Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU)

Purpose: Use this menu option to edit and upload retail price changes in the RI Price Change Upload file into the RI Price Change file. You may wish to upload retail price changes into CWDirect if you wish to offer your customers the same merchandise pricing in your retail store, catalog, and online channels.

In this topic:

Determining the CWDirect Item/SKU

Retail Price Change Upload Process

Work with Retail Price Change Upload Screen

Create Retail Price Change Upload Screen

Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen

Display Retail Price Change Upload Screen

Retail Price Change Upload Error List

For more information:

• retail integration (from an external system into CWDirect) overview and setup: Retail Integration (External System into CWDirect) Overview and Setup

• retail price change: Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC)

• retail price change history: Reviewing Retail Price Change History

How do I get records into the RI Price Change Upload file? You can create records in the RI Price Change Upload file by:

• transferring records from another system into the file.

• creating a record at the Create Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

• receiving XML messages through the Retail Price Change Upload Async; see below.

Conversion program: Before upload retail price changes, run the following program at a command line to update the Original retail price field in the SKU file with the Price from the SKU Price file or Item Price file, where:

999 is the company where the original retail price update should occur.

P indicates how the system should search for a price to default as the original retail price. O indicates the system pulls the price from the oldest (first) offer defined for the item/SKU. C indicates the system pulls the price from the most current active offer defined for the item/SKU. The system uses the price from the SKU Price file for a quantity of 1 with the most recent effective date. If a SKU Price does not exist, the system uses the price from the Item Price file for a quantity of 1 with the most recent effective date. If the system cannot find a SKU Price or Item Price, the system does not update the original retail price for that item/SKU.

T indicates the offer type to exclude. The system will not pull the price from any offer assigned to this offer type.

CALL INR2043 PARM(‘’ X’999F’ P T)

Note: The system overwrites any existing price defined in the Original retail price field if the conversion program identifies a different price to default.

Determining the CWDirect Item/SKU

The ways the system can determine the CWDirect item and SKU associated with a retail price change upload record:

• the upload record contains an item code and optionally a SKU code that matches a CWDirect item and/or SKU.

• the upload record contains a UPC code associated with a CWDirect item or SKU.

• the upload record contains a long SKU department, long SKU class, and long SKU style, and optionally long SKU vendor, long SKU color, long SKU size, and long SKU width associated with a CWDirect item or SKU.

• the upload record contains a retail style number associated with a CWDirect item.

What key type does the upload record contain? Key types are codes that define how the system identifies the CWDirect item or SKU associated with a retail price change upload record. The key type defined for the retail price change upload record defines what item identifier values the system uses to find the corresponding CWDirect item and SKU. The system only considers specific item identifier fields for each key type. If the item identifier values defined for the upload record are not the values required for the key type, the system cannot determine the item and SKU associated with the upload record.

Example: The key type RS requires the item identifier value of an item retail style number. The system tries to match the retail style number defined for the retail price change upload record with a retail style number defined for an item in CWDirect. If the retail price change upload record does not contain a retail style number and the key type is RS, the system places the record in an error status. Because the required item identifier value was not defined, the system could not find the item or SKU associated with the retail price change upload record.

If the key type is...

The item identifier values are...

IT (item/SKU)

item code


SKU code (if the item contains SKUs and you are in a full SKU environment)

SKU Element 1 (if the item contains SKUs and you are in a split SKU environment)

SKU Element 2 (if the item contains SKUs and you are in a split SKU environment)

SKU Element 3 (if the item contains SKUs and you are in a split SKU environment)


To create a retail price change for each SKU of an item:

Leave the SKU value blank to create a retail price change upload record for each SKU of the item.

Example: If you want to create a retail price change for each SKU of item ABC (small, medium, and large), enter ABC in the Item field and leave the SKU value blank.


If you are working in a split SKU environment, you can also leave one or more SKU elements blank to create retail price change upload records for each SKU of the item that matches your criteria.

Example: If you want to create a retail price change for each SKU of the item that contains the SKU element small, enter ABC in the Item field and enter SMLL in the SKU element field that represents size.

Note: You can only use the IT key type if the item code and SKU code for an item/SKU at your retail store matches the CWDirect item code and SKU code.

LS (long SKU)

long SKU department

long SKU class

long SKU style


long SKU vendor

long SKU color

long SKU size

long SKU width


SKU level and item level long SKU values

You can define the long SKU class, long SKU style, and long SKU vendor at the SKU level and item level. The system looks at the values defined at the SKU level before looking at the values defined at the item level when determining the item/SKU associated with a retail price change upload record.

Note: If the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, the system uses the Retail Class file instead of the Long SKU Class file to define long SKU class codes.

RS (retail style number)

retail style number

Note: This key type identifies the item only; if the item contains SKUs, the system creates a retail price change upload record for each SKU of the item.

UP (UPC number)

UPC code

Note: UPC code is defined at the item level if the item does not contain SKUs and at the SKU level if the item contains SKUs. If you use this key type, the system creates a retail price change upload record only for the specific item or SKU.

If multiple CWDirect items contain the same item identifier values: It is possible that one or more of an item’s identifier values are the same as another item in CWDirect. You can create more than 1 item with the same long SKU values or with the same retail style number. If multiple CWDirect items contain the same item identifier values, the system places the retail price change upload record in an error status because the system cannot determine which item is associated with the upload record. Only 1 CWDirect item can match the retail price change upload record’s item identifier values.

If multiple CWDirect SKUs contain the same item identifier values: If multiple SKUs for an item correspond to a retail price change upload record, the system creates a separate retail price change record for each SKU. You can delete the retail price change records containing the SKUs that you do not want to update with the retail price change at the Work with Retail Price Change Screen.

Example: Here is an example of how the system determines the CWDirect item and SKU, based on UPC code as the key type.

Retail Price Change Upload Record



Key type


UPC code


Effective date


Retail price


CWDirect Item/SKU Records



Item A value

Item B/SKU 5 value

Item B/SKU 9 value

UPC code




In this example, the system associates the retail price change upload record with item C, SKU 9 since this SKU’s UPC code matches the UPC code defined for the retail price change upload record. If two CWDirect item/SKUs had the same UPC code, the retail price change upload record would be placed in an error status.

Example: Here is an example of how the system determines the CWDirect item and SKU, based on long SKU values as the key type.

Retail Price Change Upload Record



Key type


L/S department


L/S class


L/S style


L/S vendor


L/S color


L/S size


L/S width


CWDirect item/SKU Records



Item A/SKU 1

Item A/SKU 2

Item A/SKU 3

Item B

L/S department





L/S class





L/S style





L/S vendor





L/S color





L/S size





L/S width





In this example, the system finds a match against item A/SKU 1, item A/SKU 3, and item B because the L/S department, L/S class, L/S style, and L/S vendor defined for the retail price change upload records match. Since more than one item matched the retail price change upload record, the system places the retail price change upload record in error. If there was a match only for item A/SKU 1 and item A/SKU 3, the system would create a retail price change record for both SKUs.

Retail Price Change Upload Process

The system submits the Retail Price Change Edit/Update program (RPCUPLOAD) when you press F9 at the Work with Retail Price Change Upload Screen or submit the Retail Price Change Upload RPCUPLD periodic function (program name PFR0066). This program:

1. Creates an active procedure so that users cannot submit another retail price change edit/update program or submit a retail price change update program.

2. Checks the value in the Use Retail Price Change Processing (H29) system control value. If this system control value is set to N, the system displays a message:


SCV H29 (Use Retail Price Change Processing) must be set to ‘Y’.


3. Determines the CWDirect item and SKU, based on the key type and item identifier values passed; see Determining the CWDirect Item/SKU.

4. Reviews the records in the RI Price Change Upload file and determines if any record contains errors. Upload records that contain errors print on the Retail Price Change Upload Error List.

Retail price change upload errors: A retail price change upload record is placed in an error status if:

• the system cannot identify the item and/or SKUs associated with the retail price change upload record.

• more than one item is associated with the retail price change upload record.

• an effective date does not exist.

• a retail price does not exist.

• more than one price has been defined.

• the calculated retail price is less than or equal to zero.

You can review and correct the errors associated with a retail price change upload record at the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

If the retail price change error message is...

The problem is...

A minimum of the identifier fields must be entered in order for the record to be created.

The system cannot find a CWDirect item/SKU that matches the retail price change upload record, based on the key type defined for the record and the item identifier fields that are entered.


• If the key type is IT, the item and/or SKU codes must be entered.

• If the key type is LS, the long SKU department, long SKU class, and long SKU style must be entered.

• If the key type is UP, the UPC code must be entered.

• If the key type is RS, the retail style number must be entered.

Multiple Item Match

More than one CWDirect item matches the retail price change upload record, based on the key type defined for the record. You must correct your CWDirect items so that each item is unique.

Note: You can enter a retail price change upload record for an item containing SKUs; if you do not define which SKU the retail price change is associated with, the system creates a retail price change record for each SKU of the item.

Invalid Effective Date

The price change effective date is blank.

Percentage Off, Dollars Off or Retail Price must be entered

A value must be defined in one of the price change fields: Percentage off, Dollars off, or Retail price.

If dollar off is entered, percent off and/or retail price must not be entered.

A value cannot be defined in more than one of the price change fields: Percentage off, Dollars off, or Retail price.

If percent off is entered, dollar off and/or retail price must not be entered.

A value cannot be defined in more than one of the price change fields: Percentage off, Dollars off, or Retail price.

If retail price is entered, dollar off and/or percent off must not be entered.

A value cannot be defined in more than one of the price change fields: Percentage off, Dollars off, or Retail price.

Retail Price equals zero.

The calculated retail price is zero, based on the percent you defined in the Percentage off field, the dollar amount you defined in the Dollars off field, or if you did not enter a price in the Retail price field.

Note: This error message displays in Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC).

$ off *GE Retail

The calculated retail price is less than zero, based on the percent you defined in the Percentage off field or the dollar amount you defined in the Dollars off field.

Rtl Prc > Approval %

The retail price is greater than the allowed threshold defined in the Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percent (H31) system control value. When this happens, the system places the retail price change record on hold. You can release the retail price change record from hold in Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC).

Note: This error message displays in Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC).

5. Calculates the retail price for the retail price change upload record.

Calculating the retail price: The system uses this hierarchy to determine the retail price:

• if a price has been defined in the Retail price field, the system uses this price as the retail price.

• if a percentage has been defined in the Percentage off field, the system uses this calculation to determine the retail price:


most recent retail price - (percentage off x current retail price) = new retail price


• if a dollar amount has been defined in the Dollars off field, the system uses this calculation to determine the retail price:


most recent retail price - dollars off = new retail price


Note: The system places a retail price change record in an error status if the calculated retail price is less than or equal to zero. You can review this error in Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC).

Determining the most recent retail price: The most recent retail price is the latest retail price change defined for a specific item or SKU. The system uses this hierarchy to determine the most recent retail price in CWDirect:

• the price defined for the most recent retail price change history detail record in the RI Price Change History Detail file. You can review the most recent price defined for an item/SKU at the Retail Price Change History Screen.

• the price defined in the Original price field in the SKU file. You can review the original price defined for an item/SKU at the Create Item (Base Information) Screen or the Create SKU 1 of 2 (With Overrides) Screen.

• the most recent price in the Item/SKU Price file based on the active offer closest to the current date. You can review the most recent price defined for an item/SKU at the Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer).


6. Compares the records in the RI Price Change Upload file with the unprocessed records in the RI Price Change file to determine if a duplicate retail price change record exists. The system considers a retail price change upload record and a retail price change record having the same item, SKU, and effective date a duplicate. If a retail price change upload record does not match a retail price change record, the system creates a new record in the RI Price Change file with a status of U (unprocessed).

If a duplicate exits, which retail price change does the system keep?

If a retail price change upload record matches a retail price change record, the system keeps the record that has the more recent date and time. The record with the earlier date and time is deleted.

Example: Here is an example of how the system determines which retail price change to keep if a duplicate exists between a retail price change upload record and a retail price change record.


Retail Price Change Upload record

Retail Price Change Upload record

Retail Price Change record





Effective date




Retail price












In this situation, the system keeps the retail price change upload record with the 12/13/00 date and 11:00:30 time since this date and time is the most recent date and time. The retail price change record for item ABC and an effective date of 12/15/00 has a retail price for 60.00. The system deletes the retail price change of 50.00 and the retail price change of 70.00 for item ABC since these records did not contain the most recent date and time.

7. Determines if a retail price change upload record is eligible for automatic approval or is placed on hold.

Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percent system control value: The Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percent (H31) system control value determines the retail price threshold the system uses to automatically approve retail price change upload records. The system:

• compares the retail price defined for the retail price change record to the most recent retail price that exists in CWDirect.

• calculates the percentage difference between the most recent retail price in CWDirect and the retail price defined for the retail price change record using this calculation:


(most recent retail price - retail price defined for retail price change record) / most recent retail price = the percentage difference between the two prices


• compares the percentage difference between the two prices to the percentage defined in the Retail Price Change Upload Approval Percentage system control value.

• the system approves the retail price change record if the percentage difference is less than or equal to the percentage defined in the system control value. The retail price change record is placed in an R (ready to process) status.

• the system does not approve the retail price change record if the percentage difference is greater than the percentage defined in the system control value. The retail price change record is placed in an H (held) status with the message Rtl Prc > Approval %. You can approve and release the retail price change record from hold at the Work with Retail Price Change Screen.

Example: Here is an example of how the system determines whether a retail price change record should be placed on hold.

percentage in Retail Price Change Upload Approval % system control value


most recent retail price


retail price defined for retail price change upload record



(200.00 - 180.00) / 200.00 = 0.1 x 100 = 10.00


In this example, since 10.00 is greater than the 5.00 defined in the Retail Price Change Upload Approval % system control value, the system places the retail price change record in an H (held) status.

8. Moves the retail price change upload records that do not contain errors to the Retail Price Change file. You can review retail price change records in the Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC) menu option. Retail price change upload records that contain errors print on the Retail Price Change Upload Error List.

For more information: See Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC) for information on the updates the system performs when you submit the Retail Price Change Update Process to move retail price change records from the RI Price Change file to the RI Price Change History Detail file.

Retail Price Change Upload Processing through the CWPriceChange XML Message

The Retail Price Change Upload Async in Retail Integration Job Control (RIJC) looks for a Retail Price Change Upload Message (CWPriceChange) sent from your retail system containing retail price change information.

When you start the Retail Price Change Upload Async, the system submits the RI_PRCCHG job. This job reads the Retail Price Change Upload Message (CWPriceChange) and performs the following steps:

1. Creates a record in the Retail Price Change Upload File using the information from the Retail Price Change Upload Message (CWPriceChange).

2. Determines the CWDirect item/SKU associated with the Retail Price Change Upload Message (CWPriceChange).

3. Determines if the record contains any errors.

If the record does not contain errors, the system:

1. Calculates the retail price for the item/SKU.

2. Determines if the retail price change is eligible for automatic approval or is placed on hold.

3. Moves the retail price change to the Retail Price Change file. You can review retail price change records in the Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC) menu option.

If the record contains errors, the system includes the retail price change on the Retail Price Change Upload Error List.

Each field included in the Retail Price Change XML message is described below. See Retail Price Change Upload Message (CWPriceChange) for a sample message.

Retail Price Change Upload File

This table indicates the name of the field in the Retail Price Change Upload file, the name of the element in the Retail Price Change Upload XML message, and a description of the field/element.






The company where the item associated with the retail price change is located.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.



The date you created the retail price change upload record.

Numeric, 7 positions (CYYMMDD format); required.



The time you created the retail price change upload record

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); required.

Sequence #

no associated element

The retail price change upload sequence number.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Key type


A code indicating the fields on the retail price change upload record that identify the item and SKU; see Determining the CWDirect Item/SKU.

Valid values are:

IT = The Item and SKU fields identify the item and SKU associated with the retail price change upload record. If you define IT as the key type, the Item field is required. If the item contains SKUs and you do not enter a SKU, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item.


LS = The long SKU fields identify the item and SKU associated with the retail price change upload record. If you define LS as the key type, the L/S department, L/S class, and L/S style fields are required and the L/S vendor, L/S color, L/S size, and L/S width fields are optional.


RS = The Retail style number field identifies the item associated with the retail price change upload record. If you define RS as the key type, the Retail style number field is required.


UP = The UPC code field identifies the item and SKU associated with the retail price change upload record. If you define UP as the key type, the UPC code field is required.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.



The code for the item associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter an item code if the key type is IT.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required if the key type is IT.



The SKU for the item associated with the retail price change upload if you are using a full-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU code if the key type is IT and you only want to apply the retail price change upload to a specific SKU of the item. If you leave the SKU blank, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU file.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

SKU element 1


The SKU element 1 code for the item associated with the retail price change upload if you are using a split-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU element 1 code if the key type is IT and you only want to apply the retail price change upload to specific SKUs of the item, containing this value in SKU element 1. If you leave the SKU element 1 code blank, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item.

SKU element 1 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 1 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

SKU element 2


The SKU element 2 code for the item associated with the retail price change upload if you are using a split-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU element 2 code if the key type is IT and you only want to apply the retail price change upload to specific SKUs of the item, containing this value in SKU element 2. If you leave the SKU element 2 code blank, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item.

SKU element 2 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 2 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

SKU element 3


The SKU element 3 code for the item associated with the retail price change upload if you are using a split-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU element 3 code if the key type is IT and you only want to apply the retail price change upload to specific SKUs of the item, containing this value in SKU element 3. If you leave the SKU element 3 code blank, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item.

SKU element 3 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 3 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

UPC code


The UPC code defined for the item or SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a UPC code if the key type is UP.

UPC codes are defined in and validated against the UPC Code file.

Numeric, 14 positions; required if the key type is UP.

Long SKU department


A code for the long SKU department defined for the item associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU department code if the key type is LS.

Long SKU department codes are defined in and validated against the Long SKU Department file; see Working with Long SKU Departments (WLSD).

Numeric, 4 positions; required if the key type is LS.

Long SKU class


A code for the long SKU class defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU class if the key type is LS.

Note: If the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, long SKU class codes are defined in and validated against the Retail Class file instead of the Long SKU Class file.

Numeric, 4 positions; required if the key type is LS.

Long SKU style


A code for the long SKU style defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU style if the key type is LS.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; required if the key type is LS.

Long SKU vendor


A code for the long SKU vendor defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU vendor if the key type is LS.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

Long SKU color


A code for the long SKU color defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU vendor if the key type is LS.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Long SKU size


A code for the long SKU size defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU vendor if the key type is LS.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Long SKU width


A code for the long SKU width defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU vendor if the key type is LS.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Retail style number


The retail style number defined for the item associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a retail style number if the key type is RS.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required if the key type is RS.

Effective date


The date the retail price change becomes valid.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Retail price


The new retail price change to take effect on the date defined in the Effective date field.

In order to create a retail price change upload, you must define the new retail price by entering one of the following:

• the percentage to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Percentage off field

• the dollars to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Dollars off field

• the new retail price in the Retail price field

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; requited if the Percentage off and Dollars off fields are blank.

Percentage off


The percentage that should be subtracted from the most recent retail price to calculate the new retail price that is uploaded to CWDirect.

In order to create a retail price change upload, you must define the new retail price by entering one of the following:

• the percentage to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Percentage off field

• the dollars to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Dollars off field

• the new retail price in the Retail price field

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if the Dollars off and Retail price fields are blank.

Dollars off


The dollars that should be subtracted from the most recent retail price to calculate the new retail price that is uploaded to CWDirect.

In order to create a retail price change upload, you must define the new retail price by entering one of the following:

• the percentage to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Percentage off field

• the dollars to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Dollars off field

• the new retail price in the Retail price field

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if the Percentage off and Retail price fields are blank.



The status of the retail price change upload record.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Error Description

no associated element

A description of the error.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; optional.

Creation source


The source of the retail price change upload record.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Creation user


The user ID of the user who created the retail price change upload record.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Work with Retail Price Change Upload Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with retail price change upload records.

A message displays if you try to enter this menu option and the Retail Price Change Upload Process is running:


A Retail Price Change Upload is in progress for Company 555.


How to display this screen: Enter WRPU in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Work with Retail Price Change Upload from a menu.

INR2001 DISPLAY Work with Retail Price Change Upload 11/07/00 13:33:04


Op S Effective UPC L/S L/S L/S Retail

Date Dept Cls Style Price

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

U 11/07/00 20.00

U 11/07/00

U 11/07/00 2424 1501 24241501PRICEITEM1

U 11/07/00 55512345678901 36.00

U 11/10/00 130.00

F3=Exit F6=Create F9=Submit Edit F12=Cancel F21=List F24=Select company



S (price change upload status)

The status of the retail price change upload record.

U = The retail price change upload record has not been processed.

E = The retail price change upload record contains errors. You can correct the errors at the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Effective date

The date the retail price change becomes valid.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


The UPC code defined for the item or SKU. A UPC code is defined for the retail price change upload record if the record is using the UP key type to determine the item/SKU; see Determining the CWDirect Item/SKU.

You can define a UPC code for an item or SKU at the Work with UPC Codes Screen.

Numeric, 14 positions; optional.

L/S dept

The long SKU department code defined for the item. A long SKU department code is defined for the retail price change upload record if the record is using the LS key type to determine the item/SKU; see Determining the CWDirect Item/SKU.

Long SKU department codes are defined in and validated against the Long SKU Department file; see Working with Long SKU Departments (WLSD).

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.

L/S class

The long SKU class code or retail class code defined for the item. A long SKU class code is defined for the retail price change upload record if the record is using the LS key type to determine the item/SKU; see Determining the CWDirect Item/SKU.

Note: If the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, long SKU class codes are defined in and validated against the Retail Class file instead of the Long SKU Class file.

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.

L/S style

The long SKU style code defined for the item. A long SKU style code is defined for the retail price change upload record if the record is using the LS key type to determine the item/SKU; see Determining the CWDirect Item/SKU.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.

Retail price

The retail price that becomes effective on the date defined in the Effective date field.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Screen Option


Create a retail price change upload record

Press F6 to advance to the Create Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Change a retail price change upload record

Enter 2 next to a retail price change upload record to advance to the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Delete a retail price change upload record

Enter 4 next to a retail price change upload record to delete it.

Review a retail price change upload record

Enter 5 next to a retail price change upload record to advance to the Display Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Submit the retail price change edit/update program to process the retail price change upload records

Press F9 to submit the retail price change edit/update program (RPCUPLOAD job); see Retail Price Change Upload Process.

A message displays if you try to submit the retail price change edit/update program and the Use Retail Price Change Processing (H29) system control value is set to N:


SCV H29 (Use Retail Price Change Processing) must be set to ‘Y’.


A message displays if you try to submit the retail price change edit/update program and retail price change upload records do not exist:


RI Price Change Upload file is empty.


A message displays if you try to submit the retail price change edit/update program and a user is currently in this menu option or the retail price change edit/update program has already been submitted:


Multiple users are currently accessing the Retail Price Change Upload function. The Upload Process cannot be submitted.

Create Retail Price Change Upload Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a retail price change upload record. When you create a retail price change upload at this screen, the system places the record in a U (unprocessed) status.

You can also create retail price change upload records by:

• transferring records from another system into the RI Price Change Upload file.

• receiving XML messages through the RETAIL PRICE CHANGE UPLOAD ASYNC.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

INR2004 ENTER Create Retail Price Change Upload 11/07/00 13:53:52


Key Type . . . . . .

Item . . . . . . . .

SKU . . . . . . . .

SKU Element 1 . . . SKU Element 2: SKU Element 3:

UPC Code . . . . . .

L/S Department . . .

L/S Class . . . . .

L/S Style . . . . .

L/S Vendor . . . . .

L/S Color . . . . .

L/S Size . . . . . .

L/S Width . . . . .

Retail Style # . . .

Effective Date . . .

Percentage Off . . .

Dollars Off . . . .

Retail Price . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Key type

A code indicating the fields on the retail price change upload record that identify the item and SKU; see Determining the CWDirect Item/SKU.

Valid values are:

IT = The Item and SKU fields identify the item and SKU associated with the retail price change upload record. If you define IT as the key type, the Item field is required. If the item contains SKUs and you do not enter a SKU, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item. A message displays if you do not enter a code in the Item field and the key type for the retail price change upload record is IT:


A minimum of the identifier fields must be entered in order for the record to be created. An item is required.


LS = The long SKU fields identify the item and SKU associated with the retail price change upload record. If you define LS as the key type, the L/S department, L/S class, and L/S style fields are required and the L/S vendor, L/S color, L/S size, and L/S width fields are optional. A message displays if you do not enter a code in the L/S department, L/S class, and L/S style fields and the key type for the retail price change upload record is LS:


A minimum of the identifier fields must be entered in order for the record to be created. L/S Keys are not entered.


RS = The Retail style number field identifies the item associated with the retail price change upload record. If you define RS as the key type, the Retail style number field is required. A message displays if you do not enter a code in the Retail style number field and the key type for the retail price change upload record is RS:


A minimum of the identifier fields must be entered in order for the record to be created. RI Retail Style number is blank.


UP = The UPC code field identifies the item and SKU associated with the retail price change upload record. If you define UP as the key type, the UPC code field is required. A message displays if you do not enter a code in the UPC code field and the key type for the retail price change upload record is UP:


A minimum of the identifier fields must be entered in order for the record to be created. The UPC Code is blank.


Alphanumeric, 2 positions; required.


The code for the item associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter an item code if the key type is IT.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required if the key type is IT.


The SKU for the item associated with the retail price change upload if you are using a full-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU code if the key type is IT and you only want to apply the retail price change upload to a specific SKU of the item. If you leave the SKU blank, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU file.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

SKU element 1

The SKU element 1 code for the item associated with the retail price change upload if you are using a split-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU element 1 code if the key type is IT and you only want to apply the retail price change upload to specific SKUs of the item, containing this value in SKU element 1. If you leave the SKU element 1 code blank, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item.

SKU element 1 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 1 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

SKU element 2

The SKU element 2 code for the item associated with the retail price change upload if you are using a split-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU element 2 code if the key type is IT and you only want to apply the retail price change upload to specific SKUs of the item, containing this value in SKU element 2. If you leave the SKU element 2 code blank, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item.

SKU element 2 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 2 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

SKU element 3

The SKU element 3 code for the item associated with the retail price change upload if you are using a split-SKU environment.

Enter a SKU element 3 code if the key type is IT and you only want to apply the retail price change upload to specific SKUs of the item, containing this value in SKU element 3. If you leave the SKU element 3 code blank, the system creates a retail price change upload for each SKU defined for the item.

SKU element 3 codes are defined in and validated against the SKU Element 3 file; see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

UPC code

The UPC code defined for the item or SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a UPC code if the key type is UP.

You can define a UPC code for an item at the Work with UPC Codes Screen.

UPC codes are defined in and validated against the UPC Code file.

Numeric, 14 positions; required if the key type is UP.

L/S department

A code for the long SKU department defined for the item associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU department code if the key type is LS.

A message displays if you enter a long SKU department and do not enter a long SKU class, and long SKU style:


Long SKU Class is required when Long SKU Dept and Long SKU Style are entered.


Long SKU department codes are defined in and validated against the Long SKU Department file; see Working with Long SKU Departments (WLSD).

Numeric, 4 positions; required if the key type is LS.

L/S class

A code for the long SKU class defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU class if the key type is LS.

A message displays if you enter a long SKU class and do not enter a long SKU department, and long SKU style:


Long SKU Dept is required when Long SKU Class and Long SKU Style are entered.


Note: If the Use Retail Integration (H26) system control value is set to Y, long SKU class codes are defined in and validated against the Retail Class file instead of the Long SKU Class file.

Numeric, 4 positions; required if the key type is LS.

L/S style

A code for the long SKU style defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU style if the key type is LS.

A message displays if you enter a long SKU style and do not enter a long SKU department and long SKU class:


Long SKU Style is required when Long SKU Dept and Long SKU Class are entered.


Alphanumeric, 5 positions; required if the key type is LS.

L/S vendor

A code for the long SKU vendor defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU vendor if the key type is LS.

A message displays if you enter a long SKU vendor and the Long SKU department, Long SKU class, and Long SKU style fields are blank:


Long SKU Dept, Class and Style are required to be entered.


Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.

L/S color

A code for the long SKU color defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU vendor if the key type is LS.

A message displays if you enter a long SKU color and the Long SKU department, Long SKU class, and Long SKU style fields are blank:


Long SKU Dept, Class and Style are required to be entered.


Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

L/S size

A code for the long SKU size defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU vendor if the key type is LS.

A message displays if you enter a long SKU size and the Long SKU department, Long SKU class, and Long SKU style fields are blank:


Long SKU Dept, Class and Style are required to be entered.


Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

L/S width

A code for the long SKU width defined for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a long SKU vendor if the key type is LS.

A message displays if you enter a long SKU width and the Long SKU department, Long SKU class, and Long SKU style fields are blank:


Long SKU Dept, Class and Style are required to be entered.


Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Retail style #

The retail style number defined for the item associated with the retail price change upload.

Enter a retail style number if the key type is RS.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; required if the key type is RS.

Effective date

The date the retail price change becomes valid.

A message displays if the effective date is not equal to or greater than the current date:


Invalid Date. Date must be equal to or greater than today’s date.


Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Percentage off

The percentage that should be subtracted from the most recent retail price to calculate the new retail price that is uploaded to CWDirect.

In order to create a retail price change upload, you must define the new retail price by entering one of the following:

• the percentage to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Percentage off field

• the dollars to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Dollars off field

• the new retail price in the Retail price field


A message displays if you do not enter a percentage off, dollars off, or retail price:


Percentage Off, Dollars Off or Retail Price must be entered.


A message displays if you enter a percentage off, dollars off, and/or retail price:


If percent off is entered, dollar off and/or retail price must not be entered.


Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if the Dollars off and Retail price fields are blank.

Dollars off

The dollars that should be subtracted from the most recent retail price to calculate the new retail price that is uploaded to CWDirect.

In order to create a retail price change upload, you must define the new retail price by entering one of the following:

• the percentage to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Percentage off field

• the dollars to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Dollars off field

• the new retail price in the Retail price field


A message displays if you do not enter a percentage off, dollars off, or retail price:


Percentage Off, Dollars Off or Retail Price must be entered.


A message displays if you enter a percentage off, dollars off, and/or retail price:


If dollar off is entered, percent off and/or retail price must not be entered.


Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if the Percentage off and Retail price fields are blank.

Retail price

The new retail price change to take effect on the date defined in the Effective date field.

In order to create a retail price change upload, you must define the new retail price by entering one of the following:

• the percentage to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Percentage off field

• the dollars to subtract from the most recent retail price in the Dollars off field

• the new retail price in the Retail price field


A message displays if you do not enter a percentage off, dollars off, or retail price:


Percentage Off, Dollars Off or Retail Price must be entered.


A message displays if you enter a percentage off, dollars off, and/or retail price:


If retail price is entered, percent off and/or dollar off must not be entered.


Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; requited if the Percentage off and Dollars off fields are blank.


The status of the retail price change upload record.

U = The retail price change upload record has not been processed.

E = The retail price change upload record contains errors. You can correct the errors at the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

This field only displays on the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Creation source

The name of the program that created the retail price change upload record.

The system updates this field with INR2004 if you created the retail price change upload record at the Create Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

This field only displays on the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Maintenance source

The name of the program that maintained the retail price change upload record.

The system updates this field with INR2002 if you maintained the retail price change upload record at the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen or Change Retail Price Change Screen.

This field only displays on the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Creation user

The user ID of the user who created the retail price change upload record.

The system updates this field with the user ID of the person who created the retail price change upload record at the Create Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

This field only displays on the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Maintenance user

The user ID of the last person who maintained the retail price change upload record.

The system updates this field if you maintained the retail price change upload record at the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen or Change Retail Price Change Screen.

This field only displays on the Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Change Retail Price Change Upload Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a retail price change upload record at the Work with Retail Price Change Upload Screen to advance to the Change Retail Price Change Upload screen. At this screen you can change all fields except the Status, Creation source, Maintenance source, Creation user, and Maintenance user. When you maintain a retail price change upload the system places the record in a U (unprocessed) status so that the record will process through the Retail Price Change Upload Process. See Create Retail Price Change Upload Screen for field descriptions.

Display Retail Price Change Upload Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a retail price change upload record at the Work with Retail Price Change Upload Screen to advance to the Display Retail Price Change Upload screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See Create Retail Price Change Upload Screen for field descriptions.

ME13_06 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN