Working with Pickers/Packers (WPPF)

Purpose: To track both picker and packer statistics for productivity analysis, the system must be able to identify which orders or batches of orders are assigned to each picker/packer. The Picker/Packer file contains the code (usually the picker or packer's initials), the name of the picker or packer, and a code that identifies the employee as a picker (I) or packer (A). This file is referenced during Pick/Pack Verification.

The Work with Pickers/Packers screen is used to create, change, delete, or display records to identify employees who pick and pack inventory to fulfill orders. This function also allows you to access system-updated statistics for each picker or packer.

In this topic:

Work with Pickers/Packers Screen

Create Picker/Packer Screen

Change Picker/Packer Screen

Display Picker/Packer Screen

Display Picker/Packer History Screen

Display Picker Statistics Screen

Picker/Packer Error History Screen

Work with Pickers/Packers Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WPPF in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu.

FLR0007 DISPLAY Work with Pickers/Packers 2/18/00 8:58:24


Picker/ Picker/

Opt Packer Name Packer Cd

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 8=Display History





F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F15=Dsp Packer Stats

F16=Dsp Picker Stats F21= Print Listing F24=Select company




A code that represents an inventory picker/packer in your warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.


The picker/packer's name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Picker/packer cd (Picker/packer code)

A code that identifies this employee as an inventory picker or packer in your warehouse.

Valid values:

I = Picker

A = Packer

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Screen Option


Create a picker/packer

Press F6 to advance to the Create Picker/Packer Screen.

Change a picker/packer

Enter 2 next to a picker/packer code to advance to the Change Picker/Packer Screen.

Delete a picker/packer

Enter 4 next to a picker/packer code to delete it.

Display a picker/packer

Enter 5 next to a picker/packer code to advance to the Display Picker/Packer Screen.

Display picker/packer history

Enter 8 next to a picker/packer code to advance to the Display Picker/Packer History Screen.

Display packer statistics

Press F15 to advance to the Display Packer Statistics screen. See Display Picker Statistics Screen.

Display picker statistics

Press F16 to advance to the Display Picker Statistics Screen

Create Picker/Packer Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a picker/packer code.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Pickers/Packers Screen, press F6.

FLR0004 ENTER Create Picker/Packer 2/07/94 17:07:09

Mail Order Company

Picker/Packer . . . . .

Name . . . . . . . . .

Picker or Packer . . . (I=Picker,A=Packer)

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code that represents an inventory picker or
packer in your warehouse. Verified against the Picker/Packer file.

Alphanumeric, 3 position.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only


The picker/packer's name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.

Picker or packer

A code that identifies this employee as an inventory picker or packer in your warehouse.

Valid values:

I = Picker

A = Packer

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Change Picker/Packer Screen

To Change: Enter 2 next to a picker/packer code at the Work with Pickers/Packers Screen to advance to the Change Pickers/Packers screen. At the Change screen you can change any information except the picker/packer code. See Create Picker/Packer Screen for field descriptions.

Display Picker/Packer Screen

To Display: Enter 5 next to a picker/packer code at the Work with Pickers/Packers Screen to advance to the Display Pickers/Packers screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Picker/Packer Screen for field descriptions.

Display Picker/Packer History Screen

Purpose: This screen is used to review information captured by the system for this warehouse employee. You can review statistics about the employee's productivity and rate of error. This information is captured by the Pick/Pack Verification program.

How to display this screen: Enter 8 next to a picker/packer at the Work with Pickers/Packers Screen.

FLR0010 DISPLAY Display Picker/Packer History 3/07/94 13:57:40

Mail Order Company

Picker/Packer . . . . : JEC

Name . . . . . . . . : JANE COTTER

Picker or Packer . . : I (I=Picker,A=Packer)


Time Spent . . . . . : 236.00 236.00 236.00

Errors . . . . . . . : 17 17 17

Items . . . . . . . . : 84 87 87

Lines . . . . . . . . : 52 55 55

Picks . . . . . . . . : 21 22 22

F3=Exit F12=Cancel




The code that represents an inventory picker/packer in your warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display only.


The picker/packer's name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display only.

Picker or packer

A code that identifies this employee as an inventory picker or packer in your warehouse.

Valid values:

I = Picker

A = Packer

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display only.

Time spent

The time this picker or packer has spent picking or packing inventory in the warehouse today. This field is updated through the Pick/Pack Verification program in which a batch of pick slips is released or closed by an authorized picker or packer.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display only.


The number of errors identified through the Pick/Pack Verification program for this user ID, listed for:

Today (TD)

Month-to-date (MTD)

Life-to-date (LTD).

Numeric, 7 positions; display only.


The total number of items picked or packed by this user ID, listed for:

Today (TD)

Month-to-date (MTD)

Life-to-date (LTD).

Numeric, 7 positions; display only.


The total number of order lines picked or packed by this user ID, listed for:

Today (TD)

Month-to-date (MTD)

Life-to-date (LTD).

Numeric, 7 positions; display only.


The total number of pick slips from which this user has picked or packed inventory, listed for:

Today (TD)

Month-to-date (MTD)

Life-to-date (LTD).

Numeric, 7 positions; display only.

Display Picker Statistics Screen

Purpose: Use this screen is used to review statistics for a specific picker or packer. Options from these display screens include:

• Displaying picker (or packer) statistics by detail, which advances you to the Display Picker/Packer History Screen.

• Displaying picker (or packer) statistics by error history, which advances you to the Picker/Packer Error History Screen.

How to display this screen: Press F16 at the Work with Pickers/Packers Screen. To advance the Display Packer Statistics screen, which is similar to the Display Packer Statistics screen, press F15. .

FLR0099 DISPLAY Display Picker Statistics 2/18/00 8:53:19


“Lifetime Picker Performance Rates”

P/P P/P Name Errs/Hr Picks/Hr Lines/Hr Items/Hr


Type options, press Enter.

5=Display Detail 6=Display Error Details

444 LINDA WARREN .320 32.273 65.124 78.123

F2=By Rank F3=Exit F7=TD F8=MTD F9=LTD F12=Cancel



P/P code (Picker/Packer code)

The code that represents an inventory picker or packer in your warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

P/P name

The picker or packer's name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Lifetime picker (or packer) performance rates

Errs/hr (Errors per hour)

The number of errors per hour identified for this picker or packer.

Type the number and press Enter. The system will display those errors/hour, beginning with the number you entered and continuing to the end of the file.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.


The total number of pick slips from which this user has picked or packed inventory, per hour.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.


The total number of order lines picked or packed by this user ID, per hour.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.


The total number of items picked or packed by this user ID, per hour.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 3-place decimal; optional.

Screen Option


Display details

Enter 5 next to the picker/packer to advance to the Display Picker/Packer History Screen.

Display error details

Enter 6 next to a picker/packer to advance to the Picker/Packer Error History Screen.

Display packer statistics by rank

Press F2. The system displays the statistics according to the number of errors for each picker or packer.

Display picker statistics for today

Press F7. The system displays the picker or packer statistics for the current date. The “Picker (or Packer) Performance Rates for Today” title is displayed.

Display picker statistics for month-to-date

Press F8. The system displays the picker statistics for month-to-date. The “Month to Date Picker (or Packer) Performance Rates” title is displayed.

Display picker statistics for life-to-date

Press F9. The system displays the packer statistics for life-to-date. The “Lifetime Picker (or Packer) Performance Rates” title is displayed.

Picker/Packer Error History Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review error rate information captured by the system for this warehouse employee.

How to display this screen: At the Display Picker Statistics Screen, enter 6 next to a picker (or packer, at the Display Packer Statistics screen).

FLR0102 DISPLAY Picker/Packer Error History 3/07/94 14:01:49

Mail Order Company

Picker/Packer code JEC JANE COTTER

-----Today----- -Month to Date- --Life to Date-

Error Type/Description Errors Errs/Hr Errors Errs/Hr Errors Errs/Hr

MIS MISPICK 1 .004 1 .000 1 .000

WIT WRONG ITEM 1 .004 1 .000 1 .000

F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Reset F10=Actions



Picker/packer code

The code that represents an inventory picker/packer in your warehouse.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display only.


The picker/packer's name.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display only.

Error type

A code that represents the type of error. For example, WIT (for wrong item).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display only.


The error type description. For example, Wrong Item (for WIT).

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display only.


The number of errors per hour identified through the Pick/Pack Verification program for this employee, listed for:

Today (TD)

Month-to-date (MTD)

Life-to-date (LTD)

Numeric, 7 positions; display only.

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