enter or change this value.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

L/S style (Long SKU style)

A user-defined field that you can use for tracking and queries. If you defined a L/S style for the base item it defaults here, but you can override it. Long SKU styles are defined the SKU file, but are not validated.

This field is required if the Require L/S Style (I94) system control value is set to Y. In addition, the system validates that the value you enter is not assigned to another item/SKU.

Retail Integration (external system to CWDirect)

When you upload items or retail price changes into CWDirect, you can identify the item using a combination of long SKU department, long SKU class, long SKU style, long SKU vendor, long SKU color, long SKU size, and long SKU width; see Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU).

Secured Feature

If you do not have authority to the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you cannot enter or change this value.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

L/S color (Long SKU color)

A code, typically used in a retail environment, that represents the color portion of the Long SKU code. This value is used for reporting purposes.

If you do not have authority to the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you cannot enter or change this value.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

L/S size (Long SKU size)

A code, typically used in a retail environment, that represents the size portion of the Long SKU code. This value is used for reporting purposes.

If you do not have authority to the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you cannot enter or change this value.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

L/S width (Long SKU width)

A code, typically used in a retail environment, that represents the width portion of the Long SKU code. This value is used for reporting purposes.

If you do not have authority to the Maintain Long SKU Values in MITM (B05) secured feature, you cannot enter or change this value.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The type of carton in which this item must ship.

If a carton ID exists, the system passes this information to TanData when confirming the item for shipment. This information is used to calculate best way shipping, which determines the lowest price to ship the carton.

Cartons are defined in and validated against the Carton file. See Working with Cartons (WCTN).

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The height measurement for an item/SKU. The Height, Length, and Width values are used to determine the cubic volume of an item/SKU. You can enter the height in feet or centimeters, or any other measurement as long as it is consistent. This value is used in Suggest Warehouse Placement (MSLO) when evaluating whether an item/SKU can be stored in a particular location.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The length measurement for an item/SKU. The Height, Length, and Width values are used to determine the cubic volume of an item/SKU. You can enter this value in feet or centimeters, or any other measurement as long as it is consistent. Suggest Warehouse Placement (MSLO) uses this value when evaluating whether an item can be stored in a particular location.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The width measurement for an item/SKU. The Height, Length, and Width values are used to determine the cubic volume of an item/SKU. You can enter this value in feet or centimeters, or any other measurement as long as it is consistent. Suggest Warehouse Placement (MSLO) uses this value when evaluating whether an item can be stored in a particular location.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Ship weight

The actual shipping weight of the item/SKU. The system may use this value to calculate carton weights and to determine your shipping charges if you perform manual confirmation and use cubing.

The system uses the shipping weight of an item to create item weight records in the Download Extended Manifest file (FLMNDE) when you use a PC Manifest system to confirm shipments. See the Create Manifest Download Extended Records (E77) system control value.

SmartLabel Returns Processing

This weight is also used to determine whether to print a SmartLabel for returns processing. See Using SmartLabel Returns Processing for more information.

SmartPost Pick Slip Processing

This weight is used to determine which SmartPost label to print on the pick slip. See Printing SmartPost Pick Slips for more information.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.

Sell wgt. (Selling weight)

The system uses this value to calculate the freight charge on a SKU when the Freight method on the order is Freight by weight or Freight by order weight, as defined in the Source Code. This value overrides the selling weight, if any, defined at the base item level.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.

Lst pur cost (Last purchase cost)

The cost of the item from the most recent purchase order, including any discounts, surcharges, or additional charges. The system uses this cost to determine:

• the unit price for a purchase order if there is no vendor item price; see Entering PO Details.

• the cost to use for FIFO cost layers when you initially convert to FIFO costing; see Warehousing FIFO Costing Overview.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Cube factor

The cubic volume of the SKU, which overrides the cubic volume defined at the base item level. This value controls the number of units of this item that can fit into a carton. The system compares the cube factor against the Cube field defined in the System Control file, which defines a default box size. See Installation Setting Up Fulfillment Values.

Example: If the Cube field value in the System Control file is 100 and the Cube factor for an item is 25, then 4 of this item can fit into one box. The Cube Factor determines the number of pick slips required to ship an order.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


A standard by which an item/SKU is sold. Typical units of measure include:

EA - each

IN - inches

C12 - case of 12

Validated against the Unit of Measure file (see Working with Units of Measure (WUOM)) and will default from the Default Item Unit of Measure (B33) field in the System Control file, if a value is specified.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


A code that represents a SKU's status, such as obsolete, discontinued, sold out, etc. This information is used for inventory reporting purposes only. The status defined at the SKU level overrides the status defined at the base item level. See Working with Item Status (WIST) for more information on status codes.

Note: You can also use the Updating SKU Pricing, Handling Options, or Status (MUSP) option to update a SKU’s status.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Screen Option


Return to the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen

Press Page Up.

Display supporting file information

Press F14 to advance to the Supporting Files Pop-up window.

Display SKU offer information

Press F15 to advance to the Work with SKU Offers Screen.

Display base item information

Press F16 to advance to the Display Base Item Information Pop-up window. See Create Item (Base Information) Screen for field descriptions.

Display comments

Press F23 to advance to the Display SKU Comments screen. See Work with Item/SKU Comments Screen for field descriptions.

Create SKU Offer Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to assign an offer to a SKU.

Other ways to update SKU prices and offers: See Options for Updating Item or SKU Offer or Price for a listing.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with SKU Offers Screen.

INR0123 ENTER Create SKU Offer 4/04/02 15:40:38




Offer . . . . . . .

Effective date . .

Price . . . . . . . Associate price . . . .

Alt currency price

Page number . . . . Curve code . . . . . .

Expected return . . %

Special handling . N (Y,N) S/H price . . . . . . .

S/H code . . . . . . .

Gift wrap . . . . . N (Y,N) G/W price . . . . . . .

Freight . . . . . . Hidden freight . . . .

Sale item . . . . . N (Y,N) Volume discount . . . . N (Y,N)

Cost . . . . . . . Square inches . . . . .

Coupon discount $ . Coupon effective date .

Projected units . . Feature/option . . . . (F,O)

Column pricing . . N (Y,N) Pickup/new . . . . . . (P,N)

Warranty . . . . . (Y/N) Required reason code . (Y/N)

F3=Exit F8=Work with sku offer page F9=Save/add more

F12=Cancel F14=Catalog Planning ENTER=Save/exit



Offer (Offer code)

The code for the offer (catalog) in which the item/SKU appears. Validated against the Offer file. See Marketing Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required (if other information is entered).

Effective date

The date the price becomes valid. This date should be on or after the start date of the offer, and on or before the stop date of the offer.

The Effective date and Price are stored in the SKU Price file rather than the SKU Offer file. If you do not specify an Effective date and Price when you create a SKU Offer record, the system automatically creates a SKU Price record using the single-unit price from the Item Price file with the latest Effective date. If the latest Effective date from the Item Offer file is in the future, then the SKU Price record also has this future Effective date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


The price at which the SKU will sell in this offer if no discounts are applied, and the order date is on or after the Effective date. If you leave this field blank, the single-unit offer price with the latest Effective date defaults. You can specify multiple Effective dates and prices for an item or SKU in an offer. See Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer).


Alternate currency pricing: If the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y, the Alt currency price field displays allowing you to enter the price of the item in the offer in the alternate (foreign) currency.

• If you enter the alternate price for the item, the system updates the Price field with the local price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter the local price for the item, the system updates the Alternate currency price field with the alternate price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter both an alternate price and local price for the item, the system uses the alternate price you defined and updates the Price field (local price) using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

The Price field on the Change Item Offer Screen is display-only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing system control value is set to Y and a conversion rate is defined for the offer; if you want to update the item offer price you need to update the price in the Alternate currency price field.

See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Associate price

The price at which the item/SKU will be sold in this offer to associate customers. Associate price is used when the Associate field on the order is set to Y (yes) and the order date is on or after the effective date.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax inclusive price

The price at which the item will be sold in this offer on orders subject to VAT. In tax-inclusive pricing, a “hidden tax” is included in the order detail line for the item rather than accumulating in the Tax bucket.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax incl assoc price (Tax-inclusive associate price)

The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers on orders subject to VAT. In tax-inclusive pricing, a “hidden tax” is included in the order detail line for the item rather than accumulating in the Tax bucket.

This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Alt currency price

The price at which the item is sold in this offer in the alternate currency, if no discounts are applied, and the order date is on or after the effective date.

This field displays only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y. You cannot enter any other item/offer amounts in the alternate currency; all other amounts display in the local currency.

• If you enter the alternate price for the item, the system updates the Price field with the local price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter the local price for the item, the system updates the Alternate currency price field with the alternate price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter both an alternate price and local price for the item, the system uses the alternate price you defined and updates the Price field (local price) using the conversion rate defined for the offer.


Decimalized currency? The system looks at the Currency file to determine if the currency uses decimals for alternate currency pricing. If the currency has Decimalized currency set to Y, the system includes decimals when converting to the currency; if the field is set to N, the system rounds to the nearest whole unit of currency. See Decimalized Currency? for conversion calculations and examples.

If the offer is not associated with a currency code, indicating the offer is in the local currency, an error message displays if you enter a price in the Alternate currency price field: No conversion rate for offer.

Note: The alternate currency price is not stored in any file in CWDirect; the system displays the alternate price based on the local price defined in the Price field in the Item Price file and the conversion rate defined for the offer.

See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Page number

The primary page number on which the item/SKU appears in the offer. This assignment is used for reporting purposes, such as in the Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR).

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Curve code

A code that represents the item/SKU's expected selling pattern in this offer. This code is used by the forecasting system for inventory projection and analysis reporting. Validated against the Projection Curve file. See Marketing Working with Projection Curves (WCRV).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Expected return %

The percentage of returns you expect to receive for the item/offer. This field is used for forecasting projections and other reports (such as the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP)).


3.5 = 3.50%

35.0 = 35.00%

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Special handling

This value indicates whether this SKU is eligible for any type of special handling in this offer (such as monogramming, hemming, etc.).

Y = This SKU is eligible for special handling.

N (or blank) = This SKU is not eligible for special handling.

If this field is set to Y and there is a default special handling code defined (see below), OR if you specify special handling for a SKU in order entry, you advance to the Work with Special Handling Screen or the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen; however, if the special handling code’s:

Suppress S/H window field is set to Y: the system adds the special handling code and charge to the SKU without displaying the special handling screen.

Bypass S/H field is set to Y: you do not advance automatically to the special handling screen unless you enter the special handling code when entering the SKU; however, you can still advance to the special handling screen by entering 8 next to the SKU.

See Special Handling Overview for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

S/H price (Special handling price)

The price to charge the customer for special handling. You can specify in the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value whether to add the price just once for each order line, or multiply the special handling price by the item quantity for the line.

An error message indicates if you define a special handling price and the Special handling field is set to N:

Special handling price not allowed when not eligible.

If you specify a price here for a custom special handling code, it overrides any pricing defined for the custom special handling format; see Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF). However, special handling charge breaks override any price defined here; see Using Special Handling Charge Breaks.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

S/H code (Special handling code)

The additional charge code associated with the type of special handling you are offering for the SKU.

The system validates that the additional charge code has a special handling Type of standard or custom; the system handles each type in a different way. See Special Handling Overview for more information.

If you enter a special handling code here, you will advance to the Work with Special Handling Screen or Work with Custom Special Handling Screen automatically in order entry; however, if the special handling code’s:

Suppress S/H window field is set to Y: the system adds the special handling code and charge to the SKU without displaying the special handling screen.

Bypass S/H field is set to Y: you do not advance automatically to the special handling screen unless you enter the special handling code when entering the SKU; however, you can still advance to the special handling screen by entering 8 next to the SKU.

See Special Handling Overview for more information.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Gift wrap

This value indicates whether this SKU is eligible for gift wrap. If the Gift Wrap Default (F07) field in the System Control file is set to Y, this field defaults to Y, although you can override it; otherwise, this field defaults to N.

Y (or blank) = The item/SKU can be gift wrapped.

N = In this offer, the item/SKU cannot be gift wrapped.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

G/W price (Gift wrap price)

The price for gift wrapping the item. The G/W field must be set to Y. The gift wrap price will be charged for each unit of this SKU that is gift wrapped.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The freight amount to be charged for this item/SKU. The value in this field will be multiplied by the quantity ordered to determine the freight charge for this item. Only used if Freight by item or Flat Rate by item has been established in Freight method field for the Source Code file.

Numeric, 6 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hidden freight

This value is used only with item/SKU level freight methods, such as: Flat rate by item, flat rate by item quantity, flat rate by item source, and by item.

Hidden freight represents the portion of the item's catalog price that is used for freight. You might define a hidden freight value when the freight charge to ship the item/SKU is very high. The hidden freight charge is included in the price of the item/SKU so the actual freight charge is not visible to the customer.

The hidden freight amount is subtracted from the catalog price of the item/SKU to calculate gross profit and post sales. The amount of freight is posted to a separate G/L number, defined in the Division file. Hidden freight is also known as “theoretical” or “buried” freight.

Numeric, 6 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Sale item

Indicates whether the item is on sale. This flag controls whether to generate a sale credit when the customer returns the item, based also on the payment method and the setting of the Generate Sale Credit for Orders with Sale Items (I64) system control value. Valid values are:

Y= This is a sale item.

N (default) = This is not a sale item.

If the Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts (I65) system control value is set to Y, this flag controls whether the item is included in prorated discounts or is included when determining whether an order qualifies for a promotion. Also, if both this system control value and the Apply Loyalty at the End of Order (J35) system control value are set to Y, then sale items do not receive a loyalty discount. See these system control values for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Volume discount

This value indicates whether this item is eligible for an end-of-order discount that will be applied when you accept the order during Order Entry.

Y= The item/SKU is eligible for the volume discount.

N (or blank) = The item/SKU is not eligible for the volume discount.

See Item Volume Discounting.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The cost to include the item in the offer; not related to the Cost of an item or SKU (see the Create Item Screen and Create Item (Base Information) Screen for descriptions of the Cost fields for an item or SKU). This value is used in square inch analyses and offer page analyses, such as the Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR), and used in calculations to determine item contribution and profitability.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Square inches

The square inches (not the percentage) that the item/SKU occupies on the catalog page or in the offer. This value is used to calculate the profitability of the item on the page.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Coupon discount $

This value represents the amount that is subtracted from the price when the SKU is ordered from this offer.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Coupon effective date

The date the coupon is effective until (i.e., the date it expires).

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Projected units

The number of units of this item/SKU that you expect to sell in an offer. This is a forecasting value that is entered manually; the system does not update this field. This value is used for reporting purposes such as in the Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


This value indicates whether the item is considered a featured or optional item in a depiction. A depiction is a photograph or drawing of several items within an offer. The featured item is the focus of the depiction; whereas, the optional items are less prominently displayed. For example, if a dining room is depicted, the dining room set may be the featured item and the individual place settings, crystal, and centerpiece may be the optional items.

Valid values are:

F = Item is the featured item in the depiction

O = Item is an optional item in the depiction

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Column pricing

This value determines whether this item/SKU is eligible for column pricing discounts.

Y = The item/SKU is eligible for column pricing discounts. You will advance to an additional screen where you may define the effective date, quantity, price, associate price, and pricing column.

N (or blank) = The item is not eligible for column pricing discounts.

What is column pricing?

In the Customer file, you may assign a customer to a pricing column. This means that the customer will be charged the column price, even if the customer does not order the number of units specified for the price break. If the customer orders more units than specified in the column assignment, the price break at the next level will be used on the order.



Quantity Price Assoc. Price Column

1 $100.00 $95.50 01

5 $ 90.00 $85.50 02

10 $ 80.00 $75.95 03

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This value indicates whether the item has been carried over from a previous offer or is new to your product offerings.

Valid values are:

P = Item is a pickup item, previously sold in an offer

N = Item is a new addition to your offer

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This field defines whether the item/SKU in this offer is a warranty item.

Valid values are:

Y = The item/SKU in this offer is a warranty item. When an operator adds this item/SKU to an order in order entry or order maintenance, the system adds the item to the order at no charge.

N or blank = The item/SKU in this offer is not a warranty item.

If the Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (G01) system control value contains a price override reason code, the system defaults this code to the Price override code field, otherwise the operator must enter a code.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Required reason code

This field defines whether an Order addition reason code is required when the item in this offer is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

Valid values are:

Y = The item in this offer requires an add reason code when the item is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance. The system displays the Enter Add Reason Window when an operator adds this item to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

N = The item is this offer does not require an add reason code when the item is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Item Volume Discounting

How volume discounting works: If the Volume discount field is set to Y at the Create Item Offer Screen, Create SKU Offer Screen, or another screen that allows you to set up an item/offer or SKU/offer, and if Item Volume Discount (B29) is enabled in the System Control file, the system will:

• total the number of units ordered of volume- discountable items

• check the quantity break price table in the SKU/offer for the discount price for each discountable item

For example, the system calculates the volume discount for items A123 and C123, as if the customer purchased 12 units of each item.


Order quantity

Volume discount?

Regular price/unit

Merchandise total (regular price)

Volume discount price/unit

Merchandise total (with volume discount)


* 4


$ 10.00

$ 40.00

$ 7.00

$ 28.00




$ 5.00

$ 30.00


$ 30.00


* 8


$ 20.00







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