Workflow Management (WWFM)

Purpose: Use this menu option to review, work with, and resolve ticklers in a tickler work queue. Tickler supervisors can work with ticklers assigned to their tickler supervisor groups or work with all ticklers, regardless of the tickler supervisor group assigned to the tickler.

Tickler users/groups: Tickler users can review and work with ticklers assigned to themselves or their tickler user groups using the Working with Tickler Users/User Groups (WTIC) menu option.

In this topic:

Workflow Management Screen

Reassign Ticklers Window

Workflow Management Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review, work with, and resolve ticklers in a tickler work queue.

View current or future ticklers? The word CURRENT or FUTURE displays in the upper right corner of the screen indicating if you are viewing:

• ticklers whose Assigned date is equal to or past the current date (current), or

• ticklers whose Assigned date is later than the current date (future)

Press F8 to toggle between viewing current ticklers or future ticklers; when you first advance to this screen, current ticklers display.

View open or resolved ticklers? The word OPEN or RESOLVED displays in the upper right corner of the screen indicating if you are viewing:

• ticklers whose Status is O (open) or I (in process), or

• ticklers whose Status is R (resolved)

Press F14 to toggle between viewing open and in process ticklers or resolved ticklers; when you first advance to this screen, open ticklers display.

View FIFO or LIFO sequence? The word FIFO or LIFO displays in the upper left corner of the screen indicating if you are viewing:

• ticklers in FIFO (first in, first out; meaning oldest to newest) sequence, or

• ticklers in LIFO (last in, first out; meaning newest to oldest) sequence

Press F7 to toggle between viewing ticklers in FIFO sequence or LIFO sequence; when you first advance to this screen, ticklers display in FIFO sequence.

View all ticklers or for supervisor group? The word ALL or the Supervisor group field displays at the top of the screen indicating if you are viewing:

• all ticklers, regardless of the supervisor group assigned to the ticklers

• ticklers assigned to a particular tickler supervisor group for the signed-in user

Press F2 to toggle between viewing all ticklers or ticklers for a specific tickler supervisor group. When you first advance to this screen, ticklers for the supervisor group display if you are assigned to only one supervisor group. If you are assigned to none or more than one supervisor group, all ticklers display.

Searching for ticklers: You can search for specific ticklers by tickler status, tickler priority, created date, assigned date, event code, tickler category, tickler number, user group, user, and order number.

How to display this screen: Enter WWFM in the Fast path field or select Workflow Manager from a menu.

CSR1310 DISPLAY Workflow Management 9/23/02 12:13:41



Create Assign Event Ord

Opt S P Date Date Cd Cat Tickler# User Group User Sts Order#

Type options, press Enter.

2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Release 7=In process 8=Notes 9=Detail

10=History 11=Resolve 12=Procedure

I 5 7/19/02 6/06/01 MN MAN 29 KBOTTGER 0

I 5 7/19/02 9/23/02 MN MAN 33 KBOTTGER 0

I 3 7/22/02 7/22/02 VP VP 2839 KBOTTGER 6152

O 9 9/11/02 9/11/02 UP UP 6364 KBOTTGER 4367

O 9 9/11/02 9/11/02 UP 6372 KBOTTGER 6399

O 9 9/16/02 9/16/02 UP UP 6889 KBOTTGER 6412

O 8 9/09/02 9/09/02 SO SO 3274 KBOTTGER H 6354

O 8 9/09/02 9/09/02 SO SO 3275 KBOTTGER 635 +

F2=Supervisor F3=Exit F6=Create F7=LIFO F8=Cur/Fut F9=Count F12=Cancel

F14=Open/Resolved F15=Reassign F21=List F22=User options F24=Sel company



Supervisor group

The group ID and description of the tickler supervisor group assigned to monitor the displayed ticklers. This is a tickler supervisor group assigned to the user reviewing ticklers.

This field displays only if you are viewing ticklers for a tickler supervisor group; you can view all ticklers by pressing F2.

Group ID: Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

S (Tickler status)

The status of the tickler.

O = Open; the tickler is open and is available to work on in the assigned tickler work queue.

I = In process; the tickler is currently being worked on by the assigned user.

R = Resolved; the tickler has been resolved.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

P (Tickler priority)

The priority of the tickler, indicating how important the issue associated with the tickler is to resolve (1 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest priority).

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Create date

The date the tickler was created.

Numeric, 7 positions (MM/DD/YY format); optional.

Assign date

The date the tickler was assigned to the user or tickler user group.

Numeric, 7 positions (MM/DD/YY format); optional.

Event code

The code for the tickler event that created the tickler.

AR = A/R accounts

BO = Backorders

CO = Cancelled orders

HO = Held orders

MN = Manually created

NO = New orders

OO = Aged open orders

SO = Sold out orders

UP = Unconfirmed pick tickets

VP = Voided pick tickets

WF = Remote workflow

See System Delivered Tickler Events.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Event category

The tickler category assigned to the tickler.

Tickler categories are defined in and validated against the Tickler Category file; see Working with Tickler Category (WTCT).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Tickler number

The tickler number assigned to the tickler, from the Tickler Number number assignment record.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

User group

The tickler user group assigned to the tickler.

Tickler user groups are defined in and validated against the Tickler User Group file; see Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The user assigned to the tickler.

Users are defined in and validated against the User file; see Working with User Records (WUSR).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Ord sts

The status of the order associated with the tickler.

blank = Open.

A = Archived to optical disk.

C = Cancelled.

H = Held. Note: The system highlights the held status in a different color (for example yellow) if the sold to customer is a new customer, based on purchase history. A new customer has placed an order, but no orders have shipped (# orders LTD is equal to or greater than 1 and # sales LTD is equal to 0 in the Customer Sold To Order History file).

P = Purged.

S = Suspended.

X = Closed.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Order number

The order associated with the tickler.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Change a tickler

Enter 2 next to a tickler to advance to the Change Tickler Screen.

Delete a MN tickler

Enter 4 next to a tickler to delete it.

You can only delete MN (manually created) ticklers.

Display a tickler

Enter 5 next to a tickler to advance to the Display Tickler Screen.

Release the order associated with the tickler from hold

Enter 6 next to a tickler to advance to the Release Reason Prompt Pop-Up Window (order header hold), Release Recipient Hold Reason Pop-Up Window (recipient hold), and/or Release Order Payment Method Window (pay type hold).

If you release an order from hold for an HO tickler, the system automatically resolves the tickler. Also, the system evaluates any other ticklers associated with the order to determine if they can be resolved.


If you enter 6 next to a tickler not associated with a held order, an error message displays: Order not on hold.

If you enter 6 next to a tickler not associated with an order, an error message displays: Tickler not eligible for this option.

Note: You must have authority to the Release Held Orders (ERHO) menu option to release the order from hold.

Select a tickler to work on

Enter 7 next to a tickler to change the status of the tickler from open (O) to in process (I).

You can only select to work with a tickler that is in an open status; if you enter 7 next to a tickler that is in an in process (I) or resolved (R) status, an error message displays: Tickler status cannot be changed - resolved or already in process.

Selecting this option automatically assigns the tickler to the user and creates a tickler history record. If you are on the Workflow Management screen (supervisor view), the tickler is cleared from the screen; you can view the tickler on the Workflow Management screen (all ticklers view) or in the Working with Tickler Users/User Groups (WTIC) menu option.

Enter or review tickler work notes

Enter 8 next to a tickler to advance to the work notes screen, based on the note type defined for the tickler.

Note type A advances you to the Edit Customer Actions Window.

Note type B advances you to the Work with Bill To Notes Screen.

Note type O advances you to the Work with Order Messages Screen.

Note type S advances you to the Edit Customer Notes Screen.

Note type T advances you to the Work with Tickler Notes Screen.

Review the tickler source

Enter 9 next to a tickler to advance to the source screen, based on the tickler event associated with the tickler.

AR ticklers advance you to the Work with Open Items Screen.

BO, CO, HO, NO, OO, SO, UP, VP, and WF ticklers advance you to the Order Inquiry Header Screen.

You cannot view the source for MN ticklers: Requested tickler has no source reference.

Review tickler history

Enter 10 next to a tickler to advance to the Work with Tickler History Screen.

Resolve a tickler

Enter 11 next to a tickler to advance to the Resolve Tickler Window.

Review procedures for a tickler

Enter 12 next to a tickler to advance to the Work with Tickler Event Rule Procedure Screen.

You cannot add or change tickler procedures when you advance from the Work with Tickler screen.

You cannot review procedures for MN ticklers.

Toggle between viewing all ticklers or ticklers for a tickler supervisor group

Press F2. The system toggles between displaying:

• all ticklers (the word ALL displays at the top right of the screen).

• ticklers assigned to the user’s tickler supervisor group (the supervisor group ID and description displays at the top of the screen).

If the user is associated with more than one supervisor group, you advance to the Select User Tickler Group Screen.

If the user is not associated with a tickler supervisor group an error message displays: Current user is not associated with any group.

Create a tickler for the MN (manually created) tickler event

Press F6 to advance to the Create Tickler Screen.

Note: To create a MN tickler, you must have authority to the Create Manual Tickler (B13) secured feature and the MN tickler event must be active.

Toggle between displaying ticklers in LIFO sequence (last in, first out; meaning newest to oldest) or FIFO sequence (first in, first out; meaning oldest to newest)

Press F7. The word LIFO or FIFO displays in the top left corner of the screen, depending on which tickler order you are viewing.

Toggle between displaying ticklers in a current status or future status

Press F8. The word CURRENT or FUTURE displays in the top right corner of the screen, depending on which ticklers you are viewing.

Review the number of ticklers in the work queue, based on the selection criteria you have defined

Press F9 to advance to the Current Tickler Count Window.

Review ticklers for a selected tickler supervisor group

Press F10 to advance to the Select User Tickler Group Screen.

This option is available only when you are viewing tickles in a tickler supervisor group work queue.

Toggle between displaying open and in process ticklers or resolved ticklers

Press F14. The system toggles between displaying:

• ticklers in an open (O) or in process (I) status.

• ticklers in a resolved (R) status.

Reassign ticklers to another user/user group

Press F15 to advance to the Reassign Tickler window.

Reassign Ticklers Window

Purpose: Use this window to reassign ticklers to another user or tickler user group.

The system reassigns all ticklers currently assigned to the From tickler user/group to the To tickler user/group; you cannot select a range of ticklers to reassign.

You can reassign a specific tickler to another tickler user or tickler user group at the Change Tickler Screen.

How to display this screen: Press F15 at the Workflow Management Screen.

Reassign Ticklers

From Tickler User

or User Group . .

To Tickler User .

or User Group . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



From tickler user

The user ID of the user currently assigned to the ticklers you wish to reassign.

You can reassign ticklers from a user or tickler group, but not both.

Users are defined in and validated against the User file; see Working with User Records (WUSR).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required if From tickler group is blank.

From user group

The group ID of the tickler group currently assigned to the ticklers you wish to reassign; this can be a tickler user group or tickler supervisor group.

You can reassign ticklers from a user or tickler group, but not both.

Tickler groups are defined in and validated against the Tickler User Group file; see Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required if From tickler user is blank.

To tickler user

The user ID of the user reassigned to the ticklers.

You can reassign ticklers to a user or tickler user group, but not both.

Users are defined in and validated against the User file; see Working with User Records (WUSR).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required if To tickler group is blank.

To tickler user group

The group code of the tickler user group reassigned to the ticklers; this can be a tickler user group or tickler supervisor group.

You can reassign ticklers to a user or tickler user group, but not both.

Tickler user groups are defined in and validated against the Tickler User Group file; see Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required if To tickler user is blank.

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