Replenishment Receiving Worksheet

Purpose: This worksheet lists the quantity of each item that has been allocated to fulfill the replenishment request. You can use this worksheet to confirm the actual item quantities received and to identify the warehouse locations to place the items.

All item quantities listed on the worksheet will be transferred to the receiving warehouse when you confirm the replenishment request. You should send a copy of this worksheet with the shipment to the warehouse being replenished. If you unallocate an item, you can re-run the receiving worksheet to reflect this change. The unallocated item will be deleted from the worksheet.

Note: If an item quantity listed on the worksheet differs from the quantity received, you must adjust the transaction quantity. See Placing Stock, for instructions on how to adjust replenishment transfer quantities.

How to print: Press F8 at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Detail Screen (standard process only). Also, the system generates this worksheet when you create a replenishment request through the standard process. You cannot generate this worksheet if you are using the outlet transfer process.

CWDirect Replenishment Receiving Worksheet KAREN_M 12/16/96 9:34:05 Page 1

Quantity Quantity
Item SKU Item Description Replenished Received Location
KAR321 GOLD CHOO CHOO TRAIN 10 _________ ________
KAR321 GOLD CHOO CHOO TRAIN 10 _________ ________
KAR321 GOLD CHOO CHOO TRAIN 9 _________ ________

Contents: A separate page prints for each warehouse included in the request.

• Warehouse: The code representing the warehouse being replenished ('To' warehouse).

• Description: The description associated with the warehouse.

• Item/SKU: The item and SKU codes of the item being replenished.

• Item description: The description of the item.

• Quantity replenished: The number of units of the item to replenish. This amount should match the Quantity received at the warehouse.

• Quantity received: A blank line where you can record the actual number of units received. This amount should match the Quantity replenished.

• Location: A blank line where you can record the warehouse location where the items will be placed.

WH10_03r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN