Radio Frequency Inquiry and Maintenance (RFMN)

Purpose: You can perform inquiry, print labels, maintain LPN records, and work with item/location records through the RF menus. You advance to each of these functions by selecting option 5 at the RF main menu.


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2



In this topic:

LPN Inquiry

Item Inquiry

Item Inquiry Display Screen

Bin Inquiry

Bin Inquiry Display Screen:

Item Inquiry by UPC

Print Item Label

Print LPN Label

Print Bin Label

Create LPN

Request Outqueue Screen

Adjust LPN

Build LPN

Change Primary Location

Assign Primary Location

LPN Inquiry

Purpose: Use LPN inquiry to review information on an LPN. This information consists of:

• warehouse

• location

• item/SKU

• quantity

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 1


RF Inquiry 27

1. LPN Inquiry

2. Item Inquiry

3. Bin Inquiry

4. Item Inquiry by UPC

Option: 1


IL LPN Inquiry 27

LPN: 27





F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the LPN Inquiry screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 1 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 1 at the RF inquiry menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN and, optionally, the company field and press CTL + ENTER, or scan the LPN code.

2. The system validates your entry and displays the LPN's item and SKU, and current warehouse, location, and quantity, as in the sample below.

IL LPN Inquiry 27

LPN: 27 54

Loc: 6 BULK



QTY: 20

F3=Exit F8=Clear

See RF Field Descriptions for more information. Each field on this screen is display-only.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Review another LPN

Follow the instruction above.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number you entered does not exist in the current company.

LPN Required

The LPN field is blank.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Item Inquiry

Purpose: Use item inquiry to inquire about an item by entering its item number and SKU code. Item inquiry allows you to review information on an item/SKU within a warehouse and company. This information consists of:

• locations where the item is stored

• quantity in each location

• whether the location is pickable

• location type

Note: You can also inquire about an item by entering its UPC barcode; see Item Inquiry by UPC.

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 1


RF Inquiry 27

1. LPN Inquiry

2. Item Inquiry

3. Bin Inquiry

4. Item Inquiry by UPC

Option: 2


II Item Inq 27

Cmp: 27

Whs: 2



F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Item Inquiry screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 1 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 2 at the RF inquiry menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the item code and SKU, or scan the item code. Optionally, complete the company and warehouse fields to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. If you have changed the company, the default main warehouse for the selected company displays. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system advances to the item inquiry display screen.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Item Inquiry Display Screen

Itm: BU001


Loc Qty P T

A010101 9 Y P



F3=Ex F7=PgU F8=PgD

Field descriptions: The Item, SKU, and Loc fields are described in RF Field Descriptions. The additional fields are described below. Each field on this screen is display-only.



Qty (Quantity)

The quantity on-hand in this location.

Numeric, 6 positions.

P (Pickable?):

This value indicates whether the location is pickable. Valid values are:

Y = The location is pickable.

N = The location is not pickable.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

T (Type)

The type of the location. Valid values are:

P = Primary

S = Secondary

T = Temporary

B = Bulk

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Review the previous three location records

Press FUNC + 7.

Review the next three location records

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

From Whs Invalid

The warehouse code you entered is not correct or complete.

Invalid Item/SKU

The item or SKU information you entered is not correct or complete.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Bin Inquiry

Purpose: Use bin inquiry to review the item/location records for a particular location. The information that displays consists of:

• item/SKU codes

• quantity in the location

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 1


RF Inquiry 27

1. LPN Inquiry

2. Item Inquiry

3. Bin Inquiry

4. Item Inquiry by UPC

Option: 3


IB Bin Inq 27

Cmp: 27

Whs: 2


F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Bin Inquiry screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 1 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 3 at the RF inquiry menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the location code field, or scan the code. Optionally, complete the company and warehouse fields to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. If you have changed the company, the default main warehouse of the selected company displays. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system advances to the bin inquiry display screen.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen

Press FUNC + 8.

Bin Inquiry Display Screen:

Loc: PRIM8




Qty: 10 +

F3=Ex F7=PgU F8=PgD

Field descriptions: See RF Field Descriptions. The additional fields on this screen are described below. Each field on this screen is display-only.



SKU description (Unlabeled field below the SKU codes)

The first 19 characters of the description associated with the SKU information.

Alphanumeric, 19 positions.

Qty (Quantity)

The quantity of the item/SKU in this location. A blank quantity field indicates that none of the item is on hand.

Numeric, 7 positions.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Review the previous item in this location

Press FUNC + 7.

Review the next item in this location

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

From Whs Invalid

The warehouse code you entered is not correct or complete.

From Loc Invalid

The location you entered is not correct or complete.

Item Inquiry by UPC

Purpose: Use item inquiry by UPC to inquire about an item by scanning its UPC barcode. Item inquiry allows you to review information on an item/SKU within a warehouse and company. This information consists of:

• locations where the item is stored

• quantity in each location

• whether the location is pickable

• location type

Note: You can also inquire about an item by entering its item number and SKU code; see Item Inquiry.

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 1


RF Inquiry 555

1. LPN Inquiry

2. Item Inquiry

3. Bin Inquiry

4. Item Inquiry by UPC

Option: 4


IU Item Inq/UPC 555

Cmp: 555

Whs: 204


F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Item Inquiry by UPC screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 1 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 4 at the RF inquiry menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the UPC code, or scan the UPC code. Optionally, complete the company and warehouse fields to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. If you have changed the company, the default main warehouse for the selected company displays. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system advances to the item inquiry display screen.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Item Inquiry Display Screen:

Itm: BU001


Loc Qty P T

A010101 9 Y P



F3=Ex F7=PgU F8=PgD

Field descriptions: The Item, SKU, and Loc fields are described in RF Field Descriptions. The additional fields are described below. Each field on this screen is display-only.



Qty (Quantity)

The quantity on-hand in this location.

Numeric, 6 positions.

P (Pickable?):

This value indicates whether the location is pickable. Valid values are:

Y = The location is pickable.

N = The location is not pickable.

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

T (Type)

The type of the location. Valid values are:

P = Primary

S = Secondary

T = Temporary

B = Bulk

Alphanumeric, 1 position.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Review the previous three location records

Press FUNC + 7.

Review the next three location records

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

From Whs Invalid

The warehouse code you entered is not correct or complete.

Invalid Item/SKU

The UPC code you entered is not correct or complete.

Print Item Label

Purpose: Use the Print Item Label option to print an item label. Item labels may contain information such as item code and SKU, including a bar code.

The system uses the program defined in the RF Item Label Print Program (E24) field in the System Control file. The base print program is RFR0071, although your program may differ.

You must also define the print program in the Report Control file. See System Operations Working with Report Controls (WRPT).

Note: Printing the item label requires a Zebra printer.

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 2



1. Item Label

2. LPN Label

3. Bin Label

Option: 1


LR Itm Lbl Prt 27



Qty: 1

Printer: ZEBRA

Cmp: 27

F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Print Item label screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 2 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 1 at the RF print menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Printer field: Each field on the print item label screen is described in RF Field Descriptions. The printer field is described below.




The device where you want the label(s) to print. The printer assigned to the item label print program in the Report Control file defaults here. If no printer is defined in the Report Control file, the printer in your CWDirect user profile defaults. See Installation Working with User Records (WUSR).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the item/SKU fields, or scan the code. Optionally, complete the label quantity, printer, or company fields to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system displays the following message:


Label printed.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid Item/SKU

You did not enter complete and valid item/SKU information.

Invalid OutQ

The printer name you entered is not valid.

Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Print LPN Label

Purpose: The LPN label may contain information such as the LPN number, item/SKU, quantity, location, and date and time printed and any bar codes.

The system uses the program defined in the RF LPN Label Print Program (E22) field in the System Control file. The base print program is RFR0070, although your program may differ.

You must also define the print program in the Report Control file. See System Operations Working with Report Controls (WRPT).

Note: Printing the LPN label requires a Zebra printer.

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 2



1. Item Label

2. LPN Label

3. Bin Label

Option: 2



LP LPN Print 27

LPN: 27

Qty: 1

Printer: ZEBRA

F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Print LPN Label screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 2 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 2 at the RF print menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions or Print Item Label.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN field, or scan the code. Optionally, complete the company, LPN unit quantity, or printer fields to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system displays the following message:


Label printed.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number you entered does not exist in the current company.

LPN Required

The LPN field is blank.

Qty GT LPN Qty

The item unit quantity you entered is greater than the quantity for the LPN.

Invalid OutQ

The printer you entered is not a valid printer on your system.

Print Bin Label

Purpose: The bin label may contain information such as the bin number.

The system uses the program defined in the RF Bin Label Print Program (E23) field in the System Control file. The base print program is RFR0072, although your program may differ.

You must also define the print program in the Report Control file. See System Operations Working with Report Controls (WRPT).

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 2



1. Item Label

2. LPN Label

3. Bin Label

Option: 3



BP Bin Loc Prt 27

Loc: 2

Qty: 1

Printer: ZEBRA

Cmp: 27

F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Print Bin Label screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 2 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 3 at the RF print menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions or Print Item Label.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the bin field, or scan the code. Optionally, complete the warehouse, label quantity, printer, or company fields to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system displays the following message:


Label printed.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


From Whs Invalid

The warehouse code you entered is not valid for the current company.

From Loc Invalid

The location code you entered is not valid for the current company and warehouse.

Invalid OutQ

The printer you entered is not a valid printer on your system.

Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Create LPN

Purpose: Use the Create LPN option to create a new LPN record, have the system assign an LPN number, and print a new LPN label. This may be helpful if you have inventory in your warehouse not currently assigned to an LPN, perhaps because you are in the process of converting to an RF system.

This screen gives you the option of updating inventory. If you set the Update inventory? flag to Y, the system will increase your on-hand quantity by the amount indicated. If the flag is set to N, it is as if you are allocating the quantity from the existing stock in the location you indicate. (The Update inventory flag does not appear if you do not have authority to update inventory through RF, as controlled by the Allow Update of Inventory in RF (A47) secured feature.

Important: The system does not validate that you have an item quantity in the location that is greater than or equal to the quantity you define for the LPN if you set the Update inventory flag to N. This means that you will create a discrepancy between your on-hand quantity and your LPN quantity if you do not make sure that you have a sufficient quantity of the item in the location.

You can also use the Build LPN option to create an LPN record. The Build LPN screen, however, requires that you assign an LPN number, does not allow you to update inventory, and does not automatically print a label. The Build LPN option may be more helpful if you want to transfer stock out of a primary location to bulk storage, but the LPN had been deleted when you placed the stock in primary.

Note: The system does not allow you to create or build an LPN in a primary location.

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 3



1. Create LPN

2. Adjust LPN

3. Build LPN

Option: 1


CL Create LPN 27

Loc: 2




Cmp: 27 Upd Inv

F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Create LPN screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 3 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 1 at the first RF maintenance sub-menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Update inventory field: Each field on the create LPN screen except the Update inventory flag, described below, is described in RF Field Descriptions. This flag does not appear if you do not have authority to update inventory through RF, as controlled by the Allow Update of Inventory in RF (A47) secured feature.)



Upd inv (Update inventory)

This value indicates whether to increase on-hand item quantity by the number you enter in the Quantity field as a result of creating this LPN. Valid values are:

Y = Update inventory.

N = Do not update inventory.

If you do not enter a value in this field, it defaults to N.

Note: If you do not update inventory and there is not an existing quantity of the item in this location greater than or equal to the quantity you enter, you will create a discrepancy between your LPN records and your inventory levels.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the location, item/SKU, and quantity fields. Optionally, complete the warehouse, LPN unit quantity, or update inventory fields to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system creates the LPN record advances to the request outqueue screen.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


From Whs Invalid

The warehouse code you entered is not valid for the current company.

Loc Is Primary

The location you selected is a primary location. You cannot create an LPN in a primary location.

From Loc Invalid

The location code you entered is not valid for the current company and warehouse.

Invalid Item/SKU

You have not entered complete and valid item/SKU information.

Item Not Comp W/Loc

The item's location class is not compatible with the location class assigned to the location.

Quantity is Zero

You have not entered a quantity.

Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Request Outqueue Screen

You advance to the request outqueue screen after you create a new LPN. This screen allows you to print an LPN label.

CL Rqst Outq 27

Printer: P9

F3=Exit F8=Clear

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

How to complete this screen:

1. Optionally, select the printer where you want the label to print. The output queue assigned to your CWDirect user profile defaults in this field. If no printer is defined in your CWDirect user profile, the system supplies this value.

2. Press CTL + ENTER to print the LPN label; or, press FUNC + 3 to return to the create LPN screen without printing a label, or FUNC + 8 to clear the printer field. Whether you print the label or not, the system returns you to the create LPN screen and displays the following message:


LPN Created.

Error message: If you do not enter a valid printer name at the request outqueue screen, the system displays the following message:

Invalid OutQ

Adjust LPN

Purpose: Use this option to adjust the item unit quantity in an LPN. You can also use this screen to delete an LPN by adjusting the quantity to zero if there is currently a record of the item in this location.

You can update inventory through the adjust LPN screen by setting the Update inventory? flag to Y. If the flag is set to N, it is as if you are allocating the quantity from the existing stock in the location. (This flag does not appear if you do not have authority to update inventory through RF, as controlled by the Allow Update of Inventory in RF (A47) secured feature.)

Important: The system does not validate that the item quantity in the location is greater than or equal to the quantity you define for the LPN if you set the Update inventory flag to N. This means that you can create a discrepancy between your on-hand quantity and your LPN record if there is no sufficient quantity of the item in the location.


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 3



1. Create LPN

2. Adjust LPN

3. Build LPN

Option: 2


AL Adjust LPN 27

LPN: 27




QTY: Upd

F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Adjust LPN screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 3 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 2 at the first RF maintenance sub-menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on the adjust LPN screen is described in RF Field Descriptions or Create LPN.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN field or scan the LPN. Optionally, complete the company, LPN unit quantity, or update inventory fields to override the defaults. (Note: If you do not complete the quantity or update inventory fields, they default to zero and N, respectively.) Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry and displays the warehouse, location, item, and SKU information for the LPN. Correct any of your entries if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system adjusts the LPN quantity and displays the following message:


LPN Adjusted.

If you did not enter a number in the quantity field, the system adjusts the quantity to zero and deletes the LPN.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number you entered is not valid.

Item Loc Not Found

There is no record of the item in the location indicated, possibly because of a discrepancy between the LPN record and the actual inventory on-hand. In order to delete the LPN, you will need to use Displaying License Plate Information (WLPN).

Build LPN

Purpose: Use this option to create a new LPN record. The Build LPN option requires you to assign an LPN number, does not allow you to update inventory, and does not automatically print an LPN label; in these respects, it differs from the Create LPN option. The Build LPN option may be helpful if, for example, you wish to transfer stock out of primary and into bulk storage, but the system had deleted the LPN when you first placed the case in primary. In this situation, you would use the existing LPN label and assign the same number as before.

Because you do not update inventory levels when you build an LPN, it is as if you are allocating the quantity from the existing stock in the location you indicate. The system does not validate that you have an item quantity in the location that is greater than or equal to the quantity you define for the LPN. This means that you will create a discrepancy between your on-hand quantity and your LPN quantity if you do not make sure that you have a sufficient quantity of the item in the location.

Note: The system does not allow you to build an LPN in a primary location.

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 3



1. Create LPN

2. Adjust LPN

3. Build LPN

Option: 3


BL Build LPN 27

LPN: 27

Loc: 2




F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Build LPN screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 3 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 3 at the first RF maintenance sub-menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN field or scan the LPN, and complete the location, item/SKU information, and quantity fields. Optionally, complete the company or warehouse fields to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system builds the LPN and displays the following message:


LPN Built.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

From Whs Invalid

The warehouse code you entered is not valid for the current company.

LPN Required

You did not enter an LPN number.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number is invalid, probably because it is in use by an existing LPN.

Loc Is Primary

The location you selected is a primary location. You cannot create an LPN in a primary location.

From Loc Invalid

The location code you entered is not valid for the current company and warehouse.

Invalid Item/SKU

You have not entered complete and valid item/SKU information.

Item Not Comp W/Loc

The item's location class is not compatible with the location class assigned to the location.

Quantity is Zero

You have not entered a quantity.

Change Primary Location

Purpose: Use the change primary location option to create a new primary location record for an item, and to move the existing inventory from the original to the new primary.

Note: You should confirm before changing an item's primary location that there are not printed pick slips for the original primary.

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 4



1. Chg Primary Loc

2. Assign Bin Loc

Option: 1





Frm: 2

To : 2

Cmp: 27 Q: 0

F3=Ex F8=Clr

Advancing to the Change Primary Location screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 4 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 1 at the second RF maintenance sub-menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. .Complete the item and SKU information and the "from" and "to" location fields. Optionally, complete the "from" or "to" warehouse fields or the company to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry and displays the current on-hand quantity in the "from" primary location. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system changes the item's primary location and displays the following message:


Primary Changed.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid Item/SKU

You have not entered complete and valid item/SKU information.

From Whse Invalid

The "from" warehouse you entered is not valid.

From Loc Invalid

The "from" primary location you entered is not valid for the current company and warehouse, or you did not enter a "from" location.

From Loc Not Primary

The "from" location you entered is not a primary location.

To Whse Invalid

The "to" warehouse you entered is not valid.

To Loc Required

You did not enter a "to" primary location.

To Location Invalid

The "to" primary location you entered is not valid for the current company and warehouse.

Item Not Comp W/Loc

The item's location class is not compatible with the location class assigned to the location.

Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Assign Primary Location

Purpose: Use this option to create a primary location record for an item, including the minimum and maximum quantities for the location. The primary location record you create becomes the item's "primary primary," which appears on the Inventory Inquiry screen, the Create Item Warehouse/Locations screen, and on the second Work with Item/SKU screen in Work with Items/SKUs; see Merchandising Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

Note: If there is already a record of the item in the location you specify at this screen, your entry will serve to update the minimum and maximum quantity fields for the item/location record; however, no message will display telling you that the item/location record already exists.

Screen flow:


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 5


1. Inquiry Menu

2. Print Menu

3. Maint Menu 1

4. Maint Menu 2

Option: 4



1. Chg Primary Loc

2. Assign Bin Loc

Option: 2



Cmp: 27

Loc: 2




F3=Exit F8=Clear

Advancing to the Assign Primary Location screen:

1. Enter 5 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 4 at the RF maintenance menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 2 at the second RF maintenance sub-menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Field descriptions: The Minimum and Maximum fields on the assign primary location screen are described below. Each other field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.



M (Minimum)

The minimum unit quantity for the item in this location before the location should be replenished.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

X (Maximum)

The maximum unit quantity for the item in this location. The system uses this number when suggesting the unit quantity to place in the location.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the item and SKU information, the location field, and the minimum and maximum unit quantities. Optionally, complete the company or warehouse fields to override the defaults. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. Correct any fields if necessary.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system assigns the item's primary location and displays the following message:


Primary Assigned.

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

From Whse Invalid

The warehouse you entered is not valid.

From Loc Invalid

The primary location you entered is not valid for the current company and warehouse, or you did not enter a location.

From Loc Not Primary

The location you entered is not a primary location.

Invalid Item/SKU

You have not entered complete and valid item/SKU information.

Quantity is Zero

You have not entered a number in either the minimum or maximum quantity fields.

Min GT Max

The minimum quantity you entered is greater than the maximum quantity.

Item Not Comp W/Loc

The item's location class is not compatible with the location class assigned to the location.

WH12_04 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN