Placing Stock

Purpose: When you confirm a replenishment through the standard process, the system transfers the allocated inventory to a the auto-restock location in the 'To' warehouse. You may still need to transfer inventory from the auto-restock location to the actual locations in the warehouse where the items will be stored.

There are two ways of transferring inventory from the auto-restock location:

• You can use the Replenish Warehouses function to place the stock if the replenishment request has been retained (the system retains the request if the Receive restock transfers field for the 'To' warehouse is set to Y).

• You can place the stock through an inventory transfer (a T transaction) through Performing Inventory Transactions if the Receive restock transfer field for the 'To' warehouse is set to N.

When the replenishment request is retained, the request remains on the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Screen in a C (confirmed) status. The system deletes the replenishment request after all stock replenished through the request is put away through option 7 (place stock).

Note: Do not use an inventory transaction to place the stock if the Receive restock transfers field is set to Y; you must use the Place Stock option in the Replenish Warehouses function to delete the replenishment record.

Important: You cannot use the Place Stock option as part of an outlet transfer, regardless of how the Receive restock transfers field is set for the outlet warehouse. You must use an inventory transaction to move the stock if you are maintaining inventory information for the outlet warehouse in CWDirect.

In this topic:

Placing Stock in the 'To' Warehouse

Warehouse Replenish - Stock Placement Screen

Placing Stock in a Single Location

Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen (New Mode)

Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen in Open mode

Placing Stock in the 'To' Warehouse

Purpose: The confirmed replenishment request specifies the quantity of each item that was transferred to replenish the warehouse. This screen displays the items and quantities that were transferred to the restock location, and allows you to indicate the number of units to place in actual warehouse locations. You can place the item in a single location, or you can split the quantity across multiple locations.

The system does not require you to place all of the inventory in the restock location in actual warehouse locations. Once a partial quantity has been placed, the detail record is removed from the file, even though there may still be inventory in the restock location. For example, if some inventory is damaged in transit, or if the quantity transferred differs from the quantity received, you may not be able to place all of the stock in locations in the 'To' warehouse. In these situations, you must use the Inventory Transactions functions to make any necessary adjustments.

See Placing Stock for an overview.

Note: If the quantity transferred differs from the quantity received, you should alert the 'From' warehouse. An inventory adjustment may need to be processed in the 'From' warehouse also.

Warehouse Replenish - Stock Placement Screen

How to display this screen: Enter 7 next to a confirmed replenishment request at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Screen.

Note: This option is available only for Standard Warehouse Replenishment, not Outlet Transfer Replenishment.

FLR0300 DISPLAY Warehouse Replenish - Stock Placement 12/12/96 10:58:57

Mail Order


To ------- Default -------

Opt Location Quantity Item CLR /SIZE/WDTH Cmp Whs Location Qty

Type options, press Enter.

6=Split over multiple locations

AB100 27 12 RESTOCK 10


F3=Exit F12=Cancel



The following two fields are used for placing stock:

To Location

The warehouse location where the item will be placed. The location code you enter must be a valid location for the item in the warehouse. The value *SPLIT displays when you are placing the item in more than one location.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.


The number of units to place in the location. This number cannot exceed the number of units allocated to the warehouse. If you enter a number lower than the allocated quantity and exit the screen, the system will close out the line in the replenishment request.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

The remaining fields on this screen are used for scanning:


The code representing the item that has been transferred to the warehouse for replenishment.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color or size.

SKU) Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields (split SKU), or one 14-position field (full SKU); optional.

Item description

The description associated with the item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Cmp (Company)

The company code of the warehouse being replenished. There can be only one company code for each replenishment request.

Numeric, 3 positions.

Whs (Warehouse)

The code of the warehouse being replenished.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Default location

The code of the auto-restock location in the warehouse being replenished. All allocated items were transferred to this location when you confirmed the replenishment request.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.


The number of units of the item that were transferred from the 'From' warehouse to the restock location in the 'To' warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Place an item

See Placing Stock in a Single Location.

Split over multiple locations

Enter 6 next to an item to transfer it from the restock location to multiple locations in the warehouse. See the Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen (New Mode).

Note: The system submits the AUTOSTKPLC job each time you exit the screen; see Placing Stock in a Single Location.

Placing Stock in a Single Location

Purpose: You can use the Warehouse Replenish - Stock Placement Screen to transfer an item from the restock location to another location in the warehouse.

The location where the item is placed and the actual amount you transfer are recorded on this screen. The amount transferred could differ from the quantity indicated in the Default qty field if there was an error in the shipment.

If you are transferring the items to more than one location, use the Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen (New Mode) to record the transfer.


1. Enter the code of the location where you are placing the item. There must be a record of the item in this location. The following message displays if an Item Location record does not exist:

Item Location (B020202) does not exist.

2. Enter the number of units to place. The number of units transferred to the location cannot exceed the quantity allocated. The following message displays:

Placement qty (XX) cannot be greater than allocated qty (XX).

3. Continue with the above steps for all items to be placed in a single location, pressing Enter to confirm your entries, until all locations and quantities have been entered.

4. Press F3 or F12 to process all the transfers you have entered on the screen.

Inventory for the items in the auto-restock location will decrease; inventory for the items in the locations where they are being transferred will increase. The Inventory Transaction History file will be updated with the transfer transactions. The following message displays:

Job 575470/Karen_M/AUTOSTKPLC submitted to job queue qbatch in library qgpl.

The system deletes the replenishment detail records for the items that were placed. If the full transfer quantity for an item was not placed, additional adjustment transactions will be required to reduce the quantity in the auto-restock location to zero.

• An adjustment transaction will be necessary if the shipment was short units.

• A transfer transaction will be necessary if quantities will be placed in additional locations in the warehouse.

See Performing Inventory Transactions for further information on processing inventory transactions.

Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen (New Mode)

Purpose: Use this screen to transfer an item from the restock location to more than one location in the warehouse. For example, you may transfer an item to more than one location if the full quantity will not fit in a single location, if some if the units are defective, or if you want to place some units in the primary location and some in a bulk location.

How to display this screen: Enter 6 next to an item at the Warehouse Replenish - Stock Placement Screen. The screen displays in New mode if you have not yet assigned locations.

FLR0301 NEW Multiple Location Stock Placement 12/07/96 13:29:05



Warehouse . . . . . : 999 DISTRIBUTION CENTER

Item Clr/Size/Wdth : KAREN1 BLUE


Default Cmp/Whs/Loc : 900 500 R999999

Transaction qty . . : 9

To Location Trans Qty


_______ _______

_______ _______

_______ _______

_______ _______

_______ _______


F3=Exit F6=Change F12=Cancel



To location

The code of the warehouse location where the items will be transferred. The location you enter must be a valid location for the item in the 'To' warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Trans Qty (Transfer quantity)

The number of units of the item to transfer to the location.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


1. Enter the code of a location where you are placing the item and enter the quantity to transfer.

2. Press Enter when you have entered each location and quantity for the item. The following message displays if an Item Location record does not exist:

Item Location (B020202) does not exist.

3. If the quantity you enter exceeds the allocated quantity, a message such as the following displays:

Placement quantity (55) cannot be greater than allocated quantity (50)

4. Continue with the above steps until all locations and quantities have been entered. The location code and transfer quantity will be cleared from the screen when you press Enter.

5. Press F6 to display the locations and quantities you have defined for the item. See Changing Stock Placement Locations later in this book.

6. Press F6 to return to the Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen (New Mode) in new mode to add more locations.

7. Press F3 or F12 to return to the Warehouse Replenish - Stock Placement Screen. The value *SPLIT will display in the To Location field for the item.

The replenishment detail records for the items that were placed will be deleted from the file. If the full transfer quantity for an item was not placed, additional adjustment transactions will be required to reduce the quantity in the auto-restock location to zero.

• An adjustment transaction will be necessary if the shipment was short units.

• A transfer transaction will be necessary if quantities will be placed in additional locations in the warehouse.

See Performing Inventory Transactions for further information on how to process inventory transactions.

Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen in Open mode

Purpose: Use this screen in Open mode to view or delete transfer quantities and locations that have been entered for the item but not yet processed.

How to display this screen: To view or delete the locations or quantities to place, press F6 at Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen (New Mode). The screen displays in Open mode, listing the transfer quantities and locations that have been entered for the item. This screen also displays in Open mode when you enter 6 next to an item that has *SPLIT in the Location field at the Warehouse Replenish - Stock Placement Screen.

You can delete locations only if you have not yet transferred the item (that is, in the same session).

FLR0301 OPEN Multiple Location Stock Placement 12/07/96 13:34:58



Warehouse . . . . . : 999 DISTRIBUTION CENTER

Item Clr/Size/Wdth : KAREN1 BLUE


Default Cmp/Whs/Loc : 900 500 R999999

Transaction qty . . : 9

To Location Trans Qty


Type options, press Enter.


__P010101 4

__P030303 4





F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel

Instructions: To view or delete a location transfer when you have previously specified multiple locations:

1. Press F6 at the Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen in Open mode. The screen displays in Open mode listing each location and the transfer quantity that has been defined.

2. Enter 4 next to the location transfers you want to delete.

3. Press F6 to return to the Multiple Location Stock Placement Screen (New Mode) to continue adding locations.

The replenishment detail records for the items that were placed will be deleted from the file. If the full transfer quantity for an item was not placed, additional adjustment transactions will be required to reduce the quantity in the auto-restock location to zero.

• An adjustment transaction will be necessary if the shipment was short units.

• A transfer transaction will be necessary if quantities will be placed in additional locations in the warehouse.

See Performing Inventory Transactions for further information on how to process inventory transactions.

WH10_05 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN