Print Purged Customers Report

How to print: The system produces this report when you run the Purging Sold To Customers option.

CWDirect Rel 18.0 Print Purged Customers KBOTTGER CSR1485 10/30/17 10:46:09 Page 1

KAB Company

Customer# Created Last Chg

12506 10/20/95

12725 11/30/00

12808 1/24/02 1/17/06

12816 3/21/05

12817 3/21/05

12828 1/19/06

12835 1/19/06 1/19/06

Total purged: 7


Customer #: the sold to customer number of the sold to customer purged.

Created: the date the sold to customer was created, in MM/DD/YY format.

Last Chg: the date the sold to customer was last updated, in MM/DD/YY format.

Total purged: The total number of sold to customers purged.

SO05_05ar CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN