Entering Coupon Promotions on an Order

Purpose: Use the Coupon Discount window to work with coupon promotions that provide dollar or percentage discounts on an order or order detail line. Unlike the discount amounts that you can enter at the Enter Coupon Discount Amount Window, coupon promotions can be restricted to particular source codes, offers, or qualifying items. There are two types of coupons:

order-level (Coupon type = O): the discount applies to all eligible order detail lines.

detail-level (Coupon type = D): the discount applies to the selected order detail line only.

You can use this window to:

when you advance to this window by selecting an item (option 97)

when you advance to this window by pressing F21 in order entry or order maintenance (available at the Work with Order Lines screen only)

• add an order-level coupon

• add a detail-level coupon to this item

• delete an order-level coupon

• delete a detail-level coupon that was applied to this item

• review order-level coupons

• review detail-level coupons applied to this item

See Selecting an Item (Working with Order-Level and Detail-Level Coupons).

• add an order-level coupon

• delete an order-level coupon

• review order-level coupons

• apply order-level and detail-level coupon discounts to all eligible items

See Selecting Reprice (Working with Order-Level Coupons).

Restrictions and requirements for displaying this window:

• This window is available only when the Price method for the source code on the order header is set to D (regular plus reprice) and you have created one or more coupons through Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR).

• In order inquiry, you can review coupons but not make any changes.

• You cannot make any changes to the coupons on an order if any of the order detail lines has a printed pick, or is in a closed (X) status.

• The system applies any changes you enter in order maintenance only if you have the Price Tables (E07) system control value at the Pricing Values (B31) screen set to Y.

For more information: See Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) for an overview on how coupon promotions work, and information on how to set up coupon promotions.

In this topic:

Coupon Discount Window

Selecting an Item (Working with Order-Level and Detail-Level Coupons)

Selecting Reprice (Working with Order-Level Coupons)

Understanding Coupon Error Messages in Order Entry

Understanding Coupon Error Messages through the Order API

Coupon Discount Window

How to display this window: You can display this window by entering 97 next to an item at the:

Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) in order entry (header format) or order maintenance

Work with Order/Detail Screen in order entry (header/detail format)

Scan Order Lines Screen in order entry (header format) or order maintenance

Order Inquiry Detail Screen (order inquiry)

Also, the system displays this window automatically when you press F21 at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Line-by-Line Format) if any coupon promotions exist in your company. The system does not display this window automatically if you use the header/detail version of order entry. When you advance to the window by pressing F21, only order-level coupons display.

Coupon Discount



Coupon Coupon Description Ord/ Discount Disc

Code Det Seq #


O$ANY $10 off any order O $ 10.00 2

F9=Accept F12=Cancel




The item on the order detail line that the coupon applies to; displayed only when you advance to the window by entering 97 next to an item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The item’s unique characteristics, such as its color or style; displayed only when you advance to the window by entering 97 next to an item.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.


The description of the item or SKU; displayed only when you advance to the window by entering 97 next to an item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Coupon code

The code that identifies the coupon applied to the order or order detail line. To add a coupon, enter the code here.

Alphanumeric, 6 positions; optional.

Coupon description

The description of the coupon, truncated from 45 positions.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


Indicates whether this is an order-level or detail-level coupon. Valid values are:

O = order-level coupon: applies to all applicable items on the order

D = detail-level coupon: applies only to a specific item on the order

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


Indicates the type of the discount for the coupon, and the amount of each:

$= coupon applies the dollar discount indicated; if this is an order-level coupon, the total dollar discount applies to the eligible order detail line with the highest unit price; if this is a detail-level coupon, the total dollar discount applies to this order line. The total discount amount is prorated against the quantity of the order line.

% = coupon applies the percentage discount indicated to the eligible items on the order (order-level coupons) or the order detail line (detail-level coupons)

Type: alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Amount: numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Discount sequence number

Indicates the sequence in which to apply this coupon compared with other coupons for the same order or detail line. Coupons with lower sequence numbers apply first. The system uses all of the following information when determining the sequence in which to apply coupons:

• Detail-level coupons always apply before order-level coupons.

• Next, the system checks this sequence number. The coupon with the lower sequence number applies first.

• Finally, if two coupons have the same sequence number, the first coupon alphanumerically, based on the coupon code, applies first.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Selecting an Item (Working with Order-Level and Detail-Level Coupons)

When you display the window by entering 97 next to an item, you can review or work with order-level or detail-level coupons; however, you cannot use the window to apply all eligible coupon discounts. See Selecting Reprice (Working with Order-Level Coupons) for an alternate method of displaying the window.

To apply a coupon to the order or order detail line: Enter the coupon code. You can also prompt (F4) to display a list of existing coupons in your company, and select a coupon from the list. When you add a coupon:

• If you enter a detail-level coupon, it applies to that order detail line only.

• If you enter an order-level coupon, it applies to any eligible line on the order.

See How an Order or Item Qualifies for a Coupon.

If the order or detail line does not qualify for the selected coupon, or if there is any other problem, the system displays an error message; see Understanding Coupon Error Messages in Order Entry for more information. Otherwise, the coupon is added to the detail line or all eligible detail lines, as appropriate, and displayed in the window.

Reviewing coupons: When you use this method to display the window, it includes:

• all order-level coupon applied to the order

• all detail-level coupons applied to this order detail line

Deleting a coupon: Enter 4 next to a coupon to delete it from the order or detail line.

Note: You cannot add or delete a coupon at this window if any item on the order has a printed pick slip or is in closed (X) status.

Press F9 to confirm your entries when you are done.

Canceling an item: Order-level dollar discount coupons apply the total dollar discount to the item on the order with the highest single-unit offer price. If you cancel this item, the system moves the discount to the item with the next highest single-unit price if the order is still eligible for the coupon.

When are the discounts applied? Unless you display the window by pressing F21, the system applies the coupon discounts and validates the order dollar minimum when you accept the order.

For more information: See Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) for an overview on how coupon discounts work, including examples and setup instructions.

Selecting Reprice (Working with Order-Level Coupons)

Displaying the window by pressing F21 at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) differs from the Selecting an Item (Working with Order-Level and Detail-Level Coupons) option in that:

• only order-level coupons are included in the window

• when you accept your entries, the system applies each applicable coupon discount, including those for detail-level coupons, to all eligible order lines

Note: Pressing F21 is not supported in the HEADER/DTL version of order entry; to work with coupons for an item or order, you need to enter 97 next to an item.

Completing this window: You can add, review, or delete order-level coupons; see Selecting an Item (Working with Order-Level and Detail-Level Coupons) for instructions. Press F9 to confirm your entries when you are done. The system validates that the order meets any order dollar minimum requirement, and applies all eligible coupon discounts, including discounts for detail-level coupons.

To recalculate item prices and order totals: Each time you enter or delete a coupon by selecting an item on the order, you will need to press F21 again and then press F9 at the window to see the effect of your entries.

For more information: See Working with Coupon Promotions (WCPR) for an overview on how coupon discounts work, including examples and setup instructions.

Understanding Coupon Error Messages in Order Entry

The following error messages are possible during order entry if there is an error related to a coupon you are trying to apply to the order.

Error Message


% discount not allowed.

You have tried to apply a detail-level percentage discount to an item that is restricted from percentage discounts, as specified through the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen; or, you have tried to apply a percentage discount to an order, and all of the items on the order are restricted.

At least one item is restricted from this coupon.

You have applied an order-level percentage discount to an order that includes an item that is restricted from percentage discounts, as set up through the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen. This discount will not apply to the restricted item; however, the discount will apply to any other eligible items on the order.

Coupon cannot be used with existing offer.

The coupon has an offer restriction (the Offer requirement? field is set to Y), and the offer associated with the source code on the order header is not specified through the Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen. You cannot apply the coupon to this order.

Coupon cannot be used with existing source.

The coupon has a source code restriction (the Source requirement? field is set to Y), and the source code on the order is not specified through the Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen. You cannot apply the coupon to this order.

Coupon code entered is invalid.

The coupon code you entered is not a valid coupon in your company. Check your spelling, or press F4 to display a list of coupons.

Coupon is not currently active.

The current date is earlier than the Start date or later than the End date for the coupon. You cannot apply this coupon at this time.

Coupon item requirement(s) have not been met.

The coupon has an item/SKU requirement (indicated by the Item requirement? field), and the item/SKU on the order detail line does not match an item/SKU specified through the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen; or, if this is an order-level coupon with an item/SKU requirement, all of the required items/SKUs are not on the order.

• For detail-level coupons: you cannot apply the coupon to this item/SKU.

• For order-level coupons: you cannot apply the coupon to this order without adding all required items/SKUs.

Coupon may not be used with a conflicting coupon.

The coupon has a restriction against use with another coupon that is on the order (the Coupon restriction? field is set to Y, and there is another coupon on the order that has a coupon restriction for this coupon as specified through the Work with Coupon Restriction Screen). You cannot apply both of these coupons on the same order.

Coupon may not be used with non-discountable item.

The item you have selected, or all items on the order, have the Discountable field in the Item file set to N. You cannot apply a coupon against this item (or order, if all items are non-discountable).

Coupon type must be 'O' or 'D'

The Coupon type is not set to O (order) or D (detail). You cannot apply the coupon to an order until this field is set to one of the valid values.

Customer must be president's club member.

The PC member only? field is set to Y. The customer must be a member of the President’s Club to use the coupon. The system checks the setting of the Associate field and the Alt cust (Alternate customer number) to determine if a customer is a President’s Club member.

Detail coupon must be entered for specific item.

You have displayed the Coupon Discount window by pressing F21 at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order), and then attempted to enter a detail-level coupon. Only order-level coupons are accessible when you display the window this way. You need to display the window by entering 97 next to an item and applying the coupon to the selected item.

Detail coupon not allowed - item is sold out.

You have tried to enter a detail-level coupon against an item that is soldout.

Duplicate coupon not allowed.

You have tried to apply the same order-level coupon twice to a single order.

Item price is less than coupon requirement.

The coupon has an order detail line total requirement (indicated by the Minimum detail $ amount field), and the regular offer price of the item is less than this minimum. You cannot apply the coupon to this item.

No coupon maintenance allowed. Order has picks.

Once you have printed a pick slip for any item you can no longer add or delete coupons for the order.

No coupon maintenance allowed. Order must have only open lines.

You cannot add or delete coupons if any item on the order has a status of closed (X).

Order Detail Coupon already exists.

You have tried to apply the same detail-level coupon twice on a single order detail line.

It is possible to apply a coupon to more than one order detail line on an order if it is a detail-level coupon (the Coupon type is D). Also, the system applies an order-level coupon (the Coupon type is O) automatically to each eligible detail line on the order.

Order total is less than coupon requirement.

The coupon has an order total requirement (indicated by the Minimum order $ amount field), and the merchandise total on the order is less than this minimum. You cannot apply the coupon to this order unless you add more merchandise.

Non-discountable items (the Discountable field in the Item file is set to N) are not included in the merchandise dollar total for the purposes of meeting this minimum. See How an Order or Item Qualifies for a Coupon.

Understanding Coupon Error Messages through the Order API

The CWOrderOut response message might include coupon-related errors when the system receives an inbound order message (CWOrderIn) that includes a header-level or detail-level coupon, and:

• the response_type specified in the inbound message is E, or

• the response_type specified in the inbound message is D, and the Perform Order Edit Interactively (I56) system control value is set to Y.

If it is possible to correct the error, the correction is indicated below. In all other cases, the customer cannot apply the coupon to the order, and the order remains in error status until you edit it in batch order entry.

Note: The system does not put an order in message if the CWOrderIn message includes the same coupon code twice; instead, it just creates the order and applies the coupon once, assuming that the order qualifies. Also, the system does not put an order in error if the message includes an order-level percentage discount coupon and there are any restricted items on the order as specified through the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen, provided that there is at least one unrestricted item.

For more information: See Generic Order Interface (Order API).





Invalid Cpn Code

The coupon code you entered is not a valid coupon in your company. The customer cannot apply this coupon to an order.

When an order receives this error, it also receives errors 56 (Cpn Not Active) and 57 (Invalid Cpn Type).


Cpn Not Active

The current date is earlier than the Start date or later than the End date for the coupon. The customer cannot apply this coupon at this time.


Invalid Cpn Type

The Coupon type is not set to O (order) or D (detail). The customer cannot apply the coupon to an order until this field is set to one of the valid values.


Offer Restricted

The coupon has an offer restriction (the Offer requirement? field is set to Y), and the offer associated with the source code on the order header is not specified through the Work with Coupon Offer Requirement Screen. The customer cannot apply the coupon to this order.


Invalid Src Requirement

The coupon has a source code restriction (the Source requirement? field is set to Y), and the source code on the order is not specified through the Work with Coupon Source Requirement Screen. The customer cannot apply the coupon to this order.


Cpn Restricted

The coupon has a restriction against use with another coupon that is on the order (the Coupon restriction? field is set to Y, and there is another coupon on the order that has a coupon restriction for this coupon as specified through the Work with Coupon Restriction Screen). The customer cannot apply both of these coupons on the same order.


% discount not allowed

The customer has tried to apply a detail-level percentage discount to an item that is restricted from percentage discounts, as specified through the Work with Coupon Item Restriction Screen; or, the customer tried to apply a percentage discount to an order, and all of the items on the order are restricted.


Order Tot < Cpn Requires

The coupon has an order total requirement (indicated by the Minimum order $ amount field), and the merchandise total on the order is less than this minimum. The customer cannot apply the coupon to this order without adding more merchandise.

Non-discountable items (the Discountable field in the Item file is set to N) are not included in the merchandise dollar total for the purposes of meeting this minimum. See How an Order or Item Qualifies for a Coupon.


Cpn Item Required

The coupon has an item requirement (indicated by the Item requirement? field), and the item/SKU on the order detail line does not match an item/SKU specified through the Work with Coupon Item Requirement Screen; or, if this is an order-level coupon with an item/SKU requirement, all of the required items/SKUs are not on the order.

• For detail-level coupons: the customer cannot apply the coupon to this item/SKU.

• For order-level coupons: the customer cannot apply the coupon to this order without adding all required items/SKUs.


Detail $ < Required

The coupon has an order detail line total requirement (indicated by the Minimum detail $ amount field), and the regular offer price of the item is less than this minimum. The customer cannot apply the coupon to this item.


Non-Disc Item

The item that the customer selected has the Discountable field in the Item file set to N. The customer cannot apply a coupon against this item.


PC Mbrs Only

The PC member only? field is set to Y. The customer must be a member of the President’s Club to use the coupon. The system checks the setting of the Associate field and the Alt cust (Alternate customer number) to determine if a customer is a President’s Club member.


No Discountable Items

All items on the order have the Discountable field in the Item file set to N. The customer cannot apply a coupon against this order.


Cpn Not Allowed-Item S/O

The customer has tried to enter a detail-level coupon against an item that is soldout.


Dtl Cpn Passed at Ord Lvl

The message includes a detail coupon (Type = D) in the coupon_code attribute of the Coupon element, which should be used for header coupons (Type = O). To apply a detail coupon, the message should use the coupon_detail_code attribute of the CouponDetail element.

OE01_23 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN