Working with User Records (WUSR)

Purpose: Use Work with Users to create user records and control access to companies, menu options, secured features, alternate customer address formats and user-defined functions for individual users.

Each user must have an existing iSeries user profile before you can set up a user record. You can do this by:

• Copying a default user profile to create an individual user record with the defaults you specify on the Copy User Screen.

• Creating an individual user record for each employee using the Create User Screen.

Recommended setting: MICROS users should not have access to this menu option. See Guidelines for Data Security for a listing of recommended security settings.

In this topic:

Work with Users Screen

Create User Screen

Work With Company Authority Screen

Work with Menu Option Authority Screen

Work With Secure Feature Authority Screen

Work With User-defined Function Authority Screen

Display User Option History Screen

Copy User Screen

Change User Record Screen

Work with User Tickler Group Screen

Select Address Format by User Screen

Related sections: If you wish to group individual users into user classes, you must first create user classes (see Setting Up User Classes (WUCL)).

Work with Users Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, copy, delete and display a user record. Once you have created a user record, you can also use this screen to assign authority to companies, menu options, secured features, user-defined functions or the screens that use an alternate customer address format.

How to display this screen: Enter WUSR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Users from a menu.

UCR0003 DISPLAY Work with Users 8/20/02 14:51:35

Opt User Name Authority

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Company Auth 8=Menu Option Auth

9=Feature Auth 10=User Defined Option Auth 11=View History 12=Tickler group




ELISE_K Elise Kaplan *ALLOW







F3=Exit F6=Create F7=W/W User Address Format F12=Cancel

F15=W/W User Classes F21=Print Listing




The ID of the user.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The user’s name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


The default menu option authority level for the user.

Valid authority types are:



Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Change a user record

Enter 2 next to a user to advance to the Change User Record Screen.

Copy a user record to create a new user record

Enter 3 next to a user to advance to the Copy User Screen.

Delete a user record

Enter 4 next to a user to delete it.

Note: Deleting a user may limit your ability to update records that the user initially created. For example, you might not be able to update a customer or item created by the deleted user. For this reason, MICROS recommends that you use care in deleting users, and do not delete them unnecessarily.

Display a user record

Enter 5 next to a user to advance to the Display User Record Screen.

Assign company authority to a user

Enter 7 next to a user to advance to the Work With Company Authority Screen.

Assign menu option authority to a user

Enter 8 next to a user to advance to the Work with Menu Option Authority Screen.

Assign feature authority to a user

Enter 9 next to a user to advance to the Work With Secure Feature Authority Screen.

Assign user defined option authority to a user

Enter 10 next to a user to advance to the Work With User-defined Function Authority Screen.

View on-line history that shows the options taken by the user

Enter 11 next to a user to advance to the Display User Option History Screen.

Assign a tickler group to a user

Enter 12 next to a user to advance to the Work with User Tickler Group Screen.

Create User Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to assign a default menu, default company and default authority to an individual user.

This screen also allows you to assign this user to a user class, if user classes have been created (see Setting Up User Classes (WUCL)).

How to display this screen: Press F6 on the Work with Users Screen.

UCR0008 ENTER Create User 8/20/02 14:57:25

User . . . . . . . . . .

Name . . . . . . . . . .

AS/400 User Profile . . .

User Class . . . . . . .

Language . . . . . . . .

Default Menu . . . . . .

Default Company . . . . .

Default Authority . . . . (*ALLOW,*EXCLUDE)

Output Queue . . . . . .

Log Use . . . . . . . . . (Y,N)

Security Administrator . (Y,N)

Fast Path . . . . . . . . (Y,N)

CTI User . . . . . . . . (Y/N)

CTI User Type . . . . . .

CTI Telephone Extension .

CTI Default Screen . . .

E-mail Address . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code that identifies the user to the system. The user ID determines the user's access to menus, menu options, companies, features and user-defined functions.

The user ID you enter must match the user's iSeries user profile ID.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


This user's full name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

AS/400 user profile

The user ID assigned to this user on the host system (iSeries). This is the ID that identifies the user to the iSeries.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

User class

The user class to which this user belongs. A user class is a logical grouping of users (for example, all order entry operators).

Authority to companies and menu options can be assigned at the user class level. The system checks the user's authority at the user level first, before checking the user class authority.

The user class you enter is validated against the User Class file. See Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


This field is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Default menu

The name of the menu that will appear when the user signs on to the system. The default menu name can be changed by:

• Updating this field.

• Pressing F17 at a menu to set the menu as a default menu. When you press this key to set a default menu, it automatically updates the user record with the new menu name.

The menu name you enter is validated against the Menu file. See Setting Up Menu Options (WOPT).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Default company

The code that indicates the company this user will work in when signing on to the system.

The company you enter is validated against the Company file. See Setting Up Companies (WCMP).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Default authority

The authority level assigned to this user. The authority level determines the user's access to menu options. Valid values are:

*ALLOW = Permits the user universal access to all menu options.

*EXCLUDE = Prohibits the user from accessing all menu options.

The authority you assign applies globally throughout the system unless you restrict or allow access to individual menu options. See Work with Menu Option Authority Screen.

Alphanumeric, 8 positions; required.

Output queue

The queue to which this user's submitted reports will be directed or printed.

The system searches the following list for a defined output queue, using the first output queue it finds:

• The output queue defined in the Default OUTQ (A38) system control value.

• The output queue defined in Working with Report Controls (WRPT)

• The output queue defined in Working with User Records (WUSR).

• The output queue defined in Setting Up User Classes (WUCL) or in the Output queue field on the Work with User Classes Screen.

• The default output queue defined for the iSeries.

The output queue name you enter is validated against the iSeries output queues already defined.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Log use

This field indicates whether the system will track the menu options selected by this user and the number of times they were selected. This feature is useful in retracing a user's steps through the system when tracking a problem.

Valid values are:

Y = The system will track the menu options selected. See Display User Option History Screen.

N = The system will not track the menu options selected.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Security admin (Security Administrator)

This field indicates whether this user is a security administrator.

Valid values are:

Y = This user has the security access to maintain the System Control file, maintain users, user authorities and menus.

N = This user does not have access.

Defining this user as a security administrator does not affect the user's profile on the host system.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Fast path

This field indicates whether the user is allowed to use the system's Fast Path feature.

The Fast Path feature allows you to enter an option name in the in the Fast path field or a short menu name in the Menu field to access an option directly. If you enter Y, the Fast path and Menu fields appear at the top of a menu for this user.

Valid values are:

Y = This user has access to the Fast path and Menu fields.

N = The Fast path and Menu fields do not display for this user.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

The following fields are for Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) use, and display only if the Use Computer Telephony Integration (F26) system control value is set to Y for any company on your system.

CTI User

This field indicates whether the user has access to any of the screens in order entry related to computer telephony integration (CTI), including the Customer Selection Screen. Valid values are:

Y = This user has access to CTI-related screens in order entry. If you set this field to Y, the CTI user type, CTI telephone extension, and CTI default screen fields are also required.

N = This user does not have access to CTI-related screens in order entry.

See Computer Telephony Integration Overview for more information on using CTI.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

CTI user type

This field indicates the type of calls this user can work with. Valid values are:

1 = receive inbound calls only

2 = initiate outbound calls only (Note: Initiating outbound calls is not currently supported)

3 = both inbound and outbound calls

Numeric, 1 position; required if the CTI user field is set to Y.

CTI telephone extension

The user's telephone extension number. The system uses the extension to coordinate directing an incoming call and CTI screen "pop" if you are using the CTI interface. The system does not use the number in this field if you are using the Customer Selection screen only without the CTI interface.

Numeric, 4 positions; required if the CTI user field is set to Y.

CTI default screen

This field indicates whether the Customer Selection Screen displays automatically for the user in order entry, or only when the screen “pops” because of an incoming call. Valid values are:

1 = always display the CTI Customer Selection screen in order entry after the user presses Enter at the Request Order Batch screen.

2 = display the CTI Customer Selection screen only when it "pops" due to an incoming call from a customer.

The CTI user field must be set to Y to enter a value in this field.

If you are using the CTI Customer Selection screen alone rather than the actual CTI interface, you would set this field to 1 for your operators.

Numeric, 1 position; required if the CTI user field is set to Y.

Email address

The user’s email address.

When you enter an email address, the system verifies that:

• there is an @ sign and a period (.)

• there is some text before the @ sign

• there is some text between the @ sign and the period

• there is some text after the period

Note: The system confirms that your entry meets certain minimum formatting requirements, but not that it represents a valid, active email address.

The user email address is defined in the User Extended file.

Workflow management: If you use workflow management, the system sends Tickler Notification emails to the assigned to user/group using the email address defined for the user in the User Extended file; see Workflow Management Overview and Setup.

Retail item upload email: If a valid email is defined in the Email address field for the user that submitted the RI Item Upload Program, the system sends a Retail Item Upload Email to the user’s email address when the job completes indicating whether all records were processed successfully or whether any records contain errors.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; optional.

About authority: The default authority you have assigned to this user either allows or excludes this user from having system-wide access to menu options. To allow or exclude authority to specific menu options, see Work with Menu Option Authority Screen.

Work With Company Authority Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to allow or exclude this user from having access to other companies defined on your system.

How to display this screen: Enter 7 next to a user at the Work with Users Screen

UCR0007 DISPLAY Work with Company Authority 11/13/97 15:53:07

User. . . . : KAREN_L

Comp Description Authorized

1 Boston -#1 N

2 Boston - #2 N

6 Orvis N

7 Fly Fishing Shop N

8 Speed Shop N

11 Shared Inventory Company# 1 N

12 Shared Inventory Company# 2 N

13 Shared Inventory Company# 3 N

27 EZK Mail Order Y

50 Mail Order Company 50 Y

52 Company 52 N

121 qa company N

123 Joke Shop N +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




(Company code)

The code for the company.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the company.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


This field indicates whether the user has access to this company.

Y = This user has access to this company.

N = This user does not have access to this company.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Changing access to companies: To change this user's access to a company, move your cursor to the value in the Authorized field and change it as necessary. Press Enter to update the screen.

Work with Menu Option Authority Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to override the default authority assigned to a user and assign or prohibit access to specific menu options.

How to display this screen: Enter 8 next to a user at the Work with Users Screen

MUR0039 DISPLAY Work with Menu Option Authority 11/13/97 15:57:56

User : KAREN_L Karen Letendre Default Authority: *ALLOW

User Class :

User User Class

Opt Menu Opt Description Authority Authority

Type options, press Enter.


AOPT Archive Orders To Optical Disk

APCD Assign Price Codes

APPG A/P Transfer Purge

APST A/P Transfer Process

BPAR Print Barcodes *EXCLUDE

BPOL Batch PO Layering

CALL Call command

CBTA Customer Bill To Aging

CNOV Brownstone conversion *DISPLAY +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Print list

About authority: If an authority level has been previously assigned to a user for this menu option, the level appears next to the menu option under the User authority field. If the authority level does not display, the system will use the authority in the User class authority field (if defined). Otherwise, the system takes the user's default authority.

When you exclude a user from a menu option, the user can still access the same type of functionality through other menu options. For example, you might exclude a user from the Create Item Warehouse/Locations (MIWL) option, but the user will still be able to create an item warehouse or an item location through Work with Warehouses (WWHS) or Work with Items/SKUs (MITM).



Menu opt

(Menu Option)

The short name for the menu option.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.


The menu option description.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

User authority

Allows you to enter the authority level.

Valid authority types are:




Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

To delete: Enter 4 next to the option. The screen refreshes itself and the authority level disappears.

This delete option only deletes authority from a specific menu option for this user; it does not affect authority at the user class or user record level.

To assign:

1. *DISPLAY = Enter 5 next to this menu option to limit this user's access to inquiry only.

2. *ALLOW = Enter 6 next to the menu option to allow this user to perform this menu option.

3. *EXCLUDE = Enter 7 next to the menu option to prohibit access to this menu option.

The authority level you entered appears next to the menu option.

Work With Secure Feature Authority Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to override the default authority defined in the secure feature record, and assign or prohibit access to a secured feature for an individual user.

A secured feature is a procedure or action that can be performed within a function. For example, the ability to maintain batch totals and override prices in Order Entry or the ability to override a vendor's discount percentage in Purchase Order Entry are examples of secured features in the system.

An individual user might have access to Order Entry or the Purchase Order functions. However, within those functions, you might not want to give all who have access the authority to certain features, which the system has segregated as secured features.

Secured features can be created and maintained by using the Work with System Values/Features function. See Setting Up Secured Features.

How to display this screen: Enter 9 next to a user at the Work with Users Screen

UCR0045 DISPLAY Work with Secure Feature Authority 11/13/97 16:00:36

The Mail Order Company

User : KAREN_L Karen Letendre Default Authority: *ALLOW

User Class :

User User Class

Opt Appl Grp Secure Feature Authority Authority

Type options, press Enter.

4=Delete 6=*ALLOW 7=*EXCLUDE

INV I/T Inventory Transactions Batch Authority

INV P/I Physical Inventory Final Count Entry

INV P/I P/I Evaluation Report with an Update

INV P/I Physical Inventory Generation

INV W/M Location Generation

INV P/I Physical Inventory Upload Selection

INV P/I P/I Void Upload Records

P/O PEM Purchase Order Maintenance Security +

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F24=Select company

About authority: If an authority level has been previously assigned to a secured feature for this user, the level appears next to the feature under the User Authority field. If the authority level does not display, the system will use the authority in the User Class Authority field (if defined. See Work With User Class Feature Authority Screen). Otherwise, the system takes the default authority for the secure feature, which you set up at the Create Secure Feature Screen.




(Application area)

The application area to which this secured feature belongs.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


(Application group)

The application group to which this secured feature belongs.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Secured feature

The description of the secured feature.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

User authority

The authority level for this user.

Valid authority levels are:



Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

To delete: Enter 4 next to the feature. The screen refreshes itself and the authority level disappears.

This delete option only deletes authority from the specific secured feature for this user; it does not affect the authority assigned in the secure feature record.

To assign:

*ALLOW = Enter 6 next to the feature to allow this user to perform this secured feature, unless otherwise prevented by menu option authority.

*EXCLUDE = Enter 7 next to the feature to prevent this user from accessing this secured feature.

The authority level you entered appears next to the secured feature.

Work With User-defined Function Authority Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to override the default authority defined in the user record and assign or prohibit access to user-defined functions.

A user-defined function is a program that you call by pressing F22 when you are already working within another function. For example, you may be in Order Entry and would like to be able to work with Item/SKU comments. If you have created a command to advance to this function and linked it to F22, you can press this key and advance to the Work with Item/SKU Comments screen.

You might need to set authority if, for example, an individual user has access to Order Entry, but not to the user-defined function.

You set up user-defined functions using the Setting Up Calling Programs/User Defined Functions (WCPG) menu option.

How to display this screen: Enter 10 next to a user at the Work with Users Screen

UCR0042 DISPLAY Work with User Defined Function Auth 11/13/97 16:10:32

The Mail Order Company

User : KAREN_L Karen Letendre Default authority: *ALLOW

Opt Program Description User Option Authority

Type options, press Enter.


OER0143 request order batch Purchase Order Inquiry *ALLOW

OER0143 request order batch Work with Pay Types *ALLOW

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F24=Select company

About authority: If you have previously assigned an authority level for a user-defined function for this user, the level appears next to the function, under the User Authority field. If the authority level does not display, the system takes the authority setting for the user class. See Work With User Class User Option Authority Screen.




The program name for the user-defined function.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The description of this user-defined function.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

User option

The name for the option that is activated by pressing F22.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.


The user-defined function authority level for this user.

Valid authority levels are:



Alphanumeric, 8 positions; optional.

To delete: Enter 4 next to the function. The screen refreshes itself and the authority level disappears.

This delete option only deletes authority from the specific user-defined function for this user; it does not affect authority at the user record level.

To assign:

*DISPLAY = Enter 5 next to the user-defined function to limit this user's access to inquiry only.

*ALLOW = Enter 6 next to the user-defined function to allow this user to perform this function, unless otherwise prevented by menu option authority.

*EXCLUDE = Enter 7 next to the user-defined function to prevent this user from accessing this function.

The authority level you entered appears next to the user-defined function.

Display User Option History Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to view the menu options selected by the user. The system logs an entry to this screen for each option selected by the user if the Log use field in the User Profile record is set to Y.

This information can help you reconstruct the options a user has taken if there is some type of problem.

The system adds the option to this screen if this is the first time the user has selected the option; otherwise, the system updates the Last run date and Last run time fields each time the user selects an option (instead of adding the option to the screen again).

How to display this screen: Enter 11 next to the user at the Work with Users Screen.

SCR0004 DISPLAY Display User Option History 11/13/97 9:34:21

User KAREN_L Karen Letendre

Option Description Last Run Last Run

Date Time


ERHO Release Held Orders 11/12/97 15:18:29

MBJC Background Job Control 11/12/97 16:09:16

OEOM Enter/Maintain Orders 11/12/97 16:07:10

OIOM Order Inquiry/Maintenance 11/12/97 14:47:39

PDAN Print Depiction Analysis Reports 11/10/97 12:18:32

WBPC Work With BO's Pending Cancellation 11/12/97 16:09:32

WPSG Work with Pick Slip Generation 11/12/97 15:58:15

WRPT Work with Report Control 11/12/97 16:59:57

WSYS Work with System Values/Features 11/12/97 15:54:03

WUCL Work with User Classes 11/12/97 15:07:00

WUSR Work with Users 11/13/97 8:33:42

WWHS Work with Warehouses 11/10/97 11:34:19 +

F3=Exit F11=Purge F12=Cancel




The user ID and user name. The user ID is a code that identifies the user to the system. This code controls the user's access to menus, menu options, companies, features and user-defined functions.

The user ID you enter must match the user's iSeries user profile ID.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.


The fast path code for a menu option. The fast path code is a 4-position short name for an option.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The description associated with the menu option, as defined in the Menu Options file. See Setting Up Menu Options (WOPT).

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Last run date

The date on which the user last selected this option.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Last run time

The time of day at which the user last selected this option.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); display-only.

Screen Option


Submit a batch job that will purge the user option history for this user

Press F11.

Copy User Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to copy an existing user record (and the attributes associated with it) and create a new user on the system. The new user will have the same authority and access to companies, menu options and features as the user you copied.

This copy function is especially useful when you want to create the same type of user record for multiple users. For example, you might want to create a user record with the same default company, default menu and access to options for all of your Order Entry operators.

How to display this screen: From the Work with Users Screen, enter 3 next to a user.

UCR0023 ENTER Copy User 11/13/97 9:03:07

User . . . . . . . . . : KAREN_L

Copy to

User . . . . . . . . . .

AS/400 User Profile . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The user ID that you want to copy.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Copy to user

Enter the name of the new user ID you want to create.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

AS/400 user profile

Enter this user's iSeries user ID. This is the ID that identifies the user to the iSeries.

The User ID and AS/400 User Profile must match.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Change User Record Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to the user record at the Work with Users Screen to advance to the Change User Record screen. See Create User Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Display User Record Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to the record at the Work with Users Screen to advance to the Display User Record screen. You cannot change any fields on this screen. See Create User Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Work with User Tickler Group Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to assign a user to one or more tickler groups.

Note: You should only assign users to tickler groups if you use workflow management; see Workflow Management Overview and Setup.

Tickler groups are groups of users that work with and resolve ticklers. You can define tickler groups using the Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG) menu option.

To assign: Enter a tickler group in the Group ID field and press Enter. The system assigns the user to the tickler group and displays the tickler group on the bottom half of the screen.

How to display this screen: Enter 12 next to a user at the Work with Users Screen.

MSR1327 DISPLAY Work with User Tickler Group 8/20/02 15:20:09

User . . : KBOTTGER Karen Ann Bottger

Opt Group ID Description

Type options, press Enter.






F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Print list




The user ID and description of the user assigned to one or more tickler groups.

User ID: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

User description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Group ID

A code for a group of users that work with ticklers.

To assign: Enter a tickler group in this field and press Enter. The system assigns the user to the tickler group and displays the tickler group on the bottom half of the screen.

Tickler user groups are defined in and validated against the Tickler User Group file; see Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


A description of the tickler user group.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Remove a tickler group from the user’s tickler group assignment

Enter 4 next to a tickler group to remove the tickler group from the user’s tickler group assignment.

Select Address Format by User Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to assign a user to screens that use an alternate format for customer addresses. These screens include:

• Order Entry (Header version only)

• Order Maintenance

• Order Inquiry

• Customer Maintenance

If the user is set up for the alternate address format, the screens listed above will display in the new format for each company the user is authorized to work in. The standard screens will not be available to this user.

The fields on these screens have been rearranged to facilitate entering Japanese addresses.

You can give a user or user class authority to the alternate address format. See Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Additional reference:

Entering Japanese Addresses in the Customer Service manual for examples of the new screen format for customer addresses used in Order Maintenance, Order Inquiry, and Customer Maintenance

How to display this screen: From the Work with Users Screen, press F7.

UCR0067 DISPLAY Select Address Format by User 11/13/97 9:10:12


Opt User Name Addr Fmt

Type options, press Enter.

1=Select New Address Format 4=Deselect New Address Format

*DEFAULT Default user profile










F3=Exit F7=W/W User Class Address Format F12=Cancel




The code that identifies the user to the system. The user ID controls the user's access to menus, menu options, companies, features and user-defined functions.

The user ID must match the user's iSeries user profile ID.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The name of the user.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

New addr fmt

(New address format)

This flag identifies whether the user is set up to use the alternate address format.

Valid values include:

Y = User has been selected to use the alternate customer address screens.

N or blank = User has not been selected to use the alternate address screens.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Screen Options


Authorize the user to use the new customer address screens

Enter 1. The New addr fmt field is updated with a Y. This means that, instead of using the standard screens for Order Entry, Order Maintenance, Order Inquiry, and Customer Maintenance, this user will enter customer addresses using the new format.

The system issues the following message if you use this option twice for a user:

A User Address Format record already exists for user xxxxxxx.

De-select the user for the new address format

Enter 4. The user will no longer use the new address screens; instead, the standard Order Entry, Order Maintenance, Order Inquiry, and Customer Maintenance screens will appear for this user.

Give an entire user class the ability to use the new address formats

Press F7. See Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

IN01_04 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN