Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC)

Purpose: Use this menu option to upload retail price change records from the RI Price Change file to the RI Price Change History Detail file. When you upload retail price change records to the RI Price Change History Detail file, the system creates a retail price change history record indicating the date the retail price was created, the retail price, and the date the retail price is effective and also updates information in the RI Price Change History Summary file. You can also apply retail price changes to open order lines that contain items associated with a price change.

Conversion program: Before uploading retail price changes, run the following program at a command line to update the Original retail price field in the SKU file with the Price from the SKU Price file or Item Price file, where:

999 is the company where the original retail price update should occur.

P indicates how the system should search for a price to default as the original retail price. O indicates the system pulls the price for a quantity of 1 with the oldest effective date. C indicates the system pulls the price for a quantity of 1 with the most current effective date. The system pulls the price from the SKU Price file; if a SKU Price does not exist, the system pulls the price from the Item Price file. If the system cannot find a SKU Price or Item Price, the system does not update the original retail price for that item/SKU.

T indicates the offer type to exclude. The system will not pull the price from any offer assigned to this offer type.

CALL INR2043 PARM(‘’ X’999F’ P T)

Note: The system overwrites any existing price defined in the Original retail price field if the conversion program identifies a different price to default.

Other ways to update item and SKU prices and offers: See Options for Updating Item or SKU Offer or Price for a listing.

In this topic:

Retail Price Change Update Process

Work with Retail Price Change Screen

Change Retail Price Change Screen

Display Retail Price Change Screen

Update Retail Price Window

Retail Price Update Window

Retail Price Change Update Report

For more information:

• retail integration (from an external system into CWDirect) overview and setup: Retail Integration (External System into CWDirect) Overview and Setup

• retail price change upload: Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU).

• retail price change history: Reviewing Retail Price Change History.

Retail Price Change Update Process

The system submits the retail price change update program when you press F9 at the Work with Retail Price Change Screen or submit the Retail Price Change Updates RPCUPDT periodic function (program name PFR0068).

Note: You should not submit the retail price change update program if users are processing inventory transactions since the price defined for the transaction may be affected and the system uses the on hand quantity and inventory dollars to calculate the markup and markdown units and dollars.

This program:

1. Creates an active procedure so that users cannot submit another retail price change update, change a retail price change record, or submit a Retail Price Change Upload Process.

A message displays if a user is in the Work with Retail Price Change menu option and you try to submit the retail price change update program:


Multiple users are currently accessing the Retail Price Change Update function. The Update Process cannot be submitted.


A message displays if the Retail Price Change Upload Process is running and you try to submit the retail price change update program:


A Retail Price Change Upload is in progress for Company 555.


2. Determines if any retail price change records in the RI Price Change file are in an R (ready to process) status and have an effective date that is equal to or less than the current date. This program only processes retail price change records in a ready status that have an effective date equal to or less than the current date.

3. Checks the value in the Use Retail Price Change Processing (H29) system control value. If this system control value is set to N, the system displays a message:


SCV H29 (Use Retail Price Change Processing) must be set to ‘Y’.


4. Checks the Value inventory at retail field for each allocatable warehouse in the company where you submitted the retail price change update. If this field is set to N or blank for any allocatable warehouse the system displays a message:


All allocatable warehouses must be set to ‘Value Inv at Retail ‘Y’’.


5. Verifies that the retail price change record does not contain errors. A retail price change can contain an error if the item/SKU in CWDirect was deleted between the time the retail price change upload record was uploaded into the RI Price Change file and you submitted the retail price change update program.

6. Creates a record in the RI Price Change History Detail file.

RI Price Change History Detail record: The system creates an RI price change history detail record based on the information defined for the RI price change record.




The code for the company where you submitted the retail price change update.


The item code from the retail price change record.


The SKU code from the retail price change record.


The date the retail price change update program was submitted.


The time the retail price change update program was submitted.

Effective date

The effective date from the retail price change record. This is the date when the retail price change is effective. The system uses this price as the selling price of the item until another retail price change exists with a more recent effective date.

Original retail price

The original retail price from the SKU file. If the original retail price in the SKU file is blank, the system updates this field with the retail price defined for this retail price change record.

Retail price

The retail price from the retail price change record.

On hand

The on hand quantity, including the protected quantity, across all warehouses whose Value inventory at retail field is set to Y at the time the retail price change was created.

Inventory $

The inventory dollars defined for this item/SKU at the time the retail price change was created. The system uses this calculation to determine the inventory dollars:


On hand quantity x retail price = inventory dollars

Markup units

The on hand quantity associated with the markup price at the time the retail price change was created. The system considers the retail price change a markup if the new retail price is greater than the previous retail price.

Markup dollars

The system uses this calculation to determine if the new retail price is a markup or a markdown:

(on hand x new retail price) - (on hand x most recent retail price) = markup or markdown dollars


• If the value is a negative number, the system updates the markdown dollars field and updates the Markdown units with the on hand quantity.

• If the value is a positive number, the system updates the Markup dollars field and updates the Markup units with the on hand quantity.

Markdown units

The on hand quantity associated with the markdown price at the time the retail price change was created. The system considers the retail price change a markup if the new retail price is greater than the previous retail price.

Markdown dollars

The system uses this calculation to determine if the new retail price is a markup or a markdown:

(on hand x new retail price) - (on hand x most recent retail price) = markup or markdown dollars


• If the value is a negative number, the system updates the markdown dollars field and updates the Markdown units with the on hand quantity.

• If the value is a positive number, the system updates the Markup dollars field and updates the Markup units with the on hand quantity.

Creation source

The creation source from the retail price change record.

Creation user

The creation user from the retail price change record.

Maintenance source

The maintenance source from the retail price change record.

Maintenance user

The maintenance user from the retail price change record.

7. Updates the record in the RI Price Change History Summary file for the item/SKU.

RI Price Change History Summary record: The system updates the RI price change history summary record based on the information defined for the RI price change record.




The code for the company where you submitted the retail price change update.


The item code from the retail price change record.


The SKU code from the retail price change record.

Markup units PTD

The total markup units for the retail price change record period to date.

Markup dollars PTD

The total markup dollars for the retail price change record period to date.

Markup units LTD

The total markup units for the retail price change record life to date.

Markup dollars LTD

The total markup dollars for the retail price change record life to date.

Markdown units PTD

The total markdown units for the retail price change record period to date.

Markdown dollars PTD

The total markdown dollars for the retail price change record period to date.

Markdown units LTD

The total markdown units for the retail price change record life to date.

Markdown dollars LTD

The total markdown dollars for the retail price change record life to date.

8. Creates or updates a record in the Item Price or SKU Price files for all active offers for the item/SKU. The price records are created for a quantity of 1. If a price record already exists with the same effective date, the system overwrites the price with the new retail price.

9. Updates the Original retail price field in the SKU file with the new retail price if this field is blank.

10. Updates open order lines with the new retail price if the Allow Retail Price Change Updates on Open Lines (H30) system control value is set to Y.

Allow Retail Price Change Updates to Open Lines system control value: The Allow Retail Price Change Updates on Open Lines (H30) system control value defines whether the system updates open order lines with the most recent retail price change for the item/SKU.

If this system control value is set to Y, the system updates the price defined for order detail lines on orders that are not in use.

For each order detail line updated with the new retail price change, the system:

• defaults the code defined in the Price Override for Retail Price Change Lines (H32) system control value to the Price override reason field for the order detail lines that are updated.

• does not update order detail lines that already have a price override reason defined, other than the price override reason code defined in the Price Override for Retail Price Change Lines system control value. In this case, the system assumes the price was already overridden for a reason.

• creates an order transaction history record for each order detail line whose price was updated to the new retail price:


Retail Price Overridden on Ln 999.


• creates an order transaction history record indicating the system defaulted the price override reason code defined in the Price Override for Retail Price Change Lines (H32) system control value to each order detail line whose price was updated to the new retail price:


User price override - Order line 999.


• submits the updated order detail lines to the ORDER ASYNC to process file updates, such as demand if the Update Demand for Order Maintenance Transactions (C72) system control value is set to Y.


11. Updates the status of the retail price change record to P (processed).

12. Generates the Retail Price Change Update Report that lists the items/SKUs whose retail price was updated.

13. Deletes all retail price change records in a P (processed) status from the RI Retail Price Change file.

Work with Retail Price Change Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with retail price change records. This screen displays retail price change records that have been uploaded from the RI Price Change Upload file. An item/SKU can have more than one retail price change record as long as the effective date for each of the retail price change records is different.

At this screen you can:

• review retail price change records

• change the retail price for a retail price change record or for all retail price change records associated with a specified item

• place a retail price change record on hold

• approve an unprocessed retail price change record so that it is ready for processing

• submit the retail price change update program

How to display this screen: Enter WRPC in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Work with Retail Price Change from a menu.

INR2010 DISPLAY Work with Retail Price Change 11/08/00 14:57:36


Op S Effective Item SKU Retail

Date Price

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 9=Hold 10=Approve

H 11/08/00 PRI9EITEM1 200.00

H 11/08/00 PRI9EITEM2 250.00

H 11/08/00 PRI9ESKU2 BLUEBOYSLRGE 700.00

H 11/08/00 PRI9ESKU2 RED BOYSLRGE 700.00

H 11/08/00 PRI9ESKU3 BLUEBOYSLRGE 350.00

F3=Exit F8=Update Retail Price F9=Submit Update F10=Approve All

F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select Company



S (price change upload status)

The status of the retail price change records.

E = Error. The retail price change record contains errors. You can correct the errors at the Change Retail Price Change Screen.

H = Held. The retail price change record is held and waiting for approval. You can approve a retail price change record by entering 10 next to the retail price change.

P = Processed. The retail price change record has been processed. The Retail Price Change Update Process deletes retail price changes in a P status from the RI Price Change file.

R = Ready for processing. The retail price change record is ready to be processed.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Effective date

The date the retail price change becomes valid.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


The CWDirect item associated with the retail price change.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The SKU for the item associated with the retail price change.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); optional.

Retail price

The retail price that becomes effective on the date defined in the Effective date field.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Screen Option


Change a retail price change record

Enter 2 next to a retail price change record to advance to the Change Retail Price Change Screen.

Delete a retail price change record

Enter 4 next to a retail price change record to delete it.

Review a retail price change record

Enter 5 next to a retail price change record to advance to the Display Retail Price Change Screen.

Place a retail price change record on hold

Enter 9 next to a retail price change record to change the status of the record to H (hold).

Approve a retail price change record

Enter 10 next to a retail price change record to change the status of the record to R (ready for processing).


Note: You can only approve retail price change records that are in an H held status.

Update the retail price defined for all retail price change records associated with a specified item

Press F8 to advance to the Update Retail Price Window.

Submit the retail price change update program to process the retail price change records

Press F9 to submit the retail price change update program (RPCUPDATE job); see Retail Price Change Update Process.

A message displays if you try to submit the retail price change update program and the Use Retail Price Change Processing (H29) system control value is set to N:


SCV H29 (Use Retail Price Change Processing) must be set to ‘Y’.


A message displays if you try to submit the retail price change update program and retail price change records do not exist:


RI Price Change file is empty.


A message displays if you try to submit the retail price change update program and a user is currently in this menu option or the retail price change edit/update program has already been submitted:


Multiple users are currently accessing the Retail Price Change Upload function. The Upload Process cannot be submitted.

Approve all retail price change records

Press F10 to change the status of all retail price change records that are not in an error status to R (ready for processing).


Note: You can only approve retail price change records that are in an H held status.

Change Retail Price Change Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change the Retail price defined for a retail price change record.

Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percent System Control Value

The Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percent (H31) system control value determines the retail price threshold the system uses to automatically approve retail price change records when you change the retail price for a retail price change record. The system:

• compares the retail price defined for the retail price change record to the most recent retail price that exists in CWDirect.

• calculates the percentage difference between the most recent retail price in CWDirect and the retail price defined for the retail price change record using this calculation:


(most recent retail price - retail price defined for retail price change record) / most recent retail price = the percentage difference between the two prices


• compares the percentage difference between the two prices to the percentage defined in the Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percentage system control value.

• the system approves the retail price change record if the percentage difference is less than or equal to the percentage defined in the system control value. The retail price change record is placed in an R (ready to process) status.

• the system does not approve the retail price change record if the percentage difference is greater than the percentage defined in the system control value. The retail price change record is placed in an H (held) status with the message Rtl Prc > Approval %. You can approve and release the retail price change record from hold at the Work with Retail Price Change Screen.


Note: If you change the retail price for a retail price change record that is currently in a held status because of a manual hold and the record is now eligible for automatic approval because the retail price is within the threshold defined in the Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percent system control value, the system does not place the record in an R (ready to process) status. You must manually approve retail price change records that are in a held status because of a manual hold.

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to a retail price change record at the Work with Retail Price Change Screen.

INR2011 CHANGE Change Retail Price Change 11/08/00 15:30:24



SKU . . . . . . . :

SKU Element 1 . . :

SKU Element 2 . . :

SKU Element 3 . . :

Effective Date . : 11/08/00

Retail Price . . . 200.00

Status . . . . . : H Manual Hold

Creation Pgm Name : INR2007 Last Maint Pgm Name : INR2010

Creation User Name: KBOTTGER Last Maint User Name: KBOTTGER

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code and description for the item associated with the retail price change.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The SKU for the item associated with the retail price change if the item contains SKUs and you are using a full-SKU environment.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU file.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; display-only.

SKU element 1

The SKU element 1 code for the item associated with the retail price change if the item contains SKUs and you are using a split-SKU environment.

SKU element 1 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 1 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.

SKU element 2

The SKU element 2 code for the item associated with the retail price change if the item contains SKUs and you are using a split-SKU environment.

SKU element 2 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 2 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.

SKU element 3

The SKU element 3 code for the item associated with the retail price change if the item contains SKUs and you are using a split-SKU environment.

SKU element 3 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 3 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.

Effective date

The date the retail price change becomes valid.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Retail price

The new retail price change to take effect on the date defined in the Effective date field.

A message displays if you enter a price change of zero:


Retail Price cannot be zero.


Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.


The status of the retail price change record.

E = Error. The retail price change record contains errors, such as the retail price is zero.

H = Held. The retail price change record is held and waiting for approval. Retail price change records are held if a user manually placed the record on hold or the retail price defined for the record is greater than the threshold defined for the Retail Price Change Upload Approval % system control value.

You can approve a retail price change record by entering 10 next to the retail price change at the Work with Retail Price Change Screen.


P = Processed. The retail price change record has been processed. The Retail Price Change Update Process deletes retail price changes in a P status from the RI Price Change file.

R = Ready for processing. The retail price change record is ready to be processed.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Creation pgm name

The name of the program that created the retail price change record.

The system updates this field with INR2007 from the retail price change edit/update program.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Last maint pgm name

The name of the program that maintained the retail price change record.

The system updates this field with INR2010 when you maintain a retail price change at the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen or Change Retail Price Change Screen.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Creation user name

The user ID of the user who created the retail price change record. This is the user ID of the user who submitted the retail price change edit/update program at the Work with Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Last maint user name

The user ID of the user who last maintained the retail price change record.

The system updates this field when you maintain a retail price change at the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen or Change Retail Price Change Screen.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Display Retail Price Change Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a retail price change upload record at the Work with Retail Price Change Screen to advance to the Display Retail Price Change Upload screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See Change Retail Price Change Screen for field descriptions.

Update Retail Price Window

Purpose: Use this window to update the retail price on all retail price change records associated with a specified item. This allows you to change many retail price change records at once, instead of changing the retail price for each retail price change record separately. For example, use this window if you wish to change the retail price for all sizes and colors of your angora sweater, instead of changing the retail price for each separate retail price change record that is associated with one of the SKUs of your angora sweater.

Note: This window is only useful if you wish to change the retail price on all retail price change records associated with a specified item to the same price. If you want the retail price to be different for each retail price change record, you must enter the change at the Change Retail Price Change Screen.

Retail Price Change Upload Approval % system control value: The Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percent (H31) system control value defines the retail price threshold the system uses to automatically approve retail price change records when you change the retail price.

• If the new retail price is over the threshold defined in the system control value, the system places the retail price change record in a held status.

• If the new retail price is within the threshold defined in the system control value, the system places the retail price change record in a ready to process status, unless the record in on manual hold.

How to display this screen: Press F8 at the Work with Retail Price Change Screen.

Update Retail Price


SKU Element 1: SKU Element 2: SKU Element 3:

Retail Price:

F3=Exit F12=Cancel ENTER=Accept




The code for the item whose retail price you wish to update.

A message displays if you enter an item code for an item that is not in the RI Price Change file:


Item does not exist in the file.


If the item contains SKUs, the system applies the retail price update to all of the SKUs of the item that are in the RI Price Change file, unless you define the specific SKU you wish to update.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU element 1

The SKU element 1 code for the item associated with the retail price change record you wish to change.

This field only displays if you are in a split-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU element 1 code if you only want to apply the retail price change to specific SKUs of the item, containing this value in SKU element 1. If you leave the SKU element 1 code blank, the system applies the retail price change to all SKU element 1 values defined for the item.

SKU element 1 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 1 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

SKU element 2

The SKU element 2 code for the item associated with the retail price change record you wish to change.

This field only displays if you are in a split-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU element 2 code if you only want to apply the retail price change to specific SKUs of the item, containing this value in SKU element 2. If you leave the SKU element 2 code blank, the system applies the retail price change to all SKU element 2 values defined for the item.

SKU element 2 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 2 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

SKU element 3

The SKU element 3 code for the item associated with the retail price change record you wish to change.

This field only displays if you are in a split-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU element 3 code if you only want to apply the retail price change to specific SKUs of the item, containing this value in SKU element 3. If you leave the SKU element 3 code blank, the system applies the retail price change to all SKU element 3 values defined for the item.

SKU element 3 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 3 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Retail price

The retail price for the item you wish to update.

A message displays if you do not enter a dollar amount in this field:


Retail Price cannot be zero.


Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Instructions: Enter an item in the Item field, a dollar amount in the Retail price field, and optionally a value in the SKU element 1, 2, and/or 3 fields and press Enter. The system:

• advances you to the Retail Price Update Window if you only defined the item associated with the retail price change records you wish to update with the new retail price change.

• interactively updates the retail price for the retail price change records associated with the item and SKU value you defined. The system updates the Maintenance source field and Maintenance user field for all retail price change records that have been updated. If the record is within the threshold defined in the Retail Price Change Upload Approval % system control value, the record is placed in a ready to process status. If the record is greater than the threshold defined in this system control value, the record is placed in a held status.

Retail Price Update Window

This window displays a message informing you that the system will interactively update the retail price for all retail price change records associated with the item and all associated SKUs. This window only displays if you did not define a SKU value at the Update Retail Price Window.

Enter Y in the Do you wish to proceed? field to update the specified item and SKUs with the retail price update. The system updates the Maintenance source field and Maintenance user field for all retail price change records that have been updated.

How to display this screen: Press Enter at the Update Retail Price Window.

Retail Price Update

WARNING: You are about to interactively update the Retail Price

on all records for the entered item.

Do you wish to proceed?

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Do you wish to proceed?

This field indicates whether you wish to interactively update the retail price for the specified item and any associated SKUs in the RI Price Change file.

Y = Update the retail price change to all retail price change records associated with the specified item.

N = Do not update the retail price change for any retail price change records.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

ME13_07 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN