Ship Via/Item Inquiry (SVII)

Purpose: The Ship Via/Item Inquiry menu option allows you to review how many shippable orders you currently have for a shipper, broken out by item. You might use this information to determine whether a bulk mailing may be appropriate for certain items.

Batch job: You must run a batch job to collect information on the current number of available order lines for each item/ship via combination in your company before you can review or print the information. You can run this batch job through the Ship Via/Item Inquiry menu option, or by adding the periodic function SUMVIA to your periodic processing, using the program name OEC1033.

Summary files: The batch job populates the Ship Via/Item Summary Header (OESVIH) and Ship Via/Item Summary Detail (OESVID) files. For a brief period during this process, you will be locked out of the Ship Via/Item Inquiry menu option while the system updates the summary information. If someone is already using the inquiry menu option when the system is ready to complete the batch job and update the summary files, the batch job will go into a "delay" status, checking every 15 seconds to see if the user has exited the inquiry screens so that the update can be processed.

Review summary information: Use the Ship Via/Item Inquiry menu option to review the total open orders, shippable units, and oldest arrival dates for each item with a particular ship via assigned. An additional screen, where you can review the number of orders and units for each arrival date, is also available.

Reporting: You can print a report listing all shippable items by ship via code, or the items assigned to a particular ship via code only.

What order lines are included? Ship Via/Item Inquiry and the related reports include any order line quantity that is reserved and unprinted. Both open and held order lines are included. The system uses the ship via code on the order header, unless there is a ship via override for the order line.

In this topic:

First Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen

Second Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen

Third Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen

Ship Via/Item Header Report

Ship Via/Item Detail Report

First Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to:

• populate the Ship Via/Item Summary files with up-to-date information

• advance to the Second Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen so you can review shippable items for a particular ship via

• generate the Ship Via/Item Header Report for all ship via codes in your company.

See Ship Via/Item Inquiry (SVII).

How to display this screen: Enter SVII in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Ship Via/Item Inquiry from a menu.

OER1025 ENTER Inquiry by Ship Via/Item 3/10/98 13:27:39

EZK Mail Order

Ship Via . .

Last Update Information:

Date Time User

3/10/98 12:28:33 EKAPLAN

F3=Exit F7=Update Summary File F12=Cancel F21=Print List(All Ship Via)




Ship via

A code to identify a shipper who delivers merchandise for you to your customers. Enter a valid ship via code to advance to the Second Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via file; see Fulfillment Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

Numeric, 2 positions; required to advance to the second Inquiry by Ship Via/Item screen.

Last update (Last update information)

The date and time when the Ship Via/Item Summary files were last updated, and the user ID of the person who generated the batch update. If these fields are blank, the batch job to populate the summary files has never been run in your company.

Date: numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Time: numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Summary file update: If the UPDSVITM batch job to update the summary files is running, you will not be unable to advance to the Second Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen or print the Ship Via/Item Header Report during the time it takes to copy the updated information into the summary files. Instead, an error message will display:

The summary files are being updated and cannot be viewed or printed. When the file update is complete, you will be able to advance to the second screen or print a summary report.

Screen Option


Update the Ship Via/Item Summary files

Press F7 to generate the UPDSVITM batch job, which populates the Ship Via/Item Summary Header and Detail files with up-to-date information.

Print a list

Press F21 to print the Ship Via/Item Header Report.

Second Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the total number of shippable orders and units, and the oldest order arrival date, for all items assigned to a particular ship via.

How to display this screen: Complete the Ship via field at the First Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen.

OER1026 DISPLAY Inquiry by Ship Via/Item 3/10/98 13:56:41

EZK Mail Order

Ship Via. .: 2 UPS


Opt Item CLR SIZE WDTH Total Orders Total Units Arrival Date


Type options, press Enter.

5=Display Order Totals

BU001 CHOC LRGE 5 8 3/11/98


BU001 CHOC MEDM 2 11 3/15/98


BU001 CHOC SMLL 1 2 3/16/98


BU001 WHIT LRGE 1 1 3/18/98


F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Print list



Ship via

The ship via code you entered at the First Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen. The ship via description appears to the right.

Ship via: numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Ship via description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


A code representing the unit of inventory that you sell.

The items that display are either on orders with the selected ship via assigned at the header level, or have a ship via override for this particular item on the order.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item's unique characteristics, such as color or size. The labels that appear above the SKU field(s) are defined in the Split SKU Values (B32) system control values.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); optional.

Total orders

The total number of orders containing reserved, unprinted units of this item or SKU that are assigned to the ship via code you selected at the First Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Total units

The total number of reserved, unprinted units of this item or SKU that are assigned to the ship via code you selected at the First Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Oldest arrival (Oldest arrival date)

The earliest arrival date for all shippable orders of the item or SKU. The arrival date is when the customer wants to receive this item. The current date defaults in order entry; however, you can override the default and enter a future date. The system performs a calculation that projects the total processing and shipping time to determine when it will need to reserve the items and make them available for pick slip generation. See Order Entry Working with Items on the Order.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); optional.

Description (Unlabeled field below the item code field)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Display order totals

Enter 5 next to an item or SKU to advance to the Third Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen.

Print a report

Press F21 to print the Ship Via/Item Header Report.

Third Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the total shippable orders and units for an item or SKU/ship via combination, broken out by arrival date.

How to display this screen: Enter 5 next to an item or SKU at the Second Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen.

OER1027 DISPLAY Inquiry by Ship Via/Item 3/10/98 15:49:51

EZK Mail Order

Ship Via. .: 2 UPS

Item. .: BU001 SKU. .: WHIT MEDM


Arrival Date Total Orders Total Units


3/10/98 41 44

3/15/98 1 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F21=Print list



Ship via

The ship via code you entered at the first Inquiry by Ship Via/Item screen. The ship via description appears to the right.

Ship via: numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Ship via description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The item you selected at the Second Inquiry by Ship Via/Item Screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The item's unique characteristics, such as color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU); display-only.

Item description

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Arrival date

The date when the customer wants to receive this item. The current date defaults in order entry; however, you can override the default and enter a future date. The system performs a calculation that projects the total processing and shipping time to determine when it will need to reserve the items and make them available for pick slip generation. See Order Entry Working with Items on the Order.

Numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); optional.

Total orders

The total number of orders with the arrival date indicated.

An order may be counted more than once if there is an override arrival date for one or more of the same order lines for the selected item.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Total units

The total number of units with the arrival date indicated.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Print a report

Press F21 to print the Ship Via/Item Detail Report.

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