Setting Up Calling Programs/User Defined Functions (WCPG)

Purpose: Work With Calling Programs allows you to link a calling program to a user defined function. From a calling program you can access a user defined function, which can be a menu, menu option, or command, by pressing F22 when in the calling program..

MICROS delivers a set of calling programs and user defined functions with the system, so that F22 on many screens enables one or more user defined functions. You can set up your own calling programs and user defined functions.

For example, the Request Order Batch program (OER0143) has been defined as a calling program. From this calling program, Order Inquiry/ Maintenance has been linked as user defined function. (Other functions may also be linked to this calling program.) When you press F22, you advance to Order Inquiry/Maintenance. If more than one user defined function has been set up for a calling program, a pop-up window appears allowing you to select the desired function. From the pop-up window, you can select a user defined function, perform the function, and then return to the original application.

In this topic:

Work with Calling Program Screen

Create Calling Program Screen

Change Calling Program Screen

Copy Calling Program Window

Work with User Defined Functions Screen

Create User Defined Function Screen

Change User Defined Functions Screen

Display User Defined Function Screen

Work with Calling Program Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to set up an existing program as a calling program. This screen displays a list of the programs in which MICROS has enabled F22 to access a function.

How to display this screen: Select Work With Calling Programs from the menu or enter WCPG in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu.

MSR0212 DISPLAY Work with Calling Program 2/03/94 17:37:09

Mail Order Company


Appl Appl

Opt Program Calling Function Area Grp

________ ____________________ ___ ___


Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Work with User Defined Functions


__ INR0015 Work with I/T-line entry INV ALL

__ INR0536 Work with I/T-full screen INV ALL

__ OER0143 Request Order Batch O/E ALL

__ OER0187 Work with Order Lines O/E ALL

__ OER0214 Work w/Expanded Address O/E ALL

__ OER0215 Work w/Order Properties O/E ALL

__ OER0241 Work with Order Line O/E ALL

__ OER0332 Change Order Ship To O/E ALL +


F3=Exit F6=Create F10=Actions F12=Cancel F21=Print list

F24=Select company




The program name.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Calling Function

The description of the program.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.

Appl Area (Application Area)

The application area to which this calling program belongs, defined in Setting Up Application Areas.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Appl Grp (Application group)

The application group to which this calling program belongs, defined in Setting Up Application Groups.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a calling program

Press F6 to advance to the Create Calling Program Screen.

Change a calling program

Enter 2 to advance to the Change Calling Program Screen.

Copy a calling program

Enter 3 to advance to the Copy Calling Program Window.

Delete a calling program

Enter 4 to delete the calling program.

Note: You cannot delete calling programs that were delivered with the system. You can only delete calling programs that you have created.

Work with user-defined functions for a calling program

Enter 5 to advance to the Work with User Defined Functions Screen.

Create Calling Program Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a calling program.

To create: At the Work with Calling Program Screen, press F6.

MSR0208 ENTER Create Calling Program 10/28/93 10:13:55

Mail Order Company


Program . . . . . . __________

Calling function . . _________________________

Application area . . ___

Application group . ___









F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The name of the program in which you can access a user defined function by pressing F22.

The program name must be an existing program; it is validated by the system.

When you press F22 from this program, you advance directly to the user defined function, if only one function has been set up, or if more than one has been defined, a pop-up window appears, showing the user defined functions that have been set up for this program. (See Work with User Defined Functions Screen).

From the pop-up window, you can select a user defined function, perform the function, and then return to the original application.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Calling function

The name of the program that will access a user defined function.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.

Appl area (Application area)

The application area to which this program belongs. (For example, O/E for Order Entry.) Application areas are used to categorize similar programs, menu options, and control values by functional area.

The application area you enter is validated against the Application Area file.

Application areas are discussed in Setting Up Application Areas.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Appl grp (Application group)

The application group to which this program relates. Application groups further define functions within an application area and are used to categorize similar programs, menu options, and control values. Within the Order Entry application area, examples of application groups may be freight or tax.

The application group you enter is validated against the Application Group file.

Application areas are discussed in Setting Up Application Groups.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


Complete the required fields and press Enter to advance to the Work with User Defined Functions Screen.

Change Calling Program Screen

Change: Enter 2 next to a calling program at the Work with Calling Program Screen to advance to the Change Calling Program screen. You can change all fields except the Program field. See Create Calling Program Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Copy Calling Program Window

Copy: Enter 3 next to a calling program at the Work with Calling Program Screen to advance to a pop-up window, giving you two options:

Copy to one company: The pop-up window allows you to enter the code for the company to which you want to copy this calling program.

Copy to all companies: To copy this calling program to all companies that are defined on the system, press F15 to copy this calling program to all companies.

Work with User Defined Functions Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define the functions that will be activated from a calling program when F22 is pressed.

User defined functions are options, commands, or other programs, that you define as linked to a calling program. When you press F22 while in a calling program, you advance directly to the user defined function. If more than one user defined function has been linked to the calling program, to a pop-up window appears showing the user defined functions that can be activated.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 at the Work with Calling Program Screen or press Enter at the Create Calling Program Screen.

MSR0145 DISPLAY Work with User Defined Functions 2/04/94 13:23:08

Mail Order Company


Program . . . . . : OER0187

Calling function . : Work with Order Lines


Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display


Opt Called function Job Name/Menu

__ Order Inquiry/Maintenance ORDERENTRY

__ Work with Customers CUSTOMER

__ Work with Item/SKU Comments INVENTORY








F3=Exit F6=Create F10=Actions F12=Cancel F21=Print list

Screen Option


Create a user defined program

Press F6 to advance to the Create User Defined Function Screen.

Change a user defined function

Enter 2 to advance to the Change User Defined Functions Screen.

Delete a user defined function

Enter 4 to delete the user defined function.

Display a user defined function

Enter 5 to advance to the Display User Defined Function Screen.

Create User Defined Function Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the necessary information to link this user defined function to the calling program you selected on the Work with Calling Program Screen.

To create: Press F6 at the Work with User Defined Functions Screen.

MSR0142 ENTER Create User Defined Function 10/28/93 12:30:39

Mail Order Company


Program . . . . . : INR00143

Calling function . : Request Order Batch

Called function . . _________________________

Application area . . ___

Application group . ___

Menu . . . . . . . . ________

Menu option . . . . ____

Job name . . . . . . __________

Job description . . __________

Output queue . . . . __________

Submit . . . . . . . _ (Y,N)

Command lines:






F3=Exit F10=Actions F12=Cancel




The name of the calling program that allows you to press F22 to access a user defined function.

If only one user defined function has been set up for the calling program, you advance directly to the function when you press F22. If more than one function exists, a pop-up window appears showing the user defined functions that have been linked to the calling program..

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Calling function

The description of the calling program.

For example, program OER0143 (in Order Entry) is the Request Order Batch program (the calling function). When you are at this screen in Order Entry, F22 appears as one of the function keys. When you press F22, a pop-up window appears, which contains functions you can select.

You might have established as a function, the command for working with spooled files (WRKSPLF). From the pop-up window you could select this function, advance to work with spooled files, and then return to the Request Order Batch screen in Order Entry.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Called function

The name of the user defined function that can be accessed when you press F22 from this program. This must be a menu, menu option, or a command.

The system validates your entry against existing menus, menu options, or commands in the system.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.

Appl area (Application area)

The application area to which this user defined function belongs. (For example, O/E for Order Entry.) Application areas are used to categorize similar programs, menu options, and control values by functional area.

The system validates the application area you enter against the Application Area file.

Application areas are discussed in Setting Up Application Areas.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Appl grp (Application group)

The application group to which this item relates. Application groups further define functions within an application area and are used to categorize similar programs, menu options, and control values. Within the Order Entry application area, examples of application groups may be freight or tax.

The system validates the application group you enter against the Application Group file.

Application areas are discussed in Setting Up Application Groups.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


To access a menu from the calling program, enter the menu name.

The system validates your entry against the Menu file.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Menu option

To access a menu option from the calling program, enter the Fast Path name for the menu option. You must enter a valid menu option.

When you press Enter, the system will automatically update these fields:

• Called function

• Appl area

• Appl grp

• Command lines

The system supplies the data in these fields and defines the command string to call this option, based upon the menu option you enter. When you next display this screen, the Menu option field does not display, but the other fields do.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Job name

If you want F22 to access a processing job, enter the job name under which this job will run when it is submitted to the system.

You must enter an existing job name.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Job description

The description of this job. You must enter a valid description.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required if you entered a job name in the previous field.

Output queue

The output queue to which reports will be directed or printed for this job.

The system searches for a defined output queue, using the first output queue it finds:

• The output queue defined in Working with Report Controls (WRPT)

• The output queue defined in Working with User Records (WUSR).

• The output queue defined in Setting Up User Classes (WUCL) or in the Output queue field on the Work with User Classes Screen.

• The default output queue defined for the iSeries.

You must enter a valid output queue name.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The value in this field determines whether this job will be submitted for processing when this option is selected. If so, you must enter a job name, job description, and output queue in the previous fields.

Valid values are:

Y = This job should be submitted for processing when this option is selected.

N = This job should not be submitted for processing.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Command lines

The action that is performed (the command string that calls a function) when F22 is pressed from within a calling program.

Alphanumeric, 64 positions per line, 4 lines; optional.

Change User Defined Functions Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to the user defined function at the Work with User Defined Functions Screen to advance to the Change User Defined Function screen. See Create User Defined Function Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

Display User Defined Function Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to the user defined function at the Work with User Defined Functions Screen to advance to the Display User Defined Function screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create User Defined Function Screen for a description of the fields on this screen.

IN01_05 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN