Processing, Confirming and Unallocating Replenishment Requests

Purpose: The steps you take to process or unallocate replenishment requests vary, depending on whether you are using Standard Warehouse Replenishment or Outlet Transfer Replenishment. In either case, the request specifies the items to replenish, replenishment quantities, locations where the item should be picked, and the warehouse and restock location where the items will be transferred when you confirm the request.

Standard replenishment: The item quantities to replenish were suggested by the system; the actual quantity and requested quantity are the same. The system put the items in an allocated (A) status when you created the request; the system also generated a Replenishment Pick Worksheet for the 'From' warehouse to assist you in picking each item to fulfill the replenishment. You have the option of unallocating an item if you cannot fulfill the entire quantity of the item. You cannot change the replenishment quantity when using the standard process.

Outlet transfers: The item quantities to replenish were requested by the individual outlet; the requested quantity may differ from the actual quantity available. The system put the items in an allocated (A) status when you created the request. You need to process the item quantities that you are actually going to fulfill, either by entering 9 next to the item request, or by scanning; when you scan one or more units, the item's status changes to processed (P). (Only items in P status will be transferred when you confirm the replenishment request. ) In addition, you can adjust the actual quantity of an item to replenish; and, as in the standard process, you can unallocate the entire quantity of the item.

You can print or reprint the Replenishment Pick Worksheet when using either process. You can also print the Replenishment Receiving Worksheet if:

• you are using the standard process, and

• the Receive restock transfers field for the 'To' warehouse is set to Y

The system does not produce either of these worksheets automatically as part of the outlet transfer process. Also, you cannot print the Replenishment Receiving Worksheet if you are using the outlet transfer process.

Confirming the request: An inventory transfer transaction takes place for each processed (outlet transfer) or allocated (standard process) item when you confirm the request; inventory in the location in the 'From' warehouse decreases and inventory in the auto-restock location in the 'To' warehouse increases. The system performs any postings to the General Ledger Interface file, including any markdowns for outlet transfers, at this time.

Putting away stock:

Standard process: If you need to transfer items from the 'To' warehouse's restock location to their ultimate locations (the Receive restock transfers for the 'To' warehouse is set to Y), the request remains on the system. You use Placing Stock to put the items away. If the Receive restock transfers field for the 'To' warehouse is set to N, the system deletes the replenishment request when you confirm it.

Outlet transfers: You cannot use the Place Stock option if you use this process.

Note: The system does not delete confirmed replenishment requests through the outlet transfer system process; you must clear the related records in each file through a separate process.

In this topic:

Work with Warehouse Replenishment Detail Screen

Changing Quantity or Status

Scan Outlet Transfer Screen

Confirming Replenishment Requests

Work with Warehouse Replenishment Detail Screen

Purpose: This screen displays each item included in the replenishment request, and related information such as quantities and locations.

You can use this screen to review the items in the request, or to change the quantity, unallocate or reallocate, or process items.

You can also print or reprint the Replenishment Pick Worksheet and the Replenishment Receiving Worksheet from this screen, or confirm the request.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to a replenishment request at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Screen.

Note: If you enter 5 next to a replenishment request in a C (confirmed) status and you do not advance to this screen, it means that the transfers have been processed and the request is still on the system because the stock needs to be put away (standard process) or that the replenishment request is processed, but the system does not delete it automatically (outlet transfer).

FLR0260 DISPLAY W/W Warehouse Replenish Detail 12/12/96 14:07:05

EZK Mail Order

Batch Number 0100000055


From -- Replenish ---

Opt Sts Item CLR /SIZE/WDTH Location Rqst qty Act qty Cmp Whs Location

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change Qty 7=Allocate 8=Unallocate 9=Process

P PR123 A099 75 50 27 10 DEFOT

SERIAL CABLE Control # 114

A PR123 S234 75 25 27 10 DEFOT

SERIAL CABLE Control # 115

P QE555 B199 75 50 27 10 DEFOT

28.8 MODEM Control # 116

U QR555 BULK 75 0 27 10 DEFOT

28.8 MODEM Control # 11

F3=Exit F7=Print pick worksheet F8=Print receiving worksheet

F9=Accept Batch F12=Cancel



Batch number

The number associated with the batch. Only replenishment requests you create for outlet transfers have batch numbers. The system assigns a batch number by concatenating the outlet warehouse ('To' warehouse) code with the purchase order number provided by the outlet.

Numeric, 7 positions (3-position warehouse code and 7-position purchase order number); display-only.

Sts (Status)

The replenishment status of the item.Valid values are:

A = Allocated. The item is allocated in the From Location for the warehouse transfer. When you create a replenishment request using either the standard or outlet transfer process, items will appear initially in allocated status. This status indicates that:

The Quantity printed for the item in the location indicated in the 'From' warehouse is increased by the actual quantity.

The Reserve transfer quantity for the item in the 'From' warehouse is increased by the actual quantity.

Outlet transfer system process: The system creates a replenishment record for the item in allocated status if there is at least one unit of the item available to fulfill the replenishment request. Unless you change the item's status by processing or unallocating, the item will remain in allocated status when you confirm the request.


Standard replenishment process: The system creates the replenishment record for each item in allocated status. Unless you change the item's status by unallocating, the item will be transferred to the 'To' warehouse when you confirm the request.

C = Confirmed. This item has already been processed and confirmed as part of an outlet transfer. The C status indicates that the Receive restock transfers field for the outlet warehouse is set to Y.

P = Processed. You have either processed the entire requested quantity of this item using option 9 or scanned one or more units, and the actual quantity of the item will be transferred when you confirm the outlet transfer. This status is valid for outlet transfers only.


U = Unallocated. The item will not be transferred when you confirm the request. You can unallocate an item by entering 8 next to it. The following updates occur for the item in the 'From' warehouse when you unallocate an item in a request:

• The Quantity printed for the location indicated decreases by the Act qty.

• The Reserve transfer quantity in the warehouse decreases by the Act qty.

• The Act qty changes to zero

• The Rqst qty changes to zero (standard process only)


When you create an outlet transfer request, the system will add an item in an unallocated status if an outlet requested it, but there is no record of the item in a location in the 'From' warehouse. In this case, the system indicates that the item is in the OU (OTS unallocated) location you have defined for the 'From' warehouse using Work with Warehouse Default Locations Screen. If this item subsequently becomes available for replenishment in the 'From' warehouse, you can use Process Unallocated Autostock Details (POTS) to allocate the item.

Note: If there is a record of a requested item in the 'From' warehouse, but it is not available in a pickable location, the system will ignore the item request.

X = Closed. This item has already been processed and confirmed as part of an outlet transfer. The X status indicates that the Receive restock transfers field for the outlet warehouse is set to N.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The code of the item to replenish.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color or style.

Scanning on this field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields (split SKU) or one 14-position field (full SKU); display-only.

Item description

The description associated with the item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

From location

The location where the item should be picked or scanned in the 'From' warehouse. See Replenish Warehouses Overview for information on how the system selects locations in the 'From' warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Rqst qty (Requested quantity)

For outlet transfers, this is the unit quantity of the item requested by an outlet through the Autostock Replenishment Work File. For standard replenishment, this is the amount calculated by the system for the request, and is identical to the Act qty.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Act qty (Actual quantity)

The quantity of the item determined by the system to be available to fulfill the replenishment request.

See Replenish Warehouses Overview for descriptions of how the system determines the actual quantity for both the standard process and outlet transfers.

• You can change the actual quantity by:

• unallocating the item (the quantity changes to zero); see Changing Quantity or Status.

• using the Change Quantity option (outlet transfers only). The system does not let you exceed the requested quantity of the item. If there are additional item request lines for different locations, the system does not allow the total actual quantity for all locations exceed the total requested quantity. See Changing Quantity or Status.

• scanning the item (outlet transfers only). See Scan Outlet Transfer Screen.

Scanning on this field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Cmp (Company)

The company code of the warehouse being replenished.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Whs (Warehouse)

The code of the warehouse, or outlet warehouse, being replenished with this transaction (the 'To' warehouse). A replenishment request can contain transfers for more than one warehouse if you are using the standard process.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The code of the auto-restock location in the warehouse being replenished. All allocated (standard replenishment) or processed (outlet transfer) items will be transferred to this location when you confirm the request.

Standard replenishment: The system determines uses the location specified in the Auto restock location field on the Warehouse file.

Outlet transfers: The system uses the location specified in the default Outlet Transfer (OT) location using Working with Default Warehouse Locations (WWDL).

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Control number

The control number assigned by the system when you created the replenishment request. The system uses control numbers for outlet transfers only.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Change the quantity of an item replenishment

Enter 2 next to the item to display the Change Actual Quantity pop-up window. This option is available for outlet transfers only. See Changing Quantity or Status.

Reallocate an item replenishment

Enter 7 next to the item to reallocate an item that is in an unallocated (U) status. See Changing Quantity or Status.

Unallocate an item replenishment

Enter 8 next to the item to unallocate the item replenishment line. See Changing Quantity or Status.

Note: If you exit the screen when an item is in U status while using the standard process, the system deletes the item from the replenishment request.

Process an item replenishment

Enter 9 next to the item to process an allocated item replenishment. This option is available for outlet transfers only. See Changing Quantity or Status.

Print the Replenishment Pick Worksheet

Press F7.

Print the Replenishment Receiving Worksheet

Press F8.

Note: You cannot print the receiving worksheet if you for outlet transfers, or if the Receive restock transfers field for the 'To' warehouse is set to N.

Confirm the replenishment request

Press F9. See Confirming Replenishment Requests.

Changing Quantity or Status

Purpose: At the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Detail Screen, you can allocate, unallocate, process or change the actual quantity of an item replenishment request line.

To change quantity: Enter 2 next to an item replenishment line to change the actual quantity of an item to replenish from a location in your 'From' warehouse within an outlet transfer request. The Change Actual Quantity pop-up window displays

Change Actual Qty

Item . . . . . : RR123

SKU . . . . . :

From Location : A099

Requested Qty : 10

Actual Qty . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Enter the quantity you want to replenish of this item in the location indicated. The system updates the actual quantity with your entry, provided that this quantity does not exceed:

• the quantity of the item available in the location, or

• the requested quantity of the item for the location

Additionally, the system does not allow you to change the actual quantity of the item in this location if it would cause the total actual quantity for the item (in all locations) exceed the requested quantity. For example, your total requested quantity for an item is 75, broken out as follows:


Actual Quantity





The system will not allow you to increase the actual quantity in location B010101 unless you first decrease the actual quantity in location A010101, because the total actual quantity would then exceed 75.

When you change the actual quantity, the system updates the Reserve transfer quantity and Quantity printed fields to reflect the change.

If you change the quantity of an unallocated line, the status changes to P (processed), and the system updates the Reserve transfer quantity and Quantity printed fields.

Note: The change quantity option is available only for outlet transfer requests.

To allocate: To allocate a line that is currently unallocated (U status), enter 7 next to the item and press Enter. The status changes to A and the Actual quantity field return to its original value. For standard process requests, the Requested quantity also returns to its original value. Additionally, the system updates the Reserve transfer quantity and Quantity printed fields to reflect the change.

To unallocate: To unallocate a line that is currently allocated (A status) or processed (P status), enter 8 next to the line. The status of the line changes to U, and the Actual quantity for the line changes to zero. For standard process requests, the Requested quantity also changes to zero. The system updates the Reserve transfer quantity and Quantity printed fields to reflect the change.

If you are using the standard replenishment process, the system will delete this line when you exit the screen. If this is an outlet transfer, any lines in unallocated status will not be transferred when you confirm the request, and the related inventory transfers and general ledger updates will not take place; however, the request remains on the system.

To process: Enter 9 next to an allocated line to process the entire actual quantity. The status changes to P (processed). This option is available for outlet transfers only.

You can also process items one unit at a time by scanning them. See Scan Outlet Transfer Screen.

Scan Outlet Transfer Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to scan items for warehouse replenishment for outlet transfers.

This screen allows you to process allocated items on a replenishment request, either by entering the batch number and item code, or by scanning these codes with a radio frequency device. Each time you enter or scan the relevant information, the system increases the actual processed quantity of the item by 1.

You can also process allocated items through the options at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Detail Screen.

How to display this screen: Press F10 at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Screen; enter MSOT in the Fast path field at the top of any menu; or select Scan Outlet Transfer from a menu.

FLR0532 ENTER Scan Outlet Transfer 12/13/96 11:18:22

Mail Order

Batch #


F3=Exit F9=Process Batch F12=Cancel Enter=Confirm Qty of 1



Batch number

The number of the replenishment request batch. The system constructs the batch number by concatenating the warehouse code of the outlet store and the purchase order number, as they appear in the Autostock Replenishment Work File.

Numeric, 10 positions (warehouse code: 3 positions; purchase order number, 7 positions); required.


The code representing a unit of inventory, and the SKU codes representing its unique characteristics, such as its color or style.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions (item code) and one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); required.

Scanning items: Enter each field on this screen or scan the information indicated with a radio frequency device. The system:

• changes the item status to processed (P) at the first entry

• resets the Actual quantity for the item to 1 at the first entry, then increases this quantity by 1 each additional time you scan the item

Screen Option


Confirm a replenishment request batch

Press F9. See Confirming Replenishment Requests.

Increase the Actual quantity of an item in a replenishment request by 1

Enter or scan the batch number and item/SKU code.

Confirming Replenishment Requests

Purpose: You must confirm the replenishment request to update the system with the item quantities that were transferred. When you confirm the request, the system puts through an inventory transfer (transaction type T) for each processed item and location. Inventory quantities in the designated locations in the 'From' warehouse decrease; inventory quantities in the restock location in the 'To' warehouse increase.

Standard replenishment: If the Receive restock transfers field for the 'To' warehouse is set to Y, the replenishment request remains on the system in a confirmed (C) status until you place all transferred stock in the 'To' warehouse. You can use Placing Stock to move the inventory to its actual warehouse locations in the 'To' warehouse.

Note: You should not place the stock through a regular inventory transaction; this would not delete the replenishment request from the system.

If the Receive restock transfers field is set to N, the request is deleted from the system when you confirm it. You must use inventory transactions to record stock transfers from the auto-restock location in the 'To' warehouse to its actual locations.

Outlet transfers: You do not normally need to place stock when using this process, since inventory levels are not maintained through CWDirect. Instead, you can remove the inventory and replenishment records from your system in another way that suits your business requirements. To place stock for outlet transfers, you must use an inventory transaction, as described in Performing Inventory Transactions; the place stock option in the Replenish Warehouses menu option is not available for outlet transfers.

Confirming the replenishment: The replenishment request should be confirmed after the inventory has been received in the 'To' warehouse.

Warehouse transfer inventory transactions acknowledging the transfer are processed as soon as the transfer is confirmed. If the file is confirmed before the inventory arrives, it will be included in the on-hand quantity in the 'To' warehouse and will be available for reservation, even though it has not physically arrived yet. Although the on-hand quantity is not reduced in the 'from' warehouse until the request is confirmed, the inventory allocated for replenishment will not be reserved for orders or for other replenishment requests because it is included in the Printed quantity amount for each applicable location.

You can confirm warehouse replenishment requests by:

• entering 6 next to the request at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Screen

• pressing F9 at the Work with Warehouse Replenishment Detail Screen

• pressing F9 at the Scan Outlet Transfer Screen When you confirm a request, the following pop-up window displays:

Confirm Transfer

Press ENTER to confirm transfer.


If you attempt to confirm a request that is already confirmed, the following message displays:

Autostock Control already confirmed.

The system submits the job AUTOSTKCFM. For each item to be transferred, his job:

• decreases the inventory in the 'From' warehouse locations

• increases the inventory in the auto-restock location in the 'To' warehouse

• decreases the printed quantity in the 'From' warehouse locations

• decreases the reserve transfer quantity in the 'From' warehouse

• posts any relevant transactions to the General Ledger Interface file, including any markdowns specified in the Autostock Replenishment Work file or the Markdown Cost Percentage for Liquidation (E20) field in the System Control file (outlet transfers only).

• for outlet transfers:

• changes each processed (P) item to confirmed (C) if the Receive restock transfers field is set to Y for the 'To' warehouse

• changes each processed (P) item to closed (X) if the Receive restock transfers field is set to N for the 'To' warehouse

• leaves each allocated (A) or unallocated (U) item as is

• for standard replenishment requests:

• processes the inventory transfers described above for each allocated (A) item

• deletes the replenishment records for each unallocated (U) item

• retains the replenishment request if the Receive restock transfers field is set to Y for the 'To' warehouse, so you can use Placing Stock.

Deleting a request: You can delete a replenishment request using the standard process by unallocating each line and confirming the request as described above.

WH10_04 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN