Order Batch Listing

Purpose: When you accept a batch, the system prints this report. See Accepting or Rejecting the Batch.

How to print: At the Work with Order Batches Screen, enter a 9 next to the balanced batch to accept it. This changes the status of the batch to ACCEPTED and the individual orders in the batch from "suspended" to "open." The system automatically submits this report (OER0751$). After running this report, the system deletes the balanced batch from the Work with Order Batches screen.

CWDirect Rel 1.2 Order Batch Listing LEE_H OER0751 11/13/95 16:53:43 Page 1

Mail Order Company




Batch # 27




Order # Rcps Ord Date Ent Date Entered By Typ Source Sold To # Name Order Total Paid

448 1 11/10/95 11/13/95 LEE_H P A123 15 ADVANCED FORM SYSTEMS ATTN: SWEENEY, WILL 21.50 21.50

449 1 11/10/95 11/13/95 LEE_H P A123 20 DUNHAM, GINNY 21.50 21.50



Batch #: 27 Total # orders: 2 Total order value: 43.00 Total paid: 43.00



• batch number

• order number

• number of recipients (shipping addresses on the order)

• order date

• entry date

• entered by

• order type

• source code

• customer number (Sold To Customer number)

• customer name or company name

• order total

The following information about the batch prints at the bottom of this report:

• batch number

• total number of orders in the batch

• total order value in the batch

• total paid in the batch

OE02_06r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN