Assigning Items/SKUs to Offers

Purpose: By assigning an item or SKU to an offer, you indicate that the item or SKU is available to be sold in a particular offer. An item or SKU can be linked to multiple offers. The information you can define for the item or SKU offer includes the page number where the item or SKU appears, information on the item depiction, whether gift wrapping or special handling are available, and the expected return percentage. You can also define pricing at this level.

Item offer vs. SKU offer: If an item has SKUs, you can create an item offer record, SKU offer records, or both. You need to establish SKU offer records only if the information differs for each SKU; however, you might choose to create SKU offer records in order to track demand for SKUs within different offers. See About Item or SKU Prices and Item or SKU Offers for a discussion.

Use Work with Item/SKU Offers to change, delete, display, or create item or SKU offers. Additionally, you can set up:

Item pricing: Special reduced prices for the item, based on the quantity ordered or the column assignment.

Page letter assignment: A catalog page and letter for an item which order entry operators can enter this code instead of the actual item code.

Alias: An alternate item code to track sales for an item depending on its placement within the same catalog.

In this topic:

About Item or SKU Prices and Item or SKU Offers

Options for Updating Item or SKU Offer or Price

Work with Item Offers Screen

Change Item Offer Screen

Display Item Offer Screen

Work with SKU Offers Screen

Change SKU Offer Screen

Display SKU Offer Screen

Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer)

Create Item Price Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer)

Change Item Price Screen

Display Item Price Screen

Work with Page Letters Screen

Create Page Letter Screen

Change Page Letter Screen

Display Page Letter Screen

Work with Alias Screen

Create Alias Screen

Change Alias Screen

Display Alias Screen

Work with Accompanying Item Screen

For more information: See Create Item Offer Screen to learn how to create an item (or SKU) offer.

About Item or SKU Prices and Item or SKU Offers

Pricing information for an item or SKU in an offer is stored in a separate subfile of the Item Offer or SKU Offer file.

Example: You might sell a shirt in offer 001 at $49.95, but sell tall sizes in that offer for $54.95. In this situation, you can set up an Item Price in offer 001 for $49.95, but a SKU Price just for selected SKU’s; setting up SKU Prices for additional SKU’s in offer 001 is optional. You might also have a shirt that sells for $19.95 in offer 002, but certain SKU’s are sold in that offer at $17.50 each for two or more. In this situation, you can have a SKU Price record for these SKUs for a quantity of 2 and a price of $17.50.

How to create Item Prices and SKU Prices: When you enter an Effective date and any prices at the Create Item Offer Screen or the Change Item Offer Screen, it creates an Item Price record for a quantity of 1 and the Effective date entered. Similarly, if you enter an Effective date and any prices at the Create SKU Offer Screen or the Change SKU Offer Screen, it creates a SKU Price record the same way. You can also create Item Price records for any quantity at the Create Item Price Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer), and SKU Price records for any quantity at the Change SKU Price screen (available from the Work with SKU Offers Screen).

Item Prices and SKU Prices are optional: You can create an Item Offer or a SKU Offer without creating a related Item Price or SKU Price. The system does not create an Item Price or a SKU Price unless you enter an Effective date and a price for an item or SKU offer. If there is no price for the item or SKU within the related offer, the system goes through its standard pricing routine to determine the price for an item on an order. See Pricing Values (B31) for more information.

For more information: See Rules for Selecting SKU-Level and Future Pricing Information for special considerations related to extracting item and SKU offers and prices to the web storefront.

Options for Updating Item or SKU Offer or Price

The following table lists the various menu options you can use to create or update Item Offers, SKU Offers, Item Prices, or SKU Prices.



Selection Criteria

Screen-based options:

Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM)

Create, update, display any information for items and SKUs, including offers and pricing

individual item, SKU, offer

Creating Item/SKU Offers (MISO)

Create item or SKU offers and single-unit pricing for items and SKUs

individual offer, most current single-unit price

Updating Item/SKU Offers (MUSO)

Create or update item or SKU offers and single-unit pricing for items and SKUs

selected offers, or twenty most current active offers, most current single-unit price

Working with Deferred SKU Offer Changes (WDSO), Deferred SKU Offer Update (MDSU), and Submitting Deferred SKU Offer Updates (MDSS)

Update selected fields in SKU offers and single-unit SKU prices

individual offer, most current single-unit price

Copying SKU Offer Information (MCSO)

Create or update item and SKU offers and single-unit item and SKU prices by copying from the records for another offer; includes the option to adjust the expected return percentage and/or projected units by a given percentage

all items and SKUs for offer, or selected item class(es), most current single-unit price

Working with Offer Overrides by Item Class (WSOI)

Update item and SKU offers and single-unit prices

individual offer and item class (but can enter override information for a selected item or SKU), most current single-unit price

Updating SKU Offer Prices (MUSK)

Create or update SKU offers (certain fields only) and single-unit or multi-unit SKU prices

selected offers, or twenty most current active offers, most current single-unit price

Maintaining Item/SKU/Offer (CPIM)

Update certain fields in item offer and single-unit item price (non-SKU’d item) or SKU offer and single-unit SKU price (SKU’d item)

individual offer, most current single-unit price

Maintaining Item Offers (MIOF)

Update certain fields in item offer and single-unit item price for both SKU’d and non-SKU’d items

individual offer, most current single-unit price

Copying SKU/Offer Records (CSKO)

Create item offer by copying from another item offer

individual offer

Updating SKU Pricing, Handling Options, or Status (MUSP)

Update existing single-unit or multi-unit item or SKU price, special handling information in existing item or SKU offer, or setting of Status field in Item or SKU file

selected offers, SKU’s, and prices

Note: Only active offers are eligible for update.

Non-screen-based options:

Working with Retail Integration Item Upload (RIIU)

Create or update items and SKUs, item and SKU offers, single-unit or multi-unit item and SKU prices, and other information (vendor items, UPC codes, coordinates, and SKU cross-references)


Working with Item/SKU Offer Upload (WISU)

Create item or SKU offers, create or update single-unit item or SKU prices


Working with Retail Price Changes (WRPC)

Create or update single-unit item or SKU prices


Work with Item Offers Screen

Purpose: Item offers are merchandise presentations to your customers, such as catalogs, space advertisements, etc. Use this screen to associate an item with one or more offers. From this screen, you can create, change, delete or display item offers.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Items Screen, enter 10 beside an item.

INR0008 DISPLAY Work with Item Offers 3/29/00 13:59:20

The KL Mail Order Company


Opt Ofr Description Page Cost Sqr in G/W S/H

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Price breaks 8=Page Letter 9=Alias

10=Accompanying items 98=User Field

CAN CAN OFFER 0 .00 .00 N N

MAW MAW OFFER 2 .00 .00 N N

TAN TAN OFFER 0 .00 .00 N N

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list




This code represents a catalog or advertisement used to present merchandise to your customers.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the offer.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.


The primary page number where the item appears in the catalog.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.


The cost to include the item in the offer (not the cost of the item itself).

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Sq in (Square inch)

The number of square inches the item occupies on the catalog page.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

G/W (Gift wrap)

Indicates whether the item is eligible for gift wrapping in the offer.

Y (or blank) = the item is eligible for gift wrapping in this offer

N = the item is not eligible for gift wrapping in this offer

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

S/H (Special handling)

Indicates whether the item is eligible for special handling in the offer.

Y = the item is eligible for special handling in this offer

N = the item is not eligible for special handling in this offer

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Screen Option


Create an item offer

Press F6 to advance to the Create Item Offer Screen.

Change item offer information

Enter 2 next to an offer to advance to the Change Item Offer Screen.

Delete item offer information

Enter 4 next to an offer to delete the Item Offer record.

If there are dependent records associated with the item offer, the system displays a warning message. Deleting the item offer also deletes any dependent records in the following files:

• Item Offer User Field

• Item Price

• Page Letter Alias

Also, if the item is a non-SKUed item:

• Item/SKU/Offer

• SKU Offer

• SKU Offer Change

• SKU Offer Page

• SKU Offer Price

• SKU Offer User Field

• SKU Price

See the Work with SKU Offers Screen for more information on deleting a SKU offer for a SKUed item.

Display item offer information

Enter 5 next to an offer to advance to the Display Item Offer Screen.

Price Breaks

Enter 7 next to an offer to advance to the Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer).

Page Letter

Enter 8 next to an offer to advance to the Work with Page Letters Screen.


Enter 9 next to an offer to advance to the Work with Alias Screen.

Work with accompanying items

Enter 10 next to an offer to display the Work with Accompanying Item Screen.

Work with user defined fields

Enter 98 next to an offer to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

Change Item Offer Screen

Change an offer: Enter 2 next to the item/SKU offer at the Work with Item Offers Screen to advance to the Change Item/SKU Offer screen. At this screen you can change any information except the item code, description, and offer number. See Create Item Offer Screen for field descriptions.

Alternate currency pricing: The Price field on the Change Item Offer screen is display-only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y and a conversion rate is defined for the offer; if you want to update the item offer price you need to update the price in the Alternate currency price field. See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

If you change the effective date or pricing, the system creates an additional price break record for a quantity of 1. In this case, the system selects the most current price break for the item or SKU; the price break with the effective date closest to, but not past, the current date is used. To remove a price break record once you change any of this information for an item offer or SKU offer, enter 7 next to the item/SKU offer; see Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer).

Display Item Offer Screen

Display an offer: Enter 5 next to an offer at the Work with Item Offers Screen to advance to the Display Item/SKU Offer screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Item Offer Screen for field descriptions.

Work with SKU Offers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with SKU/offers, which define the pricing and available options, such as gift wrap and special handling, for individual SKUs within an offer. If you have defined a SKU/offer, the system uses this information in order entry. If there is no SKU/offer, the item/offer information applies. It is not necessary to create SKU/offers for SKU’d items except, optionally, to override the item/offer information.

How to display this screen: Enter 10 next to a SKU at the Work with SKUs Screen.

INR0116 DISPLAY Work with SKU Offers 3/29/00 15:10:27

EZK Mail Order



Opt Ofr Description Page Cost Sq in G/W S/H

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Price breaks 8=SKU/Offer pages

10=Accompanying items 98=User Field

2 OFFER 2 0 .00 .00 N N

99 COPY OF 1 INTO 99 0 .00 .00 N N

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list

Field descriptions: See Work with Item Offers Screen.

Screen Option


Create a SKU offer

Press F6 to advance to the Create SKU Offer Screen.

Change SKU offer information

Enter 2 next to an offer to advance to the Change SKU Offer screen. See Change Item Offer Screen.

Delete SKU offer information

Enter 4 next to an offer to delete the SKU Offer.

If there are dependent records associated with the SKU offer, the system displays a warning message. Deleting the SKU offer also deletes any dependent records in the following files:

• Item/SKU/Offer

• SKU Offer Change

• SKU Offer Page

• SKU Offer Price

• SKU Offer User Field

• SKU Price

Display SKU offer information

Enter 5 next to an offer to advance to the Display SKU Offer screen. See Display Item Offer Screen.

Price Breaks

Enter 7 next to an offer to advance to the Work with SKU Prices screen. See Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer).

Page (from Work with SKU Offer)

Enter 8 next to an offer to advance to the Work with SKU Offer Pages screen. This function is not currently implemented. You cannot assign and use aliases for particular SKUs of an item; instead, you should define an alias for the base item. See Work with Alias Screen.

Work with accompanying items

Enter 10 next to an offer to display the Work with Accompanying Item Screen.

Note: If you add an accompanying item from the Work with SKU Offers Screen, the accompanying item is added to the order only when the customer orders this specific SKU.

Work with user defined fields

Enter 98 next deselect an offer to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

Change SKU Offer Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to an offer at the Work with SKU Offers Screen to advance to the Change SKU Offer screen. At this screen, you can change anything except the item, SKU, and offer. See Create SKU Offer Screen.

Alternate currency pricing: The Price field on the Change SKU Offer screen is display-only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y and a conversion rate is defined for the offer; if you want to update the SKU offer price you need to update the price in the Alternate currency price field. See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

Display SKU Offer Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to an offer at the Work with SKU Offers Screen or Copy SKU/Offer Records Screen to advance to the Display SKU Offer screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create SKU Offer Screen.

Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer)

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete, or display price breaks for an item in an offer. The Quantity Break/Item (A87) system control value controls whether the system reprices an order by the Quantity Break by Item method in Order Entry.

This function also allows you to specify a pricing column for each price break. A customer assigned to a pricing column in the Customer file receives the price break automatically, regardless of the order quantity. You can establish separate price breaks by quantity for regular and associate customers.

Note: If you have selected “Best Way” pricing in the System Control file, the customer always receives the best available price for the item and quantity. If the best available price is a column price, the customer receives this price even if not flagged for column pricing.

Creating Item Price or SKU Price records through Item Offer or SKU Offer: You create a record in the Item Price file each time you create or change an item offer record that includes a price; similarly, you create a record in the SKU price file each time you create or change a SKU offer record with a price. Also, if you create a SKU Offer but do not specify an Effective date and Price at that time, the system automatically creates a SKU Price using the single-unit Item Price record with the latest Effective date. If the latest Item Price record has an Effective date in the future, then the SKU Price also has a future Effective date.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Offers Screen, enter 7 beside an item offer.

INR0395 DISPLAY Work with Item Prices 9/26/97 17:05:51

The KL Mail Order Company

Item . : CHL981 LAWN CHAIR

Offer . : SPG SPRING

Opt Effective Assoc Tax Inclusive

Date Qty Price Price Column Price Assoc Prc

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

6/01/97 1 10.00 9.00 0 11.00 10.00

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list

F24=Select company



Effective date

The date the price or quantity break discount becomes valid.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


The amount of an item that the customer must order to receive the discounted (quantity break) price.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The price for the item.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Associate price

The price for the item to associate customers.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.


Indicates the pricing column associated with this price.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Tax inclusive price

The price for the item on orders subject to tax-inclusive pricing and VAT. This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax-inclusive associate price

The price for the item to associate customers on orders subject to tax-inclusive pricing and VAT. This field displays only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Create item pricing

Press F6 to advance to the Change Item Price Screen.

Change item price information

Enter 2 next to an item price to advance to the Change Item Price Screen.

Delete item price information

Enter 4 next to an item price to delete it.

Display item price information

Enter 5 next to an item price to advance to the Display Item Price Screen.

Create Item Price Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer)

Purpose: At the Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer), press F6.

INR0399 ENTER Create Item Price 4/04/02 16:20:34



Offer . . . . . : JPY JAPANESE YEN OFFER

Effective date .

Qty . . . . . . .

Price . . . . . . Associate price . . . . . .

JPY price . . . .

Price column . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Effective date

The date the price or quantity break discount becomes valid. This date should be equal to or greater than the effective date of the offer. The customer receives the price when the order date is on or after this date and the appropriate quantity ordered is achieved.

If there are multiple effective dates established for the same item/offer, the system uses the price associated with the effective date closest to, but not greater than, the order date.

Example: If you establish effective dates of Feb. 20, and Mar. 31 and the customer places an order on April 1, the customer receives the price associated with the effective date of March 31.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Qty (Quantity)

The amount of an item that the customer must order to receive the discounted (quantity break) price. Applies to all SKUs for the item unless it is overridden at the SKU level. An unlimited number of quantity break levels may be defined for an item.

If you are defined as a single price record (meaning there is no minimum quantity required), use a quantity of one.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


The price for the item in this offer, if no discounts are applied, and the order date is on or after than the effective date. Multiple effective dates and prices can be established for the same item/offer.


Alternate currency pricing: If the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y, the Alt currency price (XXX price, where XXX is the currency code in the Offer file) field displays allowing you to enter the price of the item in the offer in the alternate (foreign) currency.

• If you enter the alternate price for the item, the system updates the Price field with the local price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter the local price for the item, the system updates the Alternate currency price field with the alternate price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter both an alternate price and local price for the item, the system uses the alternate price you defined and updates the Price field (local price) using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

The Price field on the Change Item Price Screen is display-only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing system control value is set to Y and a conversion rate is defined for the offer; if you want to update the item offer price you need to update the price in the Alternate currency price field.

See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Associate price

The price for the item in this offer to associate customers. Associate price is used when the Associate field on the order is set to Y and the order date is on or after the effective date.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax inclusive price

The price for the item in this offer on orders subject to VAT. When an order is subject to VAT, tax does not accumulate in the Tax bucket on the order; instead, the customer pays a tax-inclusive price for the items and VAT is included as a “hidden tax” on the order detail line.

This field appears only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax-inclusive associate price

The price for the item in this offer to associate customers on orders subject to VAT. This field appears only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Alt currency price (XXX price, where XXX is the currency code in the Offer file)

The price for the item in this offer in the alternate currency, if no discounts are applied, and the order date is equal to or greater than the effective date.

This field displays only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y and the offer is associated with a currency code, indicating the offer is in an alternate currency.

• If you enter the alternate price for the item, the system updates the Price field with the local price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter the local price for the item, the system updates the Alternate currency price field with the alternate price, using the conversion rate defined for the offer.

• If you enter both an alternate price and local price for the item, the system uses the alternate price you defined and updates the Price field (local price) using the conversion rate defined for the offer.


Decimalized currency? The system looks at the Currency file to determine if the currency uses decimals for alternate currency pricing. If the currency has Decimalized currency set to Y, the system includes decimals when converting to the currency; if the field is set to N, the system rounds to the nearest whole unit of currency. See Decimalized Currency? for conversion calculations and examples.

Note: The alternate currency price is not stored in any file in CWDirect; the system displays the alternate price based on the local price defined in the Price field in the Item Price file and the conversion rate defined for the offer.

See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Price column

The pricing column associated with the price entered. In the Customer file, you may assign a customer to a pricing column. This means that the customer is charged the column price, even if the customer does not order the number of units specified for the price break.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Change Item Price Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a price at the Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer) to advance to the Change Item Price screen. At this screen you can change the prices or price column. See Create Item Price Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer) for field descriptions.

Alternate currency pricing: The Price field on the Change Item Price screen is display-only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y and a conversion rate is defined for the offer; if you want to update the item offer price you need to update the price in the Alternate currency price field. Additionally, the Alternate currency price field displays only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing system control value is set to Y and the offer is associated with a currency code, indicating the offer is in an alternate currency. See Customer Service Using Alternate Currency Pricing for an overview and required set up.

Display Item Price Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a price at the Work with Item Prices Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer) to advance to the Display Item Price screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Item Price Screen (Quantity Price Breaks by Offer) for field descriptions.

Work with Page Letters Screen

Purpose: This screen is used to create, change, delete, or display page letter assignments for an item offer. The page letter method of identifying items is defined in the Page/Letter Entry (A72) field in the System Control file. When you use page letters, each item in the Item file must have a page letter assignment in Order Entry. Items are not identified by item numbers, but by page/letter assignments in a catalog. Page Letters are also used for offer/item analysis, such as the Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR).

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Offers Screen, enter 8 next to an item offer.

INR0194 DISPLAY Work with Page Letters 9/25/97 14:16:45

The KL Mail Order Company

Item . . : CHL981 LAWN CHAIR

Offer . . : MAW

Opt Page# Pg/Ltr Sq In Cost

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

4 4-A 2.00 44.0000

19 19-F 3.00 44.0000

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list



Page #

The page number where the item appears in the catalog.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Pg/ltr (Page letter)

The page letter code that you enter in Order Entry to order the item.

Note: In page letter entry, you enter just the letter code, not the page number. For example, if you create a page letter of 234 for an item on page 56, you enter 234 in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; optional.

Sq in (Square inch)

The number of square inches the item occupies on the catalog page.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The cost to include the item in the offer.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.


Screen Option


Create a new page letter

Press F6 to advance to the Create Page Letter Screen.

Change page letter information

Enter 2 next to a page letter to advance to the Change Page Letter Screen.

Delete page letter information

Enter 4 next to a page letter to delete it.

Display page letter information

Enter 5 next to a page letter to advance to the Display Page Letter Screen.

Create Page Letter Screen

Purpose: At the Work with Page Letters Screen, press F6.

INR0197 ENTER Create Page/Letter 4/18/97 17:04:16

Mail Order

Item . : CHL981 LAWN CHAIR

Offer . . . . . : SUG

Page# . . . . .

Pg/Ltr . . . .

Sq in . . . . .

Cost . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel





The page number where the item appears in the catalog.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Pg/Ltr (Page letter)

The letter assignment for an item in an offer. This is the code that you enter in Order Entry to add the item to the order; you do not enter the page number.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; required.

Sq in (Square inch)

The number of square inches that the item occupies on the catalog page. Used to calculate the profitability of the item on the page on the Offer Page Analysis report.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.


The cost to include the item on this page in the offer.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; required.

Change Page Letter Screen

Change a page letter: Enter 2 next to a page at the Work with Page Letters Screen to advance to the Change Page Letter screen. You can change any information except the item and offer. See Create Page Letter Screen for field descriptions.

Display Page Letter Screen

Display a page letter: Enter 5 next to a page letter at the Work with Page Letters Screen to advance to the Display Page Letter screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Page Letter Screen for field descriptions.

Work with Alias Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete or display alternate item codes for an item. You can use various aliases for an item within an offer, presenting the item on different pages in different ways. This alias assignment helps you track how different placement and presentation of an item within the catalog affects demand. The system maintains inventory information at the actual item level, not at the alias level.

Related system control values:

• If the Display Item Alias (D56) system control value is set to Y, the alias the customer selects displays in Order Entry, Order Maintenance, and Order Inquiry. If this field is set to N, the actual item code displays.

• If the Search Offers for Alias (J68) system control value is set to Y, the system searches all active offers for a matching alias when you enter an alias in the Item field in order entry. If this field is set to N, the system searches just the offer currently on the order detail line.

Alias at the base item level: If an item has SKUs, you define an alias for the base item rather than at the SKU level. Your customers can place orders for the item using the alias code, but the original SKUs. For example, a base item code is A1000, and is available in BLUE and RED, while it has aliases X2000 and Z3000. The system accepts orders for A1000, X2000 or Z3000, but requires a SKU of either BLUE or RED regardless of the item code or alias.

Downloading to web storefront: Creating or changing an item alias triggers the download of an item update when you run the ECITMCH periodic function.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Offers Screen, enter 9 beside an item offer. You can also advance to this screen by pressing F8 at the Create Item Offer Screen, the Change Item Offer Screen, or the Display Item Offer Screen.

INR0190 DISPLAY Work with Alias 6/18/97 13:59:14

The Mail Order Company


Offer . : MAW

Opt Alias Page Sq in Cost

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

MAPMN369 38 500.00 12.0000

MAP23409 3 3.00 6.0000

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list




The alternate item code for an actual item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The page of the offer where the alias appears.

Alphanumeric, 5 positions; optional.

Sq in (Square inches)

The number of square inches (not the percentage) that the item occupies on the catalog page.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The cost to include the item in the offer.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Create a new alias

Press F6 to advance to the Create Alias Screen.

Change alias information

Enter 2 next to an alias to advance to the Change Alias Screen.

Delete alias information

Enter 4 next to an alias to delete it.

Display alias information

Enter 5 next to an alias to advance to the Display Alias Screen.

Create Alias Screen

To create: At the Work with Alias Screen, press F6.

INR0193 ENTER Create Alias 6/19/97 9:57:00

Mail Order


Offer . : MAW

Alias . .

Page . .

Sq in . .

Cost . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The alternate item code for an actual item. You can create multiple aliases for an offer, but each alias must have a unique code. You can use aliases to track how demand varies for an item depending on placement and presentation within an offer.

When you enter an alias code in Order Entry, the system reserves stock and performs all other inventory transactions against the actual item code, but tracks demand for the alias. If the Display Item Alias (D56) field in the System Control file is set to Y, the alias rather than the actual item code displays in Order Entry, Order Maintenance, and Order Inquiry.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The number of the page where the alias appears in the catalog.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Sq in (Square inches)

The number of square inches the alias occupies on the catalog page. Used for reporting purposes.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The cost to include the alias on that page in the offer. Used in square inch and offer analyses, such as the Offer Page Analysis Report (OPAR), and in calculations to determine item contribution and profitability.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Change Alias Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to an alias at the Work with Alias Screen to advance to the Change Alias screen. At this screen you can change any information except the item code and offer. See Create Alias Screen for field descriptions.

Display Alias Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to an alias at the Work with Alias Screen to advance to the Display Alias screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Alias Screen for field descriptions.

Work with Accompanying Item Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, delete, or display additional items that are offered along with the original item and automatically added to the order.

Note: The Add Accompanying Items in Order Maintenance (H28) system control value controls whether accompanying items are added to orders in both order entry and order maintenance, or in order entry only.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Item Offers Screen, enter 10 beside an item offer.

INR0717 DISPLAY Work with Accompanying Item 6/18/97 14:06:53

The Mail Order Company





Req'd Acc Ord Free?

Qty Item COLR SIZE OTHR Qty Qty (Y/N)

1 PAIL 1 Y Y

F3=Exit F8=Add/Change F12=Cancel



Req’d qty (Accompanying item quantity required)

The amount of the item that must be ordered to qualify for receiving the accompanying item.

An error message displays if you try to create more than one accompanying item for the same required quantity: An accompanying item has already been defined for this quantity.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.


The accompanying item to add to the order if the customer orders the required quantity of the originating item. Validated against the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

Clr size wdth

The SKU elements that are used to further define the item. Validated against the SKU Element (1, 2, 3) files.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); required (if SKU item).

Acc qty (Accompanying item quantity)

The number of accompanying items to add to the order. You must complete this field if the Use Order Quantity field is set to N.

Numeric, 5 positions; required (if Use Order Qty = N).

Use order qty

Y = Accompanying item is ordered in the same quantity as the qualifying item.

N (or blank) = Accompanying item is not ordered in the same quantity as the qualifying item. The Acc qty field must be completed.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


Y = Accompanying item is being offered free of charge.

N (or blank) = Accompanying item is not free of charge. The system uses the price assigned in item/offer or SKU/offer.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

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