Working with Computer Telephony Interface (WCTI)

Purpose: Use this option to work with, monitor, and configure the computer telephony interface, including:

• starting, stopping, and checking the status of the TCP/IP server and the CTI async job

• purging CTI call log entries earlier than a certain date

• populating or clearing the CTI Telephone Scan file when you enable or disable CTI in your company

• reviewing or working with CTI configuration options

For more information: See Computer Telephony Integration Overview for background.

In this topic:

Work with CTI Controls Screen

Starting and Stopping the TCP/IP Server and CTI Async Job

Change Status Pop-up Window

Troubleshooting the CTI Jobs

Reviewing the CTI Message Queue

Work with CTI Configuration Screen

Sample Log Messages

Purge CTI Customer Call Log Screen

Rebuild CTI Telephone Scan File Screen

Work with CTI Controls Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to start and stop the TCP/IP server and the CTI async job or to check their status, or advance to other screens where you can work with CTI management and configuration.

How to display this screen: Enter WCTI in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Computer Telephony Interface from a menu.

CTR0164 ENTER Work with CTI Controls 2/15/05 8:28:16


CTI Processing TCP/IP Server Status: Inactive

Start TCP/IP Server Start: 1/28/05 14:07:03 KBOTTGER

End TCP/IP Server End..: 1/28/05 15:25:26 KBOTTGER

Start Async

End Async Background Processing Status: Inactive

Change job status Start: 1/28/05 14:08:05 KBOTTGER

End..: 1/28/05 15:15:27 KBOTTGER

CTI Maintenance

Display CTI Message Queue

Purge CTI Customer Call Log

Rebuild CTI Telephone Scan file

CTI Configuration

Work with CTI Configuration

Re-create Data Queues

Re-create CTI Message Queue

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



TCP/IP server status

Indicates whether the TCP/IP server is currently running. Possible statues are:

Active = the TCP/IP server is running

Inactive = the TCP/IP server is not running

Ending = you have sent a message to end the TCP/IP server, and it is currently in a short delay period before becoming inactive

Starting = you have sent a message to start the TCP/IP server, and it is currently in a short delay period before becoming active

Alphanumeric, 8 positions; display-only.

TCP/IP server start time

The date and time you most recently started the server. The user ID of the person who started the server displays to the right.

Start date: numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Start time: numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

User ID: alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

TCP/IP server end time

The date and time you most recently ended the server. The user ID of the person who ended the server displays to the right.

End date: numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

End time: numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

User ID: alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Background processing status

Indicates whether the CTI async job is currently running. Possible statues are:

Active = the async job is running

Inactive = the async job is not running

Alphanumeric, 8 positions; display-only

Background start time

The date and time you most recently started the async job. The user ID of the person who started the job displays to the right.

Start date: numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Start time: numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

User ID: alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Background end time

The date and time you most recently ended the async job. The user ID of the person who ended the job displays to the right.

End date: numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

End time: numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

User ID: alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.



CTI Processing

Start TCP/IP server

Starts the job CTI_SRV70 (or a user-defined job, based on the setting of the Inbound job name at the Work with CTI Configuration Screen). You should start the server only after you have started the async job. See Starting and Stopping the TCP/IP Server and CTI Async Job.

End TCP/IP server

Puts the TCP/IP server in an ENDING status. See Starting and Stopping the TCP/IP Server and CTI Async Job.

Start async job

Starts the job CTI_ASY70 (or a user-defined job, based on the setting of the Async job name field at the Work with CTI Configuration Screen). You should start the async job before starting the TCP/IP server. See Starting and Stopping the TCP/IP Server and CTI Async Job.

End async job

Puts the async job in INACTIVE status. See Starting and Stopping the TCP/IP Server and CTI Async Job.

Change job status

Select this option to display the Change Status Pop-up Window. At this window, you can change the status of the TCP/IP server or the CTI async job.

CTI Maintenance

Display CTI message queue

Select this option to review the system messages written. See Reviewing the CTI Message Queue.

Purge CTI customer call log

Select this option to advance to the Purge CTI Customer Call Log Screen.

Rebuild CTI Telephone Scan file when you turn on or turn off CTI in your company

Select this option to advance to the Rebuild CTI Telephone Scan File Screen.

CTI Configuration

Work with CTI configuration

Select this option to advance to the Work with CTI Configuration Screen.

Recreate data queues

Select this option when you first turn on computer telephony integration to initialize the data queues.

Recreate CTI message queue

Select this option when you first turn on computer telephony integration to initialize the message queue that triggers the screen “pop” for CTI. You can also use this option to clear the message queues; see Reviewing the CTI Message Queue for more information.

Starting and Stopping the TCP/IP Server and CTI Async Job

Purpose: Unless the async job is started, users will not be able to start a monitored session. Also, unless the TCP/IP server is started, CTI messages will not be processed and the Customer Selection screen will not "pop" for a CTI user, displaying the customer information.

To start the server and job:

1. Enter 1 next to Start Async to start the CTI async job. The system displays a message such as: Job 583884/EKAPLAN/CTI_ASY70Q submitted to job queue QSYSNO in library and the Background processing status changes to ACTIVE when you press F5 to refresh the screen; also, the Background start time information is updated.

2. Enter 1 next to Start TCP/IP Server to start the server. The system displays a message such as: Job 583918/EKAPLAN/CTI_SRV70Q submitted to job queue QSYSNO in library and the server status changes to ACTIVE when you press F5 to refresh the screen; also, the TCP/IP server start time information is updated.

Note: You cannot start the CTI async job if the TCP/IP server is in ACTIVE or ENDING status; instead, the system displays a message indicating that the async job is already active. You need to end the TCP/IP server and then follow the steps above to start both options. See below for information on ending the TCP/IP server.

You can now start monitored sessions for users, and the async job will control screen “pops” for incoming calls. See CTI Process Overview for background.

To end the TCP/IP server: Enter 1 next to End TCP/IP Server. The server status changes to ENDING when you press F5 to refresh the screen; also, the TCP/IP server end time information is updated.

You can end just the TCP/IP server and leave the CTI async job active. You might need to end each option separately for troubleshooting purposes. Ending the TCP/IP server and leaving the CTI async active means that you will not automatically end all monitored sessions for CTI users.

To end the CTI async job: Enter 1 next to End Async. The async job status changes to INACTIVE when you press F5 to refresh the screen; also, the Background end time information is updated.

Periodic functions: You can also set up periodic functions to start and stop the CTI async job and the TCP/IP server as part of your daily processing. See CTI Setup Requirements for more information.


You should make sure that all monitored sessions are ended before ending the CTI async job; if a user’s is in an active call, the session will end abnormally and you will need to update the User file directly to clear the error status. You can use Working with Computer Telephony Users (WCTU) to confirm that there are no users in monitored sessions before ending the CTI async job. A CTI workstation of MONREQ or EXTERR, displayed at the Work with CTI Users Screen, indicates that the monitored session ended abnormally and correction is required. You will need to clear the CTI workstation and the CTI active phone extension fields in the User file.

If any users are in monitored sessions but not in active calls, their sessions end automatically when you end the CTI async job.

Change Status Pop-up Window

Purpose: Use this window to change the status of the TCP/IP server or the CTI async job if either does not end normally.

Change Status

TCP Server status Async status

Inactive . . Inactive . .

Active . . . Active . . .


Changing status: Enter 1 next to Inactive for either the TCP/IP server or the CTI async job to change the status. You might need to change the status if, for example, you have ended the job at the Work with Submitted Jobs screen, but the change in status is not reflected at the Work with CTI Controls Screen.

Note: Use this window only when you have confirmed that there is a problem with one of the jobs being out of sync; otherwise, you should always use the options to start or end the jobs at the Work with CTI Controls Screen.

Troubleshooting the CTI Jobs

When you cannot end monitoring for a user: In the following situations, you will not be able to end monitoring for a user through Working with Computer Telephony Users (WCTU) or the Confirm Call Monitoring Termination Window (NDCP):

• the CTI async job ends while a user is on a call

• a user’s session ends abnormally (for example, the workstation crashes) while the CTI async job is active

Instead, you will need to clear the CTI workstation and CTI active phone extension fields in the User file directly. When the user logs back into CWDirect, the system might display a message such as:

Initialize Group Process for this Monitor Request:


Extension 9487 is now being INBOUND monitored.

Request: End Extension 9487 monitoring.

The user’s workstation displayed at the Work with CTI Users Screen might be MONREQ or EXTERR. You will need to clear the CTI workstation and the CTI active phone extension fields in the User file.

If the user registers with the CTI application but does not start monitoring in CWDirect: It is important that CSR’s register with the CTI application and start call monitoring in CWDirect at the same time. If the CTI application begins to send messages to the user’s workstation, but the user has not yet started call monitoring through Start Call Monitoring Window (OECP) or Working with Computer Telephony Users (WCTU), the CTI async job does not send the message to the user, and there is no CTI screen “pop,” even though the CTI application still sends the calls to the user’s extension. However, the messages do not “back up” in the CTI async job’s queue.

If the user hangs up the phone, but does not immediately exit the screen: It is important that the CSR does not open the phone line until completing data entry related the call. Otherwise, it is possible for the CTI application to send a subsequent call to the user’s extension and a related message to the CTI async; however, even though the user can answer the call, there is no CTI screen "pop," because it appears to the CTI async that the previous call is still active. If the user hangs up on this call, then it is possible for the CTI application to continue sending new calls to the extension and new messages for the user to the CTI async; in this situation, the CTI async retains only the most current message in the queue for the user.

Reviewing the CTI Message Queue

The system writes messages to the CTI message queue if:

• the Log level is set to 2 (info) or 3 (debug), and you have specified a Log file path and Log file name, or

• the Test mode? field is set to Y.

To review the messages enter 1 next to Display CTI Message Queue at the Work with CTI Controls Screen.

Sample Message

Written When?

All CTI Data Queues have been Re-Created.

You have selected the Re-create Data Queues option at the Work with CTI Controls Screen.

Initialize Group Process for this Monitor Request: QPADEV000HUSERIDNONE9487

The system receives a request to start call monitoring for a user. The first 10 positions are the user’s workstation ID, while the last 4 positions are the user’s extension.


The system receives a call from the CTI server. The user’s workstation and extension are indicated after TO_PARTY, and the originating phone number (the ANI) are indicated after From_PARTY.

Request: End Extension 9487 monitoring.

The system receives a request to end call monitoring for an extension. The request can originate from:

• the Confirm Call Monitoring Termination Window (NDCP) (user request)

• the Work with CTI Users Screen (supervisor request)

• the ending of the CTI async job (system request)

To clear the message queue, enter 1 next to Re-create CTI Message Queue at the Work with CTI Controls Screen.

Work with CTI Configuration Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review or work with the settings that control the interface with your CTI application. The information displayed on this screen is stored in a data area on the iSeries.

Required information: The only fields that you need to complete on this screen are the User and the Password; the rest of the information is defaulted by the system, although you can override most of the defaults. See the field descriptions below for more information.

How to display this screen: Select Work with CTI Configuration at the Work with CTI Controls Screen.

Note: When you first advance to this screen, all fields are display-only. Press F6 to make fields enterable.

CTR0165 ENTER Work with CTI Configuration 12/06/02 12:14:15

DTAQ Library . : CWM70QDTA


Test mode? Y

Avaya TCP/IP Server Processing:

Inbound DTAQ name DQCTI_SRVR User JDOE

Inbound job name CTI_SRV70Q Password QUESSWHO

Inbound program CTR0180 Log file path FILEPATH

Inbound server port 28292 Log File Name FILENAME

Log level

Background Processing:


Async job name CTI_ASY70Q

Async program CTR0171

F3=Exit F6=Toggle I/O F12=Cancel



DTAQ library

The name of the library where the queues and programs are located. The library specified in the Data Base Library (A37) system control value defaults. You cannot change this value.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Job queue

The name of the job queue to handle CTI processing. This value defaults to QSYSNOMAX, but you can override it.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only.

Test mode?

Indicates whether the async job is using enhanced logging. Valid values are:

Y = Turn on enhanced logging. This setting overrides the Log level to 3 (Debug).

N = Turn off enhanced logging.

See Sample Log Messages for examples.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required or display-only.

Avaya TCP Server Processing

Inbound DTAQ name

The name of the data queue to bring CTI information into the iSeries. The system defaults a name that is specific to the environment. You do not ordinarily need to change this value.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only.


The user ID with which the TCP/IP server should connect to the data queue. The user ID you specify should have read and write permission and authority to the server and the async data queues.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only.

Inbound job name

The job name to use for the inbound TCP/IP server program. The system defaults a job name. If you have more than one instance of the TCP/IP server running on the iSeries, you should use a unique job name for each, as the system does not allow you to run more than one instance of the job with the same name. For example, if you have an instance of the TCP/IP server in both a test and a production environment, you should rename one instance.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only.


The valid password for the User specified.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only.

Inbound program

The TCP/IP server program. You should not change this value unless you are using a custom program. The default is CTR0180.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only.

Log file path

The path where the system should write log files if your CTI configuration specifies logging. The system creates a directory of this name if it doesn’t already exist; you can review the directory through the WRKLNK command if you use IFS on the iSeries. For example, if you enter CTI_LOGS here, you would enter WRKLNK at a command line, then enter 5 next to the CTI_LOGS directory to review the logs for CTI activity.

Within the directory that you specify here, the system creates a subdirectory for each date and time when you start the TCP/IP server. For example, the system creates a directory named 010203_1134016_607 under the CTI_LOGS directory when you start the TCP/IP server on January 2, 2003, at 11:34:01.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional or display-only.

Inbound server port

The port that the TCP/IP server listens to. The CTI client machines connect to this port; you might also need to specify this port number when you are configuring the CTI client for CSR’s.

The port number you specify must be between 10,000 and 65535; also, the port for a test environment needs to be different from the port for the production environment.

Numeric, 5 positions; required or display-only.

Log file name

The name of the log file to create in the Log file path, if your CTI configuration specifies logging. The file will be accessible through the WRKLNK command if your iSeries uses the Integrated File System (IFS).

For example, if you set this field to CTI_logfile, the system creates a file named CTI_logfile within the CTI_LOGS\010203_1134016_607 directory described above.

See Sample Log Messages for examples.

You will need to delete outdated logs periodically; the system does not delete them automatically.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional or display-only.

Log level

The level of logging to use for the TCP/IP server, if you specify a Log file path and Log file name. The system checks this field only if the Test mode field is set to N; otherwise, the system uses a logging level of 3 (debug). Logging levels are:

1 = errors only (typically, you would use this level in production)

2 = info (event updates, such as starting and stopping the server, the total number of messages processed, and errors)

3 = debug (detailed event updates and errors)

0 = none (the only messages in the log would be Java exception messages)

The system writes log messages to both:

• the job log for the TCP/IP server job

• the log file specified through the Log file path and Log file name fields

Note: If you enter a logging level other than 0 but do not specify a Log file path and Log file name, the log is created only as a spool file under the async job.

See Sample Log Messages for examples.

Numeric, 1 position; required or display-only.

Background Processing

Async DTAQ name

The name of the data queue to bring information into CTI async. The system defaults a name that is specific to the environment. You do not ordinarily need to change this value.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only

Async job name

The job name to use for the CTI async job. The system defaults a job name. If you have more than one instance of the CTI async job running on the iSeries, you should use a unique job name for each, as the system does not allow you to run more than one instance of the job with the same name. For example, if you have an instance of the CTI async in both a test and a production environment, you should rename one instance.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only.

Async program

The CTI async program. You should not change this value unless you are using a custom program. The default is CTR0171.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required or display-only.

Sample Log Messages

The level of detail in the TCP/IP job log depends on the settings of the Test mode? and Log level fields at the Work with CTI Configuration Screen; also, the Log file path and Log file name must be specified. If the path and name are specified, the system writes messages such as the samples below to both the log file path and name, and to the job log for the TCP/IP server.

If Test mode = Y or Log level = 3 (debug), and log file name and path specified: The log includes Info and Debug messages:

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:55 EST 2003] Unknown: Thread-0: - - - - - L O G S T A R T E D - - - - -

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Unknown: Thread-0:

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Debug : Thread-0: Server.getInstance()

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: TCP/IP server created

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Debug : Thread-0: Consumer.connect(String,String,String)connecting LOCALHOST UserId: EKAPLAN

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: Comsumer is connected

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Debug : Thread-0: Consumer initializeQ(String) AS400(system name: 'localhost' user ID: 'EKAPLAN'):

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: Input dataqueue is intialized

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: consumer created

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: producer created

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: consumer started

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Debug : Thread-0: SyyemManager.Start() starting server port 28292

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Debug : Thread-1: Consumer: Waiting for queue entry to process

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Debug : Thread-0: Server.start(String) port: 28292

[Thu Jan 02 14:10:56 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: Listening for connections on port 28292

[Thu Jan 02 14:25:19 EST 2003] Debug : Thread-1: Consumer: Returning from

[Thu Jan 02 14:25:19 EST 2003] Debug : Thread-1: SystemManager.callControlerHandler(*Terminate

[Thu Jan 02 14:25:20 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1:

[Thu Jan 02 14:25:20 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1: systemmanager stopping...

If Test mode = N and Logging level = 2 (info), and log file name and path specified: The log includes Info messages:

[Thu Jan 02 13:24:50 EST 2003] Unknown: Thread-0: - - - - - L O G S T A R T E D - - - - -

[Thu Jan 02 13:24:50 EST 2003] Unknown: Thread-0:

[Thu Jan 02 13:24:50 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: TCP/IP server created

[Thu Jan 02 13:24:50 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: Comsumer is connected

[Thu Jan 02 13:24:50 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: Input dataqueue is intialized

[Thu Jan 02 13:24:50 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: consumer created

[Thu Jan 02 13:24:50 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: producer created

[Thu Jan 02 13:24:50 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: consumer started

[Thu Jan 02 13:24:50 EST 2003] Info : Thread-0: Listening for connections on port 28292

[Thu Jan 02 13:25:11 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1:

[Thu Jan 02 13:25:11 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1: systemmanager stopping...

[Thu Jan 02 13:25:11 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1: 0 Message(s) have been processed.

[Thu Jan 02 13:25:11 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1:

[Thu Jan 02 13:25:11 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1: consumer stopped

[Thu Jan 02 13:25:11 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1: server stopped

[Thu Jan 02 13:25:11 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1: producer disconnected from AS/400 OK

[Thu Jan 02 13:25:11 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1: producer stopped

[Thu Jan 02 13:25:11 EST 2003] Info : Thread-1: systemmanager stopped

If Test mode = N and Logging level = 1 (errors only), and log file name and path specified: The log does not include Info messages on starting and stopping the job.

[Thu Jan 02 13:23:03 EST 2003] Unknown: Thread-0: - - - - - L O G S T A R T E D - - - - -

[Thu Jan 02 13:23:03 EST 2003] Unknown: Thread-0:

Java program completed

If Test mode = N and Logging level = 0 (none): The system does not create a log.

Purge CTI Customer Call Log Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to clear customer call log entries older than a specified date.

How to display this screen: Select Purge CTI Call Log at the Work with CTI Controls Screen.

CTR0134 ENTER Purge CTI Customer Call Log 11/15/02 10:18:11

All Companies

Purge Customer Call Log through . . . 10/16/02

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel

Completing this screen: Optionally, override the date. All call log entries on or earlier than that date will be purged. A date 30 days before the current date defaults.

Note: All call log entries in all companies will be purged if they are on or earlier than the specified date; the purge is not restricted to your current company.

If you press F9 at the Purge CTI Customer Call Log screen, the system displays the Confirm Accept window.

Confirm Accept

Press ENTER to confirm Accept.

Purge date 10/16/02


Press Enter to purge the log entries. The system displays a message such as:

Job 583936/EKAPLAN/PRG_CTILOG submitted to job queue QBATCH in library.

Rebuild CTI Telephone Scan File Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to rebuild the CTI Telephone Scan file when:

• you are turning on CTI functionality: phone numbers will be added to the file

• you are turning off CTI functionality: the file will be cleared

The system determines whether to rebuild or clear the file based on the current setting of the Use Computer Telephony Integration (F26) system control value.

About the CTI Telephone Scan file: This file contains daytime and evening phone numbers for sold-to customer and individuals in your company. The computer telephony integration (CTI) interface uses this file to identify the customer who is placing an incoming call. See Computer Telephony Integration Overview for more information.

When is this file updated? If the Use Computer Telephony Integration (F26) system control value is set to Y, the system updates this file whenever:

• you enter, change or delete a sold-to customer phone number through:

• order entry

• catalog requests

• customer maintenance

• a new e-commerce order (if you are creating the customer through the order; existing customers are not updated)

• an e-commerce catalog request (if you are creating the customer through the catalog request; existing customers are not updated)

• an order processed through the phone order load

• you enter, change or delete an individual customer phone number through:

• order entry

• catalog requests

• customer maintenance

• a new e-commerce order (if you are creating the individual through the order; existing individuals are not updated)

• an e-commerce catalog request (if you are creating the individual through the order; existing individuals are not updated)

• an e-commerce customer update/address change

If the Use Computer Telephony Integration (F26) system control value is set to N, the system does not update the CTI Telephone Scan file.

How to display this screen: Select Rebuild CTI Telephone Scan File at the Work with CTI Controls Screen.

CTR0136 ENTER Rebuild CTI Telephone Scan file 11/15/02 10:21:31

Company . . . .

*Leave blank for all companies

SCV F26 Use Computer Telephony Integration

Yes - Customer phone# are 'refreshed'

No - Customer phone# are deleted

Warning: Rebuilding file while monitoring is active will affect

Computer Telephony Interface success rates.

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel

Completing this screen: Enter the Company for which you would like to:

• rebuild the CTI Telephone Scan file (if the Use Computer Telephony Integration (F26) system control value is set to Y)

• clear the CTI Telephone Scan file (if the Use Computer Telephony Integration (F26) system control value is set to N)

Or leave the Company field blank to update all companies based on the setting of the system control value.

Note: It is not recommended that you rebuild the file while CTI users are in monitored sessions.

If you press F9, the system displays the Confirm Accept window.

Confirm Accept

Press ENTER to confirm Accept.

Rebuild CTI scan 027


Press Enter to update the file.

SO13_02 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN