Resubmitting Rejected Deposits (SRDP)

Purpose: Use the Resubmit Rejected Deposits function to resubmit deposits and credit card credits that were not completely processed through the Process Auto Deposits function.

Overview: When you use the Process Auto Deposits function to transmit credit card deposit information to a deposit service for settlement, the deposit service normally confirms each deposit and credit. If a transaction is not confirmed because, for instance, the line was dropped, or the deposit service rejected the deposit, the system flags the record in the Invoice Payment Method file.

You can use the Resubmit Rejected Deposit function to select records you want to resubmit, and change their status so that they are eligible to be processed the next time you run Process Auto Deposits. You can also use this menu option to:

• review or change the Invoice Payment Method

• delete the deposit

• confirm or reject the deposit

• advance to order inquiry

• review deposit history

• write off the amount of the deposit

Forced deposits: Deferred or installment deposits that were rejected but flagged for "force deposit" are not available in Resubmit Rejected Deposits, because the system performs all updates as if the deposit service confirmed the deposit. Regular (non-pay plan) deposits are typically forced, although sometimes they are unconfirmed for other reasons. See Force Deposit.

Note: You cannot use the Resubmit Rejected Deposits function to resubmit transactions that you have set up to use the separate process for foreign currency. Process Auto Deposits writes the foreign currency records to a separate file, rather than receiving settlement information interactively from the deposit service.

Suppressing deposits: You can suppress deposit processing for orders you receive through the Generic Order Interface (Order API). In this situation, the order is not included when you reprocess deposits. See Suppressing Deposits and Refunds for an overview.

More information: See Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) for more information on the Process Auto Deposits function, the separate process for foreign currency deposit processing, and an overview of how deferred or installment pay plans differ from regular (non-pay plan) deposits.

In this topic:

Resubmit Rejected Deposits Screen

Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit

Order Number Screen (Viewing by Order Number)

Order Number Screen (Viewing by Order Number)

Resubmit Rejected Deposits Screen

How to display this screen: Enter SRDP in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Resubmit Rejected Deposits from a menu.

AAR0104 DISPLAY Resubmit Rejected Deposits 8/5/98 10:11:30

EZK Mail Order

Rcds pending 1

Opt Rel Date Order # Invoice Pay Total Dollars Reject Maximum 100

Mth Reason

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Confirm 7=Resubmit 8=Reject request

9=Order Inquiry 10=Deposit history 14=Write-off

8/05/98 4770 3265 D 51.04

8/05/98 4766 3269 D 169.80

8/05/98 4767 3268 D 180.29

8/05/98 4768 3270 D 56.84

8/05/98 4766 3273 D 55.00-

8/05/98 4771 3275 51.04

8/05/98 4766 3274 D 55.00

8/05/98 3800 3277 29.04 DECLINED

8/04/98 4763 3259 56.84 * WRITE OFF +

F3=Exit F7=View by Order # F9=Process F12=Cancel



Rcds pending (Records pending)

The total quantity of unconfirmed deposits that you have flagged to resubmit, confirm, delete, or write off. When you press F9, the confirmations, deletions, and writeoffs will take place; deposits flagged for resubmission will eligible for processing the next time you process deposits. You can flag a total of 100 deposit records at a time.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Rel date (Deposit release date)

The date when the deposit is eligible for processing. Deferred or installment pay plans typically have a deposit release date (or dates) later than the invoice date. Regular (non-pay plan) invoices have a deposit release date that is the same as the invoice date.

You can change the deposit release date at the Change Invoice Pay Method Screen, available by entering 2 next to the deposit. See Deposit Release Date.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY); optional.

Order #

A unique number to identify the order.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.


A unique number to identify the invoice for the shipment or credit.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Pay mth (Payment option type)

The type of pay plan on the order. Valid values are:

D = deferred billing

I = installment billing

' ' (blank) = no pay plan; invoice amount eligible for deposit immediately after billing

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Total dollars

The dollar amount of the unconfirmed deposit for the credit card. Positive amounts represent deposits, while negative amounts represent credit card credits.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Reject reason

The response code received from the deposit service. See Defining Vendor Response Codes.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Action (Unlabeled field to the right of the reject reason)

The action you have selected to perform for the deposit. Valid values are:

* CONFIRM = You entered 6 next to the deposit to confirm that it was processed and perform all related updates in the system; see Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP) for the updates that take place when the system processes a deposit.

* DELETE = You entered 4 next to the deposit to delete it, making it ineligible for subsequent deposit processing.

* RESUBMIT = You entered 7 next to the deposit to make it eligible for processing the next time you process deposits.

* WRITE OFF = You entered 14 next to the deposit to write it off.

When update takes place: The system does not perform any of these updates to deposits unless you press F9 to accept your entries at this screen. However, any transactions you enter at the Change Invoice Pay Method screen (available by entering 2 next to the deposit) take place interactively.

To cancel an update: You can enter 8 next to a deposit to prevent it from being deleted, resubmitted, or written off when you press F9 to accept your entries. However, you cannot prevent a deposit flagged for confirmation from being processed unless you exit the screen without pressing F9.


More information: See Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit for more information on the updates you can perform at the Resubmit Rejected Deposits screen. See Change Invoice Pay Method Screen for more information on the updates you can perform at the Change Invoice Pay Method Screen.

Alphanumeric, 11 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Change information about an invoice payment method

Enter 2 next to an unconfirmed deposit to advance to the Change Invoice Pay Method Screen.

Delete the unconfirmed deposit and prevent the invoice from being resubmitted for deposit

Enter 4 next to an unconfirmed deposit to delete the deposit without updating the general ledger. See Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit.

Display information about an invoice payment method

Enter 5 next to an unconfirmed deposit to advance to the Order Number Screen (Viewing by Order Number).

Process all the same updates for the deposit as if it had been confirmed through Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP)

Enter 6 next to an unconfirmed deposit to flag the deposit for confirmation. See Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit.

Resubmit the deposit for processing

Enter 7 next to an unconfirmed deposit to flag the deposit for processing the next time you process deposits. See Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit.

"Unflag" a deposit for resubmission, deletion, or writeoff

Enter 8 next to an unconfirmed deposit that you have flagged for resubmission, deletion, or writeoff to "unflag" it. See Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit.

Advance to order inquiry

Enter 9 next to an unconfirmed deposit to advance to order inquiry. See Customer Service Using the Order Inquiry Scan Screens (OIOM).

Review deposit history for an order

Enter 10 next to an unconfirmed deposit to advance to the Display Deposit History Screen.

Write off a deposit

Enter 14 next to an unconfirmed deposit to delete the deposit and update the general ledger. See Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit.

Exit the screen without processing updates

Press F3. See Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit.

Display unconfirmed deposits in order number sequence

Press F7. See Order Number Screen (Viewing by Order Number).

Process updates for all flagged deposits

Press F9. See Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit.

Confirming, Resubmitting, Deleting, or Writing Off an Unconfirmed Deposit


To Flag the Deposit:

To Cancel:

Confirm: processes all the same updates for the deposit as when it is processed automatically by Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP). You might use this option when you did not receive a confirmation through Process Deposits, but the deposit service indicates that the deposit was confirmed.

Enter 6 next to each deposit or credit transaction you want to confirm.

* CONFIRM displays next to each record you select.

Press F3 or F12 to exit the Resubmit Rejected Deposits Screen without pressing F9 to process.

Delete: changes the Deposit created date for the Invoice Pay Method to 88/88/88 and deletes the deposit from the Resubmit Rejected Deposits Screen. The invoice will not be eligible for resubmission to the deposit service, and no general ledger updates take place.

Enter 4 next to each deposit or credit transaction you want to delete.

* DELETE displays next to each record you select.

Enter 8 next to the deposit.

Resubmit: makes the deposit eligible for processing the next time you run Process Deposits, provided the deposit release date has not been changed to a future date. See Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP).

Enter 7 next to each deposit or credit transaction you want to resubmit.

* RESUBMITTED displays next to each record you select.

Enter 8 next to the deposit.

Write off: similar to deleting, writing off changes the Deposit created date for the Invoice Pay Method to 88/88/88, deletes the deposit from the Resubmit Rejected Deposits Screen, and prevents the invoice from being resubmitted to the deposit. Additionally, the following general ledger updates take place:

Deposits: credit the Sales, Sales/deferred, or Sales/installment general ledger number for the pay type; debit the Write off general ledger number for the pay type.

Credits: debit the Returns, Returns/deferred, or Returns/installment general ledger number for the pay type; credit the Write off general ledger number for the pay type.

The system selects the deferred or installment-related general ledger number only if the order uses that type of pay plan and if that general ledger number has been defined for that credit card pay type; otherwise, the system uses the regular Sales or Returns general ledger number for the pay type.

Enter 14 next to each deposit or credit transaction you want to write off.

* WRITE OFF displays next to each record you select.

Enter 8 next to the deposit.

To process: Select F9 to process the requests. The system updates the records in the Invoice Payment file for each record you selected as described above.

Important: You can select only 100 transactions at a time to process.

See Processing Auto Deposits (SDEP).

Note: You can also resubmit or delete a deposit, or write it off in full or up to a specified amount, at the Change Invoice Pay Method Screen (available by entering 2 next to the deposit). However, these updates take place interactively and you cannot undo them.

Order Number Screen (Viewing by Order Number)

How to display this screen: Press F7 at the Resubmit Rejected Deposits Screen to change the sort of the deposit records to ascending order number sequence.

Press F8 to change back to viewing deposits in deposit release date sequence.

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