Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Unit Variance

How to print: Enter 1 at the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen.

CWDirect Rel 16.0 Physical Evaluation Variance Report EKAPLAN INR0145 6/21/13 10:23:09 Page 1

By Unit Variance

EZK Mail Order

Control #: 1 Partial physical


1st 2nd Final Eval Unit Unit 1st 2nd Final

Item SKU Location LPN Count Count Count Count O/H Qty Var % Var Batch# Ticket# Ticket# Ticket#

BALLOON GREN LRGE 0 | 18 * 0 0 | 18 19 1- 5.26- 1 1 0 0

CUP 0 | 8 * 0 0 | 8 9 1- 11.11- 1 4 0 0

CONTROL #: 1 | 26 0 0 | 26 28 2- 7.14-


• physical inventory control number

• whether the report is for a complete physical or a partial physical

• warehouse code and description

• item


• location


• LPN details (this information appears only if the Display LPN details field was set to Y)

• first, second, and third count quantities entered to date; the evaluation count is indicated with an asterisk (*)

• the count quantity used to evaluate variance (Evaluation count)

• on-hand quantity on record before the physical inventory (On-hand quantity); if the report includes LPN details, the total for the item location will appear in addition to the total for each LPN

• unit variance, calculated by subtracting the Evaluation count from the On-hand quantity for the item location

• unit percentage variance, calculated by dividing the Unit variance by the on-hand quantity (a unit percentage variance greater than 999.99 will not display)

• item cost (from the Item/SKU file)

• cost variance, calculated by multiplying the unit variance by the cost

• cost percentage variance, which is the same as the unit percentage variance unless the cost is zero


Note: The three cost fields, above, do not appear on the report if you use FIFO costing. See FIFO Costing.

• batch control number

• first, second, and final ticket numbers if you use tickets

WH01_07r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN