Reviewing Retail Price Change History

Purpose: Retail price change history tracks price changes of merchandise at the retail store and price differences between the selling price of an item and the most recent retail price at the time the item was sold or returned.

You can upload retail price changes into CWDirect using the Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU) menu option and the Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC) menu option. When you upload retail price changes, the system updates the RI Price Change History Detail file and the RI Price Change History Summary file for the item/SKU associated with the retail price change.

Note: In order to perform retail price change processing, the Use Retail Price Change Processing (H29) system control value must be set to Y.

In this topic:

When Does the System Update Retail Price Change History?


Retail Price Change History Example

Retail Price Change History Summary Screen

Retail Price Change History Screen

Retail Price Change Adjustment Window

Display Retail Price Change History Detail Screen

Retail Price Change Adjustment History Screen

For more information:

Retail Integration (External System into CWDirect) Overview and Setup

• retail price change upload: Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU)

• retail price change: Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC)

When Does the System Update Retail Price Change History?

Markup units and dollars: The system updates these fields if the new retail price is higher than the most recent retail price.

Markdown units and dollars: The system updates these fields if the new retail price is lower than the most recent retail price.

Point of sale units and dollars: The system updates these fields if the retail price for an item/SKU is different from the selling price or return price of the item/SKU and the Allow Retail Price Change Updates on Open Lines (H30) system control value is set to Y.

Employee discount units and dollars: The system updates these fields if the retail price for an item/SKU is different from the selling price or return price of the item/SKU on employee orders and the Allow Retail Price Change Updates on Open Lines (H30) system control value is set to Y.

Adjustment units and dollars: The system updates these fields if you manually adjust the units and/or dollars associated with a retail price change.

This table shows the fields that the system may update in the RI Price Change History Detail file and the RI Price Change History Summary file when you perform a specific function in CWDirect.

When you...

these fields may update...

create an item/SKU if the Use Retail Price Change Processing (H29) system control value is set to Y

RI Price Change History Detail file



Effective date

Orig rtl price

Retail price

upload a new retail price change record from the Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC) menu option

RI Price Change History Detail file



Effective date

Retail price

Markup units

Markup dollars

Markdown units

Markdown dollars

Orig rtl price

On hand

Inv $

RI Price Change History Summary file

Period-to-date markup units

Life-to-date markup units

Period-to-date markup dollars

Life-to-date markup dollars


Period-to-date markdown units

Life-to-date markdown units

Period-to-date markdown dollars

Life-to-date markdown dollars

ship and confirm an order containing an item/SKU whose selling price is different from the most recent retail price

RI Price Change History Detail file

POS units

POS dollars

RI Price Change History Summary file

Period-to-date POS units

Life-to-date POS units

Period-to-date POS dollars

Life-to-date POS dollars

ship and confirm an employee order containing an item/SKU whose selling price is different from the most recent retail price

RI Price Change History Detail file

Emp disc units

Emp disc dollars

RI Price Change History Summary file

Period-to-date employee discount units

Life-to-date employee discount units

Period-to-date employee discount dollars

Life-to-date employee discount dollars

return an item/SKU whose return price is different from the most recent retail price

RI Price Change History Detail file

POS units

POS dollars

RI Price Change History Summary file

Period-to-date POS units

Life-to-date POS units

Period-to-date POS dollars

Life-to-date POS dollars

return an item/SKU on an employee order whose return price is different from the most recent retail price

RI Price Change History Detail file

Emp disc units

Emp disc dollars

RI Price Change History Summary file

Period-to-date employee discount units

Life-to-date employee discount units

Period-to-date employee discount dollars

Life-to-date employee discount dollars

manually adjust the units and/or dollars associated with a retail price change at the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window

RI Price Change History Detail file

Adjust units

Adjust dollars

RI Price Change History Summary file

Period-to-date adjustment units

Life-to-date adjustment units

Period-to-date adjustment dollars

Life-to-date adjustment dollars

RI Price Change Adjustment file


Adj units

Adj dollars

Adjustment units old

Adjustment units new

Adjustment dollars old

Adjustment dollars new


The BILLING ASYNC updates the point of sale units, point of sale dollars, employee discount units, and employee discount dollars fields in the RI Price Change History Detail file and the RI Price Change History Summary file if the Use Retail Price Change Processing (H29) system control value is set to Y.

The system:

• compares the selling price of the item/SKU to the current RI Price Change History Detail record defined for the item/SKU.

• if the prices are the same, the system does not update the RI Price Change History Detail file and the RI Price Change History Summary file.

• if the prices are different, the system calculates the difference by subtracting the current retail price from the selling price.


selling price - retail price = difference in price


• The system updates the current RI Price Change History Detail record and RI Price Change History Summary record for the item/SKU with the resulting difference in price.

• if the Employee discount field for the source code on the order header is set to N, the system updates the point of sale dollars with the difference in price and updates the point of sale units with the number of units sold at the price different from the retail price.

• if the Employee discount field for the source code on the order header is set to Y, the system updates the employee discount dollars with the difference in price and updates the employee discount units with the number of units sold at the price different from the retail price.

Returns: The system performs the same updates when you process a return for an item/SKU whose price is different from the most recent retail price.

“Do not affect” inventory transactions: The system performs the same updates when you process a transaction that does not affect inventory.

Issue and customer return transactions: Issue and customer return transactions use the most recent retail price at the time the item was shipped or returned instead of the selling price charged on the order. You can review the price posted to an issue or customer return in the Inventory Transaction History file. The system posts the difference between the retail price and the selling price to the point of sale units and point of sale dollars or employee discount units and employee discount dollars in the RI Price Change History Detail file and RI Price Change History Summary file.

Retail Price Change History Example

Here is an example of how the system updates retail price change history.

1. On 12/20/00 you create item ABC in CWDirect with an original retail price of 10.00. After you create the item you receive 10 units into an allocatable warehouse.

RI Price Change History Detail file



Effective date


Original retail price


Retail price


Date created


2. On 12/21/00 you sell 1 unit for 12.00 on order # 2345 and ship and confirm the order.

RI Price Change History Detail file

RI Price Change History Summary file





Point of sale units


Point of sale units


Point of sale dollars


Point of sale dollars


3. On 12/22/00 you sell 1 unit for the most recent retail price (10.00) on order # 2346. The item has not been shipped or confirmed. The system does not update the RI Price Change History Detail file or RI Price Change History Summary file.

4. On 12/23/00 you upload a new retail price change for item ABC. The new retail price is 8.00. The Allow Retail Price Change Updates on Open Lines (H30) system control value is set to Y.

RI Price Change History Detail file (new record)

RI Price Change History Summary file





Effective date


Markdown units


Retail price


Markdown dollars


On hand




Inventory dollars




Date created




Markdown units




Markdown dollars




The system also updates item ABC on order # 2346 from the most recent retail price (10.00) to the new retail price (8.00).

5. On 12/24/00 you perform a return against item ABC on order # 2345 for 12.00.

RI Price Change History Detail file

RI Price Change History Summary file





Point of sale units


Markdown units


Point of sale dollars


Markdown dollars




Point of sale units




Point of sale dollars


6. On 12/25/00 you ship and confirm item ABC that sold at the most recent retail price (8.00). The system does not update the RI Price Change History Detail file or the RI Price Change History Summary file.

Retail Price Change History Summary Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the history of retail price changes for a specific item/SKU. At this screen you can review the period-to-date and life-to-date:

• markup units

• markup dollars

• point-of-sale units

• point-of-sale dollars

• employee discount units

• employee discount dollars

• adjustment units

• adjustment dollars

Closing a retail price change period: You can run the Retail Price Change Period Close RETCLS periodic function (program name PFR0067) to close the current retail price change period and start a new period. You would typically run this periodic function after you have downloaded the current retail price change period information to another system.

When you run this periodic function, the system clears the values defined for the following fields so that you can start accumulating new information.

• period to date markup units

• period to date markup dollars

• period to date markdown units

• period to date markdown dollars

• period to date point of sale units

• period to date point of sale dollars

• period to date employee discount units

• period to date employee discount dollars


Note: You should end all Asyncs and complete all inventory updates before running this periodic function.

A message displays when you try to advance to this screen from the item level and the item contains SKUs:


Must view history at SKU level.


How to display this screen: Enter 31next to an item at the Work with Items Screen or Work with SKUs Screen.

Note: You cannot display this screen if there is no retail price history for an item, or if the Use Retail Price Change Processing (H29) system control value is set to N.

INR2021 DISPLAY Retail Price Change History Summary 12/01/00 9:48:56




Period-To-Date Life-To-Date

Markup Units . . . . . . : 118 118

Markup Dollars . . . : 2700.00 2700.00

Markdown Units . . . . . : 43 43

Markdown Dollars . . : 1660.00 1660.00

POS Units . . . . . . . : 2 2

POS Dollars . . . . . : 95.00 95.00

EMP Disc Units . . . . . : 1 1

EMP Disc Dollars . . : 24.00 24.00

Adjustment Units . . . . : 10 10

Adjustment Dollars . : 25.00 25.00

F3=Exit F8=Details F12=Cancel




The code and description for the item whose retail price change history you are reviewing.

Item code: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Item description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The code and description for the SKU of the item whose retail price change history you are reviewing.

SKU code: Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

SKU description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Period-to-date markup units

The markup units for this item/SKU to date for the current period, based on the retail price change history detail records for this item/SKU.

The Retail Price Change Update Process updates this field when the new retail price change is a higher price than the last retail price change.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Life-to-date markup units

The markup units for this item/SKU to date for the life of the item/SKU, based on the retail price change history detail records for this item/SKU.

The Retail Price Change Update Process updates this field when the new retail price change is a higher price than the last retail price change.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Period-to-date markup dollars

The markup dollars for this item/SKU to date for the current period, based on the retail price change history detail records.

The system uses this calculation during the Retail Price Change Update Process to determine if the new retail price is a markup or a markdown:


(on hand x new retail price) - (on hand x most recent retail price) = markup or markdown dollars


• If the value is a negative number, the system updates the Markdown dollars field and updates the Markdown units with the on hand quantity at the time the retail price change is processed.

• If the value is a positive number, the system updates the Markup dollars field and updates the Markup units with the on hand quantity at the time the retail price change is processed.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Life-to-date markup dollars

The markup dollars for this item/SKU to date for the life of the item/SKU, based on the retail price change history detail records.

The system uses this calculation during the Retail Price Change Update Process to determine if the new retail price is a markup or a markdown:


(on hand x new retail price) - (on hand x most recent retail price) = markup or markdown dollars


• If the value is a negative number, the system updates the Markdown dollars field and updates the Markdown units with the on hand quantity at the time the retail price change is processed.

• If the value is a positive number, the system updates the Markup dollars field and updates the Markup units with the on hand quantity at the time the retail price change is processed.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Period-to-date markdown units

The markdown units for this item/SKU to date for the current period, based on the retail price change history detail records.

The Retail Price Change Update Process updates this field when the new retail price change is a lower price than the last retail price change.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Life-to-date markdown units

The markdown units for this item/SKU to date for the life of the item/SKU, based on the retail price change history detail records.

The Retail Price Change Update Process updates this field when the new retail price change is a lower price than the last retail price change.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Period-to-date markdown dollars

The markdown dollars for this item/SKU to date for the current period, based on the retail price change history detail records.

The system uses this calculation during the Retail Price Change Update Process to determine if the new retail price is a markup or a markdown:


(on hand x new retail price) - (on hand x most recent retail price) = markup or markdown dollars


• If the value is a negative number, the system updates the Markdown dollars field and updates the Markdown units with the on hand quantity at the time the retail price change is processed.

• If the value is a positive number, the system updates the Markup dollars field and updates the Markup units with the on hand quantity at the time the retail price change is processed.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Life-to-date markdown dollars

The markdown dollars for this item/SKU to date for the life of the item/SKU, based on the retail price change history detail records.

The system uses this calculation during the Retail Price Change Update Process to determine if the new retail price is a markup or a markdown:


(on hand x new retail price) - (on hand x most recent retail price) = markup or markdown dollars


• If the value is a negative number, the system updates the Markdown dollars field and updates the Markdown units with the on hand quantity at the time the retail price change is processed.

• If the value is a positive number, the system updates the Markup dollars field and updates the Markup units with the on hand quantity at the time the retail price change is processed.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Period-to-date POS units

The point-of-sale units for the item/SKU to date for the current period.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed or the item/SKU is returned.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the most recent retail price.

• the order is not an employee order.


Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Life-to-date POS units

The point-of-sale units for the item/SKU to date for the life of the item/SKU.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed or the item/SKU is returned.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the most recent retail price.

• the order is not an employee order.


Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Period-to-date POS dollars

The point-of-sale dollars for the item/SKU to date for the current period.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed or the item/SKU is returned.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the most recent retail price.

• the order is not an employee order.


Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Life-to-date POS dollars

The point-of-sale dollars for the item/SKU to date for the life of the item/SKU.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed or the item/SKU is returned.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the most recent retail price.

• the order is not an employee order.


Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Period-to-date employee discount units

The units of the item/SKU associated with employee discount orders to date for the current period.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed or the item/SKU is returned.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the most recent retail price.

• the order is an employee order.


Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Life-to-date employee discount units

The units of the item/SKU associated with employee discount orders to date for the life of the item/SKU.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed or the item/SKU is returned.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the most recent retail price.

• the order is an employee order.


Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Period-to-date employee discount dollars

The dollars of the item/SKU associated with employee discount orders to date for the current period.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed or the item/SKU is returned.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the most recent retail price.

• the order is an employee order.


Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Life-to-date employee discount dollars

The dollars of the item/SKU associated with employee discount orders to date for the life of the item/SKU.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed or the item/SKU is returned.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the most recent retail price.

• the order is an employee order.


Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Period-to-date adjustment units

The units of the item/SKU adjusted to date for the current period.

The system updates this field when a user manually adjusts the units defined for a retail price change history detail record at the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Life-to-date adjustment units

The units of the item/SKU adjusted to date for the life of the item/SKU.

The system updates this field when a user manually adjusts the units defined for a retail price change history detail record at the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Period-to-date adjustment dollars

The dollars of the item/SKU adjusted to date for the current period.

The system updates this field when a user manually adjusts the units defined for a retail price change history detail record at the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Life-to-date adjustment dollars

The dollars of the item/SKU adjusted to date for the life of the item/SKU.

The system updates this field when a user manually adjusts the units defined for a retail price change history detail record at the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Review retail price change history details

Press F8 to advance to the Retail Price Change History Screen.

Retail Price Change History Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review retail price change history details. The system creates a new retail price change history record:

• when you first create the item/SKU. This way the system can update the point of sale units, point of sale dollars, employee discount units, employee discount dollars, adjustment units, and adjustment dollars before you ever receive a retail price change upload.

• each time you upload a new retail price change using the Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC) menu option. You can review the retail price of the item/SKU based on the date the retail price was uploaded and the effective date.


Note: The system does not create a retail price change history detail record when you create an item or SKU price change in CWDirect. If you create an item or SKU price change in CWDirect, the system assumes the price change is for a single offer and is an exception to the retail price.

How to display this screen: Press F8 at the Retail Price Change History Summary Screen.

INR2023 DISPLAY Retail Price Change History (LIFO) 12/01/00 9:53:01



Op Date Effective Orig Retail On Hand Inventory

Date Rtl Prc Price Dollars

Type options, press Enter.

2=Adjust 5=Display 8=Dsp Adj Hist

11/30/00 11/30/00 30.00 60.00 20 1200.00

11/30/00 11/30/00 30.00 120.00 20 2400.00

11/30/00 11/30/00 30.00 80.00 23 1840.00

11/30/00 11/30/00 30.00 100.00 23 2300.00

11/30/00 11/30/00 30.00 50.00 25 1250.00

11/30/00 11/30/00 25.00 30.00 25 750.00

11/29/00 11/29/00 20.00 25.00 25 625.00

11/29/00 11/29/00 15.00 20.00 0 .00 +

F3=Exit F7=View by FIFO F12=Cancel F21=List




The code and description for the item and SKU whose retail price change history you are reviewing.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU: Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.


The date the retail price change was uploaded into CWDirect.

You can upload retail price changes into CWDirect by submitting the Retail Price Change Upload Process; see Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU).

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Effective date

The date the retail price becomes effective.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Orig rtl prc (Original retail price)

The original price of this item/SKU in the retail store. You can use the original price as a comparison against the new retail price.

When you first create the item/SKU, the system defaults the price defined in the Original retail price field for the item/SKU to this field. If the Original retail price field is blank, this field remains blank until you upload a retail price change from your retail store.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Retail price

The retail price change for this item/SKU. The system uses the most recent retail price change based on effective date as the selling price for the item/SKU.

Original Retail Price

When you first create the item/SKU, the system defaults the price defined in the Original retail price field for the item/SKU to this field. If the Original retail price field is blank, this field defaults to zero until you upload a retail price change from your retail store.

If a retail price change upload record has not been received for the item/SKU and you create an order line for the item/SKU, the system uses the retail price defined for the first retail price change record to determine if a difference exists between the selling price and the retail price. If a difference exits, the system posts the difference to the point of sale dollars and units or the employee discount dollars and units.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

On hand

The on hand quantity for this item/SKU at the time the retail price change was created.

The system sums the on hand quantity, including the protected quantity, across all warehouses whose Value inventory at retail field is set to Y.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Inventory dollars

The dollar amount for this item/SKU at the time the retail price change was created.

The system uses this calculation to determine the inventory dollars associated with a retail price change:


On hand quantity x retail price = inventory dollars


Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Screen Option


View retail price change history detail records in LIFO or FIFO sequence

Press F7 to toggle between viewing the records in LIFO (last in, first out) or FIFO (first in, first out) sequence.

Adjust the units and/or dollars associated with a retail price change history detail record

Enter 2 next to a retail price change history detail to advance to the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window.

Review a retail price change history detail record

Enter 5 next to a retail price change history detail to advance to the Display Retail Price Change History Detail Screen.

Review retail price change adjustment history

Enter 8 next to a retail price change history detail to advance to the Retail Price Change Adjustment History Screen.

Retail Price Change Adjustment Window

Purpose: Use this window to change the units and/or dollars associated with a retail price change history detail record.

You can enter a negative or positive adjustment to the retail price change units and/or retail price change dollars. When you create a retail price change adjustment, the system creates a record in the RI Price Change Adjustment file. You can review a history of the adjustments made to a retail price change at the Retail Price Change Adjustment History Screen.

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to a retail price change history detail record at the Retail Price Change History Screen or press F8 at the Display Retail Price Change History Detail Screen.

Retail Price Change Adjustment

Adj Units Adj Dollars .00

F3=Exit F12=Cancel Enter=Process



Adj units

The adjusted units you wish to define for the retail price change history detail record. You can enter a negative or positive adjustment in this field.

Numeric, 9 positions; required if you do not enter adjusted dollars.

Adj dollars

The adjusted dollars you wish to define for the retail price change history detail record. You can enter a negative or positive adjustment in this field.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; required if you do not enter adjusted units.

Display Retail Price Change History Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review a retail price change history detail record. You cannot change any information at this screen.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to a retail price change history detail at the Retail Price Change History Screen.

INR2025 DISPLAY Display Retail Price Change History Dtl 12/01/00 10:15:59




Effective Date . : 11/30/00 Date : 11/30/00

Orig Rtl Price . : 30.00 Time : 11:07:38

Retail Price . . : 60.00

On Hand . . . . : 20

Inv $ . . . . : 1200.00

Units Dollars

Markup. . . . . . . 0 .00

Markdown. . . . . . 20 1200.00

POS . . . . . . . . 1 20.00-

EMP Disc. . . . . . 1 24.00

Adjust. . . . . . . 10 25.00

F3=Exit F8=Adjust F10=Dsp Adj Hist F12=Cancel F21=List




The code and description for the item whose retail price change history details you are reviewing.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The code and description for the SKU whose retail price change history details you are reviewing.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Effective date

The date this retail price change becomes effective.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


The date the retail price change was uploaded into CWDirect.

You can upload retail price changes into CWDirect by submitting the Retail Price Change Upload Process; see Working with Retail Price Change Upload (WRPU).

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Orig rtl price

The original price of this item/SKU in the retail store. You can use the original price as a comparison against the new retail price.

When you first create the item/SKU, the system defaults the price defined in the Original retail price field for the item/SKU to this field. If the Original retail price field is blank, this field remains blank until you upload a retail price change from your retail store.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.


The time the retail price change was uploaded into CWDirect.

Numeric, 6 positions (HHMMSS format); display-only.

Retail price

The retail price change for this item/SKU. The system uses the most recent retail price change based on effective date as the selling price for this item/SKU.

When you first create the item/SKU, the system defaults the price defined in the Original retail price field for the item/SKU to this field. If the Original retail price field is blank, this field remains blank until you upload a retail price change from your retail store.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

On hand

The on hand quantity for this item/SKU across all allocatable warehouses at the time the retail price change was created.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Inv $

The dollar amount for this item/SKU at the time the retail price change was created.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Markup units

The markup units for this item/SKU; this is the on hand quantity across all allocatable warehouses at the time the retail price change was created.

The Retail Price Change Update Process updates this field when the new retail price change is a higher price than the last retail price change.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Markup dollars

The markup dollars for this item/SKU.

The Retail Price Change Update Process updates this field when the new retail price change is a higher price than the last retail price change.

The system uses this calculation to determine the markup dollars:


on hand x (difference of previous retail price and new retail price) = markup dollars


Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Markdown units

The markdown units for this item/SKU; this is the on hand quantity across all allocatable warehouses at the time the retail price change was created.

The Retail Price Change Update Process updates this field when the new retail price change is a lower price than the last retail price change.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Markdown dollars

The markdown dollars for this item/SKU.

The Retail Price Change Update Process updates this field when the new retail price change is a lower price than the last retail price change.

The system uses this calculation to determine the markdown dollars:


on hand x (difference of previous retail price and new retail price) = markdown dollars


Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

POS units

The point of sale units for this item/SKU.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when the following criteria are met:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the current retail price change.

• the order is not an employee order.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

POS dollars

The point of sale dollars for this item/SKU.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when the following criteria are met:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the current retail price change.

• the order is not an employee order.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Emp disc units

The employee discount units for this item/SKU.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when the following criteria are met:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the current retail price change.

• the order is an employee order.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Emp disc dollars

The employee discount dollars for this item/SKU.

The BILLING ASYNC updates this field when the following criteria are met:

• a shipment containing this item/SKU is confirmed.

• the selling price defined for the item/SKU is different than the current retail price change.

• the order is an employee order.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Adjust units

The adjusted units for this item/SKU.

The system updates this field when a user manually adjusts the units defined for a retail price change history detail record at the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Adjust dollars

The adjusted dollars for this item/SKU.

The system updates this field when a user manually adjusts the dollars defined for a retail price change history detail record at the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Screen Option


Adjust the units or dollars defined for the retail price change history detail record

Press F8 to advance to the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window.

Review retail price change adjustment history

Press F10 to advance to the Retail Price Change Adjustment History Screen.

Retail Price Change Adjustment History Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review a history of the adjustments made to the retail price change. You can adjust the units and/or dollars associated with a retail price change at the Retail Price Change Adjustment Window.

You can review the User field in the RI Price Change Adjustment file to determine the user ID of the person who created the retail price change adjustment.

How to display this screen: Enter 8 next to a retail price change at the Retail Price Change History Screen or press F10 at the Display Retail Price Change History Detail Screen.

INR2033 DISPLAY Retail Price Change Adjustment History 12/01/00 10:33:46




Date Adj Adj Adjustment Units Adjustment Dollars

Units Dollars Old New Old New

12/01/00 10 25.00 0 10 0.00 25.00

12/01/00 40 36.00 10 50 25.00 61.00

12/01/00 75 125.00 50 125 61.00 186.00

12/01/00 46 500.00 125 171 186.00 686.00

12/01/00 11 30.00 171 182 686.00 716.00

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=List




The code and description for the item whose retail price change adjustment history you are reviewing.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The code and description for the SKU whose retail price change adjustment history you are reviewing.

Alphanumeric, one 14 position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.


The date the retail price change adjustment was created.

Note: You can enter multiple adjustments for a retail price change for the same date. If you wish to see when each adjustment was made for a specific date, you can review the Time field in the RI Price Change Adjustment file.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Adj units

The adjusted units for this retail price change.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Adj dollars

The adjusted dollars for this retail price change.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Adjustment units old

The total adjustment units life to date for this retail price change before the adjustment is processed.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Adjustment units new

The total adjustment units life to date for this retail price change after the adjustment is processed.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Adjustment dollars old

The total adjustment dollars life to date for this retail price change before the adjustment is processed.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Adjustment dollars new

The total adjustment dollars life to date for this retail price change after the adjustment is processed.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

ME13_08 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN