Working with User Exit Point (WUEP)

Purpose: Use the User Exit Point file to call a user-defined program when you perform a certain task in CWDirect. This enables you to insert your own program in crucial areas.

For example, when you accept an order in Order Entry, you can provide a “hook” to a user-defined program to obtain additional information such as setting up a house charge for the customer. You might also set up a user exit point as a means of feeding information to an external accounting package, or a service bureau that maintains your house list. The user exit point launches your own external program, which extracts the information you need from CWDirect files; it knows where to look for the data based on the information passed by the calling program. Once the user-defined program completes, the system returns to normal processing.

In this topic:

Passing Parameters

F22 User Exit Points

Work with User Exit Point Screen

Create User Exit Point Screen

Change User Exit Point Screen

Display User Exit Point Screen

Passing Parameters

Specific parameters will be passed from CWDirect to your user program. When attaching a user program at an exit point, make sure that your program accepts the parameters identified below.

Important: All parameters, including numeric ones, are passed as alphanumeric. Also, the first parameter passed for each user exit point is a return code (7 positions)

User Exit Point

Calling Function


File(s) to Access

Important: All parameters, including numeric ones, are passed as alphanumeric. Also, the first parameter passed for each user exit point is a return code (7 positions)

After Item and SKU created (not called if you press F13 before completing the transaction)


Company code (3 numeric)

Item code (12 alphanumeric)

SKU code (14 alphanumeric)



After changing a SKU


Company code (3 alphanumeric)

Item (12 alphanumeric)

SKU code (14 alphanumeric)


After SKU generation


Company code (3 alphanumeric)

Item (12 alphanumeric)

SKU code (14 alphanumeric)


CTI Customer Selection


Company (3 numeric)

Customer (9 numeric)

Individual (3 numeric)

Phone (14 alphanumeric)

CTI Telephone Scan

Company Phone Number

After detail line is billed


Return code (7 alphanumeric)

Company code (3 alphanumeric)

Date (7 alphanumeric)

Time (7 alphanumeric)

Job # (7 alphanumeric)

Before/after (1 alphanumeric)

Sequence # (5 alphanumeric)

Invoice # (7 alphanumeric)

Invoice line # (3 alphanumeric)

Billing Detail Data Queue

Invoice Detail

Just before Order Async processes an Order Detail transaction (AFTER images from Order Async only)


Company code (3 numeric)

Date (6 numeric)

Time (6 numeric)

Job # (6 numeric)

Before/after(1 alphanumeric)

Sequence # (3 numeric)

Order Detail Data Queue

After creating a customer


Company code (3 numeric)

Customer # (9 numeric)

Transaction type (A) (1 alphanumeric)

Customer Sold To

Before changing a customer's name and address


Company code (3 numeric)

Customer # (9 numeric)

Transaction type(C)(1 alphanumeric)

Customer Sold To

After entering a catalog request


Date (6 numeric)

Time (6 numeric)

Added from

Catalog Request

After billing a payment method, just after writing Invoice Payment Method record


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Invoice # (7 numeric)

Order payment method sequence # (2 numeric)

Invoice Payment Method

After applying an order detail line against a payment method, after writing an Invoice Detail Payment Method record


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Invoice # (8 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

Order detail sequence # (5 numeric)

Invoice detail line # (5 numeric)

Order payment method sequence # (2 numeric)

Invoice Detail Payment Method

When you press F9 in Order Entry


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

Order Header

Order Ship To

Order Detail

(other order-related files)

After receiving authorizations, but before processing them


Company code (3 numeric)

CC Authorizations Transactions

After loading deposits, but before processing them


Company code (3 numeric)

CC Deposit Transactions

After all PO updates for a PO maintenance or entry transaction are processed


Company code (3 numeric)

PO # (7 numeric)

PO Header

Before any PO Detail updates occur for a PO maintenance or entry transaction (after image only from the OTHR_ASYNC job)


Company code (3 numeric)

PO Detail Data Queue Sequence # (5 numeric)

PO # (7 numeric)

PO Detail Data Queue

After billing an additional charge


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

Order additional charge sequence # (2 numeric )

Order Additional Charges

After all PO receipts processing is complete


Company code (3 numeric)

PO # (7 numeric)

PO receipt control #(7 numeric)

PO detail sequence #(5 numeric)

PO receipt sequence #(3 numeric)

PO Receipt

After all inventory transaction updates have occurred


Company code (3 numeric)

Item # (7 numeric)

SKU code (14 alphanumeric)

Warehouse (3 numeric)

Date created (6 numeric)

Time created (7 numeric)

Item transaction history Sequence # (3 numeric)

Item Transaction History

After running the A/P STS transfer process


Company code (3 numeric)

Transfer batch number (9 numeric)

A/P Batch Header

After CWDirect updates the backorder quantity and/or the reserve quantity in the Item Warehouse file


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (9 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

Order sequence # (5 numeric)

Reserve quantity (7 numeric)

Backorder quantity (7 numeric)

Item number (12 alphanumeric)

SKU code (14 alphanumeric)

Reserved Order Line

Evaluate Back Order Data Queue



Note: If the Immediate Reservation (A64) system control value is set to Y, updates occur immediately when the system changes the quantity of a reserved order line. If this value is set to N, updates occur during Interactive Reservation (fast path = MIRV).

While printing an A/P check (through Work with A/P Checks or Print A/P Checks), after posting debit transactions to the general ledger


Company code (3 numeric)

APC Vendor # (7 numeric)

APC Sequence # (7 numeric)

AIH Vendor # (7 numeric)

AIH Invoice # (7 numeric)

API Sequence # (7 numeric)

A/P Check Invoice (APCKIN)

When you press Enter to confirm the order reject request (F11)


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

Order Header

Order Detail

When you merge/purge sold-to, ship-to, or individual customers


Company code (3 numeric)

Source sold-to customer # (3 numeric)

Target sold-to customer # (3 numeric)

Source ship-to customer # (3 numeric)

Target ship-to customer # (3 numeric)

Source individual customer # (3 numeric)

Target individual customer # (3 numeric)

Record type (S = sold-to; H = ship-to; I = individual) (1 alphanumeric)

Customer Sold To

Customer Ship To

Customer Individual

When you define a subcode in the Sub code field and press Enter on the Create Item Offer or Create Item/SKU Offer screens


Company code (3 numeric)

Item code (12 alphanumeric)

Offer # (3 numeric)

Sub page (5 numeric)

Item Offer

Item/SKU Offer

When you press Enter to validate the header information on the Work with Order and Work with Order/Detail screens and when you enter Y in the Confirm field on the Submit Phone Order Load Screen


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

Program mode (E = order entry; M = order maintenance) (1 alphanumeric)

Order Entry

Order Maintenance

Load Phone Orders

When you press F15 to advance to the Enter Payment Method Screen.


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

Program mode (E = order entry; M = order maintenance) (1 alphanumeric)

Order Entry

Order Maintenance

Process EDI purchase order receipts


Company code (3 numeric)

EDI PO Receipt Control

Process purchase order receipt costing


Company code ( 3 numeric)

PO # (7 numeric)

Purchase Order Receipt

While generating a pick slip for an order containing a credit card paytype that is authorized through the JC Penney authorization service


Company code (3 numeric)

Authorization service(3 alphanumeric)

Library name

File name

Pick Slip Generation

When you add or change or order detail line


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

Order detail sequence # (5 numeric)

Add/change flag (1 numeric)

Order Entry

Order Maintenance

When you create a drop ship purchase order


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

Order detail sequence # (5 numeric)

Purchase order or pick flag (P = Purchase order; I = Pick) (1 alphanumeric)

Drop Ship Processing

During pick slip generation when picks are allocated but before Manifest Download and Pick Sort GH records are created; during drop ship processing after drop ship pick control header and detail records are created.


Return Code (7 numeric)

Company code (3 numeric)

Billing batch # (7 numeric)

Generation type (P = Pick Generation; D = Drop Ship Processing) (1 alphanumeric)

• Pick Location

• Drop Ship Processing

When you press Enter on the Change Item screen in Work with Item/SKUs


Company code (3 numeric)

Item code (12 alphanumeric)

SKU code (this is always blank)


After a vendor item is created in Work with Item/SKUs (fast path = MITM), Generate SKUs (fast path = ESKG), or Work with Vendor Item (fast path = WVNI).


Company code (3 numeric)

Vendor # (7 numeric)

Vendor Item # (20 alphanumeric)

Item # (12 numeric)

SKU code (14 numeric)

Vendor Item

When you press F9 to accept your entries at the Work with Returns for Order screen in the Work with Return Authorizations menu option (fast path = WRTA), streamlined version


Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (8 numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 numeric)

RA # (3 numeric)

Line # (3 numeric)

RA Detail

When you:

press F9 to accept an order or press F19 to accept the order and add a recipient order in order entry and maintenance (OEOM/OIOM),

process auto sold out cancellations (MASO),

process mass substitutions (PSUB),

process retail price changes (WRPC),

generate membership orders (EGMO),


Return code (7 alphanumeric)

Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (9 numeric)

Order ship-to# (3 numeric)

Program mode (E entry, M maintenance) (1 alphanumeric)


These programs are called during program mode E (entry):

accept an order or accept an order and add a recipient in order entry or maintenance (OEOM/OIOM)

generate membership orders (EGMO)

accept an order batch of phone or web orders (OEOM)

process a payment applied to a web order (EJCT)

Order Ship To

Auto Soldout

RI Price Change

Member ship

B/O Cancellation Pending

process backorders pending cancellation (WBPC),

select subfile option 9 to accept an order batch of phone or web orders (OEOM),

process a payment applied to a web order (EJCT); acts like accepting an order in order entry/maintenance


These programs are called during program mode M (maintenance):

process auto sold out cancellations (MASO)

process mass substitutions (PSUB)

process retail price changes (WRPC)

process backorders pending cancellation (WBPC)

accept an order or accept an order and add a recipient in order entry or maintenance (OEOM/OIOM)


When you press F9 to accept an order or press F19 to accept the order and add a recipient order on the Work with Order Line screen press F9 at the Order Recap screen.


Return code (7 alphanumeric)

Company code (3 numeric)

Order # (9 numeric)

Order ship-to# (3 numeric)

Program mode (E entry, M maintenance) (1 alphanumeric)

Order Ship To

When you press Enter after creating or changing a tax rate in Work with SCF Codes (fast path = WSCF)


Company code (3 numeric)

SCF code (3 numeric)

Tax rate (5 numeric)

Add (E) or Change (M) code (1 alphanumeric)

SCF Tax Rate

When you press Enter after creating or changing a tax rate in Work with Postal Code/City/States (fast path = WZIP)


Company code ( 3 numeric)

Zip (10 numeric)

Tax rate (5 numeric)

Add (E) or Change (M) code (1 alphanumeric)

Zip/City/State Tax Rate

After Batch PO Layering has completed (fast path = BPOL)


Company code (3 numeric)

PO Layering

After the system updates the Pick Sort GH file during Pick Slip Generation (fast path = WPSG)


Company code (3 numeric)

Billing batch number (7 numeric)

Pick Sort GH

After pick slips are voided


Company code (3 numeric)

Pick control number (7 numeric)

Pick Control Header

After pick slips are reprinted


Company code (3 numeric)

Pick control number (7 numeric)

Reprint Pick Control Header

After creating a store (when you press Enter at the Create Store screen in Work with Warehouses)


Company (3 numeric)

Store ID (3 numeric)


When you create, change, or delete a vendor contact through Work with Vendors


Company (3 numeric)

Vendor number (7 numeric)

Vendor contact sequence number (3 numeric)

Action code (1 alphanumeric; A = create, C = change, D = delete)

Vendor Contact

After you receive deposits


Company (3 numeric)

Authorization service code (3 alphanumeric)

Authorization Service

When you press F9 or F19 to accept a purchase order in purchase order entry or maintenance


Company (3 numeric)

Purchase order number (9 numeric)

Mode (1 alphanumeric; E = entry, M = maintenance)

Purchase Order Header

When you create, change, or delete a vendor


Company (3 numeric)

Vendor (7 numeric)

Vendor contact sequence number (3 numeric)

Action code (1 alphanumeric: A = add; C = change; D = delete)

Vendor Contact

When you press F9 at the Select Items for Retail Fulfillment screen (fast path = RFUL)


Company (3 numeric)

Retail Store Pick

When you enter 9 next to for a retail pick (fast path = CFUL)


Company (3 numeric)

Order ship-to (3 numeric)

Order detail sequence number (5 numeric)

RTF sequence number (3 numeric)

Retail Store Pick

When you enter 11 (void) next to a retail pick (fast path = CFUL)


Company (3 numeric)

Order number (8 numeric)

Order ship-to (3 numeric)

Order detail sequence number (5 numeric)

RTP sequence number (3 numeric)

Warehouse (3 numeric)

Selection date (6 numeric)

Retail Store Pick

When you press F3 or F12 on the Work with Continuity Item screen (fast path = WCNT)


Company (3 numeric)

Item code (12 alphanumeric)

SKU code (14 alphanumeric)

C = continuity

Continuity Header

Continuity Detail

When you press F3 or F12 on the Work with Finished Good Component Items screen (fast path = WFGD)


Company (3 numeric)

Item code (12 alphanumeric)

SKU code (14 alphanumeric)

F = finished good


Kit Detail

Kit Makeup

When you press F9 on the Work with Set Component Items screen (fast path = WSET)


Company (3 numeric)

Item code (12 alphanumeric)

SKU code (14 alphanumeric)

S = set


Set Detail

When you press F3 or F12 on the Work with Variable Set Groups screen (fast path = WVST)


Company (3 numeric)

Item code (12 alphanumeric)

SKU code (14 alphanumeric)

V = variable set

Variable Set

Variable Set Detail

Variable Set Group

During pick slip generation when perform credit card authorization and the authorization service is USR (fast path = WPSG)


Company (3 numeric)

Authorization service = USR (3 alphanumeric)

Transmission type (3 alphanumeric): SND = send; RCV = receive; S/R = send and receive

Error flag (1 alphanumeric): blank = no error; Y = in error

CC Authorization Transaction

After you automatically deposit and the deposit service is USR (fast path = SDEP)


Company (3 numeric)

Authorization service = USR

Transmission type (3 alphanumeric): SND = send; RCV = receive; S/R = send and receive

Error flag (1 alphanumeric): blank = no error; Y = in error

CC Deposit Transaction

When you automatically deposit and the deposit service is USR (fast path = SDEP)

Note: Use this user exit point for Processing Direct Bank Disbursements/Electronic Checks.


Company (3 numeric)

Authorization service = USR

Transmission type (3 alphanumeric): SND = send; RCV = receive; S/R = send and receive

Error flag (1 alphanumeric): blank = no error; Y = in error

CC Deposit Transaction

When an order set up with an R order type and a warehouse code on the Order Header that represents a retail store is processed through the Order Async, during the miscellaneous order header updates


Company code (3 numeric)

Date (7 numeric)

Time (6 numeric)

Job number (6 numeric)

B/A flag (1 alphanumeric)

New order flag (1 alphanumeric)

Order Ship To Data Queue

When the OUTSIDE periodic function (program INR1584 in version 4.0 and above) is run


Company description (30 alphanumeric)


When you first press Enter at the order header or order header/detail screen


Company code (3 numeric)

Customer number (9 numeric)

Prefix (3 alphanumeric)

First name (15 alphanumeric)

Middle initial (1 alphanumeric)

Last name (25 alphanumeric)

Suffix (3 alphanumeric)

Company (30 alphanumeric)

Street address (32 alphanumeric)

Apartment (10 alphanumeric)

Address line 2 (30 alphanumeric)

City (25 alphanumeric)

State (2 alphanumeric)

Zip code (10 alphanumeric)

Country (3 alphanumeric)

Customer Sold To

After pick slip generation is complete


Company code (3 numeric)

Pick Control number (7 numeric)

Pick Control Header

After you select an order inquiry reason code(s) and press Enter at the Order Inquiry Reason Codes window


Company code (3 numeric)

Order inquiry reason code (3 alphanumeric)

Date (7 numeric)

User (10 alphanumeric)

Line of business code (3 alphanumeric)

Order Line History

Order Inquiry Reason History

During e-commerce order processing after the order details are created; this user exit point is called for each ship to customer on the web order.


Return code (1 alphanumeric)

Company code (3 numeric)

Order number (9 numeric)

Ship to number (3 numeric)

Program mode (1 alphanumeric)

Order Header

Order Ship To

After a tickler is created


Return code (7 alphanumeric)

Company code (3 numeric)

Tickler number (9 numeric)


After a tickler is resolved


Return code (7 alphanumeric)

Company code (3 numeric)

Tickler number (9 numeric)


Before generating the E-Commerce New Order Response Message (CWOrderResponse) or Detailed Order XML Response (CWORDEROUT).

Note: This user exit point is called for each order ship to included in the message.


Company code (3 numeric)

Order number (8 numeric)

Order ship to number (3 numeric)

Order Ship To

The system defaults the value defined in the Vendor user field 3 field in Work with Vendors (fast path = WVEN) to the Item user Field 3 field in Work with Item/SKUs when you create or change an item and the program name INR1156 has been defined in the User function field for the CHGITEM and ADDITMSKU user exit points.

F22 User Exit Points

Purpose: The table below lists each user exit point available by pressing F22 on a screen. If both a user exit point and a user-defined option are set up for the F22 key on a screen, the system calls the user exit point function first, and then the user-defined option.

Screen with F22 User Exit Point/Fast Path

Calling Function


File(s) to Access

Pay A/R Open Items (WCRT; select customer at Select Customer Bill To screen)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Bill-to customer # (7 Numeric)

A/R Open Item

A/R Open Item Purge (MOIP)


Company code (3 Numeric)

A/R Open Item

Display Delinquent Customers (DDCU)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Customer Bill To

A/P Select Vendor (DAPI)


Company code (3 Numeric)


A/P Select PO by Date (MAPE, DAPI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

A/P Transaction

A/P Select Drop Ship Invoice (MAPE, DAPI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

A/P Transaction

Generate A/P Checks (MCHK)


Company code (3 Numeric)

A/P Invoice Header

Work with Reconciliation (WREC)


Company code (3 Numeric)

A/P Check

Work with A/P Checks (WCHK)


Company code (3 Numeric)

A/P Check Invoice

A/P Check/Invoice Purge (MCKP)


Company code (3 Numeric)

A/P Check

Cash Receipts Controls (WCRT)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Batch # (7 Numeric)

A/R Payment Detail

Select Customer Bill To (DARI, WARI, WCRT)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Customer Bill To

Copy SKU/Offer Records (CSKO)


Company code (3 Numeric)

SKU Offer

Change Customer Sold To (WCST)


• Company code (3 Numeric)

• Sold-to customer # (9 Numeric)

Customer Sold To

Display Customer Sold To (OIOM, WCST)


• Company code (3 Numeric)

• Sold-to customer # (9 Numeric)

Customer Sold To

RA/Select order (WRTA)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order Header

Merge/Purge Customer Sold To (MMCS)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Customer Merge/Purge Target

Create Target Customer (MMCS; press F6)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Customer Merge/Purge Target

Merge/Purge Customer Bill To (MMCB)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Customer Bill To

Change Customer Sold To/Alternate Format (WCST)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Sold-to customer # (9 Numeric)

Customer Sold To

Display Customer Sold To/Alternate Format (OIOM; press F8)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Sold-to customer # (9 Numeric)

Customer Sold To

Work with Direct Tech Records (MCTE)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Customer Merge/Purge Tape

Customer Membership (WWCM; press F6, or enter 2 or 5 next to a customer membership)


Company code (3 numeric)

Customer number (9 numeric)

Membership ID (12 alphanumeric)

Sequence number (3 numeric)

Note: The system concatenates the parameters into 1 string.

Customer Membership

Customer Membership Details (WWCM; enter 8 next to a membership, or press F8 at the Customer Membership screen)


Company code (3 numeric)

Customer number (9 numeric)

Membership ID (12 alphanumeric)

Sequence number (3 numeric)

Note: The system concatenates the parameters into 1 string.

Customer Membership

Work with Customer Memberships (WWCM)


Company code (3 numeric)

Customer Membership

Work with Replenishment Control (MSRP)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Replenish Control

Interactive Reservation (MIRV)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order Header

Work with Order Detail Reservation (MIRV; scan on order number)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order Detail

SKU Generator (ESKG; enter a base item at the prompt screen)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Item code (12 Numeric)


Work with Report Selection (MISS, MISA)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Report Selection Header

Enter Item Transaction/Full Screen Entry/Non-split SKU (WITB; option 5, press F7)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Item Transaction Pending

SKU Generator Item Prompt (ESKG)


Company code (3 Numeric)


Enter Item Transaction/Full Screen Entry/Split SKU (WITB; option 5, press F7)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Item Transaction Pending

Enter Item Transaction/Line Format (WITB; option 5)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Item Transaction Pending

Create Item Warehouse Locations (MIWL)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Item Warehouse

Work with Inventory Transactions (WITI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Batch # (7 Numeric)

Item Transaction History

Create SKU Offers (MISO; complete prompt screen)


Company code (3 Numeric)


Create Unit of Measure Conversion (WUMC; press F6)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Unit of Measure Conversion

Work with Retail SKU Generator (ERSG; complete prompt screen)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Long SKU department (4 Numeric)

ARMS style

Retail SKU Generation

Display Item/Warehouse Information (DINI; select item and press Enter)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Warehouse (3 Numeric)

Item (12 Alphanumeric)

SKU (14 Alphanumeric)

Item Warehouse

Work with Report Control (WRPT)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Report Control

Create Special Handling Format (WSHF; press F6)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Special Format

Display Order Detail (OIOM)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To

Work with Order Batches (OEOM; enter Y at Request Order Batch screen)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order Batch

Request Order Batch (OEOM)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order Batch

Work with Order Lines (OIOM; header version, detail screen)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to #(3 Numeric)

Order Detail

Display Order Header (OIOM)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To

Work with Expanded Name/Address (OEOM, OIOM; press F18 at order header)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To

Work with Order Ship To Properties (OIOM; press F21)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To

Change Order Ship To Address (OEOM, OIOM; press F14 to change existing order ship to)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To Address

Order Entry/Select Bill To Customer (OEOM, OIOM, pop-up window; press F6)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Customer Bill To

Order Entry/Select Customer Ship To (OEOM, OIOM, pop-up window, press F7)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Customer Ship To

Work with Order Header (OIOM; when changing ship-to)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To

Select Customer Sold To for Order (OEOM)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Customer Sold To

Order Inquiry Scan (OIOM)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order Header

Enter Pay Method (OEOM, OIOM; press F15)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order Payment Method

Scan Order Detail (OIOM; press F2)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To

Order Entry/Change Customer Sold To Name and Address (OEOM; option 2 at a customer scan screen)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Sold-to customer # (9 Numeric)

Customer Sold To

Display Order Header/Alternate Format (OIOM)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To

Change Ship To Address/Alternate Format (OIOM; press F7 in order maintenance)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To Address

Expand Name and Address/Alternate Format (OEOM; press F18)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order # (8 Numeric)

Order ship-to # (3 Numeric)

Order Ship To

Order Maintenance Scan (OEOM)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Order Header

Create P/O Receipt Control (PORC)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Receipt Control

Work with Purchase Order Receipt Detail (PORC)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Detail

Work with Purchase Order Header (MPOE)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Display Purchase Order Header (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Purchase Order Display Detail (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Select Purchase Order by Buyer (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Select Purchase Order by Item/SKU (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Detail

Create Purchase Order Detail/Standard Entry (MPOE)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO # (7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Detail

Purchase Order Entry/Horizontal Format (MPOE)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Detail

Select Purchase Order by Due Date (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Select Purchase Order by Purchase Order Number (MPOI; press F4 in P/O # field at Select Purchase Order for Inquiry screen)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Select Purchase Order by Reference Number (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Select Purchase Order by Vendor Reference Number (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Select Purchase Order by Vendor (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Select Purchase Order by Vendor Item (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Detail

Purchase Order Entry/Maintain Detail (MPOE; press F6 at Create PO Detail screens)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Purchase Order Maintenance/Maintain Detail (MPOI, MPOE)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Create Purchase Order Detail/Vendor Item Format (MPOE)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Detail

Create Purchase Order Detail/Non-Inventory Format (MPOE)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Detail

Select Purchase Order for Inquiry (MPOI)


Company code (3 Numeric)

Purchase Order Header

Create Purchase Order Receipt Disposition (WPRD; press F6)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Receipt Disposition

Select Vendor (MPOE; enter partial item code at PO Entry Select Prompt screen)


Company code (3 Numeric)

PO #(7 Numeric)

Purchase Order Detail

Work with User Exit Point Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WUEP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with User Exit Points from a menu.

MSR0682 DISPLAY Work with User Exit Point 10/09/97 12:10:51

The Mail Order Company

Calling Appl User

Opt Function Description Area Function

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display

OER0416 UEP - reservation & b/o ALL XXR0214

F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel

F24=Select company



Calling function

The name of the program from which the user program is called.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.


The description associated with the program from which the user program is called.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions.

Appl area (Application area)

The general category of applications to which the calling program belongs.

Application areas are defined in and validated against the Application Area file (accessed from the System Control file).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions.

User function

The name of the user program that the system “hooks” into automatically from CWDirect.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


Screen Option


Create a user exit point

Press F6 to advance to the Create User Exit Point Screen

Change a user exit point

Enter 2 next to a user exit point to advance to the Change User Exit Point Screen.

Delete a user exit point

Enter 4 next to a user exit point to delete it.

Display a user exit point

Enter 5 next to a user exit point to advance to the Display User Exit Point Screen.

Create User Exit Point Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to identify the program to call the user program.

How to display this screen: Press F6 at the Work with User Exit Point Screen.

MSR0683 ENTER Create User Exit Point 10/09/97 17:22:14

Calling function . . . . .

Description . . . . . . .

Application area . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Calling function

The name of the program that calls the user program.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description associated with the calling program.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Appl area (Application area)

The general category of applications to which the calling program belongs.

Application areas are defined in and validated against the Application Area file (accessed from the System Control file).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Completing this screen: After you complete this screen, at the Work with User Exit Point Screen, enter 2 next to the user exit point you just created to advance to the Change User Exit Point Screen. In the User function field, enter the name of the program you want to call at the designated exit point (this is a program you developed) to advance to the Description field. Enter the description associated with the program you will call at the exit point. You return to the Work with User Exit Point Screen.

Change User Exit Point Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a record at the Work with User Exit Point Screen to advance to the Change User Exit Point screen.

See Create User Exit Point Screen for all field descriptions except User function. You cannot change the value in the Calling function field. Update information as needed.



User function

The name of the user program that CWDirect “hooks” into automatically from CWDirect.

Use the change function on the Work with User Exit Point screen (option 2) to identify the appropriate user program and enter its description.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Display User Exit Point Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a user exit point at the Work with User Exit Point Screen to advance to the Display User Exit Point screen. You cannot update any information on this screen. See Create User Exit Point Screen for field descriptions.

SO03_01 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN