Printing Physical Inventory Reports (MPIR)

Purpose: Use the Select Physical Inventory Reports function to print the physical inventory reports. You also use this function to process the physical inventory update when all of the counts for a batch have been entered.

You can print these reports at any time during the physical inventory process.

In this topic:

Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen

Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen

Select Zones/Aisles Window (Evaluation Report)

Generating the Report(s)

Additional Reports

Printing the Physical Inventory Evaluation Variance Report with Update

Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Unit Variance

Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Item Warehouse

Compare Physical Inventory Counts by Batch Report

Compare Physical Count Tickets Report

Physical Inventory Ticket Listing

Outstanding Physical Listing

No Entry Audit Report

Zero Count Report

Physical Inventory New On Hand Change Report

Unprocessed Physical Inventory Records Report

Reserved Quantity Greater Than On Hand Report

Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select the report(s) you want to print, or to select the variance report with update when you are ready to update your warehouse records with the physical inventory counts.

How to display this screen: Enter MPIR in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Select Physical Inventory Reports from a menu.

INR0079 ENTER Physical Inventory Report Selection 4/01/97 10:47:20

EZK Mail Order

Selection option . . . .

Control/Batch# . . . . . -

1. Physical Inventory Evaluation Variance Report

2. Compare Physical Inventory Counts Listing

3. Physical Inventory Ticket Listing

4. Print Outstanding Physicals

5. Print Physical Inventory No Entry Audit

6. Print Physical Inventory Zero Count Report

7. Physical Inventory Evaluation Variance Report

with Update

F3=Exit F12=Cancel F24=Select company


1. Enter the option number of the report you want to print in the Selection option field.

2. Optionally, enter the Control # and Batch # for which you are generating the report in the Control/Batch # field. A message displays if you enter an invalid Control #/Batch # combination:


Physical Inventory Batch Not Found.


There may be additional screens and/or messages that display when a particular report is requested. See:

Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen

Additional Reports

Printing the Physical Inventory Evaluation Variance Report with Update

Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen

Purpose: Use the Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Unit Variance to analyze the results of the physical inventory for the batch without updating the Item Location file with the new on-hand quantities. You can run this report at any time during the physical inventory process. The report runs separately for each batch, and can be run for item locations in specific zones and aisles in the batch if desired.

The report lists the first, second, and final counts entered for each item location in the batch or physical inventory, the count that will be used in the evaluation, the on-hand quantity in the Item Location when the physical inventory was generated, and provides variance information by units and cost.

You can also print this report from Entering Counts Using Physical Inventory Tickets (MPIE) or Entering Counts Using Physical Inventory Worksheets (MPIE).

If you use FIFO costing: If you use the FIFO (first-in, first-out) costing method, you cannot review cost variance for individual item/locations, because the unit cost may not the same for all units of an item within a location. For this reason, the system produces two different versions of the evaluation report:

Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Unit Variance provides variance information at the item/location level, but cost information is omitted

Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Item Warehouse provides the total cost variances based on the total of all selected FIFO layers.

See FIFO Costing.

How to display this screen: Enter 1 at the Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen. You can also display this screen by pressing F21 at the Physical Inventory Batch Entry Screen, or by pressing F21 at the Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

INR0077 ENTER Physical Inventory Evaluation Report 4/01/97 10:58:48

EZK Mail Order

Control #. . . . . . 1 - 1

Complete physical . . . (Y,N)

Select all items . . . . (Y,N)

Physical Evaluation Variance Options:

Units . . . . . . . . . 5

Cost Dollars . . . . . . 2.0000

Pct of Units . . . . . . 2.00

Pct of Cost Dollars . . 2.00

Physical Evaluation Output Options:

# of copies . . . . . . 1

Display LPN Details . . N (Y,N)

Sort by . . . . . . . . 1 (1=Units 2=Cost Dollars)

(3=Pct of Units 4=Pct of Cost Dollars)


F3=Exit F12=Cancel F14=Zone/Aisle Selection



Control #

The physical inventory control number and batch number for which you are generating the report. The Control # and Batch # you entered on the Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen display, but you can override them.

(Control #): Numeric, 3 positions; required.

(Batch #): Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Complete physical

This value indicates whether you want all item locations in the batch evaluated, or only those with entered counts. Valid values are:

Y = A complete physical inventory is being performed for the batch. If you are running the report with update, any item location in the batch without an entered count will have the on-hand quantity set to zero when you perform the update.

N = Only a partial physical inventory is being performed. If you are running the report with update, the system will not reset the on-hand quantity to zero for item locations with unentered counts.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Select all items

This value indicates whether to include all item locations on the report, or only those with a variance that exceeds the tolerance limits you define. Valid values are:

Y = Include all item locations in the report. If the Complete physical field is set to Y, items with unentered counts will appear on the report, and the sort will be based on the variance caused by updating the on-hand quantity to zero. If the Complete physical field is set to N, items with unentered counts will appear on the report, but the sort will be based on a variance of zero, since the on-hand quantity will not be updated.


N = Item locations will be included only if they exceed the tolerance limits. If the Complete physical field is set to Y, items with unentered counts will appear on the report only if the on-hand quantity was greater than zero, since the update will produce a variance. If the Complete physical field is set to N, no items with unentered counts will appear on the report.

This field does not appear when you select option 7 to perform a physical inventory update.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Physical Evaluation Variance Options:


The maximum variance between the physical count and the previous on-hand quantity for the item location. When you set the Select all items field to N, an item location appears on the report only if the variance is greater than this number of units.

This value defaults from the Units Variance (A20) field in the System Control file, but you can override it.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Cost dollars

The maximum dollar amount variance between the physical count and the previous on-hand quantity for the item location. When you set the Select all items field to N, an item location appears on the report only if the cost variance is greater than this amount.

This value defaults from the Cost Variance (A21) field in the System Control file, but you can override it.

Numeric, 12 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Pct of units (Percentage of units)

The maximum unit percentage variance between the physical count and the previous on-hand quantity for the item location. When you set the Select all items field to N, an item location appears on the report only if the variance is greater than this unit percentage.

This value defaults from the Percent Units Variance (A22) field in the System Control file, but you can override it.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Pct of cost dollars (Percentage of cost dollars)

The maximum dollar percentage variance between the physical count and the previous on-hand quantity for the item location. When you set the Select all items field to N, an item location appears on the report only if the cost variance is greater than this percentage.

This value defaults from the Percent Units Variance (A22) field in the System Control file, but you can override it.

Numeric, 6 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Physical Evaluation Output Options:

# of copies

The number of copies (up to 999) of the report that you want to print. A 1 defaults, but you can override it.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Display LPN details

This value controls whether the report lists each LPN included in an item location, and provides count details for each. Valid values are:

Y = List LPN detail.

N (default) = Do not list LPN detail.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Sort by

The variance calculation or other means used to sort the report. Item locations or LPNs appear in descending order by:

1= Units

2 = Cost dollars

3 = Percent of Units

4 = Percent of Cost Dollars

5 = Item location

All variance amounts appear on the report, regardless of the sort method selected.

The sort is based on actual rather than absolute value, which means that positive variances appear first in descending order, followed by zero variances, then followed by negative variances in ascending order.

Numeric, 1 position; required.

Screen Option


Limit the item locations to include on the report to particular zones or aisles

Press F14 to display the Select Zones/Aisles Window (Evaluation Report).

Select Zones/Aisles Window (Evaluation Report)

Purpose: Use this window to limit the item locations included on the report or update by warehouse zone or aisle.

For example, the physical inventory batch might include item locations in zones 1 through 4 of your warehouse. You might want to print the variance report for item locations in Zone 1 only, because count entry has not been completed for the other zones in the batch.

How to display this window: Press F14 at the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen.

Select Zones/Aisles

Specify Locations

Zones . . . . . . . .

Range of aisles . . . To





The codes representing the warehouse zones where the item locations are located. You can select up to 10 zones. The codes are defined in and validated against the Location file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Range of aisles

The starting and ending codes of the aisles in the specified warehouse zones to include. You can enter aisle ranges only if you also enter zone codes. The aisle codes are validated against the Location file.

Numeric, 2 positions each; optional.

Generating the Report(s)

The system generates the PIEVAL_RPT batch job, which prints the Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Unit Variance. Additionally, if you use FIFO costing, this batch job generates Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Item Warehouse. The PIEVAL_RPT is generated in a held status. Press F14 at a menu to advance to the Work with Submitted Jobs screen, where you can release this job.

Differences in inventory valuation before physical inventory update: If you are not performing the update at the time you generate the report, the costs displayed on the report are informational only. Depending on the amount of activity against the FIFO layers for these item/SKUs in the indicated warehouse, the actual costs will vary.

For example, the costs on the report could be based on FIFO layers whose on-hand quantity will be exhausted by sales before you process the physical inventory update; in this situation, the system selects the next layers in the standard hierarchy for evaluating the cost of the physical inventory.

Additional Reports

In addition to the variance reports produced when you select option 1 or option 7, the reports available at the Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen are:

Option 2: Use the Compare Physical Inventory Counts by Batch Report or the Compare Physical Count Tickets Report to identify the item locations that require a final count. You can run the report for a single physical inventory batch or for all batches.

The Compare Physical Inventory Counts by Batch Report prints when you use the Sheet method of entering physical counts. The report includes the first and second count entered for each item location or LPN in the batch and the variance between the two counts.

The Compare Physical Count Tickets Report prints when you use the Tickets method of entering physical counts. The report includes the first and second count entered for each ticket in the batch and the variance between the two counts. The report also indicates the ticket number associated with each count and the current count status.

Option 3: Physical Inventory Ticket Listing: provides information on each ticket for an item location or LPN, including the counts for each.

Option 4: Outstanding Physical Listing: lists each physical inventory batch in process.

Option 5: No Entry Audit Report: provides the item locations or LPNs in a physical inventory that do not yet have entered counts.

Option 6: Zero Count Report: provides item locations or LPNs which previously had an entered count (that is, there was inventory in the location) and which had a count of 0 entered on a subsequent count. This report does not include item locations or LPNs which never had a count greater than zero entered. Running this report will help you catch an error in which a zero count was entered for the wrong item location or LPN.

Printing the Physical Inventory Evaluation Variance Report with Update

Purpose: Use this option to update the system files with the results of the physical inventory. When you select this option, the Item Location file is updated with the new on-hand quantities for each item location included in the physical inventory and the Physical Inventory Evaluation Variance report prints.

How to process the update: Select option 7 at the Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen. In addition to producing the variance report(s), you will:

• update the Item Location and LPN files with any changes

• create an Inventory Transaction History record for each change (with a transaction type of P)

• unreserve reserved order detail lines if the new on hand quantity is less than the reserved quantity for the item warehouse; see Unreserving Inventory using Warehouse Lists for more information on how the system determines which warehouse to backorder the unreserved quantity against.

Also, the update produces the Physical Inventory New On Hand Change Report, the Unprocessed Physical Inventory Records Report, and the Reserved Quantity Greater Than On Hand Report.

Complete vs. partial: If you select to process a complete physical inventory (by setting the Complete physical field at the Physical Inventory Evaluation Report Screen to Y), the system will update each item location or LPN record in the batch you selected, including item locations with no counts entered. If you select to process a partial physical inventory, the system will update only those item locations or LPNs with entered counts, and leave unentered item locations or LPNs in the Physical Inventory file.

The update is run separately for each batch. You can choose to run the update separately for item locations in specific zones and aisles in the batch if desired.

The screens you use and the resulting variance report are described under Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen. See Physical Inventory Overview for step-by-step instructions for performing a physical inventory.

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