Duty Rate Update Error Report

How to print: The DUTY_LOAD batch job submitted from the Load Duty Rates Screen produces this report if there were any records in error when you performed the upload.

CWDirect Rel 4.0 Duty Rate Update Error Report EKAPLAN IXX0011 10/12/99 10:37:47 Page 1

Country Duty Harmonize

Company# Item Number Code Rate Code


4 SQ123 CAN 7 SQU11111

27 CAN 3

27 ki456 can 10 ki222222

27 AP789 CSN 8 AP333333

27 XY987 CAN 9 XY444444


• company number

• item and SKU

• country code

• duty rate

• harmonize code

The condition which caused the record to be in error is not indicated. However, possible errors include:

• invalid or missing company number

• invalid or missing item or SKU

• invalid or missing country code

• invalid or missing harmony code

FUAPPDr CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN