Accepting or Rejecting the Batch

Purpose: This chapter describes the processes that the system performs when you enter 9 next to a batch to accept the entire batch or you enter 11 next to a batch to reject and delete the batch.

Note: You can also accept an order batch by pressing F9 at the Select Customer Sold to for Order Screen.

In this topic:

Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations

Order Batch Listing

Accepting an Order in the Batch

Immediate Updates

Updates at Accept

Updates During Background Processing

Accepting the Entire Batch

Updates at Accept

Updates During Background Processing

Before you accept or reject: Before accepting the batch, you should press F8 at the Work with Orders Within a Batch Screen (that lists each order entered for the batch) to ensure that the controls you entered prior to Order Entry for the batch (keyed number of orders, number of units, and dollars received) match the actual, system updated totals across all orders in the batch.

When to accept or reject: You accept or reject a batch of orders when you finish entering the individual orders in a batch.

Accepting the batch: If these values are the same, you may return to the Work with Order Batches Screen by pressing F3 to exit the Display Batch Totals Screen, then F3 to exit the Work with Orders Within a Batch Screen.

Printing the Order Batch Listing

At the Work with Order Batches Screen, enter 9 next to the balanced batch to accept the batch. This changes the status of the batch to ACCEPTED and the individual orders in the batch from “suspended” to “open.” The system automatically submits the Order Batch Listing.

If the keyed and actual values are different, you must correct the batch, by updating the individual orders in the batch, adjusting the order batch or changing check information (if batching cash). This process is described in Balancing the Batch.

The system does not allow you to accept an unbalanced batch and issues the following message if you enter a 9 next to a batch that is out of balance: Order Batch (xx) is not in balance.

At this point, you can correct the batch or reject the batch.

Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations

Online credit card authorization allows you to send and receive electronically the information required to authorize a credit card at the time the order is placed instead of at the time the pick slip is generated for the order.

The system performs online authorization when you enter 9 to accept an order batch at the Work with Order Batches Screen or press F9 to accept an order batch at the Select Customer Sold to for Order Screen after determining if any order in the batch should go on hold.

If an order in the batch is eligible to receive a credit card authorization during batch order entry, the system sends the amount requiring authorization to the authorization service and waits for a response.

There are 3 types of responses you can receive from the authorization service.

R = an authorization response was received, such as declined or approved.

T = the program timed out before an authorization response was received.

U = an undefined response was received.

Additionally, if an authorization response is received, the authorization service sends back an authorization response code, AVS response code (if performing address verification), card security response code (if performing credit card security identification), authorization code, and date.

If a hold reason code has been defined for the vendor response, AVS response, or CID response received, the system places the order on hold.

Performing Online Verification Only: If the Online Auth Verification Only (I96) system control value is set to Y, the system processes online authorizations for $1.00 for the purpose of validating the card. During batch authorizations, the system authorizes the card for the shippable dollar amount and voids the online authorization for $1.00.

Credit cards requiring authorizations less than the automatic authorization dollar threshold: When you perform online authorization, the system determines if the authorization amount qualifies for automatic authorization.

• If the credit card amount to authorize is less than the dollar amount defined in the $ Threshold for Automatic Authorization # Assignment (K36) system control value and you have defined an authorization number in the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $ Threshold (K37) system control value, the system does not send the credit card to the service bureau for authorization and instead assigns the authorization number defined in the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $ Threshold (K37) to the credit card.

• If the $ Threshold for Automatic Authorization # Assignment (K36) or Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $ Threshold (K37) system control value is blank, the credit card amount to authorize is less than $1.00, and you have defined an authorization number in the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00 (I08) system control value, the system does not send the credit card to the service bureau for authorization and instead assigns the authorization number defined in the Authorization Number for Authorizations Under $1.00 (I08) system control value to the credit card.

Credit cards requiring authorizations less than the reserve dollar threshold: If the Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (G99) system control value is set to N and the authorization amount does not qualify for automatic authorization (see above), the system determines if the authorization amount meets the reserve dollar threshold.

• If the credit card amount to authorize is less than the amount defined in the Online Auth Reserve $ Threshold (L74) system control value and part of the order is not shippable, the system does not send the credit card to the service bureau for authorization. The system will send the credit card to the service bureau during batch authorization.

• If the credit card amount to authorize is less than the amount defined in the Online Auth Reserve $ Threshold (L74) system control value and all of the order is shippable, the system sends the credit card to the service bureau for authorization.

• If the credit card amount to authorize is equal to or greater than the amount defined in the Online Auth Reserve $ Threshold (L74) system control value, the system sends the credit card to the service bureau for authorization.

Bill Me Later orders: When you process an online authorization for an order containing a Bill Me Later pay type, the system always authorizes the pay types on the order for the full amount, regardless of the setting of the Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (G99) system control value and Online Auth Verification Only (I96) system control value; see Performing Online Authorization for a Bill Me Later Order.

For more information: See Performing Online Credit Card Authorizations for an overview of the online credit card authorization process and the required setup.

Rejecting the batch: If the batch is out of balance and you want to re-enter the batch, you can enter an 11 next to the unbalanced batch to reject and delete the batch.

The system prints the Rejected Batch Listing, deletes the orders from the system, and deletes the batch itself.

Retail pickup and delivery orders: When you reject a batch that includes a retail pickup or delivery order, or if you delete a retail pickup or delivery order in a batch, the system also sends a status update message to Locate indicating that the order is rejected. See Fulfilling Retail Pickup and Delivery Orders in CWDirect for background.

Accepting an Order in the Batch

Purpose: The system performs updates to a number of files to reflect the addition of a new order to the batch. The updates occur:

• Immediately, as you enter an order to the batch; see Immediate Updates.

• When you press F9 to accept the order or F19 to accept the order and add a recipient order; see Updates at Accept.

• During a background processing job (ORDR_ASYNC); see Updates During Background Processing.

Immediate Updates

The system updates the SKU and Item/Warehouse files immediately as you enter a new order to the batch.




Update the Item/Warehouse record for each item ordered



On hand qty (if express-billed order)

ITW B/O qty

Reserve qty

S/H reserve qty

ITW On order qty

Update the SKU record


SKU Orders avail pick gen

SKU Open qty

SKU On hold qty

Additionally, the system updates the following files as you enter a new order:

• Customer Sold To

• Customer Sold To Extended Address

• Customer Sold To Phone #

• Customer Bill To

• Customer Bill To Extended Address

• Customer Bill To Phone #

• Customer Ship To

• Customer Ship To Extended

• Customer Ship To Phone #

• Customer Action Notes

• Order Additional Charges

• Order Batch

• Order Detail

• Order Detail Data Queue

• Order Free Gift

• Order Header

• Order I/T Lines

• Order Information

• Order Line History

• Order Line Messages

• Order Messages

• Order Payment Method

• Order Pending Checks

• Order Selected Item

• Order Ship To

• Order Ship To Address

• Order Ship To Data Queue

• Order Special Handling

• Order Transaction History

• Reserved Order Lines

Updates at Accept

The system performs these file updates when you press F9 or F19 to accept each order in the batch.




Reprice order if the Pricing method field in the Source Code record contains a D (Regular Item Pricing + Repricing)

Order Detail

ODT Price

Evaluate free gift eligibility, based on the source code or offer; create order detail records for free gift, if applicable

Order Detail

All fields

Calculate the $ Discount, based on Source or Offer; add a record to the Order Additional Charges file

Order Additional Charges

All fields

Sends balance of updates to background processing job (O/P ASYNC)



Order transaction history: When you press F9 to accept an order that is part of a remote order batch, the system writes an order transaction history message with a Type of 4 indicating the user that accepted the order. The system writes an order transaction history message each time a user accepts the order so that you can track the users that changed an order in a remote order batch. You can review order transaction history messages on the Display Order History Screen.

The system considers an order to be part of a remote order batch if:

• the order is included in the e-commerce order batch (this is the order batch number defined in the Default Batch for E-Commerce Orders in Error (G41) system control value).

• the order is included in the retail channel order batch (this is the order batch number defined in the Batch Number for Retail Channel Orders (I78) system control value).

• the order is included in the phone order batch (this is the order batch number defined in the Batch # field in the Phone Order file; see Using Batch Order Entry to Accept, Reject, or Correct Phone Orders).

• the order is included in the membership order batch (this is the order batch number assigned during membership order generation; see Generating Membership Orders (EGMO)).

An example of the order transaction history message the system creates when a user accepts an order that is part of a remote order batch is displayed below. The system includes an amount regardless of whether the change updated the order total. Note: The Transaction Note indicates the type of remote order batch:

Batch order changed - Ecomm.

Batch order changed - Retail.

Batch order changed - Phone.

Batch order changed - Membership.



Transaction Note





Batch order changed - Ecomm.



Note: The system does not create an order transaction history message if a user rejects out of an order that is part of a remote order batch or manually creates an order in a remote order batch. If a user accepts an order in order maintenance that is no longer part of a remote order batch, the system writes an order transaction history message indicating: Order was maintained.

Retail pickup and delivery orders: When you accept a batch and a retail pickup or delivery order’s status changes to Open or Held, the system also sends a status update message to Locate indicating that the order is accepted. See Fulfilling Retail Pickup and Delivery Orders in CWDirect for background.

Additional updates when you accept the entire batch: The system performs these updates to the individual orders in the batch only when you accept the entire batch (see Accepting the Entire Batch):

• Perform the credit check processes

• Evaluate for refund eligibility

• Update the Flash Report

• Evaluate and update the order status based on the detail line status, if necessary

• Update the Customer Bill To record with the open A/R dollar value

• Update the Online Authorization, Authorization History, and Void Authorization files if you performed online credit card authorization

Updates During Background Processing

The system performs the balance of the field and file updates during a background processing job (O/P ASYNC) that runs after you accept each order in the batch.




Update the Price Override Reason file, based on price overrides at detail line level

Price Override Reason

POR # of overrides

POR Total discount

Update the SKU record


Date of first order

Date of last order

Update the SKU/Price History record

SKU Price History

SPH # orders

SPH $ orders

Update the SKU/Offer Page record for offer page analyses

SKU/Offer Page

Dollars ordered CTD

Dollars ordered WTD

Dollars sold out CTD

Dollars sold out WTD

Units ordered CTD

Units ordered WTD

Units sold out CTD

Units sold out WTD

SOP Dollars upsell CTD

SOP Dollars upsell WTD

SOP Units upsell CTD

SOP Units upsell WTD

SOP Units lost CTD

SOP Units lost WTD

Update the Order/Billing History record

Order/Billing History

OBH # Orders

OBH $ Order total

OBH Qty ordered

OBH # Orders sold out

OBH $ Sold out total

OBH Qty sold out

Add a record to the Soldout Notifications file to generate soldout notifications for sold-out items

Soldout Notifications


Update the sold-to customer record

Customer Sold To Order History

COH On order $

COH # Orders LTD

COH # Sold outs LTD

COH $ Orders LTD

COH $ Sold outs LTD

COH Last CC#

COH Active since date

COH Last order date

OTY Order type

PAY Pay type

SRC Source code

Update the ship-to customer record

Customer Ship To Order History

HOH On order $

HOH # Orders LTD

HOH # Sold outs LTD

HOH $ Orders LTD

HOH $ Sold outs LTD

HOH Active since date

HOH Last order date

OTY Order type

PAY Pay Type

SRC Source code

Update operator statistics, based on order type

Order Type/ User

OTU # Orders TD

OTU # Orders LTD

OTU $ Value - TD

OTU $ Value - LTD

OTU # Receipts TD

OTU # Recips LTD

OTU # Lines TD

OTU # Lines LTD

Update operator statistics by accounting period, based on order type

Order Type/ User History

OUH # Orders

OUH $ Value

OUH # Recips

OUH # Lines

Update the source code record with the accumulated order totals


$ Orders

$ Soldouts

# of Orders

# of Soldouts

Accepting the Entire Batch

Purpose: The system updates several files:

• When you enter 9 next to the batch to accept the entire batch; see Updates at Accept.

• During a background processing job that runs automatically after you accept a batch or an order in the batch; see Updates During Background Processing.

See System Operations Working with the ORDR_ASYNC Job for more information on the background jobs.

Updates at Accept

The system performs these file updates when you enter 9 next to a batch to accept the batch. See Customer Service Performing the Release and Introducing Order Hold Reason Codes for more information about the credit check process that evaluates customers, orders, and payment types and performs record updates if any condition on the order fails a credit check.




Credit check: sold-to customer unconditional hold

Order Header


OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: sold-to customer fraud

Order Header

Order Header


OHD Order status

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: sold-to customer zip code fraud

Order Header

Order Header


OHD Order status

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: bill-to customer unconditional hold

Order Header


OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: bill-to customer zip code fraud

Order Header


OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: ship-to/ sold-to customer fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header

Order Ship To


OST OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

OST Order status

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: ship-to/ sold-to customer zip code fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header


OST Order status

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: ship-to customer fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header


OST Order status

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: ship-to customer zip code fraud

Order Ship To

Order Header


OST Order status

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: dollar hold

Order Header


OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: time hold

Pay Type

Order Header


OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: check fraud

Pay Type

Order Header


OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: balance due exceeds the $ amount

Order Header


OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: pay types

Order Header


OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: credit card fraud

Pay Type

Order Header


OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: credit card authorization pending status

Pay Type

Order Header


OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: credit limit exceeds open A/R

Pay Type

Order Header


OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: outstanding balance due

Pay Type

Order Header


OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Credit check: email address fraud

Order Header

Order Ship To


OHR Hold reason

OHD OHR Sys hold reason

SKU On hold qty

Evaluate order for refunds; create refund records for overpayments or balance dues


All fields

Update the Operations Control Summary (Flash) Report

Order Control Summary

# Orders entered

$ Orders entered

Quantity ordered

# Orders soldout/clsd

$ Orders soldout

Quantity soldout

$ Open backordered

Quantity backordered

$ Held backordered

Qty held backordered

Update order header and order ship-to status to match status of detail lines if all lines canceled.

Order Header

Order Ship To

OHD Order status

OST Order status

Update customer bill-to record if A/R order

Customer Bill To

CBT $ on Order

Approved online credit card authorization: Create an online authorization record, authorization history record, and void authorization record if you performed online credit card authorization for a credit card payment method on the order

Online Authorization

Authorization History

Void Authorization

Online Authorization:


order #

seq #

auth amount

vendor response 1(auth response)

vendor response 2 (CID response)

auth #

auth date

status: *UPDT

trans seq #

credit card #

terminal #

AVS result

card security value

ASV auth service

Authorization History:

All fields except Amount Deposited

Void Authorization:

All fields

Declined online credit card authorization: Create an online authorization record and authorization history record if you performed online credit card authorization for a credit card payment method on the order

Online Authorization

Authorization History

Online Authorization:


order #

seq #

auth amount

vendor response

status: *SENT

trans seq #

credit card #

terminal #

ASV auth service

Authorization History:

All fields except Amount Deposited, Auth Date, and Auth #

Undefined online credit card authorization response: Create an online authorization record and authorization history record if you performed online credit card authorization for a credit card payment method on the order

Online Authorization

Authorization History

Online Authorization:


order #

seq #

auth amount

vendor response

auth #

auth date

status: *UPDT

trans seq #

credit card #

terminal #

ASV auth service

Authorization History:

All fields except Amount Deposited

Online credit card authorization communication failure: Create an online authorization record and authorization history record if you performed online credit card authorization for a credit card payment method on the order

Online Authorization

Authorization History

Online Authorization:


order #

seq #

auth amount

auth #

auth date

status: *UPDT

trans seq #

credit card #

terminal #

ASV auth service

Authorization History:

All fields except Amount Deposited, Auth Date, Auth #, and Vendor Response

Updates During Background Processing

The system performs the balance of the field and file updates during a background processing job (ORDR_ASYNC) that runs after you accept the entire batch.




Update the Price Override Reason file, based on price overrides at detail line level

Price Override Reason

POR # of overrides

POR Total discount

Update the SKU record


Date of first order

Date of last order

Update the SKU/Price History record

SKU Price History

SPH # orders

SPH $ orders

Update the SKU/Offer Page record for offer page analyses

SKU/Offer Page

Dollars ordered CTD

Dollars ordered WTD

Dollars sold out CTD

Dollars sold out WTD

Units ordered CTD

Units ordered WTD

Units sold out CTD

Units sold out WTD

SOP Dollars upsell CTD

SOP Dollars upsell WTD

SOP Units upsell CTD

SOP Units upsell WTD

SOP Units lost CTD

SOP Units lost WTD

Update the Order/Billing History record

Order/Billing History

OBH # Orders

OBH $ Order total

OBH Qty ordered

OBH # Orders sold out

OBH $ Sold out total

OBH Qty sold out

Add a record to the Soldout Notifications file to generate soldout notifications for sold-out items

Soldout Notifications


Update the sold-to customer record

Customer Sold To Order History

COH On order $

COH # Orders LTD

COH # Sold outs LTD

COH $ Orders LTD

COH $ Sold outs LTD

COH Last CC#

COH Active since date

COH Last order date

OTY Order type

PAY Pay type

SRC Source code

Update the ship-to customer record

Customer Ship To Order History

HOH On order $

HOH # Orders LTD

HOH # Sold outs LTD

HOH $ Orders LTD

HOH $ Sold outs LTD

HOH Active since date

HOH Last order date

OTY Order type

PAY Pay Type

SRC Source code

Update operator statistics, based on order type

Order Type/ User

OTU # Orders TD

OTU # Orders LTD

OTU $ Value - TD

OTU $ Value - LTD

OTU # Recips TD

OTU # Recips LTD

OTU # Lines TD

OTU # Lines LTD

Update operator statistics by accounting period, based on order type

Order Type/ User History

OUH # Orders

OUH $ Value

OUH # Recips

OUH # Lines

Update the source code record with the accumulated order totals


$ Orders

$ Soldouts

# of Orders

# of Soldouts

OE02_06 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN