Radio Frequency Transactions (RFMN)

Purpose: Use the RF (radio frequency) menus to manage your inventory with a radio frequency device. Although you can advance to the RF menus from a standard CWDirect screen, the RF menus are designed for use on an RF gun, where you can either type or scan in information. Normally, you will have warehouse staff who advance directly to the RF menus when they sign on, as they will always be using the RF guns.


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: __

The RF menus allow you to perform a variety of inventory transactions, print labels, and perform inquiries and LPN maintenance.

The code of your current company displays in the upper right corner of every RF screen; see RF Field Descriptions.

Important: Any inventory transaction that occurs in CWDirect but outside of RF, with the exception of purchase order receiving, will not update LPN records. This means that any order shipments and any type of immediate or batch transaction may cause a discrepancy between your actual on-hand quantity in a location and the quantity assigned to LPNs. You can use Radio Frequency Inquiry and Maintenance (RFMN) or Displaying License Plate Information (WLPN) to correct these discrepancies.

An outline of the RF menus is:


1. Pull stock

2. Putaway stock


1. Pull stock

2. Putaway stock


1. LPN Transfer

• Pull stock

• Putaway stock

2. Item Transfer

• Pull stock

• Putaway stock


1. Pull stock

2. Putaway stock


1. Inquiry Menu

• LPN inquiry

• Item inquiry

• Bin inquiry

2. Print Menu

• Item label

• LPN label

• Bin label

3. Maintenance Menu 1

• Create LPN

• Adjust LPN

• Build LPN

4. Maintenance Menu 2

• Change primary location

• Assign bin location


In this topic:

RF Gun and CWDirect Entry

RF Field Descriptions


Pull Transaction

Put Transaction


Pull Transaction

Put Transaction

LPN Transfers

Pull Transaction

Put Transaction

Item Transfer

Pull Transaction

Put Transaction


Pull Transaction

Put Transaction

RF Gun and CWDirect Entry

Some common CWDirect typing conventions, and their RF gun equivalents, are:

RF Gun Entry

CWDirect Equivalent


Field Exit

CTL + Enter



Space (' ')

CTL + 3

Underscore (_)

Down arrow (t)


Up arrow (s)

Backtab (SHIFT + TAB)

FUNC + 3



Slash ("/")

To avoid confusion, this chapter will provide the keys you would use on the RF gun. Refer to the table above for the equivalent entry on a standard CWDirect screen.

Note: Scanning with the RF gun is simply a way of entering data into the appropriate fields without pressing keys. For this reason, if you scan a barcode when the cursor on the screen is not in its routine position, the numbers will scan into the wrong fields. For example, if you scan the LPN code, which consists of both company code and LPN number, when the cursor is in the LPN field, the LPN number will scan into the company code field, and the company code will scan into the LPN field.

Additional information on using the RF gun is available in the manufacturer's documentation.

RF Field Descriptions

Purpose: The fields available on RF transaction screens are:



Company (Cmp or unlabeled field to the right of the LPN and at top right of screen)

This code represents the current company in which you are performing the transaction, inquiry, or print job. Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company file.

The company code is labeled Cmp on RF screens involving a transaction, inquiry, or print job for a particular item. The company code appears as an unlabeled field to the left of the LPN on RF screens involving a transaction, inquiry, or print job for a particular LPN. The company code also displays on the upper right corner of every RF screen.

The code of your current company defaults on every screen where the company code is an enterable field; however, on the return pull and put screens, the company code defaults only if the Default Company for RF Returns (F45) system control value is set to Y. The company code is always a required field where it is enterable.


If you select a different company, the system validates that you have authority to the company and that the settings of related system control values are consistent in the new company. The related system control values are:

Default Warehouse (A04)

Split SKU Inventory (A26)

Default Staging Warehouse (E15)

Item Number Label Type (E28)

Location Label Type (E32)

Numeric, 3 positions; required or display-only.

License plate number (LPN)

A unique number to identify a case or other unit of inventory within your warehouse. The system assigns LPNs to each case of items at purchase order receiving based on the Pieces per case field in the item file. You can also have the system assign an LPN through Create LPN or to track an item transfer, or assign an LPN yourself through Build LPN.

Numeric, 6 positions; required.

Item (Itm or It)

A code representing a unit of inventory. This field is labeled Itm on the Receiving, Replenishment, and LPN Transfers put screens, as well as the LPN Inquiry and Adjust LPN screens. It is labeled It on every other screen where it appears. The item code is defined in and validated against the Item file.

This field is always display-only on screens where you perform a transaction or inquiry by LPN number, such as the Receiving or Replenishment pull and put screens. Otherwise, it is a required field on screens where you perform a transaction by item code, such as the Returns pull and put screens.

The system may perform additional processing and validation against the item code, such as stripping leading zeros or an ending check digit, depending on how the Item Number Label Type (E28) system control value is set.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required or display-only.

SKU (Stock keeping unit)

The item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

The SKU field appears as three 4-position fields if the Split SKU Inventory (A26) field in the System Control file is set to Y. For example:





Otherwise, the SKU field appears as one 14-position field. For example:





Note: However, there is one exception: if the Item Number Label Type (E28) field in the System Control file is set to ITEM-S-K-U, an additional 2-position field appears to the right of the item field, followed by a 14-position SKU field. For example:

It: ____________


This occurs regardless of the value in the Split SKU Inventory (A26) field. You can use the first position of this 2-position field to enter the hyphen that separates the item code from the first SKU element, then complete the rest of the SKU information, including hyphens, on the SKU line. When you press CTL + Enter to validate your entry, the hyphens disappear from the screen.

The SKU is always display-only on any screen where the transaction or inquiry is based on the LPN; it is always required on any screen where the transaction or inquiry is based on the item code, if the item has SKUs.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); required or display-only.

Warehouse (Whs or unlabeled field to the right of the Location)

Warehouse default: The Default Primary Warehouse in RF (G32) system control value defines whether the item/SKU's primary warehouse (as identified in the SKU file) defaults on the following screens:

Receiving Put

Replenishment Put

LPN Transfers Put

Item Transfer Pull

Item Transfer Put

Item Inquiry

Returns Put

If this system control value is set to N or is blank, the system defaults the warehouse code defined in the Default Warehouse (A04) field in the System Control file. The system also uses this Default Warehouse (A04) on the remaining RF screens, regardless of how the Default Primary Warehouse in RF (G32) system control value is set.


Overriding the default: You can always override the warehouse code, regardless of how it defaulted, on any screen wherever the Warehouse field is enterable.

Numeric, 3 positions; required or display-only.

Location (Loc)

The particular position within a warehouse where you keep stock. Locations for each warehouse are defined in and validated against the Location file. The location code is display-only on screens where you process transactions or inquiries by LPN. The location code is required on screens where the field is enterable.

If the Location Label Type (E32) field in the System Control file is set to W/CTL CHAR, location code includes an additional control character. The system uses this control character to verify that the location label has scanned correctly by performing a calculation on the first 7 characters of the location code and making sure that the result of this calculation equals the ending control character. If you use control characters for your location labels, the location code field appears on the RF screens as:




If you enter an invalid control character, the following message displays:


Error in Ctrl Char


If you do not use control characters, the location code field appears on the RF screens as:




Alphanumeric, 7 positions (without control character) or 8 positions (with control character); display-only or required.


The printer where you want to print a label. The system defaults the printer assigned to the label type in the Report Control file, but you can override this value; see System Operations Working with Report Controls (WRPT).

Note: Printing a label with a bar code requires a Zebra printer.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Additional fields: Certain fields appear only on individual RF screens. See the description of the particular RF screen for more information.


Purpose: Use the RF receiving option to move inventory you have received into your staging warehouse to its appropriate location in your main warehouse.

The system deletes the LPN record at the time that you put stock away in a primary location.

To complete a receipt transaction, you must perform both a pull and a put.

Example: You have received a case of 10 units into the location PRIMARY in your staging warehouse (warehouse 2). The system has assigned LPN 22 to the case. You need to put the case away in PRIM1, the item's primary location, in your main warehouse (warehouse 1).

The RF transactions you will perform are:

pull the LPN from location PRIMARY in warehouse 2 (the LPN is transferred to the INTRANSIT location in warehouse 2)

put the LPN in location PRIM1 in warehouse 1 (the LPN is transferred out of the INTRANSIT location in warehouse 2; the system deletes the LPN number at this time)

Pull Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 1


1. Pull Stock

2. Putaway Stock

Option: 1


RP Pull Stock 27

LPN: 27





F3=Ex F7=Put F8=Clr

Advancing to the Pull Stock screen:

1. Enter 1 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 1 at the RF receiving menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN and, optionally, the company field and press CTL + ENTER, or scan the LPN code.

2. The system validates your entry and displays the LPN's item and SKU, and current warehouse, location, and quantity. Correct the company, LPN, or quantity fields if necessary and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Press CTL + ENTER again to process the pull. The system transfers the LPN to the intransit location in your staging warehouse and displays the following message:


Pull Processed.


You can process another pull or exit the screen to perform a different function.

Note: If you enter a quantity in order to pull only part of the LPN, the system will assign a new LPN to the quantity in transit and leave the existing LPN with the quantity remaining in the staging warehouse location.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a put screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number you entered does not exist in the current company.

LPN Required

The LPN field is blank.

LPN Is Intransit

The LPN you entered is currently in an intransit location.

Qty GT LPN Qty

You entered an amount in the quantity field that is larger than the total quantity for the LPN.

Qty Must be Positive

You entered a negative number in the quantity field.

On Hand Negative

The quantity you are attempting to pull is greater than the quantity on-hand in the warehouse, possibly because of a discrepancy between the LPN quantity and the actual on-hand quantity.

On Hand LT Prt Qty

The quantity you are attempting to pull is greater than the quantity on-hand in the location, possible because of a discrepancy between the LPN quantity and the actual on-hand quantity.

Must Clear Fields

You pressed FUNC + 7 to switch to a put screen without clearing the fields.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Put Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 1


1. Pull Stock

2. Putaway Stock

Option: 2


RT Put Stock 27

LPN: 27




Loc: 2

F3=Ex F7=Pul F8=Clr

Advancing to the Put Stock screen:

1. Enter 1 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 2 at the RF receiving menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN and destination location fields, or scan the LPN code and bin location where you are putting away the receipt.

2. Optionally, complete the company or warehouse fields, if you are putting the receipt away in a different company or warehouse than defaulted on the screen (see the RF Field Descriptions for more information on how the warehouse code defaults based on system control value settings.

3. Press CTL + ENTER.

4. The system validates your entries and displays the LPN's item and SKU. Correct any fields if necessary and press CTL + ENTER.

5. Optionally, enter a different quantity if you are not putting the entire LPN away in this location. Press CTL + ENTER again to process the put. The system transfers the LPN to the location you have selected and displays the following message:


Put Processed.


If you have put the stock away in its primary location, the system deletes the LPN number at this time.

You can process another put or exit the screen to perform a different function.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a pull screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has system control values related to RF or the SKU field with settings that are incompatible with your current company.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number you entered does not exist in the current company.

LPN Required

The LPN field is blank.

LPN in PRIMARY (or other location)

The LPN you entered is not currently in an intransit location.

To Whs Invalid

The warehouse number you entered to override the default warehouse is not valid.

To Location Invalid

The location code you entered does not exist in the warehouse indicated, or may have a location code incompatible with the item.

To Loc Required

You did not enter a location code.

To Loc Not Itm Prim

The location code you entered is a primary location, but not the item's primary.

Qty GT LPN Qty

You entered a number in the Quantity field that is greater than the total quantity for the LPN.

Qty Must be Positive

You entered a negative number in the quantity field.

Must Clear Fields

You pressed FUNC + 7 to switch to a pull screen without clearing the fields.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).


Purpose: Use the RF replenishment option to move inventory to its primary location in your main warehouse. A replenishment transaction differs from other kinds of transfers in that you can place the LPN only in the item's primary location. At that time, the system deletes the LPN number. Also, you cannot move a partial LPN through a replenishment transaction.

To complete a replenishment transaction, you must perform both a pull and a put.

Example: You currently have a case of 50 units in location BULK. You need to put the case away in PRIM2, the item's primary location. Both BULK and PRIM2 are locations within your main warehouse, warehouse 1.

The RF transactions you will perform are:

pull the LPN from location BULK (the LPN is transferred to the INTRANSIT location)

put the LPN in location PRIM2 (the LPN is transferred out of the INTRANSIT location; the system deletes the LPN number at this time)

Pull Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 2


1. Pull Stock

2. Putaway Stock

Option: 1


NP Pull Stock 27

LPN: 27





F3=Ex F7=Put F8=Clr

Advancing to the Pull Stock screen:

1. Enter 2 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 1 at the RF receiving menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN and, optionally, the company field and press CTL + ENTER, or scan the LPN code.

2. The system validates your entry and displays the LPN's item and SKU, and current warehouse, location, and quantity. Correct the company or LPN fields if necessary and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Press CTL + ENTER again to process the pull. The system transfers the LPN to the intransit location in the current warehouse and displays the following message:


Pull Processed.

You can process another pull or exit the screen to perform a different function..

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a put screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number you entered does not exist in the current company.

LPN Required

The LPN field is blank.

LPN Is Intransit

The LPN you entered is currently in an intransit location.

On Hand Negative

The quantity you are attempting to pull is greater than the quantity on-hand in the warehouse, possibly because of a discrepancy between the LPN quantity and the actual on-hand quantity.

On Hand LT Prt Qty

The quantity you are attempting to pull is greater than the quantity on-hand in the location, possible because of a discrepancy between the LPN quantity and the actual on-hand quantity.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Put Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 1


1. Pull Stock

2. Putaway Stock

Option: 2


NT Put Stock 27

LPN: 27




Loc: 2

F3=Ex F7=Pul F8=Clr

Advancing to the Put Stock screen:

1. Enter 2 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 2 at the RF receiving menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN and destination location fields, or scan the LPN code and the bin location where you are placing the LPN.

2. Optionally, complete the company or warehouse fields, if you are putting the receipt away in a different company or warehouse than defaulted on the screen (see the description of the Warehouse field earlier in this chapter for more information on how the warehouse code defaults based on system control value settings.

3. Press CTL + ENTER.

4. The system validates your entries and displays the LPN's item and SKU. Correct any fields if necessary and press CTL + ENTER.

5. Press CTL + ENTER again to process the put. The system transfers the LPN to the location you have selected and displays the following message:


Put Processed.

You can process another put or exit the screen to perform a different function..

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a pull screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has system control values related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number you entered does not exist in the current company.

LPN Required

The LPN field is blank.

LPN in PRIMARY (or other location)

The LPN you entered is not currently in an intransit location.

To Whs Invalid

The warehouse number you entered to override the default warehouse is not valid.

To Location Invalid

The location code you entered does not exist in the warehouse indicated.

To Loc Required

You did not enter a location code.

To Loc Not Primary

You entered a location that is not a primary location.

To Loc Not Itm Prim

You entered a location that is a primary location, but not the item's primary location. You can process replenishments to the item's primary location only.

Must Clear Fields

You pressed FUNC + 7 to switch to a pull screen without clearing the fields.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

LPN Transfers

Purpose: Use the LPN transfer option to move a complete or partial LPN from one location to another. The system does not validate that an item/location record exists for the location where you are placing the stock.

If you transfer less than the complete LPN, the system assigns a new LPN number to the quantity in transit. The existing LPN number remains with the quantity you are leaving in its present location.

To complete an LPN transfer, you must perform both a pull and a put.

Example: You currently have a case of item AA100 in location B/O. You have fulfilled all of your outstanding backorders for this item and want to transfer this leftover case to bulk storage. Both B/O and BULK are locations within your main warehouse, warehouse 1.

The RF transactions you will perform are:

pull the LPN from location B/O (the LPN is transferred to the INTRANSIT location)

put the LPN in location BULK (the LPN is transferred out of the INTRANSIT location)

Pull Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 3


1. LPN Transfer

2. Item Transfer

Option: 1



1. Pull stock

2. Put away stock


Option: 1


SP Pull Stock 27

LPN: 27





F3=Ex F7=Put F8=Clr

Advancing to the Pull Stock screen:

1. Enter 3 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 1 at the RF transfer menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 1 at the RF LPN transfer menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN and, optionally, the company field and press CTL + ENTER, or scan the LPN code.

2. The system validates your entry and displays the LPN's item and SKU, and current warehouse, location, and quantity. Correct the company, LPN, or quantity fields if necessary and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Press CTL + ENTER again to process the pull. The system transfers the LPN to the intransit location in the current warehouse and displays the following message:


Pull Processed.


You can process another pull or exit the screen to perform a different function.

Note: If you enter a quantity in order to pull only part of the LPN, the system will assign a new LPN to the quantity in transit and leave the existing LPN with the quantity remaining in the "from" location.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a put screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors: .

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number you entered does not exist in the current company.

LPN Required

The LPN field is blank.

LPN Is Intransit

The LPN you entered is currently in an intransit location.

Qty GT LPN Qty

You entered an amount in the quantity field that is larger than the total quantity for the LPN.

Qty Must be Positive

You entered a negative number in the quantity field.

On Hand Negative

The quantity you are attempting to pull is greater than the quantity on-hand in the warehouse, possibly because of a discrepancy between the LPN quantity and the actual on-hand quantity.

On Hand LT Prt Qty

The quantity you are attempting to pull is greater than the quantity on-hand in the location, possible because of a discrepancy between the LPN quantity and the actual on-hand quantity.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item.See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Put Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 3


1. LPN Transfer

2. Item Transfer

Option: 1



1. Pull Stock

2. Putaway Stock

Option: 2


ST Put Stock 27

LPN: 27




Loc: 2

F3=Ex F7=Pul F8=Clr

Advancing to the Put Stock screen:

1. Enter 3 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 1 at the RF transfer menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 2 at the RF LPN transfer menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the LPN and destination location fields, or scan the LPN code and bin location where you are putting away the stock.

2. Optionally, complete the company or warehouse fields, if you are putting the LPN away in a different company or warehouse. (Note: See the description of the Warehouse field earlier in this chapter for more information on how the warehouse code defaults based on settings in the System Control file.)

3. Press CTL + ENTER.

4. The system validates your entries and displays the LPN's item and SKU. Correct any fields if necessary and press CTL + ENTER.

5. Optionally, enter a different quantity if you are not putting the entire LPN away in this location. Press CTL + ENTER again to process the put. The system transfers the LPN to the location you have selected and displays the following message:


Put Processed.


You can process another put or exit the screen to perform a different function.

Note: The system does not validate that an item/location record for the destination location already exists when you perform an LPN transfer..

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a pull screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has system control values related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid LPN Number

The LPN number you entered does not exist in the current company.

LPN Required

The LPN field is blank.

LPN in PRIMARY (or other location)

The LPN you entered is not currently in an intransit location.

To Whs Invalid

The warehouse number you entered to override the default warehouse is not valid.

To Location Invalid

The location code you entered does not exist in the warehouse indicated.

To Loc Required

You did not enter a location code.

Qty GT LPN Qty

You entered a number in the Quantity field that is greater than the total quantity for the LPN.

Qty Must be Positive

You entered a negative number in the quantity field.

Must Clear Fields

You pressed FUNC + 7 to switch to a pull screen without clearing the fields.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Item Transfer

Purpose: Use the RF item transfer option to move stock from one location to another by item, rather than by LPN. This might be useful to transfer stock that is not currently associated with an LPN: for example, if the items were in your warehouse before you began assigning LPNs, or if the items are in a primary location and their LPNs were deleted.

When you perform a put transaction for an item transfer, the system checks the total quantity of the item in transit in the warehouse and recommends that you put away the entire quantity. If you put away less than the entire quantity, the system first decreases the quantity associated with any LPNs, selecting the LPNs to decrease (and delete, if the LPN quantity reaches zero) in numeric sequence. If there is no quantity associated with an LPN in transit, the system decreases the quantity of any "loose" units.

To complete an item transfer, you must perform both a pull and a put.

Example: You currently have two primary locations for item AA100: PRIM1 and PRIM2. You want to consolidate the two locations, so you are moving the 5 units in PRIM1 to PRIM2. Both locations are in your main warehouse, warehouse 1.

The RF transactions you will perform are:

pull the 5 units from location PRIM1 (the stock is transferred to the INTRANSIT location in warehouse 1)

put the 5 units in location PRIM2 (the stock is transferred out of the INTRANSIT location in warehouse 1)

Pull Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 3


1. LPN Transfer

2. Item Transfer

Option: 2



1. Pull Stock

2. Putaway Stock

Option: 1


IP Pull Stock 27

CMP: 27



Loc: 2


F3=Ex F7=Put F8=Clr

Advancing to the Pull Stock screen:

1. Enter 3 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 2 at the RF transfer menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 1 at the RF item transfer menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the item, SKU, "from" location, and quantity fields. Optionally, you can override the default company or warehouse fields. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. The system validates your entry. Correct any fields if necessary and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Press CTL + ENTER again to process the pull. The system transfers the stock to the intransit location in the current warehouse and displays the following message:


Pull Processed.


You can process another pull or exit the screen to perform a different function..

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a put screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid Item/SKU

You have not entered complete and accurate information in the item and SKU fields.

Invalid Intransit

The warehouse code you entered is not valid.

From Loc Invalid

The location code does not exist in the indicated warehouse.

Item Loc Not Found

There is no record of the item in this location. This may be due to a discrepancy caused by a non-RF transaction; most standard CWDirect transactions do not update LPN records.

On Hand LT Prt Qty

You have entered a quantity that is greater than the on-hand quantity of the item in this location. This message also displays if the quantity you enter exceeds the non-printed (on pick slip) quantity.

On Hand Negative

You have entered a quantity that is greater than the on-hand quantity of the item in this warehouse.

Quantity is Zero

You did not enter a quantity to transfer.

Qty Must be Positive

You entered a negative number in the quantity field.

Must Clear Fields

You pressed FUNC + 7 to switch to a put screen without clearing the fields.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Put Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 3


1. LPN Transfer

2. Item Transfer

Option: 2



1. Pull Stock

2. Putaway Stock


Option: 2


IT Put Stock 27



Loc: 2


F Whs: 2 Cmp: 27

F3=Ex F7=Pul F8=Clr

Advancing to the Put Stock screen:

1. Enter 3 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 2 at the RF transfer menu and press CTL + ENTER.

3. Enter 2 at the RF item transfer menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. Complete the item, SKU, destination location and quantity fields. Optionally, complete the destination warehouse, "from" warehouse (F Whs), or company fields, if you are putting the items away in a different company or warehouse, or if the transfer originated in a different warehouse. (Note: See the description of the Warehouse field earlier in this chapter for more information on how the warehouse code defaults based on settings in the System Control file.)

2. Press CTL + ENTER.

3. The system validates your entries. Correct any fields if necessary and press CTL + ENTER.

4. The system transfers the items to the location you have selected and displays the following message:


Put Processed.


You can process another put or exit the screen to perform a different function.

Note: The system does not validate that an item/location record already exists for the destination location when you perform an item transfer..

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a pull screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has system control values related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid Item/SKU

You have not entered complete and accurate information in the item and SKU fields.

Invalid Intransit

The "from" warehouse code (F Whs) you entered is not valid.

Item Not Intransit

There is no record of the item in the intransit location for the "from" warehouse.

To Whs Invalid

The warehouse number you entered to override the default warehouse is not valid.

To Location Invalid

The location code you entered does not exist in the warehouse indicated.

To Loc Required

You did not enter a location code.

Qty Must be Positive

You entered a negative number in the quantity field.

Tot Intrans=XXX

You did not enter a quantity to put away. The system displays this message indicating the total quantity of the item in transit in the current warehouse.

On Hand LT Prt Qty

You have entered an amount greater than the quantity of the item currently in transit in the "from" warehouse.

Must Clear Fields

You pressed FUNC + 7 to switch to a pull screen without clearing the fields.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).


Purpose: Use the returns transfer option to move items that your customers have returned from the default returns location in your staging warehouse back to inventory. The system validates that, if you return the item to a primary location, it is the item's "primary primary."

Use the Work with Default Warehouse Location function to define a default returns location in your staging warehouse. This location and warehouse defaults on the item return Pull Stock screen. The warehouse field is display-only on this screen.

When you process returns in Order Entry or Order Maintenance, you can either use a return disposition value that places returned items in this location, or enter the staging warehouse and default returns location. You can define a default Return Disposition Value in the System Control file to make this process easier.

For more information:

• Customer Service Establishing Return Disposition Values (WRDV)

• Customer Service Returning and Exchanging Items

• Order Entry Posting a Return or Exchange Through Order Entry

To complete a return transfer, you must perform both a pull and a put.

Note: The company code defaults on the return pull and put screens only if the Default Company for RF Returns (F45) system control value is set to Y.

Example: A customer returns two units of item AA100. When you process the return in Order Maintenance, you have the system place the units in location RETURNS in warehouse 2, your staging warehouse. You want to return the stock to its primary location in the main warehouse, PRIM1.

The RF transactions you will perform are:

Pull the units from location RETURNS in warehouse 2 (the units are transferred to the INTRANSIT location in warehouse 2)

Put the units in location PRIM1 in warehouse 1 (the units are transferred out of the INTRANSIT location in warehouse 2)

Pull Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 4

RF Returns MENU 27

1. Pull Stock

2. Putaway Stock

Option: 1


TP Pull Stock 27





Qty: 1

F3=Ex F7=Put F8=Clr

Advancing to the Pull Stock screen:

1. Enter 4 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 1 at the RF returns menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. If the Default Company for RF Returns (F45) system control value is set to Y, the cursor will be positioned in the Item (It) field. Complete the item and SKU fields. Optionally, you can override the company code. The default staging warehouse and return location default on this screen, and the quantity defaults to 1. Press CTL + ENTER.

2. If the Default Company for RF Returns (F45) system control value is set to N or is blank, the cursor will be positioned in the Company (CMP) field. Complete the company, item and SKU fields. The default staging warehouse and return location default on this screen, and the quantity defaults to 1.

3. Press CTL + ENTER. The system validates your entry. Correct any fields if necessary. Optionally, you can override the default returns location field or the quantity. Press CTL + ENTER.

4. Press CTL + ENTER again to process the pull. The system transfers the stock to the intransit location in the current warehouse and displays the following message:


Pull Processed.


You can process another pull or exit the screen to perform a different function.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a put screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Messages


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid Item/SKU

You have not entered complete and accurate information in the item and SKU fields.

Invalid Intransit

The warehouse code you entered is not valid.

From Loc Invalid

The location code does not exist in the indicated warehouse.

Item Loc Not Found

There is no record of the item in this location. This may be due to a discrepancy caused by a non-RF transaction; most standard CWDirect transactions do not update LPN records.

On Hand LT Prt Qty

You have entered a quantity that is greater than the on-hand quantity of the item in this location.

On Hand Negative

The quantity you are attempting to pull is greater than the quantity on-hand in the warehouse.

Qty Must be Positive

You have entered a negative number in the quantity field.

Must Clear Fields

You pressed FUNC + 7 to switch to a put screen without clearing the fields.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

Put Transaction


1. Receiving

2. Replenishment

3. Transfer

4. Return

5. Maintenance

6. Signoff Opt: 4

RF Returns MENU 27

1. Pull Stock

2. Putaway Stock

Option: 2


TT Put Stock 27

CMP: ___

It: ____________

SKU: ______________

Loc: ___ ________

Qty: _____

F3=Ex F7=Pul F8=Clr

Advancing to the Put Stock screen:

1. Enter 4 at the RF main menu and press CTL + ENTER.

2. Enter 2 at the RF returns menu and press CTL + ENTER.

Each field on this screen is described in RF Field Descriptions.

Completing this screen:

1. If the Default Company for RF Returns (F45) system control value is set to Y, the cursor will be positioned in the Item (It) field. Complete the item and SKU fields. Optionally, you can override the company code.

2. If the Default Company for RF Returns (F45) system control value is set to N or is blank, the cursor will be positioned in the Company (CMP) field. Complete the company, item and SKU fields.

3. Optionally, complete the destination warehouse, location, or quantity fields, if you are putting the items away in a different warehouse; if you are not returning the item to primary; or if you want to override the default quantity of 1. (Note: See the description of the Warehouse field earlier in this chapter for more information on how the warehouse code defaults based on settings in the System Control file.)

4. Press CTL + ENTER.

5. The system validates your entries. If you have not entered a destination location, the item's primary location defaults. Correct any fields if necessary and press CTL + ENTER.

6. The system transfers the items to the location you have selected and displays the following message:


Put Processed.


You can process another put or exit the screen to perform a different function.

Screen Option


Exit the screen

Press FUNC + 3.

Advance to a pull screen

Press FUNC + 7.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Press FUNC + 8.

Possible errors:

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has system control values related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

Invalid Item/SKU

You have not entered complete and accurate information in the item and SKU fields.

Invalid Intransit

The "from" warehouse code (F Whs) you entered is not valid.

Item Not Intransit

There is no record of the item in the intransit location for the "from" warehouse.

To Loc Not Itm Prim

You have entered a destination location that is a primary location, but not the item's primary.

To Location Invalid

The location code you entered does not exist in the warehouse indicated.

To Loc Required

You did not enter a location code.

Qty Must be Positive

You entered a negative number in the quantity field.

On Hand LT Prt Qty

You have entered an amount that is greater than the intransit quantity of the item in the staging warehouse.

Must Clear Fields

You pressed FUNC + 7 to switch to a pull screen without clearing the fields.

Physical in Progress

The inventory is frozen because a physical inventory is in progress.

Unauthorized Item

Your user class is excluded from working with the vendor who provides this item. See Installation Setting Up User Classes (WUCL).

WH12_03 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN