Loading Duty Rates and Harmonize Codes (LDTR)

Purpose: Use the Load Duty Rates menu option to read the information in the Product Duty Rates file and use it to update the:

Duty Rate file: create or update a duty rate for a country, including the harmonize code and the duty percentage (not the duty amount)

SKU file: update the harmonize code

About duty: The system determines whether to apply duty to an order by checking an item's harmonize code and the duty rates for the country where the item is being shipped. If the harmonize code for the item matches the harmonize code for a duty rate for the country, that duty rate is applied. You can set up a duty rate as a percentage or as an amount; however, the Load Duty Rates menu option allows you to update the duty percentage only.

Example: A customer orders item AB100 at a price of $10.00. The harmonize code for this item is XYZ. The shipping address on the order is in Canada. There is a duty rate of 5% for the harmonize code XYZ in Canada. The customer pays $.50 ($10.00 x 5%) duty for this item.

You can set up a duty rate with a blank harmonize code. In this case, duty will be applied to orders for any item whose harmonize code is also blank (blank matches blank).

Duty is included in the Handling bucket on an order.

In this topic:

Load Duty Rates Screen

File Updates

Duty Rate Update Error Report

For more information:

• Customer Service Setting Up the Postal Code File (WZIP) for more information on working with duty rates for a country

• Merchandising Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) for more information on assigning a harmonize code to an item/SKU

• Order Entry Working with Items on the Order for more information on how duty is added to an order in order entry

Load Duty Rates Screen

How to display this screen: Enter LDTR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Load Duty Rates from a menu.

INR1509 ENTER Load Duty Rates 1/27/00 8:19:52


Submit Batch Job to Update Duty Rates

from Interface File.

F3=Exit F9=Submit F12=Cancel


Press F9 to upload the duty rate and harmonize code information into CWDirect. The system submits the job DUTY_LOAD. This job:

• updates the Duty Rate and SKU files; see File Updates.

• produces the Duty Rate Update Error Report if there are any records in error.

Each record in the Product Duty Rates file is deleted as it is succesfully processed. Records that are in error are deleted once the report is generated.

If the upload process is interrupted before it finishes, the remaining unprocessed records will remain in the file. They will be available for processing the next time you use the Load Duty Rates menu option.

File Updates

All fields in the Product Duty Rates file are alphanumeric. Fields that are stored as numeric values in CWDirect (the company number and duty rate) are converted to numeric values as part of the upload process.

Product Duty Rates File

This field indicates:



the company in which the updates should take place.

You can process updates for any companies in your environment at one time. For example, if you run the load process within company number 1, you can also process updates for companies 2 and 3 at the same time. If there are any errors for these additional companies, they will all appear on the same error report.

This must be a valid company code.

Item number

the item/SKU whose harmonize code should be updated.

This field is 26 positions. The first 12 positions are the item code. The SKU begins at the 13th position for a SKUed item. For split SKUs, the positioning is:

• positions 13-16: SKU element 1

• position 17: blank

• positions 18-21: SKU element 2

• position 22: blank

• positions 23-26: SKU element 3

This field must contain a valid item code, including valid SKU information if the item has SKUs.

Country code

the country where the duty rate applies.

This must be a valid country code.

Duty rate

the duty percentage to apply to an order that includes the specified item and that is shipping to the specified country.

The upload creates or updates the duty rate percentage only. It does not allow you to update the duty amount. If a Duty Rate record for a country is set to a duty amount, and a record in the Product Duty Rates file matches the company, country, and harmonize code, the amount field for the duty rate will be cleared and replaced with a duty percentage.

The duty rate indicated in the Product Duty Rates file is converted to a whole-number percentage. You should right-align numbers with spaces or zeroes to make sure they convert to the correct decimal positions. For example, a duty rate of 015 in the Product Duty Rates file creates a duty rate of 15% in CWDirect. A duty rate of 00015 creates a duty rate of .15%.

Note: If the duty rate field in the Product Duty Rates file is blank, the upload will create a duty rate of 0% in CWDirect.

Harmonize code

the harmonize code to use when updating the SKU file for the item/SKU; also, the harmonize code to use for updating or creating a duty rate for a country.

If there is already a harmonize code for the item/SKU, it will be replaced with the new harmonize code.

This field cannot be blank.

The upload updates an existing duty rate record if it matches the company, country code, and harmonize code for the Product Duty Rates record; otherwise, it creates a new duty rate for the country.

FUAPPD CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN