Using the System Utilities

Purpose: The following chapters describe the utilities available in the system that are typically used only by the System Administrator.

Working with User Exit Point (WUEP) describes how to call a user program directly from an existing CWDirect program, such as the Order Entry or Authorizations program.

Backing Up the System describes how to set up period backup routines for the iSeries.

Loading and Transmitting the WATS Inventory Count (WWIC) describes how to send updated inventory information to WATS Marketing.

Loading the Item File for Emory Worldwide (LEIF) describes how to send updated item and pricing information to Emory Worldwide, a remote Order Entry service.

Uploading PO Information (POUL)) describes how to create a file containing information on new and changed purchase orders for you to upload from the iSeries.

Working with Default Options (WDFT)describes how to work with predefined field or program defaults.

Working with File Sets (WFST) describes how to copy a set of files from one library and company to another library and company and how to reorganize a set of file to enhance system performance.

Consolidating Order Billing History (MOBH) describes how to consolidate order billing history.

Working with Inventory Resets describes the options available to reset inventory levels when they become out of synch.

Unlocking a Stranded Order or Batch (MULO) describes how to unlock an order or batch that became locked during processing or maintenance.

Resetting the Order Billing History File (ROBH) describes how to rebuild Order Billing History for an order or range of orders, based on the records in the Order Detail file.

Working with Properties (PROP) describes how to define configuration settings in the application.

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