Working with Offer Overrides by Item Class (WSOI)

Purpose: Use Work with Item Offer Overrides by Class to override existing item/offer and SKU/offer information, such as cost and square inch, by item class. You can update item offer information at different levels:

• override the entire item class: all items contained in the item class and offer will update with the information you enter

• override a specific item: only selected items contained in the item class and offer will update with the information you enter

• override a specific SKU: only selected SKUs contained in the item class and offer will update with the information you enter

Why use? Overriding existing item/SKU offer information by item class is helpful if you contain an entire item class in one offer. You can copy item/SKUs from one offer to another by item class through Copying SKU Offer Information (MCSO).

Note: You cannot use Item Offer Overrides by Class to override item/SKU pricing information that includes value added tax (VAT). On orders subject to VAT, tax does not accumulate in the Tax field; instead, the customer pays a tax-inclusive price for each item and the tax is “hidden” on the order detail line in the Hidden tax field. See the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value.

Other ways to update item and SKU prices and offers: See Options for Updating Item or SKU Offer or Price for a listing.

In this topic:

Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen

First Item/Offer Override Details Screen

Second Item/Offer Override Details Screen

First SKU/Offer Override Details Screen

Second SKU/Offer Override Details Screen

Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WSOI in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Item Offer Overrides by Class from a menu.

BAR0003 ENTER Item/Offer Overrides by Item Class 3/28/08 13:03:49

EZK Mail Order

Item Class Gen Item Out triggers Y (Y/N)


Effective date . .

Price . . . . . . .

Associate price . .

Page number . . . . Curve code . . . . .

Expected return . . %

Special handling . (Y/N) S/H price . . . . .

S/H code . . . . . .

Gift wrap . . . . . (Y/N) G/W price . . . . .

Freight . . . . . . Hidden freight . . .

Sale item . . . . . (Y/N) Volume Discount . . (Y/N)

Cost . . . . . . . Total Square Inches

Coupon discount $ . Coupon expiration date

Projected units . . Feature/option . . . (F,O)

Pickup/new . . . . . (N,P)

Warranty Required . (Y/N) Required Reason Code (Y/N)

F3=Exit F7=Item/Offer Details F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Item class

The item class code that contains the item and SKUs you wish to update. See Working with Item Classes (WICL).

The item class code is used in conjunction with the offer code. You can only update items and SKUs that are contained in the item class and offer you enter.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Generate item out triggers

Indicates whether to create an outbound interface transaction trigger for each item whose information is updated when you complete this screen. The system creates a trigger with a file type of SKU, indicating to generate an outbound item XML message for the item and all of its SKU’s. See Generic Item Download API for more information on the outbound XML message. Valid values are:

Y = Create a trigger to create an outbound item XML message (CWItemOut) for each updated item and all of its SKU’s.

N = Do not create the triggers for the outbound item XML message.

This field defaults to the setting from the last time you used this menu option. If there is no stored setting, the default is Y. See Working with Default Options (WDFT) for information on how the system stores defaults.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records (I15) system control value is set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


The offer that contains the items and SKUs you wish to update. See Marketing Working with Offers (WOFR).

The offer is used in conjunction with the item class code. You can only update items and SKUs that are contained in the item class and offer you enter.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Effective date

The starting date for the item price break in this offer. This item quantity discount is available until the next effective date, if any. Effective date is defined in the Effective date field in the Item Price file.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.


The offer price for item/SKUs in the offer and item class you selected.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Associate price

The associated offer price for item/SKUs in the offer and item class you selected.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Page number

The offer page number for item/SKUs in the offer and item class you selected.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Curve code

The marketing analysis curve assigned to item/SKUs contained in the offer and item class you selected.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Expected return %

The percentage of returns you expect to receive for the item/SKU. This field is used for forecasting projections and other reports (such as the inventory status and projection report).

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Special handling

This value indicates whether this item/SKU is eligible for any type of special handling in this offer (such as monogramming).

Y= The item/SKU is eligible for special handling.

N= The item/SKU is not eligible for special handling.

Blank (default) = The existing value in the Item/Offer and SKU/Offer will remain unchanged.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

S/H price (Special handling price)

The price that will be charged when the item/SKU is designated for special handling in order entry. This is the price per unit for special handling of this item/SKU. This value will be multiplied by the quantity ordered.

The following message displays if you enter a price without entering a Y in the Special handling field:


Special handling price not allowed when not eligible.


Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

S/H code (Special handling code)

The additional charge code associated with the type of special handling you are offering for the item. The special handling can be either standard or custom; the system handles each type in a different way. See Customer Service Establishing Additional Charge Codes (WADC) and Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF).

If you enter a special handling code here, you will advance to the Work with Special Handling Screen or Work with Custom Special Handling Screen automatically in order entry.

The following message displays if you enter a price without entering a Y in the Special handling field:


Special handling price not allowed when not eligible.


Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Gift wrap (Gift wrap flag)

This value indicates whether this item/SKU will be gift wrapped.

Valid values are:

Y = Gift wrap item/SKU.

N = Do not gift wrap item/SKU.

Blank = The existing value in the Item/Offer or SKU/Offer will remain unchanged.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

G/W price (Gift wrap price)

The price in this offer that will be charged to gift wrap this item/SKU. The gift wrap price will be charged for each unit of this item/SKU that is gift wrapped. The system will multiply this charge by the order quantity for the item/SKU.

The following message displays if you enter a price without entering a Y in the Gift wrap field:


Gift Wrap Price not allowed when gift wrap flag is No.


Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The freight amount to be charged for this item. The value in this field will be multiplied by the quantity ordered. This value is used only if Freight by item or Flat Rate by item has been chosen as the Freight method for the source code.

Numeric, 6 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hidden freight

This value is used only with item level freight methods, such as: Flat rate by item, flat rate by item quantity, flat rate by item source, and by item.

What is hidden freight? Hidden freight represents the portion of the item/SKU's catalog price that is used for freight. You may define a hidden freight value when the freight charge to ship the item/SKU is very high. The hidden freight charge is included in the price of the item/SKU so the actual freight charge is not visible to the customer.

The hidden freight amount is subtracted from the catalog price of the item when gross profit is calculated and sales are posted. The amount of freight is posted to a separate G/L number. Hidden freight is also known as "theoretical" or "buried" freight.

Numeric, 6 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Sale item

This value indicates whether the item/SKU is on sale in this offer. This flag controls whether to generate a sale credit when the customer returns the item, based also on the payment method and the setting of the Generate Sale Credit for Orders with Sale Items (I64) system control value. Valid values are:

Y = The item/SKU is on sale.

N = The item/SKU is not on sale.

Blank (default) = The existing value in the Item/Offer or SKU/Offer will remain unchanged.

If the Exclude Sale Item When Prorating Discounts (I65) system control value is set to Y, this flag controls whether the item is included in prorated discounts or is included when determining whether an order qualifies for a promotion. Also, if both this system control value and the Apply Loyalty at the End of Order (J35) system control value are set to Y, then sale items do not receive a loyalty discount. See these system control values for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Volume discount

This value represents the discount that is applied to the item/SKU when large amounts are ordered. The total number of units determines discounts.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.


The cost to include all item/SKUs contained in the item class and offer. Total cost is used in square inch analysis and offer analysis to determine item contribution and profitability. See First Item/Offer Override Details Screen for more information on calculations that are performed to the item cost and item square inch when you override the value defined in the Item square inch field.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Total square inches

The total square inches for all item/SKUs contained in the item class and offer. This value is used to calculate the profitability of the item/SKU on the page. See First Item/Offer Override Details Screen for more information on the calculations the system performs for the item cost and item square inch when you override the value defined in the Item square inch field.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Coupon discount $ (Coupon discount dollars)

This value represents the amount that is subtracted from the price when the item/SKU is ordered from this offer.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Coupon expiration date

The date the coupon is no longer valid.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Projected units

The number of units of this item/SKU you expect to sell in this offer.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


This value indicates whether the item/SKU is considered a featured or optional item in a depiction in the offer. The featured item is the focus of the depiction; optional items are displayed less prominently. For example, in a depiction of a dress, the shoes and belt depicted may be the optional items.

Valid values are:

F = This is the featured item/SKU.

O = This is an optional item/SKU.

blank (default) = The existing value in the item/offer or SKU/offer will remain unchanged.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


This value indicates whether the item/SKU has been carried over from a previous offer or you are presenting it for the first time in this catalog.

Valid values are:

P = This is a pickup item/SKU.

N = This is a new item/SKU.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Warranty required

This field defines whether the item in this offer is a warranty item.

Valid values are:

Y = The item in this offer is a warranty item. When an operator adds this item to an order in order entry or order maintenance, the system adds the item to the order at no charge.

N or blank = The item in this offer is not a warranty item.

If the Default Price Override Reason for Warranty Items (G01) system control value contains a price override code, the system defaults this code to the Price override code field; otherwise the operator must enter a code.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Required reason code

This field defines whether an Order addition reason code is required when the item in this offer is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

Valid values are:

Y = The item in this offer requires an add reason code when the item is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance. The system displays the Enter Add Reason Window when an operator adds this item to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

N = The item is this offer does not require an add reason code when the item is added to an order in order entry or order maintenance.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


1. Enter a valid item class in the Item class field and a valid offer in the Offer field.

2. The system defaults the descriptions of the item class and offer and each additional field on this screen becomes enterable.

3. Enter information in the fields you wish to override.

4. Press Enter once you have completed all the overrides you wish to make. Any overrides you enter on this screen will update all item/SKUs contained in the item class and offer. For example, if you enter a 2 in the Page number field, all item/SKUs contained in this class and offer are assigned a page number of 2. You can then create exceptions to the page number you entered for a specific item or SKU. See Overriding Item Offer Details and Overriding SKU Offer Details later in this section for more information.

5. Press F7 to override information for a specific item, or

6. If you do not want to override existing information for a specific item or SKU, you can press F9 to accept the overrides on this screen or press F3 or F12 to cancel. If you press F9, the Confirm Accept pop-up window opens. Press Enter to accept the overrides or press F12 to cancel.

7. If you press Enter to accept the changes, you return to the previous screen and the following message displays informing you the overrides have been submitted:

Job (ICL_OVRDS) has been submitted to batch.


• If you submit the job multiple times but change the setting of the Generate item out triggers flag before the previously submitted job is complete, the system displays an error message: Item out trigger gen opt set differently for submitted job - try again later. Once the submitted job has finished, you can resubmit it with the different item trigger setting.

• Once you press F7 to advance to the First Item/Offer Override Details Screen, you can no longer return to this screen.

Screen Option


Override offer details for a specific item

Press F7 to advance to the First Item/Offer Override Details Screen.

Accept the overrides you have entered

Press F9.

First Item/Offer Override Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to override a specific item contained in the item class and offer you entered on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen. Any information you entered on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen will default.

How to display this screen: Press F7 on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen.

INR1049 CHANGE Item/Offer Override Details 6/22/97 9:40:42

The Mail Order Company


Total Cost: 60.00 Total Square Inches: 6.00

Opt Item Sku’d Page Eff.dte SH? SH Cost Inch Manual Excl

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 7=Sku/Offer Details

BEACH BALL N N 15.00 1.50 N N


CASTLE N 2 N 15.00 1.50 N N


PAIL N 2 N 15.00 1.50 N N


SHOVEL Y 15.00 1.50 N N


F8=Refresh Allocation F9=Accept F11=Reject

Field descriptions: The Offer, Item class, Total cost, Total square inches, Page, Effective date, Special handling and Special handling code fields are described under Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen.




An item that belongs to the item class and offer you defined on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen.

Note: Item codes for items containing SKU/offer records without item/offer records display in a different color than items defined with an item/offer record. You also cannot override the Page, Effective date, Special handling and Special handling code fields for items that have not been defined with an item/offer record. An item that does not contain SKUs and that has also not been defined with an item/offer record, will not display.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


A value that identifies whether this item is a SKUed item. SKUs are defined for an item in the SKU file. Valid values are:

N = This item is not a SKUed item.

Y = This item is a SKUed item.

You can enter an override for a specific SKU by entering 7 next to the item whose SKUs you wish to work with. See First SKU/Offer Override Details Screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Cost (Item cost)

The cost to include this item in the offer. Total cost is used in square inch analysis and offer analysis to determine item contribution and profitability. The item cost you define on the Create Item Offer Screen defaults, if you have entered neither a cost override nor a square inch override value on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen.

Note: If you enter either a cost override or a square inch override value on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen, the system displays a cost of .00.

The system uses the following calculation to determine item cost based on the value you entered in the Cost field on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen:


total cost/total number of items contained in the item class and offer = cost per item

total cost = 60.00

total # items = 3

60.00/3 = 20.00 (cost per item)

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Inch (Item square inches)

The square inches that the item occupies on the catalog page. This value is used to calculate the profitability of the item on the page. The square inch value you define on the Create Item Offer Screen defaults, if you enter neither a square inch override nor a cost override value on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen.

Note: If you enter a cost override value and leave the Total square inch field blank on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen, the Item square inch field remains blank.

The system uses the following calculation to determine item square inch based on the value you entered in the Total square inch field on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen:

total square inches/total number of items contained in item class and offer = square inch per item


total square inches = 6.00

total # items = 3

6.00/3.00 = 2.00 (square inch per item)

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


Indicates a manual entry override to the Item square inch field. You must enter Y to create an exception to the Total square inch setting on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen. Valid values are:

N = The system does not use the manual entry override entered in the Item square inch field.

Y = The system uses the manual entry override.

The following message displays if you leave this field blank: Value required.

The following message displays if you enter an override amount in the Item square inch field that is greater than the value entered in the Total square inches field:

Sum of Manual Sq-In values exceed total available.


Refresh Allocation: If you enter an override in the Item square inch field, you can press F8 to have the system recalculate the Item square inch and Item cost fields for all of the items on this screen.

The system redistributes the remaining square inches to the items that do not have a manual entry and recalculates the cost for each item.


total cost = 60.00

total square inch = 6.00

total number of items contained in the item class and offer = 3

60.00/3 = 20.00 (cost per item)

6.00/3 = 2.00 (square inch per item)


Manually change the square inches of an item from 2.00 to 4.00. Set the Manual field to Y and press F8 to reallocate the cost and square inches for each item. The system determines the square inches for items that have not been manually overridden based on the following calculation:

total sq. in. - manual sq. in. = remaining sq. in./total non-manual items = new sq. in. for each non-manual item


total square inch = 6.00

manual square inch = 4.00

total number of items without manual override = 2

6.00 - 4.00 = 2.00

2.00/2 = 1.00 (square inches for each item that has not been manually overridden)


The system determines the cost per item when an item is manually overridden with the following calculations:

total cost/total sq. in. = sq. in. per item

item sq. in. x sq. in. per item = new cost


total cost = 60.00

total sq. in. = 6.00

total # items = 3

manual item sq. in. = 4.00

non-manual item sq. in. = 1.00

60.00/6.00 = 10.00 (sq. in. per item)

4.00 x 10.00 = 40.00 (new cost for item with a manual override)

1.00 x 10.00 = 10.00 (new cost for items without a manual override)

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Excl (Exclude)

This value indicates whether an item is excluded from the calculations the system performs when you enter an override to the Item square inch field. Valid values are:

N (default) or blank = This item is not included in the calculations.

Y = This item is included in the calculations.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the square inches per item when items are excluded:

total sq. in./(total # items - excluded items) = sq. in per non-excluded item



total sq. in. = 6.00

total # items = 3

excluded items = 1

6.00/(3-1) = 3.00 (sq. in. per non-excluded item)

The system uses the following calculation to determine the cost per item when items are excluded:

total cost/(total # items - excluded items) = cost per non-excluded item


total cost = 60.00

total # items = 3

excluded items = 1

60.00/(3 - 1) = 30.00 (cost per non-excluded item)

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


1. Enter information in the fields you wish to override.

2. Press Enter.

3. Enter 7 next to an item containing SKUs to change any of the override information for a specific SKU. See First SKU/Offer Override Details Screen, or

4. If you do not want to override offer information for a specific SKU, press F9 to accept all of the overrides you have entered on Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen and the First Item/Offer Override Details Screen. Press Enter at the confirmation window to accept the overrides or press F12 to cancel.

5. The following message displays if you press Enter to accept the overrides: Job (ICL_OVRDS) has been submitted to batch.

6. You can also reject the overrides you have entered for items/SKUs contained in the item class and offer by pressing F11.

Screen Option


Change additional information for a specific item

Enter 3 next to an item to advance to the Second Item/Offer Override Details Screen.

Override offer information for a specific SKU

Enter 7 next to an item to advance to the First SKU/Offer Override Details Screen.

Refresh the screen with the changes you have entered to the Item square inch fields for each item

Press F8. The system updates the information displayed on the screen with the changes you have entered to the Item square inch fields for each item.

Accept the overrides you have entered

Press F9.

Reject the overrides you have entered

Press F11.

Second Item/Offer Override Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to override item/offer details for a specific item.

How to display this screen: On the First Item/Offer Override Details Screen, enter 2 next to an item.

INR1050 ENTER Item/Offer Override Details 5/12/97 15:15:14

The Mail Order Company



F/O F P/N N Price . . . . Sale . N Curve .

Freight Hidden Freight Gift Wrap N GW Price

Volume Disc ? Coupon Disc . Coupon Exp Date

Units S/H price . . Exp Return Pct

Associate Price

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Field descriptions: See First Item/Offer Override Details Screen for field descriptions.

Completing this screen: Once you have completed all the overrides you wish to make, press F3 or F12 to return to the First Item/Offer Override Details Screen.

First SKU/Offer Override Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to override item/offer details for a specific SKU.

How to display this screen: On the First Item/Offer Override Details Screen, enter 7 next to a SKUed item.

INR1069 CHANGE Sku/Offer Override Details 6/22/97 10:05:41

The Mail Order Company



Item Cost : 15.00 Item Square Inches : 1.50

Opt COLR SIZE OTHR Page Effective SH? SH Cost Inch Manual Excl

Type options, press Enter.


LRGE 7.50 .75 N N

MEDM 7.50 .75 N N

F3=Exit F8=Refresh Allocation F12=Cancel

Field descriptions: All fields except for SKU cost, SKU square inches, SKU, Manual and Exclude are described under First Item/Offer Override Details Screen.

Note: If you have not defined a SKU/Offer for a specific SKU in Work with Item/SKUs, the SKU will not display on this screen.



Cost (SKU cost)

The cost to include this SKU in the offer. SKU cost is used in square inch analysis and offer analysis to determine SKU contribution and profitability. This field displays blank if you did not enter a cost override and a square inch override value on the Item/Offer Overrides by Item Class screen.

The system uses the following calculation to determine SKU cost based on the value you entered in the Item cost field on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen:

item cost/total number of skus for the item = cost per sku


item cost = 20.00

total number of skus = 4

20.00/4 = 5.00 (cost per sku)

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Square inches (SKU square inches)

The square inches that the SKU occupies on the catalog page. This value is used to calculate the profitability of the SKU on the page. The system uses the following calculation to determine SKU square inch based on the value you entered in the Item square inch field on the First Item/Offer Override Details Screen:

item square inches/total number of skus for the item = square inch per sku


item square inch = 2.00

total # skus = 2

2.00/2 = 1.00 (square inch per sku)

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Colr size othr (Stock keeping unit)

The special characteristics for this item.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); optional.


Indicates a manual entry override to the SKU square inch field. You must set this field to Y to override the value entered in the Item square inch field on the Item Offer Overrides by Item Class Screen. Valid values are:

N = The system does not use the manual entry override entered in the SKU square inch field.

Y = The system uses the manual entry override.

The following message displays if you leave this field blank:

Value required.

The following message displays if you enter an override amount in the SKU square inch field that exceeds the Item square inches entry:

Sum of Manual Sq-In values exceed total available.

Refresh Allocation

If you enter an override in the SKU square inch field, you can press F8 to redistribute the remaining square inches and recalculate the cost.



item cost = 15.00

item square inch = 1.50

total number of skus contained in the item = 3

15.00/3 = 5.00 (cost per sku)

1.50/3 = .50 (sq. in. per sku)

Manually change the square inches of a skus from .50 to 1.00. Enter Y in the Manual field and Press F8 to reallocate the cost and square inches for each item. The system determines the square inches per SKU when a SKU is manually overridden with the following calculation:

total item sq. in. - manual sq. in. = remaining sq. in./total non-manual skus = new sq. in. for each non-manual sku


total item square inch = 1.50

manual square inch = 1.00

total non-manual SKUs = 2

1.50 - 1.00 = .50

.50/2 = .25 (square inches for each SKU that has not been manually overridden)


The system determines the cost per SKU when a SKU is manually overridden with the following calculations:

total item cost/total item sq. in. = sq. in. per sku

sku sq. in. x sq. in per sku = new cost


total item cost = 15.00

total sq. in. = 1.50

total # skus = 3

manual sku sq. in. = 1.00

non-manual sku sq. in. = .25

15.00/1.50 = 10.00

1.00 x 10.00 = 10.00 (new cost for the sku with a manual override)

.25 x 10.00 = 2.50 (new cost for skus without a manual override)

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.


This value indicates whether this SKU is included in the calculations the system performs to determine the value to enter in the SKU square inch and SKU cost fields when you enter an override. Valid values are:

N (default) or blank = This SKU is not included in the calculations.

Y = This item is included in the calculations.

The system uses the following calculation to determine the square inches per item when items are excluded:

total item sq. in./(total # skus - excluded skus) = sq. in. per non-excluded sku



total item sq. in. = 1.50

total # skus = 3

excluded skus = 1

1.50/(3-1) = .75 (sq. in. per non-excluded item)

The system uses the following calculation to determine the cost per SKU when SKUs are excluded:

total item cost/(total # skus - excluded skus) = cost per non-excluded skus


total sku cost = 5.00

total # skus = 3

excluded skus = 1

5.00/(3-1) = 2.50 (cost per non-excluded sku)

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Screen Option


Change additional information for a specific SKU

Enter 2 next to a SKU to advance to the Second SKU/Offer Override Details Screen.

Refresh the screen with the changes you have entered to the SKU square inch fields for each item

Press F8. The system updates the information displayed on the screen with the changes you have entered to the SKU square inch fields for each item.

Second SKU/Offer Override Details Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change additional SKU/offer information for a specific SKU.

How to display this screen: On the First SKU/Offer Override Details Screen, enter 2 next to a SKU.

INR1054 ENTER Sku/Offer Override Details 6/23/97 16:55:50

The Mail Order Company



Sku : LRGE

F/O P/N Price . . . . Sale . Curve .

Freight Hidden Freight Gift Wrap GW Price

Volume Disc ? Coupon Disc . Coupon Exp Date

Units S/H Price . . Exp Return Pct

Associate Price

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Field descriptions: See First Item/Offer Override Details Screen for field descriptions.

ME06_08 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN