Assigning Pickers to Batch (MRPA)

Purpose: The Pick/Pack Verification program assigns pickers to a batch of orders by the billing batch number and cart number, or by the pick control number. These values are defined in the System Control file and determine whether you are using cart/bin picking, the size of the cart, etc. These values are described below:

• Billing batch number is assigned to each pick slip run and is used to stage pick runs.

• Cart number represents the batch pick slip list for each cart.

• Pick control number is a number assigned to a batch of picks and allows you to track picks throughout the warehouse.

The Pick Slip file contains the picker and batch number, etc. and the information that displays at the Picker Assignment screen. This information includes any outstanding batch numbers; the cart and control number; the number of picks printed and assigned; the elapsed time, the order number, ship number, and the ship via code.

Picker Assignment Screen

How to display this screen: Enter MRPA in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu.

FLR0096 DISPLAY Picker Assignment 3/01/94 13:56:04

Mail Order Company

Enter Your Picker Code . . .

Batch # and Cart # To Assign . .


Pick Ctl # to Assign . . . . . .

You Have the Following Outstanding Picks:

Batch# Cart# Control# Printed Assigned Elapsed Order # Ship# Via

122 1 230 2/11/94 2/18/94 .00 8 1 1

10:13:30 11:31:05

F3=Exit F10=Actions F12=Cancel



The system assigns pickers to a batch of orders by the billing batch number and cart number, or by the pick control number.

Picker code

A code that represents an inventory picker in your warehouse. When you enter the code, the system assigns this picker to the batch.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Batch #, Cart # (Batch and Cart number)

The billing batch number assigned to a batch of picks. The number assigned to a cart. The system generates a batch pick slip list for each cart.

When you enter the batch and cart numbers, the system assigns the picker to this batch/cart number.

Numeric, 7 positions (both numbers); optional.

Pick control # (Pick control number)

The control number assigned to a batch of picks.

When you enter the number, the system assigns the picker to this pick control number.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Note: The system displays the Picker Assignment screen with the batch assigned message that represents the date and time stamp for this pick assignment.

FLR0096 DISPLAY Picker Assignment 2/18/94 11:31:05

Mail Order Company

Enter Your Picker Code . . . JEC JANE COTTER

Batch # and Cart # To Assign . .


Pick Ctl # to Assign . . . . . . 230

You Have the Following Outstanding Picks:

Batch# Cart# Control# Printed Assigned Elapsed Order # Ship# Via

122 1 230 2/11/94 2/18/94 .00 8 1 1

10:13:30 11:31:05

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Batch Assigned at 21894 113105



Batch #

A system-generated number that is assigned to each pick slip run.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Cart #

The system-assigned number that represents the batch pick slip list for each cart.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Control # (Pick control number)

The control number assigned to a batch of picks.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The date and time the pick slip was printed.


Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.


The date and time the pick slip was assigned.


Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Elapsed (Elapsed time)

The difference between the time the pick was assigned and when it was closed.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Order #

A unique number assigned by the system to identify an order. Every order on the system is assigned an order number.

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Ship # (Ship to number)

This value indicates the number of shipping addresses for the order. The system assigns a sequential ship-to number to every order. The first ship-to address is assigned the number 1.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Via (Ship via)

The code that represents the shipper that will deliver the order to the customer.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

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