Working with Pay Types (WPAY)

Purpose: Use the Pay Type file to:

• add or maintain payment methods and their descriptions

• specify an alternate refund pay type if your company allows you to change the method by which you refund the customer

• indicate the minimum dollar value and the maximum dollar amounts for which your company will produce a refund

• specify the characteristics of credit cards that your company accepts as a method of payment including the limits, if any, for reauthorizing a credit card order and the authorization and deposit services

• specify the financial conditions under which an order will go on hold (for example, dollar amount limits, balance due)

• assign offsetting General Ledger account numbers

• define the format for displaying credit card numbers for a pay category 2 pay type on screens and reports in CWDirect.

• define a bin number for a pay category 2 pay type to validate against during credit card entry in CWDirect.

Pay type versus pay category: A pay type defines a specific method of payment such as check, cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, coupon, or cash-on-delivery (COD), etc. Each pay type is assigned to a pay category.

Valid pay categories are:

1: Cash/Check

2: Credit Card (including stored value card, Bill Me Later, direct bank disbursement, or a debit card such as a Switch card)

3: A/R

4: COD

5: Coupon/Credit

Pay categories group pay types with similar characteristics. For example, your company might accept Visa, Discover, and American Express. These are three distinct pay types that share at least one characteristic; they are all credit cards. You create three pay type records and assign all three pay types to pay category 2 -- credit card.

Charging against pay types: When billing each pay type on a multi-paytype order, the system automatically assigns charge sequences to different payment categories as follows:

Payment Method

Pay Category

Default Charge Sequence

Cash or check



Gift certificate, coupon or merchandise credit



Stored value card



Credit card (any Card type besides a stored value card)



Accounts receivable






In addition, the system assigns the charge sequence for the “catch-all” payment method the highest charge sequence. For example, if the charge sequence for a gift certificate is 10, the system updates the charge sequence for the credit card on the order to 11 (provided the credit card is the “catch-all”).

In this topic:

Types of Credit Cards

Bill Me Later Processing

Work with Pay Types Screen

Create Pay Type Screen

Change Pay Type Screen

Display Pay Type Screen

Work with Pay Type G/L # Screen

Change Pay Type G/L Screen

Credit Card Number Format

Which Cards are Eligible for Credit Card Number Formatting?

Secured Features

Setting Up a Credit Card Number Format

Creating a Default Credit Card Number Format

Credit Card Number Format Examples

Credit Card Number Layout Screen

Work with Bin Numbers Screen

Work with Pay Type Countries Screen

Types of Credit Cards

Overview: CWDirect supports different types of credit cards, indicated by the Card type setting. Valid types are listed below.

Credit Card Type/Description

Typically Requires

Bill me later (credit card type B): A payment method in which the customer can set up an account with the issuer interactively during order creation and pay later for the purchase using this account. When first creating the account, you need to disclose the payment terms and conditions to the customer.

See Bill Me Later Processing for more information.

social security number

date of birth

Note: Although credit card number is still required, this field is informational only for this pay type, and is automatically populated with the pay type description, such as BILL ME LATER.

You cannot apply a Credit Card Number Format to a bill me later card type. In addition, you cannot express bill an order with a Bill Me Later pay type.

Credit card (credit card type C): A card, typically issued by a bank, that consumers can use to make purchases. The consumer pays the card issuer back on the issuer’s terms, which might require payment in full each month, or monthly installments against a variable balance. You can offer deferred or installment billing for a credit card, or you can simply deposit the payment amount promptly after shipment. Mastercard, VISA, American Express, and Discover Card are examples.

credit card number (typically 16 positions)

might also require:

• expiration date

• leading digits

Additionally, you can define a Credit Card Number Format to specify which digits of a credit card number are masked on CWDirect screens and reports using a special character.

Prepaid card (credit card type C): A branded card, such as a non-reloadable gift card, consumer rebate or incentive card, travel card or teen card to which you add money in advance of using the card. CWDirect processes a prepaid card in the same way as a regular credit card pay type.

The prepaidIndicator setting in the Authorization Response XML Message (CWAuthorizationResponse) defines whether the card used as payment is a prepaid card; during online authorization processing, the system uses the currentBalance and reloadableIndicator passed in the response to display the balance on the prepaid card and whether additional funds can be added to the card on the Select Authorization Response Option Window.

credit card number (typically 16 positions)

might also require:

• expiration date

• leading digits

Additionally, you can define a Credit Card Number Format to specify which digits of a credit card number are masked on CWDirect screens and reports using a special character.

Debit card (credit card type D): A card issued by a bank that draws directly on the consumer’s account. Although a debit card often bears the Mastercard or VISA logo like a credit card, it is restricted to the consumer’s current balance or line of credit with the bank. A Switch card is a type of debit card offered in the United Kingdom.

Note: This pay type requires Paymentech as its service bureau using Online Processing Revision 6.0 and Batch Processing 96-Byte Revision 1.7.1.

credit card number (can be up to 20 positions)

expiration date

might also require start date or issue number

Additionally, you can define a Credit Card Number Format to specify which digits of a debit card number are masked on CWDirect screens and reports using a special character.

European direct debit (credit card type E): The customer gives permission to directly debit the designated bank account when collecting payment. European direct debit does not perform authorization to hold funds; instead, during order entry the system determines whether the customer has authorized the debit from the bank account. When the order ships, the system informs the bank to debit the customer’s account and move the funds to the appropriate bank account.

See Processing European Direct Debit Payments.

Supported integrations: European direct debit pay types are processed by the Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway Integration.

bank account number

bank sort code

RIB code

Use the Work with Pay Type Countries Screen to define which countries for the bill to address on an order are valid for this pay type.

Stored value card (credit card type S): A gift card containing a pre-paid dollar amount that consumers can use to make purchases. Before a customer can use a stored value card as payment, the card must be activated by the service bureau. You can also inquire on the remaining balance on the card during order entry and maintenance.

See Stored Value Card Overview and Setup.

stored value card (credit card) number

Additionally, you can define a Credit Card Number Format to specify which digits of a stored value card number are masked on CWDirect screens and reports using a special character.

Direct bank disbursement (credit card type I): Draws funds for a purchase directly from the customer’s bank account. Although similar in some ways to a debit card, a direct bank disbursement does not require authorization.

You can use Commerzebank and its COTEL software or Bank of America to draw funds for a purchase directly from the customer’s account. See Direct Bank Disbursement Processing.

You can also use a direct bank disbursement pay type to process electronic checks with Paymentech; see Electronic Check Processing.

routing number

account number

require account type

Although credit card number is still required, this field is informational only for this pay type, and is automatically populated with the pay type description, such as DIRECT BANK DEBIT.

You cannot apply a Credit Card Number Format to a direct bank disbursement card type.

PayPal (credit card type C): Draws funds from a PayPal account over the Internet.

Note: This pay type requires Cardinal Commerce as its service bureau.

See PayPal Integration for an overview and required setup.

• credit card number (typically 16 positions)

• reauthorization days

• authorization service

• deposit service

About deferred and installment billing: You cannot use deferred or installment billing for any credit card pay type except for a regular credit card (credit card type C). To avoid having the system prompt you to select a payment plan in order entry, or to have the payment plan applied automatically, for other credit card types, you should set up payment plans to use a specific pay type, such as Mastercard or VISA. See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO) for more information on setting up payment plans for deferred and installment billing.

Allow Auto-Assignment of Pay Category 2 Pay Type

The Allow auto-assign field for a pay category 2 pay type defines whether the system automatically assigns a pay category 2 pay type to an order based on the leading digits entered in the Credit card number field.

If the Allow auto-assign field is set to Y, the system defaults the pay category 2 pay type to the order whose leading digits match the leading digits entered in the Credit card number field for an order. The system performs auto-assignment during order entry, order maintenance, and during remote order processing (orders received through the e-commerce interface, order API interface, and phone order interface).

Also, in interactive order entry and order maintenance, the system positions the cursor to the Credit card number field instead of the Pay type field when you first advance to the Work with Order/Recap Screen.

Note: The system already positions the cursor to the Credit card number field on the Enter Credit Card For Window (Credit Card Payment Type).

Important: If you do not want to auto-assign a particular pay category 2 pay type to an order, such as a Bill Me Later, Debit Card, or Direct Bank Disbursement pay type, enter N in the Allow auto-assign field. The system will only auto-assign a pay category 2 pay type whose Allow auto-assignment field is Y and whose leading digits match the leading digits defined in the Credit card number field on an order.

Example: The following pay category 2 pay types exist:

Pay Type

Card Type

Leading Digits

Allow Auto-Assign


stored value card




credit card VISA




credit card MASTERCARD




credit card DISCOVER



You enter the following leading digits for the credit card number in the Credit card number field for an order:

Leading Digits



The system auto-assigns pay type 22 to the order.

In interactive order entry/maintenance, an informational message displays: Pay type 22 - PAY TYPE DESCRIPTION has been auto-assigned by card number.


The system auto-assigns pay type 23 to the order.

In interactive order entry/maintenance, an informational message displays: Pay type 23 - PAY TYPE DESCRIPTION has been auto-assigned by card number.


The system auto-assigns pay type 21 to the order.

In interactive order entry/maintenance, an informational message displays: Pay type 21 - PAY TYPE DESCRIPTION has been auto-assigned by card number.


The system does not auto-assign a pay type to the order since it cannot find a pay category 2 pay type with Allow auto-assign selected that has 391 defined as its leading digits.

In interactive order entry/maintenance, you receive the error message Must enter payment method, requiring you to enter a pay type code in the Pay type field.

In remote order processing, the system places the order in an error status for the error Invalid Pay Type, requiring you to enter a pay type code for the order in batch order entry to correct and reprocess the order.


The system does not auto-assign a pay type to the order since it cannot find a pay category 2 pay type with Allow auto-assign selected that has 47 defined as its leading digits.

In interactive order entry/maintenance, you receive the error message Must enter payment method, requiring you to enter a pay type code in the Pay type field.

In remote order processing, the system places the order in an error status for the error Invalid Pay Type, requiring you to enter a pay type code for the order in batch order entry to correct and reprocess the order.

What if you enter a pay type code for the order? If you enter a pay type code for the payment on the order, the system will override and auto-assign a pay type code if the Allow auto-assignment field for the pay type code on the order is set to Y.

For example, you enter pay type code 4 and credit card number 478250000121443 for the payment on the order.

• If the Allow auto-assign field for pay type 4 is Y, the system may auto-assign a different pay type to the order if the leading digits for the credit card number match the leading digits for another pay type that also has Allow auto-assign set to Y.

• If the Allow auto-assign field for pay type 4 is blank or N, the system will not auto-assign a different pay type to the order, even if the leading digits for the credit card number match the leading digits for another pay type whose Allow auto-assign field is set to Y.

What if more than one pay type has the same leading digits? If more than one pay type with Allow auto-assign selected has the same leading digits, the system defaults the first pay type it finds that matches the leading digits. Because this occurs, you should make sure that each of your pay category 2 pay types that you wish to auto-assign have different leading digits.

Example: The following pay category 2 pay types exist:

Pay Type

Card Type

Leading Digits

Allow Auto-Assign


stored value card




credit card VISA




credit card MC



If you enter leading digits 222 or 2222 in the Credit card number field for an order, the system may auto-assign pay type 21, 22, or 23 to the order. However, if you enter leading digits 2223 in the Credit card number field for an order, the system will auto-assign pay type 22 to the order.

Bill Me Later Processing

Overview: Bill Me Later is a payment method in which the customer can set up an account with the issuer interactively during order creation and pay later for the purchase using this account. When first creating the account, you need to disclose the payment terms and conditions to the customer.

Setting up the Bill Me Later Account

When a customer first selects the Bill Me Later pay type as the payment method on the order, the system requires the following information:

social security number: only the last four digits are required if the order total does not exceed the BML threshold; otherwise, the entire social security number is required.

date of birth: you must enter the entire eight positions of the date of birth in MMDDYYYY format.

terms and conditions: you define default codes for this pay type to identify the terms and conditions as they are disclosed to the customer. You can specify different codes for orders you create through regular order entry as opposed to orders created through the e-commerce interface or the generic order API. You can override the default terms and conditions code on e-commerce or generic order API orders, while the terms and conditions code is not visible in regular order entry.

In Regular Order Entry

The system fills the Credit card number field on the Order Payment Method record with the description of the pay type, such as BILL ME LATER, and sets the Expiration date to 0000. This is the information that displays on screen for the payment method in order entry and at the Display Customer Order History Screen.

The customer must supply the date of birth and social security number, as described above.

Note: If you use Bill Me Later, it is necessary to enter all items on the order before entering payment information, in order for the system to compare the order total with the BML threshold and determine whether to require the full social security number.

The system always uses the BML T&C version (call center) for orders created through regular order entry, even if the order type matches the E-Commerce Order Type (G42).

If the order total exceeds the BML trans limit, the customer cannot use a Bill Me Later pay type when initially setting up the account; however, this limit does not apply to subsequent orders once the account has been established.

The system stores the customer’s social security number and date of birth in the Customer Sold To BML file until you send the information out for authorization.

Initial Authorization

When you submit a customer’s initial Bill Me Later payment method for authorization, the information sent to the service bureau includes:

• social security number

• date of birth

• flag indicating that the Method of payment is Bill Me Later (BL)

BML default account # specified for the pay type

• terms and condition code from the Customer Sold To BML file, which comes from the BML T&C version (call center) (if you entered the order in order entry) or the BML T&C version (web site) (if the order originated on your web storefront or through the Inbound Order Message, and the message did not include an alternate T&C code)

• ship-to name and address information

• total shipping cost

If the service bureau sends back an approval, the system authorizes the payment method and updates the Customer Sold To BML file as follows:

• deletes the social security number and date of birth

• replaces the BML default account # with the account number provided by the service bureau. This account number is not provided to the customer, although you can review it at the Display Customer Order History Screen in customer maintenance. Also, once you ship and bill the order, you can review the account number at the Display Invoice Pay Method Screen (Reviewing Deposit Information) in order inquiry; however, the pay type description is still stored as the credit card number in the Order Payment Method file and the Customer Sold To Order History file.

See Processing Authorizations and Deposits using CWIntegrate for more information on processing authorizations for a Bill Me Later pay type.

If the customer is initially declined: If the service bureau does not approve the Bill Me Later payment method when the customer is first attempting to establish an account, the system deletes the Customer Sold To BML record and puts the order on hold. You can call the customer to confirm the social security number and date or birth, or request another payment method.

Using the Bill Me Later Pay Type

Once the customer has established a Bill Me Later account, the process of using the pay type on subsequent orders in regular order entry is similar to that used in establishing the initial account, i.e:

• again, the customer must provide the partial social security number and the date of birth; however, the system does not consider the BML threshold or the BML trans limit.

• the system updates the Customer Sold To BML file with the social security number and date of birth.

• when submitting the order for authorization, the system sends the same information described above to the service bureau, except that it now sends the actual account number from the Customer Sold To BML file.

• when the service bureau authorizes the pay type, it sends the same information back, and the system makes the same updates to the Customer Sold To BML file. It is possible that the information sent from the service bureau might include a new BML account number, which would replace the existing number.

Express bill orders: You cannot express bill an order that includes a Bill Me Later pay type.

If the Bill Me Later payment method is declined after the account is established: If the service bureau declines to authorize the payment method on a subsequent order after establishing the Bill Me Later account, the system deletes the social security number and date of birth from the Customer Sold To BML file and puts the order on hold. You can call the customer to confirm the social security number and date or birth, or request another payment method.

When you reject an order: When you reject an order during entry, the system:

• clears the social security number and date of birth from the Customer Sold To BML file if the customer has already established an account.

• deletes the Customer Sold To BML record if the customer has not already established an account (that is, the Account # field is blank).

Because the system deletes the Customer Sold To BML record if the Account # is blank, it is possible that an order could fail authorization if, for example, you:

1. Receive an order from the web storefront with an initial Bill Me Later payment method.

2. Before this order is submitted for authorization, begin entry of another order for the same customer, also using a Bill Me Later payment method.

3. Reject the second order.

Note: When you reject a suspended order in a batch, the system does not delete the Customer Sold To BML record.

E-commerce orders and the generic order interface: The initial establishment of a Bill Me Later account over the web storefront follows the same process as outlined for Initial Authorization. Once the service bureau sends back an approval, the web storefront sends CWDirect the BML account number, authorization date, and authorization number.

New e-commerce orders and the generic order interface are not subject to the BML threshold when determining whether to require the full 9 digits of the social security number; such orders will not be in error if only the last four digits of the social security number are included in the message. However, the BML trans limit is enforced: if the order value exceeds this limit, the order will be in error with a reason of Bill Me Later trans limit. Also, if the customer does not already have an account number established, the customer’s date of birth and last four digits of the social security number are required; otherwise, the order will be in error with a reason of Invalid date of birth or Invalid social security number.

When creating new orders through e-commerce or the generic order interface, the message can specify an override to the BML T&C version (web site); otherwise, the default specified for the pay type is used to update the Customer Sold To BML file.

Performing Online Authorization for a Bill Me Later Order

When you process an online authorization for an order containing a Bill Me Later pay type, the system always authorizes the pay types on the order for the full order amount, regardless of the setting of the Authorize Full Amount During Order Entry (G99) system control value and Online Auth Verification Only (I96) system control value.

Examples of online authorization for a Bill Me Later order:



Order Amt

Shippable Amt


Credit card pay type on the order:





CWDirect sends an online authorization request for 50.00 for the credit card pay type.





CWDirect sends an online authorization request for 100.00 for the credit card pay type.





CWDirect sends an online authorization request for 1.00 for the credit card pay type.





Bill Me Later pay type on the order:





CWDirect sends an online authorization request for 100.00 for the Bill Me Later pay type.













Bill Me Later and other pay type on the order (for example, credit card, stored value card, cash/check); 20.00 applied to other pay type:





CWDirect sends an online authorization request for 80.00 for the Bill Me Later pay type.

CWDirect applies 20.00 to the other pay type.













Bill Me Later and other pay type on the order (for example, credit card, stored value card, cash/check); 20.00 applied to Bill Me Later:





CWDirect sends an online authorization request for 20.00 for the Bill Me Later pay type.

CWDirect applies 80.00 to the other pay type.














The following restrictions exist for a Bill Me Later pay type:

Phone order load: Bill Me Later is not supported through the phone order load.

About membership orders: The system deletes the social security number and date of birth after each authorization response, so this information is not available to send to the service bureau for any membership order created through Generating Membership Orders (EGMO) that uses a Bill Me Later payment method. Contact the service bureau to determine whether you can use a Bill Me Later pay type on membership orders.

Deferred or installment billing: You cannot use deferred or installment billing with Bill Me Later. See Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO) for more information on setting up payment plans for deferred and installment billing.

Setting up a Bill Me Later Pay Type for Promotions

You can offer promotional pricing to customers that sign up for a Bill Me Later account. When you process a Bill Me Later transaction that is assigned a promotion code, the system defaults a division code to the transaction that indicates a promotion has been assigned to the order.

In order to default the correct Bill Me Later division code to a transaction sent to the service bureau via the cw_paymentech site in CWIntegrate, you will need to create at least 4 Bill Me later pay types in CWDirect:

• 1 pay type for web orders that are eligible for a Bill Me Later promotion.

• 1 pay type for web orders that are not eligible for a Bill Me Later promotion.

• 1 pay type for non-web orders that are eligible for a Bill Me Later promotion.

• 1 pay type for non-web orders that are not eligible for a Bill Me Later promotion.










For pay type B1 and the web order channel, the system defaults division code 078947 (non-promotion division) to the transaction.




For pay type B9 and the web order channel, the system defaults division code 078946 (promotion division) to the transaction.




For pay type BN and the regular order channel, the system defaults division code 078947 (promotion division) to the transaction.




For pay type BP and the regular order channel, the system defaults division code 078946 (non-promotion division) to the transaction.

For more information: See:

Processing Authorizations and Deposits using CWIntegrate and the CWIntegrate Paymentech Integration reference for more information on processing Bill Me Later transactions with Paymentech via CWIntegrate.

Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway Integration for more information on processing Bill Me Later transactions using the Orbital Gateway integration.

Work with Pay Types Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WPAY in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Pay Types from a menu.

OER0009 DISPLAY Work With Pay Types 10/16/12 10:50:45

KAB Co2 Karen Bottger Company

Opt Type Description Category

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 8=WW G/L#'s 10=CC# Fmt 12=Bin #s 13=Countries

98=User Field











F3=Exit F6=Create F12=Cancel F21=Print list F24=Select company




A code that represents the pay type.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description of the pay type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


A code for a category of pay type. Valid values:

1 = Cash/Check

2 = Credit Card (including stored value card, Bill Me Later, or a debit card such as a Switch card)

3 = A/R

4 = COD

5 = Coupon/Credit

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Screen Option


Create a pay type code

Press F6 to advance to the Create Pay Type Screen.

Change pay type information

Enter 2 next to a pay type to advance to the Change Pay Type Screen.

Delete pay type information

Enter 4 next to a pay type to delete it.

Display pay type information

Enter 5 next to a pay type to advance to the Display Pay Type Screen.

Work with general ledger numbers

Enter 8 next to a pay type to advance to the Work with Pay Type G/L # Screen.

Work with credit card number format

Enter 10 next to a pay category 2 pay type to advance to the Credit Card Number Format.

An error message displays if the pay type is a Bill Me Later card (Card type B) or not a pay category 2 pay type: Not available for this pay type.

Work with bin numbers

Enter 12 next to a pay category 2 pay type to advance to the Work with Bin Numbers Screen.

Work with countries

Enter 13 next to a pay category 2 Credit Card, card type E European Direct Debit pay type to advance to the Work with Pay Type Countries Screen.

An error message displays if the Card type is not E European Direct Debit: Countries can only be selected for European Debit pay type.

Work with user defined fields

Enter 98 next to a pay type to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

Create Pay Type Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a pay type code.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Pay Types Screen, press F6.

OER0027 ENTER Create Pay Type 2/21/12 8:57:41


Pay type . . . . . . . . Desc

Category . . . . . . . .

Alt refund type . . . .

Alt refund category . . .

Authorization service . Credit card length .

Deposit service . . . . Leading digits . .

Reauthorization days . Modulus check . . . (M10, M11, MU)

Require start date . . . (Y/N) Card type . . . . . . (B,C,D,E,I,S)

Require expiration date . (Y/N) Allow auto-assign . . (Y/N)

Require issue # . . . . . (Y/N) Require account type . (Y/N)

Send card security value (Y/N) Send level 3 data . . (Y/N)

Send card security presence (Y/N) Process reversals . . (Y/N)

Bal due $ limit Order $ limit

Bal due % limit . . Hold days . . . . .

Ref chk min . . Ref chk max Rel days

BML threshold . BML T&C version . (call center)

BML tran limit . BML T&C version . (web site)

BML default acct#

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Pay type

A code that represents a pay type, such as a check, VISA card, American Express card, COD, Accounts Receivable, or Gift Card.

Numeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Desc (Description)

The description of the pay type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


The category of the pay type. Valid values are:

1: Cash/Check

2: Credit Card (including stored value card, Bill Me Later, or a debit card such as a Switch card).

3: A/R

4: COD

5: Coupon/Credit

Numeric, 1 position; required.

Alt refund type (Alternate refund type)

The pay type to use for refunds to this pay type. Complete this field only if the pay type for refunds is different from the pay type used on the order.

Example: If the customer uses COD when purchasing, you probably issue a refund check.

The system checks the appropriate values defined for the alternate refund pay type, not the original pay type, when generating refunds. For example, if you define an alternate refund type of a check for a COD pay type, the system checks the refund check minimum you have defined for the check pay type when determining whether to create a refund for a COD order. The three related fields are the Ref chk min (Refund check minimum), Ref chk max (Refund check maximum), and the Release days.

The alternate refund type must be a pay category of 1 (cash/check), 3 (A/R), 5 (coupon/credit), or 2 (credit card for Card type S (stored value card)). The system displays an error message if you enter an invalid alternate refund type: Only SVC pay type OR alt pay category of A/R, Coupon, or Cash/Check allowed.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Alt refund category (Alternate refund category)

The pay category to which the system-generated refund can be charged during refund maintenance. Valid values are:

1: Cash/Check

2: Credit Card (including stored value card, Bill Me Later, or a debit card such as a Switch card)

3: A/R

4: COD

5: Coupon/Credit

When you define an alternate refund category for a pay type, you give yourself the option of changing the refund to the type that corresponds to this category. For example, you can define a coupon/credit alternate refund category for a cash/check pay type. In this case, the system automatically generates a refund check, but you can change the refund to a merchandise credit or stored value card credit through the Change Refund Screen.

The alternate refund category must be a pay category of 1 (cash/check), 3 (A/R), or 5 (coupon/credit). The system displays an error message if you enter an invalid alternate refund category: Alternate pay type category must be A/R, Coupon, or Cash/Check.

Numeric, 1 position; optional (required for COD pay types).

Authorization service

A code for the service bureau that authorizes or declines credit card charges.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Credit card length

The required length of the credit card number. You can require any length up to 20 positions.


• The system does not validate the credit card length if you enter a 0 in this field.

• Leave this field blank for Bill Me Later.

Direct bank disbursements: For Direct Bank Disbursement pay types, the Credit card length represents the required length of the routing number of the customer’s bank account. If the routing number does not match the credit card length, the system does not accept the Direct Bank Disbursement pay type on the order. Leave this field blank if you do not want to validate the routing number length for a Direct Bank Disbursement pay type. Note: A routing number can be up to 9 positions in length.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Deposit service

A code for the service bureau that performs credit card deposits for this pay type.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Leading digits

The first digits numbers of a valid credit card number. For example, the first two digits in a Master Card account number are 5 and 4. You can enter up to 4 leading digits.

Note: Leave this field blank for Bill Me Later.

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.

Reauthorization days

The number of days before a credit card authorization expires.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Modulus check

This value indicates if the system performs a calculation against the digits of the credit card number to ensure that the card is valid. Valid values are:

M10: for a modulus 10 check

M11: for a modulus 11 check

MU: for a user-defined modulus check

• blank: no modulus check is performed

If you enter MU in this field, the system uses the program name defined in the User Defined Modulus Check Program (E94) system control value. An error message displays if a program name has not been defined: Modulus check program has not been specified for SCV E94.

Note: The system cannot perform a modulus check against the number if the number contains spaces; for example: 478825 0000 121443. To perform a modulus check, you must enter the number without any spaces between the numbers; for example: 4788250000121443.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Require start date

Indicates whether to require a start date when the customer uses this credit card pay type. For example, you might use a start date for a debit card to indicate the first date when the card is effective. If a start date is required but not entered, the system displays an error message in order entry or maintenance:

Credit card start date (0) is not valid.

The start date is a four-position date in MMYY format, similar to the expiration date.

• Enter Y in this field if you want to require a start date for this pay type. This is a valid selection only if the pay type is a credit card (pay category = 2).

• Enter N (default) or leave this field blank if you do not want to require a start date for the pay type.



• Even if you require a start date for a pay type, the system does not validate the credit card based on whether the start date is before or after the current date. Typically, if your authorization service requires a start date for this pay type, the service would validate the start date provided against the current date.

• Debit cards might require a start date, an issue number, both, or neither. Even if a start date or an issue date are not required, you can still enter this information in order entry if it is available.

• If you require the start date for any credit card type besides a debit card, you will not be able to enter the start date at the recap screen in order entry. Instead, you should advance to the Enter Payment Method screen, where all pay type fields are available for entry. However, if the pay type is a debit card, the system displays a pop-up window from the order recap screen for you to enter additional information such as the issue number and start date, regardless of whether these fields are required.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional for credit card pay types.

Card type

Indicates the type of credit card. Valid values are:

B = Bill Me Later (bill me later account; see Bill Me Later Processing)

C = Credit card

D = Debit card (including a Switch card)

E = European Direct Debit

I = Direct Bank Disbursement (see Processing Direct Bank Disbursements/Electronic Checks)

S = Stored Value Card (see Stored Value Card Overview and Setup)

The card type is required for a credit card pay type (pay category = 2). You cannot enter a card type for any other pay category.

See Types of Credit Cards for an overview.

You can define a credit card number format to specify how the credit card number should display on CWDirect screens and reports for all card types except Bill Me Later and Direct Bank Disbursement; see Credit Card Number Format for instructions.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required for credit card pay types.

Require expiration date

Indicates whether to require an expiration date when the customer uses this credit card pay type. Expiration dates are typically required for regular credit cards, but might not be required for stored value cards, for example. If an expiration date is required but not entered, the system displays an error message in order entry or maintenance:

Credit card expiration date (0) is not valid.

The expiration date is a four-position date in MMYY format.

• Enter Y in this field if you want to require an expiration date for this pay type. This is a valid selection only if the pay type is a credit card (pay category = 2).

• Enter N (default) or leave this field blank if you do not want to require an expiration date for the pay type.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional for credit card pay types.

Allow auto-assign

Indicates whether the system automatically assigns a pay category 2 (credit card) pay type to an order, based on the leading digits entered in the Credit card number field on the order.

The system looks at the setting of this field when you enter a value in the Credit card number field during order entry, order maintenance, and remote order processing (e-commerce orders, order API, and phone order interface).

• Enter Y in this field if you want the system to automatically assign this pay category 2 (credit card) pay type to an order when the leading digits entered in the Credit card number field on the order match the leading digits defined for this pay type code. Additionally, enter Y in this field if you want the system to override this pay type code when you manually enter the pay type code for a payment on an order and the leading digits entered in the Credit card number field match the leading digits for another pay type code whose Allow auto-assign field is set to Y.

You cannot enter Y in this field if leading digits have not been defined in the Leading digits field: Pay Leading Digits is required, if Allow auto-assign is ’Y’.

You cannot enter Y in this field if the Pay category field is not set to 2 (credit card): Allow auto-assign is not valid with this pay type.


• Enter N in this field if you do not want the system to automatically assign this pay category 2 (credit card) pay type to an order when the leading digits entered in the Credit card number field on the order match the leading digits defined for this pay type code. Additionally, enter N in this field if you do not want the system to override this pay type code when you manually enter the pay type code for a payment on an order.

Note: Pay category 2 pay types include credit cards, stored value cards, Bill Me Later, Debit cards, and Direct Bank Disbursement. If you do not want the system to auto-assign a certain card type to an order, enter N the Allow auto-assign field for the pay type.

See Allow Auto-Assignment of Pay Category 2 Pay Type for additional processing information.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Require issue #

Indicates whether to require an issue number when the customer uses this credit card pay type. Some banks assign an incremental issue number when they replace a card because it is lost or stolen.

• Enter Y in this field if you want to require an issue number for this pay type. This is a valid selection only if the pay type is a credit card (pay category = 2).

• Enter N (default) or leave this field blank if you do not want to require an issue number for the pay type.

If an issue number is required but not entered in order entry or order maintenance, the system displays an error message:

Credit card issue# () is not valid.



• Debit cards might require a start date, an issue number, both, or neither. Even if a start date or an issue date are not required, you can still enter this information in order entry if it is available.

• If you require the issue number for any credit card type besides a debit card, you will not be able to enter the issue number at the recap screen in order entry. Instead, you should advance to the Enter Payment Method screen, where all pay type fields are available for entry. However, if the pay type is a debit card, the system displays a pop-up window from the order recap screen for you to enter additional information such as the issue number and start date, regardless of whether the issue number or start date are required.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional for credit card pay types.

Require account type

Indicates whether the system requires an Account type when you enter a Direct Bank Disbursement pay type (Card type = I) on an order.

Valid values are:

Y = The system requires an Account type when you add a Direct Bank Disbursement pay type to an order. The Account type displays on the Enter Direct Debit For Window (Direct Bank Disbursement Payment Type) and Enter Payment Method Screen.

You can only select this field for a Direct Bank Disbursement pay type (Card type I) or an error message displays: Require account type is not valid with this card type/pay type.

N (default) = The system does not require an Account type when you add a Direct Bank Disbursement pay type to an order.

The Account type identifies the type of bank account the customer’s funds are electronically withdrawn from to pay for the order. Valid values are:

C = Personal Checking

S = Personal Savings

X = Corporate Checking

Note: If you are processing direct bank disbursements (electronic checks) through Paymentech, this field must be set to Y.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Send card security value

Defines whether the system includes the card security value in the online authorization request sent to the service bureau for this pay type.

Valid Values:

Y = The system includes the card security value in the online authorization request.

N or blank = The system does not include the card security value in the online authorization request.

For more information: See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Send card security presence

Defines whether the system includes the card security presence in the online authorization request sent to the service bureau for this pay type.

Valid Values:

Y = The system includes the card security presence in the online authorization request.

N or blank = The system does not include the card security presence in the online authorization request.

For more information: See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Send level 3 data

Defines whether the system includes level III processing information in the deposit request sent to the service bureau for this pay type.

Valid Values:

Y = The system includes level III processing information in the deposit request.

N or blank = The system does not include level III processing information in the deposit request.

For more information: See Level II and III Discounting.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Process reversals

Defines whether the credit card pay type supports credit card authorization reversals.

Valid Values:

Y = The credit card pay type supports authorization reversals; see Credit Card Authorization Reversal for processing details.

N or blank = The credit card pay type does not support authorization reversals.

Regardless of the setting of this field, you can still perform stored value card authorization reversals; see Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal.

Supported integrations: Credit card authorization reversal is available for the Orbital Gateway integration. See Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway Integration for an overview and Credit Card Authorization Reversal > Reversal Process for processing details.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Bal due $ limit (Balance due dollar limit)

If a customer short pays an order by an amount equal to or greater than this amount, the system places the order automatically on BD (Balance Due) hold.

Note: Orders are evaluated for Bal due $ limit (Balance due dollar limit) and Bal due % limit (Balance due percentage limit). Balance due % limit takes precedence over balance due $ limit, so the system puts the order on hold when it is underpaid by the percentage even if it not underpaid by the dollar amount. When you apply a cash/check payment method:

• If there is a Bal due % limit specified, and the order is underpaid by this percentage, put the order on hold; otherwise,

• If there is a Bal due $ limit specified, and the order is underpaid by this amount, put the order on hold; otherwise,

• Do not put the order on hold for an underpayment.

Example: A customer underpays a $1,250.00 order by $25.00. The Balance due $ limit is $5.00; however, the Balance due % limit is 5%. Five percent of this order is $62.50. This order will not go on hold. The customer has underpaid by more than the Balance due $ limit but less than the Balance due % limit.

If the underpaid amount is less than the amount specified here (and there is no Bal due % limit specified), the order does not go on hold. The system creates a balance due record (negative refund record) and puts this record into a write-off pending status. These refund write-off amounts accumulate for the sold-to customer, and can be applied to a subsequent order as an additional charge. The Default Additional Charge Code (C45) to be used in these instances is specified in the System Control file.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Order $ limit (Order dollar limit)

If the order total meets or exceeds this dollar amount, the system places the order on dollar hold, regardless of the pay category (A/R, cash/check, C.O.D., coupon/ credit, or credit card).

Multi-pay orders: If there is more than one payment method on the order, the system places the order on hold if the order total meets or exceeds the Order $ limit for any pay type.

Example: The order total is $200.00, and the customer sends a $50.00 check and puts the balance on a credit card. The Order $ limit for the check pay type is $150.00, and the Order $ limit for the credit card is $250.00. The system places the order on hold, because the order total of $200.00 meets or exceeds the Order $ limit of $150.00 for the check pay type (even though the check payment amount is less than the Order $ limit).


Cash/check orders: The system evaluates both Order $ limit and Hold days. Order $ limit takes priority over Hold days.

Example: The order total is $350.00 and the customer pays by check. Order $ limit is $225.00; Hold days is 5. Six days pass; this order will still be on hold. This customer order meets the value specified in Hold days but still exceeds the Order $ limit specified in this file.

The system does not check this value if:

• the order is already on any type of system hold

• an authorization service has been defined for this payment type; instead, the system places the order payment method automatically on CW (credit wait) hold

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Bal due % limit (Balance due percentage limit)

If a customer underpays on an order by a percentage equal to or greater than this amount, the system places the order on hold.

Note: Orders are evaluated for both Bal due $ limit (Balance due dollar limit) and Balance due % limit. Balance due % limit takes priority over balance due $ limit. See the Bal due $ limit (Balance due dollar limit) for a discussion.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hold days

The number of days to hold an order while waiting for a check to clear the bank. The system releases the order from hold automatically through Daily Periodic Processing once the number specified here has passed.

Note: Cash/check orders are evaluated for both Order $ limit (Order dollar limit) and Hold days. Order $ limit takes priority over Hold days.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Ref chk min (Refund check minimum)

The minimum dollar amount for which you issue a refund. Refunds less than this amount are put in a write-off pending status. These write-off amounts accumulate in the Customer Sold-to file and can be used as an order credit on a subsequent order. The Default Cash Pay Type (C07) to be used in these instances is indicated in the System Control file.

If a pay type has an alternate refund type, the system checks the refund check minimum for the alternate refund type.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Ref chk max (Refund check maximum)

The maximum dollar amount for automatic refund creation. Any refund exceeding this dollar amount is put on hold. For example, if you leave this field blank for a credit card alternate refund type, all refunds will go on hold because they exceed the blank (zero) amount.

If a pay type has an alternate refund type, the system checks the refund check minimum for the alternate refund type.

Note: The system will process refunds exceeding the refund maximum amount if the Process A/R Credits Immediately (E80) system control value is set to Y.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Release days

The number of days to hold a refund from processing. The system changes the status of the refund to “open” when you process the refund if the release days have passed. This feature ensures that the customer's check for the order clears before you print a refund check for the overpayment.

If a pay type has an alternate refund type, the system checks the refund check minimum for the alternate refund type.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

BML threshold

Indicates the total dollar value that triggers the requirement of the customer’s full social security number, rather than just the last four positions, when first creating a Bill Me Later account for a customer. For example, if you set this value to 100.00, when a customer’s order totals:

• less than $100.00: only the last four positions of the social security number is required. The first five positions are not enterable.

• more than $100.00: the full social security number is required

Note: This threshold is not enforced for orders you receive through the e-commerce interface or the Generic Order Interface (Order API).

For more information: See Bill Me Later Processing.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

BML T&C version (call center)

A code indicating the Bill Me Later terms and conditions information that you provide to customers who create a Bill Me Later account through regular order entry, as opposed to orders you receive from the web storefront. The system always uses this terms and condition code for orders created through regular order entry, even if the order type matches the E-Commerce Order Type (G42). See Bill Me Later Processing.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional. Required for a Bill Me Later pay type (the Card type is B).

BML trans limit

Indicates the maximum order value to accept when first creating a Bill Me Later account for a customer. For example, if you set this value to 500.00, you cannot create a Bill Me Later account for a customer if the order total is greater than $500.00. See Bill Me Later Processing.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional. Required for a Bill Me Later pay type (the Card type is B.

BML T&C version (web site)

A code indicating the Bill Me Later terms and conditions information that you provide to customers who create a Bill Me Later account through the web storefront. If the new order message (e-commerce interface) or the Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) (generic order interface) specifies a terms and conditions code, it overrides this default. See Bill Me Later Processing.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional. Required for a Bill Me Later pay type (the Card type is B).

BML default account #

The default account number to assign to customers when first creating a Bill Me Later account. Typically, this value should be set to 5049900000000000. The only purpose of this account number is for the system to send to the service bureau in the authorization message, indicating to create a new Bill Me Later account. See Bill Me Later Processing.

Numeric, 20 positions; optional. Required for a Bill Me Later pay type (the Card type is B).

Change Pay Type Screen

To change: Enter 2 next to a pay type code at the Work with Pay Types Screen to advance to the Change Pay Type screen.

At this screen you can change any information except the pay type code. See the Create Pay Type Screen for field descriptions.

Display Pay Type Screen

To display: Enter 5 next to a pay type code at the Work with Pay Types Screen to advance to the Display Pay Type screen. You cannot update any information on this screen. See Create Pay Type Screen for field descriptions.

Work with Pay Type G/L # Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select or change general ledger account numbers used to post transactions for a pay type.

How to display this screen: Enter 8 next to a pay type at the Work with Pay Types Screen.

MSR0747 DISPLAY Work with Pay Type G/L# 7/22/98 11:53:30

The KL Mail Order Company

Pay type . : 4 VISA

Opt Type G/L Acct# Description

Type options, press Enter.


Bonus 9 BONUS

Cancel 10 CANCEL

Refund 11 REFUND

Return/Deferred 14 RETURN/DEFERRED G/L

Return/Installment 15 RETURN/INSTALLMENT G/L

Contribution 12 CONTRIBUTION

Return 18 RETURN

Sale 19 SALE

Sale/Deferred 16 SALE/DEFERRED G/L

Sale/Installment 17 SALE/INSTALLMENT G/L

Write Off 60500 WRITE-OFFS

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Transaction types: The transaction types you can associate with G/L account numbers are displayed on this screen.

They are:

• Bonus

• Cancel

• Refund

• Return/Deferred

• Return/Installment

• Contribution

• Return

• Sale

• Sale/Deferred

• Sale/Installment

• Write off

G/L account number: The G/L account number (G/L Acct#) to use for posting a transaction type to the general ledger displays to the right of the transaction type. A 0 displays if no G/L number has been defined.

Note: Not all transaction types are appropriate for each pay type. A contribution, for example, is a valid transaction only for a prepaid pay type (payment category 1). However, the system does not validate whether the transaction type for a payment category requires a G/L number.

The G/L account number is an 8-position, numeric field.

Return transactions: If you do not enter a G/L number for the Return transaction type, the system will back out return postings from the G/L account number defined for the Sale transaction type. For example, if you sell $100 in merchandise, and then the customer returns $50 worth, the system will back the Sale posting out from $100 to $50.

If you do enter a Return G/L number, the system does not back out the Sale posting; instead, it adds a separate Return posting.

Deferred transactions: The system posts sales to the Sale/Deferred Bill transaction type and posts returns to the Return/Deferred Bill transaction type if the payment method defined on the order is associated with a deferred payment plan.

If you do not enter a general ledger number for the Return/Deferred Bill transaction type, the system will back out return postings from the general ledger account number defined for the Sale/Deferred Bill transaction type. For example, if you sell $100 in merchandise using a deferred payment plan, and then the customer returns $50 worth, the system will back the Sale/Deferred Bill posting out from $100 to $50.

If you do enter a Return/Deferred Bill general ledger number, the system does not back out the Sale/Deferred Bill posting; instead, it adds a separate Return/Deferred Bill posting.

If you do not enter a Sale/Deferred Bill general ledger number, the system posts sales for orders containing a deferred payment plan to the Sale transaction type. The system backs out any return postings for orders containing a deferred payment plan from the general ledger number defined for the Sale transaction type.

Installment transactions: The system posts sales to the Sale/Installment Bill transaction type and posts returns to the Return/Installment Bill transaction type if the payment method defined on the order is associated with an installment payment plan.

If you do not enter a general ledger number for the Return/Installment Bill transaction type, the system will back out return postings from the general ledger account number defined for the Sale/Installment Bill transaction type. For example, if you sell $100 in merchandise using an installment payment plan, and then the customer returns $50 worth, the system will back the Sale/Installment Bill posting out from $100 to $50.

If you do enter a Return/Installment Bill general ledger number, the system does not back out the Sale/Installment Bill posting, instead, it adds a separate Return/Deferred Bill posting.

If you do not enter a Sale/Installment Bill general ledger number, the system posts sales for orders containing an installment payment plan to the Sale transaction type. The system backs out any return postings for orders containing an installment payment plan from the general ledger number defined for the Sale transaction type.

Screen Option


Create or change a G/L number

Enter 2 next to a transaction type to advance to the Change Pay Type G/L Screen.

Change Pay Type G/L Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change a pay type general ledger number. You can change the general ledger number for the transaction type only.

How to display this screen: Enter 2 next to the transaction type at the Work with Pay Type G/L # Screen. The transaction type displays to the left.

MSR0748 CHANGE Change Pay Type G/L 8/11/97 11:37:30

The KL Mail Order Company

G/L Account# . . 10202

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Credit Card Number Format

Credit card number formats allow you to specify which digits of a credit card number are masked on CWDirect screens and reports using a special character, such as an asterisk (*). For example, you may wish to mask all but the last 4 digits of a 16-digit credit card number: ************1443.

Note: You should set up a masking format for all credit cards. See Guidelines for Data Security for a checklist of recommended credit card data security settings.

Tokenization: If you use Credit Card Tokenization, the number that is masked is a token, rather than the actual credit card number.

Defining a format: You can use the Credit Card Number Layout Screen to define which digits of the credit card number on CWDirect screens and reports are masked. You can define a separate credit card number format for each pay category 2 (credit card) pay type (except for Card types B Bill Me Later and I Direct Bank Disbursement) and also define a default format to use for those pay category 2 pay types that do not have a credit card number format defined.

When a credit card number displays on a screen or report, the system looks at the pay type associated with the credit card number to determine which digits of the credit card number are masked. If the system cannot determine the pay type associated with the credit card number, the credit card number displays in the default credit card number format.

When is the credit card number masked? CWDirect masks the credit card number using the specified credit card number format on all CWDirect screens and reports if you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature.

When is the credit card number unmasked? Even if a credit card number format is defined, the credit card number will be unmasked, meaning the entire number displays, in the following places:

• All CWDirect XML messages. The full credit card number must display because the number is being sent to or received from an external system. However, for credit card numbers in the Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut), all but the last four positions of the credit card number are replaced with asterisks (*), regardless of any credit card number masking defined.

• The CWDirect database (files). However, if you are Using Credit Card Encryption and Data Security, the credit card number will be encrypted in the CWDirect database, providing additional security of credit card data.

Stored Value Card Notification Email. This email is generated when you purchase a virtual stored value card or send an early notification email with the card number. For virtual stored value cards, this email is the only notification that a stored value card has been activated for a customer. The customer must be able to view the entire stored value card number in order to use the card on a future purchase.

• The Stored value card number field on the Stored Value Card Assignment Screen, since you are in the process of entering the stored value card numbers for activation.

• The BML default account # field defined for a Bill Me Later pay type. Credit card number formatting does not apply to Bill Me Later pay types.

Replacing the credit card number with asterisks: For additional security, run the SECRISK periodic function to replace the first 12 digits of credit card numbers with asterisks (*), remove expiration dates, and deactivate pay types from closed and cancelled orders in order-related files. The credit card numbers are replaced if the most recent order transaction date is greater than the number of days defined by the Credit Card Retention Days (K65) system control value. See Security Risk Purge.

Credit card encryption: Credit card encryption allows you to encrypt credit card numbers in the CWDirect database to provide additional security of credit card data. You can define a credit card number format, regardless of whether you are Using Credit Card Encryption and Data Security. If you enable credit card encryption, the system encrypts the credit card number in the CWDirect database, providing additional security of credit card data. In order to display the masked credit card number on CWDirect screens and reports, the system must first decrypt the credit card number and then apply the credit card number format. See Using Credit Card Encryption and Data Security for an overview.

Which Cards are Eligible for Credit Card Number Formatting?

Eligible cards: You can define a credit card number format for the following types of pay category 2 (credit card) pay types:

• Credit card (Card type C)

• Debit (Switch) card (Card type D)

• Stored value card (Card type S)

In addition, you can define a credit card number format for electronic gift certificates. Electronic gift certificates are paperless certificates that can be used as payment for an order. To create an electronic gift certificate, you create a credit card pay type (Pay category 2, Card type C) and enter the pay type in the Electronic Gift Certificate Pay Type (G72) system control value.

Ineligible cards: You receive the error message Not available for this pay type if you try to define a credit card number format for the following types of pay types:

• Bill Me Later card (Card type B). The system fills the Credit card number field with the description of the pay type, such as BILL ME LATER. Once an account has been created, the customer’s Bill Me Later account number displays unformatted in the Credit card number field, assuming the user has authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature. See Bill Me Later Processing for an overview.

• Direct Bank Disbursement (Card type I). The system fills the Credit card number field with the description of the pay type, such as DIRECT BANK DISBURSEMENT. See Processing Direct Bank Disbursements/Electronic Checks for an overview.

• any non-pay category 2 pay type

Credit card number scan screens: You can scan on the credit card number at the following CWDirect screens:

Order Maintenance Selection Screen

Order Inquiry Scan Screen

Select Orders For Return Authorization Screen

However, if you have defined a credit card number format, the credit card numbers that display on the bottom half of the scan screen will be masked by the associated credit card number format.

In addition, if you have credit card encryption enabled, the system will not find a credit card number match unless you enter the full credit card number in the scan field. The credit card number you entered in the scan field is display-only at the top of the screen and the credit cards that display at the bottom of the screen are masked by the associated credit card number format.

Note: If you use Credit Card Tokenization, you will not be able to scan on the credit card number on these CWDirect screens since the credit card number has been replaced with a token.

Secured Features

The Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature controls whether the full credit card number displays on CWDirect screens and reports.

If you allow access to this feature, you can view the full credit card number on CWDirect screens and reports, regardless if a credit card number format has been defined at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen. If you use Credit Card Tokenization, the number that displays is a token, rather than the actual credit card number.

If you prohibit access to this feature (default setting), the credit card number displays in the credit card number format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the specified pay type. If a credit card number format is not defined for the pay type, the number displays in the default credit card number format. However, if a credit card number format has not been defined for the pay type and a default credit card number format is not defined, the full credit card number will display on CWDirect screens and reports. If you use Credit Card Tokenization, the number that displays is a token, rather than the actual credit card number.

Regardless of the setting of this secured feature, if you do not have authority to the Restrict Access to Credit Card Numbers in OI and OM (A88) secured feature, the credit card number and expiration date will not display in order entry, order maintenance, or order inquiry.

Setting Up a Credit Card Number Format

Use the Unformatted credit card number positions field on the Credit Card Number Layout Screen as a layout of the number of positions in the Credit card number field. There are 20 positions available in a credit card number that you can select to display or mask with a special character.

Note: Even if a credit card number only contains 16 digits, you will still be required to enter a value in positions 17-20 of the credit card number format. Enter 17, 18, 19, and 20 in the respective fields if you do not want a special character to display.

To create or change:

1. At the Work with Pay Types Screen, enter 10 next to a pay category 2 pay type to advance to the Credit Card Number Layout Screen.

2. In the Formatted credit card number positions fields, decide which digits of the credit card number you wish to display and enter the digit number in the appropriate field. For example, if you wish to display the last 4 digits of a 16-digit credit card number, enter 13 in field 13, 14 in field 14, 15 in field 15, and 16 in field 16.

3. In the Formatted credit card number positions fields, decide which digits of the credit card number you wish to mask and enter a special character in the appropriate field. You can enter any special character, such as an asterisk (*) or a number sign (#) as well as any letter, such as C. However, you cannot use a number to mask a credit card number. For example, if you wish to mask all but the last 4 digits of a 16 digit credit card number using an asterisk, enter * in fields 1-12 and enter 13, 14, 15, and 16 in the respective fields.

Note: You cannot mask the digits of a credit card number using a number. If you enter a number between 1 - 20 in any of the Formatted credit card number positions fields, the system will display that digit of the credit card number in the position specified. For example, if you enter 9 in field 1, the system will display the 9th digit of the credit card number in position 1 and not the number 9. You will receive an error if you enter a number greater than 20: Only one character or number 1-20 allowed per position.

4. Press Enter to validate your entries. You must enter a number between 1and 20 or a special character in each of the Formatted credit card number positions fields.

To delete: To delete a credit card number format, clear the data in all of the Formatted credit card number positions fields and press Enter.

If you delete a credit card number format, but still have a default credit card number format defined, the credit card number will display in the default format on CWDirect screens and reports.

Creating a Default Credit Card Number Format

If you wish to assign most of your pay category 2 pay types to the same credit card number format, you can create the format and enter Y in the Set as default format field. Any pay category 2 pay type (except Bill Me Later or Direct Bank Disbursement) that does not have a credit card number format defined, will use the default credit card number format.

You can create only 1 default credit card number format. If you flag a credit card number format as the default and then create a new credit card number format and flag it also as the default, the system advances you to the Override Default window, where you must confirm that you wish to change the default credit card number format.

Override Default


The default format is currently set to pay type 5

You are about to change the default format to pay type 30

Press F9 to confirm the change in the default

or F3 to cancel this change.

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel

Press F9 to change the default credit card number format; otherwise, press F3 to keep the current default credit card number format.

If you wish to create a default credit card number format, but still display the entire credit card number for one of your pay category 2 pay types, create a credit card number format for that pay type and enter all of the credit card digits in the Formatted credit card number positions fields: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. The system will display the entire credit card number on CWDirect screens and reports.

If you do not define a default credit card number format, and a format has not been defined for a pay category 2 pay type, the system displays the full credit card number for that pay type on CWDirect screens and reports.

Credit Card Number Format Examples

The table below displays examples of credit card number formats.

Credit Card Format

Formatted credit card number positions fields

Credit Card Display

Mask the credit card number using the number sign.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

If the number is 4788250000121443, it displays as:


Display the full credit card number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Note: You may wish to define this format if you have also defined a default credit card number format and you want to display the full credit card number for this pay type. For example, you may wish to display all stored value card numbers.

If the number is 4788250000121443, it displays as:


Only display the last 4 digits of a 16-digit credit card number. For all other digits, display an asterisk.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

If the number is 4788250000121443, it displays as:


Display all but the last 4 digits of a 16-digit credit card number. For all other digits, display an asterisk.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * * * * 17 18 19 20

If the number is 4788250000121443, it displays as:


Only display the first 4 digits and the last 4 digits of a 16-digit credit card number. For all other digits, display an asterisk.

1 2 3 4 * * * * * * * * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

If the number is 4788250000121443, it displays as:


Display all of the digits in a 16-digit credit card number, but display the first 4 digits in the last 4 positions and the last 4 digits in the first 4 positions.

13 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 17 18 19 20

If the number is 4788250000121443, it displays as:


Credit Card Number Layout Screen

Use this screen to create a credit card number format; see Credit Card Number Format for an overview and setup instructions.

How to display this screen: Enter 10 next to a pay category 2 pay type at the Work with Pay Types Screen.

OER1378 ENTER Credit Card Number Layout 1/19/05 9:22:54


Pay Type: 5 MC Set as default format . Y

Unformatted Credit Card Number Positions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Enter a value in the position below to control the formatting of the position

above for the credit card number for the pay type. The number above must be

entered for the position that you want to display the actual value. All other

positions should be represented with the alternate character you want to

display instead of the actual value of the position.

You may also enter special characters, such as an asterisk, dash, comma, etc.

Formatted Credit Card Number Positions

* * * * * * * * * * * * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Pay type

The code and description of the credit card pay type assigned to the credit card number layout.

Pay type code: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Set as default format

Indicates if you wish to set this credit card number format as the default format. Any pay category 2 pay type, except Bill Me Later or Direct Bank Disbursement, that does not have a credit card number format defined, will use this format.

Y = This credit card number format is the default format to use if a format has not been defined for a pay category 2 pay type.

N (default) = This credit card number format is not the default format and is only used to display credit card numbers for this pay type.

If you enter Y in this field and a default credit card number format already exists, the system advances you to the Override Default Window, where you can confirm that you wish to change the default credit card number format.

Note: If you do not define a default credit card number format, and a format has not been defined for a pay category 2 pay type, the system displays the full credit card number for that pay type on CWDirect screens and reports.

See Creating a Default Credit Card Number Format.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Unformatted credit card number positions

Displays the number of positions available to format in a credit card number. Use this field as a reference when creating the credit card number format in the Formatted credit card number positions field.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Formatted credit card number positions

The position and format of each of the credit card digits to display on CWDirect screens and reports.

For example, to display only the last 4 digits of a 16 digit credit card number, enter a special character, such as an asterisk (*) in fields 1 - 12. Enter the digit number in fields 13 - 20.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

If the credit card number is 4788250000121443, the system displays ************1443 as the credit card number on CWDirect screens and reports.

Note: You must enter either a digit number (1-20) or a single position special character in each field or an error message displays: Only one character or number 1-20 allowed per position.

See Setting Up a Credit Card Number Format for setup instructions and examples.

Numeric, 20 positions; required.

Work with Bin Numbers Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define bin numbers for a pay category 2 pay type.

Bin number validation: The system validates the card number against the bin numbers defined for the pay type:

• When you enter a card number in order entry/maintenance on the Enter Credit Card For Window (Credit Card Payment Type), Enter Payment Method Screen, and Work with Order/Recap Screen.

• When you receive an order through the Generic Order Interface (Order API) that contains a pay category 2 pay type. If the card number fails bin number validation, the system places the order in an error status with the error Invalid Credit Card. You must correct the order in batch order entry.

• When you define a pay category 2 pay type for a customer membership on the Customer Membership Screen (Change Mode).

• When you perform stored value card balance inquiry using the Stored Value Card Balance Inquiry (MSVB) menu option.

Note: The system validates the card number against the shortest bin number that matches the leading digits of the card number. Example: If you define bin number 1234 and 12345 for a pay type, the system validates card numbers against bin number 1234 and ignores bin number 12345.

How to display this screen: Enter 12 next to a pay category 2 pay type on the Work with Pay Types Screen.

OER1576 DISPLAY Work with Bin Numbers 12/07/10 8:51:35

KAB Co2 Karen Bottger Company


Opt Bin Number

Type options, press Enter.





F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Bin numbers display in ascending alphanumeric sequence.



Pay type

The code and description of the credit card pay type assigned to the bin numbers.

Pay type code: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Bin Number

The bin number the system validates the card number against during order entry, order maintenance, remote order processing, customer membership, and stored value card balance inquiry.

Enter a bin number and press Enter to add the bin number to the valid bin numbers for this pay type.

Note: You cannot add a duplicate bin number; for example, you cannot add 1234 more than once; however, you can add 1234 and 12345. In this situation, the system validates card numbers against bin number 1234 and ignores bin number 12345.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Delete a bin number

Enter 4 next to a bin number to delete it.

Work with Pay Type Countries Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define which countries for the bill to address on an order are valid for the specified European Direct Debit (card type E) pay type.

Note: If no countries are defined for a pay type, the pay type is valid for all countries.

How to display this screen: Enter 13 next to a pay category 2 pay type on the Work with Pay Types Screen.

OER1598 DISPLAY Work with Pay Type Countries 10/16/12 11:52:26

KAB Company


Bank Sort RIB Code

Opt Country Required? Required?

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete







Pay type

The code and description of the credit card pay type that requires validation of the country for the bill to address on the order.

Pay type code: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


A code for the country that is valid for this pay type.

Country codes are defined in and validated against the Country file; see Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Enter a valid country code and press Enter to display pay type country records in ascending country code sequence, beginning with your entry.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required.

Bank Sort Required?

Defines whether a bank sort code is required when entering information for this pay type. Typically, a bank sort code is required for all countries except the Netherlands when using a European Direct Debit (Card type E) pay type.

Valid values:

Y = A bank sort code is required for this pay type.

N = A bank sort code is not required for this pay type.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

RIB Code Required?

Defines whether a RIB code is required when entering information for this pay type. Typically, a RIB code is required for France when using a European Direct Debit (Card type E) pay type.

Valid values:

Y = A RIB code is required for this pay type.

N = A RIB code is not required for this pay type.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Screen Option


Change a pay type country record

Enter 2 next to a pay type country record to advance to the Change Pay Type Country screen. At this screen, you can change the Bank Sort Required? and RIB Code Required? fields.

Delete a pay type country record

Enter 4 next to a pay type country record to advance to the Confirm Delete window. Press Enter to confirm the delete; otherwise press F12 to cancel.

AP01_05 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN