Performing Pick/Pack Verification

Chapters in this part:

Working with Pickers/Packers (WPPF) includes creating, changing, deleting, and displaying picker/packer information. Additionally, this chapter displays picker/packer history, statistics, and error history information.

Assigning Pickers to Batch (MRPA) discusses how to display picker assignment information and how to assign a picker to a batch of picks.

Working with Pick/Pack Verification (WPPV) explains how to change a pick, unpack a pick, display serial number details, suspend a pick, select a new carton for the pick, accept the pick, and reject the pick.

Working with Pick Error Types (WPET) includes creating, changing, deleting, and displaying pick errors.

Resetting Picker/Packer TD Statistics (MRPT) describes resetting the picker/packer period-to-date statistics to zero.

Resetting Picker/Packer MTD Statistics (MRPM) includes resetting the picker/packer month-to-date statistics to zero.

Each chapter contains the purpose of the function, sample screens, and field descriptions.

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