Pick Print Eligibility (WPPE)

Purpose: Use this menu option to determine whether the system will include picks for a specified order in the next pick slip generation run for the selected pick slip generation template.

The system determines whether to include the order in the pick slip generation run, based on the pick slip selection criteria specified on the Pick Slip Generation Screen for the selected pick slip generation template.

In this topic:

Pick Print Eligibility Screen

Pick Print Eligibility Process

Pick Print Eligibility Reasons

For more information: See Working with Pick Slip Generation (WPSG) for more information on generating pick slips based on the criteria defined for a pick slip generation template.

Pick Print Eligibility Screen

Use this screen to enter the order and ship to number you wish the system to evaluate for pick print eligibility when running Pick Slip Generation (WPSG) for the selected pick slip generation template.

How to display this screen: Enter WPPE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Pick Print Eligibility from a menu.

FLR1233 ENTER Pick Print Eligibility 8/20/12 16:13:38

KAB Co2 Karen Bottger Company

Order # . . . . -

Pick Gen Template .


F3=Exit F7=Order Inquiry F8=Pick Gen Options F12=Cancel



Order #

The order number and ship to number the system will evaluate for pick print eligibility.

The order number is validated against the Order Header file.

The order ship to number is validated against the Order Ship To file.

To be eligible for pick print, the order and order ship to must be in an Open status and not locked by a user.

Order #: Numeric, 8 positions; required.

Ship to #: Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Pick Gen Template

The pick slip generation template from Working with Pick Slip Generation (WPSG) the system will use to determine if the picks for the specified order will print.

Pick slip generation templates are validated against the Pick Slip Gen Options file.


Screen options:

Screen Option


Run pick print eligibility for the entered order and pick slip generation template

Press Enter. See Pick Print Eligibility Process.

Review the order in Order Inquiry

Enter a valid order number in the Order # field and press F7 to advance to the Order Inquiry Header Screen.

Review pick slip generation options in Working with Pick Slip Generation (WPSG)

Press F8 to advance to the Work with Pick Slip Generation Options Screen.

Pick Print Eligibility Process

1. Enter the order number and order ship to number you wish to evaluate for pick print eligibility. If you leave the Ship to blank, the system defaults a ship to number of 1.

2. Select the pick slip generation template you wish to use to print picks for the order.

3. Press Enter.

The system:

• If a pick exists for the order, the system displays the error Pick already printed. You must process the printed pick through Billing before the system evaluates other picks for the order.

• If a pick does not already exist for the order, the system determines if a pick will print using the selected pick slip generation template.

• If picks for the order will not print using the selected pick slip generation template, the system displays an error message indicating the order is not eligible for Pick Slip Generation (WPSG) because it does not meet the criteria defined for the selected pick slip generation template; see Pick Print Eligibility Reasons.

• If at least one of the picks for the order will print using the selected pick slip generation template, the system displays the message Order meets criteria. Note: A Maximum number of orders or Maximum number of units defined for the pick slip generation template could still prevent the pick from being selected for print.


• The system displays the first error encountered for the order; other errors may exist on the order which could prevent the order from being included in the pick slip generation run. Correct the error and run Pick Print Eligibility again to determine if there are any other reasons the order would not be included in the pick slip generation run.

• If one of the picks for the order is eligible for Pick Slip Generation (WPSG) using the selected pick slip generation template, the system considers the order eligible for pick slip generation, even if other picks for the order will not print. Run pick slip generation for the eligible pick and then run Pick Print Eligibility again to determine why other picks for the order are not eligible for pick slip generation.

Pick Print Eligibility Reasons

Note: The system does not evaluate the following during pick print eligibility:

• pick slip generation option Preauthorized orders only.

• pick slip generation option Selected UPS zones.

• pick slip generation option Master label orders only.

Error Message

Reason for Error

Pick already printed

A printed pick exists for the order.

Order is closed

The order is in a closed status.

Order is suspended

The order is in a suspened status.

Order is in error

The order is in an error status.

Order is canceled

The order is in a canceld status.

Beyond Order Cancel Date

The cancel date specified for the order has passed.

Order is held

There is a header-level hold on the order.

Order is in use by USERID

A user is maintaining the order.

Order Line(s) On Hold

A reserved item on the order is on hold.

No lines eligible

• No open, reserved lines exist on the order.

• The lines on the order do not meet the criteria defined for the selected pick slip generation template.

• A future arrival date is specified for the order.

Coordinate Group Conflict

An open, reserved item is coordinate grouped with an item on backorder.

Ship Complete Conflict

The Ship complete field for the order is set to Y, and one or more items on the order is on backorder.

Ship Alone Conflict

The only shippable line on the order is a non-inventory item.

Selected Whs Conflict

The order is not being picked from one of the Selected warehouses.

Selected Src Cat Conflict

The order’s source code does not belong to one of the Selected source categories.

Selected Via Conflict

The order is not shipping with one of the Selected shippers.

Order Priority Conflict

The order does not match one of the Selected priorities for order shipment.

Selected Item Conflict

The open, reserved order lines do not include one of the Selected items.

Selected LOB Conflict

The order is not associated with one of the Selected lines of business.

Select Loc Conflict

The order does not include items stored in one of the Selected location classes.

Selected Geo Zne Conflict

The order is not shipping to one of the Selected geographic zones.

Selected Order Conflict

The order is not one of the Selected orders.

Selected Ord Cmb Conflict

The items do not belong to the Selected long SKU class.

Note: The Selected long SKU class option is available only if the Order Combination Pick Selection Type (G47) system control value is set to L/S CLASS.

Selected Cust Conflict

The sold to customer on the order is not one of the Selected sold-to customers.

Selected Itm Cls Conflict

The open, reserved items are not assigned to a Selected item class.

Selected PO# Conflict

The order does not include one of the Selected purchase orders.

Selected State Conflict

The order is not shipping to one of the Selected states.

Selected P/T Conflict

The order does not use one of the Selected payment types.

Selected Arv Dte Conflict

The order’s arrival date does not fall into the specified Arrival date range.

Selected SCF Conflict

The order is not shipping to an SCF in the specified SCF code range, or is to an SCF specified in the Exclude SCF range.

Selected Zip Conflict

The order is not shipping to a zip code in the specified Postal code range.

Selected P/P Zne Conflict

The order is not shipping to one of the Selected P/P zones.

Complete Order Conflict

The Complete orders only option is selected for the entered pick slip generation template on the Pick Slip Generation (2 of 2) Screen and an item on the order is not reserved.

Single Line Only Conflict

The order has more than one reserved order line ready to pick and the Single line orders only pick slip generation option is set to Y.

Multi Line Only Conflict

The order has only one reserved order line ready to pick and the Multi-line orders only pick slip generation option is set to Y.

Gift Wrap Order Conflict

The Gift wrap orders only pick slip generation option is set to Y and the order does not contain a gift wrap item (the Gift wrap field for one or more of the items on the order is set to Y).

Bulk Order Conflict

The Bulk orders only pick slip generation option is set to Y and the order does not contain a bulk item (the Oversized field for one or more of the items on the order is set to Y).

Special Handling Conflict

The order does not meet the special handling conditions defined in the Include special handling, Special handling only, and Order level spcl hndl (Order level special handling) pick slip generation options.

Selected Restock Conflict

The Store restock orders pick slip generation option is set to Y and the order is not a store restock order (the Store restock order field on the order is not set to Y).

Not enough virtual cards

The item to pick is a virtual stored value card (SVC type V) and there are no available numbers to assign to the card in the Virtual Card Number File (FLSVCA); see Assigning Numbers to Virtual Stored Value Cards.

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