Creating a Warehouse Replenishment Request

Purpose: There are two ways to create a warehouse replenishment request, depending on whether you use the standard replenishment process or the outlet transfer system process.

Standard replenishment process: Press F6 at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Screen to advance to the Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen. The system evaluates the replenishment requirements of the 'To' warehouse or warehouses you select at this screen, and compares these needs with the stock available in the 'From' warehouse. The system then creates a replenishment request that includes each item it selects for replenishment; the items are in allocated (A) status. You can review the items included in the request through the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Detail Screen. At this screen, you can also unallocate items within the request that you do not want to transfer.

The system also produces the following when you generate a request:

• a warehouse replenishment label for each unit of each item if a program name has been defined in the Warehouse Replenishment Label Program (F57) system control value.

• the Replenishment Pick Worksheet

• the Replenishment Receiving Worksheet

Outlet transfers: You use Process Outlet Transfers (MOTS) to generate replenishment requests based on the information in the Autostock Replenish Work file. This information is supplied to you by your outlet stores. The system creates a separate replenishment request for each group of items that share the same 'To' warehouse, purchase order, date and time, and that have not yet been processed, as follows:

• Items that are available in the types of locations specified in the System Control file for warehouse replenishment (even in a quantity of 1) are included in the request.

• Items that are in error appear on an error report.

• Items that do not have an item/location record in the 'From' warehouse, or that are not available in the types of locations specified in the System Control file, are included in the request in an unallocated (U) status. You have the option of capturing these items through the Process Unallocated Autostock Details (POTS) if you determine that you can make the items available.

See Replenish Warehouses Overview for detailed descriptions of how each process works, and for a brief listing of the related system control values that specify which types of locations to use for fulfilling warehouse replenishment requests.

In this topic:

Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen

Auto-Restock Location Window (Standard Process)

Work with Replenish to Warehouses Screen in Add mode

Work with Replenish to Warehouses Screen in Change mode

Select Items/Split-SKU Screen

Replenishment Pick Worksheet

Replenishment Receiving Worksheet

Load STS Request File (LSRF)

STS Request Error Report

Process Outlet Transfers (MOTS)

Autostock Replenishment Work File

Autostock Feed Error Report

Outlet Transfer Process Screen

Process Unallocated Autostock Details (POTS)

Process Unallocated Transactions Screen

Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Screen.

FLR0255 ENTER Create Warehouse Replenishment 9/14/98 10:37:43

KL Mail Order Company

Replenish from warehouse . .

to company . . . .

to warehouse . . .

F7=Select additional warehouses F8=Select specific items F9=Accept




Replenish from

The code of the warehouse that is being used to replenish another warehouse. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

To company

The company code of the warehouse that is being replenished (the warehouse in the To warehouse field). The code of the current company defaults when this field is blank. Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company file; see Installation Setting Up Companies (WCMP).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

To warehouse

The code of the warehouse that is being replenished. You have the option of selecting more than one warehouse at a time for replenishment. If you leave this field blank, all warehouses for the company in the To company field will be evaluated for replenishment.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


1. Enter the code of the warehouse that will be used to replenish another warehouse (the 'From' warehouse).

2. Enter the company code of the warehouse that is to be replenished (the 'To' warehouse). You can leave this field blank if the warehouse you are replenishing is associated with the current company.

3. Enter the code of the warehouse to be replenished. Leave this field blank to replenish all warehouses for the company or to select additional warehouses for replenishment. If you leave this field blank, the message Multiple Warehouses Selected will display when you verify your entries.

4. Press F7 to select additional warehouses in the company for replenishment. See Work with Replenish to Warehouses Screen in Add mode.

5. Press F8 to select only specific items for replenishment. See Select Items/Split-SKU Screen. You can use this feature only when you are replenishing one warehouse at a time.

6. Press F9. If there is no auto-restock location defined for the 'to' warehouse (standard process), you advance to the Auto-Restock Location Window (Standard Process). Otherwise, this generates the Replenish Warehouses program for the selected warehouses or items. The system submits the job AUTSTKALOC, which generates the replenishment request and the Replenishment Pick Worksheet. The system also generates the Replenishment Receiving Worksheet if the Receive restock transfers field for the 'To' warehouse is set to Y. You return to the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Screen.

7. Repeat the above steps above as needed.

Note: If you leave the To warehouse field blank to select multiple warehouses, and one or more of the warehouses has no auto-restock location defined, no replenishment request will be generated for that warehouse. The system will not display the Auto-Restock Location Window.

8. Press F11 to reject the replenish request.

Screen Option


Select additional warehouses to replenish

Press F7 to advance to the Work with Replenish to Warehouses Screen in Add mode.

Select specific items to replenish

Press F8 to advance to the Select Items/Split-SKU Screen.

Generate the replenishment request

Press F9 to run the Replenish Warehouses program and generate the request, the Replenishment Pick Worksheet, the Replenishment Receiving Worksheet (if receiving restock transfers) and a replenishment label for each unit of the items included in the request.

Reject the replenishment request

Press F11.

Auto-Restock Location Window (Standard Process)

Purpose: The system requires an auto-restock location for the warehouse being replenished. This is the default location where the system places the inventory initially, before you transfer it to its actual locations in the warehouse. For example, the auto-restock location could represent the loading dock or receiving area where the inventory is unloaded.

You define the auto-restock location in the Warehouse file. If you select a warehouse for replenishment whose Auto restock location field is blank, a pop-up window displays allowing you to assign the location at this time. The system updates the Auto-restock location field in the Warehouse file with your entry in this window.

The system requires a restock location because it requires a 'To' location and a 'From' location for an inventory transfer transaction, and the system does not determine the actual locations where the inventory will be placed in the 'To' warehouse when you run the replenishment program. Inventory is transferred from the picking location in the 'From' warehouse and is placed in the auto-restock location in the 'To' warehouse.

If the location code you want to assign is not defined in the Location file, you can advance to the Create Location Screen from the window by pressing F4, then F6.

How to display this screen: Press F9 at the Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen if there is no Auto-Restock location defined for the warehouse you are replenishing.

Auto-Restock Location

No Default Restock Location is defined for

Warehouse : 30

Enter location and press ENTER;

Or press F12 to Cancel.

Auto-restock location .



1. Enter a valid location code. The Auto-restock location field in the Warehouse file will be updated, and you will return to the Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen. The system displays the following message if you enter an invalid location code for the warehouse:

Location not found.

2. Press F4 to advance to the Select Location window, which displays a list of available locations in the warehouse being replenished. You can select a location code to use for the restock location by entering 1 next to a location, or you can create a new location code by pressing F6. See Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

3. Press F12 to cancel and return to the Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen.

Work with Replenish to Warehouses Screen in Add mode

Purpose: Use this screen to select warehouses to replenish. You can select as many warehouses as you want. The system will create one replenishment request containing all the warehouses you select.

Note: To run the replenishment for all warehouses in a particular company, leave the To warehouse field on the Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen blank.

How to display this screen: Press F7 at the Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen.

FLR0257 ADD Work with Replenish To Warehouses 9/14/98 10:48:36

The KL Mail Order Company

Replenish from warehouse : 40 WAREHOUSE 40

Replenish to company . . : 555 The KL Mail Order Company

Opt Whs Name Location


F3=Exit F6=Change F12=Cancel


1. Enter the code of each warehouse to replenish. Your entry is cleared from the screen.

2. The system displays the following message if you enter an invalid warehouse code for the company.

Warehouse (xxx) does not exist in company (xxx).

3. Enter corrections as needed.

4. The system displays the Auto-Restock Location Window (Standard Process) if you have not defined a restock location for the selected warehouse.

5. Continue entering warehouse codes as needed.

6. Press F6 to view or revise your warehouse selections.

Work with Replenish to Warehouses Screen in Change mode

Purpose: Use this screen in Change mode to review each warehouse selected for the replenishment run, or to delete any of your selections.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Replenish to Warehouses Screen in Add mode, or Press F7 at the Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen if you have already selected warehouses.

FLR0257 CHANGE Work with Replenish To Warehouses 9/14/98 10:53:41

The KL Mail Order Company

Replenish from warehouse : 40 WAREHOUSE 40

Replenish to company . . : 555 The KL Mail Order Company

Opt Whs Name Location

Type options, press Enter.




40 WAREHOUSE 40 A010101



F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel

To add: Press F6 to return to the screen in Add mode to continue selecting additional warehouses for replenishment.

Press F3 or F12 to return to the Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen to continue with the replenishment request. The following message appears next to the To Warehouse field:

* Multiple Warehouses Selected

Select Items/Split-SKU Screen

Purpose: Use this screen or the Select Items/Non-Split screen to select specific items to replenish. The system performs the replenishment evaluation for the item immediately. The setting of the Split SKU Inventory (A26) system control value controls which version of the screen you use in your company.

To use: Enter an item/SKU in the entry fields. If the item requires replenishing, the transfer request will be listed in an allocated (A) status. The quantity to pick from each location in the 'From' warehouse to fulfill the replenishment request will also be indicated. You can unallocate the item/location if you do not want to transfer the system-recommended quantity from that location. If you unallocate the transfer request, the system deletes this replenishment detail.

Note: You cannot use the Select Items screen if you are generating the warehouse replenishment for more than one warehouse.

How to display this screen: Press F8 at the Create Warehouse Replenishment Screen.

FLR0304 DISPLAY Select Items/Split-SKU 9/14/98 17:27:28

KL Mail Order


From --- Replenish ----

Opt Sts Item CLR SIZE WDTH Location Cmp Whs Location Quantity

Type options, press Enter.

7=Allocate 8=Unallocate

A IT1J3 B020202 555 3 T010101 5


F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Item(A/) not available for Autostock.



Sts (Status)

The status of the item for replenishment. Valid values are:

A - Allocated. The item is allocated in the From Location for the warehouse transfer. The following updates occur:

The Quantity printed field in the Item Location file in the 'From' warehouse is increased by the replenishment quantity.

The Reserve transfer quantity in the Item Warehouse file in the 'From' warehouse is increased by the replenishment quantity.

The system processes an inventory transfer transaction when you confirm the replenishment request. Inventory in the From Location decreases; inventory in the auto-restock location in the 'To' warehouse increases.


U - Unallocated. The item has been unallocated for replenishment transfer in the From location. The following updates occur when you unallocate a transfer request:

The Quantity printed field in the Item Location file is decreased by the replenishment quantity.

The Reserve transfer quantity in the Item Warehouse file in the 'From' warehouse is decreased by the quantity unallocated for the item.

The system will not perform an inventory transfer transaction when you confirm the replenishment request.

See Creating and Maintaining Item Warehouses for descriptions of these Item Warehouse and Item Location fields.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The code of the item being replenished. You must enter a valid item code associated with both the 'From' warehouse and the 'To' warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The item's characteristics, such as its color or size. A valid SKU for the item is required if the item has SKUs.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields (split SKU), or one 14-position fields (full SKU); required if the item has SKUs.

From location

The location in the 'From' warehouse where the item will be picked to fulfill the replenishment request. The Printed quantity in this location increases by the transaction amount when the transfer is allocated. The On-hand quantity in this location decreases when you confirm the replenishment request.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Cmp (Company)

The company code of the warehouse that is being replenished.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Whs (Warehouse)

The code of the warehouse that is being replenished (the 'To' warehouse).

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The auto-restock location defined for the warehouse that is being replenished. The system transfers the inventory to this location in the warehouse when you confirm the replenishment request.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The recommended quantity to replenish. This quantity will be transferred from the From location to the auto-restock location in the 'To' warehouse when you confirm the replenishment request.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Instructions: Use the following steps to select specific items for replenishment.

1. Enter the item code/SKU of the item you wish to replenish. The item/SKU must be associated with both warehouses and must be available for replenishment. The system displays a message such as the following if the item cannot be allocated for replenishment:

Item (AA100/Blue) not available for Autostock.

An item may be unavailable for selection based on the quantities specified for the item warehouses, because there is still a sufficient quantity on-hand in the 'To' warehouse, or based on the system control values that specify the types of locations that can be used to fulfill replenishment requests; see Replenish Warehouses Overview for a brief listing. If the item is not associated with the warehouse, or if the item/SKU is not valid, the system displays a message such as the following:

Item Warehouse (XXX/XXXXXXX) does not exist.

2. The item is added to the replenishment request in an allocated (A) status for each location in the 'From' warehouse where the item is to be picked.

3. Enter 8 next to any item and location that you do not want to transfer to the warehouse being replenished. The status change to U (unallocated). When you process the request, the system does not include the item and location.

4. Enter 7 next to any item and location that is currently unallocated (U) to re-allocate the item and quantity in this location.

5. Continue entering items and SKUs as needed.

Load STS Request File (LSRF)

Can use as first step in outlet transfer process: Use the Load STS Request File menu option to populate the Autostock Replenishment Work file (ATSKRK) from the contents of the STS Request file (IXSTSR). You would use this menu option as part of the outlet transfer process if your replenishment requests originate in the STS interface format.

Information creates replenishment: Once the Autostock Replenishment Work file is populated, you use Process Outlet Transfers (MOTS) to create a replenishment request from its contents. Once you have created the replenishment request in CWDirect with this menu option, the information that originated in the STS Request file is available for replenishment processing just like any other outlet transfer replenishment request.

See Outlet Transfer Replenishment for an overview.

How to display this screen: Enter LSRF in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Load STS Request File from a menu.

FLR0886 ENTER Load STS Request File 10/05/99 13:07:39

EZK Mail Order

Unprocessed Records: 120


F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel

Loading the file: Press F9 to load the STS Request file information into the Autostock Replenishment Work file, or press F3 or F12 to cancel. The total number of records available for processing in the STS Request file is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen.

If you press F9, the system submits the STS_UPLD job.

Process overview: The STS upload:

• checks the following information for each record in the STS Request file, assigning an error status code as appropriate:

• the status field must be blank; a record that is already assigned a status will not be processed

• the item/SKU must be valid (Note: The STS Request file contains the short SKU number. The system finds this number in the SKU file (INSKU) to determine the item and SKU to include in the Autostock Replenishment Work File. You can view the Short SKU field on display screens in Work with Items (MITM) and in Inventory Inquiry (DINI)). A record with an invalid item/SKU is assigned an error status of SK.

• an item warehouse record must exist. A record without any item warehouse record at all is assigned a status of WH.

• there must be a valid warehouse code to identify the outlet (outlets are set up in CWDirect as warehouses, using Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS)). A record with an invalid warehouse number is assigned an error status of ST.

• there must be a purchase order number. A record without a valid purchase order number is assigned a status of PO.

• there must be a positive request quantity (the quantity that the outlet is requesting for replenishment). A record with an invalid quantity is assigned an error status of QT.

• populates the Autostock Replenishment Work File based on the contents of the STS Request file and the following information:

• Company: the current company in which you are working at the time you generate the upload is assigned to the request records

• 'From' warehouse (the warehouse to fulfill the replenishment request): selects the first item warehouse for the specified item, searching numerically by warehouse number, with an available quantity greater than zero. If there is no item warehouse with an available quantity, the system selects the default primary warehouse from the SKU file. Once you generate the replenishment request with the Process Outlet Transfers (MOTS) menu option, the item will be in a status of U (unallocatable) if there is no available quantity for replenishment.

• Date and time: current system date and time

• Replenishment batch number: made up by concatenating the warehouse number of the outlet and the purchase order number. This number is saved in the ID field of the Inventory Transaction History record when you process the replenishment.

• produces the STS Request Error Report. This report lists any STS records in error and indicates the total number of records processed and in error.

• clears the STS Request file. At this time, both processed records and any records in error are deleted. You can reenter any records that were in error, using the information that appears on the STS Request Error Report.

See Autostock Replenishment Work File for a summary of how the STS Request file populates this file.

Additional edits: The upload job does not validate the STS records for all possible edits; for example, it does not verify that there all requests within a batch use the same 'From' warehouse. These errors are identified, however, when you use Process Outlet Transfers (MOTS).

Note: You cannot specify a markdown cost in the STS Request file. As a result, the system will calculate the cost when you use Process Outlet Transfers (MOTS).

See Outlet Transfer Replenishment for an overview.

Process Outlet Transfers (MOTS)

Purpose: Use the Process Outlet Transfers function to create a replenishment request based on the information in the Autostock Replenishment Work file. This file contains item replenishment requests from your outlets. When you use the Process Outlet Transfers function, the system reads the unprocessed records in this file, and:

• creates a replenishment request containing all items that you can replenish, in whole or in part, from your 'From' warehouse

• creates an "unallocated" request record for any item that you cannot fulfill

If there are any item records in the Autostock Replenishment Work file that are in error, the system generates the Autostock Feed Error Report. You must correct or delete each item in error, clear the Processed date and Error code from each item in the request, and use the Process Outlet Transfers function again to generate the request. The system will not create the replenishment request unless the run is error-free.

This process allows you to fulfill all replenishment requests for which you have the available stock and identify requests that may be in error.

Autostock Replenishment Work File

This file needs to be populated as indicated with replenishment requests from your outlet stores. The system reads this file and creates replenishment requests based on the information it finds.

Mappings to the STS Request file, used by the Load STS Request File menu option, are indicated below as well.




STS Request File

Company code

3 positions, numeric

The company of the outlet store.

The system assigns the request to the company from which you run the Load STS Request File menu option.

Store number

3 positions, numeric

The warehouse code identifying the outlet store. You must create each outlet store as a warehouse in CWDirect.

Store number

Purchase order number

7 positions, numeric

The store's purchase order number. Each item sharing the purchase order number must also share the same date and time, which must all be unique from other stores' purchase orders.

Note: The warehouse code of the store is concatenated with the purchase order number to create the batch number. This number is saved in the ID field of the Inventory Transaction History record when you process the replenishment.

PO number

Item code

12 positions, alphanumeric


Short SKU. This code, which is assigned by the system and stored in the SKU file, is used to indicate the item and SKU for the request.

SKU code

14 positions, alphanumeric


Requested quantity

7 positions, numeric


Requested quantity

Markdown cost

11 positions with a 4-place decimal, numeric

If there is no markdown cost in the file, the system calculates the cost by multiplying the Markdown Cost Percentage for Liquidation (E20) in the System Control file by the standard, average, or FIFO cost (based on the setting of the Costing Method (A25) system control value)

Not included in the STS Request file. The system calculates the cost as described to the left.


7 positions, numeric

The date of the request. See Purchase order number, above.

PO date


6 positions, numeric

The time of the request. See Purchase order number, above.

The system assigns the current time.

Actual quantity

7 positions, numeric

Written by the system; based on the item's availability in the 'From' warehouse.

Not included in the STS Request file.

Processed date

7 positions, numeric

Written by the system.

Not included in the STS Request file.

Confirm date

7 positions, numeric

Written by the system.

Not included in the STS Request file.

Error code

2 positions, alphanumeric

Written by the system. See Outlet Transfer Process Screen.

Not included in the STS Request file.


3 positions, numeric

The code of the 'From' warehouse.

The system selects the first warehouse associated with the item, searching numerically by warehouse number, with an available quantity greater than zero. If there is no item warehouse with an available quantity, the system selects the default primary warehouse from the SKU file. Once you generate the replenishment request with Process Outlet Transfers (MOTS), the item will be in a status of U (unallocatable) if there is no available quantity for replenishment.

Outlet Transfer Process Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MOTS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Process Outlet Transfers from a menu.

FLR0531 ENTER Outlet Transfer Process 12/16/96 15:33:03

Mail Order


F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel

Completing this screen: Press F9 at this screen to generate outlet transfer replenishment requests; otherwise, press F3 or F12 to cancel.

The system submits the job OTS_LOAD, which creates replenishment requests. The job creates an Autostock Feed Error Report for any record in the file that was in error.

Correcting errors: If there are any errors when you create an outlet transfer replenishment request, the system generates an Autostock Feed Error Report and updates the Autostock Replenishment Work File with a processed date (for each item within the purchase order) and an error code (for items in error only). You must correct all errors within the purchase order or delete the items in error and resubmit the request through the Process Outlet Transfers option again. The system will not create the replenishment request until the entire purchase order is error-free.

Possible errors include:

• Item or SKU not valid

• Warehouse ('From' warehouse) not valid

• Invalid default warehouse (this error occurs if there is no outlet transfer (OT) location defined

• Warehouse not same within batch (all items sharing a purchase order number, date and time must share the same 'To' warehouse)

• Duplicate batch number (the batch number, which is composed of the outlet's warehouse number concatenated with the purchase order number, is already assigned)

Note: In addition to correcting each item in error in the Autostock Replenishment Work File, you must clear the Processed date and Error code fields before you request the replenishment again, or the system will ignore these items.

Reviewing the request: Once you have generated a replenishment request, you can review it through the Replenish Warehouses function. See Processing, Confirming and Unallocating Replenishment Requests for information on reviewing the request details, changing item quantities, processing items within a request, or confirming a request.

Process Unallocated Autostock Details (POTS)

Purpose: Use this function to allocate any "unallocatable" items within existing outlet replenishment requests which are now available for replenishment. An unallocatable item is one that was added to replenishment request in the OTS Unallocated Location (OU) defined using Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL) because, although an outlet store had requested the item for replenishment, there was no record of the item in a location in the main ('From') warehouse. Using the OU location allows you to keep a record of the item in the replenishment request, so that you have the option of allocating the item for transfer at a later date if it becomes available in the 'From' warehouse.

Note: The system does not create an "unallocatable" record of items within a replenishment request that exist in the 'From' warehouse, but are not available in a pickable location.

Process Unallocated Transactions Screen

How to display this screen: Enter POTS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Process Unallocated Autostock Details from a menu.

FLR0549 ENTER Process Unallocated Transactions 1/13/97 12:49:21

Mail Order


F3=Exit F9=Process F12=Cancel

To process: Press F9 at this screen to reprocess any unallocated items within outlet transfer replenishment requests. The system submits the job PRC_UNALLC. If an unallocated item, as described above, is now available in a pickable location in the 'From' warehouse, this job:

• changes the status of the item from U to A

• changes the location of the item from OU to the item's actual, pickable location

• changes the Actual quantity of the item from zero to the amount available for replenishment

You can now work with the item as with any other allocated item within an outlet transfer request. See Processing, Confirming and Unallocating Replenishment Requests.

WH10_03 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN