Updating SKU Pricing, Handling Options, or Status (MUSP)

Purpose: Use this option to update:

• existing Item Prices and/or SKU Prices for active or future offers

• special handling options (S/H flag, code, and price) for existing Item Offers and/or SKU Offers in active or future offers

• the Status field in the Item and/or SKU files

You can also use this option to create new Item Price or SKU Price records as long as there is a record of the item or SKU in the related offer.

You can apply each type of update at the item level; to selected SKU’s; or to both items and SKU’s. Also, you can select the offer and price records to update.

Non-split SKU not supported: This menu option does not support updating items and SKU’s in a non-split SKU environment, based on the setting of the Split SKU Inventory (A26) system control value.

Other ways to update item and SKU prices and offers: See Options for Updating Item or SKU Offer or Price for a listing.

In this topic:

Update SKU/Offer Screen

Select Offers Screen

Updating Item or SKU Prices

Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Prices

Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Prices

Submitting the Price Update

Update Offer Price Screen

Updating Special Handling Information

Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information

Submitting the Special Handling Update

Update S/H Options Screen

Updating Item or SKU Statuses

Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Statuses

Processing the Status Update

Update Status Screen

Update SKU/Offer Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to update prices, special handling options, or status; select the item to update; and indicate whether to update the item, the SKU’s, or both item and SKU’s.

Note: You can process only one type of update (prices, special handling, or status) at a time.

How to display this screen: Enter MUSP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Update SKU Pricing/Handling/Status from a menu.

INR1910 ENTER Update SKU/Offer 3/27/08 10:03:41

EZK Mail Order

Item: Description:

Select one update option:

Update Price . : I/S/B (Item/Sku/Both)

Update S/H Price : I/S/B (Item/Sku/Both)

Update Status . : I/S/B (Item/Sku/Both)

Generate Item Out triggers: Y (Y/N)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




Enter the SKU’d or non-SKU’d item to update.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The description of the selected item. Displayed only if there is an error in your initial entry(ies) at the screen; otherwise, you advance to the next screen, as described below.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Select one of the following update options:

Update price

Update Item Price and/or SKU Price records.

Valid values are:

I (Item) = Create or update Item Price records

S (SKU) = Create or update SKU Price records

Note: This is not a valid option for a non-SKU’d item.

B (Both) = Create or update both Item Price and SKU Price records (or just Item Price records, if you select this entry for a non-SKU’d item)

When you select this option, you advance to the Select Offers Screen, where you can select the active offers whose pricing you want to update.

See About Item or SKU Prices and Item or SKU Offers for background, and see the Update Offer Price Screen for a discussion of which Item or SKU Prices you can create or update through this option.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Update S/H price

Update the special handling options for Item Offer and/or SKU Offer records. Valid values are:

I (Item) = Update special handling options in Item Offer records

S (SKU) = Update special handling options in SKU Offer records

Note: This is not a valid option for a non-SKU’d item.

B (Both) = Update special handling options in both Item Offer and SKU Offer records (or just Item Offer records, if you select this entry for a non-SKU’d item)

When you select this option, you advance to the Select Offers Screen, where you can select the active offers whose special handling options you want to update.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Update status

Update the Status for Item and/or SKU records. Valid values are:

I (Item) = Update the Status field in the Item file

S (SKU) = Update the Status field in the SKU file

Note: This is not a valid option for a non-SKU’d item.

B (Both) = Update the Status field in the Item file or the SKU file (or just the Item file, if you select this entry for a non-SKU’d item)

When you select this option, you advance to the Update Status Screen, where you can indicate the new Status code(s) to apply.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Generate item out triggers

Indicates whether to create an outbound interface transaction trigger for each item and SKU whose information is updated when you complete this screen. The system creates a trigger with a file type of SKU, indicating to generate an outbound item XML message for the item. See Generic Item Download API for more information on the outbound XML message. Valid values are:

Y = Create a trigger to create an outbound item XML message (CWItemOut) for each updated item and SKU. The system does not create triggers for SKUs that are not selected for update.

N = Do not create the triggers for the outbound item XML message.

This field defaults to the setting from the last time you used this menu option. If there is no stored setting, the default is Y. See Working with Default Options (WDFT) for information on how the system stores defaults.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records (I15) system control value is set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Select Offers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select the active or future offers to include when you are updating or creating prices (if you completed the Update price field), or special handling options in existing offers (if you completed the Update S/H price field).

Which offers are listed? This screen lists active or future offers for which:

• an Item Offer record exists if you entered I (Item) in the Update price or the Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

• a SKU Offer record exists if you entered S (SKU) in the Update price or the Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

• an Item Offer or SKU Offer record exists if you entered B (Both) in the Update price or the Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

What is an active offer? An active offer is one whose date range (start date to end date) includes the current date.

What is a future offer? A future offer is one whose start date is later than the current date.

How to display this screen: Complete the Update SKU/Offer Screen after completing either the Update price or the Update S/H price field.

INR1911 DISPLAY Select Offers 5/04/07 10:17:29

EZK Mail Order


Opt Offer Description Select

Type options, press Enter.

1=Select 4=Deselect





F3=Exit F7=Select/Deselect All F9=Accept F12=Cancel




The item you selected for update at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The offers available for update, determined by your selection in the Update price or Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen:

• If you entered I (Item), the screen lists offers where the item has an Item Offer record

• If you entered S (SKU), the screen lists offers where if the item has a SKU Offer record

• If you entered B (Both), the screen lists offers where the item has either an Item Offer or SKU Offer

If this screen does not display an offers, you will not be able to advance to the Update Offer Price Screen or the Update S/H Options Screen.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The description of the offer.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


Indicates whether the offer is currently flagged for update after you complete the Update Offer Price Screen or the Update S/H Options Screen. Possible settings are:


• If you set the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen to:

I = Create new Item Price records, or update Item Price records that match your entries at the Update Offer Price Screen

S = Create new SKU Price records, or update SKU Price records that match your entries at the Update Offer Price Screen

B = Create both Item Price and SKU Price records, or update both Item Price and SKU Price records that match your entries at the Update Offer Price Screen

• If you set the Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen to:

I = Update special handling fields for Item Offer records

S = Update SKU Offer records

B = Update both Item Offer and SKU Offer records

N: Do not create or update any related records (Item Price, SKU Price, Item Offer, or SKU Offer) for this offer)

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only

Completing this screen:

• Select one or more offers for update by using:

• option 1 to select individual offers

• option 4 to deselect individual offers

F7 to select or deselect all offers

After selecting at least one offer for update, press F9 to advance to the Update Offer Price Screen (if you selected the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen) or the Update S/H Options Screen (if you selected the Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen).

Note: You cannot advance to the Update Offer Price Screen or the Update S/H Options Screen unless you select at least one offer for update. If no offers are listed on the screen, you cannot advance to either of the update screens.



Select an offer for update

Enter 1 next to an unselected offer to select it. The Select flag changes from N to Y.

Deselect a previously selected offer

Enter 4 next to a selected offer to deselect it. The Select flag changes from Y to N.

Select or deselect all offers

Press F7 to set the Select flag for all displayed offers to Y. Press F7 again to set the Select flag for all displayed offers to N.

Note: Even if the Select flag for some or all of the displayed offers are already set to Y, you need to Press F7 twice to change all the flags to N.

Advance to the next screen

Press F9 to accept your offer selections and advance to the Update Offer Price Screen (if you selected the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen) or the Update S/H Options Screen (if you selected the Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen).

Note: You cannot advance to the Update Offer Price Screen or the Update S/H Options Screen unless you select at least one offer for update. If no offers are listed on the screen, you cannot advance to either of the update screens.

Updating Item or SKU Prices

Purpose: Use the Update Offer Price Screen to:

• indicate the Item Price and/or SKU Price records to create or to update based on a matching Effective date and Quantity

• indicate the new prices to apply for the indicated quantity

• if you are creating or updating SKU prices, specify the SKU’s to update

• process the price creation or updates

Which Item Prices or SKU Prices are available for update? The selection of records eligible for update is based on:

• your entry in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen, which indicates whether to create or update Item Prices, SKU Prices, or both

• the offers you selected at the Select Offers Screen

• the SKU’s you select at this screen

If an Item Price or SKU Price exists with the Effective date and Quantity you enter at this screen and an offer you selected at the Select Offers Screen, the system updates this record; otherwise, it creates a new record, provided an Item Offer or SKU Offer exists for an offer you selected at the Select Offers Screen.

SKU selection options: Your options for applying pricing updates include:

• apply a single set of pricing updates to all eligible Item Price and/or SKU Price records, or create Item Price and/or SKU Price records if they do not already exist but the Item Offers or SKU Offers exist

• apply a single set of pricing updates to all eligible Item Price records and/or selected SKU Price records (for example, updating tall sizes but not regular or petite sizes), or create Item Price and/or SKU Price records if they do not already exist but the Item Offers or SKU Offers exist

• apply various pricing updates to all eligible Item Price records and SKU Price records, or create Item Price and/or SKU Price records if they do not already exist but the Item Offers or SKU Offers exist

Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Prices

After you enter an Effective date and Quantity, you can select SKU’s for update by:

Using the SKU scan fields at the top of the screen to restrict the SKU’s displayed. For example, you can enter TALL in the related SKU scan field to restrict the display to tall sizes. You can then use the F8 option to copy pricing information from the top of the screen to the displayed SKU’s. Using this method enables you to select a different range of SKU’s to update with pricing information you enter at the top of the screen; for example, you can display tall sizes in order to copy pricing down to these SKU’s, then display regular sizes to copy different prices to these SKU’s.

Deleting the SKU’s that should not be updated. For example, you can enter 4 next to SKU’s that are not subject to special sale pricing that you are going to apply. You can then use the F8 option to copy pricing information from the top of the screen to the displayed SKU’s; however, once you delete a SKU from this screen, you cannot add it back to the screen for update without exiting the screen and then re-entering.

Manually entering pricing information. You can enter the pricing information for selected SKU’s. Any pricing fields left blank are not updated when you press F9.

Note: When you update pricing for a selected SKU, the new pricing applies to all matching records for the SKU in all selected offers. For example, if you enter new pricing for BLUE 8 TALL, the pricing applies to SKU Prices in all offers selected at the Select Offers Screen provided the Effective date and Quantity match; you do not have the option of omitting certain offers from update for a particular SKU. If there is no matching SKU Price for an offer but there is a SKU Offer, the system creates the SKU Price.

Which pricing fields are copied for Item Price of SKU Price update? Pressing F8 at this screen copies the values in the Price, Assoc price (Associate price) from the header area of the screen to the corresponding fields for each displayed SKU. If the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y, Tax incl price (Tax-inclusive price) and Tax incl assoc price (Tax-inclusive associate price) are also eligible to be copied to the displayed SKU’s.

Otherwise, if an Item Offer or SKU Offer exists but there is no matching Item Price or SKU Price for the date and quantity entered, the system creates a new Item Price or SKU Price record.

A few things to note: When you press F8, the system:

• Clears the previous values from each of the related fields for the displayed SKUs. For example, if you had previously overridden a price for a single SKU from 50.00 to 55.00, changed the price at the header area to 52.00, and then press F8 again, it resets the price for all displayed SKUs to 52.00.

• Clears any values in fields for displayed SKUs if those fields are blank or set to zero in the header area. For example, if you have entered both regular and associate prices for SKUs, cleared the Assoc price (Associate price) in the header area, and then press F8 again, it clears the Assoc price (Associate price) for all displayed SKUs.

• Does not update any SKU’s that are not displayed. For example, depending on your SKU elements, you might copy pricing from the header level for tall sizes, use the SKU fields at the top of the screen to display regular sizes but not tall sizes, and then copy a different set of prices to the regular sizes.


Item AB-2120 is included in offer OFR at a price of $10.00 for 1, dated 2/12. In addition to the Item Offer record for OFR, the SKU Offer and SKU records in OFR are:

RED LRGE: SKU Offer and SKU Price of $10.00 for 1, 2/12

RED LRGE TALL: SKU Offer and SKU Price of $15.00 for 1, 2/15

BLUE LRGE: SKU Offer, no SKU Price

BLUE LRGE TALL: SKU Offer and SKU Price of $15.00 for 2, 2/12


You use the Update Offer Price Screen to apply a price of $9.00 for a quantity of 1, dated 2/12. Result:

RED LRGE: Updates matching SKU Price of 1, 2/12 with new price break

RED LRGE TALL: Creates new SKU Price record of $9.00 for a quantity of 1, dated 2/12, since existing SKU Price is for different date

BLUE LRGE: Creates new SKU Price record of $9.00 for a quantity of 1, dated, 2/12, since there was no existing SKU Price record

BLUE LRGE TALL: Creates new SKU Price record of $9.00 for a quantity of 1, dated 2/12, since existing SKU Price record is for a different quantity

BLUE MEDM TALL: No update since there was no matching SKU Offer

Submitting the Price Update

Pressing F9 updates matching Item Prices and/or SKU Prices, or creates new Item Prices and SKU Prices for the offers selected at the Select Offers Screen, using the pricing information currently displayed on the header and detail areas on the screen. Any SKU’s that are not currently displayed are not updated. Similarly, any of the pricing fields that are blank at the header or detail areas of the screen are not updated; the system does not overwrite the price to zero if the corresponding field on this screen is blank.

Additional updates: In addition to the Item Price and SKU Price files, the system also updates the:

• DW Transaction file if the Use Data Warehouse (G94) system control value is set to Y

• IL Outbound Trigger file if the Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records (I15) system control value is set to Y

For more information: See CWData Overview or Generic Item Download API.

Alternate currency price: Updating item or SKU prices also updates the alternate currency pricing if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y and there is a currency and conversion rate defined for the offer.

Update Offer Price Screen

How to display this screen: Complete the Select Offers Screen after selecting the Update price option at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

INR1916 CHANGE Update Offer Price 5/04/07 10:24:11

EZK Mail Order

Item . . . . : HU-2120 Effective Date . . :

Description . : STABILITY RUNNING SHOE Quantity . . . . . :

Update Price. : B (I/S/B) Price . . . . . . :

Select COLR . : And/Or Select SIZE : Assoc Price . . . :

And/Or Select WDTH : Tax Incl Price . . :

Tax Incl Assoc Price

Type options, press Enter.


Assoc Tax Incl Tax Incl

Opt COLR SIZE WDTH Price Price Price Assoc Price

BLUE 7.0 B


BLUE 7.5 B


BLUE 8.0 B


F3=Exit F8=Update Screen Prices F9=Update Item/SKU F12=Cancel



Header fields

This area of the screen displays information on your selections at the Update SKU/Offer Screen. Use the other fields in this area to select the Item Price or SKU Price records to update and to enter the new prices to apply to Item Price and/or copy to SKU Price.


The item you entered at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Effective date

The date when an Item Price or SKU Price goes into effect. If there are Item Prices and/or SKU Prices whose effective dates and quantities match your entry here, the system updates them; otherwise, it creates new Item Price or SKU Price records provided there is a matching Item Offer or SKU Offer record. See Updating Item or SKU Prices for a discussion and examples. Any date (past, current, or future) is eligible for update.

Note: Entry of both an Effective date and a Quantity are required before you can enter any additional information at this screen.

Numeric, six positions (MMDDYY); required.


The description of the selected item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The quantity of an item required to qualify for an Item Price or SKU Price. Any Item Prices and/or SKU Prices whose quantities match your entry here are eligible for update; otherwise, the system creates new Item Prices or SKU Prices. See Updating Item or SKU Prices for a discussion and examples.

Note: Entry of both an Effective date and a Quantity are required before you can enter any additional information at this screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Update price

Indicates your entry in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The price to use when selling the selected Quantity of the item in the selected offer(s) before applying any discounts.

Field updates: Updates the Price field in the Item Price file if you entered I or B in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Copying to SKU’s: You can press F8 to copy your entry here to the second Price field in order to apply that price to SKU Price records, provided you entered B or S in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; required.

Select SKU1

Enter a full or partial SKU to restrict the display to SKU’s that match your entry. The Split SKU Element 1 Column Heading (A52) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Note: Not displayed if you selected a non-SKU’d item at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

And/Or Select SKU2

Enter a full or partial SKU to restrict the display to SKU’s that match your entry. The Split SKU Element 2 Column Heading (A53) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Note: Not displayed if you selected a non-SKU’d item at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Assoc price (Associate price)

The price to use when selling the selected Quantity of the item in the selected offer(s) to associate customers before applying any discounts.

Field updates: Updates the Associate field in the Item Price file if you entered I or B in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Copying to SKU’s: You can press F8 to copy your entry here to the second Assoc price (Associate price) field in order to apply that price to SKU Price records, provided you entered B or S in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

The Associate flag in the Customer file controls whether a customer is eligible for associate pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

And/Or Select SKU3

Enter a full or partial SKU to restrict the display to SKU’s that match your entry. The Split SKU Element 3 Column Heading (A54) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Note: Not displayed if you selected a non-SKU’d item at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Tax incl price (Tax-inclusive price)

The price to use when selling the selected Quantity of the item in the selected offer(s), before applying any discounts, on an order subject to VAT. Displayed only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Field updates: Updates the Tax inclusive price field in the Item Price file if you entered I or B in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Copying to SKU’s: You can press F8 to copy your entry here to the second Tax incl price (Tax-inclusive price) field in order to apply that price to SKU Price records, provided you entered B or S in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Note: The Associate flag in the Customer file controls whether a customer is eligible for associate pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax incl assoc price (Tax-inclusive associate price)

The price to use when selling the selected Quantity of the item in the selected offer(s) to associate customers, before applying any discounts, on an order subject to VAT. Displayed only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Field updates: Updates the Tax inclusive associate price field in the Item Price file if you entered I or B in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Copying to SKU’s: You can press F8 to copy your entry here to the second Tax incl assoc price (Tax-inclusive associate price) field in order to apply that price to SKU Price records, provided you entered B or S in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Note: The Associate flag in the Customer file controls whether a customer is eligible for associate pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Detail fields

These fields are available only if you entered B or S in the Update price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen and the item you selected for update has SKU’s. You can copy the pricing from the top of the screen to these fields by pressing F8, or you can use these fields to enter different (override) prices for individual SKU’s, or to delete SKU’s from update. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Prices for a discussion.


One of the item’s distinguishing characteristics, such as its color or size. The Split SKU Element 1 Column Heading (A52) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The Split SKU Element 2 Column Heading (A54) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The Split SKU Element 3 Column Heading (A54) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The price to use when selling the selected Quantity of the SKU in the selected offer(s) before applying any discounts. Updates the Price field in the SKU Price file. If you leave this field blank, the system does not update this field in the SKU Price file for this SKU; it does not reset the price in the SKU Price file to zero.

Default: The price here defaults from the Price field at the top of the screen when you press F8, but you can override it. However, if you press F8 again, the value from the Price field at the top of the screen overwrites the previously entered value.

Example: You enter 10.00 in the Price field at the top of the screen and press F8, which sets this field to 10.00. You then enter a price of 11.00 in this field for a particular SKU. If you press F8 again, the system resets the price for the SKU to the current value in the Price field at the top of the screen, overwriting your entry of 11.00.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Assoc price (Associate price)

The price to use when selling the selected Quantity of the SKU in the selected offer(s) to an associate customer before applying any discounts. Updates the Associate price field in the SKU Price file. If you leave this field blank, the system does not update this field in the SKU Price file for this SKU; it does not reset the associate price in the SKU Price file to zero.

Default: The price here defaults from the Assoc price (Associate price) field at the top of the screen when you press F8, but you can override it. However, if you press F8 again, the value from the Assoc price (Associate price) field at the top of the screen overwrites the previously entered value.

Example: You enter 10.00 in the Assoc price (Associate price) field at the top of the screen and press F8, which sets this field to 10.00. You then enter a price of 11.00 in this field for a particular SKU. If you press F8 again, the system resets the associate price for the SKU to the current value in the Assoc price (Associate price) field at the top of the screen, overwriting your entry of 11.00.

Note: The Associate flag in the Customer file controls whether a customer is eligible for associate pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax incl price (Tax-inclusive price)

The price to use when selling the selected Quantity of the SKU in the selected offer(s), before applying any discounts, on an order subject to VAT. Updates the Tax inclusive price field in the SKU Price file. If you leave this field blank, the system does not update this field in the SKU Price file for this SKU; it does not reset the tax inclusive price in the SKU Price file to zero.

Default: The price here defaults from the Tax incl price (Tax-inclusive price) field at the top of the screen when you press F8, but you can override it. However, if you press F8 again, the value from the Tax incl price (Tax-inclusive price) field at the top of the screen overwrites the previously entered value.

Example: You enter 10.00 in the Tax incl price (Tax-inclusive price) field at the top of the screen and press F8, which sets this field to 10.00. You then enter a price of 11.00 in this field for a particular SKU. If you press F8 again, the system resets the tax inclusive price for the SKU to the current value in the Tax incl price (Tax-inclusive price) field at the top of the screen, overwriting your entry of 11.00.

Note: Displayed only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Tax incl assoc price (Tax-inclusive associate price)

The price to use when selling the selected Quantity of the SKU in the selected offer(s) to an associate customer, before applying any discounts, on an order subject to VAT. Updates the Tax inclusive associate price field in the SKU Price file. If you leave this field blank, the system does not update this field in the SKU Price file for this SKU; it does not reset the tax inclusive associate price in the SKU Price file to zero.

Default: The price here defaults from the Tax incl assoc price (Tax-inclusive associate price) field at the top of the screen when you press F8, but you can override it. However, if you press F8 again, the value from the Assoc price (Associate price) field at the top of the screen overwrites the previously entered value.

Example: You enter 10.00 in the Tax incl assoc price (Tax-inclusive associate price) field at the top of the screen and press F8, which sets this field to 10.00. You then enter a price of 11.00 in this field for a particular SKU. If you press F8 again, the system resets the tax inclusive associate price for the SKU to the current value in the Tax incl assoc price (Tax-inclusive associate price) field at the top of the screen, overwriting your entry of 11.00.


• Displayed only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) field in the System Control file is set to Y.

• The Associate flag in the Customer file controls whether a customer is eligible for associate pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Completing this screen: See Updating Item or SKU Prices for a discussion.



Scan for different SKU’s to update

After completing the Effective date and Quantity fields and any of the pricing fields at the top of the screen, use the Select SKU1, And/Or Select SKU2, and And/Or Select SKU3 fields to display the SKU’s to update. If you press F8, the pricing information you have entered at the top of the screen is applied to just the displayed SKU’s. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Prices for a discussion.

Copy pricing information from the top of the screen to the displayed SKU’s

After completing the Effective date and Quantity fields and any of the pricing fields at the top of the screen, press F8. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Prices for a discussion.

Enter pricing for specific SKU Price records

After completing the Effective date and Quantity fields and (optionally) any of the pricing fields at the top of the screen, use the Tab key to advance to the pricing fields for a SKU and enter the pricing information for that SKU. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Prices for a discussion.

Prevent a SKU from being updated with pricing information

Enter 4 next to a SKU to prevent it from being updated with pricing information. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Prices for a discussion.

Note: You can also prevent a SKU from being updated by not entering any prices for the SKU, or by clearing any prices currently entered for the SKU.

Submit the pricing update

Press F9 to submit prices for update. The system updates each Item Price or SKU Price record only if:

• the offer was selected at the Select Offers Screen

• the Effective date matches the date displayed on the Update Offer Price Screen

• the Quantity matches the quantity displayed on the Update Offer Price Screen

• the related price field (regular, associate, tax-inclusive, or tax-inclusive associate) is not blank on the Update Offer Price Screen

• the SKU is displayed on the Update Offer Price Screen

Otherwise, the system creates an Item Price or SKU Price record if the offer was selected at the Select Offers Screen and there is no existing record with the Effective date and Quantity indicated.

See Submitting the Price Update for a discussion.

Updating Special Handling Information

Purpose: Use Update S/H Options Screen to:

• indicate the Item Offer and/or SKU Offer records to update

• indicate the new special handling settings to apply

• if you are updating SKU Offers, specify the SKU’s to update

• process the update to special handling options

Which Item or SKU Offers are available for update? The selection of records eligible for update is based on:

• your entry in the Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen, which indicates whether to update Item Offers, SKU Offers, or both

• the offers you selected at the Select Offers Screen

• the SKU’s you select at this screen

SKU selection options: Your options for applying special handling updates include:

• applying a single set of special handling updates to all eligible Item Offer and/or SKU Offer records

• applying a single set of special handling updates to all eligible Item Offer records and/or selected SKU Offer records (for example, updating tall sizes but not regular or petite sizes)

• applying different special handling updates to all eligible Item Offer records and SKU Offer records for various SKU’s

Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information

You can select SKU’s for update by:

Using the SKU scan fields at the top of the screen to restrict the SKU’s displayed. For example, you can enter TALL in the related SKU scan field to restrict the display to tall sizes. You can then use the F8 option to copy special handling information from the top of the screen to the displayed SKU’s. Using this method enables you to select a different range of SKU’s to update with the special handling information you enter at the top of the screen; for example, you can display tall sizes in order to copy special handling to these SKU’s, then display regular sizes to copy different special handling information to these SKU’s.

Deleting the SKU’s that should not be updated. For example, you can enter 4 next to SKU’s that are not eligible for the special handling information that you are going to apply. You can then use the F8 option to copy special handling information from the top of the screen to the displayed SKU’s; however, once you delete a SKU from this screen, you cannot add it back to the screen for update without exiting the screen and then re-entering.

Manually entering special handling information. You can enter the special handling information for selected SKU’s. Any special handling fields left blank are not updated when you press F9.

Note: When you update special handling for a selected SKU, the new special handling information applies to all matching records for the SKU in all selected offers. For example, if you enter new pricing for BLUE 8 TALL, the special handling information applies to SKU Offers in all offers selected at the Select Offers Screen; you do not have the option of omitting certain offers from update for a particular SKU.

Setting the special handling flag appropriately: The Update S/H Options Screen prevents you from updating the Item Offer or SKU Offer with invalid special handling settings. For example, a S/H flag in the Item Offer that is set to N indicates that special handling is not available for the item in that offer, so you cannot specify a special handling code or price. Conversely, if there is a special handling code or price, then the S/H flag should be set to Y. In order to avoid setting the special handling information incorrectly, the system updates all of the related fields when necessary:

Special handling information entered at the Update S/H Options Screen

Resulting Updates to the Item Offer or SKU Offer

S/H flag set to N

S/H = N

S/H code and S/H price = deleted

any entry in the S/H code or S/H price

S/H = Y

S/H code and S/H price = entries from the Update S/H Options Screen

S/H fields are blank

No change to the special handling options for the Item Offer or SKU Offer

Additionally, the system prevents you from entering an invalid combination of settings at the Update S/H Options Screen. For example, if you enter a S/H code or S/H price, it resets the S/H flag at the screen to Y.

A few things to note: When you press F8, the system:

• Clears the previous values from each of the related fields for the displayed SKUs. For example, if you had previously overridden a special handling price for a single SKU from 5.00 to 5.50, changed the price at the header area to 5.25, and then pressed F8 again, it resets the special handling price for all displayed SKUs to 5.25.

• Clears any values in fields for displayed SKUs that are blank or set to zero in the header area. For example, if you have entered a special handling price for SKUs and then press F8 when the S/H price field at the header area of the screen is blank, it clears the S/H price for all displayed SKUs.

• Does not update any SKU’s that are not displayed. For example, depending on your SKU elements, you might copy special handling information from the header level for tall sizes, use the SKU fields at the top of the screen to display regular sizes but not tall sizes, and then copy a different set of special handling information to the regular sizes.

Submitting the Special Handling Update

Pressing F9 updates matching Item Offers and/or SKU Offers for the offers selected at the Select Offers Screen, using the special handling information currently displayed on the header and detail areas on the screen. Any SKU’s that are not currently displayed are not updated.

Additional updates: In addition to the Item Offer and SKU Offer files, the system also updates the:

• DW Transaction file if the Use Data Warehouse (G94) system control value is set to Y

• IL Outbound Trigger file if the Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records (I15) system control value is set to Y

For more information: See CWData Overview or Generic Item Download API.

Update S/H Options Screen

How to display this screen: Complete the Select Offers Screen after selecting the Update S/H price option at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

INR1917 CHANGE Update S/H Options 5/04/07 10:57:11

EZK Mail Order

S/H. . . . : (Y/N)

Item. . . . . . : GT-2120 S/H Code . :

Description . . : STABILITY RUNNING SHOE S/H Price. :

Update S/H . . : B (I/S/B)

Select COLR . . : And/Or Select SIZE : And/Or Select WDTH :

Type options, press Enter.


Opt COLR SIZE WDTH S/H (Y/N) Code S/H Price

BLUE 7.0 B


BLUE 7.5 B


BLUE 8.0 B


PINK 7.0 B +

F3=Exit F8=Update Screen S/H Prices F9=Update Item/Sku's F12=Cancel



Header fields

Use these fields to select the SKU’s to update and to enter the new special handling options to apply.


The special handling setting to:

• apply to the Item Offer file if you entered B or I in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

• copy to the displayed SKU’s if you entered B or S in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

Valid values are:

Y = special handling is available for the Item Offer or SKU Offer

N = special handling is not available for the Item Offer or SKU Offer

• blank = do not update the special handling flag for the Item Offer or SKU Offer

See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The item you entered at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

S/H code

The additional charge code associated with the type of special handling you are offering for the item. This is the special handling setting to:

• apply to the Item Offer file if you entered B or I in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

• copy to the displayed SKU’s if you entered B or S in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

The system validates that the additional charge code is defined as special handling with a type of standard or custom. See Special Handling Overview for more information on special handling options.

You cannot enter a special handling code here if the S/H flag is set to N. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description of the selected item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

S/H price

The price to charge the customer for special handling. This is the special handling setting to:

• apply to the Item Offer file if you entered B or I in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

• copy to the displayed SKU’s if you entered B or S in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

You can use the Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value to specify whether to add the price just once for each order line, or multiply the special handling price by the item quantity for the line.

If you specify a price here for a custom special handling code, it overrides any pricing defined for the custom special handling format; see Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF).

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Update S/H

Indicates your entry in the Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Select SKU1

Enter a full or partial SKU to restrict the display to SKU’s that match your entry. The Split SKU Element 1 Column Heading (A52) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Note: Not displayed if you selected a non-SKU’d item at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

And/or select SKU2

Enter a full or partial SKU to restrict the display to SKU’s that match your entry. The Split SKU Element 2 Column Heading (A53) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Note: Not displayed if you selected a non-SKU’d item at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

And/or select SKU3

Enter a full or partial SKU to restrict the display to SKU’s that match your entry. The Split SKU Element 3 Column Heading (A54) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Note: Not displayed if you selected a non-SKU’d item at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Detail fields

These fields are available only if you entered B or S in the Update S/H price field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen and the item you selected for update has SKU’s. You can copy the special handling settings from the top of the screen to these fields by pressing F8, or you can use these fields to enter different (override) settings for individual SKU’s, or to delete SKU’s from update. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.


One of the item’s distinguishing characteristics, such as its color or size. The Split SKU Element 1 Column Heading (A52) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The Split SKU Element 2 Column Heading (A54) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The Split SKU Element 3 Column Heading (A54) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


Valid values are:

Y = special handling is available for the SKU Offer

N = special handling is not available for the SKU Offer

• blank = do not update the special handling flag for the SKU Offer

See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The additional charge code to use when applying special handling code to this SKU. The system validates that the additional charge code is defined as special handling with a type of standard or custom; the system handles each type in a different way. See Special Handling Overview for more information.

If you leave this field blank, the system does not update the special handling code field in the SKU Offer file for this SKU; it does not delete the current value in the status field unless it is replacing it with a new code.

You cannot enter a special handling code here if the S/H flag is set to N. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

When you press F8, the special handling code here defaults from the S/H code field at the top of the screen, but you can override it. However, if you press F8 again, the value from the S/H code field at the top of the screen overwrites the previously entered value.

Example: You enter a special handling code of MN in the S/H code field at the top of the screen and press F8, which sets this field to MN. You then enter a code of PR in this field for a particular SKU. If you press F8 again, the system resets the status for the SKU to the current value in the S/H code field at the top of the screen, overwriting your entry of PR.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

S/H price

The special handling price to assign to this SKU. This is the price the customer pays for special handling for the SKU in the offer.

If you leave this field blank, the system does not update the special handling price field in the SKU Offer file for this SKU; it does not delete the current value in the status field unless it is replacing it with a new price.

When you press F8, the special handling price here defaults from the S/H price field at the top of the screen, but you can override it. However, if you press F8 again, the value from the S/H price field at the top of the screen overwrites the previously entered value.

Example: You enter a special handling price of 5.00 in the S/H price field at the top of the screen and press F8, which sets this field to 5.00. You then enter a price of 7.99 in this field for a particular SKU. If you press F8 again, the system resets the special handling price for the SKU to the current value in the S/H price field at the top of the screen, overwriting your entry of 7.99.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Completing this screen: See Updating Special Handling Information for a discussion.



Scan for different SKU’s to update

Use the Select SKU1, And/or select SKU2, and And/or select SKU3 fields to display the SKU’s to update. If you press F8, the special handling information you have entered at the top of the screen is applied to just the displayed SKU’s. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

Copy special handling settings from the header to the displayed SKU’s

Press F8. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

Prevent a SKU from being updated with special handling information

Enter 4 next to a SKU to prevent it from being updated with special handling information. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

Note: You can also prevent a SKU from being updated by not entering any special handling information for the SKU, or by clearing any information currently entered for the SKU.

Enter special handling information for specific SKU Offer records

Use the Tab key to advance to the pricing fields for a SKU and enter the special handling information for that SKU. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Special Handling Information for a discussion.

Submit the special handling update

Press F9 to submit special handling information for update. The system updates each Item Offer or SKU Offer record only if the offer was selected at the Select Offers Screen and the SKU is displayed on the Update S/H Options Screen.

See Submitting the Special Handling Update for a discussion.

Updating Item or SKU Statuses

Purpose: Use the Update Status Screen to:

• indicate the new Status to apply to the item and each selected SKU

• select the SKU records whose Status field you want to update

• process the Status update

Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Statuses

You can select SKU’s for update by:

Using the SKU scan fields at the top of the screen to restrict the SKU’s displayed. For example, you can enter TALL in the related SKU scan field to restrict the display to tall sizes. You can then use the F8 option to copy the Item current status from the top of the screen to the displayed SKU’s. Using this method enables you to select a different range of SKU’s to update with the status you enter at the top of the screen; for example, you can display tall sizes in order to copy a particular status to these SKU’s, then display regular sizes to copy a different status to these SKU’s.

Deleting the SKU’s that should not be updated. For example, you can enter 4 next to SKU’s that should not be assigned to the status that you are going to apply. You can then use the F8 option to copy the status from the top of the screen to the displayed SKU’s; however, once you delete a SKU from this screen, you cannot add it back to the screen for update without exiting the screen and then re-entering.

Manually entering statuses. You can enter a status for selected SKU’s. Any SKU’s whose status fields you leave blank are not updated when you press F9.

A few things to note: When you Press F8, the system:

• Clears the previous statuses for the displayed SKUs. For example, if you had previously entered a status of Q for a single SKU, changed the status at the header area to P, and then pressed F8 again, it resets the status for all displayed SKUs to P.

• Does not update any SKU’s that are not displayed. For example, depending on your SKU elements, you might copy the status from the header level for tall sizes, use the SKU fields at the top of the screen to display regular sizes but not tall sizes, and then copy a different status to the regular sizes.

Processing the Status Update

The system updates a SKU’s status only if the SKU is displayed on the screen at the time you press F9, and there is a status specified in the Current status field for the SKU. Similarly, the system updates the item status only if there is a status specified in the Item current status field at the top of the screen, and if you selected an update to the item or both items and SKU’s at the Update SKU/Offer Screen. The system does not replace a status in the Item or SKU file with a blank status based on your entries at this screen.

Additional updates: In addition to the Item and SKU files, the system also updates the:

• DW Transaction file if the Use Data Warehouse (G94) system control value is set to Y

For more information: IL Outbound Trigger file if the Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records (I15) system control value is set to YSee CWData Overview or Generic Item Download API.

Update Status Screen

How to display this screen: Complete the Update SKU/Offer Screen after completing the Update status field.

INR1913 CHANGE Update Status 5/04/07 11:14:49

EZK Mail Order

Item . . . . : HU-2120 Item Current Status: K


Update Status : B (I/S/B)

Select COLR . : And/Or Select SIZE : And/Or Select WDTH :

Type options, press Enter.


Opt COLR SIZE WDTH Current Status

BLUE 7.0 B


BLUE 7.5 B


BLUE 8.0 B


PINK 7.0 B +

F3=Exit F8=Update Screen Status F9=Update Item/SKU F12=Cancel



Header fields

Use these fields to select the SKU’s to update and to enter the new status code to apply.


The item you entered at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Item current status

The status to:

• apply to the Item file if you entered B or I in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

• copy to the displayed SKU’s if you entered B or S in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen

See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Statuses for a discussion.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The description of the selected item.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Update status

Indicates your entry in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

B = Update Item Prices and SKU Prices

I = Update Item Prices

S = Update SKU Prices

Alphanumeric, 1position; display-only.

Select SKU1

Enter a full or partial SKU to restrict the display to SKU’s that match your entry. The Split SKU Element 1 Column Heading (A52) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Note: Not displayed if you selected a non-SKU’d item at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

And/or select SKU2

Enter a full or partial SKU to restrict the display to SKU’s that match your entry. The Split SKU Element 2 Column Heading (A53) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Note: Not displayed if you selected a non-SKU’d item at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

And/or select SKU3

Enter a full or partial SKU to restrict the display to SKU’s that match your entry. The Split SKU Element 3 Column Heading (A54) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Note: Not displayed if you selected a non-SKU’d item at the Update SKU/Offer Screen.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Detail fields

These fields are available only if you entered B or S in the Update status field at the Update SKU/Offer Screen and the item you selected for update has SKU’s. You can copy the status from the top of the screen to these fields by pressing F8, or you can use these fields to enter different (override) statuses for individual SKU’s, or to delete SKU’s from update.


One of the item’s distinguishing characteristics, such as its color or size. The Split SKU Element 1 Column Heading (A52) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The Split SKU Element 2 Column Heading (A54) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.


The Split SKU Element 3 Column Heading (A54) system control value provides the label for this field; see Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54).

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; display-only.

Current status

The status to assign to this SKU. Status codes are defined in and validated against the Item Status file; see Working with Item Status (WIST) for more information. The current status assigned to the SKU defaults.

If you leave this field blank, the system does not update the status field in the SKU file for this SKU; it does not delete the current value in the status field unless it is replacing it with a new status.

When you press F8, the status code here defaults from the Item current status field at the top of the screen, but you can override it. However, if you press F8 again, the value from the Item current status field at the top of the screen overwrites the previously entered value.

Example: You enter a status code of A in the Item current status field at the top of the screen and press F8, which sets this field to A. You then enter a code of Q in this field for a particular SKU. If you press F8 again, the system resets the status for the SKU to the current value in the Item current status field at the top of the screen, overwriting your entry of Q.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Completing this screen: See Updating Item or SKU Statuses for a discussion.



Select the SKU’s to update

Use the Select SKU1, And/or select SKU2, and And/or select SKU3 fields to display the SKU’s to update. If you press F8, the status code you have entered at the top of the screen is applied to just the displayed SKU’s. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Statuses for a discussion.

Copy the status from the top of the screen to the displayed SKU’s

Press F8. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Statuses for a discussion.

Enter statuses for specific SKU’s

Use the Tab key to advance to the status field for a SKU and enter the correct status. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Statuses for a discussion.

Prevent a SKU from being updated with a new status

Enter 4 next to a SKU to prevent it from being updated with a new status. See Selecting SKU’s and Specifying Statuses for a discussion.

Note: You can also prevent a SKU from being updated by not entering a status for the SKU, or by clearing any status currently entered for the SKU.

Submit the Status update

Press F9 to submit statuses for update. The system updates each Item or SKU record only if the SKU is displayed on the Update Status Screen and the related status field is not blank. See Processing the Status Update for a discussion.

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