Compare Physical Count Tickets Report

How to print: Enter 2 at the Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen if you use tickets for count entry. You can also print this report when entering ticket counts by pressing F21 at the Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts), then selecting this report at the Ticket Entry Report Prompt Screen (Printing Ticket Reports) with option 3.

Selecting a batch: You can select a batch for this report by entering a valid control and batch number in the appropriate fields. If you leave these fields blank, the report runs for all current batches. When you select this report at the Physical Inventory Report Selection Screen, the system submits the job COMPTCKCNT, which produces this report.

CWDirect Rel 2.1 Compare Physical Count Tickets ELISE_K INR0096 6/10/97 14:40:28 Page 1

EZK Mail Order


--- Count 1 --- --- Count 2 ---

Item SKU Location LPN Qty Ticket# Qty Ticket# Variance Crt Batch#

BB123 A099 0 1 1 3 28 2 N 1 Final count required

LL456 A099 0 99 2 0 29 99 N 1 Second Count Not Entered

MM555 A099 0 50 3 0 30 50 N 1 Second Count Not Entered

OO222 A099 0 0 4 60 31 60 N 1 Final count required

PP223 A099 0 52 5 50 32 2 N 1 Final count required

QR777 A099 0 40 6 50 33 10 N 1 Final count required

RD888 A099 0 9 7 0 34 9 N 1 Final count required


• information:

• control number

• warehouse code and description

• item code and SKU

• location code


• first count quantity entered and ticket number

• second count quantity entered and ticket number

• variance between the first and second count for the ticket

• a flag to indicate whether you created the item location or LPN during count entry (if set to Y)

• batch number

• current count status of the item location. Valid status messages are:

• First count not entered

• Second count not entered

• Final count required

• Final count in progress

WH01_07r CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN