Item Sales Analysis Report

How to print: Complete the Item Sales Analysis Save Options Screen (Additional Report Selections)

CWDirect Rel 3.5 Item Sales Analysis Report EKAPLAN INR0583 1/20/99 11:23:03 Page 1

EZK Mail Order

By Vendor, $ Sold Asn


Sort selection....: C3

Last Run Date/Time: 1/20/99 / 11:22:29 Starting accounting period: 98 / 1

FIFO option: Include on order: Status: Show cost: Ending accounting period..: 98 / 12

Department Categ Item STS Whs Vendor # Buyer P/O # Item


0 CRT 2 0 0


By Vendor, $ Sold Asn

Vendor : 12 JACK'S JOKE SHOP

O/H Cost % of Units $ % of O/O Units $

Item SKU Description Sts Whs Qty Cost Extension Cost Sold Sold $ Qty Retd Retd

GC1000 GIFT CERTIFICATE 2 0 .000 .00 .00 5 10.00 7.00 0 0 .00

CRE1234 CREATURES CD-ROM 2 108 20.0000 2160.00 82.00 3 89.90 59.00 0 2 49.90

89.90 59.00 0 2 49.90


By Vendor, $ Sold Asn

Vendor : 201 TOY WORKS

O/H Cost % of Units $ % of O/O Units $

Item SKU Description Sts Whs Qty Cost Extension Cost Sold Sold $ Qty Retd Retd

NA123 NAIL ART KIT 2 96 5.0000 480.00 18.00 3 52.00 34.00 0 0 .00

Final totals 2640.00 100.00 1 51.90 100.00


• Sort selection

• Report code and description

• Date and time of report generation

• Starting and ending accounting periods included on the report

• Additional selection criteria, including the department, category, class, status, warehouse, vendor, or buyer (the remaining selection options are not currently implemented)

• For each sort option (vendor number in the sample report)

• Item/SKU and description

• Item status

Primary whs (Primary warehouse) assigned to the item

• Number of units on-hand in the warehouse

• Cost of the item, derived from the Average, Standard, or FIFO cost in the SKU file, depending on your Costing Method (A25)

• Cost extension: total quantity on-hand * cost

• Percentage that this item represents in the overall cost of the items on the report: extended cost of item / total extended cost of all items on the report

• Number of units sold during the selection time period

• Total dollar value of the units sold during the selection period, based on the price to the customer

• Percentage that this item represents in the overall dollars sold on the report: total dollars sold / total dollars sold for all items on the report

• On-order quantity on unreceived purchase orders

• Total units returned by customers

• Total dollar value of customer returns

• Total cost of all items on the report

• Total percentage cost of all items on the report (100.00%)

• Total dollar value sold of all items on the report

• Total percentage sold of all items on the report (100.00%)

ME12_02r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN